
magicaltroutlazyPower: you wrapped ansible playbooks in charms didn't you in the demo in Ghent last year?00:47
lazyPowermagicaltrout - it was kind of hackey, and there was no follow up interest00:48
lazyPowerbut i did yeah00:48
magicaltroutcause i have this 0.5PB server that I mentioned the other week00:48
magicaltroutcan't install anything on it but does have python00:48
magicaltroutso i'm proposing I create some playbooks (never used ansible before, should be a treat) to deploy our code, then wrap the playbooks in charms to deploy the same stuff outside of the mega server00:49
lazyPowermagicaltrout - https://github.com/chuckbutler/ansible-base early work was left here00:55
lazyPowerliterally nothing more than POC work00:55
magicaltroutthanks lazyPower thats veryu handy00:56
magicaltroutI work for NASA, everything we do is POC ;)00:56
lazyPowerthere's probably something heinous in there00:56
lazyPowerfeel free to flame me later00:57
magicaltrouti'll just pour beer on you instead.... by "accident"00:57
lazyPowerooo please dont, i'll be lean on clean clothing00:57
lazyPowerheaded to PHX on Thursday before i head to Ghent, so its literally like, last day of the conference i might be recycling socks00:58
magicaltrouti'll bring pegs to block the smell00:58
bdxis it possible to transfer model ownership?01:05
lazyPowerbdx i'm not certain, i would think its possible via juju grant/revoke && juju share01:06
bdxlazyPower: `juju share` - ha dreaming01:08
lazyPowerok so that command changed on me01:09
lazyPoweri make no apologies for progress happening :P01:09
lazyPoweri'm gonna dip out and go get an extremely late dinner01:10
rick_hbdx: so if you make another account the model admin then it's just the same01:16
rick_hbdx: should be able to remove yourself and the other person now has the admin rights01:16
bdxrick_h: ahh niceeeee! thanks!01:17
lazyPowerrick_h - i was totally there, but dropped the ball that juju-share is no longer a thing (derp)01:35
lazyPowerbyproduct of working late, sorry bout that one01:35
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
kjackalGood morning Juju world!08:18
surfanrah are you there09:43
aisraelGood morning!10:03
ZiclazyPower: (don't freak out, I don't have new problems :D) -> I saw that all our VMs (which hosting the control plane of k8s (master, etcd, kube-apilb, easyrsa)) are prompting some I/O error in intensive use (like, many cluster operation at once, like the deletion of large namespaces)10:04
ZiclazyPower: the problem is clearly identified in our side, it's the storage of the ESXi which slow down10:04
ZiclazyPower: so, just to let you know that's not the fault of CDK :]10:06
ZicI will pursue my environment test on this cluster, but I think I will rebootstrapping from scratch before go in production10:06
Zic(when the I/O error problem at my storage will be fixed)10:06
marcoceppiZic: that's good insight, we're trying to build out a wiki of caveats on different providers, an ESXi gotchyas would be good to have10:18
Zicall our virtualization is based on Proxmox clusters or VMware ESXi/vCenter clusters in my office10:25
ZicI tend to prefer Proxmox for opensource but for this customer which will use CDK, it's an ESXi :/10:26
Zicbut as I said, I think the problem is located on the ESXi storage (which is not local, it's an iSCSI attached disk-arrays machine)10:27
Zicmaybe on the network side, or maybe on the disk-arrays itself10:27
marcoceppiZic: seems plausable10:45
jcastroZic: there's a sig-onprem, which meets today actually, that is collecting onpremise tips, tricks, issues, bugs, etc. that we're a part of13:58
jcastroso if you want to pass any feedback along upstream ...13:58
=== mskalka|afk is now known as mskalka
lazyPowerZic - ah, interesting. I just had a volume crash in my NAS that was backing my home lab. i'm in the process of copying the data to another volume now and prepping for a re-deployment of my remote storage. Seems like i've found a similar situation with iscsi backed volumes.14:05
lazyPowerweird how it struck us both at the same time.14:05
lazyPowergreanted you said io issues not a crash, but i digress14:05
rick_hlazyPower: you know anyone I can ping on this? https://github.com/juju/charm-tools/issues/28714:07
lazyPowerrick_h - marcoceppi is the grand poobah of that charm14:08
rick_hlazyPower: ok, wasn't sure if he'd delegated these days ty14:08
lazyPoweri need coffee14:08
rick_hmarcoceppi: is there any way around https://github.com/juju/charm-tools/issues/287 ? I'm trying to create my first layered charm wheeee14:08
rick_hlazyPower: does charm create work for you? If you could, could you create a shell and shoot me a tarball as a personal favor pretty please?14:09
lazyPowerrick_h https://www.dropbox.com/s/ey8bi262mqcys12/for_rick.tar?dl=014:10
rick_hmy hero!14:10
* lazyPower flex's14:11
magicaltroutdon't let rick_h write charms! .....14:12
rick_hbut but but .... I promise to only do somewhat good things14:12
lazyPowerwhy not? he worked on the gui charm back in the day14:13
lazyPowerOOOhhhh i should have looked at who was trolling before i fed the argument ;)14:13
magicaltroutmorning :P14:13
lazyPower\o magicaltrout14:13
magicaltroutspent the morning writing some cfgmgmtcamp slides14:14
magicaltroutfigured i'll come and annoy you all now14:14
lazyPowerThats on my todo list today as well14:14
magicaltroutbefore the californians wake up and annoy me14:14
Zicjcastro: this kind of meeting is planned regularly?14:15
Zicjcastro: I can prepare something for the next one, because for today I don't have enough time :/14:15
magicaltroutstarted work on yet another charm yesterday14:15
jcastrothere's a sig-cluster-ops as well, always looking for feedback14:15
jcastroZic: I was just making you aware it exists14:16
Zicjcastro: what is the date of the next one?14:16
lazyPowermagicaltrout - so i see you're embracing the big tree of hate known as ldap14:16
magicaltroutlazyPower: well, er14:16
jcastro15 Feb is the next one14:16
magicaltroutI don't see why not, i use ldap servers all the time and their a ballache14:16
lazyPowerthe last time i interfaced with ldap with any seriousness i recall being frustrated14:16
magicaltroutwhy not let it be easier with relations?14:16
lazyPower+1 to that sentiment14:17
jcastrobasically you put what you want to talk about on the google document, they have mailing lists for each sig.14:17
lazyPoweri think we talked about this in pasadena14:17
magicaltroutI have a blank implementation for interfacing with AD and stuff kicking around as well14:17
magicaltroutI just need to tidy it up and ship it14:17
lazyPowerinteresting, did you use the cloudbase AD as proof point?14:17
magicaltroutnope, i used NASA's AD as a proof point ;)14:18
lazyPowerwell i mean, we have an AD charm that CBS wrote14:18
lazyPowerlast time i deployed it was back in 2015 however.14:18
lazyPoweri presume your AD "adapter" was a light weight forwarder then? a proxy-charm as it were.14:19
magicaltroutyeah i know but i'm not overly bothered by its guts14:19
magicaltroutthere was no public interface14:19
magicaltroutso i just created one with the configuration stuff i needed14:19
* lazyPower nods14:19
marcoceppirick_h: snap install --classic --candidate14:19
lazyPowershame it wasn't more useful ini ts current form. but eyyyyyyy14:19
rick_hmarcoceppi: did14:19
rick_hmarcoceppi: or did you just update in the last 15min?14:19
marcoceppiI  haven't updated it, bu tit should be working14:20
marcoceppirick_h: are you still blocked?14:20
rick_hmarcoceppi: I got a tarball of the create from lazypower and I'm tweaking it and will see if I can run charm build or if I'll hit the same dep issue14:20
rick_hmarcoceppi: k, verified I can run charm build just not create14:21
marcoceppirick_h: odd, I'll take a look14:21
marcoceppirick_h: whoops, I see that now. I'll get a fixin14:22
rick_hmarcoceppi: <3 ty14:22
Zicjcastro: I will try to come at the next one so :) I don't notice, is it on Slack, IRC?14:24
jcastroit's on slack too14:24
Zicwhich one? (the link you gave me redirect to the wiki homepage, maybe because I'm unsigned currently from GitHub)14:24
lazyPowerrick_h - any movement on compiling juju in a newer version of go in brew?14:29
lazyPowerrick_h - these stack traces are a drag :(14:29
rick_hlazyPower: I have no idea tbh.14:29
rick_hlazyPower: would have to check with balloons or sinzui on the plans there I think14:29
Zichmm, I really need to take time to learn Go someday if I want to contribute (and also because it's a more and more widely used language)14:30
Zicmy old Bash/C/Python skills is not up-to-date with 2017 I guess :p14:31
magicaltroutif i update an interface and push it to github14:33
magicaltroutdo i need to do anything next time a build a charm relying on it?14:33
* magicaltrout has messed up somewhere14:33
marcoceppimagicaltrout: nope, just build away14:34
magicaltroutcharmtools.build.tactics: Missing implementation for interface role: requires.py14:36
magicaltroutwhat have i messed up then?14:36
magicaltrouti renamed the underlying bits to fit the general interface naming14:37
magicaltroutand now my charm doesn't build :)14:37
mskalkasounds like one of the layers you're using isn't in the right spot14:38
magicaltrouthttp://interfaces.juju.solutions/interface/solr/ interface is there14:39
mskalkasorry I mean locally14:39
magicaltroutand its referenced in layers.yaml and metadata.yaml14:39
magicaltroutbut the build directory charm build lists is empty when it falls over14:39
magicaltroutthis is my first attempt at a public interface so I've clearly messed up somewhere14:40
magicaltroutnormally my interfaces just live in $INTERFACES14:40
mskalkayou're sure charm build pulled the interface down into $JUJU_REPOSITORY/interfaces?14:44
magicaltroutno it didn't but I don't believe charm build does that now(any more?). They just appear in hooks/relations/ in your build dir from somewhere14:45
magicaltroutif charm build pulled them all down I'd have loads in JUJU_REPO/intefaces14:45
mskalkaI'm not 100% on the build behavior but I ran into the same issue yesterday building a local charm and the fix was dropping a local copy of whatever missing interface I had into that INTERFACE_PATH dir14:48
lazyPowerit uses a temporary directory in your build path 'deps'14:53
lazyPoweryou'll find what it pulled there14:53
marcoceppimagicaltrout: are you using 2.2.0 charm-tools?14:55
marcoceppimagicaltrout: are you on ubuntu?14:55
magicaltroutof course14:56
marcoceppimagicaltrout: sudo apt purge charm charm-tools; sudo apt update; sudo apt install snapd; sudo snap install charm --candidate --classic14:56
marcoceppimagicaltrout: the snap has 2.2.0 in it, which is much better at telling you whats happening during the build process14:56
magicaltroutvague logging is my own forte14:58
magicaltrouttrolol same error15:00
magicaltroutmarcoceppi: does the build stage somewhere?15:00
magicaltroutcause the target dir is emptyu15:01
marcoceppimagicaltrout: can you run build with --debug and post the output?15:01
magicaltroutnothing special15:02
magicaltrouti actually put my interface back in $INTERFACE_PATH and I still get the error15:03
magicaltroutso i've no idea what i broken in renaming it15:04
magicaltroutalthough i do have a recollection of me naming my interface solr-interface initially because of this problem15:04
admcleod_magicaltrout: hi! what do your layers and metadata yamls look like?15:10
magicaltrouthello admcleod_ pretty standard15:12
magicaltroutexcept solr-interface is now just solr15:12
magicaltroutthe errors are weird though from charm tools, like its building a half cached version15:13
admcleod_magicaltrout: hmm. i think you broke it.15:16
admcleod_magicaltrout: did you check what lazyPower said? deps?15:17
ZiclazyPower: can I let kubernetes-e2e in a production cluster or it's not recommended?15:17
magicaltroutyeah but then i just reverted to trying a local version15:17
magicaltroutand thats screwed as well15:17
lazyPowerZic - you can certainly runi t against a prod cluster. its a great validation mechanism and it cleans up after itself15:17
Zic"and it cleans up after itself" was what I wish to know, thanks :)15:18
Zicin a near-default CDK, should I get any error?15:18
Zic(I didn't try yet)15:18
magicaltroutyeah admcleod_ I went back to calling a local version solr-interface and it returns to building find15:19
magicaltroutbut if i call it just `solr` it freaks out15:19
admcleod_build: Processing interface: solr15:22
magicaltroutfound it15:22
magicaltrouti think this goes down as a weird charm build bug15:23
magicaltroutplus my wonky setup15:23
magicaltroutI have ~/Projects/charms15:23
magicaltroutand ~/Projects/charms/interfaces15:23
magicaltroutin charms I had an empty directory called `solr`15:23
lazyPowermagicaltrout - if its in the interface archive, try biulding with --no-local-layers15:24
magicaltroutmaybe its not a bug, maybe it searches various places for interfaces15:24
lazyPowerit does, and it will use local paths if it finds them15:24
lazyPowerthe --no-local-layers ensures you're always fetching from the api always15:24
magicaltroutI thought it just looked in $INTERFACE_PATH?15:24
magicaltroutoh well15:26
magicaltroutweirdness averted15:26
* magicaltrout must remember not to put stuff in $JUJU_REPOSITORY that might share the name with a layer15:27
admcleod_oh you15:27
magicaltrouti think its a fair assumption it would look for interfaces on the interface_path! :P15:27
=== admcleod_ is now known as admcleod
admcleodwell, you know what they say15:27
magicaltroutthe balder you are the more shiny your scalp?15:28
admcleodactually that depends on buffing15:28
admcleodbut no i meant the other thing15:29
magicaltroutdon't assume things they're generally wrong?15:30
admcleodthatll do :}15:30
cory_fubdx: Mind weighing in on https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-basic/pull/8615:37
magicaltroutcory_fu: just for reference as you guys use GH you could setup a CLA exactly like we do with the ASF: https://cla.github.com/15:52
magicaltroutso that people contributing get some terms about copyright ownership and canonical's rights etc15:52
magicaltroutso that if you do a license pivot whilst its nice to have asked, you can do what you like ;)15:52
magicaltroutnot that I think bdx will care especially, but ya know...15:53
lazyPowerthis statement is true, you never know about bdx ;) ;)15:54
magicaltroutdepends what drugs he's under the influence of at that given point in time! ;)15:55
iceyhas anybody tried mixing bash + python in a reactive, layered charm?16:37
mskalkamarcoceppi: I can see why you ran into issues even with manual replset initiation. Mongo is SUPER picky about its input18:28
marcoceppimskalka: it totally is.18:28
mskalkamarcoceppi: I spent 20 minutes trying to figure out why it thought my obvious string '10.X.X.X:Y' was being interpreted as an int. Needed double quotes.18:30
* mskalka bangs head on desk18:30
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
bdxmagicaltrout: put some heat on this for me and I'll let that one go https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/166067518:49
mupBug #1660675: Feature Request: instance tagging via Juju <juju:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1660675>18:49
rick_h10min warning to Juju Show Ep #518:51
rick_hJuju Show watch link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NySW5VjBDC818:51
rick_hJuju Show "sit on the panel" link: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/ytl/YAV4cq1d16ZlbovNrxLocKaJBoURiJ8c2KYWnDY-64E=?eid=103184405956510785630&hl=en_US&authuser=018:51
rick_harosales: marcoceppi jcastro lazyPower bdx magicaltrout mbruzek ^18:54
marcoceppirick_h: have fun, I'll watch later18:54
mbruzekthanks Rick18:54
rick_hkwmonroe: ^18:55
kwmonroethx rick_h, petevg ^^18:55
petevgthx, kwmonroe. Heading over ...18:58
mbruzekrick_h: I got a 403 with that url18:59
rick_hmbruzek: try a different authuser at the end?19:00
rick_hmbruzek: or take that off?19:00
arosalesstill able to jon?19:00
mbruzekwill do19:00
arosales404 for me19:00
* rick_h tries w/o the authuser19:00
rick_hwe've got 3 other folks in atm19:00
arosalesrick_h: are you able to invite?19:01
mbruzekarosales: delete everything after the equal sign19:01
rick_harosales: invited19:01
arosales404 all around19:02
kwmonroearosales: if you took authuser=0 out, try putting it back with =1, https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/ytl/YAV4cq1d16ZlbovNrxLocKaJBoURiJ8c2KYWnDY-64E=?eid=103184405956510785630&hl=en_US&authuser=119:03
arosalesno luck there either19:03
mbruzekTry this: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/ytl/YAV4cq1d16ZlbovNrxLocKaJBoURiJ8c2KYWnDY-64E=19:03
mbruzekarosales ^19:03
arosalesthat worked, thanks mbruzek19:04
mbruzekarosales: owes mbruzek a brewski19:04
arosalesmbruzek: you got it19:06
kwmonroe~charmers group info, for those interested:  https://jujucharms.com/community/charmers19:15
stormmorehowdy juju world! :)19:19
arosalesstormmore: hello19:20
stormmorelazyPower - just your daily friendly reminder ;-)19:21
bdxrick_h: are you guys watching deltas too, on the hosted controller? statistics for usage and events per user, per model?19:24
bdxnot sure if you planned to touch on the hosted controller ...19:24
Merlijn_Sto create a charm that drives other charms19:30
Merlijn_Sthe stacks idea19:31
arosaleshello Merlijn_S19:31
arosalesindeed, we have seen that use case come up time and time again19:31
stormmoreisn't that what bundles do?19:32
arosalesstormmore: a bundle is static, or just a yaml description for a given solution19:33
arosalesstormmore: what folks have been talking about is if you wanted to have a auto-scaler charm it would need extra privledges to add-unit on another charm19:34
arosalestoday a charm can't take juju admin tasks on another charm19:34
arosalesso that is the though here stormmore19:34
stormmorearosales: that would be indeed be cool. I want to eventually be able to spin up and spin down nodes based on load in my bare metal environment using MaaS19:35
Merlijn_SPS: for show and tell; I'm working on a Charm for the Eclipse Che cloud editor + Charming integration. Very rough early work, but if anyone is interested: https://jujucharms.com/u/tengu-team/eclipse-che/19:35
Merlijn_SBasically an IDE running in your browser that connects to a charmbox with all the juju tools preinstalled19:36
arosalesstormmore: indeed and some folks have been thinking about that with libjuju and juju-2.0 so stay tuned to the list for that work19:36
stormmorearosales: awesome, another "getting ahead of myself" situation :)19:36
arosalesgood your thinking in that direction19:37
rick_hMerlijn_S: oooh shiny19:37
arosalesMerlijn_S: very interesting, taking a look now19:37
stormmoreyes and it is awesome that I am not the only one. reason #143 of why I choose MaaS and Juju for this environment ;)19:38
arosalesstormmore: :-)19:39
arosalesMerlijn_S: perhaps we should show this in the next juju show if you are up or it19:40
arosalesMerlijn_S: rick_h was thinking of doing a couple of juju shows at the summit next week. At a min to recap19:40
Merlijn_Sarosales: I'll probably do a lightning talk about it19:40
arosalesMerlijn_S: +119:41
arosalesMerlijn_S: we will also be recording talks19:41
Merlijn_SarosalesL +1 :)19:41
jcastrook so we don't have slots for lightning talks19:43
jcastroso I think we should perhaps start consolidating talks19:43
jcastroor asking people if they need the full 40 minutes19:43
arosalesjcastro: ya we should look to make some room19:43
arosalesjcastro: or shorten talks, +119:43
jcastrowe could also ask matt/chuck to bin the kubernetes talks and propose those as lightning talks in the kubes track?19:44
arosalesjcastro: I think we could shorten the talks each by 5-10 min each day to at least leave 30 min at the end of the day19:44
stormmoretalks? where do these happen?19:45
arosalesthats 6 lightning talks across the 2 days, each at 10 min19:45
arosalesstormmore: summit.juju.solutions19:45
arosalesGent, Belgium next week19:45
jcastroyeah the problem is we can't really change the timeslots, we inherit those from cfgmgmntcamp19:46
jcastroso like, snacks and drinks and breaks are all on that schedule19:46
jcastroI mean, we could fit 2 in one19:47
jcastrobut customizing the schedule is out19:47
jcastrothe slots I mean19:47
arosalesjcastro: so then our only option is to consolidate19:49
arosalesjcastro: what time do we end on Tuesday?19:50
arosalesyes I am looking at that19:51
jcastrooh, well talks are 40 minutes19:52
jcastroso 16:20, bus at 16:30~170019:52
arosaleson monday james talk i at 17:0019:53
arosalesbut on tuesday last talk is 15:4019:53
stormmore you may want to update the channel topic, summit.jujucharms.com is failing dns right now19:54
arosaleskwmonroe: perhaps post call mbruzek would like to learn more about resources and cwr-ci19:55
jcastromarcoceppi: ^^19:55
jcastroI think it's safe to just link to the direct schedule good call19:55
=== jcastro changed the topic of #juju to: Join us at the Charmer Summit: 6-7 Feb - http://cfgmgmtcamp.eu/schedule/index.html#juju || https://review.jujucharms.com/ || https://jujucharms.com/docs/
=== jcastro changed the topic of #juju to: Join us at the Charmer Summit: 6-7 Feb - http://cfgmgmtcamp.eu/schedule/index.html#juju || https://review.jujucharms.com/ || https://jujucharms.com/docs/ || http://goo.gl/MsNu4I || Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/jujucharms
kwmonroehttp://summit.juju.solutions/ works for me19:57
jcastrosorry for the spam19:57
jcastroit's been glitchy all month19:57
rick_hty arosales mbruzek kwmonroe bdx and pete not tim!19:57
arosalesthanks for hosting rick_h !19:58
rick_hif anyone has anything else for the notes please fill it in like kwmonroe is doing and I'll copy/pretty up for the youtube desc19:59
jcastroarosales: ok so who are we combining?19:59
jcastrowe should do this now because I have to start packing soon, I have a pre-Gent trip to cram in before summit-ing.19:59
arosalesjcastro: hangout?19:59
=== mskalka is now known as mskalka|afk
marcoceppistormmore: jcastro it's summit.juju.solutions.......20:05
=== marcoceppi changed the topic of #juju to: Join us at the Charmer Summit: 6-7 Feb - http://summit.juju.solutions || https://review.jujucharms.com/ || https://jujucharms.com/docs/ || http://goo.gl/MsNu4I || Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/jujucharms
stormmore@marcoceppi yes I was aware of that just the link in the topic was wrong ;-)20:05
jcastrosomeone was complaining that summit.juju.solutions was the busted one20:06
jcastrolast week20:06
jcastrothat doesn't excuse the wrong url in the topic though. /me runs20:07
marcoceppistormmore: <320:08
marcoceppijcastro: yeah, that link has never been broken, we should just get summit.jujucharms.com pointed as well20:08
stormmore301 redirect time marcoceppi!20:09
rick_hok, video updated. /me runs to get the boy from school20:10
rick_hkwmonroe: let's chat later on blog/email follow up please20:10
rick_hkwmonroe: thanks so much for presenting and putting that together!20:10
kwmonroenp rick_h - thanks for the airtime!20:11
=== siva is now known as Guest21821
Guest21821I used to have my charms working in trusty20:17
Guest21821I recently moved to xenial20:17
Guest21821I find that my charms are failing in the install hook and the log has the following errors20:18
Guest218212017-02-01 19:37:41 INFO juju.worker.meterstatus connected.go:112 skipped "meter-status-changed" hook (missing) 2017-02-01 19:38:10 INFO juju.worker.leadership tracker.go:184 contrail-control/0 will renew contrail-control leadership at 2017-02-01 19:38:40.054544153 + 0000 UTC2017-02-01 19:38:22 INFO install /usr/bin/env: 'python': No such file or directory 2017-02-01 19:38:22 ERROR juju.worker.uniter.operation runhook.go:107 hook "i20:18
Guest21821The /usr/bin/env directory is indeed there and if manually install the packages it is working20:18
Guest21821Can you please let me know, why I am seeing this error?20:19
Guest21821Any help is much appreciated20:19
stormmorewonder if you are getting tripped up with a Windows CRLF problem20:21
stormmoreor it could be a related bug to https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+source/odl-controller/+bug/155542220:23
mupBug #1555422: On Xenial: install /usr/bin/env: 'python': No such file or directory <uosci> <odl-controller (Juju Charms Collection):Fix Committed by james-page> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1555422>20:23
Guest21821@mupand @stormmore, can you ls let me know, how I can put the patch for this fix20:26
Guest21821I am using Juju2.020:26
stormmorethat I can't do, sorry :-/20:26
bdxquestion concerning legacy hooks in reactive charms, should this work http://paste.ubuntu.com/23907069/ ?20:27
tvansteenburghGuest21821: which charm is it?20:27
bdxoops, this http://paste.ubuntu.com/23907074/20:27
Guest21821I am using the contrail charms that i am developing20:28
bdxmy 'upgrade-charm' hook just doesn't seem to be firing ... I'm wondering if there is something else I need to add ...20:28
stormmorebdx should the @hook not be @hooks?20:28
Guest21821@mup, @bdx, if I install the python2 package, will it resolve the issue?20:29
tvansteenburghGuest21821: your charm needs to either install python2, or use python3 instead20:29
bdxstormmore: whoops ... yeah .. that might be my bad (typo) .. thx20:30
Guest21821@tvansteenburgh, thanks. How do I install python2 from the charm20:30
Guest21821what will be the package name?20:30
stormmoreno worries bdx, just what I noticed from a quick glance20:31
tvansteenburghGuest21821: python20:31
Guest21821@tvansteenbursh, just apt-get install python will do?20:31
tvansteenburghGuest21821: yeah, is it a bash charm?20:32
=== mskalka|afk is now known as mskalka
Guest21821@tvansteenburgh, no it is a python charm20:32
tvansteenburghGuest21821: if it's a reactive charm you can put it in layer.yaml20:33
Guest21821@tvansteenburgh, no it is a python charm. It is not a reactive charm20:33
Guest21821I will just mention 'python' in the list of packages I have20:33
tvansteenburghGuest21821: those are not mutually exclusive20:33
tvansteenburghGuest21821: for example https://github.com/juju-solutions/review-queue-charm/blob/master/layer.yaml20:34
Guest21821I meant it is not a bash charm but python charm20:34
tvansteenburghGuest21821: right, but the charm i linked above is also python, but it uses the reactive framework20:35
Guest21821@tvansteenburgh, mine does not use reactive charm20:35
tvansteenburghGuest21821: ok20:35
Guest21821Let me install the python package from the charm and see how it goes20:36
Guest21821Thanks a lot20:36
lutostagcory_fu: for the invite I get 'This invitation is invalid. ' when I try to accept for crashdump :/20:36
cory_fulutostag: Ah.  I was hoping that the admin invite would transfer when I moved it to https://github.com/juju/juju-crashdump but it didn't.20:37
cory_fumarcoceppi: Since this move was at your behest, can you give lutostag and the big software team access?20:38
cory_fulutostag: I should ask, did you see the context for this move?20:38
marcoceppicory_fu: you all do have access20:38
marcoceppicory_fu: it could have stayed in juju-solutions, fwiw20:39
marcoceppicory_fu: check your perms now20:39
marcoceppicory_fu: you have admin20:39
cory_fumarcoceppi: I thought all new mature projects are supposed to go juju?20:39
marcoceppicory_fu: true20:39
marcoceppiwe need to move a lot of things then ;)20:39
cory_fulutostag: For reference: https://github.com/juju/plugins/pull/7520:40
cory_fumarcoceppi: Yeah, I thought that was the plan, as it made sense for each repo.20:41
marcoceppicory_fu: true, we should move charms.reactive and such20:41
cory_fumarcoceppi: Yes, we should20:41
marcoceppicory_fu: lets chat at the summit20:41
lutostagcory_fu: ah neato. I don't care where it lives, but somewhere on its own probably does make more sense20:41
marcoceppicory_fu: get a list and make a plan20:41
cory_fumarcoceppi: I won't be at the summit, but tvansteenburgh, Merlijn, and tinwood will be there.20:42
marcoceppicory_fu: doh20:42
bdxkwmonroe: so, I had typos in my pastebin, not my charm, I'm still not getting the 'upgrade-charm' hook to fire20:51
bdxkwmonroe: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23907168/20:51
bdxmy log shows http://paste.ubuntu.com/23907184/20:52
cory_fubdx: You're mixing reactive and non-reactive.  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23907195/20:53
bdxcory_fu: that would do it! thanks!20:54
siva_guru@tvansteenburgh, I installed the python package in my charms. I don't get the old error but it still fails in the install hook21:10
siva_guruI get the following error21:10
siva_guru2017-02-01 20:49:13 ERROR juju.worker.dependency engine.go:539 "metric-collect" manifold worker returned unexpected error: failed to read charm from: /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-contrail-control-0/charm: stat /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-contrail-control-0/charm: no such file or directory 2017-02-01 20:49:13 INFO worker.uniter.jujuc tools.go:20 ensure jujuc symlinks in /var/lib/juju/tools/unit-contrail-control-0 2017-02-01 20:49:13 INFO w21:10
siva_guruSorry , I still see the same error21:14
siva_guru2017-02-01 20:49:43 INFO juju.worker.meterstatus connected.go:112 skipped "meter-status-changed" hook (missing) 2017-02-01 20:49:43 INFO install /usr/bin/env: 'python': No such file or directory 2017-02-01 20:49:43 ERROR juju.worker.uniter.operation runhook.go:107 hook "install" failed: exit status 127 2017-02-01 20:49:43 INFO juju.worker.uniter resolver.go:100 awaiting error resolution for "install" hook 2017-02-01 20:49:48 INFO juj21:14
tvansteenburghsiva_guru: really hard to diagnose without seeing charm source code21:16
siva_guruLet me paste the install hook for you21:17
siva_guruPACKAGES = [ "python", "docker.io" ]21:17
siva_guru@hooks.hook() def install():     apt_upgrade(fatal=True, dist=True)     apt_install(PACKAGES, fatal=True)     load_docker_image()21:17
siva_guru@tvansteenburgh, I find that the python package was not installed even though it is there in the list of packages21:21
tvansteenburghsiva_guru: can you link to the repo or something? also maybe pastebin the entire juju debug-log21:23
cory_fupetevg: I got this with the new juju-crashdump repo and the latest matrix code:21:26
cory_fumatrix:216:execute_process: ERROR retrieving SSH host keys for "ubuntu/1": keys not found21:26
cory_fupetevg: Shouldn't that be resolved?21:27
petevgcory_fu: I believe that's okay. It probably means that ubuntu/1 had gone away.21:27
petevgcory_fu: ... or that it hand't come up.21:27
cory_fupetevg: Oh, wait.  There never should have been a /1 if I'm reading this right21:27
petevgcory_fu: I got that error, threw things into a debugger, and confirmed that the ssh trick worked, and that glitch had just added the machine.21:28
petevgcory_fu: glitch probably added the /121:28
cory_fupetevg: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23907345/21:28
cory_fupetevg: You're right21:28
cory_fuI missed the "add_unit" at the top due to glare on my monitor.  >_<21:28
petevgcory_fu: cool. I think that it's worth continuing to watch, and I don't think that we should squelch those messages, but I'm 95% certain that the ssh fix is working, and that message is okay.21:30
cory_fupetevg: Is there any way we can improve or skip the error message in the case that glitch added a unit and it's not up yet?21:30
cory_fuWhy do you think we shouldn't drop those messages (for that particular case)?21:30
petevgcory_fu: if you can think of a way to squelch it that doesn't squelch actual errors, I'm all ears.21:30
cory_fuYeah, I don't have any ideas.  :p21:30
petevgcory_fu: yeah the error is being generated by juju-crashdump, and glitch is the thing that knows about the added machine.21:31
cory_fupetevg: I do think that glitch probably shouldn't terminate until the units it added are up and healthy, otherwise we're not actually testing that add_unit works21:31
cory_fuBut maybe it can just do that at the end, instead of blocking before the next glitch step?21:32
petevgcory_fu: true. Right now, the only way to wait is our health check, though, and that only works once per test.21:32
petevgcory_fu: adding a more general "wait 'til everything is good" check makes sense to me, though. I'll make an issue and a ticket.21:33
cory_fupetevg: Thanks21:33
siva_guru@tvansteenburgh, the code is in a private repo21:34
siva_guruI can cut n paste the entire juju log21:34
siva_guruwill that help21:34
siva_guruwill that help?21:34
siva_guru@tvansteenburgh, after I manually install it and do a juju resolved, it goes through21:36
siva_guruAny idea why the charm is not installing it21:37
tvansteenburghsiva_guru: log might help, yeah21:39
bdxkwmonroe: what is the scoop on the pipeline you demoed using private interfaces/layers? e.g. my interfaces and layers are not on interfaces.juju.solutions21:39
tvansteenburghsiva_guru: you're sure the unit has the new charm code?21:40
siva_guru@tvansteenburgh, here is the log21:45
kwmonroebdx: great question.  currently, the jenkins job will shell out to 'charm build' (https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-cwr/blob/master/templates/BuildMyCharm/config.xml#L60).  we do not support adding flags to charm build, but we should.  i think you'd need the job to do 'charm build --interface-service=http://private.repo'.21:46
bdxkwmonroe: I see, how do I make myself an 'interface-service'?21:47
kwmonroebdx: would you please open an issue requesting that charm build support private interface registreies?  https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-cwr/issues21:47
bdxkwmonroe: https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-cwr/issues/4921:51
kwmonroethx bdx!  i'm looking for docs on making your own interface service, but am coming up empty.  cory_fu, do you recall what 'charm build --interface-service=foo'  requires for foo?21:52
kwmonroei think it might be as simple as running a python -m SimpleHTTPServer in your $INTERFACE_PATH somehwere21:53
cory_fukwmonroe, bdx: https://github.com/juju-solutions/juju-interface21:53
kwmonroeah, cool, thx cory_fu21:54
tvansteenburghsiva_guru: does your install hook source file have a shebang line at the top?21:54
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bdxkwmonroe, cory_fu: looking through https://github.com/juju-solutions/juju-interface, a) this is great! b) I'm not seeing how/where I might add a private registry entry, possibly that functionality doesn't exist yet ..22:06
cory_fubdx: I don't think there's any support for private entries at the moment.  You'd have to run your own instance of that service and point to it with the --interface-service variable.22:07
bdxI'm wondering if ^ will just give me a gui, similar to interfaces.juju.solutions that I can log into and add my private repos in the ui possibly?22:08
bdxit looks like that is the site interfaces.juju.solutions22:09
cory_fubdx: Yes, that is the application that runs interfaces.juju.solutions22:10
cory_fuI'm not sure if there's a charm for it, but there ought to be22:10
bdxcory_fu: I see, so if I was to run it locally, I could just login and manually add my private repo interface entries then eh?22:10
bdxok, nicee22:11
lazyPowercory_fu - not at this time22:44
lazyPowercory_fu - there was a TODO i took to writ eone for it, but i've since been busy with the k8s work. However we've also talked about just running it in k8s as a manifest since its a cloud native app as it were22:44
lazyPoweri mean it uses mongo as its backing store, so its webscale already right? thats like CN right?22:44
lazyPowerbdx - lmk if you need any help with that. as i'm the current maintainer of the interfaces instance22:45
siva_guru@tvansteenburgh, yes it has the shbang line #!/usr/bin/env python22:59
tvansteenburghsiva_guru: well that's the problem23:04
tvansteenburghsiva_guru: the script is trying to use python2 to install python223:04
siva_guru@tvansteenburgh, should I remove it as a solution?23:05
siva_guruthis works fine in trusty though23:05
tvansteenburghsiva_guru: python2 is not installed on xenial by default23:06
tvansteenburghsiva_guru: you could try running the script with python3 instead23:06
stormmoresiva_guru: try changing the shebang line to #!/usr/bin/env python323:06
siva_guru@stormore, I will try that23:07
stormmoresiva_guru: you might running into other problems so I would recommend updating your code to python323:07
siva_guru@stormore, what is the default python version  that will be used if don't put any shebang in the code?23:08
tvansteenburghsiva_guru: it won't work at all23:10
stormmorea linux system won't know which interpreter to us23:10
bdxlazyPower: thx, will do23:25
bdx`charm build` is failing me23:27
bdxbc ^^23:27
bdxahh its back now23:27
bdxlooks like git.launchpad was down for a moment23:27
lazyPowerbdx gremlins23:29
skudaHello everyone!23:35
siva_guru@tvansteenburgh, @stormmore the old error is not coming anymore23:36
lazyPowerprogress \o/23:37
lazyPowero/ skuda23:37
siva_gurubut I find that other hooks are getting run as part of install23:38
siva_gurushould they be modified as well23:38
siva_gurushould they be modified as well?23:38
lazyPowersiva_guru - I presume you're using the layered/reactive approach to charming?23:38
siva_guruNo.. I am not using reactive model23:38
skudaI am trying to use Juju to deploy canonical kubernetes but I think I am missing something, I have four bare metal servers rented in a hosting provider, I don't have access to ipmi (or should I install a DHCP server for that matter)23:38
siva_guru@lazyPower, No.. I am not using reactive model23:39
skudaShould i not be able to use Juju and deploy to me dedicated servers? those server have Ubuntu Xenial installed and everything working fine23:39
lazyPowersiva_guru - 1 SEC23:39
lazyPowerskuda  - you certainly can. If you don't have a functional cloud API that juju integrates with, you can certainly use the manual provider. Its less automatic than we would like, but its certainly possible to enlist those machines manually into a model and deploy CDK to them23:40
skudaI would love to be able to install to those servers using LXD for example, or directly using the Ubunto Os installed23:40
lazyPowerhowever with only 4 bare metal servers, you might be better served by kubernetes-core, as it has fewer machine requirements23:40
siva_guru@lazPower, @tvansteenburgh, how come the @hooks.hook("contrail-control-relation-joined") is getting called as part of install23:40
lazyPowerskuda - you can do both23:40
skudaahh I am always redirected to MAAS when reading about bare metal23:41
lazyPowerskuda - yeah, we prefer maas as the substrate for reasons that allow you to treat those bare metal units as a cloud, like, a proper cloud, not a manually managed cloud.23:41
skudaspeaking about kubernetes when launching conjure-up I am only offered localhost or MAAS23:41
stormmoreskuda that is cause MAAS gives Juju the "cloud" API layer23:41
lazyPowerskuda - but MAAS does have some assumptions there, that it will manage your DNS, and IPMI, and other settings at the metal layer, because you're basically modeling the machines in maas23:42
skudaHow should I "manually, it doesn't matter" instruct juju or conjure-up to use my servers?23:42
lazyPowerskuda - i do believe you need to add other cloud credentials in order ot see the other substrates, i may be incorrec ton that though23:42
lazyPowermmcc stokachu ^ any feedback here on my statement? am i wildly misinformed?23:42
skudaI understand what MAAS brings to the table, and I see the value, I would use it if I were controlling my datacenter, but I am not :(23:43
lazyPowerskuda - so you have some options here, you can juju bootstrap a manual provider controller, and enlist each machien 1 by 1, and then deployd irectly to them23:43
stormmoreskuda I don't think conjure-up is going to be the best method for you to install with23:43
lazyPowerbut as stormmore is alluding to, you're probably not going to be able to get a good experience with conjure unless you want 4 independent clusters, one per machine, all in lxd23:43
skudaOk, I can manually deploy the units, no problem23:44
lazyPoweryou can use placement directives in a bundle to control how your applications are deployed, and that seems like the better bet23:44
lazyPowerskuda , i would however encourage you to try a lxd based deployment locally first to get familiar with how its put together23:44
lazyPowerskuda once you've got that intial poking done, figur eout how you want the applications arranged on what machine, and then you can export a bundle and re-use it in your manual deployment23:44
skudaStill have to familiarize myself a little bit more with Juju but it should not be a problem if I can create a manual provider controller someway23:44
lazyPowerskuda - so i'm going to be traveling over the next week, but i'll make sure i pop in here to see how things are going. If all else fails, make sure you mail the juju list juju23:45
lazyPowerjuju@lists.ubuntu.com, and i'll monitor it like a hawk to help you through the manual deployment or any questions you have about the lxd initial poking23:45
lazyPowerbut thats my suggested route, is to deploy on lxd first and get a feel for it23:46
skudaplacement directives... ok.. I will check all that information, thanks23:46
lazyPowerthen go for the manual step, as manual denotes, if something gets botched, you're likely to have to wipe the model, then reinstall each machine base OS + re-enlist in a new model23:46
lazyPowerand thats time consuming23:46
lazyPowerand i want to be respectful of your time/effort23:46
skudaI will lazyPower, tomorrow I will deploy in local LXD23:46
lazyPowerawesome \o/23:46
lazyPowerand you'll get the conjure experience there23:46
lazyPoweri'll see if i can talk to adam about the conjure bits while we are in ghent, maybe there's a better story there23:46
lazyPoweras more people are showing up with BM clouds, this is going to be a growing concern23:47
skudait seems pretty awesome juju and conjure23:47
lazyPowerwe can probably get this somewhere on the roadmap at some point and try to come up with something better than "fork the bundle and make edits"23:47
skudaI wanted to try OpenStack too because we are choosing the best tool for our project23:47
lazyPoweryeah man, you can openstack on lxd too if you have the horsepower23:47
lazyPowergreat way to poke at it and see if you like it23:47
lazyPowervery cheap to experiment23:48
skudaand those are two really complex beast that seems to be muuuuuuuuch easier in Juju, it's awesome, I hope everything works fine in my tests!23:48
lazyPowerskuda - if not, i want your feedback23:48
lazyPowerpositive/negative/indifferent, it all helps23:48
skudaI will send to the mailing list any roadblock I found, sure23:48
lazyPowerglad i ran into you then :D23:49
lazyPowersiva_guru - ok sorry about that, i'm very passionate about k8s23:49
stormmoreI was going to suggest that maybe an OpenStack cluser would be a good solution to put down first and then install CDK in VMs on it23:49
lazyPowersiva_guru - so, its a classic charm, with a single hook file i presume symlinked?23:49
lazyPowerand your *-relation-joined hook is executing during the install phase?23:49
siva_guru@lazyPower, yes it is a single hook file symlinked23:50
skudaIn reality what I would love to have is a solution with a good UI able to manage LXD containers with live migration and ZFS deduplication, but it seems really difficult to find23:50
lazyPowersiva_guru - i would presume one of two things has happened23:50
lazyPower1) tehre's some dirty state on the unit (least likely culprit)23:50
skudaSo I am right now testing different options to be as close to possible to what we want23:50
siva_guru@lazyPower, yes it is a single hook file symlinked and yes relation-joined hook is getting called during install phase23:50
lazyPower2) there's a code error somewhere in the code thats falling through and executing that hook stanza23:50
catbus1I saw K8 in lxd.. Just wanted to share my recent experience on this. I followed https://www.stgraber.org/2017/01/13/kubernetes-inside-lxd/ and there are only two things I need to change for a successful deploy.23:50
lazyPowersiva_guru - like perhaps the method itself is being invoked directly23:51
stormmoreskuda LXDs seem good from a systems stand point but Docker containers / Kubernetes is more dev friendly23:51
lazyPowerfrom withiin the install() block23:51
catbus1one is to add "local:" prefix to the lxd container name,, which is 'kubernetes' in stgraber's example.23:51
lazyPowerman stgraber is a beast. just sayin23:52
lazyPowerthat guy is like the local container legend 'round these parts23:52
skudastormmore: true, but LXD offers live migration and docker not, not yet at least23:52
catbus1The other is to limit the zfs pool size so that you don't run out of disk space on the system. I used my 3-year old laptop, but if it's a rental from a data center, you probably don't have to worry about this.23:52
lazyPowerskuda <3 you get it23:52
siva_guru@lazypower, the same charm code works fine in trusty... I am seeing this issue in xenial23:52
lazyPowersiva_guru - doesn't seem like series would cause the weirdness though.23:52
lazyPowersiva_guru - i guess py2 vs py3? but i would have expected to see things like type errors and syntax errors, not random hook execution23:53
stormmoreskuda: not sure they will offer live mitigrations in Docker, seems their view is you should be running multiple instances of your service and make the service handle a lost of an instance23:53
siva_guru@lazpower, yes I moved from py2 to py323:53
skudawell and the state, sometimes I don't want to use slower cluster filesystems just to be able to put everything on top of docker23:54
lazyPowersiva_guru - thats what i'm saying, i'm thinking outloud with you here. as we dont have hook code to look at, its very hard to debug23:54
lazyPowersiva_guru - so the best i can do is offer thoughts while you debug23:54
skudaI mean Docker it's awesome and everything, we use for many stateless apps and the orchestration of those services it's awesome, but it's not the solution for everything I think23:54
siva_guru@lazypower, is this a bug or is this something I need to fix in my charm code to make it work with py323:55
lazyPowerstormmore - i think there's room for both in your DC/workflow. LXD is amazing at handling just about every class of workload, docker is engineered and sold as a very specific class of workload.23:55
stormmoreskuda that should be handled by replication between the instances23:55
lazyPowersiva_guru - well without seeing the code, i can only guess23:55
lazyPowersiva_guru and i'm going to guess its in the hook code23:55
stormmorelazyPower oh I definitely agree :)23:55
siva_guru@lazyPower, do you need my code or are you talking about the juju code?23:56
skudaIn the project we are creating right now, minecraft servers, we are speaking about big IOPS needs and a lot of state, but only 1 instance needed per server23:56
lazyPowersiva_guru - i mean your code, the charm code you are working on thats exhibiting the bad behavior23:56
lazyPowerskuda ooooh man23:56
lazyPowerskuda would you like an ARK server workload for k8s to test with?23:56
skudaSo I can't not make a good usage of all this amazing replication sets23:56
lazyPoweri just wrote the manifest for that a coupel weeks ago for my homelab and my friends and I have been beating on it quite furiously. we are quite enamored with how well its performing23:56
lazyPowerskuda - you sound like you could get away with just charming up the workload, and juju deploying it directly into lxd23:58
skudayes, I think so23:58
lazyPowersome minor network config i believe will need to happen on the host to forward things correctly, but thats minor, and we can totally get you up and running on just lxd and juju in short order23:58
lazyPowerand that networkign bit should be sorted in one of the forthcoming juju releases, we have even more networking goodness in the oven afaik23:58
skudaright now I have two options, with different tradeoffs about this project23:58
lazyPowerdont hold me to that, but i'm like 80% certain that is the case23:58
skudause OpenStack and manage LXD as virtual machines, managing live migration, using local SSD, good23:59
skudause k8s being able to do crash recovery on a cluster filesystem like scaleIO23:59
skudano live migration for k8s23:59

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