
zygakyrofa: look at the wiki link above00:00
zygakyrofa: that's the accurate state of the packaging support00:00
zygakyrofa: I think only ubuntu and debian are up-to-date and maintained00:00
zygakyrofa: everyting else is not00:00
kyrofazyga, that works, thanks00:06
mupBug #1660865 opened: [interface] hardware-observe should allow broader access to  /proc/bus/pci <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1660865>00:45
HumbleBeaverodysseywestra anyone get around to you?01:41
HumbleBeaversorry it took so long to get back01:41
HumbleBeaverI took a look at your project, I think it will pretty easy to snap. Is there a step you are confused about?01:43
bsoHi I would like to ask if I can install avahi-daemon on Ubuntu Core.01:55
bsoOn Ubuntu Desktop, I can install by "sudo apt install avahi-daemon".01:56
bsoOn Ubuntu Core, "snap find avahi" returned 0 snaps.01:57
bsoSo, I installed the classic snap.01:57
bsoOn the classic prompt, I tried to install avahi-daemon with "sudo apt install avahi-daemon", but it seems it failed.01:58
bsoI saw the following message at the end of installation.01:58
bsoinvoke-rc.d: policy-rc.d denied execution of force-reload. invoke-rc.d: policy-rc.d denied execution of start.01:58
bsoSo, it seems it failed to install avahi-daemon.01:59
bsoDoes anybody know why I can't install this package on classic snap?01:59
odysseywestraHumbleBeaver: Basically, how to put it together really. Maybe it would help If I could see what other have done?02:53
bsoDoes anybody know how to install avahi-daemon on Ubuntu Core?03:01
HumbleBeaverodysseywestra, thats basically how I got started,03:07
HumbleBeaverthe snapcraft.yaml file is stupid easy once you get over the initial "now what" about it.03:07
HumbleBeaverodysseywestra http://paste.ubuntu.com/23903144/ <--this is one I got help with here today, by mhall119 and jstrand03:10
HumbleBeaverodysseywestra http://paste.ubuntu.com/23903151/ <--heres one I'm still messing around with its probably closer to what you need.03:12
HumbleBeaverNote the source is a git repository.03:12
odysseywestraokay. I'll take a look at those, and go from there. I'll show you what i have in a bit. Thanks for giving me a starting point.03:16
mupBug #1660879 opened: snap refresh with more than one argument produces poor error message <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1660879>03:19
bsoAnybody used avahi on Ubuntu Core?04:02
olympionexdoes anyone know if there is a bug that prevents the classic flag from functioning in 'try' mode.  I'm using version 2.20.1ubuntu1 on 16.04 and it seems to ignore the classic flag05:43
olympionexsame on 2.2105:45
mupPR snapcraft#1097 opened: lifecycle: print the command needed to clean the dirty part <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1097>06:18
zygaolympionex: yex, it was already fixed in master AFAIK07:45
zygaolympionex: I think that you can switch to edge (snap refresh --edge core) to use nightly builds on your machine (even on classic :-)07:46
zygaolympionex: (classic distro)07:46
zygaolympionex: and this bug, I believe, is gone there07:46
zygaolympionex: for more on this please ask chipaca07:46
zygaolympionex: he should be around in a few hours07:46
olympionexzyga: thanks very much!07:55
mupPR snapd#2724 closed: overlord,tests: have enable/disable affect security profiles <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2724>08:55
mupPR snapd#2754 opened: tests: improve debug when the core transition test hangs <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2754>08:58
mupPR snapd#2727 closed: overlord/ifacestate: register all security backends with the repository <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2727>09:33
mupPR snapd#2755 opened: interfaces: port the mount backend to new APIs while retaining snippets <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2755>09:33
core-snappyDo we have support for ubuntu 16.04 on dell gateway 500009:43
core-snappycan I upgrade from 15.04 to 16 ubuntu core09:43
mupPR snapcraft#1094 closed: core: switch to using rpath for clasic confinement <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1094>09:54
mupPR snapcraft#1092 closed: meta: properly get the icon extension from splitted name <Created by 3v1n0> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1092>09:57
mupPR snapcraft#1086 closed: print snapcraft's version on startup when running with --debug <Created by chipaca> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1086>10:00
timpis it possible with snap to compile different versions of binaries to have an optimized version for different CPU generations?10:21
mcphailtimp: I don't know if the automatic snapcraft building can do that, but you can certainly hand-roll a snap to meet those requirements. Sounds like a lot of work for ? how much reward, though!10:22
timpwould I then include different binaries inside a single snap? Or can different snap packages be selected depending on the CPU? (not just the architecture, but also the generation)10:23
timpI'm asking for a project that is meant for scientific computations. Doing eigen analysis and such. The reward there can be big, because the computations for full datasets can take hours10:24
mcphailI'm not sure of the latter option, but you could certainly pack multiple binaries in a single snap and have a wrapper script pick the correct one10:24
mcphailI don't know how easy it would be to automate, though, as I don't know if confinement would give you access to /proc/cpuinfo (or similar) to autodetect10:26
zygatimp: you can do that inside your snap10:27
timpright. Sounds like a bit of a hassle though.10:27
zygatimp: one binary that uses appropriate function based on the cpu10:28
zygatimp: this is a gcc feature10:28
zygatimp: and it should be pretty easy to use10:28
timpah, that sounds cool.10:28
timpI got the question here http://community.mrtrix.org/t/provide-mrtrix3-as-a-snap-package-for-linux/687/210:28
zygatimp: so that one binary will work good everywhere10:28
zygatimp: https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/FunctionMultiVersioning10:28
zygatimp: try that, good luck :)10:28
timpin particular they want to use the -march=native flag.10:28
timpthanks for the info :)10:29
zygatimp: well, that particular flag is pretty pointless10:29
zygatimp: as the resulting snap will be optimized for whoever builds it10:29
zygatimp: for binary packages that's the totally wrong way to go10:30
timpright, that's why they provide sources now instead of binary packages10:30
zygatimp: I think that with this gcc feature you can deliver performant binaries anywhere10:30
timpI will propose that to them.10:32
timpI would say that is good enough for binaries. And the source will anyway be available for people who want to compile it themselves.10:33
mupPR snapcraft#1096 closed: schema,copy plugin: better errors when item has no value <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1096>10:39
HanonimHi folks !10:52
HanonimDoes anyone have experience running Snappy on a raspberry? :)10:52
jamiebennettHanonim: yes, classic Ubuntu or Ubuntu Core?10:54
Hanonimjamiebennett: Ubuntu Core11:01
Hanonimjamiebennett: I'm new to snaps so I'm at that stage where it's quite frustrating not to have apt11:02
HanonimMy first question is this one : is it possible to use wiringpi on snappy core ? I've searched a lot and the one thing i found show it's quite impossible (or really hard?)11:03
ogra_you can surely use it inside a snap11:04
ogra_snap interfaces exposes all GPIOs, you just need to connect the interface as needed and wiringpi should be able to manage it11:04
Hanonimogra_: is there a proper tutorial somewhere ?11:05
ogra_the interfaces are named after http://pinout.xyz/#11:05
ogra_i sthink http://snapcraft.io should have everything teaching you how to roll a snap and use interfaces with it11:05
ogra_(if you run into issues, just ask here :) )11:06
ogra_also https://docs.ubuntu.com/core/en/ ...11:06
Hanonimogra_: ok, i better study it better. now, my goal is to run a java app using pi4j, do you think it is "snapable" ?  raspbian can run my stuff11:06
ogra_sure ...11:07
ogra_you might need to tweak some paths etc to make it work in the snap context, but if it runs on raspbian it will run on core too11:07
Hanonimok well, i'll come back if i'm stuck11:08
Hanonimthanks very much for your help !11:08
ogra_that is why we are here ;)11:09
Hanonima somewhat "simpler" solution might be to install ubuntu server, but then there is not support for the GPIOs, is there ?11:11
ogra_Hanonim, i dont know i must admit ... you have to try :)11:20
* ogra_ hasnt used classic installs on Pi in a long time11:20
Hanonimogra_: the issue i see is that wiringpi writes to /dev/mem which is, i beleive, read-only in snappy core. is it the kind of problems snapcraft resolves ?11:22
ogra_snapcraft just helps you to roll a snap ... device access is managed through interfaces ...11:24
ogra_(the second link i gave above describs the security system and interfaces)11:24
Hanonimokay, i'll study it and stop asking too much questions :)11:29
Hanonimi'm surprised there is almost nothing on how to use gpios/pi4j on snappy core, i expected it to be a hot topic11:35
zygaPharaoh_Atem: ouch on gitlab11:41
zygaPharaoh_Atem: do you have the repo of the policy somewhere?11:41
mupPR snapd#2756 opened: snapctl: add config in client to disable auth and use it in snapctl <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2756>12:13
mupBug #1660957 opened: Need a way to get aa_is_enabled() and aa_query_label() to function <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1660957>12:26
Son_Gokuzyga, the repo is fine12:31
Son_GokuI can push it elsewhere, yes12:31
Son_Gokuzyga, do you need it now?12:33
zygaSon_Goku: it would be good to keep it safe12:44
zygaSon_Goku: just worried that gitlab will go belly up12:45
Son_Gokuthey're in the middle of recovery right now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nc0hPGerSd412:45
zygaSon_Goku: wow, nice that they do it live12:46
zygaSon_Goku: but pretty terrible with the defunct backups and rm -rf mistake :/12:47
Son_Gokuthat was pretty damn unlucky, yeah12:47
zygaI read the report12:47
zygathe used space graph is depressing12:48
zygarm -rf /internet12:48
zyganohup ;)12:48
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Son_Gokumvo: woo!13:33
Hanonimi'm confused ! in this video13:33
mvohey Son_Goku! in a meeting right now, but I will read backlog and reply async :)13:33
Hanonimit's not ubuntu snappy core, it's ubuntu server ?13:34
Hanonimhe uses apt and everything13:34
Son_Gokuyeah, he's not using snappy core13:34
Son_Gokuthat stuff doesn't work there13:34
zioprotohello there, I have a problem pushing to the store staff with classic confinement. Can I get help here ?14:03
mupPR snapd#2757 opened: tests: add regression spread test for #1660941 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2757>14:23
HanonimThis list of interfaces :14:33
Hanonimshows "gpio" and "i2c" interfaces14:33
Hanonimon my raspberry pi 2 i only see "io-ports-control", which is not referenced14:33
Hanonimis there a link between gpio and i2c provided by the RPI and the io-ports-control interface ?14:34
ogra_Hanonim, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23905508/14:35
ogra_this is only in the edge channel builds currently though ... but shoudl migrate to stable eventually14:35
roadmrjdstrand: hello! hey, we got hit by malformed 'name': '00-test-snap-build' lint-snap-v2_name_valid14:36
ogra_daily edge builds can be found here http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/snappy/all-snaps/daily/current/14:37
ogra_the interface names follow http://pinout.xyz/#14:37
roadmrjdstrand: (but the store allowed the name registration and as far as some knowldgeable people think, it should be a valid snap name. Do you recall the status of converging on one snap name regex to rule them all?14:37
Hanonimogra_: nice, too bad it's not fully stable. what about i2c ?14:37
Hanonimwhat does io-ports-control do ? i can't find info14:38
ogra_in the works14:38
ogra_i think morphis knows about io-ports ... likely nothing you want to use14:38
ogra_iirc thats some legacy thing14:38
Hanonimogra_: hmmm, for now i'm a bit disappointed with the current state of affair. i might keep using raspbian unfortunately14:41
ogra_Hanonim, well, come back eventually :) it is constantly improving ...14:42
ogra_(and has many advantages over an apt based system ... )14:42
Hanonimogra_: yes, the idea is really good, just too restrictive right now (at least for my projets)14:43
ogra_restrictive but secure :)14:44
roadmrjdstrand: I have the regex that snapd is supposedly using and it allows the name I posted, so maybe the tools need to update the regex they use? let me know and I can share it14:44
ogra_your devices wont be conquered by a botnet :)14:44
roadmr... yet :)14:44
ogra_and reliable ... it is nearly impossible to break it14:44
ogra_roadmr, pessimist :P14:45
Hanonimogra_: yup, and documentation will help. for instance, i can't even find one example on how to create a java snap. maybe i didn't look properly14:45
ogra_Hanonim, https://github.com/ogra1/jtiledownloader ... thats a desktop app though14:46
ogra_but headless apps wont be much different to package14:46
jdstrandroadmr: we should be using the same snapd regex as snapd now. Did snapd change?14:47
roadmrjdstrand: maybe! the regex is this ^(?:[a-z0-9]+-?)*[a-z](?:-?[a-z0-9])*$14:47
roadmrjdstrand: (I don't follow snapd that closely, my report is mainly about what the package submitter observed with that name)14:48
jdstrandthis is what the review tools use: ^[a-z](?:-?[a-z0-9])*$14:49
jdstrandlet me check snapd14:49
roadmrjdstrand: yes, your regex doesn't like the name I reported, while the one I gave, which should be snapd's, does14:50
jdstrandsnapd is using: var validSnapName = regexp.MustCompile("^(?:[a-z0-9]+-?)*[a-z](?:-?[a-z0-9])*$")14:50
jdstrandit looks like they changed14:51
roadmrjdstrand: /o\14:51
jdstrandI'll adjust the tools14:51
roadmrthanks jdstrand!14:51
jdstrandyeah, it changed in 88665e9a14:52
roadmrjdstrand: oh! yes, that's about when we had that discussion on names, I think.14:54
roadmr(early sept 2016)14:54
jdstrandroadmr: this has been an ongoing conversation, cause I distinctly remember updating the tools to have precisely what snapd has. In fact, before 88665e9a, snapd used ^[a-z](?:-?[a-z0-9])*$ (the same as the tools)14:55
jdstrandregardless, fixing it14:55
roadmrjdstrand: thanks!14:57
roadmrjdstrand: sorry it took so long to find this discrepancy and alerting you in such an indirect way :(14:57
jdstrandit's fine. I'll have a fix in just a moment14:58
roadmrmany thanks :)14:58
jdstrandroadmr: can you pull r835?15:03
roadmrjdstrand: sure, coming up15:03
Kaleojdstrand, hey, (I think it's you I should ask), can you approve uploads #39, #40 and #41 of the ubuntu-terminal-app snap? it's15:08
zygajdstrand: hey15:09
zygajdstrand: going through the apparmor issue, trying to wrap my head around what is going on15:10
zygajdstrand: no luck yet but I'm trying more thigs15:10
zygajdstrand: I replied on the stpcpy branch, not sure if you replied back yet15:10
jdstrandzyga: I saw and I did. bummer on reproducing15:17
jdstrandzyga: I'm having the fun time of debugging an intermittent spread failure. I run it from here. fine. from travis, fail15:18
jdstrandat least got some nice debugging improvements for snap-confine out of it15:19
jdstrandsnap-confine testsuite*15:19
zygajdstrand: when you ran it locally, which spread version did you use?15:20
zygajdstrand: fgimenez found some issues in how some of the tests are ran that would explain some of the failures we saw (e.g. no core snap)15:20
zygajdstrand: there was a new release of spread lately, perhaps upgrade to see if this is consistent with what you see on linode15:21
jdstrandI may be out of date. thanks for the tip15:21
fgimenezjdstrand, zyga hopefully will be fixed very soon15:21
zygajdstrand: HA15:24
zygajdstrand: I just got a super trivial way to reproduce this :)15:24
zygajdstrand: snap install snapd-hacker-toolbelt --devmode15:24
jdstrandzyga: nice! :)15:24
zygajdstrand: snapd-hacker-toolbelt.busybox sh15:24
stokachunessita, am i not supposed to be able to see my conjure-up package in the snap store?15:25
zygajdstrand: nsenter -m/proc/1/ns/mnt15:25
zygajdstrand: this gives me the following error in syslog:15:25
zygajdstrand: Feb 01 16:25:13 xenial-server audit[22275]: AVC apparmor="ALLOWED" operation="open" info="Failed name lookup - disconnected path" error=-13 profile="snap.snapd-hacker-toolbelt.busybox//null-/usr/bin/nsenter" name="" pid=22275 comm="nsenter" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=0 ouid=015:25
zygajdstrand: I'll adjust the test case to simplfy this15:26
zygajjohansen: ^^ if this helps you to have a look as well15:26
zygajdstrand, jjohansen: (above please prefix Feb 01 16:25:13 xenial-server audit[22275]: AVC apparmor="ALLOWED" operation="open" info="Failed name lookup - disconnected path" error=-13 profile="snap.snapd-hacker-toolbelt.busybox//null-/usr/bin/nsenter" name="" pid=22275 comm="nsenter" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=0 ouid=015:26
zygajdstrand, jjohansen: above please prefix snapd-hacker-toolbelt.busybox sh with sudo15:26
nessitastokachu, checking, one sec15:27
zygajdstrand: this essentially takes my patch out of the loop15:28
zygajdstrand: as it is simply nsenter that fails15:28
zygajdstrand: and the snap is installed in devmode so apparmor should be in complain mode15:28
zygajdstrand: and snap-confine is out of the way (after setting up the namespace initially)15:28
zygajdstrand: and also its apparmor profile is out of the way15:28
stokachunessita, thanks, i just tested an upload and it seems to be going through15:29
jdstrandzyga: note that apparmor is really out of the way if it is in complain mode. please give your finding to jjohansen15:29
jdstrand(there could be a complain mode bug)15:29
nessitastokachu, how are you uploading?15:29
nessitabecause I don't see you being defined as collaborator, which is weird15:29
stokachunessita, snapcraft push ./conjure-up_2.1.0_amd64.snap --release edge15:29
stokachunessita, it's still uploading so it may complain15:30
zygajdstrand: it is! (snap install with --devmode)15:30
nessitastokachu, let me know how that does please15:30
zygajdstrand: yeah, I'll prep a mail15:30
zygaoh, need to run to pick up kids from school15:30
jdstrandzyga: I'm saying that just cause it is in devmode doesn't mean that an apparmor complain mode bug isn't causing trouble15:30
stokachunessita, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23905726/ did show an error15:32
nessitastokachu, asking for some advice, one sec15:34
stokachunessita, ok ty!15:34
sitterheya, zyga, kyrofa: any tips on how I would go about running the xdg-open shim from ubuntu-core? the way I see it a snap would have no way to get ahold of ubuntu-core stuff given http://snapcraft.io/docs/reference/env15:35
sergiusenssitter: I get to open just fine for konversation (using now); only thing missing is to set it as the default action15:38
sergiusenssitter: http://imgur.com/a/aArpk15:39
sergiusenssitter: there is a host side bug though which is that nothing is currently depending on snapd-xdg-open; I thikn zyga was looking into that15:40
sergiusenssitter: aside from not being able to set it as a default action, only other thing I am missing is proper icons; I get `?` most likely due to the Icon entry having a value of a name that doesn't exist on my host.15:41
sittersergiusens: indeed. I think it is only QDesktopService::openUrl that falls over15:41
sittersergiusens: e.g. try help -> about konversation and click any link15:42
sergiusenssitter: yeah, that doesn't work15:42
sitterwhich supposedly comes back false here https://github.com/qt/qtbase/blob/5b1f18b0f1cd07f2dfcafe79b456338f908de531/src/platformsupport/services/genericunix/qgenericunixservices.cpp#L9115:42
didrocksyeah, we did develop snapd-xdg-open and a fake xdg-open in core snap side for that reason15:43
didrocksdependency was still to be sorted out, zyga is owning this AFAIK15:43
sitterah, I get it. usr/local/bin is missing from PATH ^^15:44
didrocksoh? I remember to have mentioned it on the ML and I thought after all our discussions that was fixed15:45
sittercertainly isn't when using `snap run --shell` nor is it documented at http://snapcraft.io/docs/reference/env15:46
nessitastokachu, so seems like what I promised about you being added automatically as a collabortor was not true, sorry. Could you please ping mvo and ask him to invite you as collaborator for that snap?15:46
didrocksno, I guess that wasn't fixed after it was removed from PATH after all (and you're right)15:46
nessitastokachu, mvo  should fill the form under https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/5479/collaboration/15:46
mvonessita: sure, I can add stokachu15:47
sergiusenssitter: didrocks if I get a bug report on snapcraft I can easily add the PATH15:47
stokachumvo, oh thank you15:47
stokachumvo, do you need my email or anything?15:47
Hanonimokay, i've read quite a bunch of docs about ubuntu core and snapcraft and i don't see how i could use wiringpi (that needs to write to /dev/mem)15:47
mvostokachu: yes, your ubuntu-one primary mail would be nice15:47
didrockssergiusens: yeah, I wonder if that's the right place, but it can help for now as it seems it doesn't have traction snapd-side :)15:47
mvostokachu: just /msg it to me15:47
didrockssitter: mind opening the bug for sergiusens?15:48
didrocksI can add it to desktop-launch as well for Qt apps for now15:48
didrocks(but doesn't help on KDE's one as you are using your own launcher)15:48
sittersergiusens: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/166102315:50
mupBug #1661023: PATH does not include /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/sbin <Snapcraft:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1661023>15:50
sitterdidrocks: yeah, easy enough to work around for now15:50
stokachunessita, thanks for you're help, im good to go now15:53
sitterabout dialog links work like a charm with modified PATH. thanks for the help :)15:59
nessitastokachu, excellent, sorry for the "honest" lie yesterday15:59
didrockssitter: nice! btw, we are going to promote your KDE snaps in the "top snaps of the month" for January :-)16:00
mupPR snapd#2756 closed: snapctl: add config in client to disable auth and use it in snapctl <Critical> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2756>16:06
zygajdstrand: I agree, I think you are exactly right16:45
zygadidrocks: hey16:45
zygadidrocks: so the snapd-xdg-open bug16:46
zygadidrocks: AFAIR there was some discussion and it didn't culminate with a decision as to how the dependency should be injected16:46
zygadidrocks: I don't feel I own this bug actually, I think it belongs to foundations/desktop or if it belongs I don't have a plan to solve it anytime soon; adding the dependency is easy but it would be complex on server/headless installs16:47
HumbleBeaverMorning everyone, Is anyone here using the snap version of Telegram?17:07
pachuloI do HumbleBeaver17:15
stokachuwhich one? telegram-latest or telegram-sergiusens17:15
HumbleBeaverstokachu: Both actually17:15
stokachuoh are they both required to be installed?17:16
* stokachu doesn't know which one to use17:16
pachuloI'm using telegram-sergiusens and no, you don't need them both17:16
HumbleBeaverNo I had one installed and when it started to mess up, I uninstalled it and tried the other17:16
HumbleBeaverI'm thinking it might have something to do with an extension I added when I installed the kconnect ppa.17:17
zygajjohansen: hey, can you please ping me when you are around. I have some good progress on the bug we've been talking about17:17
HumbleBeaverpachulo have you had any issue with it not allowing attachments?17:20
HumbleBeaverIf not its something on my system and I'll do some digging.17:20
stokachuonly issue ive seen with this telegram app is the tray icon is missing17:35
HumbleBeaverthanks stokachu, I've been fighting with an issue on my system and I'm starting to see a pattern.17:40
HumbleBeaverWhy it affect the snaps I'm not sure17:41
zygaHumbleBeaver: the tray icon issue?17:41
zygaHumbleBeaver: because it's a broken protocol, it's been researched by a few folks AFAIK. The actual icon is saved to /tmp and /tmp is private for each snap.17:41
zygathere are a few other ways to show an icon there so it depends on the toolkit/app17:42
stokachuso that requires a user talking to upstream to get that fixed?17:42
zygawe should have /tmp-IPC backend for cases like this17:43
zygastokachu: it's a complex issue, I think17:43
zygastokachu: part of legacy protocols, old agrements, not sure17:43
stokachuok, wasn't sure if it was something we could workaround in the snapcraft17:43
stokachuwith organize or something17:43
zygastokachu: there's a bug that tracks this with a lot of details17:43
zygastokachu: doubtful17:43
zygastokachu: more likely in snapd17:43
stokachuah ok17:43
zygastokachu: or at a toolkit level17:44
zygastokachu: but then telegram bundles qt so you'd have to fix it and advertise the fix17:44
stokachuwould a classic snap work ootb for now?17:44
zygawe found some issues with the design of classic snaps17:45
stokachuit is a nitpick detail but a lot of users would probably not like having a default icon there17:45
zygawe know how to fix them but the work has not started17:45
stokachuzyga, ah ok17:45
zygaI think I'd stick for strict/devmode for now17:45
HumbleBeaverzynga, no the file attachment bug. I'm starting to think that installed something that has caused snap packages and others to behave strangely17:47
HumbleBeaverI've asked a few others and they say it works fine. I can also drag an drop file into telegram without issue17:48
zygajjohansen, jdstrand: https://bugs.launchpad.net/apparmor/+bug/1656121/comments/1317:49
mupBug #1656121: unexpected errno=13 and disconnected path when trying to open /proc/1/ns/mnt from a unshared mount namespace <AppArmor:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1656121>17:49
zygaHumbleBeaver: I don't know anything about file attachment bugs but I could say that since the snap works in a different namespace it doesn't see the same filesystem as your desktop17:50
zygajdstrand: the last thing on that comment is key I think17:51
zygajdstrand: note that we don't see the disconnected profile anymore17:51
zygaer, path17:52
zygajjohansen: if you have a branch I could test with a locally built kernel I'd like to keep digging17:52
mupPR snapd#2758 opened: overlord/devicestate: implement policy about gadget and kernel matching the model <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2758>17:52
zygajjohansen: this is my top priority now17:53
kyrofaogra_, how would one enable SPI on the joule?17:59
ogra_kyrofa, oh, no idea17:59
ogra_never seen a joule17:59
zygakyrofa: is /dev/spi* around?17:59
kyrofaogra_, turns out that's the hw being used in that askubuntu question I pinged you about yesterday :P18:00
kyrofazyga, no idea18:00
kyrofaogra_, any idea who made the gadget for that?18:00
ogra_i remember but i have no idea about joule ... you have to ask someone knowing the HW18:00
zygakyrofa: do you have a joule?18:00
ogra_kyrofa, JohnAgosta might be able to point you to someone18:01
kyrofazyga, I'm afraid not18:01
zygakyrofa: meh, too bad then18:01
kyrofaJohnAgosta, any idea who made the Joule gadget?18:01
JohnAgostakyrofa, are you referencing the gadget snap in the Joule image?18:02
mupPR snapcraft#1078 closed: tests: do not rely on project_dir <Created by elopio> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1078>18:10
kyrofaJohnAgosta, sorry, internet flaked on me. Yes, that's what I'm referring to18:18
JohnAgostakyrofa, that was created by either of Robert Liu or Tim Chen. They are on Chinese New year break18:20
kyrofaJohnAgosta, do you know of anyone around who might know how to enable SPI?18:21
JohnAgostakyrofa, please make sure you are looking at the correct one...this was all updated to beta4 images in the past week18:21
JohnAgostakyrofa, my brain is flaking out -- what is "SPI"?18:22
kyrofaJohnAgosta, Serial Peripheral Interface18:22
kyrofaJohnAgosta, hardware interface protocol18:22
kyrofaLike i2c18:23
kyrofaJohnAgosta, at least in e.g. the rpi, it needs to be enabled in the gadget18:23
kyrofaJohnAgosta, we have an askubuntu question about it seemingly not being enabled on the joule, and no one knows how to enable it :P18:24
JohnAgostakyrofa, let me look...i cannot remember if it is enabled in this image...do you have access to private LP project https://bugs.launchpad.net/tuchuck?18:24
JohnAgostalooking now18:24
kyrofaI do18:24
ondrakyrofa were discussing SPI for other project, and there is no SPI interface18:25
JohnAgostakyrofa, it will be listed as i2c18:25
ondrakyrofa but we defo need it18:25
ogra_we need it on the pi too18:25
ogra_(the interface)18:25
ondraogra_ do it! :P18:26
ogra_well, i'm busy with other stuff18:26
JohnAgostakyrofa, ok, found it... it is now there in latest image https://bugs.launchpad.net/tuchuck/+bug/160719518:26
JohnAgostakyrofa, we just updated the image on the website a week ago -- early image did not have it enabled yet18:27
JohnAgostakyrofa, one thing missing from our website is a pointer to the required BIOS (174).  I have an open request to Intel for a public share with that required BIOS18:28
kyrofaJohnAgosta, this is i2c-- are you saying that covers spi as well?18:29
JohnAgostakyrofa, beyond my knowledge area... i was stating i2c only based upon your earlier comment referring to i2c as an example18:30
kyrofaJohnAgosta, yeah it seems like i2c works18:31
kyrofaBut SPI does not18:31
kyrofaJohnAgosta, mind if I create a new bug? Perhaps those guys can look into it once they return?18:33
JohnAgostakyrofa, please wait -- i am still researching18:33
kyrofaJohnAgosta, sure thing18:33
kyrofaondra, thanks for the info by the way18:33
ondrakyrofa no worries :)18:34
kyrofatvoss, https://askubuntu.com/questions/878750/package-conflicts-whith-snapd-on-ubuntu-14-0418:35
kyrofatvoss, might be of interest to you18:35
JohnAgostakyrofa, ok, I don't see anything in our project plans for SPI. Please create a "tuchuck" bug and I will track first with Intel to understand their module support as I don't even see anything from Intel.18:36
JohnAgostakyrofa, you can assign to me jagosta18:37
kyrofaJohnAgosta, will do, thank you for investigating18:38
kyrofaogra_, ondra thanks for your help18:38
kyrofaJohnAgosta, just FYI, this lists two SPI buses: https://software.intel.com/en-us/iot/hardware/joule18:39
mupPR snapcraft#1098 opened: Ignore .tox directories when creating cleanbuild tar <Created by OddBloke> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1098>18:40
JohnAgostakyrofa, doesn't mean Intel has finished the linux driver yet. :)  Also, not sure why Intel did not include in project plan18:42
JohnAgostathis is all still in development -- audio drivers not done yet either18:42
kyrofaJohnAgosta, ah interesting, indeed that may be the case18:43
kyrofaJohnAgosta, I created https://bugs.launchpad.net/tuchuck/+bug/1661067 but I don't seem to have permission to assign it to you18:43
JohnAgostakyrofa, interesting... I see WiFi LEDs on this sheet too and Intel is still discussing whether they even have WiFI LEDs.  :)18:44
tvosskyrofa: thanks for the hint, answering right now18:58
kyrofatvoss, of course, thank you!18:58
tvosskyrofa: https://askubuntu.com/questions/878750/package-conflicts-whith-snapd-on-ubuntu-14-04/878770#87877019:02
tvoss^ and others reading backlog :-)19:03
kyrofatvoss, user83107?!19:03
kyrofaAt least you have a picture :P19:03
jdstrandzyga: https://bugs.launchpad.net/apparmor/+bug/1656121/comments/1419:17
mupBug #1656121: unexpected errno=13 and disconnected path when trying to open /proc/1/ns/mnt from a unshared mount namespace <AppArmor:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1656121>19:17
zygajdstrand: thank you for the tip, I'll check that out19:33
zygajdstrand: honestly this makes me worried, we should investigate 1648903 and understand what is going on19:34
zygajdstrand: if this doesn't work then why should we assume other rules are respected19:34
jdstrandthat's why I filed the bug, though just cause one complain rule isn't working right doesn't mean they all aren't19:35
zygajdstrand: but when something as fundamental as this misbehaves a red flag gets raised in my mind19:35
zygajdstrand: I'll try the workaround to see if this helps19:36
zygajdstrand: perhaps jjohansen's kernel fixed one issue just to uncover another19:36
jdstrandwell, that is why I filed a bug. I'm just saying I don't think it requires panicking cause I only ever saw this with namespaces. we'd have tons of bug for devmode if it was wider spread19:37
zygajdstrand: that's true19:38
jjohansenzyga: that is what I think is going on, the behavior changed with the kernel patch. So I think we move forward with it being a separate issue. I have already sent the patch for the complain issue up to the kt19:45
zygajjohansen: I agree, I think this is the right course of action19:47
zygajjohansen: did you look at the other issue, the one that jdstrand suggested?19:47
zygajjohansen: do you have any insight into that issue?19:47
jdstrandto be clear, I only asked a question :)19:48
zyga(a very plausible idea though)19:48
jjohansenzyga: I'm looking19:50
zygajjohansen: btw: did you see the script I've attatched to the bug report?19:50
tvosskyrofa: hmmm, I logged in with my launchpad account, I had assumed that would give me a reasonable username19:56
tvosswow, that was more complicated than I expected :) kyrofa: managed to change my profile name20:15
kyrofatvoss, haha! Much better20:16
stokachuso trying to get a config file to be included during my python part build http://dpaste.com/2T9HYX720:44
stokachuthe filesets section isn't getting included though, the only way i could was make it seperate and add the dump plugin20:44
stokachuis there a way to do both on a single part?20:44
kyrofastokachu, let me make sure I understand20:46
kyrofastokachu, the `conjure-up` part contains a `etc/conjure-up.conf` file that the setup.py doesn't install, so you want snapcraft to install it?20:47
stokachukyrofa, yea exactly20:47
kyrofastokachu, easy: use the `install` scriptlet20:47
stokachubut in the same part (if possible)20:47
kyrofastokachu, are you familiar with that?20:48
stokachukyrofa, reading snapcraft help plugins now :)20:48
kyrofastokachu, it's part of the core, not a plugin: https://snapcraft.io/docs/build-snaps/scriptlets20:48
kyrofadavidcalle, you're rocking on those docs, by the way20:49
stokachukyrofa, so would it just be `cp etc/conjure-up.conf $SNAP/etc/conjure-up.conf`?20:49
kyrofastokachu, almost-- $SNAP is a runtime-only variable20:49
kyrofastokachu, you got it20:49
stokachucool! thanks ill give this a whirl20:49
stokachuand yes davidcalle++ for the docs20:49
kyrofastokachu, just FYI, `filesets` does nothing by itself20:50
kyrofastokachu, it gives you the ability to define filesets that can be used by name in the `stage` and `prime` keywords20:50
stokachuah thats all? i think i was treating it like snap20:50
kyrofaYeah, the format isn't even correct-- you're using it like `organize`20:51
stokachukyrofa, hah ok thanks for clearing that up20:51
kyrofaWell, not even that. But yeah, you can safely toast that line20:51
stokachukyrofa, so one more thing, where you see organize under spells:20:51
stokachui basically want to just put that whole repo into a directory in the snap20:51
stokachuis that the right way?20:51
kyrofastokachu, indeed, that should work20:52
stokachushould i just use an install scriptlet20:52
stokachuok cool20:52
davidcallekyrofa: stokachu: hey, thanks o/20:52
kyrofadavidcalle, it's taken me a while to start referring people there instead of in-source docs, but man. So professional20:52
davidcalleThere should be a small blog post going live tomorrow on how MySQL uses scriptlets20:53
stokachukyrofa, do you know if there are a lot of big changes still needed for https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1093?20:54
mupPR snapcraft#1093: python plugin: do the right thing with classic <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1093>20:54
stokachuim itching to get conjure-up running on trusty20:54
kyrofastokachu, nope, just about there20:54
kyrofastokachu, rather, yes, I know, and no :P20:55
kyrofaMan that's a hard question to answer20:55
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mupBug #1631270 changed: running a command for a snap in try mode fails on trusty <trusty> <Snappy Launcher:Invalid> <Snappy:Fix Released by thomas-voss> <snap-confine (Ubuntu):Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1631270>22:18
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mupPR snapcraft#1099 opened: catkin plugin: don't pass args to setup.sh <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1099>23:43

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