
om26erHello! Where shall I report bugs for myapps.developer.ubuntu.com ?08:13
DanChapmanom26er: i think https://bugs.launchpad.net/developer-portal/+filebug is the correct place.08:31
oSoMoNis it intended that when a listview is given active focus the focus ring is not visible until after pressing key up/down to change the current index?09:27
oSoMoNand if so, how can I ensure that the focus ring is initially displayed?09:27
oSoMoNmy use case is that the listview is getting active focus as a result of a key down event09:27
oSoMoNfound it! Keys.onDownPressed: listview.forceActiveFocus(Qt.TabFocusReason);09:38
oSoMoNspecifying Qt.TabFocusReason did the trick09:38
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artmellokalikiana: hey, we got all MRs from silo 2179 approved (contenthub clipboard). We are thinking about how to let QA test silo since UITK changes are merged on staging but not on trunk yet. Could we add staging branch to the silo? Or there is any idea when staging and trunk will be merged?12:41
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
zsombitimp: in case of excited about qqc2, you can take APL to it13:22
zsombioh, first you need to port Tree and Header :)13:23
timp just starting to try out qqc2, but indeed would be nice to have the APL13:23
zsombiI'll take the BottomEdge there first13:24
zsombiwith the SwipeArea as first13:24
timpis our Header something they want?13:24
timpor would it be in the Ubuntu theme?13:24
zsombiit's a special layout for Ubuntu, so I don't think they do13:24
zsombi\in Ubuntu theme13:24
=== boiko__ is now known as boiko
dobeyanyone know if it's possible for my app to have its own calendar with the QtOrganizer stuff?20:30
zubHi. I'm looking into sources of the Ubuntu SDK... and I'm confused: I think in the past there official way to get the SDK included installing (perhaps as a dependency) qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu from the official ubuntu repo. Then at some point I moved to the Ubuntu SDK PPA. But now there is just ubuntu-sdk-ide package.21:24
zubSo I see the following pages: https://launchpad.net/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu, https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/ and https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-sdk-ide21:26
zubLEt's say I want to see the actual Qt Cretor plugin sources. Should I then look here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-sdk-ide/trunk/files/head:/dist/qtcreator/src/plugins/ubuntu/ ?21:27
zubComparing http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-sdk-ide/trunk/changes?filter_file_id=ubuntuclicktool.cpp-20160609083951-j177esnm41ztgspr-49157 to http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/trunk/changes?filter_file_id=ubuntuclicktool.cpp-20140123140043-bpzwp33uwekbzt87-1 doesn't help me much21:28
zubwhere is development taking place? why is there still qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu if the code is also in ubuntu-sdk-ide?21:28
dakerzbenjamin: i am seeing a weird bug with the IDE(qmake project), all qml files are copied to the root of the deploy folder, instead of creating a replicat of the project folder22:06
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
kalikianaartmello: Landing is in progress https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/241823:05
artmellokalikiana: cool, thx23:05
kalikianazub: the ide package is basically distribution/ packaging. the code still comes from the individual sources.23:06
kalikianabut ubuntu-sdk-ide ships its own Qt, it's not just QtC and the plugin23:07
dakerkalikiana: do you know where are all the project templates QTC are using ? i am looking for the Makefile for building a qmake project which has a bug23:17
zubkalikiana: so https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/ should be the lates-greatest code - if I care about the plugin. Right?23:21
zubdaker: I think it's here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/trunk/files/head:/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/ubuntu/23:22
dakerzub: thanks23:23
zubno problem23:24
zubI've been spending time recently digging in the sources, trying to understand how the sdk works23:24
zublots of funny things23:25
dakerzub: well i am hitting an issue right now with the click build in QTC23:26
zublaunchpad.net has died :(23:26
zubI hope it's not us who killed it :)23:26
zubdaker: unfortunately I have not idea about qmake, I looked at the cmake part :)23:26
zubtrying to (ab)use the SDK to build non-QML apps23:27
dakerzub: no, it's a scheduled maintenance23:29
zubOK, it's up again23:29
zubone example CMake strageness: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/trunk/view/head:/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/ubuntu/backend-app-cmake/app/CMakeLists.txt#L7 ... configure_file(blah.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/blah.in)  - why is there .in in the output?23:30
zubbut strangely enough it does work, even though there is install(blah ...) # without the .in23:31
dakerzub: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/123166/source-files-with-in-extension23:34
zubdaker: I don't think ti explains why the configured *output* is specified again with .in23:35
dakerah i see what you mean23:35
dakerit should be ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/blah23:36
zubI think so. But it works as it is anyway.23:36
zubNow I'm actually focused somewhere else, so I can't look what's in the output directory (or I have a stack overflow :) )23:36
dakerit would be good to report it23:36
zubI'll do it.23:37
zubI'm trying to create a project with SDL integrated correctly. I've seen some SDL project template on the web but didn't like it much.23:38
zubBtw. when building for the ubuntu phone... is it OK to create an app that depends on boost libraries? They are on the device, and in the SDK containers, but the -dev packages (which contain the version-less .so symlinks) are not installed on the containers.23:40
dakerwhat do you mean by boost libs ?23:41
zubdaker: libbost_*.so* (it's a popular c++ library see www.boost.org)23:44
dakerzub: you can open the container and run apt install23:45
zubthe question is: are apps allowed to use it? or is it maybe something that could change and so apps should not depend on it23:45
zubyes, that's what I did. but is it OK w.r.t. actual dependency on the phone23:45
zub(I installed the dev packages in the container)23:45
dakerah not sure about that, maybe try a simple demo before you do some real work23:46
dakerbut i think you should be able to call the the lib23:47
zubTechnically, it works. It's more of a policy question. I.e. can the lib change "randomly" or disappear?23:48
zubIf it's an allowed dependency, then perhaps the dev packages could already by included in the containers by default.23:48
zubhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/+bug/1661119 let's see23:55
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1661119 in qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "backend-app-cmake template specifies incorrect value for configure_file() output" [Undecided,New]23:55
zubother issue that bothers me is forcing C locale for CMake. But for this there already is a ticket: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-sdk-ide/+bug/162958323:58
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1629583 in Ubuntu SDK IDE "Ubuntu SDK won't launch builds from paths containing diacritics" [Undecided,New]23:58
zubthe code in I think 2 different places says C locale is needed for Qt Creator, but I'm not convinved. Not to mention that killing the encoding too (utf-8) is really bad. :(23:59

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