
elachechenzoueidi: Pray for our Gitlab fellows → https://twitter.com/gitlabstatus/status/82659196144438476810:58
elachecheHello folks10:58
nzoueidielacheche: I like it, many others would not share something like that11:06
nzoueidia high level of transparency11:06
elachecheIt's a high level outage as well.. :.11:16
nzoueidiYep :(12:44
nzoueidielacheche: do you have any suggested themes for awesome!12:54
elachecheNot really, didn't customize my awesome for years.. Maybe I'll do again once I configure my gentoo again and install v412:55
nzoueidiAlright, good luck then13:08
elachechenzoueidi: Gitlab team use Grafana x)14:09
praisethemoonelacheche, thanks for sharing that14:28
praisethemoonit's good to learn from other's experiences14:28
praisethemoonwhy doesn't this kind of things happen to Github14:29
praisethemoonor any other service14:29
elachecheSome services are more transparent than others.. Google/Github/Twitter/FB/Youtube and other, all had some kind of outage, but they not always communicatee about it..14:33
elachecheBut, the gitlab one, is a very very serious outage..14:33
praisethemoon6 hours of data is a lot of loss14:34
elachecheTroubleshooting production env is always tricky, and dangerous (ask me about that)14:35
pavlushkaHello elacheche :)18:42
pavlushkaelacheche: today I setup ubuntu-mate 16.04 to an android developer's machine, \o/18:45
pavlushkaelacheche: he was using windows before18:46
pavlushkaelacheche: So I setup his whole work env in ubuntu with bonus18:47
pavlushkatook almost whole day18:47
pavlushkare-arranged disk with gpt18:48
pavlushka*the disk18:48
pavlushkaelacheche: know anything about Kilos?18:49
elachecheNice job pavlushka, no news about kilos :/18:53
pavlushkaelacheche: You know that he is in hospital, right?18:54
elachecheNow I do18:55
DroKilos mta3 el ubuntu-africa??19:13
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