
bumbleheadhi is there a recommended way to update unity 8 in 16.10?05:52
bumbleheadI would like to use cool new unity 805:52
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mterrykgunn: do apps launch for you in unity8 snap these days?16:40
kgunnmterry: i tried yday and yes16:43
kgunnwell...i guess i should modulate that answer....16:43
kgunnfwiw, i think i launched calculator, calendar16:43
kgunnbrowser still crashed (but its a browser bug)16:43
kgunnmterry: are you finding issue?16:44
mterrykgunn: awesome...  Good.  So I'm only one so far that has a broken setup.  Makes it hard for me to work on u8 interfaces tho...  I'll try to set up a fresh xenial VM and work in it16:44
mterryYeah something happened and now nothing works for me16:44
kgunnmterry: if you need to play the "what's on your machine" game...i'm available :)16:45
kgunnmterry: and lemme give it a shot right now just to be sure16:45
mterrykgunn: Naw I've already tried reinstalling all my snaps to no avail16:45
kgunnmterry: fwiw http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23905969/16:46
mterrykgunn: run unity8-snap-install to get latest versions16:47
mterrykgunn: then retry?16:47
kgunnyeah, realized those might be aged16:47
kgunnhuh, ubuntu-app-platform still latest...16:48
kgunnwow...this is taking a while16:52
mterryLotta app goodness16:53
kgunnmterry: updated...and now it's terrible, i see no apps in the scope or in the app drawer17:15
mterrykgunn: woah that's worse than I'm seeing17:22
mterrygotta run to lunch17:22
mterrytedg_: ^ even worse behavior?  I think it's something different than I'm seeing, but figured you oughta know about18:19
davmor2kgunn: the apps scope got removed a while ago, jibel reported issues with apps not being visible in the app drawer18:28
dobeydavmor2: the apps scope did not get removed a while ago18:40
dobeythe change in u8 which removes the dependency on it is literally sitting in zesty-proposed right now18:41
dobeywe decided we should remove it, a few weeks ago i guess. but it's only just now actually happening there18:43
davmor2dobey: it did from snap which is what I thought we were talking about18:43
dobeydavmor2: no it didn't. because unity8 depends on it18:43
dobeydavmor2: it just was always blank in the snap because it was broken18:43
davmor2dobey: well hidden then18:43
dobeynope. just blank18:43
dobeyfailing to run18:44
dobeycrashing if you will :)18:44
davmor2dobey: in snaps I only see two scopes music and video18:44
dobeyoh, maybe it actually got dropped out of the snap then when i asked mterry to pull it out of snapcraft.yaml last week, but unity8 still has some dependency on it, so slightly surprised if so.18:45
mterrydobey: it had a recommends, which I don't think the snap follows18:47
mterryI believe when it was dropped from snapcraft.yaml, it was dropped from the snap18:47
dobeyah ok18:47
dobeywell hopefully soon we can drop it from the archive too18:47
mterryDropping code always feels nice18:50
jibelkgunn, yeah, if you reboot sometimes the drawer is partially populated, sometimes completely empty, sometimes correct, it depends on the direction of the wind apparently18:53
mterry:(  snappy stuff ideally has less variables19:14
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