
P3R4can i ask >?00:00
P3R4i have a proplem in msfconsole and armitage00:00
P3R4he say to me00:01
P3R4handler failed to bind to **31.212.161:444400:01
P3R4how i fix it> ?00:01
Ben64what OS are you running00:02
geniiMaybe ask the metasploit people00:02
P3R4backbox linux00:02
k1l_!backbox | P3R400:03
ubottuP3R4: Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it.00:03
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo
MarcoPhow to install libmysqlclient.18.dylib on ubuntu00:20
MarcoPi dont see it00:20
=== alexandre9099_ is now known as alexandre9099
naccMarcoP: what is a .dylib file?00:22
MarcoPdunno lol00:22
MarcoPhang on00:22
Bashing-om!find libmysqlclient.18.dylib xenial00:22
ubottuFound: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 17 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libmysqlclient.18.dylib&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all00:22
MarcoPoops i was wrong00:22
MarcoPDepends: libmysqlclient18 (>=5.5.13-1)00:22
MarcoPthis is the error I get when I try to install ossec on ubuntu00:22
naccMarcoP: that package is only available on 12.04 and 14.0400:23
naccMarcoP: if you are trying to do this on 16.04, you'd need to find a PPA or ask ossec to update to a more recent mysql base00:23
MarcoPwell i guess ossec is no good on 16.10 then?00:23
MarcoPwell I have the ossec ppa up00:23
k1l_MarcoP: please put all the output onto paste.ubuntu.com and show the url here00:23
MarcoPand I used synaptic package amanger and I got that error00:23
MarcoPwell its only one line k1l_ : Depends: libmysqlclient18 (>=5.5.13-1) but it is not installable00:24
MarcoPthats all I get00:24
k1l_MarcoP: please show "apt-cache policy ossec libmysqlclient18"00:24
MarcoPapparently that is not available on the newest ubuntu00:24
=== theskillwithin is now known as theskilltest
MarcoP  Installed: (none)00:26
MarcoP  Candidate: (none)00:26
MarcoP  Version table:00:26
MarcoPN: Ignoring file '20auto-upgrades.ucf-dist' in directory '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension00:26
MarcoPN: Unable to locate package ossec00:26
k1l_MarcoP: please use paste.ubuntu.com for that00:26
MarcoPi don't think that package is available on newer ubuntu I think that is the issue00:27
tripkinHave I done something wrong has the ablility to resize 'files' and 'gedit' windows been disabled in 16.04?00:28
k1l_MarcoP: 16.10 has libmysqlclient20 in the repos. so your 3rd party program wants outdated software that ubunut doesnt ship anymore00:28
MarcoPif I add the program you think it will work?00:29
ivanskieI've opened up two ports and have sshd listen on both of these. i've ran nmap on other local machine and both of these ports show as open.00:29
MarcoPprobably not?00:29
tripkinSorry, forgot the or in that question...00:29
MarcoPim suprised ossec is outdated like that00:29
ivanskieI've opened up two ports and have sshd listen on both of these. i've ran nmap on other local machine and both of these ports show as open.00:29
ivanskiefrom outside... nmap says filtered.00:29
ivanskiei don't understand. it doesnt matter what port i say, as long as it points to my ubuntu box.. its filtered. as soon as i change the nat redirect ip to another local machine with ssh.. it works.00:30
naccMarcoP: what PPA are you using?00:30
ivanskieufw is inactive, iptables is empty00:30
MarcoPnacc http://ossec.wazuh.com/repos/apt/ubuntu precise main00:31
naccMarcoP: so you're specifically installing a precise package on yakkety?00:31
k1l_MarcoP: you know what the "precise" stands for?00:31
naccMarcoP: you need to stop and think first.00:31
MarcoPwell they need to update their website lol00:32
_28_riaHello, I've just discovered, that 'apt' doesn't keep packages in /var/cache/apt/archives/, it removes them right after installation?!00:32
_28_riaIs it true?00:32
MarcoPthanks kek00:32
k1l_MarcoP: no. you need to think and not just copy and paste00:32
naccMarcoP: they have a yakkety version which you should use00:32
_28_riaor am I missing something?00:32
MarcoPk1l_, well I went to the section called ubuntu...it was a mistake .....00:32
MarcoPget over it00:32
MarcoPthanks naac00:33
k1l_MarcoP: its not for me to get over it. its for you not making a mess out of your system. but its your system, good luck with it.00:33
tripkinAh, got it. It was the Ambience theme causing my problems.00:33
k1l__28_ria: did you run any clean commands?00:33
MarcoPk1l_, well its all they had on the ubuntu section..so get a life loser00:33
tatertotsivanskie: does it work if the system in question is dmz'd?00:33
ivanskiegood question.00:34
k1l_MarcoP: insulting me will not make it better for your system. installing packages for 12.04 because you only copy and paste is the issue. not me.00:34
_28_riak1l_: No, and even immediately after installation, archives dir doesn't have any files in it.00:34
tatertotsivanskie: if you don't know the answer to that question, your next step should be to find out.00:35
CodeMouse92__MarcoP: k1l_ is right. It isn't a matter of attacking you. Installing a 12.04 package in 16.10 is like filling a car tank with coal, to oversimplify the anaology00:35
ivanskieyeah i'm about to try testing this00:36
k1l__28_ria: iirc apt runs  the clean command after the install is completed. yes00:36
CodeMouse92__Each Ubuntu distro has technical differences that affect how software is built and runs. Installing a package for one distro on another distro can be at best pointless, at worse disasterous.00:37
_28_riaI have cron script running every 12 mins, that caches any downloaded debs from archives to a centralized lan, then, I've started noticing, that log messages 0 packages copied always, even though, I've installed programs, that consisted of dosens of packages. I've looked in archives and and it was empty. Searched an entire HDD, it didn't have any *.deb s in it.00:37
nacctbh, i think MarcoP just made a mistake, it's ok00:37
_28_riak1l_: I recently started to use apt, because, I liked, how it shows progress bar and colors, etc. So, I've finally decided to test to install some package with 'apt-get' and the package appeared in archives folder, so I've discovered, that apt removes them after install. Too bad. I will stop using apt, than.00:40
k1l__28_ria: i was just looking at the manpages, but i guess its a  config setting.00:41
_28_riak1l_: Too bad, I didn't know about it before, because, I've just now noticed about this behaviour, after downloading/installing Gigabytes of packages. So much traffic was wasted. I am pissed.00:41
k1l__28_ria: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/zesty/en/man5/apt.conf.5.html  i guess that is some setting there. if you are interested have a look00:43
_28_riak1l_: Yes, thanx. I will try to solve this. I don't like it as a default behaviour.00:44
MarcoPnacc I got i downloaded thanks00:47
=== freakynl is now known as Guest64199
posmultiple vulnerabilities in tcpdump: CVE-2016-7922, CVE-2016-7923, CVE-2016-7924, CVE-2016-7925, CVE-2016-7926, CVE-2016-7927, CVE-2016-7928, CVE-2016-7929, CVE-2016-7930, CVE-2016-7931, CVE-2016-7932, CVE-2016-7933, CVE-2016-7934, CVE-2016-7935, CVE-2016-7936, CVE-2016-7937, CVE-2016-7938, CVE-2016-7939, CVE-2016-7940, CVE-2016-7973, CVE-2016-7974, CVE-2016-7975, CVE-2016-7983, CVE-2016-7984,00:57
posCVE-2016-7985, CVE-2016-7986, CVE-2016-7992, CVE-2016-7993, CVE-2016-8574, CVE-2016-8575, CVE-2017-5202, CVE-2017-5203, CVE-2017-5204, CVE-2017-5205, CVE-2017-5341, CVE-2017-5342, CVE-2017-5482, CVE-2017-5483, CVE-2017-5484, CVE-2017-5485, CVE-2017-548600:57
Ben64pos: can you not00:58
k1l_pos: if there are patches for thos issues, than the security team will patch the ubuntu packages. look at ubuntu.com/usn00:59
posoh, I'm sorry. there is a root RCE vuln in a package and I listed the CVEs00:59
posk1l_, there are, debian fixed this almost a week ago00:59
Ben64pos: you keep coming in here and pasting a bunch of CVEs, I'm not sure what you think that accomplishes00:59
k1l_pos: use the cve tracker on the site i mentioned00:59
wedgiedebian released patches Sunday. Give it a few days01:00
posyesterday I came in here and reminded you that there were multiple vulns in openssl01:00
=== rhea is now known as Guest60317
Ben64this isn't the place for that01:00
naccpos: this is the support channel, not the developer channel, and the security team is presumably aware01:00
k1l_pos: this is the community support channnel. canonical got a security team. use the site i linked to get to know the status of cves.01:00
posnew openssl packages arrived today, as to whether this is a result of me nagging I don't know01:00
k1l_pos: no its not.01:00
naccpos: it's not.01:00
theskilltesti setup znc on my ubuntu box, but i go to https://ip:port that i set it up to, and it doesn't connect01:01
k1l_theskilltest: dont use https to connect01:01
k1l_use just ip:port.01:02
theskilltestit must be firewall01:02
k1l_theskilltest: homenetwork?01:02
theskilltestits a linode vps01:02
wedgieor the service isn't acutally running. ''sudo netstat -tnl''   do you see the port listening?01:02
wedgietheskilltest: ^^01:03
theskilltest5678, yep i know its running cuz it connected to some irc channels01:03
k1l_pos: if you find a cve not already tracked there file a bugreport and link the cve there.01:04
posk1l_, i've tested ten of them, none seem to be tracked01:04
daxhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/pkg/tcpdump.html begs to differ01:04
poshttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/?pkg=tcpdump lists nothing for me01:04
theskilltesthmmm tcp6?01:04
tatertotstheskilltest: make sure accessing a GUI/x is included in the linode plan you have....    :)01:04
daxthe security team, unsurprisingly, keeps track of pending CVEs. they do not particularly need someone manually keeping track of something they are doing automatically01:05
theskilltesta gui? the znc you access it just by ip:port via web browser01:05
k1l_theskilltest: did you try to restart znc to make sure it uses the correct state of config?01:06
theskilltestinteresting.  sudo service znc restart Failed to restart znc.service: Unit znc.service not found.01:08
theskilltestbut its running somehow, lol its idling in channels as we speak01:09
k1l_theskilltest: wait, that is only listening on ipv6 on that port01:10
theskilltestyea that would be a problem i think01:10
Ben64check with nmap01:10
k1l_theskilltest: look at your znc config01:12
theskilltest4 and 6 were set to true, so im now setting ipv6 to false01:12
k1l_if you set listener6 than it will only use ipv601:13
theskilltesthow do i kill this znc process so i can start it again01:14
theskilltestpkill or something01:14
wedgiedoes it not have a startup script? ''sudo sytemctl restart znc.service'' or something lik ethat?01:14
theskilltestnope, i guess that part isn't setup01:15
k1l_didnt you use the repo package?01:15
theskilltesti used apt-get znc01:16
theskilltestthen i ran znc --makeconf01:17
theskilltestBOOM tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN01:17
theskilltestbut still ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED01:18
theskilltestits got to be iptables or something01:18
Ben64check with nmap01:18
theskilltestnmap https://i.imgur.com/fkSIjk5.png01:20
Ben64you know, paste.ubuntu.com exists01:21
Ben64and there you go, port closed01:21
theskilltesthow do i open the port, these iptable commands are confusing01:21
theskilltesti tried iptables -A01:22
Ben64closed means nothing is listening on that port01:22
theskilltesthmm but thats not what sudo netstat -tnl is saying on the server01:22
wedgieor that it is being rejected by a firewall01:23
Ben64wedgie: that'd be "filtered"01:23
wedgieBen64: there's a difference between -j DROP and -j REJECT. REJECT results in "connection refused"01:23
k1l_theskilltest: are you sure the pw you use is correct for znc? did you check the config?01:24
wedgietheskilltest: what does ''sudo iptables -L'' show?01:24
k1l_theskilltest: http://wiki.znc.in/FAQ#Why_do_I_get_an_.22Incorrect_Password.22_every_time_I_connect_even_though_my_pass_is_correct.3F01:24
theskilltestwedgie http://paste.ubuntu.com/23902797/01:25
wedgietheskilltest: ok, the problem is that the ACCEPT rules for 5678 are after the REJECT rules for everything01:26
theskilltestdoes this iptables live in a file somewhere i can rearrage01:27
wedgieyes, but i'm having trouble finding out where... one sec01:28
wedgietheskilltest: there they are. Seems to be in /etc/ufw01:31
wedgiemy goodness, for being the "Uncomplicated FireWall" they sure didn't make this straightforward01:33
litupbrainshey guys..this is a kali linux question..=)..what is a release file?and how do i get one..?my apt-get update isn't updating the repo..01:34
xangualitupbrains: this is no Kali channel01:35
pc_thunderbird mail works with protonmail? i tried and failed.01:35
xanguaAnd last I knew Kali was abandonware01:35
theskilltestBOOM working =]01:36
litupbrainsxangua: yeah just thought id try though..if anyone could help me, do pm..thanks in advance..cheers to all!=)01:36
wedgiexangua: when did that happen?01:36
xanguawedgie: no idea? Who cares? This is #Ubuntu?01:36
wedgiexangua: sure, but not need to give misinformation.01:37
wedgielitupbrains: they do have their own channel01:37
xanguapc_: don't know about proto mail, Thunderbird works fine with my Gmail/IMAP setup01:38
pc_I see, thank you.01:38
pc_i will stick with the browser.01:38
pc_i really appreciate startup disk creator01:47
pc_is it compatible with all linux distros or exclusive to ubnutu flavors?01:47
=== freakynl is now known as Guest57155
KB3216755im not sure its compatible with ubnutu01:48
pc_I should learn the terminal way.01:49
KB3216755im blackbelt at the terminal ways01:50
pc_Sweet! can you teach me?01:50
KB3216755i could but it will cost you01:50
pc_i will offer my soul.01:51
pc_just kidding01:51
wafflejockdd I just saved you nothing ;)01:51
pc_I want to take linux lessons once i can afford it.01:52
jamie_1how do i check how much graphics memory i have?01:53
KB3216755you can pay with sweat and tears01:53
tatertotsjamie_1: can you open terminal?01:53
jamie_1tatertots: yeah already have one open01:53
pc_I dont sweat or cry01:53
adrian_1908I actually think GUI tools are a good choice for messing with media formatting. On the command line, a brainfart can be made quite easily.01:53
tatertotsjamie_1: sudo apt install inxi pastebinit01:54
KB3216755then you will fail01:54
tatertotsjamie_1: let me know when it's completed01:54
pc_but why!01:54
jamie_1tatertots: what is inxi pastebinit?01:54
jamie_1i dont like to stall s01:54
jamie_1stuff i dont know what is01:54
wafflejockjamie_1, pastebinit is for putting stuff from terminal output to pastebin and gives you a URL01:54
wafflejock!info inxi01:54
ubottuinxi (source: inxi): full featured system information script. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.3.1-1 (yakkety), package size 125 kB, installed size 565 kB01:54
tatertotsjamie_1: i will inform you of what they both are ...standby01:54
pc_KB3216755, do you use ubuntu phone?01:55
tatertotsjamie_1: inxi - full featured system information script01:55
jamie_1tatertots: just looked it up01:55
tatertotsjamie_1: pastebinit - command-line pastebin client01:55
KB3216755no but i use linux phone01:55
pc_uh android?01:56
tatertotsjamie_1: let me know when it's completed01:56
jamie_1tatertots: sorry i like check what im installing01:56
tatertotsjamie_1: :)01:56
tatertotsjamie_1: let me know when it's completed01:56
KB3216755apt-get update seems broken on my linux phone01:57
jamie_1tatertots: also im on intell graphics so i dont know how well its going to check lol, see as itel has dynamic grapics memory allocation01:57
jamie_1tatertots: its done01:57
peneI am Top Manias01:57
tatertotsjamie_1: in terminal>       inxi -Fxxrzc0|pastebinit01:57
peneI am Top ManiasI am Top ManiasI am Top ManiasI am Top ManiasI am Top ManiasI am Top ManiasI am Top ManiasI am Top ManiasI am Top ManiasI am Top ManiasI am Top Manias01:57
peneI am Top ManiasI am Top ManiasI am Top ManiasI am Top ManiasI am Top ManiasI am Top ManiasI am Top Manias01:57
peneI am Top ManiasI am Top ManiasI am Top ManiasI am Top ManiasI am Top ManiasI am Top Manias01:57
tatertotsjamie_1: press enter         share url/link here01:57
tatertotsjamie_1: don't worry..nothing unique to your person is in the link01:57
tatertotsjamie_1: :)01:58
KB3216755can someone make sure pene is really dead?01:58
tn5421seems pretty dead to me01:58
pc_wow lol01:58
pc_why are you mad at him?01:58
kspencerbecause spam01:58
jamie_1tatertots: you want the grapics section right?01:58
tatertotsjamie_1: i said share the url/link here01:58
tatertotsjamie_1: didn't ask you to do any filtering, i would have asked you to do that if it was needed01:59
KB3216755i just wanna make sure that when i teabag him he doesnt bite my balls off01:59
jamie_1tatertots: yeah... little more on there than im willing to fully paste01:59
tatertotsjamie_1: if that makes you paranoid you don't even wanna know where to find your video memory lol...you better run along and find something else to focus on or do your own homework/research on google02:00
KB3216755jamie_1: you got something to hide?02:00
jamie_1KB3216755: no i just dont feel like sharing everything about my system02:01
tatertotsjamie_1: that's understandable.02:01
KB3216755i always say if you got something worth hiding you probably got something worth find out02:02
tatertotsgood luck with your search02:02
pc_ubuntu is missing a cinnamon flavor..02:02
tatertotsor should i say study/homework lol02:02
jamie_1really tatertots a second ago you were telling me to run along and do my homework... lol02:04
jamie_1not some little girl playing around with linux XD02:04
jamie_1getting a direct answer to what your allocated grapics memory while using a intel grapics card with no-dedicated memory isnt just pull up your specs02:05
KB3216755you need to dig in to the proc folder02:06
tatertotsjamie_1: then you shouldn't have to study long to find what you seek then right?02:06
jamie_1Yeah, tatertots its not listed in there, in the grapics section there is nothing about allocated memory02:06
tatertotsjamie_1: you can find it by issuing a single command lol..but since you wanna be smart arsed...you'll find it on your own lol :)02:07
tatertotsonions have layers...random fact02:07
pc_ok, I cant delete skype of off my pc any ideas?02:07
KB3216755dont you love it that this channel is logged so that future generations will be able to read it say likw 1000 years from now02:08
jamie_1really tatertots you were the one telling me to run off and do my homework02:08
KB3216755just writing in here makes me imortal02:09
buttersticksshot in the dark. but i tab complete the directory so i know it exists http://pastebin.com/raw/61ej1mVL02:09
pc_if people want privacy and security why's this chat logged?02:09
KB3216755security reasons02:10
pc_lol, such as?02:10
KB3216755security and privacy are enemies of each others02:11
KB3216755just ask the FBI02:11
SchrodingersScatI'd rather not02:12
butterstickspc_, more importantly why would u think its not logged. anyone can log on irc? or forums online02:12
KB3216755thing is you dont need to02:12
Ben64!ot | everyone02:12
SchrodingersScatTheir answer would probably be, "Why are you calling us?"02:12
ubottueveryone: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:12
KB3216755they have explaind it countless times02:12
jamie_1and tatertots i found what it is currently, but the max is 1gb less than your current ram unless specficied otherwise in the bios, i just wanted to know current use which is 256.02:13
pc_buttersticks, im wondering because most people i know are moving to linux because they want privacy and no evidence of them on the internet lol02:13
pc_but yea i obviously don't know everything. just wondering why is it logged when it's against what people want.02:13
butterstickslol but your friends use smartphones lol02:13
KB3216755its the new age of paranoia02:14
Ben64KB3216755, pc_, buttersticks: take this elsewhere02:14
pc_most dont or use flip phones02:14
buttersticksBen64, im just waiting for a reply02:14
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KB3216755pc_: is an expert at paranoia02:14
Ben64buttersticks: you're contributing to offtopic stuff02:15
pc_im not KB3216755 . and ok ben6402:15
KB3216755yes you are dont sell yourself short02:15
pc_ fine you got me.02:15
KB3216755p'robablly one of them AI experts02:16
pc_that's something i want to get into.02:16
BlueProtomanWhen I install an application that uses Qt locally, it looks really ugly and distorted.  http://picpaste.com/pics/PvioWeqF.1485915335.png  But when I install it from a package manager, it looks fine.  http://picpaste.com/pics/ABjFOa4Y.1485915421.png  What gives?02:17
KB3216755Advanced Interrogation02:17
BlueProtoman(This is Ubuntu 16.10)02:17
pc_not that.02:17
buttersticksi love when moderators are gungho about 'enforcing' but not answering Ben6402:17
KB3216755thats what AI stands for02:17
Ben64KB3216755, pc_ : take it to PM or something, stop filling this channel with nonsense02:18
KB3216755you seem very good at it02:18
Ben64buttersticks: maybe  because i can't even see what you asked since there's a flood of crap in the way02:18
KB3216755imagine a tirless interrogation machine you would spill your guts just earing its name02:19
pc_my bad ben6402:20
majac777i've got a question please..02:22
pc_ask away02:22
KB3216755dont ask to ask02:22
majac777I am wanting to install virtual box and VBoxGuestAdditions, but it does not seem to be included in Ubuntu repositories.02:23
majac777I tried: sudo apt-get install virtualbox.02:23
nacc!info virtualbox | majac77702:23
ubottumajac777: virtualbox (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 5.1.6-dfsg-2 (yakkety), package size 15003 kB, installed size 67308 kB02:23
naccmajac777: you need to enable multiverse02:23
nacc!info components | majac77702:23
ubottumajac777: Package components does not exist in yakkety02:23
nacc!components | majac77702:24
ubottumajac777: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.02:24
majac777and the response was: Package virtualbox is not available, but is referred to by another package.02:24
majac777This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or02:24
majac777is only available from another source02:24
cocomo_hi, I pressed ctrl-alt-f2 to get into tty how do i go back to gui?02:24
wedgiecocomo_: ctrl alt F702:25
cocomo_wedgie: thanks i try.02:25
wedgieF1-6 are TTYs, and F7 is usually X (sometimes F8 on some systems)02:25
JohnDoe2hello there, does anyone know what this says? "This was due to a .bashrc file present in the home dir and set to giving output." -- it's about using SFTP and .bashrc failing/closing the connection. Context: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-server-73/strange-scp-error-and-fail-664945/02:26
=== freakynl is now known as Guest41345
KB3216755im making an AI so advanced that can convince a jew to gladlly vote for hitler02:27
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu02:27
naccKB3216755: you've been told multiple times, take it to offtopic (although even that is offtopic there)02:27
naccBen64: fair enough :)02:27
Ben64yeah it's about time02:27
Ben64back to our regularly scheduled program02:28
F4lloutHi, is there an official fix for the disk encryption login not working when using proprietary drivers?02:32
F4lloutfor now i have removed the quiet splash from 'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT' which removes the splash screen and instead you input the encrpytion key in a standard text screen02:33
F4lloutWas just wondering if any of you have any other fixes/experience with the problem02:34
Beau4KF4llout: wrong channel ask in the proper proprietary drivers channel02:37
F4lloutwhats the channel name mate?02:38
Beau4Kyou should know what drivers you are using02:39
JohnDoe2what does scp/openssh say here? http://paste.ubuntu.com/23903051/ What does read<=0 rfd 4 len 0 mean? why is it so hard to include a human readable error message? "I can't read the damn file, my connection dropped" or... "I dropped the connection and I have no idea why I did so because my developers have not met this situation before"02:39
* Sean_McG headdesks02:40
hggdhJohnDoe2: pretty much"read failed or EOF. I understand your frustration, but please go complain with the developers of ssh02:41
F4lloutyes i know what drivers i am using, does not mean i automatically know what irc channel to go to though?02:41
JohnDoe2alright, I'll go complain.02:41
JohnDoe2you wouldn't happen to know what its problem is, though, would you?02:42
tfittsDoes anyone know what needs to be done to correctly partition an NVMe drive to optimize performance?02:42
Sean_McGI doubt there are any performance-enhancing partition schemes02:43
F4lloutcant tell if you are trolling or not beau4k02:43
Beau4KSean_McG:  if you have 254 megas of ram a swap partition can greatlly enhance your computers preformance02:44
Sean_McGBeau4K: you sir, are full of it.02:44
Beau4KSean_McG: thats was uncalled for02:44
tfittshttp://askubuntu.com/questions/698395/poor-io-performance-pcie-nvme-samsung-950-pro mentions making sure the starting block on the partition is divisible by 4096.  Not sure where to do that02:46
craigbass76I've just mixed a project down in ardour. What's the best way to get it from wav to mp3? I need to stick it somewhere for the singer to grab it, and wav is too big02:46
Beau4Ktfitts: Gparted takes care of that for you02:47
waltmanI just ran sudo apt upgade; sudo apt upgrade and installed a few packages. About a minute later a window popped up saying I needed to update a few other packages apt hadn't listed, including nautilus and firefox. Then it said I needed to reboot.02:47
Beau4Kcraigbass76:  you need to install libmad02:48
Beau4Kfrom the universe repo02:48
waltmanTwo questions: 1) Why do I need to reboot if there's not a new kernel? 2) Why don't I see the second group of packages in the apt logs?02:48
waltmanAlso why do new packages sometimes appear in a popup window instead of just appearing when I run apt from the shell?02:49
Beau4Kcraigbass76: you should use ogg has its in line with freesoftware principles02:49
=== ilfantomas_ is now known as ilfantomas
Beau4Kcraigbass76: http://audio.online-convert.com/convert-to-ogg02:50
craigbass76Beau4K: not a problem for me, but this guy's a non-computer geek singer. Not sure what device he'll be checking with, and what it will read. When he comes over Thursday I'll just send him home with a cd, but I wanted to give him a listen ahead of time02:55
Beau4Kconvert to aac02:56
Beau4Kim sure your friend being a musician uses apple02:56
Beau4Kaac gives better compression that mp302:57
Beau4Keven 64kbps sounds goodish02:59
=== Into_the_Pit is now known as Frickelpit
Iamgay<francois>     |03:10
Iamgay<francois>    \|/03:10
Iamgay<francois>     .03:10
Iamgay<francois>    / \03:10
Iamgay<francois>   ( __)     .---.   ___ .-. .-.       .--.     .---.   ___  ___03:10
CasualNixUseranyone know how to convert hevc 10bit without loss to x264 every file in a particular folder through terminal?03:11
CasualNixUserive got all the codecs installed03:13
CasualNixUserincluding ffmpeg03:13
wedgieCasualNixUser: if you've got the ffmpeg command down for 1 file, you can make a loop to do all of them03:16
wudo_honourhow can I make up bond0 with eth0,eth1 in ubuntu 16.04 ?03:16
CasualNixUsercan you show me how to do it the command and loop?03:16
wedgieCasualNixUser: well, the ffmpeg command will probably be something like this: ffmpeg -i SOURCE_FILE -c:v libx264 -preset ??? -tune animation -c:a copy DESTINATION_FILE03:19
wedgieCasualNixUser: where preset is dependent on how long you want this to take (slower is generally higher quality) and SOURCE and DESTINATION need to be what the original file is called and what you want the converted file to be called03:20
wedgie(also, i'm asuming this is anime because i've never seen anything else use 10bit :P)03:20
CasualNixUseryea basicallly its just my android tv doesnt have hevc support03:21
Beau4Ksome porn uses 10bit03:21
CasualNixUserso for 0 loss what would you put for preset/03:21
PhantomPhreak53I have a new ubuntu 16.04 server that I am going to be using as an FTP server. I want when I type adduser user. It creates there home directory to be root:root and create a folder called upload. What is the best way to achieve this? Can i just put a chown command in an existing script03:21
craigbass76Beau4K: Nope, he's a singer and a lumber salesman. Probably got an iPhone and maybe an XP box at home. lame -h bass_drums_rhythm.wav bass_drums_rhythm.mp3 did it for me.03:22
wedgieCasualNixUser: so start from that and see if it does what you want. And if it does, head over to #bash to see about putting it in a loop. Make sure to specify precisely what the original files are named like, and what you want the resulting files to be named03:22
_28_riak1l_: After reading of many mans and searching on the inet, didn't find any help, except for many people, having the same problem. None of the answers to them worked (I've tried). Also, I've looked through options in all of apt.conf.d/ files Tried changing some params, but didn't help. Stumbled upon a command: 'apt-config dump'.03:22
Beau4Kcraigbass76: iphone plays aac just fine03:23
wedgieCasualNixUser: you can read over this https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Encode/H.264   I myself typically use "slower", but i'm not sure if that is lossless03:23
craigbass76Beau4K: Is there an open source phone yet?03:23
CasualNixUseri would use ifme but im running ubuntu in vm while the actual os im running is arch and i think it would be bit to slow on vm to use ifme03:23
wedgieCasualNixUser: i'm usually going the other way... old xvid or divx to h264 since my kodi machine doesn't have support for the older stuff but does for h26403:23
_28_riak1l_: Looks like, it dumps all the configs, currently set, in a normalized facion. Looked through all of them. Found this option: 'Binary::apt::APT::Keep-Downloaded-Packages "0"'03:23
craigbass76Sounded like Ubuntu was "kind of" scrapping it03:23
Beau4Kubuntu phone is kinda opensource03:24
Beau4Kbut still uses blob03:24
craigbass76A banker fried was telling me firefox phone were closer to being adopted in the US than the ubuntu one, but I stopped paying attention03:24
craigbass76All mine does is text, make calls, and read twitter, so I don't much care what the OS is03:25
CasualNixUseri did try to do use yaourt -S ifme but ya its not there lol only windows and ubuntu03:25
craigbass76But I would rather an Ubuntu phone than Android03:25
CasualNixUserhow much slower would it be in vm ubuntu to convert?03:25
wedgieCasualNixUser: not much difference i wouldn't think. Depening on how many cpu's you gave to the VM, of course03:25
wedgiemore cpus = faster conversion03:26
Beau4KCasualNixUser: way would you need ubuntu on a vm?03:26
CasualNixUserbecause ifme is easier to use than ffmpeg command line but there is no package made for arch and there is for windows and ubuntu03:27
hggdhPhantomPhreak53: why would you want to use FTP and create root-owned files?03:27
Beau4Ktheres no ffmpeg in arch?03:27
hggdhPhantomPhreak53: real bad move, security-wise03:27
CasualNixUserthere is03:27
CasualNixUseri have that installed03:27
bickolusi never come03:27
bickolusme too lol03:27
CasualNixUserbut im talking about this program with a nice gui called ifme03:28
bickolusdont play it03:28
CasualNixUserofc arch has ffmepg i have the full pack installed03:28
bickolusgimp it03:28
bickoluson the way03:28
Beau4Kjust copy the command line from the gui program and run it on arch03:29
CasualNixUserdidnt think of that LOL03:30
Beau4Kor you could use this03:31
bickolusill;' come03:31
_28_riak1l_: That option wasn't in apt.conf* files, so I've added it to apt.conf with parameter 1, then checked with command apt-config dump, saw, that it changed there to "1", tested installing some package with 'apt', and it worked! Packages were kept in archives folder.03:32
CasualNixUserdont think itll let me upload 2gb files each03:32
bickolushave it03:32
wedgieCasualNixUser: did the command I gave you not work?03:33
CasualNixUseri did wonderfully i was just hoping to in the program since it could do it all it once03:33
CasualNixUserit* did03:33
bickolusmy bad03:33
CasualNixUserthanks so much wedgie!03:35
CasualNixUserabout to go to lseep thanks again!!03:35
Beau4Ktoo bad that page cant convert to vp903:35
hattrick99I accidentally type my password on command line.03:40
rmviewerHi!  I used to be able to ssh into one of my servers (outside my network) and then ssh into another local box.  I can't do this anymore.  Any ideas why?  I haven't changed any of the settings on either box.03:40
hattrick99So i found it in bash_history and deleted the line03:40
hattrick99but control-r still finds it.. so does up arrow..03:40
hattrick99how do I remove that?03:40
wedgiehattrick99: history -c03:40
wedgiealso, it'll probably not show up if you open a new terminal03:40
wedgiermviewer: can't do which?03:41
darkhackhello all03:41
rmviewerYeah, that wasn't very clear.  I can't ssh tunnel into the 2nd box.  I get `Permission denied (publickey).`03:41
hattrick99but where is it right now?? i mean.. its somewhere!!03:42
darkhackasem ge03:42
MarcoPhattrick99, if you run bleachbit it should find all that...depending on your settings03:42
wedgiermviewer: are you forwarding your key agent? ssh -A03:42
rmviewerI assume that ssh-agent should take care of forwarding the original key for me.03:42
wedgiermviewer: only if you use -A or otherwise configure it in your ~/.ssh/config03:42
rmviewerI never had to -A before.  But that still doesn't work anymore.  My config doesn't disallow agent forwarding.  I'm completely at a loss.03:43
rmviewerVerified that I can directly ssh into box 203:43
wedgiermviewer: try ssh -v to get some more debug information03:44
milindNoob here. Is this the right channel to ask for support re display resolutions?03:46
hattrick99milind its better to just ask your question and see if anyone has any ideas.03:46
darkhackwhat the best server os Debian or Ubuntu?03:46
milindMy PC is an Ubuntu 16.10/Win 10 dual boot machine.03:47
milindProcessor:Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU E7400 @ 2.80GHz × 203:47
milindGraphics: Intel® G3303:47
milind2GB Ram03:47
milindA few days ago the display started turning weird shades of green, though I could still use the computer. The VGA cable seemed to be loose & at fault, so I changed it. After changing, though the colours were back to normal, in both Ubuntu & Windows 10 the maximum resolution shown was 1024*768 @60 Hz, though the Dell LCD monitor's maximum is 1600*900 @60 Hz. In Windows, I could find the higher...03:47
cfhowlettdarkhack, are you trolling us?03:47
milind...settings in Advanced Display Settings and get things back to normal. But Ubuntu Settings do not show any resolutions except 800*600, & 1024*768. How can I get the higher resolutions back?03:47
xanguadarkhack: for asking support in the #Ubuntu channel? Ubuntu03:47
rmviewer@darkhack the one that meets your needs.  I'm not trying to be combative.  It's really personal preference.03:47
pc_any experts on different distros? please pm me. thanks.03:48
xanguapc_: you want ##linux03:48
pc_Thank you03:48
_28_riamilind: I am not very pro about it, but command line utility xandr should be able to dig into display guts03:49
rmviewerwedgie: everything looks legit on the connection attempt.  Box 1 connects, matches the known host key.  The only auth method that can continue is publickey.  The server has no public keys so that fails.  I don't see any attempt to use ssh-agent in the output.  Should there be?03:49
=== Ard1t is now known as Guest39821
milind_28_ria: Thanks.Will check that.03:50
wedgiermviewer: ... is that on the connection that is working or the connection that is not?03:51
rmviewerwedgie: that's the connection that's not working.  I'm currently ssh'ed into Box 1.  I can't use that ssh session to get into Box 2.03:52
wedgiermviewer: if the server has not public keys.... I must be misunderstanding something03:53
hattrick99rmviewer really sounds like you need agent forwarding on.03:55
rmviewerwedgie: both server have the same authorized_keys list.  The entire point of this is that I only opened up a single port on my home network which goes to box 1.  I used to use that ssh session to then do "ssh user@" in order to use my open session to get into multiple boxes at home.  For some reason this stopped working recently.  Neit03:56
rmviewerher server has any id_rsa file.03:56
hattrick99you have your keys on your local computer, yes? and no keys on server 1, and want to go local -> server 1 -> server 203:56
rmviewerhattrick99: correct.  Used to work.  Stopped working recently without any change from me.  I've been doing it for over a year.03:56
wedgiermviewer: given that it should work with agent forwarding (-A). You aren't using screen or tmux, are you?03:57
rmviewerI guess I could just open up multiple ports, but it still doesn't explain why it stopped working.03:57
wedgiecause if you are that will mess with the agent forwarding03:57
rmviewerNo, just a normal session.03:58
rmviewerI'm wondering if something auto-updated.03:58
wedgiermviewer: out of curiosity, what happens if you do this: ssh -A -L 2222:box2ip:22 box1user@box1      and then from another terminal (on the local machine) ssh -p 2222 box2user@localhost03:58
hattrick99or just ssh -A box1 then ssh box2 from box103:59
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pc_no response there, is there an ubuntu free talk room?03:59
wedgiehattrick99: that's what he'e been trying04:00
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:00
pc_unable to join the other channel.04:00
ubottuFor information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.04:01
rmviewerwedgie: ssh: connect to host port 2222: Connection refused04:04
wedgiermviewer: that was ssh -p 2222 localhost     (note that localhost should be taken literally here, not substituted)04:04
wedgieonly with the first connection already opened04:05
_28_riamilind: I've made a typo. It's xrandr, not xandr.04:06
rmviewerwedgie: Yeah, oops.  Same public key error: Permission denied (publickey).04:07
rmviewerI would have expected the same.  I'm guessing that ssh-agent is messed up on Box 104:07
rmviewerOr not auto starting04:07
wedgiermviewer: add the key manually with ssh-add04:08
wedgiessh-add .ssh/id_rsa04:08
wedgiebut i assume that you use the key to log into box1, so that probably isn't it04:09
rmviewerwedgie: yes, same key on both.  The sane thing to do is to just open another port directly to Box 2.04:11
hattrick99is box 2 up?04:12
rmviewerhattrick99: yeah, I can ssh into it directly right now.  Just not from Box 1 anymore.04:12
wedgiermviewer: very odd. Something must be up with the agent forwarding. Not sure what to suggest beyond that04:14
=== workfro is now known as afru
rmviewerwedgie: thanks for the suggestions.  That's all I can come up with too.  I don't know what could have happened to the automatic agent forwarding, but it's obviously not working anymore.  At least I have a very solid workaround.04:15
rmviewerIt's definitely messed up.  'ssh-add -k' followed by 'ssh-add -l' shows the agent has no identities04:21
quangi need to install linux drivers for my wireless dongle04:49
quangsupposidly this is it04:49
quangbut what do i do?04:49
xangua!info linux-firmware | quang but you haven't really tell us what adapter04:51
ubottuquang but you haven't really tell us what adapter: linux-firmware (source: linux-firmware): Firmware for Linux kernel drivers. In component main, is optional. Version 1.161.1 (yakkety), package size 32278 kB, installed size 154224 kB04:51
quangthat is as far as i got about it04:53
quangi got a eub9603h04:54
quangis the model number04:54
quangthe brand is senao04:54
quangi have a usb stick to transfer the files from this computer to the one im trying to install the drivers to04:55
quangso that computer has no internet access atm04:55
quangi got there from that page04:56
quangthats the wireless thing i got04:56
quanghi xangua04:57
quanghi ubottu04:57
quangwait are u bots?04:57
quangor real?04:57
homelessjerryquang: lol05:00
homelessjerryquang: what's wrong with your wireless card?05:00
wafflejockquang, hehe ubottu is a bot xangua we're not quite sure about yet05:17
xanguaquang: wouldn't know sorry, it looks like a very shady dongle, the only thing I can do is recommend you linux compatible hardware https://www.thinkpenguin.com/05:25
tatertotsquang: no way you can hard wire the computer temporarily?05:26
inf0t3chHas anybody heard when an updated displaylink driver is going to be released?05:31
=== mohammad is now known as sysadmin
Mr_CyclopsHi All. I am having trouble configuring chroot config for some SSH users. Is this is the right forum to ask?06:13
Mr_Cyclopsor suggest me a better one please? Thanks06:13
_28_riaMr_Cyclops: why not use LXD?06:14
Mr_Cyclops_28_ria, LXD?06:15
_28_riaMr_Cyclops: nevermind, I've realized, that you just want to give ssh connected users an isolated dir. @ 1st, I thought you wanted to give ssh users an isolated environment, which LXD, would be the best choice, but for just an isolated dir, I don't know how to do it. I only did isolated (chrooted) ftp dir.06:18
Mr_Cyclopsnp _28_ria thanks for your advice anyway :-) Appreciate it06:20
_28_riaMr_Cyclops: You're welcome06:20
the-list1nerhello everyone , like this #ubuntu do you use slack or telegram groups?06:24
wafflejockMr_Cyclops, you might want to try #ubuntu-server06:31
wafflejockMr_Cyclops, you can ask here too though didn't really say what the issue was that you ran into?06:31
Mr_Cyclopsthank you wafflejock06:35
the-list1nerhello everyone , like this #ubuntu do you use slack or telegram groups?06:49
lotuspsychjethe-list1ner: your searching for other channels?06:50
the-list1nerlotuspsychje: yes06:53
lotuspsychje!alis | the-list1ner06:53
ubottuthe-list1ner: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"06:53
the-list1nerlotuspsychje:Thank you06:54
l9default gw change permantly on ubuntu how?07:03
lotuspsychjel9: gw?07:06
hateballl9: change it in network-manager07:08
l9hateball: dont have gui installed07:10
l9lotuspsychje: gateway == gw07:10
hateballl9: helps if you clarify that, being that #ubuntu assumes a desktop07:13
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server07:13
hateballl9: that said, if you have network-manager on the server, use nmcli, otherwise edit /etc/network/interfaces07:14
l9hateball: i added too the interfaces gateway x.x.x.x07:15
l9but still after a reboot i get the old gateway07:15
alkisgl9: what are the contents of your /etc/network/interfaces, and of the command `ip a` ? put them to pastebin07:17
l9interfaces http://paste.ubuntu.com/23903966/07:17
l9ip a07:18
alkisgl9: you need to declare eno1 in /etc/network/interfaces, see an example there: https://wiki.debian.org/NetworkConfiguration07:18
alkisgl9: now you just have a gateway for lo, not eno107:18
l9alkisg: i probally need too set the ip static too07:20
alkisgThere's an example for that there, too07:21
l9yes i found it good document thanks :)07:21
l9is ubuntu and debian so close that one could follow the debian documents?07:22
alkisgl9: there's this one too: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/network-configuration.html07:23
alkisgBut yeah, /etc/network/interfaces syntax is the same, because it runs from the same code07:23
l9alkisg: yes i saw that ubuntu guide earlyer i think i get confused when i want too correct a small error and gets hit with complicated guid like that one07:27
turistahey every1, is someone awake?¿07:37
l9alkisg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23904002/ thanks that did the trick :) needed a reboot of the client and up up and away it when07:38
alkisgl9: np07:39
turistaI'll paste something random here and tell me what you think07:40
turistafatal error: libxml/xmlmemory.h: No existe el archivo o el directorio07:40
l9that you have something that fails with a xml file?07:41
l9or a program using xml07:41
turistaa program with it07:42
turistaI did install several times several types of xml207:42
turistabut I don't get it, and yelling to the machine is not working07:42
turistait barely works with downloads only07:43
l9do a search for this file libxml/xmlmemory.h might be it is just missing a sym link07:43
turistait says that it does not exist07:43
wafflejockturista, yeah it just can't find it http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24657017/fatal-error-libxml-xmlmemory-h-no-such-file-or-directory07:43
l9wafflejock: a sym link missing?07:44
wafflejockturista, you can use, updatedb, then, locate xmlmemory.h, to see where the file actually is if you did install something with it07:44
wafflejockl9, yeah well some missing include path07:44
turistaI just did type "make" as the readme file did ask me to do07:45
l9turista: problem is that when you make a program you need too include all kinds of shit apposed too apt get install07:46
hateball!compile | turista07:46
ubottuturista: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall07:46
wafflejockturista, yeah that means there's a Makefile in there and it has some default target with a bunch of commands in there one of them builds the program with gcc (the c compiler) it fails cause the expected path for that file/library isn't right for your system07:46
turistaI'm trying to see if I've the .h with the find command07:46
l9turista: try this apt search "nameofprogram"07:47
l9whitout the "part"07:47
turistagosh I don't have it07:49
turistamay I know wich package should I install to get it?¿07:49
turistagcc -pthread rarcrack.c `xml2-config --libs --cflags` -O2 -o rarcrack07:51
wafflejockturista, looks like it's in libxml2-dev07:52
turistaI gotta test it07:54
turistadang I don't have it >_< then what I've been installing with the xml207:55
turistabut thank you for your time, gonna do that tomorrow; the wireless here is another troubleshooting :-P~07:58
db09hi I'm trying to set up a server in virtual machine (version 5.1.4) with ubuntu server 14.04. When I ping I'm geting "destination host unreachable" - any help appreciated07:58
turistahave a good night or day, dunno where u're now, bye-bye07:58
=== Gazyrlezon is now known as Nery
=== eroux is now known as eroux[away]
glacheI have a question and found it unanswered on StackOverFlow...How can I disable avahi-daemon in Ubuntu 16.04?...http://askubuntu.com/questions/761292/how-to-disable-avahi-daemon-in-ubuntu-16-04-lts08:40
jimmyarhow do i know that the gnome-image-viewer name in the command line /? To open it from there ?08:43
jimmyarHow the heck do I know it's name ? It's not called viewer08:43
jimmyarSo yes, that's a problem I want to know the name of the binary ?08:43
glacheDrag it to the terminal08:43
hateballjimmyar: you can use "xdg-open filename" to use whatever is default for that mime type08:43
jimmyarwhich is the executable name for it ? how08:44
jimmyarno xdg-open just opens the file, I want to know the name of the binary08:44
jimmyarHow do I drag it to the terminal ?08:44
jimmyarI never did it08:44
jimmyarI always use the cli ,so ...08:45
alkisgglache: you tried systemctl disable avahi-daemon, and it still starts?08:45
glacheI haven't tried it yet.08:45
glacheI read somewhere that it hangs.08:45
glacheI'd like to permanently disable it.08:46
SourceyHello. If I would like to get an email if anyone logs into the database. Is this possible? phpmyadmin in this case08:46
Tahr-Poopglache, glache, sudo systemctl disable avahi-daemon.service && sudo systemctl mask avahi-daemon.service08:46
jimmyarI went to the ps aux and it says it's name of "eog"08:47
jimmyarstrange name08:47
glacheNetstat -plunt still shows it08:47
jimmyareog for gnome image-viewer08:47
alkisgglache: systemctl disable disables the service for all next boots. systemctl stop stops it now so that you don't see it in ps aux08:47
glacheLet me reboot.  brb08:48
ducassejimmyar: the viewer is called "eye of gnome", that's why.08:48
jimmyarducasse: how do i uninstall a software , and remove EVERY TRACE OF IT08:50
jimmyarand including the config files08:50
L0rdLaraveljimmyar, sudo rm -rf /08:50
jimmyarSo that when I install it, it's as if its is the first time I am installing it08:50
jimmyarno lol rm -rf / removes everything the complete smack08:51
ducassejimmyar: if you want to remove the config files in your homedir, you need to do that manually08:51
ducasseL0rdLaravel: don't suggest that, not funny08:51
jimmyarwhat about in /etc ?08:51
L0rdLaravelwhat software is it jimmyar ?08:51
jimmyarand else where , like in /usr/08:51
glachealright, it's gone.  ty08:51
jimmyarIt can be any software, but in this case it is wireshark08:52
L0rdLaravelok that stores it in your home dir08:52
L0rdLaravel~/.wireshark most likely08:52
alkisgglache: np08:52
glacheHow can I disable cupsd permanently?08:52
L0rdLaravelsudo systemd cupsd disable i think08:52
ducassejimmyar: 'sudo apt purge wireshark' removes the package, look in ~/.config for config files08:53
jimmyarhow do i purge the autoremove packages ? also08:54
jimmyarapt-get autoremove doesn't remove the deps completely,every last trace of it08:54
jimmyarI think, this is a advanced question regarding the package management08:55
no_gravityHello! Do you guys use screen with multiple linux users? If so, how?08:55
jimmyarAnd this may even be beyond most users08:55
alkisgjimmyar: those remarks are lame. sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove wireshark08:55
glachebeyond me for sure08:56
L0rdLaravelgoogle search is beyond us all, god save the Queen08:56
glachelol, I searched though08:56
L0rdLaravelssshhhh ;p08:56
jimmyaralkisg: dude E: Command line option --purge is not understood in combination with the other options . Have you even tried it?08:57
jimmyarSo many people never try the comands that they tell to others.08:58
alkisgjimmyar: try copy/paste, you made typos08:58
alkisgjimmyar: also, stop begin rude08:58
alkisgjimmyar: I didn't say "--purge", I said "purge", read again.08:58
jimmyarI tried that too08:59
alkisgjimmyar, I said: sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove wireshark09:00
alkisgjimmyar: that's a perfectly valid command09:00
alkisgIf you can't type it properly, don't blame others09:00
L0rdLaravelworks for me alkisg09:00
glacheWhy do I get a permission denied when I try "sudo echo "manual" > /etc/init/cups.override"?09:00
alkisgglache: run `sudo -i` first, then do the cd commands09:00
L0rdLaravelglache, manually edit the file09:00
L0rdLaraveloh nice -i09:01
alkisgglache: *the echo commands09:01
glacheThere is no file though....09:01
L0rdLaravelit will make it09:01
alkisgglache: sudo -i <enter> echo "manual" > /etc/init/cups.override09:01
glacheWhy is the 'sudo -i' required first in this case?09:01
L0rdLaravellol alkisg it's kind of sad i realised what sudo -i does, i have been using it for 10 years09:01
alkisgglache: when you run a pipe, sudo xx | yy, then the xx command runs as root, but the yy as the user, so it can't access special files09:02
jimmyar0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 6 not upgraded.09:02
jimmyarwhat's autoclean09:02
glachemakes sense09:02
L0rdLaravel!ban jimmyar09:02
glacheHow can I break out the root prompt without closing the window and without loses the sudo session?09:03
alkisgCtrl+C ?09:03
glacheDoesn't work09:03
jimmyarin what way is autoclean different from autoremove, and I do get a lot of not upgraded packages09:04
jimmyaralkisg: yeah that works though, yes it is a valid cmd I know now09:04
jimmyarL0rdLaravel: what about you, giving other rm -rf advice , and now I should be removed from here?09:04
geirharun exit or hit Ctrl+d09:04
glachesweet, ty09:05
alkisgjimmyar: auto-clean means "delete the package *cache*, the .deb files that are no longer needed", while auto-remove means "uninstall the packages that are currently installed but not needed by other packages"09:05
kovanovskyexit works to break out of the root prompt, but not sure if it'll lose the sudo session09:05
powerfulgirlAdolf Hitler's Warning https://youtu.be/MCNHaLziBQw "this video just opens my eyes"09:05
jimmyaralkisg: ok thex09:05
jimmyarpowerfulgirl: are you a Nazi ?09:05
glachectrl+d did break the sudo session09:05
powerfulgirl(((the open borders lobby))) (((mass murders)))  (((international hyenas)))09:05
glacheoh no, a nazi in the chat09:06
jimmyarpowerfulgirl I understand that, but this is ##ubuntu not ##NAzi09:06
L0rdLaravelit's a bot silly people lol09:06
jimmyarhow do you know ? And who put it here to troll us all09:06
L0rdLaraveli have been using IRC for 10+ years and it behaves like a bot09:07
jimmyarbots nowawdays can be as intelligent as humans09:07
L0rdLaravelnot this one, look at it lol09:07
glacheI use to use IRC 10+ years ago, but I stopped for along time.09:07
L0rdLaravelpowerfulgirl, sup09:07
glacheI'm still a noob.09:07
jimmyarglache: seriously how can have you been using linux ?09:08
powerfulgirl"I spent my whole life believing that Hitler was just evil, but the fact is that Jewish bankers do own and run most of the world, they cause most of the wars, they create poverty as a tool of their power, and they are committing worldwide white genocide."09:08
L0rdLaraveljimmyar, do you have any friends in real life ?09:08
jimmyarlike 10+ years, seriously? And don't even know ctrl+d09:08
jimmyarL0rdLaravel: no why ?09:08
powerfulgirlThe truth set me free!09:08
glacheI've been using Linux only like three years.09:08
jimmyarI have no friends L0rdLaravel but why ?09:08
jimmyarwhat about you L0rdLaravel09:09
L0rdLaraveloh I can tell by how you type on IRC, so I wanted to confirm my suspicions09:09
L0rdLaravelYes I have friends in real life, thanks09:09
jimmyarL0rdLaravel: ?09:09
geirhaglache: It should, unless you've bound Ctrl+d to something other than the default09:09
jimmyarHow I type ? What that has to do with it ? is my typing strange to you ?09:09
jimmyarDoesn't it tell me something about the real life ? NO internet is my life09:09
jimmyarI live and roam on the internet09:10
ppfremember, this is #ubuntu09:10
jimmyarI want to become digital, and shed my human form09:11
glacheI use to use AIM back in the day.  In the late 90's, early 2000's.09:11
glacheIs it normal to have DNSmasq listening if I'm not hosting a server?09:12
L0rdLaravelyes i think so glache09:14
ducasseglache: yes, ubuntu uses it as a caching resolver by default09:14
glacheSo it's not a security risk in any way?09:14
alkisgIt's actually trying to solve security issues09:15
alkisgbadly, imho, but anyways it's the default09:15
ducasseglache: open ports something is listening on are always a risk09:15
glacheScary stuff.09:17
alkisgIt's listening on localhost, trying to avoid dns cache poisoning09:17
alkisgIt's not scary, just quick and dirty implementation instead of something better09:17
ducassethey switched to systemd-resolved in 16.10, i think?09:17
alkisgDunno, I stick to lts releases09:18
glacheI'm just trying to protect the noc list.09:18
JennyBlueBirdhi guys, getting only blank pages in firefox with all addons disabled. Chromium works fine, and I tried clearing all offline data. The websites seem to load but do not render. Any ideas ?09:29
hateballJennyBlueBird: if you press F12 to get the dev console, does that show any particular errors?09:30
hateballJennyBlueBird: or if you start firefox from a terminal, does it spit out any weird errors?09:30
hateballJennyBlueBird: have you tried with a clean/new profile?09:30
JennyBlueBirdhateball, sec09:31
JennyBlueBirdI think it may be the tracking protection gone awry09:31
JennyBlueBird[GFX1]: Failed 2 buffer db=0 dw=0 for 0, -1, 64, 4209:32
JennyBlueBirdThat sounds bad09:32
JennyBlueBirdhateball, it seems to get a bunch of gfx errors09:33
JennyBlueBird[GFX1]: Failed 2 buffer db=0 dw=0 for 0, 0, 1440, 74209:33
JennyBlueBird and the like09:33
hateballJennyBlueBird: can you try disabling HW accel? In options -> advanced09:34
hateballrestart the browser after09:34
JennyBlueBirdhateball, slight change, but same problem09:35
JennyBlueBirdhateball, I get some background for elements now , mostly blue09:35
hateballJennyBlueBird: what GPU/driver are you using?09:36
hateballIntel (i915) ?09:36
JennyBlueBirdnvidia , the one which the utility says is tested09:36
JennyBlueBirdit worked up until this morning09:36
hateballJennyBlueBird: so nvidia-367 I take it?09:37
JennyBlueBirdit was 34009:37
JennyBlueBirdgonna try to change it to 367 and restart09:37
JennyBlueBirdreporting back after a reboot09:38
=== kody9034 is now known as kody90
JennyBlueBirdstill failing hard09:42
JennyBlueBirdhateball, that made it infeasible to boot09:42
JennyBlueBirdhatchetjack, solved it. The magic "refresh firefox" button in help solved the issue09:46
JennyBlueBirdhateball, *09:46
JennyBlueBirdstill dunno what was wrong09:46
JennyBlueBirdthanks anyway09:46
hateballJennyBlueBird: something broken in your user config then I guess09:48
Tahr-PoopJennyBlueBird, are you using ff 50 or 51?09:49
JennyBlueBirdoooooh, it's broken again09:49
JennyBlueBirdwonder what I changed09:49
hateballJennyBlueBird: you left before I could reply, need to make sure you are using the right driver for your chipset. 340 is the last one for legacy chipsets09:49
hateballhence being unable to boot with anything more recent09:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1659922 in firefox (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1643200 Firefox 51.0.1 does not display pages/shows blank pages." [Critical,Triaged]09:51
JennyBlueBirdnope, my bad09:52
JennyBlueBirdeven a fresh firefox with everything reset fails09:52
JennyBlueBirdhateball, how do I nuke my profile ?09:52
JennyBlueBirdXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".  <-- that cannot be good09:54
hateballJennyBlueBird: you launch with "firefox --profilemanager"09:54
hateballJennyBlueBird: that lets you create a brand new profile to test with09:54
JennyBlueBirdyea, I get gfx problems09:54
hateballJennyBlueBird: otherwise the profile is stored in ~/.mozilla/firefox09:54
JennyBlueBirdawwww, shucks, it's not just firefox09:55
JennyBlueBirdglxinfo moans too09:55
Ben64time to install the proper graphics drivers09:55
JennyBlueBirdyea, thing is I think I have done that09:57
hateballJennyBlueBird: what chipset do you have? "lspci -v"09:57
Ben64JennyBlueBird: lshw -C VIDEO09:57
JennyBlueBirdIt's a GTX 76009:58
JennyBlueBirdbut the thing is09:58
JennyBlueBirdit worked fine09:58
JennyBlueBirdand now it does not :S09:58
hateballJennyBlueBird: you dont want 340 for that card09:59
hateballJennyBlueBird: you will want at least 36709:59
JennyBlueBirdI justw ant it working09:59
Ben64340 supports 76009:59
JennyBlueBirdit was working fine up until 5 minutes ago09:59
Ben64JennyBlueBird: pastebin lshw -C VIDEO10:00
JennyBlueBirdBen64, http://pastebin.com/9qW0TC2410:01
JennyBlueBirdthe proprietary driver widget gets stuck :/10:01
Ben64looks like you're using no driver10:01
Ben64JennyBlueBird: run this... "sudo apt-get install build-essential dkms linux-headers-$(uname -r) linux-headers-$(uname -r | sed s/-[a-z].*//g) linux-headers$(uname -r | sed s/^.*[0-9]\-/-/g)"10:02
JennyBlueBirdGonna give the widget one mroe chance10:02
WhirHello, I have an Edimax USB wlan adapter, and it does not work on system start-up, but I have to unplug and replug the device.10:03
Whirthe device ID is 7392:7622, r8712u the loaded kernel module10:04
=== fernando is now known as Guest88331
MacroManI've seen `read -p $"Press [Enter]..."` as way to pause a bash script, but my script doesn't pause. I get `1: read: arg count` instead10:09
MacroManWhat am I doing wrong? Got it from this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/92802/what-is-the-linux-equivalent-to-dos-pause10:10
Tahr-PoopWhir, in terminal run > lshw -class network | nc termbin.com 999910:10
alkisgMacroMan: what's the actual line you're trying to run?10:10
Guest88331After starting my computer and before appearing de Ubuntu theme the screen is full of vertical colour lines. The system runs ok. Any help with the lines?10:11
MacroManalkisg, `read -p $"Press [Enter] to continue..."`10:11
alkisgMacroMan: is your script running with bash? if so, it should work...10:12
alkisgDo you have #!/bin/bash on top?10:12
=== comgot1 is now known as comgot
MacroManalkisg, That did it, thanks10:12
MacroManI always forget about the hashbang10:13
WhirTahr-Poop: http://termbin.com/wq8510:13
Harishello all10:13
HarisI need http/ftp browsable repo for Ubuntu 14.04.2. Where can I find it ?10:13
HarisI need individual pkgs for manual download10:14
=== comgot1 is now known as comgot
koen_dd if=/dev/zero of =5.doc bs=1M count=10 what does the command do?10:19
Tahr-PoopWhir, Can you please reboot your system without reinserting adapter and pastebin the output of lshw -c network and dmesg | grep usb commands?10:19
Ben64koen_: fails because of the space after "of"10:20
WhirTahr-Poop: you mean reboot to the plugged in no Wifi state right?10:20
EriC^^koen_: it makes a file 10M in size full of zero's10:21
Tahr-PoopWhir, yes10:21
koen_EriC^^: 10Mb in size?10:22
EriC^^koen_: well, 10MiB10:22
JennyBlueBirdhateball, Ben64 ok, so I managed to fix the graphics driver, glxinfo works now, but firefox still won't render stuff10:23
WhirTahr-Poop: roger, see you soon then10:23
Ben64JennyBlueBird: pastebin lshw -C VIDEO10:23
=== captain_fixerpc1 is now known as captainfixerpc14
GNU_GRUBanybody got some Ubuntu tips & tricks?10:23
koen_EriC^^: why i am not able to find any zeros if i cat that file10:24
Harisguys ? where can I find php5_5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.19_all.deb ?10:24
EriC^^koen_: it's not a string10:24
EriC^^koen_: it's a literal zero in hex10:24
EriC^^it's a hexadecimal "00"10:25
=== Gazyrlezon is now known as Nery
koen_but in that case do i see any special characters when i do a vi or cat?10:25
JennyBlueBirdBen64, http://pastebin.com/fvhZtKd810:25
Ben64JennyBlueBird: great10:25
JennyBlueBirdBen64, firefox is still broken though10:26
EriC^^koen_: try "hexdump -C file"10:26
JennyBlueBirdBen64, get a blank white page10:26
hateballJennyBlueBird: wont render regardless if you make a new profile with profilemanager?10:26
JennyBlueBirdBen64, tried refreshing it to purge all addons, still fails10:26
JennyBlueBirdhateball, yea10:26
JennyBlueBirdhateball, if I refresh it from the troubleshooting page in help it renders until I start it anew, then it fails10:26
JennyBlueBirdhateball, so I am guessing the configuration is broken in some of my personal settings10:27
koen_EriC^^: oh cool10:27
Zenkoen_: 0x0 in the ascii table is the ascii character 'nul', will probably be rendered as ^@10:27
Zenthats for vim btw, cat wont render anything10:27
WhirTahr-Poop: http://termbin.com/lyi210:29
JennyBlueBirdhateball, yea, it works if I refresh firefox, then it fails again on next launch10:30
hateballJennyBlueBird: I am not talking about refreshing your current profile, I asked if you tried creating a brand new one10:30
JennyBlueBirdhateball, I've tried both10:31
JennyBlueBirdyup , it fails still10:31
hateballJennyBlueBird: and you are now using nvidia-340? or nvidia-367?10:31
Harishello ?10:32
JennyBlueBirdhateball, 340 , but that is almost certainly not the issue10:32
JennyBlueBirdhateball, like I said if I refresh firefox it works, until I start it again10:32
hateballDo as you like, I'd upgrade to 367 first10:32
Tahr-PoopWhir, so driver is loaded but it looks like theres something problem with network manager10:34
WhirTahr-Poop: I see that it is only disables10:34
WhirTahr-Poop: yep10:34
WhirI can do an iwlist scan10:34
Whir..and see all the networks10:35
WhirTahr-Poop: uh, wait..no I am online, sorry10:35
WhirTahr-Poop: any ideas about the nm?10:36
Tahr-PoopWhir, add https://paste.ubuntu.com/23904524/ to /etc/network/interfaces10:39
Whirah, ok10:40
Tahr-Poopauto wlx801f028fb9cc10:40
Tahr-Poopiface wlx801f028fb9cc inet dhcp10:40
Tahr-PoopWhir, ^^ add both lines10:41
ren0v0Hi, the redis-server package contains redis-sentinel binary, but there is no systemd unit for it, is it expected for the user to create it?10:41
ren0v0I ask because i found this issue and it seems in debian it was split out?  https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=77541410:41
ubottuDebian bug 775414 in redis-server "redis-server: redis-sentinel has no init or other startup script" [Normal,Fixed]10:41
WhirTahr-Poop: yep, I see :] This file only had the loopback device configured..10:41
WhirTahr-Poop: will do a reboot10:42
Harishow to upgrade php5 pkgs on 14.04.2 without performing dist-upgrade ?10:43
ppfHaris: install it10:44
Haris-> manually10:44
Zenren0v0: seems like debian is silly in assuming that all services should automatically start10:44
ppfHaris: ?10:44
Harishow to install it ?10:44
Harisapt-get install pkg name ?10:44
Haris4.19 is installed. 4.20 is available10:44
HarisI have a box that doesn't have Internet access10:45
=== isabel__ is now known as someone_else
Harishow do I download php5 pkgs for that one ?10:45
someone_else16│14:19:16     | public void put(Object x) throws InterruptedException {                                                                                                                                                   │10:45
someone_else17│14:19:16     |  lock.lock();                                                                                                                                                                                             │10:45
someone_else18│14:19:16     |  try {                                                                                                                                                                                                    │10:45
someone_else19│14:19:16     |  while (count == n) notFull.await();                                                                                                                                                                      │10:45
someone_else                  │14:19:16     |  items[rear] = x; rear = (rear + 1) % n; count++;                                                                                                                                                         │10:45
someone_else                  │14:19:17     |  notEmpty.signal();                                                                                                                                                                                       │10:45
someone_else                  │14:19:19     |  } finally {                                                                                                                                                                                              │10:45
someone_else                  │14:19:21     |  lock.unlock();                                                                                                                                                                                           │10:46
mozammelHi, looking for help, some of icon not show up on Kmymoney- 4.8.0, no matter Which icon theme I chose, I have also install oxygen theme, i'm using ubuntu 16.10 unity 7.10:46
someone_else                  │14:19:23     |  }                                                                                                                                                                                                        │10:46
someone_else                  │14:19:25     |  }                                                                                                                                                                                                        │10:46
someone_else                  │14:19:28     |  public Object take() throws InterruptedException {                                                                                                                                                       │10:46
someone_else                  │14:19:30     |  lock.lock();                                                                                                                                                                                             │10:46
someone_else                  │14:19:32     |  try {                                                                                                                                                                                                    │10:46
ReptiliaAnyone here experienced with gtk+3.0? I am trying to follow a Youtube video on GTK, but after i try to compile a file using the terminal, i get a message that the gtk.h library is missing, although it is present in usr/include. Thanks in advance.10:46
someone_else                  │14:19:34     |  while (count == 0) notEmpty.await();                                                                                                                                                                     │10:46
someone_else                  │14:19:36     |  Object x = items[front];                                                                                                                                                                                 │10:46
ppfren0v0: redis-sentinel ships an init script10:46
someone_else                  │14:19:39     |  front = (front + 1)% n; count--;                                                                                                                                                                         │10:46
HarisRe-typing Q: I have a box that doesn't have Internet access. how do I download php5 pkgs for that one ?10:46
ppfren0v0: what ubuntu are you on10:46
Harisits 14.04.210:47
ppfHaris: packages.ubuntu.com10:47
Harisit doesn't have php5-mcrypt10:47
ren0v0ppf, 16.0410:47
ren0v0i don't see it10:47
ren0v0ppf,  i've just modified my redis-server one, but would happily see the shipped one if you have a link :D10:47
ppfren0v0: dpkg -L <package>10:47
geirhaHaris: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Offline10:48
ppfgranted i'm on yakkety10:48
Zenren0v0: I see redis-sentinel on my 16.04 server10:48
JennyBlueBirdhateball, Ben64 solved it in case somebody else has the problem. Resetting the GTK themes seems to have fixed it. It is odd since I have not touched it at all, but I am guessing some upgrade broke the themes, and just switching between two different themes fixed the problem.10:48
ren0v0ppf,  what package? there is no redis-sentinel package10:48
WhirTahr-Poop: did not work :/10:48
ppf!info redis-sentinel yakkety | ren0v010:49
ubotturen0v0: redis-sentinel (source: redis): Persistent key-value database with network interface (monitoring). In component universe, is optional. Version 2:3.2.1-1 (yakkety), package size 8 kB, installed size 59 kB10:49
ren0v0Zen yes a binary, not a service ?10:49
WhirTahr-Poop: 'tainting kernel' ??10:49
ppf!info redis-sentinel xenial| ren0v010:49
ubottu'xenial|' is not a valid distribution: kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial-proposed, yakkety, yakkety-backports, yakkety-proposed, zesty, zesty-backports, zest10:49
ppf!info redis-sentinel | ren0v010:49
Whiralso had to comment out the two lines in interfaces, wifi did not come up at all10:49
JennyBlueBirdhateball, in fact, switching back to the previous theme still works, so most likely some upgrade scripts broke the theme, and just having the GUI widget select it fixed the configuration.10:49
Whira service networling restart did the trick then10:49
ren0v0ppf, now i'm confused, i'm using sentinel just fine because it ships with redis-server....10:49
JennyBlueBirdhateball, Ben64 thanks for the help anyway10:50
ppfren0v0: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=xenial&searchon=names&keywords=redis-sentinel10:50
WhirTahr-Poop: maybe some IPv6 problems?10:50
koen_so do we always have to exlude /mnt while backing up the whole system10:51
koen_sudo tar -cpzf backup.tar.gz --exclude=/mnt /10:51
ren0v0ppf yes i can see the 10 posts about there being a package apparently, i'm trying to say that its already shipped with redis-server (the binary)10:51
ren0v0is that normal ?10:51
Zenren0v0: I have redis installed on 16.04 and theres no redis-sentinel binary10:51
ppfren0v0: no10:51
Tahr-PoopWhir, whats your current kernel?10:52
ppfren0v0: dpkg -L redis-server10:52
ppfdpkg -S $(which redis-sentinel)10:52
WhirTahr-Poop: 4.4.0-59-generic #80-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 6 17:47:47 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux10:52
ren0v0ppf most of your commands aren't working or returning things :D10:52
ren0v0can you explain what exactly i'm supposed to be checking?10:53
ppfdpkg -L lists the contents of an installed package10:53
Tahr-PoopWhir, try this try this https://github.com/lwfinger/rtlwifi_new10:53
ren0v0redis-sentinel is NOT installed on my system, but the binary is here  >>> /usr/bin/redis-sentinel10:53
ren0v0Zen ^10:53
Zenppf: yup, I see no redis-sentinel binary in the redis-server package http://termbin.com/i9qu10:53
ppfif the command fails for you, then redis-server isn't installed through dpkg/apt10:53
ppfdpkg -S searches your installed packages for the one providing a specific file10:54
ren0v0sudo dpkg -S $(which redis-sentinel)10:54
ren0v0dpkg-query: error: --search needs at least one file name pattern argument10:54
nicman23hello, how is ARM support in ubuntu?10:54
ren0v0sudo dpkg -S $(which redis-server)10:55
ren0v0redis-server: /usr/bin/redis-server10:55
ren0v0so explain that to me ;)10:55
nicman23arm(v7)hf to be specific10:55
Zenren0v0: redis-sentinel has not been installed with dpkg/apt10:55
ppfren0v0: well there's no /usr/bin/redis-sentinel binary10:55
V7: )10:55
WhirTahr-Poop: compile as root?10:55
* V7 is armed by nicman2310:55
ppfdespite what you've been saying. which redis-sentinel should resolve to /usr/bin/redis-sentinel, if the binary exists (and is in your PATH)10:56
Tahr-PoopWhir, not necessary, compile as non root user but run make install as root10:56
nicman23also make help might... help10:57
ren0v0Zen, yes because i've not installed redis-sentinel how many times!10:57
ren0v0ppf, there is on my system, i didn't put it there manually10:57
ppfthe error message disagrees with you10:57
ppfrun "which redis-sentinel10:57
ren0v0returns nothing...10:58
ren0v0which one disagrees with me ?10:58
Zenren0v0: ok, `file /usr/bin/redis-sentinel`10:58
ppfthen there's no redis-sentinel in your PATH (and by extension, in /usr/bin)10:58
ren0v0how is this showing ?11:00
ren0v0and, i'm using the thing!11:00
ppflocate isn't live11:00
ren0v0o ffs11:00
ppfrun Zen's command11:00
ren0v0i just updated and restarted,11:00
ren0v0so maybe its been split out since 3.0.711:00
ren0v0whotf does that11:01
ren0v0so i could have been using this in production, to find out they removed the binary?11:01
ren0v0yes, its gone now.........11:01
ppfredis-server on xenial is 3.0.611:01
ren0v0great job packagers !11:01
ppfit's been split out in 3.0.011:02
WhirTahr-Poop: there is no configure?!11:02
ren0v0ppf,  i was just running 3.0.7 (from PPA), literally just updated and i'm now on 3.2.6 and the sentinel binry was removed :D11:03
Tahr-PoopWhir, nope just make && sudo make install11:03
ppfas i said, redis-sentinal has been split out of redis-server in 3.0 by upstream (debian)11:04
ren0v0yes, from that link i pasted earlier    https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=77541411:04
ubottuDebian bug 775414 in redis-server "redis-server: redis-sentinel has no init or other startup script" [Normal,Fixed]11:04
ppfon the other hand, if your stuff comes from ppas, you're on your own. ppa maintainers don't have any rules11:05
ppfren0v0: if you stick to the official repositories, these things don't happen11:08
ren0v0so, ubuntu would have left the binary in place when upgrading from < 3.x  to above?11:08
WhirTahr-Poop: allright, success...reboot?!11:09
ren0v0ppf, and 16.04 is still on 3.0.6 which is 2 years old11:09
ren0v0security issues and all sorts11:09
ppfubuntu backports severe security fixes11:10
ren0v0ok features then, i'm missing features11:10
ppfubuntu wouldn't have upgrade you from 2.x to 3.x11:10
ren0v0particulary for mongodb i was11:10
ppfwithin a release11:10
quanghow do i download this binary11:11
ppfsure, nothing wrong with that. but you can't have any expectations toward package integrity if you're using stuff from ppas11:12
quangi get html page11:12
quangwhen i try to do save11:12
roryquang: click the link that says "plain"11:12
ppfquang: click "plain"11:12
quangi do11:12
quangbut when i look at the file in atom11:12
quangits html still11:12
roryquang: wget https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git/plain/rtl_bt/rtl8192ee_fw.bin11:12
Ben64quang: no it isn't11:13
quangmayb i did it wrong before11:13
quangbut when i click on the fileit opens it look binary11:13
Tahr-PoopWhir, yep, if that doesnt solves it try solution from https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1685394#p168539411:16
WhirTahr-Poop: wpa_supplicant, did not expect to deal with him again ^^11:18
WhirTahr-Poop: thx so far!11:20
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OlofLCan I safely delete files in /boot  to free up space? I have problem updating with apt upgrade https://gist.github.com/sliddjur/47a50721bcde971ca2aab0d9cc1a1df911:29
WhirTahr-Poop: *sigh*, still not working...for now I will solve it physically, by having the usb port close to the desk for easy re-pluggin'11:30
RaullHello all11:32
admiralakberHey there. I'm trying to install ubuntu 16.04.1 server in UEFI mode. I have dd'ed the iso to a USB. However, it's not booting in UEFI mode.11:32
RaullI have a question about FPS11:33
RaullIs there difference between 60 and 120 fps in a video?11:34
panicstradmiralakber you need to create uefi bootable usb11:34
Ben64Raull: yes, difference is 6011:34
daedelothRaull, yes. the 120 fps has twice as much images per second. ;)11:35
RaullBut is possible to use 120 or 240 fps? Or its only for games. I mean in a normal video taken with a nice camera11:37
admiralakberpanicstr: okay, it literally just started working for some reason. I swear I didn't I ask prematurely. Wierd.11:37
k1l_Raull: the human eye cant see faster than 25-28 fps11:37
Ben64k1l_: that's not true : /11:38
k1l_OlofL: i prefer to use "sudo dpkg -r some_old_linux_kernel_package" to free space. look at "dpkg -l | grep linux-image" for installed kernel packages11:39
RaullYes you can see difference between 30 and 6011:39
RaullCheck in youtube a video11:39
admiralakberRaull: Doesn't youtube only play back at a certain rate?11:40
RaullLike if you see a film in 60 fps11:40
k1l_Raull: Ben64 than you are talking about halfpictures or something like that. this will cause tearing etc. for regular full pictures my answer stands11:40
RaullNo admiralakber11:41
k1l_Raull: but what is your ubuntu support question?11:41
Ben64nah man, humans can see images that last less than 1ms11:41
RaullYes ben6411:41
Ben64but yeah, not really related to ubuntu11:42
RaullYes sorry, i will ask in another channel11:42
RaullThank you anyway11:42
sirvk1 > i can see difference between 60fps and 100fps in counterstrike for example ... best noticable on old CRTs11:43
RaullBut i mean if is only for games11:44
admiralakbersirv: That might be because of the refresh rate though. Don't get me wrong though, closer to infinity frames per second the better.11:44
sirvwhen i first saw 60fps video - i did not know it was 60 fps - i was surprised how fluent it was and did not know why11:45
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sirvdont worry YT would not offere 60fps if there was no difference11:46
daedelothRaull, I don't know how fast your screen refreshes but I think your screen will just start ignoring frames at that rate :P11:46
daedelothhm although, refresh rate of 5ms means 200 fps11:46
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mar77ihello #ubuntu. I have a question because this message I get is weird ("You are required to change your password immediately (root enforced)"), but googling about it was even more confusing.11:53
k1l_mar77i: where do you get that message?11:54
mar77ifrom su11:55
mar77i# su # like so, as well as $ sudo su # like so11:56
OlofLk1l_: uname -a Linux ubiquiti 4.4.0-36-generic #55-Ubuntu SMP Thu Aug 11 18:01:55 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux.. but I have images  38 to 5911:56
k1l_mar77i: on what system? what ubuntu? own server or from a hoster?11:56
k1l_OlofL: than you did not reboot since then? (uptime will tell you)11:57
mar77ian ubuntu xenial box I connect to with ssh.11:57
OlofLk1l_: 152 days11:57
OlofLk1l_: wil it autoremove old images on reboot?11:58
k1l_mar77i: that seems to be a common issue on digitalocean setups.11:58
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo
OlofLk1l_: sudo dpkg -r didnt work that well https://gist.github.com/sliddjur/3285f4e037b981d34b1de46d348b834812:09
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k1l_OlofL: still run sudo dpkg -r  linux-image-4.4.0-21-generic12:10
k1l_OlofL: if that single remove complains about the linux-extra package just add that to the dpkg -r command12:10
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sputnikguys, i'm tryna build two packages from debian source, but i get into troubles12:12
sputnikthese are the steps: http://p.lr.lt/?hash=9faed31d547f70e705718dbb3598c14212:12
sputnikanyways, after installing those deb packages "iw reg set COUNTRY_CODE" is ignored12:13
sputniki'm sure i'm doing something wrong with them keys12:13
sputnikanyone has a clue?12:13
markus-kHi. Are there any scripts/toolsets available for building these images yourself: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/xenial/current/ ? I'd like to add/change something to one of these myself12:15
BluesKajHt folks12:20
Jazzy_JBluesKaj, Morning/Evening.. depending on what side of the globe you are on.12:21
BluesKaj'Morning Jazzy_J12:22
ubottuThe queue of packages awaiting approval to enter the archive (also known as the NEW queue) and scheduled to build it at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/zesty/+queue12:36
k1l_henok: if you have a question just ask :)12:39
Ilyasis the new patched version of tcpdump already in the stable repositories?12:39
Ilyasmy server instance is still on "tcpdump version 4.7.4"12:40
k1l_Ilyas: last time i looked there were not even patches to most of the issues available12:41
sputnikerm, guys..?12:41
Ilyask1l_: ...oh12:42
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anddamgrub-install installs by default a bootloader called "ubuntu" in the ESP, I'd like to install a second one as backup, I'm reading grub-install(8) but I'm not very familiar with grub install so I'm unsure what's appropriate for efi12:46
anddamI figure --efi-directory has to be /boot/efi12:47
XIngLingI am trying to somehow configure a magnetic card reader and the official software runs only on windows. Does anyone know how to configure it on linux? the brand is Gertec12:47
OnepamopaXIngLing, if the OEM doesn't provide linux drivers, someone has to reverse-engineer a driver.12:48
XIngLingOnepamopa: that's too bad12:49
hateballXIngLing: you'll need to apt install pcsc-tools pcscd12:50
hateballif it's some smartcard you are trying to read12:50
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hateballthe device still needs to have kernel modules, but you'll see that in dmesg when you plug it in12:51
XIngLinghateball: will look into that, thanks12:53
raxterakoshello , can someone help me install DVB receiver t900?12:56
afwangHi all. Is there a way to use geeqie's image comparison feature on the command line, or do I have to recreate a script using ImageMagick myself?12:56
Ilyasso, snapd and ubuntu-core-launcher are being held back on my server, is there any particular reason for that?12:58
k1l_Ilyas: did you run sudo apt full-upgrade ?12:58
IlyasI dont think I have, no12:58
Ilyasjust update and upgrade12:58
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== BlackoutIsHere|O is now known as BlackoutIsHere
Guest88331Please, I need help to get to know how de-install completely and securely a third-party software using the terminal.13:12
EriC^^Guest88331: how did you install it?13:13
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raxterakoscan someon help me install tv usb stick right firmware?i am new linux user13:14
Guest88331Eric^^: I did it from de web page of Pixum. I downloaded a .tar and after that exceuted a ./perl. This installed lybraries and created a launcher at the desktop. But a double-click over the launcher does nothing. Pixum does not offer any support for Linux users, so I prefer to remove the entire package and try any other solution. Thank you.13:16
Southern_Gentlemraxterakos, what tv stick and what chipset does it use13:17
EriC^^Guest88331: does the installer offer any uninstall option?13:17
raxterakosomega DVB receiver t900?13:17
k1l_raxterakos: did you look at systemsettings -> software and update -> last tab?13:18
FManTropyxwat just happen13:18
raxterakosBus 001 Device 015: ID 048d:9135 Integrated Technology Express, Inc. Zolid Mini DVB-T Stick13:18
raxterakosk1l_:  yes nothing there13:18
Guest88331Eric^^: I'm afraid, anyone.13:18
Southern_GentlemGuest88331, you should have been afraid when installing anything outside the distro repos13:19
raxterakosSouthern_Gentlem:  omega dvb receiver t900  [15:18] <raxterakos> Bus 001 Device 015: ID 048d:9135 Integrated Technology Express, Inc. Zolid Mini DVB-T Stick13:19
Southern_Gentlemraxterakos,  and what does google say that is the chipset and software needed for that is?13:20
raxterakosSouthern_Gentlem:  i need to install right firmwere but i dont know how13:20
Southern_Gentlemraxterakos,  my previous question13:20
raxterakosSouthern_Gentlem: i did somthing that i found in a german site but i dont know if its right13:20
Southern_Gentlemraxterakos,  is it working ?13:21
raxterakosSouthern_Gentlem:  i can't run the software to test it13:21
raxterakosi installed with wine the software but it dosent run13:21
Southern_Gentlemthen you didnt do something right then13:21
ikevinraxterakos, try: dmesg | grep -i firmware13:22
hateballraxterakos: Software installed in Wine isnt going to put firmware blobs for the kernel to use13:22
k1l_raxterakos: wine doesnt help. ubuntu got software to use dvb hardware13:22
Guest88331Southern_Gentlem: Thank you for your help. Even when does exists a specific package for Linux and it seems that many other Linux users have installed it without problems?13:22
raxterakosikevin: https://paste.ubuntu.com/23905184/13:24
noc_Guest88331, next time install in a live dvd session13:25
hateballraxterakos: That looks like it loaded it just fine, have you tried watching in say VLC?13:25
k1l_raxterakos: you have the firmware for that device.13:25
k1l_raxterakos: so use the dvbutils or another program for it. dont use windows programs i wine. that doesnt work13:26
raxterakoswhy i can't run the software from wine?13:26
ikevinraxterakos, https://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Kworld_UB499-2T13:26
noc_Guest88331, for your current system, you'd need to find someone who knows perl (which are few luckily) and is willing to understand that "perl" script you ran, and tell you the list of operations to be reversed13:26
raxterakosk1l_:  ikevin  hateball  thank you13:26
raxterakosi will try that13:27
Guest88331noc_: thank you for your suggestion.13:27
k1l_raxterakos: use something like vlc or me-tv or such13:27
hateballraxterakos: there's also Kodi to use, but regardless the card/firmware should work just fine13:28
ikevinor tvheaded13:28
raxterakoshmmm ok i will try me-tv first and then kodi and then tvheaded13:29
k1l_raxterakos: you will still need to scan the channel list with the dvbtools13:30
raxterakosk1l_:  step 1) install me-tv and 2) install dvbtools?13:30
raxterakosi am right?13:31
k1l_raxterakos: the installation order doesnt matter. you need to create a channel list that other programs can play, like me-tv.13:31
raxterakosk1l_:  can you guide me how to do?i am afraid to format again13:32
k1l_install dvb-apps, then run scan dvb-t > channels.conf, then open the channels.conf with something like vlc or me-tv13:34
peace_Hello, I am having trouble using xchat client for IRC. I am using ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I am trying to connect to freenode as irc.freenode.net. It says "you may have misspelled". Apart from this, I am also unable to connect to any of the servers in the network list. Please help13:38
BluesKajpeace_, try chat.freenode.net13:39
k1l_peace_: use chat.freenode.net and one of that ports: 6665-6667 and 8000-800213:39
BluesKajpeace_, also try Hexchat instead13:40
ubottuxchat and xchat-gnome have not had stable releases in years. xchat was removed from Ubuntu for 16.04. Consider using hexchat instead, which is actively developed and available in 14.04 onwards.13:40
peace_k1l_ : I will try with your solution13:40
dharmacan anyone help with packetfence13:40
peace_BluesKaj : I tried with thunderbird earlier, but it wasn't working. So i downloaded xchat.13:41
FManTropyxsince when are Thunderbird and xchat alternatives to each other?13:42
peace_BluesKaj : Though I tried changing it to chat.freenode, but the problem persists.13:42
BluesKajthunderbird has an irc chat option, FManTropyx13:42
BluesKajpeace_, xchat is no longer supported, try Hexchat13:43
=== comgot1 is now known as comgot
k1ldharma: their website got a installation howto for their 3rd party package.13:43
peace_FManTropyx : Thunderbird also supports IRC13:43
FManTropyxI see... two years from now it will probably also have a spreadsheet, bittorrent and a video editor13:43
FManTropyxI was already thinking of moving away from using Thunderbird, because it has become such a bloated beast13:44
peace_BluesKaj : I will try hexchat. Well currently I am using mIrc in windows to seek help . :p13:44
k1lpeace_: what is the exact error you get? please put on paste.ubuntu.com and show the link here13:44
dharmawhat is torrent similar in ubuntu13:45
peace_BluesKaj : Okay.13:45
k1ldharma: ubuntu supports torrent clients.13:45
sputnikwhat about building debs from source downloaded with apt-get source? anyone familiar with it?13:46
junaidaliis cloud-images.ubuntu.com down? Downloading speed is taking like 10KBs on average13:47
masterkorphello everyone, I just upgraded my openssl, is there anything that i need to make to force programs to use the new version of the library?13:47
k1ljunaidali: i get a lot more speed.13:48
markus-kjunaidali I'm getting some 400mbit from there13:48
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ikevinjunaidali, no problem here, 6,28MB/s13:49
k1l!pm | dharma13:50
ubottudharma: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.13:50
junaidalithanks guys, I'm getting like 30mbs from other sites but its been like 15mins,I'm facing this issue.13:50
noc_masterkorp, what packages did you install and what versions?13:51
The_Mythhélio guys. is there any command to see how much download and upload speed can my vps reach?13:52
algidanyone have a clue as to why after doing dhclient -r and dhclient to get a new ip address, chrome still think it's offline?13:52
algidor rather, how to solve that without rebooting?13:52
k1lThe_Myth: vps share the hardware ethernetcards with all other vps on that server. so the speed can vary a lot depending on the usage from all the servers13:53
The_Mythk1l: I know. but anyway to test it?13:54
ikevinThe_Myth, use speedtest app13:54
masterkorpnoc_: i updated libssl1.0.0 to version 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.22]13:54
vnccan i make a private channel?13:54
masterkorpnoc_: do i need to do something to apps (eg nginx) to force to load the patched version of the library ?13:55
vncok. have a nice day. bye13:55
k1lvnc: just join a new channel. for informations about what is allowed and how to handle channels on freenode ask in #freenode13:55
vnckll : ok thanks13:55
k1lThe_Myth: run one of the speedtesters for cli?13:56
k1lThe_Myth: something like this http://www.servermom.org/test-internet-speed-vps/13:56
noc_masterkorp, reload the daemons13:56
Jharmhi, i was trying to set up a VPN service few days back. and know when i try to restart apache2 i get  "Job for apache2server failed ..." i've looked at few post that say to maybe a config file is missing, but ive already tried uninstalling and reinstalling apache an no luck. Any suggestions?13:57
noc_masterkorp, basically processes that are currently linked to the libraries need to be relinked with the updated versions, starting them again will do the job, HOW depends on the process/daemon/service13:57
peace_I just downloaded hexchat.But the problem persists.It's taking too long to respond13:58
k1lpeace_: using some special network? like proxy or vpn? or company network?13:58
noc_masterkorp, I'm assuming you did not reboot the machine after the update. If you rebooted then you needn't do anything ofc13:58
masterkorpnoc_: yeah, i did not rebot anything13:59
peace_k1l : No. just local service provider13:59
masterkorpok, so nginx will be a reload enough for it to recognized the new link?14:00
peace_k1l : Everything used to work perfectly fine few months ack14:00
k1lpeace_: what is the exact error from hexchat? can you show on paste.ubuntu.com ?14:00
k1lpeace_: can you ping chat.freenode.net ?14:01
peace_k1l : sure. give me a minute.14:01
JsyncHello. I am curious how I might be able to download sourcefiles. I want to backup all necessary for my system & work on my own distribution.14:03
ikevinJsync, source file of installed packages?14:05
noc_!remaster | Jsync14:05
ubottuJsync: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/14:05
peace_k1l : http://pastebin.com/W1mMMSuR -> error14:05
JsyncI read about "apt-get source", though I want to get all the source files for the total system.14:07
peace_k1l : http://pastebin.com/9RGGN6gM -> after sometime14:07
peace_k1l : Also ping is giving infinite results. So i guess it's working14:08
The_Mythit worked like a charm. :) tks guys14:09
ikevinpeace_, do you connect on the good port? using the ip directly is working?14:09
peace_ikevin : I am connecting from the list provided by hexchatt14:10
k1lpeace_: can you use the ip from the ping?14:10
ikevinpeace_, ok, do you have multiple IP address?14:11
Jharmany suggestions on why i cant restart apache2?14:11
peace_k1l : you mean instead of chat.freenode.net?14:12
noc_Jsync, the system is made up of packages14:12
hateballJharm: Have you looked in your apache logs?14:12
ikevinJharm, does it give you any error?14:12
k1lpeace_: the one where the ping worked for freenode, yes14:12
Jsyncikevin, actually I just want to download all the system package source files for the total system to an External HDD.14:12
peace_ikevin : My router configuration uses DHCP.14:12
k1lpeace_: it looks to me you either do use a proxy/vpn or your dns is broken.14:12
peace_k1l : how to determine and fix?14:13
Jharmyes many, but one that stands out is AH00526: Syntax error on line 13. thsi is when i run journalctl -xe command14:13
k1lpeace_: try with the ip14:14
markus-kWhat is the best way to install libguestfs-tools from 16.10 on 16.04? Too many dependecies to download the deb14:14
peace_k1l: The IP thing just worked i guess. Checking..14:14
ikevinpeace_, ok, install dnsutils  and see if "dig +short chat.freenode.net" return you a list of ips14:15
guardian__HI, I need a help. So my issue is I cant install lubuntu 16.10 nor 16.04 on my new acer es1 533 laptop. The installer crashes when the process is nearly complete. When I tried to install ubutntu the process was stuck at the installation of grub2 file14:15
Jharmi did set up CA certificate and it added a few lines to my example.com.conf file. it worked find at first but know i thinkg that is causing the issue.14:15
annushka_zalopanHelp!!! My firefox just crashed14:16
guardian__Its been 2 days since I am stuck with this issue. Some help would be much appreciated. *My lap only have UEFI boot support.I searched in lot of forums n found a lot of people had the same issue and they returned the lap.14:16
ikevinJsync, you can apt-get source the base packages14:16
annushka_zalopanHELP!!!!!!!! My firefox keeps crashing14:16
guardian__When I contacted acer support they to told me to install win 10 x64 .I tried it and it worked without any issues. But I want lubuntu/ubuntu only14:17
guardian__I tried this command : [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo "EFI boot on HDD" || echo "Legacy boot on HDD" EFI boot on HDD ; it returned EFI boot on HDD14:17
dheerajmy flash player is not working . Any help would be appreciable14:17
ikevinguardian__, disable UEFI14:17
Jsyncikevin, is there a published list of all base packages?14:17
peace_k1l : ikevin : Using IP, it worked. Thanks a lot. Does it mean I have to connect using IP everytime.14:17
guardian__ikevin - my lap only have a uefi14:17
ikevinpeace_, it seems you have a dns problem, if you don't solve it, you need to use the ip14:18
noc_Jsync, what is the real problem you are trying to solve?14:18
Jsyncnoc_, I just want to download the source packages for Ubuntu onto an External HDD so that I can build my own system on my local network.14:19
squashdamehey anna14:19
guardian__ fwiw, EriC^^ : plz help14:19
squashdameany one CS?14:19
noc_Jsync, why would you want to do that?14:19
sebastian_hernananna is a ho14:20
guardian__ikevin : please advise14:20
JsyncJust because. I want to reference the totality of source files & build my own.14:20
k1lsquashdame: this channel is only for technical ubuntu support. dont connect from several clients to here14:20
squashdamemy fault14:20
sebastian_hernanwe are out14:20
Arpit97guardian__ , which software you are using to burn Ubuntu ISO to your usb??14:21
ikevinguardian__, does secure boot is disabled?14:21
peace_ikevin : I have downloaded dnsutils and will try to work with it. Thanks :)14:21
guardian__ikevin : secure boot is enabled and they have disabled the option to turn it off14:21
Arpit97select 3rd option in rufus of partition scheme14:22
guardian__ya gpt with uefi14:22
Arpit97it should be GPT scheme14:22
akikguardian__: usually when you set the admin password, it enables that setting (secure boot disabled)14:22
guardian__ya I choose that only but still it is having issue.14:22
guardian__akik: I tried and the system got stuck.14:22
Arpit97is it running fine in live mode?14:23
guardian__ya right now I am using live mode14:23
ikevinguardian__, http://askubuntu.com/questions/862946/unable-to-install-ubuntu-on-acer-aspire-es1-53314:23
Arpit97Is there any other OS installed in your laptop?14:24
Arpit97like Windows 10 preinstallled14:24
guardian__arpit : no. It had linpus but I deleted it14:25
guardian__iKevin : I tried the second method in that one. But it didnt work14:25
guardian__I read that post earlier.14:26
guardian__Someone help me plz.14:28
Arpit97try installing Fedora14:28
Arpit97and see if it hangs14:28
JsyncDoes anybody have an answer regarding downloading all the system source files for local storage?14:29
Xtremehello, I am using cinnamon UI. and all applets stoped working after upgrade.14:30
guardian__arpit : the spec of this lap is so bad even ubuntu was hanging like anything in the live mode. (Intel Pentium quad core,4gb ddr3 500gb hdd)14:30
XtremeAny pointers?14:30
Arpit97just try Fedora if it installs correctly than ubuntu might have some bug14:32
mcphailJsync: I think you can use apt-mirror if you want your own personal mirror of an archive14:32
guardian__arpit: I tried mint 16.10 but it also had the same pblm. stuck during installation14:32
Arpit97mint is based on ubuntu14:33
Arpit97they have several things common14:33
guardian__oops. I nvr knew . my bad14:33
Jsyncmcphail, so I'd use apt-mirror ftp://ftp.debian.org?14:33
guardian__ok I will try fedora then14:34
xanguaguardian__: those are not bad specs at all, did you try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair14:34
Arpit97hey one more thing, if you want to use ubuntu only then give a try to Ubuntu Mate also they have made several changes to boot loader14:36
guardian__xangua : but ubuntu is hanging so much14:36
xanguaguardian__: but if you claim Ubuntu was slow, it might be something else14:36
xanguaLike graphics14:36
Prelude2004chey guys.. good day quick question.. i am doing some trascoding and require vdpaul to decode... its working well and i run Xorg...  The only problem is as soon as I run Xorg , my TTY goes into GUI mode. Any way to run xorg without affecting the screen and allowing me into server via command prompt14:38
guardian__xangua : when I tried to type in terminal it was taking almost 5-6sec for those things to come on screen.14:38
mcphailJsync: no. The man page has clear examples of mirroring a source archive14:38
Arpit97usually slow in live mode14:38
mcphailJsync: you run the application and can change the configuration to mirror whatever you need14:39
guardian__xangua: I tried boot-repair but the system hangs while installing efi14:39
CRogersHi everyone. :)14:40
BluesKajPrelude2004c, open another vt/tty perhaps ?14:40
tatertotsPrelude2004c: does the symptom occur if you using software rendering to decode during transcode?14:40
CRogersSo in the new Unity tweak tool how does one change the alt-drag to super-drag to move windows.14:40
Prelude2004cum.. how do i open up another.. basically my internet shows me a mouse and a login14:40
CRogersIt's still interfering with everything.14:41
Prelude2004cF$x doesn't seem to do anything14:41
Jsyncthanks mcphail14:41
BluesKajPrelude2004c, you have 6 vt/ttys F1-F614:41
Prelude2004clooks like a bug from before.. working now.. duhh14:42
Prelude2004cthank you blueskaj14:42
BluesKajctl+alt+F1-F6 Prelude2004c or am I on the wrong tracj here14:43
matt856Hi guys.  A few weeks ago I set up a task with Cron for rsync to save my server files from my drive 1 to my drive 2 on my unbuntu server. For the first few days it was working great. I checked today and I found out that I got an e-mail from my server https://paste.ubuntu.com/23905542/. Can you tell me what's wrong and help fix the prolem ? THank yo14:44
matt856u for your help14:44
anddamI installed a second efi bootloader by running "grub-install --efi-directory=/boot/efi --boot-directory=/boot/backup --bootloader-id=backup" and I then generated /boot/backup/grub/grub.cfg with grub-mkconfig, the file seems to be ok but upon starting this "backup" bootloader the config file of ubuntu's default bootloader is read instead, that is /boot/grub/grub.cfg14:46
anddamwhat am I doing wrong?14:46
Jharmmy issue was the line added by CA certificate in .conf file, once i erased it i was able to restart apache again.14:48
Kali_Yugahi is there a simple audio recorder? i want to test my mic quality.14:48
Kali_Yugaoh k got it14:50
BluesKajKali_Yuga, audacity14:50
matt856Hi guys.  A few weeks ago I set up a task with Cron for rsync to save my server files from my drive 1 to my drive 2 on my unbuntu server. For the first few days it was working great. I checked today and I found out that I got an e-mail from my server https://paste.ubuntu.com/23905542/. Can you tell me what's wrong and help fix the prolem ? THank yo14:50
Kali_Yugaarecord via terminal does the trick14:50
matt856u for your help14:50
Picimatt856: did it work?14:51
matt856Pici Did you tell me to do something ? I didn't see your answer14:52
Picimatt856: Did the cronjob work?14:52
matt856Yes for a few days only14:52
matt856I can see that the last backup happened on january 23. From january 17 to january 23 it worked14:53
Picimatt856: is that the entire email that you got?14:53
matt856well I entered more/var/mail/zebux to check it. I'm a noob. How do I check the entire mail ?14:54
ppfmatt856: mail14:55
matt856ppf : it says mail: command not found14:55
matt856I just install mailutils14:57
matt856This is the entire mail : https://paste.ubuntu.com/23905602/14:59
ppflooks fine15:00
CRogersAre there plans to change alt-drag window dragging behaviour of Unity to Super-drag?15:00
CRogersBecause it really interferes with a lot of graphics applications.15:00
CRogersAnd it's embarassing having to hunt down tweaks to fix it.15:00
CRogersWhen trying to convert people from other platforms.15:00
matt856pff I know ! But the files are not on my second hardrive !15:01
matt856ppf not pff15:01
matt856sorry about that15:01
Kali_YugaBluesKaj: k used audacity thx. my voice crackles with arecord15:01
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matt856ppf : I know, but the files are not on my second hardrive !15:01
BluesKajKali_Yuga, arecord works, it might be more sensitive to your input device like a mic15:02
BluesKajaudacity gives more control over the volume15:03
matt856ppf I found in another email this message https://paste.ubuntu.com/23905611/15:03
noc_CRogers, try #ubuntu-devel channel15:03
k1lCRogers: alt+drag is the standard on linux desktops, iirc.15:03
CRogersnoc_: thanks, willdo15:03
k1lCRogers: and i dont know what should be embarassing about it15:04
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user109532how do i empty trash as su?15:09
user109532trashed a file while running nautilus with sudo and now i cant empty trash15:10
nicomachususer109532: what do you mean running nautilus with sudo? you mean gksudo?15:11
dil3mm4I'm experiencing probs with openssh15:11
dil3mm4I just can't connect to it remotely15:11
dil3mm4someone has some spare time to help me out?15:11
nicomachusdil3mm4: do you get an error message?15:11
dil3mm4just a connection timeout15:11
user109532nicomachus: just sudo. i know its a bad practice but laziness happens15:11
nicomachusdil3mm4: do you have physical access to the machine you're trying to connect to?15:12
CRogersk1l: it's embarassing when you're showing someone how great Linux is for creative work on a fresh install and forget that you haven't remapped that key, so it doesn't work in *any* of your graphics applications.15:12
k1luser109532: gksudo nautilus /home/your_username/.local/share/Trash15:12
k1l    # change the path to match your username15:12
dil3mm4nicomachus: via teamviewer15:12
fiterdil3mm4:  this is for remote access ??15:13
CRogersk1l: It was always a bad idea to alt-drag. wm actions should be mapped to the super key (like most of them already are)15:13
nicomachusdil3mm4: ok. 1st make sure it's on. then make sure you are using the correct user@host address. Then make sure that port 22 is open.15:13
user109532kil: aha thanks15:13
k1lCRogers: that is your opinion on that matter.15:13
dil3mm4nicomachus: already done15:14
xanguaMost of them?15:14
fiterI want to access a system remotely having ubuntu 15.10 installed , how it can be possible ??15:14
k1lfiter: uh, 15.10 is dead. you should make sure to upgrade that box to 16.04 very soon.15:15
CRogersk1l: Yes, it is. Though I'm not the only one who has that oppinion. Clearly it's advantageous to use the Super key to seperate wm actions from applicaiton actions.15:15
noc_CRogers, I have unity here, not xfce, but alt+drag works here in various apps, what do you mean exactly?15:16
noc_CRogers, I have xfce not unity... sorry15:16
k1lnoc_: he wants nothing to use alt key because his apps use alt key.15:16
CRogersnoc_: alt-drag for moving windows overides applicaiton-level control.15:17
fiterk1l:  If I start upgrading then will it not disfunct other already runing tools ???15:17
CRogersk1l: Not true. alt can be used as long as the super key is also used for wm actions.15:17
k1lfiter: you have no choice of running 15.10 anymore. it was a bad decision to use 15.10 and not upgrade it.15:18
mcphailCRogers: whilst i, personally, agree with your reasoning, Unity is just performing the expected behaviour for a Linux desktop. Alt-drag is standard. By all means, file a bug report but I don't think you'll get much agreement15:18
fiterk1l: I will soon upgrade but currently my tools are running15:18
CRogersmcphail: Thanks for the advice. I'll do that.15:18
k1lfiter: an upgrade will need a restart then.15:19
fiterthats what i can't afford at the moment15:19
fiterso within this is there a solution to access the system remotely ??15:19
k1lfiter: your machine is heavily insecure. look at ubuntu.com/usn which shows all recent security updates you dont get anymore. since july 2016, to be precise15:20
fiterk1l:  I accept that15:21
CRogersnoc_: So for example, Blender uses the alt-drag hotkey for rotating the view. GIMP uses it to constrain proportions while resizing. In all graphics applications alt, shift, ctrl keys are used as modifiers for the action you are performing on-canvas.15:21
k1lfiter: use ssh to connect remotely.15:21
CRogersnoc_: So it's a big problem when the wm has usurped it. :)15:21
charlie_oneY am I losing internet-connection though wifi-connection is ok?15:21
fiterbut what you will do when you have run a software for research and that will perform its activity through the whole night ??15:21
fiterk1l:  what about team viewer ?15:22
anddamI have a grub-efi bootloader whose grub.cfg loads /boot/backup/grub/grub.cfg, yet when I run it it reads /boot/grub/grub.cfg , why is this?15:22
charlie_oneno logic to this problem. sometimes I'm online for days and sometimes only for a few minutes15:22
k1lfiter: use a LTS release in the first place. dont put that machine on the internet.15:22
fiterk1l: ok , what can be the security threats as you are refering again and again because I am a beginner ?15:23
k1lfiter: look at ubuntu.com/usn15:24
stainyohi ppl15:36
Scoop7Hey, anyone knows how to convert pdf to editable word format in ubuntu 16.04 ?15:36
stainyolook for a PDF editor15:36
Scoop7need open source15:37
stainyoI know.. in your download options15:37
stainyosoftware padckages15:37
JP____Hey anyone here have any experience with resetting password in windows 10 from ubuntu?15:38
mcphailScoop7: I haven't found any good conversion software. The Libreoffice conversion works for some PDFs but most of them don't work well. I've relied on online tools (non-open source)15:38
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NDBoostyhey folks15:38
NDBoostyhey folks so given the recent gitlab issues with their outage it got me thinkat work on how to force a bash prompt on prod servers... is there a way to do this and override any users bash prompt no matter what15:38
stainyooh!!! it's called PDFmod or modPDF15:38
Scoop7non open source, but free ? mcphail  ?15:38
stainyoit's on my ubuntu at home15:39
mcphailScoop7: it was the last time I used it. it's on my bookmarks list at home. I'll see if I can dig it out as it always gave me decent results. But I haven't used it for a long time15:39
stainyohow can I backup my android phone to ubuntu then restore it ?15:40
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Scoop7mcphail: thanks for that ! stainyo: this pdf mod seems to only edit pdf but does not the ability to convert to word ?15:40
ducasseNDBoosty: what do you mean by 'force a bash prompt'?15:40
stainyocovert to word...  copy and paste15:41
NDBoostyducasse: baasically some visual indicator to notate were working on a production system, maybe as simple as forcing a ps1 color like red15:41
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=== linuxlove is now known as sysadmin
NDBoostybut not sure how to override anything a user sets in their own .bashrc or .bash_profile15:41
mcphailScoop7: I think it was Zamzar which gave me the best results. Online, non FLOSS but free-as-in-beer-if-you-ignore-privacy-concerns15:41
stainyohow do you backup/restore android with ubuntu ?15:42
ducasseNDBoosty: no, i doubt that's possible.15:42
JP____Hey anyone here have any experience with resetting password in windows 10 from ubuntu?15:42
ppfNDBoosty: you can edit PS1 to show whatever you want it to15:42
NDBoostyppf yes i know i was thinking about using something in /etc/profile.d/ or similar but not sure how to hook in after the users .bashrc or .bash_profile is ran15:42
k1lNDBoosty: you mean the motd?15:43
stainyowindows password hack help...   http://www.hackcave.net/2015/10/hack-windows-10-login-password-in-2.html15:43
k1lJP____: i guess you better ask the ##windows guys how to reset a windows password at all.15:43
NDBoostyegh were looking for something that shows up repeatedly15:43
NDBoostylike the bash prompt, coloring it red15:43
NDBoostybut a user can override that by changing their PS1 var to whatever15:44
NDBoostyand for prod systems i want to force it and not allow the user to change it15:44
ducasseNDBoosty: ask in #bash15:45
anddamno love for UEFI?15:46
MWMIve got a program that autostarts (and it shouldnt).  It isnt listed in the autostarts and I havent set it to in any other way15:46
MWMAny idea how I would stop this from happening15:46
ducasseNDBoosty: but given that a user can change their shell i can't really see how to do this15:47
NDBoostythx ducasse ill ask there15:47
NDBoostyducasse maybe is there some place that you can place a script to run after the .bashrc or .bash_profile15:47
anddamMWM: who is its PPID?15:47
NDBoostyand then just override the PS115:47
ducasseNDBoosty: what if the user switches to fish or zsh?15:48
NDBoostywe dont have those installed15:48
NDBoostyjust bash is installed.15:48
ducasseNDBoosty: they can install in their homedir15:48
NDBoostyand we dont provide those OOB if they are installed we start asking questions15:48
NDBoostyim not worried about them changing prompts because we never do...15:49
NDBoostysorry shells*15:49
BianryDragonHello team15:51
BianryDragonhow are we doing15:51
ducasseNDBoosty: you _can_ 'chattr +i' their bashrc and set the prompt there, but that will prevent them from changing the file at all15:51
MWMIm using TOP to find the PPID... cant seem to find the sort option quickly15:53
NDBoostynot a help with TOP but i prefer htop15:53
NDBoostyfiltering, sorting etc15:53
NDBoostyi think top is z or h to show15:53
NDBoostynope its ?15:54
MWMFound my PPID... just had to do it the old fashioned way with my eyes :)15:54
NDBoostyo<key>         Set primary sort key to <key>: [+-]keyname.15:55
NDBoosty                         Keyname may be:{pid|command|cpu|csw|time|threads|15:55
NDBoosty                         ports|mregion|rprvt|rshrd|rsize|vsize|vprvt|pgrp|15:55
NDBoosty                         ppid|state|uid|wq|faults|cow|user|msgsent|msgrecv|15:55
NDBoosty                         sysbsd|sysmach|pageins}.15:55
NDBoostyso o, then +keyname15:55
dagoldHi guys, I'm trying to mount my second hardrive in my ubuntu server and I get this message https://paste.ubuntu.com/23905809/15:57
MWMdagold what options are you using to mount ?  also are you certain that everything is okay with the drive (no bad blocks or errors and that it is partitioned properly?)15:58
k1ldagold: mount this there. and what FS is on that partition? can you show the dmesg output on paste.ubuntu.com ?15:58
dagoldMWM I used sudo mount16:00
MWMmount needs more options than that.  http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/zesty/man8/mount.8.html16:00
ducassenot if that mount is in fstab16:01
dagoldMWM it is partitioned correctly but I don't know about about blocks. How do I check it ? K1l I'm a noob, what is FS ?16:01
MWMFS is filesystem.  Is the drive going to be mounted at every boot?16:01
MWMif you want to mount every boot then you will need to put it in the fstab https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab16:02
dagoldMWM yes It will be mounted at everyboot16:05
MWMdagold to automount you will need to edit the fstab (/etc/fstab).  It can be tough at first, but it will amke sense the more you work with it16:07
MWMIve still got a program that is running at every startup and shouldnt.  It is not listed in Autostarts or in anywhere else.  Anyone got a clue?16:09
pavlosMWM, can you use 'locate' to find all occurrences of that file?16:10
MWMIm gonna have to do some reading on locate, but what will I be looking for?16:11
compdocMWM, mi9ght check /etc/crontab16:13
pavlosMWM, first ... sudo updatedb to get an updated db, then locate <myfile> you can also grep for bin like, locate <myfile> | grep bin16:13
pavlosMWM, there may be a /bin/myfile which if you dont want to run at startup, drop the execution bit16:14
MWMIm going to have to sort out the output here, but right now I dont se any /bin entries16:14
MWMalso no entry in /etc/crontab16:14
ducasseMWM: what is it that runs on startup exactly?16:15
MWMHandbrake is what is running at startup... odd right?16:15
pavlosMWM, anything in /etc/rc.local ?16:16
MWMnothing in /etc/rc.local16:16
ducasseMWM: try a recursive grep through ~/.local and ~/.config16:18
MWMsudo locate <file> | grep _R ~/.local ~/.config ?16:20
ikevinMWM, do a grep -ri "handbrake" on the whole /16:20
BianryDragonlocate might be outdatd16:20
ikevinlocate is needed only if you know the script name16:20
BianryDragonshould prob use find16:21
ikevingrep -rni "handbrake" ~/16:21
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waltmanIs this a problem with this post? It's not showing up under "my activity" and it's only had 1 view in 13 hours. https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=235118116:22
MWMgrep -ri "ghb" ~/ is bringing up everything Ive ever encoded with it16:22
MWMbeen going for a couple minutes now16:22
waltmanI had an error when I originally posted it. I'm wondering if something happened to that only I can view it.16:23
MWMstill going.  I guess I dont quite understand how grep works because I dont see why it is going through all these files16:26
EriC^^grep is a fun command16:27
fiterI am getting this error E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)16:27
ikevinfiter, can you pastebin the entire log?16:28
MWMyeah it seems pretty versatile.  I rarely need it so its kinda foreign16:28
erm3ndaHi. I have problem with Login from last session. A message is telling me that "bashrc cant read .profile file". Profile file exists. What can i check?16:28
pavlosMWM, handbrake has a /usr/bin/ghb and /usr/bin/handbrake and other files16:28
EriC^^erm3nda: try checking the permissions of ~/.profile16:28
ikevinerm3nda, check the owner16:28
pavlosMWM, you can install apt-file, then apt-file list handbrake16:29
erm3ndaowner me, perms like other files16:29
erm3ndai also had been removed from sudoers. So i have enter "solo" mode then add me back to sudo group16:29
erm3ndaseems i broke something with a wrong useradd command last time16:29
EriC^^erm3nda: what was the command?16:30
fiterikevin:  here it is https://paste.ofcode.org/wN6Gv8g3Q6N2YKhmcMPAk216:30
al8989hello i just installed kubuntu 16.04 and I am trying to install drivers for my rtl8187b based usb wireless adapter but forget how i did it in ubuntu 14.04 a few years ago does anyone have instructions?  I am trying to do this without connecting the computer to wired internet.16:30
al8989I did it before, but I forgot how i did it.16:30
erm3ndaEriC^^, i think was useradd m3nda wireshark or somewhat similar16:30
ikevinfiter, you have an error while downloading a file from oracle server16:30
erm3ndafinally i used usermod m3nda -a -G wireshark16:30
erm3ndathat's the only thing i could figure that broke system. i didn't anything more thatn that16:31
MWMwell whatdya know there is a usr/bin/handbrake.  I had wrongly thought everything was listed under ghb16:31
fiterikevin:  yes but how to solve it ?16:31
ikevinfiter, it look like package oracle-jdk8-installer is broken16:32
erm3ndawhats the appropiate log to start searching?16:32
fiterso is there any alternate ? ikevin16:32
EriC^^erm3nda: check /etc/passwd to see if it looks fine16:32
erm3ndacould i just create my user with the most default data?16:32
EmberCrestSo I've got a 500gb WD MyPassport device plugged into my computer, to store my workplace's source code.16:33
EmberCrestI've encrypted the device with LUKS16:33
ikevinfiter, you can use the install method from oracle, or uninstall jdk if you don't need it16:33
erm3ndagid sounds ok. what should i search for?16:33
EmberCrestwhat precautions should I take with this device if its encrypted with LUKS?16:33
EmberCrestin terms of preventing data loss upon removing the USB16:34
erm3ndaEmberCrest, don't try to modify its partition with gparted :-)16:34
EriC^^erm3nda: it looks good, is the ~/.profile "sane" ?16:34
ikevinerm3nda, try if "source .profile" return an error16:34
erm3ndaEmberCrest, use dd for that kind of Partitions16:34
EmberCrestI used the Disks utility but alright, I've taken note of that precaution16:34
erm3ndai did it few minutes ago, source just ok16:34
erm3ndano problems shown16:34
erm3ndais the .profile file the one "not found"16:35
EriC^^erm3nda: how about /etc/profile?16:35
erm3ndasource it?16:35
EriC^^yeah give it a shot16:35
erm3ndais ok too, i see it seems ok16:35
EmberCrestWhen you unlock the device, and it mounts, is all data passing into it automatically encrypted?16:35
EriC^^erm3nda: when do you get this error msg?16:36
MWMfinally got a list of all the handbrake files apt-file is pretty nifty :)16:36
EmberCrestAnd does it need to be locked before you remove the device?16:36
erm3ndaat Login stage16:36
erm3ndalet me verify what if relogin16:36
MWMlooks like there is a .desktop for it.  Ill have a look and see if that is why it is autostarting.  Is there anything else I should look for?16:37
littlebenjhow dod i know the last installl date of my package ?16:37
EriC^^MWM: ~/.config/autostart has files for starting up programs16:37
EriC^^if you're on unity open the dash and type "startup"16:37
littlebenjhow do i know the last installl date of my package ?16:38
MWMEric^^ Handbrake is autostarting but it shouldnt be.  Nothing in Autostarts, nohing in rc.local or ~/.config16:38
EriC^^MWM: just your user?16:39
MWMnothing in crotab either16:39
MWMI am the only user16:39
EriC^^!info handbrake16:39
ubottuhandbrake (source: handbrake): versatile DVD ripper and video transcoder (GTK+ GUI). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.5+ds1-2 (yakkety), package size 5456 kB, installed size 10520 kB (Only available for any-amd64; any-i386; powerpc)16:39
EriC^^does it start if you try the guest session?16:39
ikevinlittlebenj, you can use "dpkg -L <package>" to get a list of files, then do a ls -l on one file to see the last modified date16:39
MWMIm set to autologin... I just tried to logout to the login screen but Im getting a black screen.  Ill need a minute16:41
erm3ndaEriC^^, was totally my fault16:42
erm3ndawas not the bashrc who called the .profile16:42
erm3ndaseems the system sources all finles in a single command16:43
erm3ndaand i added an alias with $1 outside the alias="" pattern16:43
erm3ndaso seems that $1 becomed the file itself or something like that16:43
EriC^^erm3nda: oh ok16:43
erm3ndai've added the $1 on it's place and now is working. thank you for your time16:43
EriC^^erm3nda: cool, np16:44
EriC^^MWM: ok16:44
erm3ndaalias srecord=" avconv -f x11grab -r 25 -s 1366x768 -i :0.0 -c:v libx264 $1 "16:44
erm3ndaso i can record screen without more app's install :-)16:44
MWMI guess I dont have an option to login as a guest? I finally got to the login screen and there is 0 guest options16:44
MWMKubuntu 16.04 BTW16:45
EriC^^erm3nda: :)16:45
erm3ndaMWM it's not just under the Login box? as a text link?16:45
MWMOnly my user is accessible.  Login box and password box reboot and shutdown are the only options16:46
ikevinMWM, try with an empty home16:46
erm3ndaMWM https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=123860516:47
erm3ndait is that channel good for Kubuntu users? :-X16:47
MWMthanks.  looks like I will have to set up a guest account! :)16:47
EriC^^MWM: try "grep -iHR handbrake /etc"16:50
MWMgrep -iHR handbrake /etc returns no such file or directory16:53
EriC^^MWM: what about "grep -iHR handbrake ~/"16:54
MWMoh damnit anyway.  adding the guest account is messing up my ability to access the headless machine remotely16:55
MWMnm.  got it16:55
MWMgrep -iHR handbrake ~/ is causing the terminal to hang16:57
=== erkin is now known as Guest30671
Guest30671hello, does anyone know if I can reach ubuntu system files (var, etc) from another ubuntu installation on same PC? :)16:59
ph88i try to remove all files in subdirectories that are not of a certain extension, but  rm is not taking it saying  "missing operand" when i try to use pipe like this:    find . -not -name "*.vhdl" -type f | rm16:59
Guest30671did you try adding rm -r ? maybe that helps?16:59
rifterGuest30671, yes you can reach them if you can mount the filesystem they are on17:00
Guest30671so I need to find out where it is located.. ok I can google that thanks :)17:01
rifterph88, yeah you need to use -r to do subdirectories. I would include -v so you can see what you just nuked17:01
rifterGuest30671, well it's not hard to find where they are17:01
Piciph88: don't pipe the output from find to rm, either use find's -delete, or look at using xargs.17:01
MWMrm -R for subdirectories17:01
Piciph88: personally the -delete argument is the easiest way of doing this.17:01
ppfph88: find -delete17:02
MWMI am gonna have to move on for today.  Ill stop back in if I cant get this one figured out .  THanks for helping guys :)17:02
rifterGuest30671, if you do dmesg | grep -E "sd[a-z]"17:03
rifteryou'll see all the disks17:03
=== sirv_high is now known as sirv
rifterGuest30671, any of those that is a hard disk you can do for example: sfdisk -l /dev/sda17:04
rifterGuest30671, that will show you the partitions on it17:04
ppfjust sfdik -l will suffice17:04
rifterPici, I agree17:05
Guest30671okay thanks a lot :) I will check it17:05
Guest30671okay that's great I found them all thanks a lot :)17:06
kang0(kang0) What's difference between bootable and non bootable os17:16
bigpichey guys.. I’m trying to increase the Max open files on a webserver box.. I’ve read a ton of howtos17:22
AmisHi! Is it possible to focus to a certain window using keyboard shortcuts? Like I have a very specific active program running on a desktop and if I press Alt+9 it focuses on it17:22
bigpiculimit -n is reporting 6553617:22
EriC^^kang0: every os has to be bootable some way, do you mean a bootable iso?17:22
bigpicbut doing a cat /proc/1408/limits reports 102417:22
bigpicfor the same user17:22
bigpicwhy/how are they different?17:22
kang0I am not sure what's meaning of bootable17:22
bigpicany suggestions on how to fix?17:22
kang0Is it so that only os can become bootable?17:23
kang0Music or video or other data can't become bootable? EriC^^17:23
FManTropyxI can make a demo that is bootable17:23
erm3ndaAmis, you can use king of autokey softwares then script them to found your desired window, if exists, while exists17:24
Amiserm3nda, sounds like it would work17:24
EriC^^kang0: well yes, let me explain bootable, bootable usually means there's some bootloader that the pc's bios executes and hands over the execution to it so it does whatever it wants17:24
erm3ndaAmis, i found xdotool small and powerfull, take a look at http://blog.rot13.org/2010/07/focus-window-by-name-using-xdotool-and-awesome-window-manager.html17:25
kang0FManTropyx how17:25
EriC^^kang0: it's just some code that does something after the bios sees it and says ok you can take control of the pc now17:25
Amiserm3nda, thanks17:25
erm3ndajust google focus x windows and found my little and nice xdotool :-)17:25
erm3ndasimple dead17:26
AmisQuestion 2: (Ubuntu server 16 LTS 64bit, 8GB ram, 8 cores) I'm experiencing constant OOMs on said machine but the OOM log doesn't make sense as the VM is ~4GB and the total RSS is 500MB. What are some lesser known, non-trivial causes of such OOMs?17:26
FManTropyxby making a bootloader for any program of my choosing17:26
AmisSame configuration on a 4 core, 32bit 4GB machine does not produce this17:26
erm3ndaFManTropyx, a demo of what?17:26
erm3ndaYou can get any damn small linux, slitaz, tiny core, that are already bootable, then add your shit17:27
The_Mythguys, lemme ask a question. I can install any Ubuntu flavour into SD card and boot it from there, right? I know the SD card won't last long, but it's just for testing purposes.17:27
naccAmis: pastebin the oom log?17:27
erm3ndaoom killer is a bitch17:27
nacc!language | erm3nda17:27
ubottuerm3nda: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList17:27
erm3ndaoom killer is a big beach17:27
kang0FManTropyx how to make bootloader17:28
Amisnacc, unfortunately I do not have access to it right know but I'm interested as what else could be it. Even with overcommit enabled it just kills a random high mem user for no reason. Swap is almost always unused17:28
* nlsthzn can't help but think OOM = out of mana #fanatsyproblems17:28
erm3ndaThe_Myth, u should use USB creators for that, that usually ships with syslinux boot17:28
erm3ndaAmis, you may tweak the swapiness17:29
erm3ndait is you sure it's mounted?17:29
ducassekang0: what are you actually trying to do?17:29
FManTropyxkang0, http://wiki.osdev.org/Bootloader17:29
erm3ndau can set oom score to certaing things you don't wanna see diying17:29
Amiserm3nda, it is. As I remember it's around 2GB and some 50MB are sometimes used17:29
erm3ndaAmis, case of extreme, you can install monit then shutdown processes not used "that you know" you can17:29
Amiserm3nda, what I don't get is that nothing seems out of place. The memory usage BARELY reached 600MB17:29
The_Mythbut it's possible indeed, correct? but sooner or later the SD card will burn. :x17:30
erm3ndaAmis, all is on the logs. there's a reason for it, find it17:30
kang0ducasse understanding17:30
erm3ndaThe_Myth,yes, but there are tweaks for that17:30
erm3ndalike the noatime17:30
erm3ndato reduce commits to memory then play more "into the ram"17:30
erm3ndaactually, ssd and eMMC are sdcard with special controllers17:30
erm3ndathe key is that ssd and eMMC are not shitty memories with class2/4/617:31
erm3ndaclass 10 mega product from sandisk can be wrote MILLIONS times. The range between cycles vary so much17:31
naccAmis: an OOM is a failure to allocate a page in the kernel, the log is very important17:31
naccAmis: the order of the allocation matters, e.g.17:32
erm3ndaalso, the special eMMC / SSD controllers, does a smart usage of blocks to avoid kill them at all, and inodes can be relocated on the fly17:32
erm3ndainodes don't lost info at all, just becomed unwritable when reaches limits17:32
erm3ndathe bigger is your device, the more time it will live17:32
erm3ndai am actuall under 32Gb eMMC. :-) i wont see it diying please don0t scare me17:33
erm3ndaI used SD card to boot Debian7 into wm8505 SOC device and worked from YEARS with no problem17:33
erm3ndafor* years17:34
sirvwhen i use sd cards or usb disks as primary partition they always fail soon17:37
sirvall the time system gets corrupted17:38
sirv*file system17:38
compdocusb isnt reliable for always on devices17:38
kang0EriC^^ What's bootable iso17:39
Amiserm3nda, nacc: I managed to acquire a log of an OOM: http://pastebin.com/6FQ9wcSU17:39
erm3ndasirv, seems you used bad memorys, with noatime, and you used them so much17:39
erm3ndaall vary on the quality, and usage17:39
erm3ndabut yes, are made to die :-)17:39
BlueProtomanOn Ubuntu 16.10, the menus for some (but not all) Qt-using applications are distorted.  More details here.  http://askubuntu.com/q/878736/61195  Any tips?17:39
EriC^^kang0: it's an image that has a special code so it can boot if you plug it into the pc when it starts17:40
erm3ndasirv,  im sure you can add somo virtual controller for the memory card, like commit at shutdown or whatever17:40
kang0What's mbr and vbr17:40
erm3ndanever digg into that17:40
erm3ndau can use software raid then attach 4sd cards17:40
erm3ndathen replace them in the order they die :-)17:40
erm3ndabuy using SSD will be more profitable17:41
erm3ndaAmis, it is you compiling?17:42
erm3ndais cc1plus the one who ate your memory17:42
Amiserm3nda, yes but that does not matter in this case as without it a program will still die17:43
AmisThere are several other cases where the machine is idling and that highest consumer is davmail doing nothing (4GB VM, 200MB RSS)17:43
naccAmis: hrm, that does look odd17:44
Amiserm3nda, where exactly does it show me that the compilation ate all of the 8GB? I'm adding up RSS and it doesn't reach it17:44
erm3ndaAmis, look at http://askubuntu.com/questions/371302/make-my-ubuntu-use-more-swap-than-ram/371329#37132917:44
ducassekang0: we do ubuntu support here, i'm sure there are more appropriate places for such general questions. mbr = master boot record, vbr = variable bitrate.17:44
erm3ndawell, im not sure about that, i just know that is the compiling process the one17:44
AmisNote: overcommit is enabled17:44
erm3ndait is you compiling GTAV ? XD17:45
naccAmis: it's an order-2 allocation, that fails, but there seem to be sufficient 16K pages for that17:45
naccerm3nda: that's inaccurate.17:45
naccerm3nda: the oom killer kills the compiler17:45
naccerm3nda: but the cause is main.rb17:45
naccerm3nda: in this particular instance17:45
AmisOOM just kills the highest consumer, is all17:45
AmisBut there are plenty of RSS available17:45
naccAmis: for some definitions of 'highest'17:45
naccAmis: that's irrelevant to the OOM killer17:45
naccAmis: OOM is a kernel-level decision, not related to RSS (technically)17:46
AmisAll I can think of is heacy memory fragmentation for some reason17:46
erm3ndaAmis, you can set oom score then let it life17:46
naccAmis: right, but you can see in the output that node 0 normal has at least a few 16K pages (and larger)17:46
erm3ndaAmis, read that http://backdrift.org/oom-killer-how-to-create-oom-exclusions-in-linux17:46
Amiserm3nda, I don't want to exclude programs because then it will kill something else17:47
erm3ndaDid u perform a ram check? full memory test i mean17:47
AmisI want to fix the source of the OOM17:47
naccAmis: fwiw, there's only about 135M of free memory per the kernel at the time of hte failure17:48
Amisnacc, and which part of the log should I examine for the consumers?17:48
erm3nda main.rb Not tainted, cant help you with that17:49
naccAmis: but there is a lot of reclaimable slab and cached pages, so it's weird still17:50
AmisThere is only one (big) difference between this machine (8GB 64b, 8core) and the old one (4GB 32b, 4core) and that this one has software raid, a kernel module working in the shadows17:50
naccAmis: it is true that there is no free memory of the order you need in zone DMA, but the flags don't indicate only DMA shold be used17:51
AmisI'm clueless17:54
naccAmis: and, finally, oddly, it seems like the OOM killer didn't actually attempt to reclaim (if i remember my oom parsing correctly)17:55
naccAmis: you might be best off filing a bug and seeing if the kernel team can help17:55
naccAmis: or there might even be an ubuntu-kernel channel (or you could ask in a kernel channel generally)17:56
Amisnacc, thanks. I'll try17:56
naccAmis: was that the *first* OOM in the log?17:58
Amisnacc, no, there are about 50 or so17:58
naccAmis: yes, that' a problem17:58
naccAmis: you need the first one17:58
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naccAmis: everythiung else gets lost in the noise, as the kernel has already started freaking out once you've OOMed once (potentially)17:59
=== nat__ is now known as Natkeeran
_MoBeats_Afternoon. I'd like to know what are the hardware requirements for MAAS and Autopilot servers. Had a good look on ubuntu.com but can't see the info anywhere. Can someone point me in the right direction please?18:02
pavanraspberrypi   error   No wireless interface found".18:03
ducasse_MoBeats_: try #ubuntu-server18:03
_MoBeats_will do thanks ducasse18:03
AmisThis is the very first OOM I could find: http://pastebin.com/YgDFK4JQ18:04
MonkeyDust_MoBeats_  start here http://askubuntu.com/questions/311410/maas-minimum-requirements-with-juju-jitsu18:04
naccAmis: what architecture is the sytem?18:05
_MoBeats_thanks Amis.18:05
_MoBeats_I mean MonkeyDust, thanks.18:05
Amisnacc, x86_6418:06
naccAmis: k, again in that one, there seems to be normal-zone 16k pages available, are you sure that's the first OOM that happens?18:08
Amisnacc, I'm digging in log files now. Might take a while18:09
naccAmis: ah, it seems like all of the zone_normal pages might be marked 'H' (which means rserved for high-order atomic allocations, which this one is not18:11
naccAmis: i wonder if that is what is happening (that feature is 'new' relative to the last time i was an active kernel dev)18:11
naccAmis: it feels like reclaim failed on your system, that's what needs debugging18:12
Amisnacc, I have zero knowledge of such thing unfortunately18:12
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naccAmis: right, which is why i suggest talking to folks that would (either via a kernel channel or a bug)18:12
Guest35760come cambiare lingua sull firefox18:12
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:13
gde33is there any way to make the launch bar more responsive?18:13
gde33if often doesn't show when moving the mouse to the left18:14
AmisI found the very first OOM in the syslog but it doesn't seem to be any different: http://pastebin.com/R1SfbBCu18:14
[twisti]ever since i installed LTS 16.04 on my machine, i have been experiencing multi second lag spikes. anyone got any idea how to best debug such an issue ?18:16
baizon[twisti]: check system monitor18:17
naccAmis: except in that case, i think you can see that there are no order-2 pages (or larger) in DMA32 or Normal18:18
naccAmis: which implies intense fragmentation18:18
naccAmis: there is DMA32 available, but i wonder if that is being held in reserve for actual DMA consumers (in case)18:18
[twisti]baizon: what is that and where do i find it ?18:19
Amisnacc, if it really is fragmentation then I will not be able to track it down18:19
erkinacar5hello, i have this weird thing going on.. today I crashed a 15.10 ubuntu server (I don't know how, suddenly it started saying "you don't have permission to use x" and x is everything). apparently there is another ubuntu installed on another partition... so the question is, can I somehow recover first ubuntu by using second one? If I try to boot int18:20
erkinacar5o first Ubuntu (or its recovery), it gets stuck at "Started Update UTMP about System Runlevel Changes"18:20
pavlos[twisti], click on dash, search for system monitor18:20
lorddoskiashello, i'm running ubuntu 16.04 and I installed zypper but when I run it I get: zypper: relocation error: zypper: symbol _ZN4zypp5CpeId11NoThrowType13lastMalformedE, version ZYPP_plain not defined in file libzypp.so.1503 with link time reference seems like a packaging problem18:22
randall_join #atlphp18:24
darkseid4nklorddoskias: try a different package repo for that file, download it manually and instlal it, or try a different version that isnt broken18:24
clintaranyone familiar with building your own php debs?18:24
clintari'm pretty sick of attempting and failing over and over18:25
[twisti]ah, sorry, i should have said, its a headless server18:25
[twisti](got disconnected in between)18:25
pavlos[twisti], use top or htop to view process/memory info18:27
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[twisti]pavlos: ill keep it open but i suspect it will stop updating when the server gets a freeze spike18:28
deadonewhats up18:30
elementyo nautilus18:30
deadoneWHATS UP NIGGAS18:31
elementsudo apt-get install18:31
deadonesudo apt-get install pussy18:31
elementsudo yaourt18:31
Cratorsudo dinner in my table now!18:31
deadonei had pizza18:31
deadonei haz da pizza\18:32
elementdidn't realize this was the support channel.. whoops18:32
=== Gazyrlezon is now known as Nery
naccerkinacar5: 15.10 is eol, you know, right?18:34
naccclintar: .deb for what?18:35
nacclorddoskias: why would you install zypper on ubuntu?18:35
erkinacar5nacc: yea.. but my supervisor won't listen...18:35
naccerkinacar5: it's ... rather important18:35
naccerkinacar5: no security updates, no support18:35
lorddoskiasnacc: i would like to create minimal opensuse userspace in a directory e.g. bootstrap opensuse userspace in a chroot, but my base system is ubuntu18:35
nacclorddoskias: why not use a VM?18:36
lorddoskiasi'm going to use this userspace with custom kernels in qemu so that's the idea18:37
erkinacar5nacc: well, now that it crashed, he agrees that we can install long term support one but still setting up everything from scratch will take some time.. if I can recover it I can backup important stuff and we can upgrade it18:38
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nacclorddoskias: right, but why not just start with a VM and install a minimal opensuse to it?18:44
gde33I have the launcher always visible, is there a way to disable that hover animation where the icons rotate ?18:44
Anthaas_I just installed a package successfully with apt-get install, I tried again and it told me the current version was already installed, so is there a reason why when trying to run the program it says package not foudn18:47
naccAnthaas_: package names != program names?18:48
pavlosAnthaas_, what's the package name?18:48
naccAnthaas_: the elasticsearch pacakge does not contain any binaries18:49
Anthaas_elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch ?18:50
naccAnthaas_: sorry, i meant binaries in the path normally18:50
naccAnthaas_: i would read the README to see what it says to do with teh pkg18:50
Anthaas_I am following their official installation guide :/18:51
quanglhow do i install windows after i installed ubuntu?18:52
halvorsAnyone online who can help me escalatte this bug?18:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1634855 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Assertion 'link->state == LINK_STATE_SETTING_ROUTES' failed at ../src/network/networkd-link.c:697, function link_enter_configured(). Aborting." [Critical,Confirmed]18:52
halvorsIt makes the whole network stack crash.18:52
Picihalvors: it looks like it has the highest priority right now.18:53
halvorsYeah, but whos the maintainer of the systemd package?18:53
quanglwhat do i have to do to reinstall windows on an ubuntu machine?18:54
Lavinholubuntu 16.10 not supporting uefi ?18:54
nacchalvors: ubuntu-devel (like most other packages in ubuntu)18:54
BluesKaj!windows | quangl18:55
ubottuquangl: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents18:55
halvorsPici: nacc: Thank you very much :)18:55
EriC^^Lavinho: it should18:55
LavinhoI tried to install the error and had to install in legacy mode18:57
naccAnthaas: i meant the debian README18:58
naccAnthaas: i think you just run /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch18:58
naccAnthaas: i don't tknow why it installs to there, it seems rather non-standard18:58
AmisCan someone explain to me (or point to the right documentation) what is a "memory watermark" and what does it mean to be broken?19:03
k1lAmis: in what context?19:06
Amisk1l, I'm reading about OOM and there are cases explaining the cause to be memory watermark being broken, talks about "high water mark" in general (memory utilization)19:08
AmisI just can't understand the meaning in these cases19:09
AmisAs... why is it called "water mark"19:09
k1lwatermark is just another name for a measurement. its not like the watermark on photos or banknotes19:11
daniel_1Can't seem to play movie DVDs in DVD drive. vlc & mplayer installed. They will play a data prepared DVD.19:13
k1ldaniel_1: you need dvdcss to be bale to play copyright protected dvds19:14
BluesKajdaniel_1, install ubuntu-restricted-extras then libdvdcss from vlc's site19:16
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FritigernHEy everyone! I want to create some circular text, kinda like this https://i.stack.imgur.com/QjCTo.png (this is not my own pic!), I have tried using LibreOffice Draw for this, but it's not working well. Draw is slow, behaves in ways that I don't expect (deselects the area with the text for no reason) so I was wondering if anyone knows any software that can get the job done.19:26
JackofallTradeslibmtp question: when connecting my OnePlus One Phone and I am starting to copy files, lengthy files don´t copy at all. The copy progress dialog window just stays at the current percentage, it does not freeze. ... after trail and error I found out that if I shorten the name of the file it copies fine. This does not happen on other operating systems. What can be done about this current limitation?19:28
sirvuse shorter file names ?19:29
daniel_1k1l: Thanks that worked19:30
JackofallTradessirv if you re-read what I typed I already wrote that19:30
=== JackofallTrades is now known as guest234862
daniel_1BluesKaj: that that worked for me.19:31
sirvjack > which direction are u copying --- from device or to device ?19:31
OerHeksperhaps it is a android/one+ filename length issue?19:32
guest234862sirv from desktop hard-drve to phone19:32
guest234862Oerheks no I found out through trail and error that it is not by using the device on different operating systems, - If you re-read what I initially wrote you would have known this19:33
guest234862Oerheks no, through trail and error and testing on other operating systems I found out this was not the case19:34
sirvguest and u copy the files on all operating system to the same location on the phone ? internal phone memory always or you try to copy to sd card ?19:34
guest234862Sirv yes same location on the mtp device19:34
sirvguest and u copy from command line or thru some other program ?19:35
OerHeksi think the progress bar is not equal to time.19:35
guest234862sirv: tested using, nautilus, xfce thunar and mate caja file manager19:36
naccAmis: you should read Documentation/vm/balance19:36
naccAmis: in the kernel source19:36
guest234862sirv I think this is a libmtp issue or somehow the file manager does not indicate that certain limit has been reached,19:36
sirvcan u try copy in command line if u get some error19:36
sirvwith cp19:37
nauticalnexusI have a question, if I get the kernel from ubuntu's git repo, and add the 4.9.6 patch file, does that bring it up to 4.9.6?19:37
naccnauticalnexus: what '4.9.6' patch file?19:37
nauticalnexusnacc, "patch-4.9.6.xz"19:38
nauticalnexusfrom kernel.org19:38
Amisnacc, thanks19:38
OerHeks4.9.6/4.9.7 are here, build and well http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/19:38
naccnauticalnexus: A) 4.9.7 is out, and you should the kernel mainline PPA19:38
naccnauticalnexus: if you actually need it, which you probably don't :)19:38
nauticalnexusI'm doing a custom kernel.19:38
guest234862sirv there is no real debug output because nothing really crashes, the copy progress bar just stays at whatever % percentage the file is being copied at. So I can deduce from this that when using the command line there won´t be any debug outputs. The only thing I can try is perhaps using strace to figure out what is happening, but this seems to be a libmtp thing because it happens on 3 other file managers. Also I am currently n19:39
naccnauticalnexus: but to answer your question, no, that's not how the patch files work. patch-4.9.7.xz is  patch against 4.9.019:39
nauticalnexusso I'd have to do the 4.5 patch, then the 4.6... and so on?19:40
naccnauticalnexus: and the ubuntu kernel is not the mainline kernel19:40
rajivmarswhen i am trying to update then it failed because of this "http://paste.ubuntu.com/23906785/" anybody please help.19:40
naccnauticalnexus: no, that probably won't work either19:40
nauticalnexusblurrrrgh, dunno what to do then19:40
naccrajivmars: use a different mirror19:40
nauticalnexusI need to be able to edit the config and add my own patches to it though19:41
naccnauticalnexus: if you're trying to use mainline, why not just use mainline?19:41
k1lrajivmars: go to system settings -> software and updates and switch the mirror19:41
nauticalnexusconsult previous message19:41
FritigernSo.... I take it nobody knows how to make circular text then?19:41
Southern_Gentlemrajivmars, next time no quotes on the link please that permits the rest of us from clicking and it open in the browser19:41
naccSouthern_Gentlem: worked fine here...19:41
naccnauticalnexus: what are you actually trying to do? make a custom kernel or make a custom *ubuntu* kernel?19:41
nauticalnexusI'd prefer custom ubuntu kernel, but I require 4.9.619:42
naccnauticalnexus: then you're not using an ubuntu kernel to begin with?19:42
nauticalnexusI'm wanting to add the liquorix patch19:42
nauticalnexusI am19:42
naccnauticalnexus: if you "require" 4.9.6 then you're not ubuntu based...19:42
nauticalnexusI require 4.9.6 for the liquorix patch..19:42
nauticalnexusit doesn't work on 4.4.35 or whatever's in the repos19:42
guest234862nauticalnexus the liqourix kernel package is also compiled for the latest ubuntu and the latest ubuntu lts19:43
guest234862nauticalnexus so you can use the repo from the authors website19:43
nauticalnexusI only saw 4.9 in the repos, not 4.419:43
guest234862nauticalnexus that would be thought because you probabaly need to work the .rej from the patch. The current cpu sched from Con and  BFQ i/o  scheduler have to be backported to the ubuntu kernel19:45
sirvguest u think liquorix will help u withe the MTP copy ?19:45
naccguest234862: hrm, liquorix only mentions debian, not ubuntu19:45
guest234862nacc the author mentions in the forums and it is build with the debian tools. Tuned for debian jessie, sid and latest ubuntu and ubuntu lts19:46
nauticalnexusbut there's no 4.419:46
nauticalnexusI'd love to stay as close to the Ubuntu kernel as possible.19:46
guest234862sirv I tried using vanilla kernel lts and on arch. On arch I tried linux-zen, ck and latest stable provided19:46
FritigernGuys, I am very disappointed at you all. I asked a question, twice. And I did not even get so much as an acknowlegment.19:47
guest234862nauticalnexus Con develops against the latest stable so that will mostly likely not work for you. Unless you are willing to fix the .rej from the patch and do backporting19:47
naccnauticalnexus: why do you think you need this special kernel (and not installing it means you stop being supported here)19:47
randall_Fritigern: Inkscape is your open-source best bet for circular text.19:47
FritigernOKay, thank you randall_. I'll have a look at that19:48
clintarFritigern, acknowledged19:48
naccnauticalnexus: s/not/note/19:48
clintarthat looks like snot19:48
sirvfritigem and GIMP ? I would try gimp ..19:48
rajivmarsSouther_Gentlmen, ok. sorry19:48
nauticalnexusnacc, makes everything snappy and fast, is optimised for my CPU architecture19:48
nauticalnexusBFQ is nice too.19:49
clintarbfq is nice, yep19:49
naccnauticalnexus: i don't think there's a trivial way to backport the patches to the 4.4 base. I genuinely am not sure what guest234862 is referring to, as i'm not clearly seeing it (and not willing to trawl forums to find it) for any ubuntu support.19:49
sirvfritigem what about this : http://www.flamingtext.com/logo/Design-Beauty19:49
rajivmarskill, then what?/19:49
naccnauticalnexus: in any case, fairly offtopic at this point, not really an ubuntu support question19:49
clintaranyone familiar with building your own php debs and can point me the way to find out how?19:50
naccclintar: what php debs (I think I asked this earlier, sorry if I didn't)19:51
Southern_GentlemFritigern,  gimp can do circular test19:51
guest234862nauticalnexus: Steven Barrett and heftig, the current linux-zen developers are only working on the latest linux stable branch and so does Con. This means that getting it to work on the ubuntu lts kernel is going to be a pain in the ass and will require you to know how to program. More pain than reward. Also if you go for such kernels backporting to the latest ubuntu lts makes no sense due that the lts kernel mainly contains back19:51
clintarnacc, making my own module, really19:51
FritigernSouthern_Gentlem: Really? I don;t reemember seeing that in the text editing options. Can you screenshot it and show me where to look?19:52
clintarnacc, it's for database support from here http://devzone.advantagedatabase.com/dz/content.aspx?key=20&Release=19&Product=16&Platform=1019:52
clintarit's what my client uses, and i've compiled my own before, but it looks like the process changed to some git thing19:53
Southern_GentlemFritigern, http://visihow.com/Write_Text_in_an_Arc_in_the_GIMP_App19:53
guest234862nacc: nowhere on the liqourix page it says it is only for debian19:53
naccguest234862: it's specific to debian releases. (sid/unstable). No ubuntu release repository.19:53
FritigernSouthern_Gentlem: Thank you, watching the vid now!19:54
naccguest234862: i don't care abot their claims of 'binary compatibility', their kernel base is totally different (afaict) from the ubuntu one.19:54
naccclintar: and why do you want a deb if you normally build form source? are you planning on submitting this to debian/ubuntu?19:55
clintarnacc, i'm open to other options, but afaik, i have to match up with what's running on the system19:56
guest234862nacc: i am just stating that you are making a thinking error. It is not for Sid, it is *from* Sid (hence the Sid in the sources.list). Their web page does not say that it is only for sid. In other words, there are changes backported to the stable kernel that make the kernel there different from the same version in Sid, but this does not apply ...19:56
naccclintar: why can't you just download the tar and install it?19:57
clintartar of php?19:58
guest234862nacc: plus the author states on the liqourix page that is also is compiled for ubuntu19:58
guest234862.. like literally on the home page19:58
naccclintar: the link you provided is has a 'download' link to a tarball for that driver?19:58
clintarnacc, or if you mean the tar from that page, you need to compile the extension19:59
naccclintar: right, why can't you do that?19:59
ThedarkbHi, I just installed lubuntu on an old thinkpad and apt has no repositories19:59
clintarnacc it uses the php sources to do that, so I had it in my mind that I should use however ubuntu's php packages are configured, but if there is a way to not do that, i'm fine with it20:00
k1lThedarkb: does "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" give you any output in terminal?20:00
naccguest234862: hrm, it *might* work, but ubuntu and debian generally may not be able to use the same kernel (compiler differences, minimally, esp. with the claim of 'latest Ubuntu')20:00
naccguest234862: in any case, i don't really care about liquorix.20:00
naccguest234862: you are right, they assert they support ubuntu and debian20:01
ThedarkbYeah, it gives me the standard spiel20:01
naccclintar: i assume you need php-dev to be installed?20:01
naccclintar: that lets you build against the php source, iirc20:01
k1lThedarkb: ?20:02
Thedarkbsources.list is normal20:02
Thedarkbbut apt just greets me with...20:03
k1lThedarkb: then please put the error you get on paste.ubuntu.com and show the url here20:03
Thedarkbben@benthinkpad:~$ sudo apt-get install ninvaders Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package ninvaders20:03
k1l!info ninvaders20:04
ubottuninvaders (source: ninvaders): A space invaders-like game using ncurses. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.1-3build1 (yakkety), package size 15 kB, installed size 51 kB20:04
k1lThedarkb: enable universe repos20:04
Thedarkbalready enabled20:05
naccThedarkb: what version of ubuntu? pastebin `apt update` output please20:05
Thedarkbmanually installing dependencies is torture :/20:06
k1lThedarkb: that doesnt make sense.20:06
k1lThedarkb: can you show the output if "lsb_release -d"?20:06
Thedarkbben@benthinkpad:~$ lsb_release -d Description:Ubuntu 14.04 LTS20:07
Thedarkbit's lubuntu20:07
clintarnacc, i don't think this lends itself to doing it that way, but i'll read up on how to use php-dev and come back crying when i can't figure it out ;) thanks20:07
naccclintar: well if all you need is to build a new php driver, php-dev should be all you need, normally20:08
k1lThedarkb: did you run "sudo apt update"?20:08
clintarnacc, what i'm seeing, you usually go into your extension directory and run ./configure, but this thing wants full sources and builds itself into php i think20:09
clintari'll try, though20:09
ThedarkbI've been installing stuff by downloading .deb files from the debian website20:09
Thedarkband downloading dependencies individually20:09
k1lThedarkb: what? dont do that20:09
ioriaThedarkb, not a good idea20:09
k1lThedarkb: use the ubuntu repos with apt. dont load debian packages since that brings you into the dependency hell20:10
naccclintar: right, you probably have to pass some flags (I'd guess) into configure, potentially20:10
ThedarkbI know, it's agonisingly slow20:10
k1lThedarkb: then change your mirrors.20:10
ioriaThedarkb, cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 999920:10
ThedarkbI mean downloading everything individualy20:10
k1lThedarkb: you are not making any sense20:11
ThedarkbI'm a linux retard20:11
ioriaThedarkb, you don't need to do that20:11
naccThedarkb: did you try to run `apt update` *before* installing anything?20:11
ioriaThedarkb,  all the point of apt20:11
naccThedarkb: you have to, that's probably your issue.20:11
naccThedarkb: and now you've probably mucked your system up a bit by installing (wrong distro) .debs by hand20:12
ThedarkbOn my last few installs, it just worked.20:12
naccThedarkb: i would probably suggest reinstalling or at least uninstalling the stuff you installed by hand and installing from apt20:12
k1lThedarkb: what doesnt work? so far we only proved that everything works20:12
Thedarkbapt was already working right from install20:12
Thedarkbwithout an update20:12
naccThedarkb: you *just* said apt wasn't working ... that was your original bug.20:12
ThedarkbI know20:13
ioriaThedarkb, please, paste    cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 999920:13
ThedarkbI'm a retard.20:13
k1lThedarkb: apt update gets the updated list of packages from the servers. you need to run that when adding universe repo20:13
naccyou have to run `apt update` regularly20:13
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guest234862nacc well in worst case scenario a re-compile is needed. But generally the way the kernel is compiled and configured by the developer it  moderately easy to provide cross-over and backported compatability. Also debian and ubuntu use the same patches when it comes down to devscripts, gcc, libncurses5-dev and libssl-dev, even if versions differ, higher versions of gcc provide compatabilty and the compiler flags used by the kernel 20:13
ioriaThedarkb,  if you are on trusty, better    sudo apt-get update20:13
Thedarkbjust updated now20:13
ThedarkbIt works20:13
naccguest234862: i'm done discussing that topic20:14
Thedarkbthanks for your help20:14
guest234862nacc fine ... responding to your claim that might produce FUD with people reading along20:16
Thedarkbhmm..... dependency unsatisfiable20:20
clintarit needs a snickers20:20
ThedarkbI probably fucked my install up20:21
ioriaThedarkb,  do you remember the .debs you manually installed ?20:21
kernellohello everyone, I'd like to back up all packages in their states and reinstall them in a new install of ubuntu. I found out about apt-clone here; https://askubuntu.com/questions/9135/how-to-backup-settings-and-list-of-installed-packages/486634#48663420:21
clintarjust apt-get remove those debs20:21
Thedarkbyes, I fucked it didn't I20:21
kernellobut what am I gonna insert here: sudo apt-clone clone path-to/apt-clone-state-ubuntu-$(lsb_release -sr)-$(date +%F).tar.gz ?20:21
clintarit's fixable20:21
clintaryou can still win!20:21
ThedarkbI installed like 30 of them20:21
k1lThedarkb: i am sure you did make a mess with isntalling debian packages manually20:21
* Thedarkb checks his downloads20:22
geniiThedarkb: Please watch the profanity, we try to keep the language in here family-friendly20:22
ioriaThedarkb,  20 minutes to reinstall lubuntu :þ sy20:22
candy`hello, does anyone already tried preseed configuration file to unattended ubuntu installation ?20:22
kernellowhat is 'path-to/apt-clone-state-ubuntu'?20:22
ioriaThedarkb,  you install .deb when and only you don't have other choice20:23
ThedarkbI knew I was going to some kind of hell for it :)20:24
clintarno hell, just work20:24
clintaroops, not family friendly20:24
Thedarkbbrb, gonna restart20:25
Thedarkbsomething has a lock on something hope this fixes it20:26
k1lThedarkb: you maybe its installing updates?20:26
k1lyou can only open the package management once at a time20:26
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clintarnacc, i love you20:28
clintarnacc, thanks for the php extension info20:28
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=== backspace_ is now known as iarinov
iarinovis there jack by default in 16.04.1?20:40
iarinov(sound server with ow latency)20:40
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Bashing-om!info jack xenial | iarinov20:42
ubottuiarinov: jack (source: jack): Rip and encode CDs with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.1+cvs20050801-29.1 (xenial), package size 87 kB, installed size 440 kB20:42
mcphail!info jackd20:43
ubottujackd (source: jackd-defaults): JACK Audio Connection Kit (default server package). In component universe, is optional. Version 5 (yakkety), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB20:43
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mcphailiarinov: it is in the repos, but not installed by default20:43
iarinovif i will install it manualy, the system and applications sounds will be fine or there is a chance to destroy the system? | mcphail20:45
bytesaberIs anyone able to help me understand this better?      http://askubuntu.com/questions/185317/are-security-ubuntu-com-updates-eventually-merged-into-normal-updates20:45
bytesaberI'm running a local mirror for private use,  but it costs me an extra 200+ GB just to be literal and maintain security.ubuntu.com and archive.ubuntu.com for trusty.20:45
kernellohello everyone, I'd like to back up all packages in their states and reinstall them in a new install of ubuntu. I found out about apt-clone here; https://askubuntu.com/questions/9135/how-to-backup-settings-and-list-of-installed-packages/486634#48663420:46
kernellobut what am I gonna insert here: sudo apt-clone clone path-to/apt-clone-state-ubuntu-$(lsb_release -sr)-$(date +%F).tar.gz ?20:46
kernellowhat is 'path-to/apt-clone-state-ubuntu'?20:46
mcphailiarinov: it _shouldn't_ cause any problems until you start the server. Even then pulseaudio should politely get out of the way when you run the jack daemon. But, as in all things audio and linux related, YMMV20:47
marcofehi everybody, I've a question for you...Is exist a mechanism to extract an ip without using DNS?20:47
clintarkernello, looks like it's wherever you want to keep the file is what it's saying20:47
ducassekernello: 'path to' = path to where you want the file located, the rest is the filename. you don't need the two subshells if you don't want them, you can fill in whatever name you want.20:48
iarinovmcphail: i want to use it for DAW20:48
mcphailiarinov: yep. Most of the time it works well. I usually use something like qjackctl to configure, start and stop jack20:49
ppfmarcofe: can you rephrase that question?20:49
mcphailiarinov: some of the native DAWs (such as ardour) can run without jack, as well20:49
iarinovmcphail: what about Bitwig?20:50
kernelloducasse, so you mean it can be just 'sudo apt-clone clone path-to-ubuntu-clone' ? but I dont want to clone whole OS, just the packages that I manually installed. is the command for this purpose?20:50
mcphailiarinov: haven't used bitwig. In all cases, though, having jack is better than not having jack (if you can stand the pain of setting it up)20:50
kernelloonly to save the effort of reinstalling and reconfiguring them20:51
ducassekernello: yes, that will work, it will replicate the state of the package system. you will still need to backup config under your homedir and stuff you've changed in /etc, though.20:52
kernelloah, these two packages, sure20:52
iarinovmcphail: understood thx20:53
kernelloducasse, I haven't changed anything in /etc, though. thank you very much for your help! I will use the command as above simplified. it will also backup the manual configurations, right?20:56
ducassekernello: no, i just said you need to do that.20:57
ducassekernello: it just backs up the state of the package system.20:57
kernelloducasse, oh, ok, right, sorry..it's also fine, as it saves a lot of installing20:58
kernelloducasse, thank you again, ciao!20:58
ducassekernello: just backup your entire homedir in addition :)20:58
ducassekernello: np.20:58
kernelloducasse, sure :)20:58
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naccclintar: i take it that it worked, then?21:06
naccguest234862: yes, you're right, thank you for clarifying21:06
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kernelloducasse, hello again, I just did the cloning..I had 'version mismatch' message for some packages, saying I could use '--with-dpkg-repack' to include those packages in the clone file. and when I used 'sudo apt-clone clone ~/path --with-dpkg-repack', I still get the same mismatch message for them..how should I deal with them in cloning process?21:20
ducassekernello: i've seen that myself, use --with-dpkg-repack and just ignore the messages. never had any problems.21:21
kernelloducasse, great, thank you21:22
ducassekernello: but you need ~/path/filename, did you use that?21:23
kernelloducasse, no, I ran 'sudo apt-clone clone ~/folder-of-the-clone --with-dpkg-repack'..should I have created a file in the folder first?21:25
kernelloand point the command to that file21:25
ducassekernello: no, but specify the filename you want21:25
kernellook, I'll do it again with filename21:26
kernelloducasse, I created a file in the folder, and inserted its name in the path, but still the command created its own file21:28
kernelloyes, as you said21:29
ducassekernello: never mind, just use the file it created. you can always rename it if you want/need to.21:29
marcofeppf:  I've here in my home a homemade NAS with ubuntu installed. When i'm not at home, to transfer some files(by using Owncloud) in real time to my NAS, i use a VPN, but when I'm at home i would to use the local ip and not the VPN address. Do you have any suggestion?21:29
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kernelloducasse, yes, everything looks as expected :)21:30
clintarnacc, it worked in a system i had previously installed it on by getting all the sources, but i have yet to try on a fresh install of 16.04. i'll see what happens there. i think i still need the sources, so i'm worried what will happen with the git thing21:30
naccclintar: ok, if you get stuck, pastebin output and i can try and help21:30
marcofeppf: Owncloud use a URL to syncronize files and in this URL at the moment i've inserted the VPN address.21:30
marcofeppf: Now is it more clear? thank you for your supporting21:31
Ben64marcofe: use sshfs or nfs or samba or something else21:32
ppfa vpn connects you to your local network. the addresses should be the same?21:33
marcofeppf no, because when i'm not at home, I use a VPN to transfer these files21:34
marcofefurthermore i'm not transfer these filese manually, but by using owncloud21:35
ppfmarcofe: yes, i read that. a vpn is a tunnel into your local network. it makes it look like you were at home21:35
marcofeppf: the address is configured differently21:35
marcofemaybe i need to reconfigure my vpn21:35
krkan5253i need some answers21:36
marcofemy home network has instead my VPN has
krkan5253nice vpn m821:37
marcofekrkan5253: some answer for what?21:37
krkan5253i installed bak box21:37
k1l!backbox | krkan525321:37
ubottukrkan5253: Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it.21:37
krkan5253and i know some basic things21:37
ppfmarcofe: what's the point of that vpn then, when you've still got distinct nets?21:38
krkan5253i moved to linux beacouse its more easy to do stuff21:39
krkan5253im sing black box21:39
Ben64krkan5253: yes and that version is not supported here, this channel only supports Ubuntu21:39
k1lkrkan5253: see the bots message. we cant help you in here21:39
krkan5253this is ubuntu :P21:40
OerHekskrkan5253, backbox is not an official ubuntu flavor.21:40
krkan5253i didnt want to use kali21:40
krkan5253i wanted something different21:40
PiciKali is also not an official Ubuntu flavor21:40
darwinvasquezI have a doubt with xubuntu21:40
krkan5253caould you tell me some basic commands for terminal21:41
krkan5253not too basic21:41
marcofeppf: I'm thinking about you said andh you have right eheh21:41
MonkeyDust!terminal | krkan5253 start here21:41
ubottukrkan5253 start here: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. In Unity or GNOME, search the dash for "terminal" and press ENTER. Other desktops: Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal (MATE), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal21:41
darwinvasquezmy windows now don't show the close, minimize buttons when the window is complete21:42
k1lkrkan5253: ask in #linux if you want to ask for generic linux usage not specific to ubuntu.21:42
krkan5253so ubuntu is diiferent21:42
krkan5253i didnt know that21:43
k1lkrkan5253: come back when you actually use ubuntu. we need this channel for ubuntu users who got issues and need help. thank you.21:43
krkan5253when i installed this this os i clicked the on the ubuntu box21:44
krkan5253do i join by typing /join #linux21:44
krkan5253thank you for all the info!21:45
krkan5253have a great day/night21:45
T0K3nHello everyone. Could somebody who knows a bit about C programming help me to get a "NaN" output for my function when a negative number is the input for my heron funkction? http://pastebin.com/DAjDtUMZ22:02
crash__crash> hello all, I am running mint 18 on a 128 GB USB drive that I have formatted, this is not a LiveUSB. I have it set up as the following : http://i.imgur.com/wibi49R.png22:03
crash__ I'm trying to make the 99 GB part at the beginning identify to windows when I boot to windows, is there a way to do that22:03
k1l!mint | crash__22:03
ubottucrash__: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org22:03
naccT0K3n: probably should ask in a programming channel22:04
k1lplease ask the mint specialists at theit channel22:04
nacc!alis | T0K3n22:04
ubottuT0K3n: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"22:04
crash__I asked there. It just a general partitioning problem... if you all could help I'd really appreciate it22:04
crash__but I understand22:04
T0K3nalright thx22:07
=== Attoy_ is now known as Attoy
cylix2885 Sanford Ave. SW Suite 20138, 00000,22:13
cylix49418 - Grandville22:13
Guy1524i have the default libreoffice 5.1 installed on Ubuntu 16.04, and would like to install 5.3.  I have found a .deb on the libreoffice website, but would installing it conflict with the libreoffice I already have installed22:14
mykehello is there a free font that includes deer (unicode U+1F98C) ?  this codepoint was only added last year in unicode 9.022:14
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=== MaolangDaSamurai is now known as maolang
xanguaGuy1524: if you install the Deb you first need to uninstall LibreOffice, yes; I've read there is also a snap package and there is also the LibreOffice PPA repository22:24
Guy1524xangua: I have tried it, and it didn't brake anything22:24
Guy1524it installs seperately from my libreoffice package22:24
Guy1524and the package name is libreoffice5.322:24
Guy1524so I now have both22:24
krkan_5253i need help22:32
wedgieask a question.22:32
krkan_5253i know this isnt an linux channel22:32
k1lkrkan_5253: didnt we have this debate already?22:33
krkan_5253but when i try to join a linux channel i get an error register nickname22:33
wedgiekrkan_5253: ask in #freenode22:33
krkan_5253when i try to type in #freenode it says "no channel joine try /channel name"22:34
COSL04Xyou have to register you nickname and a email with freenod to "verify"your account on freenode22:34
nacc!registery | krkan_525322:34
nacc!register | krkan_525322:34
ubottukrkan_5253: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.22:34
COSL04Xonce you do that you can join restricted channels22:34
krkan_5253thanks guys22:34
k1lto join a channel do "/join #channelname" some channels request you register with freenode first. so ask in #freenode for help22:34
=== krkan_5253 is now known as Krkan
anonVYo, im not being to install - pip install NumPy it downloads but then I got the error22:37
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nrushtondoes setting compactionthroughput affect existing compactions?22:38
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PicianonV: you have a few choices: 1) install the python-numpy package via apt 2) install it in a virtualenv 3) pass the --user switch to pip to install it to your users home.22:39
k1l!info python-numpy22:39
ubottupython-numpy (source: python-numpy): Numerical Python adds a fast array facility to the Python language. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.11.1~rc1-1ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 1744 kB, installed size 9486 kB22:39
PicianonV: Do *not* use sudo to install anything with pip. It will cause many headaches later.22:40
Krkani sucessfully registered thanks guys and peace22:41
anonVso best way is to use it in a virtualenv ?22:41
PicianonV: Well thats the best practice for installing most python packages.22:42
PicianonV: fyi, theres also #python here on freenode, they're very helpful there if you need more python related help.22:43
anonVOk ty Pici22:46
ivanskie\join #virtualbox22:47
ChaiTRexHow can I figure out the ./configure options used for an Apt package?22:48
naccChaiTRex: you'd need to look at the src package and see what is passed in debian/rules22:50
naccChaiTRex: i'm assuming you mean a .deb when you say "Apt package'22:50
ChaiTRexnacc: That worked. Thanks.22:51
foliThis it to notify the we are beginning maitenance on Canonical data centre firewalls.22:55
=== lethu_ is now known as lethu
Picifoli: thanks for the heads up22:57
ivanskiewas here yesterday asking about how to figure out whats blocking outside ssh connections to a ubuntu box in virtualbox spunup by vagrant.  i have a kubuntu box i've installed on the same virtualbox.. just tried it and I can ssh into it. just find.22:59
=== krzysztof is now known as Guest5403
SupaYoshiI've a very odd issue with firefox , I've already tried updating firefox to a later version but23:27
SupaYoshiinstead of dispalying the html markup correctly, tried same webpage on different systems, all work fine except ubuntu23:27
SupaYoshiI still get odd html markup, where it goes like <font color='#3232>23:27
adalbert02/02/2017 00:05:41 Got connection from client
=== meltdown is now known as Guest55593
=== KindOne_ is now known as KindOne
TronaldDumpMy IQ is one of the highest — and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure; it’s not your fault.23:44
TronaldDumpI have so many fabulous friends who happen to be gay, but I am a traditionalist.23:44
TronaldDumpAn ‘extremely credible source’ has called my office and told me that Barack Obama’s birth certificate is a fraud23:44
TronaldDumpSorry, there is no STAR on the stage tonight!23:45
OerHeksread th topic, TronaldDump23:45
TronaldDumpHappy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don’t know what to do. Love!23:45
L0rdLaravelit's a bot23:45
TronaldDumpAn ‘extremely credible source’ has called my office and told me that Barack Obama’s birth certificate is a fraud23:46
L0rdLaravelI knew it!23:46
TronaldDumpHappy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don’t know what to do. Love!23:46
compdocthis bot is pretty lifelike23:46
L0rdLaraveljust as much as a bot as the real Trump23:46
TronaldDumpThe only card [Hillary Clinton] has is the woman’s card. She’s got nothing else to offer and frankly, if Hillary Clinton were a man, I don’t think she’d get 5 percent of the vote. The only thing she’s got going is the woman’s card, and the beautiful thing is, women don’t like her.23:46
OerHeksthis is not twitter, is it?23:46
TronaldDumpI’m just thinking to myself right now, we should just cancel the election and just give it to Trump, right?23:47
compdoc20 more years, Donald'23:47
TronaldDumpI have never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke.23:47
TronaldDumpThe point is, you can never be too greedy.23:47
compdocdont know how this works23:48
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu23:48
TronaldDumpMy fingers are long and beautiful, as, it has been well documented, are various other parts of my body.23:48
* dax looks up23:48
TronaldDumpMy IQ is one of the highest — and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure; it’s not your fault.23:48
TronaldDumpIt’s freezing and snowing in New York – we need global warming!23:48
FinetundraHey folks, what command would I use to write a set of files to a floppy disk?23:58
k1lFinetundra: did cp not work?23:59

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