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dharmawhat is the substitute for proteus in ubunt05:25
dharmawhat is the substitute for proteus in ubuntu05:32
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lordievaderGood morning.08:51
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qwertzHello, I need to install a program in /opt/-folder. And give access to all human users. What is the correct way to do it?11:13
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qwertzBy accessing I mean the users should be able to run the program;-)11:14
qwertzBut not remove it.11:15
hateballBy default, /opt is ro for all11:16
qwertzI think they should also be able to write to certain subfolders (logs,...).11:19
qwertzIs there a commoun user group, I coud use?11:19
hateballyou can make any group you like11:25
qwertzYes, there does not seem to be one for that11:25
qwertzthanks ;-)11:25
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest30286
poopeateerhi guys I recently installed kubuntu and i was wondering if anyone could help me configure it at boot alongside preinstalled win1013:51
poopeateerok then14:00
BluesKajHi all14:16
KarkoonHi. I've installed a package called libpng16-16 using apt but it didn't do what I wanted so I wanted to purge it but now apt wants to purge 2GB of other files and I don't know what to do. :( http://i.imgur.com/DyPfGMg.png <-- image with some packages it wants to remove14:32
EvilRoeyI'm on the latest NVidia drivers.  Translucent Windows, Wobby Windows, Present Windows suddenly stopped working.  I rebooted and they still do not work...14:32
EvilRoeyBluesKaj: heya ^_^14:32
EvilRoeyKarkoon: ah14:32
EvilRoeyKarkoon: stick around people are here who can help14:32
hateballKarkoon: are you sure it's from that package? libpng16-16 doesnt have a ton of :i386 depends14:33
hateballKarkoon: sure you havent installed anything else before that is floating around?14:33
Karkoonhateball: purge will purge previous packages that have been removed?14:34
hateballKarkoon: no. purge will remove package + configs for the package you specified14:34
BluesKajhi  EvilRoey , try changing your rendering backend in system settings>display&monitor>compositor14:35
Karkoonso I don't think it should want to remove grub or libre office14:35
hateballKarkoon: the other packages it mentions will be removed if you run apt autoremove14:35
hateballKarkoon: was this originally ubuntu-desktop and you switched to kubuntu-desktop ?14:35
Karkoonhateball: no14:35
Karkoonhateball: http://pastebin.com/YN55F0EG <-- the whole message14:36
hateballKarkoon: yeah, you dont want to do that :D14:36
EvilRoeyBluesKaj: thanks14:36
hateballKarkoon: looks to me like you may have removed the kubuntu-desktop meta-package14:37
hateballKarkoon: which then orphans all those packages14:37
Karkoonare there any logs to see if I did it?14:37
hateballKarkoon: /var/log/apt/history*14:37
hateballKarkoon: also "apt policy kubuntu-desktop"14:38
EvilRoeyBluesKaj: changed from OpenGL 2.0 -> OpenGL 3.1.  Worked like a charm.  BluesKaj, you are a font of knowledge.  Thanks :")14:38
EvilRoey* :)14:38
hateballKarkoon: that should say installed, preferably14:38
Karkooninstalled: (none)14:38
EvilRoeyBluesKaj: btw in my mind I'm still pronouncing your nick blooz-kadzh.14:38
hateballKarkoon: sudo apt install kubuntu-desktop14:38
hateballstill looks weird with all those 32-bit packages14:40
Karkoonnow apt policy is : installed 1.34414:40
Karkoonand I've tried to purge the libpng16-16 but it still wants to remove everything14:40
hateballKarkoon: if you try removing the libpng16-16 again, what does apt say then?14:40
hateballKarkoon: pastebin it again please14:40
Karkoonhateball: http://pastebin.com/2CqpCfyV14:41
KarkoonI've got a popup that Ubuntu 16.10 experienced an internal error.14:42
hateballKarkoon: think you'll need to consult the apt logs then14:42
hateballbecause somewhere along the line a metapackage got removed14:42
hateballand it mentions a whole bunch of gnome/unity packages as well so I have no idea what you could have done14:43
Karkoonhateball: I think I have logs from today... but everything else is corrupted.14:47
BluesKajKarkoon, were you running gnome-desktop then installed kubuntu/plasma-desktop?14:47
hateballat any rate it wants to remove all of plasma *too*14:48
hateballdespite reinstalling the kubuntu-desktop package14:48
KarkoonBluesKaj: no. This kubuntu installation is like 4 days old btw.14:48
hateballsomething is broken14:48
BluesKajEvilRoey, Kaj rhymes with sky , my name is scandinavian and there "j" is pronounced as y or an i.14:49
Karkoonhttp://pastebin.com/4W8RUj6K <-- the only working part of apt history14:49
Karkoonoh. Kate can read everything.14:51
EvilRoeyBluesKaj: I understand :)14:51
EvilRoeyI mean I got it from the beginning but heh14:51
BluesKajKarkoon, which method did you use to install kubuntu14:51
EvilRoeyBluesKaj: oh your name is Scandinavian, got it!14:51
EvilRoeyBluesKaj: are you European?14:51
KarkoonBluesKaj: I've installed it using a Live USB created using Linux Live USB Creator ( http://www.linuxliveusb.com/ ).14:52
BluesKajEvilRoey, no, I'm Canadian14:52
KarkoonIt didn't have a preset for kubuntu 16.10, so I used a preset for 15.10.14:53
EvilRoeyBluesKaj: aye14:54
BluesKajEvilRoey, huuh14:55
EvilRoeyjust aye as a means of acknowledgement of your previous sentence14:55
EvilRoeyunless huuh is something Canadian English speakers say14:55
KarkoonBluesKaj: when you use this program in one of the steps to make a live usb you need to define which distribution you want to use. It has some of them predefined. I don't know what they configure in their presets.14:56
Karkoonhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/446651/apt-get-remove-purge-wine-removed-everything Can I make something like that? Allow for purge and then reinstall before reboot?14:56
BluesKajKarkoon, think you've done some damage alright, suggest you not purge anything, but run sudo dpkg --configure -a, then sudo apt -f install14:59
KarkoonBluesKaj: I don't think that has changed anything.15:01
BluesKajKarkoon, if you know what an app is don't purge it , especially libs15:02
BluesKajdon't know rather15:02
BluesKajbbiab , I have a couple of problems that need attention too ,,,bbiab15:03
Karkoonother packages don't want to delete everything15:07
KarkoonI think I have reinstalled it somehow and I thought that I don't have it but I think that libpng is one of the core libraries for kubuntu. So... I think I can't delete this without deleting everything else because they all depend on it in some way?15:19
hateballKarkoon: It's not needed at all15:21
hateball(I dont have it)15:21
johnflux_Hey all15:23
johnflux_apturl  is broken because it depends on pyqt4  which has been removed from 16.1015:23
johnflux_so apt:/   urls don't work in firefox etc now15:23
johnflux_so clicking to install flash, for example, fails15:23
Dragnslcrjohnflux_- is there a reason that the regular package doesn't work for you?15:27
johnflux_Dragnslcr: for flash?15:28
johnflux_Dragnslcr: I'm talking specifically about the bug that apturl is broken out of the box :-(15:29
Karkoonhateball: then I don't know.15:30
KarkoonI have it listed in history as installed on 2016-10-12 so it looks to me to be a default package.15:35
Karkoonand today I have reinstalled it.15:35
Karkoonhateball: are you on 16.10?15:36
nc__hey I'm trying to install kubuntu on a very old laptop dell inspiron 220 but during installation I get an error that says "Error informing the kernal about modifications to partition /dev/sda1 --Device or resource busy. This means Linux won't know about any changes you made to /dev/sda1 until you reboot --so you shouldn't mount it or use it in any way before rebooting" the options "ignore" and "cancel" aren't responding. Please help.15:41
hateballnc__: are you sure the drive is OK?15:45
hateballKarkoon: Not on this machine no, 16.0415:45
KarkoonThen I don't know again. :S I've seen that previous versions had libpng1215:46
KarkoonI'm not sure if 16.04 has libpng12 or 16. (or maybe neither)15:47
BluesKajKarkoon, libpng16-16 is installed on 16.1015:49
KarkoonBluesKaj: do you think I can have libpng12 and libpng16 installed at the same time?15:56
BluesKajKarkoon, I doubt it16:06
KarkoonBluesKaj: I installed it from a deb file. I haven't restarted yet but things seem to work.16:07
BluesKajKarkoon, perhaps it is the default for 16.04 ...I'm running an edgy version of 16.10 so perhaps some of the libs are more advanced since I've upgraded plasma and frameworks from ppas16:10
nc__hateball: sorry for the late response. it should be I mean I installed gnewsense on it before.16:25
BluesKajKarkoon, which deb file /16:32
KarkoonBluesKaj: http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/amd64/libpng12-0/download libpng12 from xenial16:41
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markus_e92Hi, how can I create a polkit .pkla to allow mounting only of specific usb storge? there is a drive.vendor udisk variable, but I don't know how this work?18:20
markus_e92with polkit 0.105 there is no /etc/polkit-1/rules.d to add javascript rules18:20
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an-usahi have a weird issue in my KDE19:53
an-usahi have to copy things twice in oder for them to be properly copied19:53
an-usahi have these two scenarios:19:55
an-usah1. i select a text, press ctrl+c and the text is not copied, i have to press ctrl+c twice then the item is effectively copied19:55
an-usah2. i select a text, press ctrl+c the text is copied but in plain text, i press ctrl+c twice then the item is copied preserving format and other related information, like url in the case of a link19:56
BluesKajan-usah, what about using  the context menu then choose copy and paste ...does that work?19:58
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an-usahBluesKaj, i'm going to test20:01
an-usahBluesKaj, hum, same error20:03
an-usahi have to copy twice with the mouse20:04
BluesKajsome kind of delay perhaps?20:07
an-usahhmmm... nope, i waited some seconds before pasting when doing just a copy20:09
an-usahand this problem is weird20:09
an-usahwell... i suspect a keyloger also20:09
an-usahor maybe it is a problem of KDE shell20:12
an-usahno, BluesKaj it is not a delay20:15
an-usahsame issue if using Ctrl+Ins Shift+Ins to copy paste20:17
mrVandermareDoes anyone know how to get konsole to run command as login shell? The option is missing from settings (for good reasons i'm sure) . I tried adding "bash -l" to the end of my .bashrc, but the konsole just hangs when i open it. I'm new to screwing with the bashrc file. Any suggestions?.20:40
DragnslcrmrVandermare- what are you trying to do that you would need to open konsole with bash -l ?20:47
mrVandermarei need to use rvm. Ruby Version Manager. in ubuntu, there's a setting "run command as login shell". So i'm trying to get konsole to run as login shell, so that rvm will work.20:48
DragnslcrThe only difference that I can is that a login shell runs /etc/profile as well as the bashrc files20:51
DragnslcrSo I have no idea why rvm would need that20:52
mrVandermareok. Will continue googling/trying things - thanks anyway, Dragnslcr.20:53
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ahoneybunanyone good with driver issues?22:42
Walexahoneybun: polls are pointless. Depends on the driver. Also ask in ##Linux...22:44
Walexahoneybun: "anyone" questions instead of direct questions...22:47
ahoneybunnot sure the problem with asking though22:48
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Walexahoneybun: there are three: most people are specialized, and not everybody knowns all drivers, help in these channels is by convention not personal but collective, and "anyone" polls can be easily used for trolling to embarass people...22:49
filborhave a question. It may look stupid but need some help. My kubuntu 14.10 program manager went kaput on my computer and have not been able to upgrade, trying to upgrade to 16.04LTS how can I do so and keep all my data from my previous version ?22:55
valoriefilbor: that is not advised, since it is a major jump in both plasma and kdelibs > frameworks 523:26
valoriemuch better to back up your data and do a fresh install in this case23:26
valorie14.10 is long out of support as well23:27
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades23:27
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valoriebut please do a fresh install rather than trying to upgrade unless you know what you are doing23:27
valorieI did it, but it was a hard slog23:28

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