
ShwnVnrtwould font config reg..   would it be faster if i install font config before DE's?00:00
ShwnVnrtdebootstrap chroot00:01
ShwnVnrti also would like to share my Pi2/3 builds  https://sourceforge.net/projects/ultimateedition-ports/files/PiFlavourMaker/00:02
ShwnVnrti have a zesty ubuntu studio00:02
ShwnVnrtcancel questions request... my builds fail faster than i can get replys.. so i can just test my own thoughts.. again thanks...00:53
ZargosLordhello everyone13:40
cfhowlettask your question, ZargosLord13:41
ZargosLordcan someone help me with JACKD? since some days i can't start jackd anymore, it was working fine and now i can start the server jackd but impossible to connect on the server with sqjackctl or anything alse13:41
ZargosLordsorry not sqjackctl but qjackctl13:41
cfhowlettZargosLord, if no answer here, see #linuxaudio13:41
ZargosLordok thank for info13:41
ZargosLordwell, noone on #linuxaudio :)13:44
OvenWerk1ZargosLord: have you logged out and in sice you have had problemes with jackd?13:52
ZargosLordi ve done all necessary for jackd for the ulimits configuration13:56
ZargosLordulimit -l -r is correct13:56
ZargosLordbut jackd doesn t seems to see it13:57
ZargosLordit startd, but each time i try to connect it fail13:57
ZargosLordi have 2 computer with ubuntu studio installed and both have the same behavior13:57
OvenWerk1ZargosLord: I would have figgered that that was set correctly if it worked before as it seems from your comment, but maybe it has never worked?13:58
ZargosLordi use driver alsa off course13:58
ZargosLordit has work as far as 10 days ago13:58
ZargosLordi've even made a Hydrogen file for 21 pilots song Heathens :)13:58
OvenWerk1so jack worked up till 10 days ago.13:58
OvenWerk1Have you logged out and since that time.13:59
ZargosLordi think that there was something is an update13:59
ZargosLordcould rthat be the problem with pulseaudio?13:59
ZargosLordi have restarted at least 10 times :)13:59
ZargosLordon both computers13:59
OvenWerk1pulseaudio has not tended to be a problem since about 12.0413:59
OvenWerk1what os are you running?14:00
OvenWerk1(16.04, 1610)14:00
OvenWerk1I do not have a copy running here to test.14:01
OvenWerk1lets try: cd /tmp && wget http://jackaudio.org/downloads/adevices.sh && bash ./adevices.sh14:02
OvenWerk1pastebin.com would be a good place to paste the results and put the url here14:02
ZargosLordzargos@zargoslp:/tmp$ bash ./adevices.sh  ======================================== Part I: ALSA Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version k4.8.0-34-lowlatency.  Card 0 (PCH):   * Playback Device 0 (ALC663 Analog):     - Subdevice 0 (hw:PCH,0,0):       closed    * Playback Device 1 (ALC663 Digital):     - Subdevice 0 (hw:PCH,1,0):       closed    * Recording Device 0 (ALC663 Analog):     - Subdevice 0 (hw:PCH,0,0):   14:03
ZargosLordoops :)14:03
OvenWerk1ok try jack_control ds alsa dps capture none dps playback none14:07
ZargosLordthis one is better as it include my iRigUA connected to USB as i'm using jack with qjackcontrol with Calf or rakarrak14:07
ZargosLordzargos@zargoslp:/tmp$ jack_control ds alsa dps capture none dps playback none --- driver select "alsa" --- driver param set "capture" -> "none" --- driver param set "playback" -> "none"14:08
ZargosLordand it stopped14:08
ZargosLordmy ps -eaf | grep -i jack gives me14:08
ZargosLordzargos   18413 17123  0 12:21 ?        00:00:02 /usr/bin/jackdbus auto14:09
ZargosLordnothing else14:09
OvenWerk1Which should sort of reset some things. then jack_control dps device hw:UA dps rate 48000 dps period 1024  dps nperiods 2 start14:09
ZargosLordzargos@zargoslp:/tmp$ jack_control dps device hw:UA dps rate 48000 dps period 1024  dps nperiods 2 start --- driver param set "device" -> "hw:UA" --- driver param set "rate" -> "48000" --- driver param set "period" -> "1024" --- driver param set "nperiods" -> "2" --- start14:10
ZargosLordand same as ps -eaf | grep -i jack14:10
ZargosLordonly dbus14:10
ZargosLordin ~/.jackdrc i have14:12
OvenWerk1So if you start qjackctl it should show that jack is already running14:13
OvenWerk1if you hit the connections button you should see your device.14:13
ZargosLordyes i have launch qjackctl and i see all connexion in the gui14:13
OvenWerk1ZargosLord: qjackctl is set up by default to use jackdbus rather than jackd14:15
ZargosLordbut i hear no sound14:15
ZargosLordi see in calf the audio meter moving when i play my guitar :)14:16
OvenWerk1ZargosLord: where did you expect to hear sound from?14:16
ZargosLordgutar connected to iRigUA then sent through jacjd in calf then from calf to playback14:16
OvenWerk1playback is the iRigUA as well?14:17
ZargosLordlol yes :)14:17
ZargosLordi bve just see than too :)14:17
ZargosLordi m doing  what necessaery14:17
ZargosLordas sometime i use computer playback instaed14:17
OvenWerk1Just checking, I get a lot of people try to do input on one device and output on another...14:17
ZargosLordyes it is working with external HP14:18
ZargosLordyes usually i configure with hw:UA in input and hw:Intel in output14:18
OvenWerk1That should fail14:19
OvenWerk1The two will not be in sync14:19
ZargosLordi have some msec difference yes14:20
ZargosLordso i have to understand what have been done ;)14:21
OvenWerk1If you want output to the internal... yu can try zita-j2a -j internal  -d hw:0  -r 48000  -p 128  -n 2 &14:21
OvenWerk1And you should see output connection appear that is called internal.14:22
ZargosLordyes i see it :)14:22
OvenWerk1to lower delay, try  jack_bufsize 12814:23
ZargosLordyes that part i know it :) it is actually better that what i had used before when it worked14:24
ZargosLordi'll have to note everything14:24
ZargosLordi had used rate of 44100 instead of 4800014:25
OvenWerk1ZargosLord: your choice on that. my audio card sounds better at 48k14:25
ZargosLordi'll try both to see :)14:26
OvenWerk1ZargosLord: the internal HDA audio runs internally at 48k anyway.14:26
ZargosLordthat actual comp is a laptop ASUS n75sf and the otehr is a Dell Optiplex 75514:26
ZargosLordi was not skilled with zita-j2a, i just start all of this :)14:27
ZargosLordi switch from ubuntu to ubuntu studio with full reinstall as sometime the Amplitube 4 Windows application for iRigUA is not completly giving all what i need14:27
OvenWerk1I am working on a utility to make this stuff easier, but it looks like I won't be done in time for 17.0414:28
ZargosLordi have noted the command to loo kat doc to understand what you made me done14:28
ZargosLordi didn t use much jack_control until today14:29
OvenWerk1everything I did with jack_control, qjackctl should be able to do as well. I used it here because it is easier than asking about each setting in qjackctl.14:29
ZargosLordyes indeed :)14:30
OvenWerk1it seems the big thing is trying to use a different input and output in you r setup.14:30
ZargosLordjeck_control is easier for me to understand what i'll set in qjackctl14:30
ZargosLordyes i 've understand that14:30
ZargosLordand in qjackctl what is difficult is to understand what appear in connxions as all appear as capture with number and playback same14:31
ZargosLordso sometime i hadn't see which one is who14:31
ZargosLordbut your trick with zita help alot14:32
OvenWerk1If you normally run with the USB IF not plugged in, then you can set internal as the main device and use zita-a2j to connect the input of the USB IF when it is plugged in.14:32
ZargosLordon the Dell optiplex it is an external HP as there isn't any internal in the desktop14:32
ZargosLordbut i see the difference14:32
ZargosLordas iRigUA is hw:0,1 and external HP is hw:0,014:33
ZargosLordmaybe i shouldn't use names as hw:UA and hw:Intel14:33
OvenWerk1Names are normally better... it depends in everything is plugged in at boot then the order of audio may change from boot to boot14:34
OvenWerk1This used to be a thing with internal PCI cards14:35
OvenWerk1With USB the order that you plug things in matters of course.14:35
ZargosLordyes normal, i ve always used normally, as the external HP are jacked in the audio jack port, so i usually have only my iRig on USB and HP on jack14:37
OvenWerk1everyones setup is different. I still use PCI cards.14:41
OvenWerk1Even one with a gameport for MIDI14:41
ZargosLord:) i still have such devices at home :)14:42
ZargosLordi can use the post-start config in qjackctl to setup zita i thnk14:44
ZargosLordi have another to send pulseaudio too14:44
ZargosLordthus i can have at the same time firefox playing sound while i i play my guitar, for cover practice for example14:44
OvenWerk1if things get complex, it may be easier to create a script file and just call that.14:45
OvenWerk1Ya, I use http://www.ovenwerks.net/paste/autojack at session start14:46
ZargosLordnice script :)14:47
ZargosLordi've not yet dig in all this stuff to do some like that14:47
ZargosLordbut could be usefull to have correct interface name setup to use in qjackctl14:48
ZargosLordinstead of capture1/2/3/4/5/614:48
OvenWerk1The main interface will always have system capture/playback that is hard coded into jack14:49
ZargosLordoh glad to know, i didn t before14:49
ZargosLordat least if only these one it coudl be ok14:49
ZargosLordin qjackctl you can rename interface14:50
OvenWerk1mine has inputs 1-12 and outputs 1-10. in both cases I use 1-4 and 9-10 only because the unit is 6i/o14:50
OvenWerk1but it uses the same internal chip as the delta 1010 which is 10i/o14:50
OvenWerk1yes, qjackctl will allow to name i/o but the new names don't seem to show up in other jack related programs.14:52
ZargosLordno i've seen that already, bu as i make my conexions tyhrough only qjackctl when i use it it is not a shame14:52
ZargosLordseem my UA card is particular with your script, but i'll be able to modify for desire needs :)14:54
ZargosLordsome times i didn't do any shell script, but it is like bike, when learnt it once you can always do it again14:54
ZargosLord(sorry french translated to english for that last one ;) )14:54
OvenWerk1If your USB card is plugged when this is run it will still show up... somewhere.14:55
OvenWerk1That is basically a trial to see how solid it is/runs. I have been using it for a year with no problems.14:55
OvenWerk1It looks for any card and hooks it up. But I am woking on a config utility that would only start what the user wants.14:56
OvenWerk1I have worked with so many people who get a USB mic and get mixbus for free with it and want output sound on theinternal audio... I want it automated :)14:57
ZargosLord:) would same some time, for you ;)14:58
OvenWerk1it would be a lot less frustrating for new people too.14:59
ZargosLordi've just see that you re working on Ardour, and some other stuff :)15:00
OvenWerk1control surfaces mostly and right now some documantation fixes.15:01
OvenWerk1I think some of the manual is still Ardour 3ish15:01
ZargosLordi've started a very little test with ardour, as it is a quite compete and hard to master sofware, but very interesting15:02
ZargosLordmy Amplitube 4 can register 8 tracks, but the effets (stomp, Amp, Cab, rack and insert) are not registered wiht. Itis because that way you can still have what you've played while changing the effects configuration15:03
ZargosLordiRigUA is good stuff, when i'll have enough money i thing i'll buy the new one IRigUA215:03
ZargosLordwell, good at least for me, i m a casual self learning electric guitar player15:04
OvenWerk1Looks a lot like the mod duo15:05
OvenWerk1Anyway I need to go get kids ready for school (7.06 am here)15:07
ZargosLordyes, iRigUA+Amplitude does the same15:07
ZargosLord4:00 pm here, my daughter will be back from school in 1 hour :)15:07
ZargosLordnice to meet you here, and thank you very much :)15:07
ZargosLordi'll keep reference of you :) can be interesting to have some discussion once in a while, and i can have some musician here in Tours/France that could be interested by your works15:08

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