
wallyworldmenn0: do you have a link to the release notes?00:28
anastasiamacwallyworld: link is in canonical #juju channel00:29
* babbageclunk lunches00:35
* babbageclunk runs actually00:35
* redir eod01:41
axwwallyworld: mind if we hold off on 1:1 till quarter past? I'd like to fix this LXD bug ASAP01:54
wallyworldyep no problem, just ping when ready, no rush01:55
axwwallyworld: would you please review https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/691202:12
wallyworldaxw: in TestFinalizeCredentialLocalAddCertAlreadyThere, i can't see where "out" is used02:16
wallyworldcould we check its contents like in the similar test02:17
axwwallyworld: yeah, I deleted it after running the test.. heh02:17
axwwallyworld: ok02:17
wallyworldi'd prefer we keep in and just do a check02:17
axwwallyworld: yep, will do02:18
wallyworldlgtm aprt from that02:18
axwwallyworld: pushed02:18
axwwallyworld: thanks02:18
wallyworldaxw: a message to balloons to hold the release would be useful. he may even see this ping02:19
balloonsI see jam is landing things too02:20
balloonsso yea :-)02:20
wallyworldballoons: well, i merged for him :-)02:20
balloonsgo for it02:20
balloonsbe busy, and make beta5 as shiny as it can be'02:20
wallyworldgreat, agreed :-)02:20
axwwallyworld: 1:1 now?02:23
babbageclunkwallyworld, axw, anastasiamac: I forgot to mention in the meeting, it's Waitangi Day here on Monday, so the kiwis won't be around.02:36
axwbabbageclunk: ok, thanks02:36
wallyworldbabbageclunk: bloody kiwi bludgers02:36
anastasiamacwallyworld: axw: shall we skip standup on monday then?02:38
wallyworldanastasiamac: don't you want to talkto me and andrew? :-(02:39
anastasiamacwallyworld: m always happy to tlk to andrew \o/02:39
wallyworld:-( :-( :-( :-( :-(02:40
anastasiamacwallyworld: that's a lot of faces u r wearing.. masks? :D02:41
wallyworldit's me crying02:41
anastasiamacu and me both02:42
veebersanastasiamac: lol, I think it's because you only want to talk to Andrew not Ian ^_^02:46
* wallyworld sobs quietly02:48
* anastasiamac hands tissues virtually02:50
babbageclunkredir: ping?02:58
babbageclunkredir: Entertainingly a bit of live testing shows that the PUT version doesn't do what I want (partial update), while the POST does.02:59
babbageclunkredir: directly counter to the docs.03:00
babbageclunkwallyworld, axw: my connection just dropped, so not sure whether anyone saw my last message: could someone review https://github.com/go-goose/goose/pull/3903:33
wallyworldyeah, connection dropped03:34
axwbabbageclunk: will do03:34
babbageclunkI need to duck out soon to take my sister to the airport but I'll be around later on.03:35
axwbabbageclunk: what openstacks have you QAd on? I'm curious about the discrepancy between docs and reality03:39
babbageclunkaxw: yeah, I thought that was weird too. I've only tried on canonistack.03:40
axwbabbageclunk: ok. would be good to test on rackspace also03:40
babbageclunkaxw: good call, I'll do that now03:41
babbageclunkaxw: rackspace behaves the same, although my test fails because they put some other stuff into the metadata. Fixing that now.03:46
axwwallyworld: do you think it would be reasonable to add a new "introspection" access level? to enable prometheus, you would add a user for it with introspection access; and then other users could be granted that access also, and they can hit up the pprof endpoints without having full access03:47
axwbabbageclunk: okey dokey03:47
axwwallyworld: otherwise we'll need to add separate auth for introspection, with a special user/pass03:47
wallyworldaxw: so introspection < read < write < admin?03:48
axwwallyworld: there's no read on controller03:48
axwwallyworld: login < introspection < superuser03:48
wallyworldah controller, right03:48
axwwallyworld: hmm, but add-model ...03:48
axwsingle dimension access does not work03:48
wallyworldwe could chamge that03:49
wallyworldany of login, add-model could have introspection added03:49
wallyworldsuperuser implies it03:49
axwwallyworld: or we could just have introspection imply add-model. you still have to have creds03:49
axwwallyworld: so, login < add-model < introspection < superuser03:50
wallyworldnot a fan that03:50
wallyworldwhy would you *need* to allow someone to add-model just because you want them to be able to introspect03:50
axwwallyworld: the permissions model just does not allow for multiple dimensions. what's the alternative?03:51
axwwallyworld: (I agree that it *shouldn't imply add-model)03:51
axwwallyworld: I guess another option is that you have *either* introspection *or* add-model03:56
axwwallyworld: kinda crappy, means you can't grant introspection to someone who can add models03:56
axwwallyworld: but maybe the least crappy option for now?03:56
axwwallyworld: bleh, but of course everything relies on them being in a single dimension for comparison04:02
axwwallyworld: new idea: support adding access for application tags, and introduce a conceptual "juju-controller" application. having "read" access on that would give you the ability to introspect it04:06
axwwallyworld: that goes in the direction of modelling juju in juju04:07
blahdeblahIs thumper not around today?04:15
anastasiamac_blahdeblah: on holidays04:15
blahdeblahOK - ta04:15
anastasiamac_blahdeblah: back next week, but maybe not monday (NZ public holiday?)04:16
blahdeblahI've got a reoccurrence of a bug he was helping me with, but the bug as described doesn't match what the symptoms were when we looked at it.04:27
blahdeblahThe bug is https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1484105, but the problem we saw at the time was that there was mongo corruption which prevented charms from reporting status correctly.04:28
mupBug #1484105: juju upgrade-charm returns ERROR state changing too quickly; try again soon <bug-squad> <canonical-is> <upgrade-charm> <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1484105>04:28
blahdeblahSo what happens is the charm gets upgraded on disk, but the results don't show up in juju status as upgraded.04:29
blahdeblahSo I'm not sure whether I should log a new bug about this, or just update that one, even though the symptoms don't match. :-\04:30
anastasiamac_blahdeblah: maybe a new bug? a link the old one to it to describe how u think they r related?...04:31
blahdeblahIs there much point opening a new bug on 1.x?  It makes juju fairly broken, but we have a reasonably clear procedure for fixing it, so it's not likely to get much traction...04:33
anastasiamac_blahdeblah: true. add new info to existing bug... m not even sure if we have capacity to dig into any 1.x at this stage04:35
anastasiamac_blahdeblah: which 1.x is it?04:36
wallyworldaxw: thanks for review, was good outcome05:27
axwwallyworld: np05:27
axwwallyworld: re my earlier spam. I think I've settled on supporting user being superuser on controller, or having read access to the controller model05:27
axwwallyworld: sound reasonable?05:27
wallyworldyeah, i think so. if you can read model you should be ok to introspect05:28
wallyworldwe can ask for "guidance"05:28
wallyworldbut keep it simple firs tup05:28
axwwallyworld: I'll just email the list once as a heads up, guidance can be given later05:28
wallyworldyep, that's what i meant sorry05:29
axwwallyworld: if you have time, please review https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/691306:23
axwwallyworld: do you know if it's intentional that when you use "controller-config" or "model-config" with a single key, that multi-line strings get formatted as YAML ?06:24
wallyworldum, i *think* so, I *think* tim did it?06:24
wallyworldaxw: just started looking - don't we already have a base auth http handler?06:27
axwwallyworld: I don't think so? everything I've looked at uses httpContext06:30
axwwallyworld: re controller-config, seems a bit crappy that "juju controller-config ca-cert" doesn't just give me the ca-cert unadorned. it comes out with YAML formatting06:32
wallyworldhmmm, we used to have an authContext of some sort. but now we have httpContext with func (ctxt *httpContext) stateForRequestAuthenticated(r *http.Request)06:32
wallyworldagree about the cert config, should ask tim next week06:33
axwwallyworld: Server has an authContext, httpContext has a Server06:33
wallyworldok, np. seems there's been a bit of refactoring since i last looked at that code06:34
wallyworldi have to do school pickup, bbiab06:35
jamaxw: wallyworld: single-key feels like we should be doing a raw-dump of the output, *not* formatted06:36
jamits intended that you can do "FOO=`juju config foo`"06:36
jamwell probably FOO=$(juju config foo)06:36
axwjam: yeah, that's what I thought. was surprised when it didn't work06:37
jamaxw: sounds like a bug to me06:38
axwjam: yeah, I'll file one06:38
wallyworldaxw: that PR  LGTM. Will be a nice enahncement07:26
axwwallyworld: thanks07:27
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
mupBug #1661576 opened: show-status-log formatting contains unwanted pad lines <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1661576>11:30
=== mskalka|afk is now known as mskalka
mupBug #1661624 opened: show-status-log bogus timeline <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1661624>14:42
mupBug #1661681 opened: Broken agent complaints about tomb: dying <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1661681>16:52
redirmorning juju-dev16:58
perrito666redir: morning redir16:58
perrito666I thought you where out today16:58
redirfo a bit in a couple hours but not all day perrito66616:59
balloonsredir, you about?17:42
balloonsredir, I kind of want to land this for beta5 to fix the packaging issues: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/691517:42
balloonslook at whose being crazy now17:43
balloonsredir, the only real change is to allow 2.* and not 2.0. The rest is just renames for sanity17:43
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
redirballoons: shipit17:50
balloonsredir, :-)17:52
balloonsredir, while you're at it, bump the version PR: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/691418:27
redirballoons: looking18:28
redirballoons: lgtm18:28
perrito666k EOD, ill be online if annyone needs me20:34
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk

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