
acheronukclivejo: is that bot quit as it just starts off too fast?00:01
clivejoI dont know :/00:01
clivejoI bumped the bot time delay, but it still gets thrown out for flooding00:02
clivejotheres a file /var/lib/jenkins/hudson.plugins.ircbot.IrcPublisher.xml00:04
clivejosettings for the IRC bot 00:04
clivejoI bumped <messageRate>1000</messageRate>00:05
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project mgmt_merger build #792: SUCCESS in 7 min 15 sec: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/mgmt_merger/792/00:05
clivejovalorie: would it help if we gave the bot voice?00:11
valoriedunno -- you could ask in #ubuntu-ops00:12
valorienot sure that the bot is registered00:13
clivejoit is00:13
valorieoh good00:13
clivejohad to reset the password00:13
clivejoregister to Haruld00:13
valorieanyway, /me doesn't know about bots00:13
valoriegosh, where did my grammar go?00:14
clivejoPackageKit Daemon has crashed00:20
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!00:22
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kdnssd build #173: FIXED in 16 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kdnssd/173/00:22
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!00:23
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_plasma-pa build #145: FIXED in 16 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_plasma-pa/145/00:23
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!00:23
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kdnssd build #397: FIXED in 17 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kdnssd/397/00:23
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!00:23
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!00:23
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_frameworkintegration build #377: FIXED in 17 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_frameworkintegration/377/00:23
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_frameworkintegration build #231: FIXED in 17 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_frameworkintegration/231/00:23
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_akonadi build #302: STILL FAILING in 24 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_akonadi/302/00:30
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!00:35
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kemoticons build #214: FIXED in 29 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kemoticons/214/00:35
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!00:35
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kdesignerplugin build #333: FIXED in 29 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kdesignerplugin/333/00:35
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!00:35
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kemoticons build #372: FIXED in 29 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kemoticons/372/00:35
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!00:36
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kded build #323: FIXED in 29 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kded/323/00:36
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kdb build #45: STILL UNSTABLE in 28 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kdb/45/00:36
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!00:36
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kfilemetadata build #229: FIXED in 29 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kfilemetadata/229/00:36
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!00:36
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!00:36
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kactivities-stats build #193: FIXED in 29 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kactivities-stats/193/00:36
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kfilemetadata build #338: FIXED in 29 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kfilemetadata/338/00:36
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!00:37
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_bluez-qt build #193: FIXED in 30 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_bluez-qt/193/00:37
valorieooo, green00:38
nauticalnexusso much green00:43
clivejowe like green00:45
nauticalnexusI prefer pink :o00:46
clivejonauticalnexus: who are you?00:50
nauticalnexusI am nauticalnexus 00:52
nauticalnexuswhy do you ask clivejo 00:55
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!00:55
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_khtml build #345: FIXED in 49 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_khtml/345/00:55
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!00:55
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_breeze-icons build #268: FIXED in 48 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_breeze-icons/268/00:55
ahoneybun_aka Emily00:55
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kdiagram build #73: STILL UNSTABLE in 48 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kdiagram/73/00:56
=== ahoneybun_ is now known as ahoneybun
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!00:56
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kactivities-stats build #143: FIXED in 49 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kactivities-stats/143/00:56
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!00:56
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_breeze-icons build #355: FIXED in 49 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_breeze-icons/355/00:56
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kdiagram build #46: STILL UNSTABLE in 49 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kdiagram/46/00:56
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kproperty build #44: STILL UNSTABLE in 49 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kproperty/44/00:56
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!00:57
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_plasma-framework build #364: FIXED in 50 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_plasma-framework/364/00:57
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!00:57
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_bluez-qt build #353: FIXED in 51 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_bluez-qt/353/00:57
nauticalnexusaka who what now00:58
valorienauticalnexus: kubuntu-ci is the bot that reports status of KCI builds00:59
valorieonce they show up green, they are good to go00:59
nauticalnexusI still like the pink colour!01:00
nauticalnexusahoneybun, where did you get my name from!?01:02
wxlnauticalnexus: whois.01:02
nauticalnexusoh yeah01:02
nauticalnexusWell I'm not gonna lie there01:02
valoriemouse over your name in the nicklist -- it is listed there01:03
ahoneybunnot there01:03
valoriealso in Telegram01:03
nauticalnexusvalorie, you must use a different irc client than me :o01:04
wxlnot sure if that's true in whatever client you're using since you're +g01:04
nauticalnexushow do you know I'm +g01:04
wxlcuz freenode responded to my ctcp version with that info01:04
nauticalnexusyou also queried me01:04
wxljust a ctcp version01:05
nauticalnexusit says you messaged me, that's weird01:05
wxlctcp can be used for messages i imagine01:05
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kopete build #81: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 1 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kopete/81/01:08
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kdiagram build #71: STILL UNSTABLE in 31 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kdiagram/71/01:08
nauticalnexus: O01:09
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kproperty build #49: STILL UNSTABLE in 33 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kproperty/49/01:09
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kopete build #169: STILL UNSTABLE in 45 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kopete/169/01:09
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!01:09
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_khtml build #172: FIXED in 1 hr 3 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_khtml/172/01:09
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!01:09
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_discover build #119: FIXED in 1 hr 2 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_discover/119/01:09
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kdb build #42: STILL UNSTABLE in 33 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kdb/42/01:09
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kstars build #225: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 1 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kstars/225/01:09
nauticalnexushow does that work?01:09
nauticalnexus-kubuntu-ci/#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kstars build #225: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 1 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kstars/225/01:10
wxlwhat about it?01:10
nauticalnexushow does it work!?01:10
wxlyou mean kci? kstars? what?01:10
nauticalnexusis it a msg?01:11
wxloh i see01:11
wxlyou're asking about the irc protocol01:11
nauticalnexusI'm asking about how it contacts users in the channel :o01:11
wxli think it's an action01:12
* wxl like this01:12
nauticalnexusmy back hurts :(01:13
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_ktp-auth-handler build #230: STILL UNSTABLE in 32 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_ktp-auth-handler/230/01:29
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kstars build #359: STILL UNSTABLE in 33 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kstars/359/01:29
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> Emily have you a LaunchPad account01:31
nauticalnexuswhy do you ask01:31
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> I'm nosey01:32
nauticalnexusin that case no01:32
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> @CliffordTheBigRedDoggie, s/LaunchPad/Launchpad/01:32
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> Emily have you met Simon?01:33
nauticalnexusSimon being..01:33
tsimonq2I scared her last night after linking her to the Debian New Maintainers Guide and the Debian Policy Manual. :P01:33
tsimonq2nauticalnexus: ME! :D01:33
nauticalnexusyes you did01:33
tsimonq2nauticalnexus: t simon q 201:33
nauticalnexusKDE has way too many options for me01:34
tsimonq2nauticalnexus: Soo, you finish your 20 page essay assignment that goes with reading those two guides? :D01:34
tsimonq2hehehehehehehehe :P01:34
tsimonq2nauticalnexus: I'm joking.01:35
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> Simon stop scaring the ladies away!01:35
tsimonq2nauticalnexus: But seriously, that has th majority of what you need to know.01:35
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> @CliffordTheBigRedDoggie, What? I'm friendly, I don't scare ANYONE away!01:35
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> hehehehehe :P01:36
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> Practice makes prefect01:36
nauticalnexuswobbly windows is the stupidest thing ever01:36
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> Go on BBB and teach Emily how to package01:36
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> And be nice!01:37
tsimonq2nauticalnexus: He's talking about Kubuntu's video conferencing solution. You get to hear my squeaky voice... :P01:37
nauticalnexus:o I don't do video conferences01:38
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> @CliffordTheBigRedDoggie, Can she have access to KCI so I can show her how to break it?01:38
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> *runs*01:38
tsimonq2See Clive, I tried. :P01:38
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> You don't have to video01:38
tsimonq2nauticalnexus: Yeah we can just voice if you prefer... :P01:38
nauticalnexuswell you see, I.. I... I...01:38
* nauticalnexus runs away01:39
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> @CliffordTheBigRedDoggie YOU scared her away!01:39
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> Simon can you add BBB to the glossary?01:39
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> Where in the world are you Emily, I assume the soon to be great United States of America?01:41
ahoneybunthe great USA01:46
nauticalnexushi ahoneybun 01:46
nauticalnexusyou're like everywhere I go now01:46
ahoneybunheyo nauticalnexus01:46
nauticalnexusJesus I need some strong painkillers. Migraine.01:46
ahoneybunmm I have not been anywhere today really01:47
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> Ahoneybun has a magic beard and monkey hat01:47
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> He can go anywhere01:47
ahoneybunxD magic beard that I need to get cleaned up01:47
ahoneybunwon't know about the monkey hat unless you watch the Kubuntu Podcast01:48
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> Did you get that web shortcuts package working?01:50
ahoneybunI installed it and it seems to work as normal01:50
nauticalnexuswhat the hell is this01:50
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> Could you make a shortcut for kp:kate to take me to the packaging?01:51
nauticalnexusI go to home and I have a file called "Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop"01:51
ahoneybunfor kate?01:51
ahoneybunor as an example?01:51
nauticalnexusI'm.. gonna reboot01:51
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> For all the packages01:51
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> I'm guessing the LP Git?01:51
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> Yup01:52
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_umbrello build #171: STILL UNSTABLE in 43 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_umbrello/171/01:52
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!01:52
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> mm I might need to redo my work01:52
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!01:52
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_baloo build #214: FIXED in 42 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_baloo/214/01:52
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_baloo build #365: FIXED in 42 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_baloo/365/01:52
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_okular build #113: STILL UNSTABLE in 42 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_okular/113/01:52
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> well to push to the git01:52
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!01:52
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kdesu build #372: FIXED in 39 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kdesu/372/01:52
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_krita build #84: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 45 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_krita/84/01:52
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!01:52
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kdewebkit build #340: FIXED in 42 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kdewebkit/340/01:52
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_akonadi build #303: STILL FAILING in 42 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_akonadi/303/01:52
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!01:52
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kactivities build #310: FIXED in 39 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kactivities/310/01:53
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> oh maybe not that much01:53
nauticalnexusthat was the weirdest thing I've ever experienced.01:53
tsimonq2nauticalnexus: I know exactly what that is.01:53
tsimonq2Encrypted home directory?01:53
ahoneybunyour backdoor in Kubuntu>01:53
nauticalnexusI was gonna be like01:53
nauticalnexusI couldn't open anything01:53
nauticalnexusso uh01:53
nauticalnexusI think my entire drive just01:53
nauticalnexusencrypted itself01:53
nauticalnexusreally weird01:54
nauticalnexusI'm bored01:55
tsimonq2nauticalnexus: Tell me what debian/watch does01:56
tsimonq2nauticalnexus: You can use your resources. :P01:56
nauticalnexusit checks the time01:56
tsimonq2hahahahahaha good try, but wrong.01:56
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> It keeps an eye on Simon01:57
nauticalnexusit allows you to consume an entire loaf of bread?01:57
tsimonq2HAHAHAHAHA wrong01:57
nauticalnexusI mean I don't know01:57
tsimonq2nauticalnexus: Hint: I linked it to you last night.01:57
tsimonq2Use. Your. Resources. ;)01:57
nauticalnexusI don't have that anymore01:57
nauticalnexusyou understand I have a migraine yes?01:57
nauticalnexusI am a human, you know01:58
tsimonq2nauticalnexus: http://bfy.tw/9rb801:58
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> We still trying to determine what Simon is01:58
tsimonq2nauticalnexus: That's how wxl taught me not to ask simple things :P01:59
nauticalnexusI mean damn my head hurts01:59
nauticalnexusyou're asking me tech stuff01:59
nauticalnexusyou're asking me tech stuff!! when my head hurts!!02:00
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> Night all02:00
tsimonq2Then don't come here and say you're bored. Because I'll give you stuff to do! :P02:00
tsimonq2Nighty night @CliffordTheBigRedDoggie02:01
nauticalnexusI mean I'd play Civ V but my head really, really hurts02:03
nauticalnexusI need some oxycodone or something, ugh02:03
IrcsomeBot* ahoneybun leaves for dinner with mom02:03
ahoneybunclivejo: trying it in that build '02:04
ahoneybunmost likely won't work at first02:04
nauticalnexusahoneybun, what is that!?02:04
ahoneybunyou can use it to search for bugs on launchpad in krunner 02:05
ahoneybunfor one thing02:05
ahoneybunthe number is the bug report number02:05
=== valorie changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly computing | Zesty Zapus Beta 1 on the 23rd February | Support in #kubuntu | Plasma 5.8.5 X/Y Backports, Z Archive, 5.9 Z Staging | Apps 16.04.3 X/Y Backports, 16.12.1 (excluding PIM) - Z Archive | FW 5.28 X/Y Backports, Z Archive, 5.30 Z Staging | Trello: https://is.gd/dGbmxV | QA links: https://is.gd/p7kblH | Package Docs (WIP): https://phabricator.kde.org/w/kubuntu/
valoriezetsy, ahoneybun?02:12
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_umbrello build #97: STILL UNSTABLE in 45 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_umbrello/97/02:14
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_spectacle build #82: STILL UNSTABLE in 45 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_spectacle/82/02:14
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kalzium build #110: STILL UNSTABLE in 45 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kalzium/110/02:14
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_marble build #150: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 5 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_marble/150/02:15
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kstars build #90: STILL UNSTABLE in 46 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kstars/90/02:15
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_ktp-common-internals build #87: STILL UNSTABLE in 46 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_ktp-common-internals/87/02:15
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_spectacle build #201: STILL UNSTABLE in 46 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_spectacle/201/02:15
nauticalnexusvalorie, you cahanged topic02:19
tsimonq2nauticalnexus: You can too if you want.02:21
nauticalnexusI can?02:22
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Why not zesty valorie?02:22
tsimonq2ahoneybun> https://launchpad.net/~aaronhoneycutt/+archive/ubuntu/kubuntu-zetsy02:23
valorieplease don't change the subject02:23
tsimonq2Read VERY VERY carefully. :P02:23
tsimonq2nauticalnexus: Not saying you need to...02:23
tsimonq2valorie: Happy? lol02:23
nauticalnexusI'm not going to02:23
nauticalnexushe said I could, so I was curious.02:23
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> I know I spelled it wrong02:23
valorieI changed it because we no longer use the early draft of the docs02:24
valorieahoneybun: I figured it was a joke02:24
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Nah typo02:24
nauticalnexushi @ahoneybun 02:25
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Heyo again02:25
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> :X02:25
nauticalnexusI'm bored02:27
nauticalnexusand my head hurts like crazy02:27
tsimonq2Excellent, pain is good.02:28
tsimonq2    -Satan02:28
tsimonq2nauticalnexus: No, in all serious though, have a nice night. :)02:30
valorienauticalnexus: this is the -devel channel02:30
valoriewe do make an effort to stay on topic02:30
valoriethe -offtopic chan does not02:30
nauticalnexusbut no ones talking in the ot chaaaaan02:30
tsimonq2valorie: Well technically it's always 100% of the time on topic...02:31
valorieno, not unless the topic is kubuntu development02:32
tsimonq2valorie: No, offtopic is always following the topic, being offtopic02:33
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> I see what you did02:33
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> @Sick_Rimmit @ovidiuflorin I see that Plasma Mobile is on Nexus 5 and 5X02:34
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> No OPO anymore02:34
nauticalnexuswhat about 6P?02:34
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Not that I know of02:34
nauticalnexusit's always the phone I have that doesn't get the cool stuff02:34
valoriegosh I hope that they get a couple more devels on PMobile02:35
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Though if the 5X works it should not be to hard02:35
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> I'm not sure how I feel about PM02:35
valoriebshah can't do everything, 24/7....02:35
nauticalnexusdoes it have the google play store?02:35
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Nope02:35
nauticalnexuswhere do I sign up02:35
tsimonq2bshah has the coolest nick tho02:35
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> People making new OSes don't seems to like Android stuff02:36
valoriehe's a great devel02:36
tsimonq2Last year I knew a kid who would constantly go around pounding on tables and yelling "BSSSHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH"02:36
valorieand a good friend02:36
tsimonq2No joke02:36
tsimonq2He's probably a really really awesome guy, I just drew the connection right away. ;)02:36
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> I met him at Akademy02:36
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_okular build #138: STILL UNSTABLE in 45 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_okular/138/02:38
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_peruse build #58: STILL UNSTABLE in 45 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_peruse/58/02:38
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_marble build #102: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 9 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_marble/102/02:38
nauticalnexusIt's not on the 6P02:38
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kpimtextedit build #89: STILL UNSTABLE in 22 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kpimtextedit/89/02:38
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_ktp-auth-handler build #276: STILL UNSTABLE in 45 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_ktp-auth-handler/276/02:38
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!02:38
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_krita build #59: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 42 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_krita/59/02:38
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kdelibs4support build #289: FIXED in 45 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kdelibs4support/289/02:39
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_okular build #202: STILL UNSTABLE in 46 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_okular/202/02:39
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kexi build #50: STILL UNSTABLE in 46 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kexi/50/02:39
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!02:39
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kdeplasma-addons build #102: FIXED in 46 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kdeplasma-addons/102/02:39
DarinMillerwow, whirlwind of a day on the -devel channel.02:45
tsimonq2Hey hey hey, look who's here!02:46
DarinMillertsimonq2 (or anyone): have you attempted zz staging on a multi-boot machine?02:52
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_spectacle build #149: STILL UNSTABLE in 38 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_spectacle/149/02:55
DarinMilleras a word of caution, I would recommend not attempting zz statging on mulit-boot machine until I can figure out how to fix mine.  Only the zz session will boot.  (Reminiscient of the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/1289977)  All grub rebuilds and live boot grub fixes have failed (including ubunut boot repair).02:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1289977 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 14.04 Update breaks grub, resulting in "error: symbol 'grub_term_highlight_color' not found"" [High,Triaged]02:58
sintredarin for me that link doesn't bring up a page says oops doesn't exist02:59
DarinMillersintre: weird, the link works fine here....03:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1289977 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 14.04 Update breaks grub, resulting in "error: symbol 'grub_term_highlight_color' not found"" [High,Triaged]03:01
sintremaybe i just have bad luck but same result copy and pasting into different browsers03:01
DarinMillersintre: This link does not work?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/128997703:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1289977 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 14.04 Update breaks grub, resulting in "error: symbol 'grub_term_highlight_color' not found"" [High,Triaged]03:02
sintreTHAT one DID03:02
DarinMilleroh, kill the ")" at the end of the string....03:02
ahoneybunmainwindow.h:6:37: fatal error: QtMultimedia/QMediaPlayer: No such file or directory03:02
ahoneybunanyone know that?03:03
ahoneybuntrying qmake && make03:03
ahoneybuntry to build this: https://github.com/milohr/babe-qt03:03
DarinMillerahoneybun: will try to build here shortly. ...03:05
ahoneybunnot sure what package I'm missing 03:05
DarinMillerI suspect qtmultimedia5-dev03:06
ahoneybunadded that03:08
krytarikDarinMiller: That's LP bug 1660159.03:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1660159 in os-prober (Ubuntu Zesty) "os-prober fails to see other installed systems" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/166015903:09
DarinMillerkrytarik: good find,  I did was not aware of the os-prober part of grub so my bug googling foo fell short.03:12
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kalzium build #164: STILL UNSTABLE in 33 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kalzium/164/03:12
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_peruse build #68: STILL UNSTABLE in 34 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_peruse/68/03:13
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_marble build #151: STILL FAILING in 52 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_marble/151/03:13
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_cantor build #289: STILL UNSTABLE in 34 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_cantor/289/03:13
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_messagelib build #155: STILL FAILING in 34 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_messagelib/155/03:13
krytarikWell, following this at Xubuntu for a while now.03:18
valoriethere has been a discussion on and off for days about os-prober in #ubuntu-release03:25
DarinMillerkrytarik: my 17.04 box has been playing nicely with neon and 16.10 until staging updates ran on monday.03:25
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_pim-sieve-editor build #86: STILL UNSTABLE in 34 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_pim-sieve-editor/86/03:29
DarinMillerahoneybun: babe-qt is fighting me also (on 17.04).  I installed taglib as recommended. My make log: https://paste.ubuntu.com/23915711/03:30
DarinMillervalorie: did you happen to see any feedback regarding os-prober eta fix?  Bug report from krytarik's link mentioned downgrading as a workaround.03:34
valoriebasically what was said in -release, I'm sorry to say03:35
valorieat least people are working on it03:35
DarinMillerThe affected PC is mostly a test box I am in no rush to fix.03:35
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_krita build #57: STILL UNSTABLE in 2 hr 42 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_krita/57/03:45
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kexi build #54: STILL UNSTABLE in 32 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kexi/54/03:45
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!03:46
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kdeplasma-addons build #102: FIXED in 33 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kdeplasma-addons/102/03:46
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_messagelib build #156: STILL FAILING in 35 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_messagelib/156/03:53
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_calligra build #71: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 14 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_calligra/71/03:53
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_calligra build #73: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 23 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_calligra/73/04:17
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_pimcommon build #73: STILL FAILING in 24 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_pimcommon/73/04:18
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_marble build #113: STILL UNSTABLE in 32 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_marble/113/04:26
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_pimcommon build #74: STILL FAILING in 23 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_pimcommon/74/04:46
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kcodecs build #365: STILL FAILING in 11 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kcodecs/365/04:58
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kwidgetsaddons build #380: FAILURE in 11 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kwidgetsaddons/380/04:58
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kauth build #327: FAILURE in 11 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kauth/327/04:58
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_gpgmepp build #280: FAILURE in 11 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_gpgmepp/280/04:58
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kdbusaddons build #388: STILL FAILING in 12 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kdbusaddons/388/04:58
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_karchive build #374: STILL FAILING in 12 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_karchive/374/04:59
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_ki18n build #385: STILL FAILING in 19 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_ki18n/385/05:06
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!05:08
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kcrash build #370: FIXED in 21 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kcrash/370/05:08
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kguiaddons build #362: NOW UNSTABLE in 22 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kguiaddons/362/05:09
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_calligra build #73: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 56 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_calligra/73/05:09
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!05:09
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_attica build #361: FIXED in 22 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_attica/361/05:09
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kconfig build #399: NOW UNSTABLE in 23 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kconfig/399/05:10
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_korganizer build #60: STILL UNSTABLE in 23 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_korganizer/60/05:10
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_karchive build #375: STILL FAILING in 8 min 2 sec: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_karchive/375/05:12
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kwin build #103: UNSTABLE in 1 hr 0 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kwin/103/05:19
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kdbusaddons build #389: NOW UNSTABLE in 16 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kdbusaddons/389/05:20
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kcodecs build #366: NOW UNSTABLE in 17 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kcodecs/366/05:20
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kauth build #328: NOW UNSTABLE in 17 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kauth/328/05:21
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kwidgetsaddons build #381: NOW UNSTABLE in 18 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kwidgetsaddons/381/05:21
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!05:21
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_gpgmepp build #281: FIXED in 18 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_gpgmepp/281/05:21
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!05:21
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kdesu build #215: FIXED in 11 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kdesu/215/05:21
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_karchive build #41: FAILURE in 5 min 10 sec: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_karchive/41/05:24
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kitemviews build #86: STILL UNSTABLE in 10 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kitemviews/86/05:29
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_ki18n build #386: NOW UNSTABLE in 18 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_ki18n/386/05:29
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!05:30
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_knotifications build #344: FIXED in 9 min 34 sec: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_knotifications/344/05:30
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!05:30
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kdelibs4support build #172: FIXED in 20 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kdelibs4support/172/05:30
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kdbusaddons build #92: STILL UNSTABLE in 11 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kdbusaddons/92/05:30
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kguiaddons build #90: STILL UNSTABLE in 12 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kguiaddons/90/05:31
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!05:32
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kactivities build #171: FIXED in 21 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kactivities/171/05:32
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_karchive build #42: STILL FAILING in 5 min 39 sec: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_karchive/42/05:35
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kcompletion build #396: NOW UNSTABLE in 16 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kcompletion/396/05:38
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kauth build #53: STILL UNSTABLE in 19 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kauth/53/05:38
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kwidgetsaddons build #94: STILL UNSTABLE in 19 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kwidgetsaddons/94/05:38
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kconfigwidgets build #357: STILL UNSTABLE in 17 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kconfigwidgets/357/05:47
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!05:48
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kglobalaccel build #325: FIXED in 18 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kglobalaccel/325/05:48
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!05:48
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kded build #191: FIXED in 17 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kded/191/05:48
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!05:48
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!05:48
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kpackage build #328: FIXED in 18 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kpackage/328/05:48
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kdesignerplugin build #149: FIXED in 17 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kdesignerplugin/149/05:48
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kcodecs build #85: STILL UNSTABLE in 16 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kcodecs/85/05:48
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!05:52
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kdeclarative build #217: FIXED in 20 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kdeclarative/217/05:52
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kcoreaddons build #83: STILL UNSTABLE in 17 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kcoreaddons/83/05:56
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_ki18n build #90: STILL UNSTABLE in 24 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_ki18n/90/05:56
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kconfig build #76: STILL UNSTABLE in 25 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kconfig/76/05:56
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!06:01
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kdewebkit build #162: FIXED in 13 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kdewebkit/162/06:01
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!06:01
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kbookmarks build #344: FIXED in 13 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kbookmarks/344/06:01
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kcompletion build #74: STILL UNSTABLE in 12 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kcompletion/74/06:09
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!06:18
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_plasma-framework build #239: FIXED in 24 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_plasma-framework/239/06:18
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!06:21
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kdeclarative build #339: FIXED in 19 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kdeclarative/339/06:21
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_karchive build #175: STILL FAILING in 5 min 54 sec: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_karchive/175/06:24
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_karchive build #176: STILL FAILING in 4 min 33 sec: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_karchive/176/06:33
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kcodecs build #250: NOW UNSTABLE in 18 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kcodecs/250/06:37
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_ki18n build #251: NOW UNSTABLE in 19 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_ki18n/251/06:37
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!06:37
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!06:37
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kdbusaddons build #253: NOW UNSTABLE in 19 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kdbusaddons/253/06:37
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kcoreaddons build #189: NOW UNSTABLE in 19 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kcoreaddons/189/06:37
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kcmutils build #292: FIXED in 15 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kcmutils/292/06:37
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kguiaddons build #178: NOW UNSTABLE in 19 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kguiaddons/178/06:37
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_attica build #215: FIXED in 19 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_attica/215/06:37
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kcompletion build #166: NOW UNSTABLE in 19 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kcompletion/166/06:37
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!06:48
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kdoctools build #247: FIXED in 10 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kdoctools/247/06:48
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!06:48
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kcrash build #235: FIXED in 10 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kcrash/235/06:48
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!06:48
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kdoctools build #389: FIXED in 11 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kdoctools/389/06:48
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!06:49
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_knotifications build #166: FIXED in 11 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_knotifications/166/06:49
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kauth build #216: STILL UNSTABLE in 11 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kauth/216/06:49
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kconfigwidgets build #58: STILL UNSTABLE in 16 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kconfigwidgets/58/06:56
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kwidgetsaddons build #254: STILL UNSTABLE in 19 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kwidgetsaddons/254/06:57
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kcoreaddons build #360: NOW UNSTABLE in 19 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kcoreaddons/360/06:57
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!06:58
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kglobalaccel build #205: FIXED in 9 min 39 sec: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kglobalaccel/205/06:58
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!07:05
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kpackage build #223: FIXED in 16 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kpackage/223/07:05
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kconfigwidgets build #218: STILL UNSTABLE in 16 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kconfigwidgets/218/07:13
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!07:26
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kbookmarks build #199: FIXED in 13 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kbookmarks/199/07:26
=== lordievader is now known as Guest16923
=== Guest16923 is now known as lordievader
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!07:40
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kcmutils build #180: FIXED in 14 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kcmutils/180/07:40
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kconfig build #180: NOW UNSTABLE in 13 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kconfig/180/07:54
acheronukmorning :)09:39
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kdeplasma-addons build #103: FAILURE in 7 min 16 sec: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kdeplasma-addons/103/10:13
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kdeplasma-addons build #103: FAILURE in 7 min 57 sec: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kdeplasma-addons/103/10:14
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kdeplasma-addons build #89: FAILURE in 8 min 19 sec: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kdeplasma-addons/89/10:14
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kdeplasma-addons build #104: STILL FAILING in 7 min 42 sec: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kdeplasma-addons/104/10:26
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kdeplasma-addons build #90: STILL FAILING in 8 min 20 sec: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kdeplasma-addons/90/10:28
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kdeplasma-addons build #104: STILL FAILING in 10 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kdeplasma-addons/104/10:29
BluesKajHi folks11:58
=== lordievader is now known as Guest64938
=== Guest64938 is now known as lordievader
mparilloI was bitten by https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/os-prober/+bug/1660159 and I had -staging turn off.13:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1660159 in os-prober (Ubuntu Zesty) "os-prober fails to see other installed systems" [Critical,Confirmed]13:11
mparilloBasically GRUB would only see ZZ, even though the other partitions were there.13:11
BluesKajmparillo, yup, I had the same problem13:22
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> If we're not using trello anymore we should remove the bot no?13:38
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> @ovidiuflorin @Valoriez ?13:38
santa_good afternoon everyone13:52
santa_clivejo or acheronuk: do you have a few minutes?13:52
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> I'm not at my computer, but go ahead14:26
nauticalnexusyou are clivejo 14:26
santa_no prob, I just wanted to confirm that you are uploading frameworks 5.30 to the archive14:28
tsdgeosit's "done"14:28
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> Yes, they have been uploaded14:28
santa_if that's the case I presume we will need to get some autopkgtests fixed, is that correct?14:28
tsdgeosand by done it means "they are slowly trickling"14:29
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> But having issues with new packages/binaries14:29
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> Yes, there are also autopkgtests give us headaches too14:29
santa_ok, well apparently the git commits with the tags weren't pushed to the git repositories14:30
tsdgeostsdgeos@tsdgeos-ThinkPad-Yoga-460:~$ dpkg -l | grep kf5 | grep 5.28 | wc -l14:30
tsdgeostsdgeos@tsdgeos-ThinkPad-Yoga-460:~$ dpkg -l | grep kf5 | grep 5.30 | wc -l14:30
santa_clivejo: I need you to push those, and once it's done I will push to git a couple of fixes for autopkgtests14:31
santa_I have a fix for kapackage and ktextwidgets tested here14:31
santa_* kpackage14:31
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> They were done on shiny, so Rik will need to push then from there14:32
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> @acheronuk14:32
blazetsdgeos: try 'apt list *kf5*' ;)15:14
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> @CliffordTheBigRedDoggie, My Linode is dizzy :P15:19
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> I know :)15:22
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> Dizzy simon15:22
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> Well suited, don't you think?15:22
santa_acheronuk: ping? :P16:12
santa_acheronuk: so ... I need to get the fw 5.30 commits pushed to git16:13
acheronukwhich commits?16:13
santa_the ones related to the upload16:13
santa_those made by gbp-archive16:13
santa_clive said you had access to the clones in question if I'm not mistaken16:14
santa_I need them to fix a couple of autopkgtests without messing things up16:14
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> On shiny16:15
nauticalnexushow can I hope :o16:16
acheronukI could have sworn I pushed that! 16:17
acheronukthis is why I keep the clones :P16:19
acheronukat least for quite some time anyway16:19
santa_acheronuk: are you pushing? if so, don't forget the tags16:23
acheronukall pushed, WITH tags :P16:24
santa_thank you so much, I'm going to re-test and push my autopkgtest fixes soon16:27
santa_I fixed an annoying bug in KA btw16:27
acheronuksanta_: ah, yes I had noticed that behaviour, and did find it a bit annoying at times where I could not easily make a source with gbp-ppa with uncommitted changes to test something16:31
santa_for a long time I tought it was impossible to fix16:32
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kconfig build #400: STILL UNSTABLE in 18 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kconfig/400/16:36
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kcodecs build #367: STILL UNSTABLE in 16 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kcodecs/367/16:36
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kcoreaddons build #190: STILL UNSTABLE in 18 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kcoreaddons/190/16:36
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kdbusaddons build #254: STILL UNSTABLE in 17 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kdbusaddons/254/16:37
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kwidgetsaddons build #255: STILL UNSTABLE in 18 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kwidgetsaddons/255/16:37
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kwidgetsaddons build #95: STILL UNSTABLE in 18 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kwidgetsaddons/95/16:37
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kitemviews build #87: STILL UNSTABLE in 16 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kitemviews/87/16:37
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kdbusaddons build #390: STILL UNSTABLE in 18 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kdbusaddons/390/16:37
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kcodecs build #251: STILL UNSTABLE in 17 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kcodecs/251/16:37
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kguiaddons build #179: STILL UNSTABLE in 16 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kguiaddons/179/16:38
clivejoits like groundhog day16:49
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kdbusaddons build #93: STILL UNSTABLE in 30 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kdbusaddons/93/16:49
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kguiaddons build #363: STILL UNSTABLE in 27 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kguiaddons/363/16:49
clivejoximion: do you run zesty at all?16:50
ximionclivejo: no, I am on Debian Testing16:50
clivejodiscover 5.9 is looking a mess, with icons missing and PackageKit daemon crashing at random, would you know how to fit that? 16:51
santa_not there yet16:53
santa_clivejo: we will need a few fw further uploads to fix autokgtests in order to get things in zesty. I have just fixed kpackage and ktextwidgets in git16:54
clivejosanta_: ?16:54
clivejowhere are the uploads at?16:54
santa_clivejo: https://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/kpackage/commit/?id=1accc1411cc1b2063337e6893dcb842c22ebda1616:56
acheronukclivejo: still no icons in KCI discover? was fine here yesterday16:56
santa_and https://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/ktextwidgets/commit/?id=b32df40a91ada64c89ca7dd0d91abcaad8a9688e16:56
clivejoacheronuk: some appear now, but most are a zip archive icon16:57
clivejoand packagekit is still crashing at random16:57
clivejosanta_: any order, or just upload them as I do them?16:57
santa_clivejo: no particular order needed, you can upload them as you wish16:59
santa_just don't forget to push the tags and commits to git after that :P16:59
acheronukclivejo: I have all proper icons, and no pkgkit crash yet in KCI16:59
acheronukI stress the *yet*16:59
clivejosanta_: have you run gbp-archive on these?17:01
santa_clivejo: nope17:02
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!17:03
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_ktextwidgets build #199: FIXED in 15 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_ktextwidgets/199/17:03
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!17:03
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_ktextwidgets build #337: FIXED in 13 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_ktextwidgets/337/17:03
acheronukclivejo: installed gimp and some updates with discover. no crash.17:07
acheronukjust the minor annoyance of that segfault on exit17:07
ximionclivejo: for missing icons: ensure appstream is >= 0.10.6 and plasma-discover >= 5.8.5-317:07
ximionfor PK crashes: help fixing https://github.com/hughsie/PackageKit/issues/17717:09
clivejoximion: thanks17:10
clivejothis is plasma 5.917:10
clivejo acheronuk: any luck convincing the release team to accept those NEW ?17:12
acheronukhmmm. just grabbed the kirigami deb aout of KCI ppa to try on my normal zesty, and so far no pkgkit crash :)17:12
acheronukclivejo: apw was looking at them, and queried the epochs, but so far no "accepted" messages17:13
acheronukclivejo: http://i.imgur.com/DktzjoO.png17:17
acheronukzesty + plasma staging discover + kirigami from KCI ^^^17:17
clivejosanta_: calligra-l10n used to be a totally separate source, but its now being built in calligra source package.  Neon have put the l10n files into a package calligra-data, how would you do it?17:17
clivejocould it be scripted to create individual calligra-l10n-<language-code> depending on what files are built?17:19
santa_clivejo: good question. probably I would follow what neon is doing, but I would need to dig into that17:19
clivejothere is some kind of helper install thing running on my zesty which keeps trying to install calligra-l10n-gb17:20
acheronukIn my mind we can always split out in to separate language pack debs later if required17:20
acheronukdoing in then going back on that choice would be less easy17:20
acheronuk*doing it17:21
santa_anyway I think calligra is being split upstream after porting to frameworks17:21
acheronukclivejo: no mention of calligra in the code or data for that helper, so I guess it is doing it via generic detection17:22
clivejowell krita and kexi are split out so far17:22
santa_clivejo: thank you for the uploads, don't forget to push the things to git17:23
acheronukclivejo: which means that once we have nuked the old language pack source from zesty archive, that helper may well not trigger at all!17:23
clivejowith the amount of new packages kexi has, I doubt we can get it into zesty at this point17:23
clivejosanta_: did I miss a push?17:24
santa_clivejo: seems the NOCI commits and tags are not there for ktextwidgets and kpackage17:25
santa_so I guess you did17:25
santa_git push --tags should do thing I supose17:25
santa_now seems ok, thank you17:28
acheronuklol. easily done :P17:31
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> Forgot the branch name17:42
* wxl refills everyone's cup17:44
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Hey thanks wxl17:45
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/BDYmP6rN/file_1895.jpg More shamrock shake?17:45
wxlno. coffee.17:45
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Awww :P17:46
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> or redbull!17:46
wxlno. coffee.17:46
* genii 's ears perk up for a minute17:47
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Soda?17:47
wxlno. coffee.17:47
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Decaf?17:47
* wxl pulls out the banhammer17:47
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Hahaha17:47
acheronukno caffeine or stimulants :P17:47
wxlmaking jokes is one thing but there's nothing funny about decaf17:47
acheronuk*or other17:48
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> HAHAHAHAHAH17:48
acheronukabout as much point in decaf, as in alcohol free vodka17:48
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> For sure17:49
wxli wouldn't mind alcohol free beer if it wasn't terrible17:49
* mamarley has theorized that it might be possible to de-alcoholize alcoholic beverages by boiling them at low temperatures using a vacuum chamber.17:49
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Yeah try it!17:50
mamarleySmall problem, I don't have suitable vacuum equipment.17:50
mamarleyI also don't drink alcohol, so I would have no way of knowing if the resulting product was any good.17:50
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Then make a KDE frontend for it. We can call it... KDeAlchohol17:51
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> XD17:51
wxli wish that would work. ever since i quit alcohol, i have sure missed a fine belgian beer17:51
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Anyway, REALLY ON-TOPIC GUYS 👌17:52
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> :P17:52
wxllike you're one to talk17:52
mamarleywxl: Hey, apparently it is a real thing!: https://books.google.com/books?id=kynnAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA303&lpg=PA303&dq=de-alcoholize+by+vacuum+boiling&source=bl&ots=l_cHi4E6A8&sig=xGhUnmAHSFODXMs736q0CTDO3lY&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwia982Lv_TRAhWKhVQKHYIEBgIQ6AEIFjAA#v=onepage&q=de-alcoholize%20by%20vacuum%20boiling&f=false17:53
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Hahaha true 😂17:53
mamarleyChemistry is fun!17:53
wxlwell on the subject of on-topic things, if anyone has a sponsor friend, i could really use a sponsor17:55
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> OMG Vegatable Crisis!!17:56
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> We are doomed17:56
acheronukwxl: maybe jbicha? he seems keen to get fixes in. I've prepared a few updates he has requested from us to fix issues, so maybe some 'quid pro quo'?17:59
wxlacheronuk: not a bad idea18:14
clivejoInteresting : http://cukic.co/2017/02/03/vaults-encryption-in-plasma/19:43
=== keithzg_ is now known as keithzg
wxlcyphermox: thanks for merging my proposal for kubuntu in ubiquity :)19:49
cyphermoxwxl: with a change to Qt519:49
cyphermox(so I'll need to test it some more before upload)19:49
wxlcyphermox: oh didn't notice that. thx. did you just swap PyQt4/5?19:50
wxlcyphermox: cuz if it's that easy, sheesh, i would have just done it. 19:51
cyphermoxwxl: not that simple, but close enough20:25
clivejocyphermox: did you figure out why prison-kf5 didnt get added to our packageset?20:34
ahoneybunmm LP will not start that new kubuntu-web-shortcuts build20:35
clivejodid you increment the version?20:37
acheronukclivejo: now ai look at it, I think there are other things which did not make it, so I guess script just got our last set of changes and not the ones made late the other night20:37
clivejoacheronuk: could you put prison on your people.ubuntu thingie20:41
clivejowonder will this fix the multi-install issues - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/os-prober/1.73ubuntu420:48
ahoneybunclivejo: I'm not sure you can make it searchable in our git20:48
clivejoahoneybun: what?20:49
ahoneybunyou wanted to do "kp:kate"20:49
ahoneybunatm kp:kate links to kde projects20:49
clivejothat would be handy20:49
ahoneybunI don't think you can make : https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/+git : searchable20:49
ahoneybunthat's what kp:kate does20:50
clivejooh I see20:50
ahoneybunI think since it's the code of a team not a project20:51
ahoneybunmhall119: is there anyway to search here: https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/+git20:51
clivejomaybe lpkp:20:52
ahoneybunsince we have 392 projects a search would be handly20:52
ahoneybunwell atm I'm using kgit20:52
ahoneybunthe issues is not the name20:52
acheronukclivejo: done20:56

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