=== ahoneybun_ is now known as ahoneybun === salem_ is now known as _salem === ecloud_ is now known as ecloud === marcusto_ is now known as marcustomlinson === marcusto_ is now known as marcustomlinson === _salem is now known as salem_ [11:34] I would like to try ubuntu-touch again on Nexus4 Mako but having some issues. With `channel=ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/ubuntu` I get Waiting for device to enter recovery mode ... Failed to enter Recovery [11:36] Is there a 16.10/17.04 image that I can use with Mako? I found images at `http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/current/`, can the recovery and image just be flashed and everything is OK? What is recommended procedure. Cheers [11:58] SpmP: i would recommend the wiki install link in the topic [11:58] SpmP: might be possible you also need the =debootstrap [12:03] SpmP: not sure wich channel is recommended to be best for mako these days... [12:04] SpmP: if your main computer has ubuntu, there is now also a package that can install ubuntu-touch on devices easy === JMulholland_ is now known as JMulholland [13:06] hello [13:07] i want to know if the ubuntu mobile os works for the samsung s4 active ? === vigo is now known as vigo|lunch === vigo|lunch is now known as vigo [14:55] SpmP: what is currently on your device? i'd recommend flashing to stock android 4.4, booting up to welcome screen, rebooting into bootloader, and then flashing with ubuntu-device-flash --bootstrap [14:55] SpmP: and no, 16.10/17.04 is not supported on phones [15:03] tedg_: congrats on landing the UAL bits :) [15:04] mterry: Thanks! [15:04] Nice to cut down on the number of silos in flight. [16:54] Has anyone seen the matrix.org protocol? === keithzg_ is now known as keithzg [20:03] bfiller: hey btw apps should be specifying both mir and unity8 as plugs -- I think they all just specify unity8 right now. Not urgent, but should be done before they can be confined. I've got PRs out for snapd that let me run the calculator app confined if it has both interfaces specified. Working on running through more apps and seeing what gaps I still [20:03] have left to plug [20:10] jdstrand: I think the unity8-session snap's upload to store got stalled because I added the unity8 slot (which doesn't formally exist yet) -- you added a special case to the store to let that through, but only for plug side I'm guessing? [20:12] * mterry removes the slot for now [20:21] mterry, ack [20:21] will add to list [20:37] I just got 'stable' installed on my Nexus4, says it is '15.04'. Is there a 16.10 or 17.04 that I can upgrade to? What is the path to desktop convergence? Is there a 'swype' style keyboard... and.. can I get my soft buttons back (bac home etc)? [20:40] SpmP: as i said earlier, no, only the 15.04 based images are supported on phones/tablets currently [20:40] part of the path is moving to a snap/core based system, which we are currently working on [20:41] no, there isn't a swype style keyboard at the moment, and no, ubuntu's design is not based around soft buttons [20:42] dobey: Desktop ubuntu crashed on me last night installing them image, so didnt see your message. So when you go to snap/core nexus 4 is out i assume... [20:43] not necessarily, but mako is a pretty limited device in terms of hardware, and what one would need for a truly viable convergent device [20:44] i don't know if mako will continue being an "official" port device at that point, but there's no real technical reason someone couldn't provide community port for it [20:46] I have been looking at new devices and ubuntu-touch/converence etc. are priorities for it. Are we stuck at M Pro 5 (which is a pretty amazing device) or are there other refence hardwares you are using, like pro 6 or whatever. Will we ever get desktop (i.e full shell bash apt etc) type scope to apps? [20:49] * taiebot dreaming of a new ubuntu edge [20:49] i think what you're asking is if we'll get traditional insecure and unconfined access to the system for all apps? pretty sure the answer to that is no. that is definitely not part of the design. the design is to be fmore secure, not less [20:57] I suppose that is what I am asking 8) And in a roundabout way will it be possible to use for 'work' as in a dev environment etc. Is it just a matter of porting apps to the new security model or are the changes bigger? When do you expect new snap/core to be user testable? [20:58] it will certainly be possible to do development within it. however, i'm not sure if it's 100% clear on what that looks like for all aspects of "development" at this point [20:59] SpmP: some of it is testable right now (well, a bit buggy, but we're working on those). [21:02] there are some public instructions somewhere, which i am having trouble finding, mostly because i don't follow instructions and have way too much in my head already :) [21:02] mterry: ^^ do you know where the "try out the unity 8 snap" public instructions are? i swear i saw some article about it somewhere [21:03] dobey: I believe this is what we have: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o-jKITqUxRsujmN3OwRj3wRnn6dgblKuvrhKjeN8-Wc [21:03] Should be public [21:04] ah yeah, i can open it incognito [21:04] SpmP: ^^ so that might help you to set up a simple vm to test unity8 on core with [21:11] 8) Cheers. So VM/Desktop only at this stage unless you have dragon board? [21:16] well, i'm sure there are other things it could probably be run on, but would require more work === salem_ is now known as _salem [23:01] i am searching for news about ubuntu touch every day... [23:02] i've been using ut on my phone for a few years [23:02] i want to get a new phone [23:02] and i want it to run ubuntu personal [23:03] can anyone here give me any clue about when ubuntu might be available for a new phone?