
cmaloneyyeah no worries00:24
cmaloneytomorrow is a full day as well00:25
rick_hup early west coast?13:15
cmaloneyBody still thinks it's 8:30am13:30
cmaloneyThat and I have an interview all day so sleep == impossible13:30
rick_htime to get some good coffee!13:37
cmaloneyno car14:10
cmaloneyNot much in walking distance14:11
jrwrenI know mountainview is suburban sprawl hell, but... but... hotel lobby coffee?14:12
cmaloneyYeah, that's what I'm betting on14:15
greg-geek, yeah, there are dead areas of mtv17:01
jrwrenthere are undead areas?17:06
greg-gdowntown, those 3 blocks, isn't *bad* just, small and you have to drive there and there's no parking and ugh bro-dudes17:36
jrwrenits been 16yrs since I was there :)17:36
jrwrenerr... no... 15yrs almost to the day.17:36
greg-ghah, nice17:37

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