=== x3mi|idle is now known as x3mi|sleep | ||
BlackDalek | nacc upgrade was from 14.04 to 15.04 to 15.10 to 16.04 ...and the "bug" has been in the last few upgrade - I just never bothered to do anything about it until now. | 00:01 |
Kingsy[m] | Bashing-om going to try unity.. see if the bug is with gnome. | 00:01 |
Bashing-om | Kingsy[m]: - as this is a server // maybe ya like xfce the better for a GUI ? | 00:02 |
nacc | BlackDalek: ah ok ... | 00:02 |
nacc | BlackDalek: i really don't know, sorry | 00:02 |
Kingsy[m] | I am not sure see. I want something super easy to navigate with a little touchpad and keyboard. | 00:03 |
Kingsy[m] | Gnome seemed like a good choice. But maybe not. | 00:03 |
Kingsy[m] | Not sure about xfce why do you suggest that? Any reason? | 00:03 |
BlackDalek | Is it safe to delete /usr/share/accounts/services/windows-live-mail.service from my system since the windows live plugin no longer exists? | 00:03 |
nacc | BlackDalek: taht comes from evolution-data-server-online-accounts | 00:04 |
RemixOShelp | is ext4 the default file system for ubuntu? | 00:04 |
nacc | BlackDalek: afaict, unrelated to the account-plugin stuff | 00:04 |
k1l_ | RemixOShelp: yes | 00:04 |
BlackDalek | nacc, oh ok. | 00:04 |
RemixOShelp | hmm ok | 00:04 |
BlackDalek | I'll leave it then | 00:04 |
xangua | Kingsy[m]: gnome has nice touch gestures, but xfce is usable, unity has nice keyboard shortcuts | 00:05 |
RemixOShelp | can i ask anything here, like grub related questions too | 00:07 |
BaggaTea | Hi all. is there a way to get info on an unattended-upgrade? | 00:07 |
BaggaTea | like, how much effing longer it's going to take | 00:08 |
Bashing-om | Kingsy[m]: xfce is light and extremely easy to configure if ya handy with editing files . // on another note not to rub salt in a wound -> I run a nVidia710 card on gnome3 on release 17.04 that is flawless with nouveau as the driver . | 00:08 |
Industrial | Where do I go for help with Juju and Conjure Up ? | 00:08 |
nacc | Industrial: #ubuntu-server | 00:08 |
Kingsy[m] | Yeah I mean nouveau would be ok I guess... | 00:09 |
foul_owl | What are the keyboard shortcuts to move forward/backward by word with bash + xterm? It's supposed to be alt+f/b but that doesn't work with xterm. Thanks! | 00:09 |
Bashing-om | RemixOShelp: So long as it is 'buntu related you may ask ( but my smart bucket may be be big enough ) . | 00:09 |
RemixOShelp | <RemixOShelp> I'm trying to launch Remix OS from GRUB, but when I attempt to I get three errors: [15:50] <RemixOShelp> "no such device: /remix/system.img [15:51] <RemixOShelp> file /remix/kernel not found" [15:51] <RemixOShelp> you need to load the kernel first [15:51] <RemixOShelp> but i have those files in the /remix folder [15:52] <RemixOShelp> and this is what i have added in the 40_custom file [15:52] <RemixOShelp> menuentr | 00:10 |
RemixOShelp | menuentry 'Remix OS' --class android-x86 { insmod part_gpt search --file --no-floppy --set=root /remix/system.img linux /remix/kernel root=/dev/ram0 androidboot.hardware=remix_x86_64 androidboot.selinux=permissive CMDLINE initrd /remix/initrd.img }' | 00:11 |
hggdh | RemixOShelp: please use pastenbin. It is diffiult to read what you posted | 00:11 |
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nacc | RemixOShelp: but i'm guessing you actually want the remix support channel, not ubuntu... | 00:13 |
RemixOShelp | im hoping its a simpler case of me not understanding syntax | 00:14 |
RemixOShelp | and putting the files in the wrong folder | 00:14 |
RemixOShelp | sec im putting everything in a pastebin | 00:14 |
nacc | RemixOShelp: seems like asking #remixos is still more appropriate | 00:14 |
RemixOShelp | i tried #remixos and #grub so far | 00:15 |
RemixOShelp | http://paste.ubuntu.com/23914608/ | 00:16 |
RemixOShelp | well heres to hoping bashing's smart bucket is big enough | 00:17 |
Bashing-om | RemixOShelp: Well, does the kernel exist where it should .? Mount the install and ' dpkg -l | grep linux- ' and check the /boot partition ' ls -al /boot/ ' . | 00:22 |
RemixOShelp | i think i have it in the right folder, i have the kernel in /remix | 00:22 |
RemixOShelp | http://paste.ubuntu.com/23914671/ | 00:24 |
RemixOShelp | thats my ls -al /boot/ | 00:24 |
Bashing-om | RemixOShelp: More I do not know than what I do know . but makes sense to me to put the kernel ya want to boot in the standard place, no ? | 00:26 |
k1l_ | RemixOShelp: i dont see how this a ubuntu issue? better ask the remix os specialists about their stuff. | 00:26 |
RemixOShelp | i guess ill wait for an answer there then | 00:27 |
k1l_ | RemixOShelp: if they dont answer in their support channels, then try their forums or where they do offer support. or you can ask generic questions in ##linux | 00:27 |
RemixOShelp | k thanks | 00:27 |
blocky | does anyone have an idea why my logitech K750 keyboard is generating events like XF86Back when I press the letter 'd' | 00:29 |
Kingsy[m] | Man o man unity comes with a lot of stuff | 00:31 |
Kingsy[m] | This can't all be necessary | 00:32 |
Bashing-om | Kingsy[m]: Yepper .. remember ---- I did say xfce :) | 00:32 |
Kingsy[m] | Bashing-om xfce makes no sense for an htpc the menu is all wrong for it... I wont have a mouse really... Just a crappy touchpad | 00:33 |
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Bashing-om | Kingsy[m]: K . we use what works the best .. and unity is the heavy weight DE . | 00:33 |
Kingsy[m] | Yeah.. probably not ideal either. | 00:34 |
Kingsy[m] | Gnome fits hesf | 00:34 |
Kingsy[m] | Best | 00:34 |
Kingsy[m] | But it's broke so it seems unless I stick with nouveau | 00:34 |
K4B00M | hey | 00:34 |
K4B00M | Any software developers in here, specifically for C++ ? | 00:34 |
K4B00M | I have some questions | 00:34 |
bazhang | ##c++ K4B00M | 00:35 |
UserUS | Does anyone know how to enable pipelight to use an integrated context menu in a virtual lab. It is web based. | 00:35 |
K4B00M | It kept saying that my messages were not sending to the ##C++ | 00:35 |
K4B00M | I dont know why | 00:35 |
K4B00M | I will retry | 00:35 |
K4B00M | sorry | 00:35 |
bazhang | pipelight? | 00:35 |
bazhang | where did you get pipelight from | 00:35 |
UserUS | added a repository and apt-get | 00:36 |
bazhang | !info pipelight | 00:36 |
ubottu | Package pipelight does not exist in yakkety | 00:36 |
nacc | UserUS: then contact the repository's owner | 00:36 |
Bashing-om | Kingsy[m]: We still may have a driver conflict ?? . Is the proprietary driver installed now ? If so what returns ' sudo grep 'blacklist.*nouveau' /etc/modprobe.d/* ' ? | 00:36 |
bazhang | thats not an ubuntu repo | 00:36 |
UserUS | I have 16.04, and I checked the forum, no one has the same question | 00:36 |
Kingsy[m] | Going to install it now.. 2 mins | 00:36 |
nacc | UserUS: no, you have 16.04 + some repository it sounds like. | 00:36 |
nacc | UserUS: so you need to contact the owner of "some repository", in this case, for support | 00:37 |
UserUS | nacc: its from the developer | 00:37 |
nacc | UserUS: ... so contact the developer. Not this channel's responsibility. | 00:37 |
bazhang | UserUS, so contact them | 00:37 |
UserUS | nacc: Didn't say it was, just asked if anyone here knew. | 00:37 |
bazhang | UserUS, it's not an ubuntu issue | 00:38 |
UserUS | it's silverlight 5.1 in ubuntu | 00:38 |
UserUS | regardless of where it came from | 00:38 |
bazhang | !info silverlight | 00:38 |
ubottu | Package silverlight does not exist in yakkety | 00:38 |
tonyt | !info flash | 00:38 |
ubottu | Package flash does not exist in yakkety | 00:38 |
UserUS | I don't have yakkety | 00:38 |
bazhang | UserUS, the point is, it's not something ubuntu supports, so ask them for support | 00:39 |
UserUS | I have 16.04 | 00:39 |
UserUS | It is, because it works | 00:39 |
nacc | UserUS: this channel is for supporting Ubuntu and packages that come from Ubuntu. Whatever it is that you installed is not from Ubuntu. | 00:39 |
nacc | UserUS: or you're not telling us the correct name for the package if it does. | 00:39 |
siva_machina | !info flashplugin-installer | 00:40 |
ubottu | flashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (yakkety), package size 6 kB, installed size 58 kB (Only available for i386; amd64) | 00:40 |
UserUS | nacc: https://launchpad.net/pipelight | 00:40 |
james__ | exit | 00:41 |
nacc | UserUS: yes, note how that's *not* ubuntu? it's either a PPA or wine-staging being used? | 00:41 |
siva_machina | @tonyt | 00:41 |
UserUS | nacc: it's a ppa, and I'm not asking ubuntu, im asking ubuntu users | 00:41 |
UserUS | maybe someone else has it | 00:41 |
nacc | !ppa | UserUS | 00:41 |
ubottu | UserUS: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 00:41 |
nacc | UserUS: PPAs are not supported... | 00:42 |
nacc | UserUS: as we've been saying ... it's not part of Ubuntu. So it's not supported. So it's offtopic for this channel. | 00:42 |
nacc | UserUS: you can contact the developers from that page, or use the LP Questions or any number of other options, I'd think. | 00:43 |
siva_machina | #ubuntu-offtopic | 00:43 |
foul_owl | What are the keyboard shortcuts to move forward/backward by word with bash + xterm? It's supposed to be alt+f/b but that doesn't work with xterm. Thanks! | 00:44 |
Kingsy[m] | Bashing-om works perfect. So it's a bug in Ubuntu gnome. | 00:45 |
UserUS | nacc: you need some tea | 00:45 |
Bashing-om | Kingsy[m]: Well, that is good to know in lots of respects . Consider joining the bug report and adding info to help get it fixed ( above my skill level ) . | 00:49 |
Kingsy[m] | Yeah will do | 00:49 |
SITM | hello | 00:52 |
SITM | the load on my server is showing ~ 3 but there is hardly any CPU activity. So would disk IO contribute to that load? | 00:53 |
nacc | SITM: yes, uninterruptible sleep (disk wait often) is attributed as load | 00:53 |
SITM | what is a good command line tool to see disk load? iotop? | 00:54 |
SITM | hmmm.. maybe I want atop | 00:55 |
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SITM | all of the disks show ~ 1% util ... besides disk IO and CPU, what else does load reflect? | 00:56 |
jon__ | do any of you have an xps15/5510 with ubuntu on it? | 01:10 |
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nacc | SITM: do you have any zombie processes? | 01:10 |
AlexPortable | anyone can help me getting netflix to wrok? | 01:13 |
wedgie | AlexPortable: there are supposed to be plugins for chrome or firefox. Have you tried those? | 01:14 |
AlexPortable | which plugins? | 01:14 |
katisto | AlexPortable netflix works on ubuntu for me | 01:14 |
AlexPortable | for me not | 01:14 |
AlexPortable | what should i use? | 01:14 |
katisto | AlexPortable maybe you need icetea plugin? | 01:14 |
ZeZu | uhm, what does the netflix site say? | 01:15 |
cfhowlett | AlexPortable: there are supposed to be plugins for chrome or firefox. Have you tried those? | 01:15 |
ZeZu | that you need flash or silverlight? | 01:15 |
AlexPortable | make sure you are using an offical version of firefox | 01:15 |
katisto | I don't have flash installed and netflix works in chrome | 01:15 |
ZeZu | I think it uses silverlight | 01:15 |
ZeZu | I forgot it's been a while since i've used it | 01:16 |
ZeZu | but I think there was an HTML5 version they pushed later | 01:16 |
AlexPortable | well how do i make sure im using an offical version of firefox? | 01:17 |
drama | netflix is supposed to work out of the box on this version of chrome https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/desktop/ | 01:19 |
siva_machina | you do not need silverlight on Netflix. Either use Chrome or Firefox | 01:19 |
AlexPortable | i'm using firefox | 01:19 |
AlexPortable | but what special trick do i have to do | 01:19 |
siva_machina | Firefox you willl need to enable the drm and use a user agent switcher to make it look like you are useing Chrome | 01:19 |
AlexPortable | yes | 01:20 |
AlexPortable | i did | 01:20 |
siva_machina | Netflix has not updated there site to allow the use of the html5 on firefox even with the drm | 01:20 |
AlexPortable | oh | 01:21 |
AlexPortable | it worked before somehow | 01:21 |
COSL04X | AlexPortable: you can use a agent switcher to look like Chrome on Mac and it will work | 01:22 |
siva_machina | https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/user-agent-switcher-firefox/?src=ss | 01:23 |
siva_machina | I suggest that | 01:23 |
COSL04X | thanks siva_machina | 01:23 |
siva_machina | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36 | 01:23 |
siva_machina | then modify the chrome for Linux to use that string | 01:23 |
jon__ | how significant are the changes between Ubuntu 14 and 16? | 01:24 |
AlexPortable | chrome seems to work without changing user agent | 01:24 |
siva_machina | Then Netflix should work | 01:24 |
COSL04X | yes chrome on its own will also work | 01:24 |
AlexPortable | why not firefox? | 01:24 |
siva_machina | Because Netflix has not updated there site to use Firefoxs user agent string | 01:24 |
COSL04X | i don't remember exactly why but it has to do with the browser, env variables and sandboxing | 01:24 |
siva_machina | on Linux | 01:24 |
cfhowlett | jon read the release notes for those details | 01:24 |
siva_machina | even though they have the nesscery drm now | 01:24 |
jon__ | cfhowlett, I did | 01:25 |
cfhowlett | jon then you have the basic information and you can decide how "significant" those are | 01:25 |
jon__ | the naming scheme is a bit confusing | 01:26 |
jon__ | is 16.10 just a minor patch from 16.04? ie. along the same release path? | 01:26 |
cfhowlett | jon__, please read /msg ubottu names for insight | 01:26 |
wedgie | jon__: the version numbers are just datestamps. No real bearing on anything else | 01:27 |
jon__ | what is the LTS then? is it 16.x? 16.04? 16.10? | 01:27 |
COSL04X | LTS is Long Term Support | 01:27 |
COSL04X | 16.04 | 01:27 |
jon__ | right, but what version is that covering? | 01:27 |
jon__ | ok | 01:27 |
jon__ | I just got a new laptop with 14.04 on it and am trying to figure out if going to 16.04 is worth it or how much of a PITA it will be | 01:28 |
cfhowlett | jon_ 14.04 is supported for 5 years. sudo do-release-upgrade will bring it to 16.04. | 01:28 |
COSL04X | You will find that the xx.04 are going to be LTS if they stick with their release structure | 01:29 |
wedgie | jon__: if its new then you don't have much to lose. Worst case is a clean reinstall | 01:29 |
jon__ | right, the question is will things work | 01:29 |
jon__ | its frustrating that the machine came with 14, 16.04 isnt that new | 01:29 |
wedgie | *shrug* Easy to fix | 01:29 |
wedgie | at least it didn't come with windows :P | 01:29 |
jon__ | just doing an apt-get update broke wireless connectivity even within 14.04 | 01:30 |
cfhowlett | jon__, so don't upgrade until necessary? | 01:30 |
COSL04X | Im still runing 16.04 on this System76 Gazelle for 4 months, get a feel for how the average person will buy and use it, will put something else on it later | 01:30 |
nacc | COSL04X: to be clear, every other xx.04 is LTS (e.g., 17.04 is not) | 01:31 |
jon__ | do any of you have an XPS15/5510? | 01:31 |
jon__ | dell's ubuntu support seems to leave a lot to be desired | 01:32 |
cfhowlett | jon__, look this is easy. download 16.04. make ubuntu USB. plug in USB. reboot laptop. select USB as boot media. Proceed to testing ... | 01:32 |
cfhowlett | and for DELL specific information, use the dell linux suppor fourms | 01:33 |
jon__ | right, it seems like most of the dell special repo drivers have gotten merged upstream | 01:34 |
jon__ | if I want to go to 16.04 -- is the update mechanism decent? or should I just wipe it out and reformat | 01:34 |
cfhowlett | http://en.community.dell.com/techcenter/os-applications/f | 01:34 |
wedgie | jon__: i've always had good luck with the update mechanism. Never had one crap out on me yet | 01:35 |
jon__ | and i would imagine you can go direct LTS -> LTS right? | 01:35 |
jon__ | ie. no need to go 14 -> 15 -> 16 | 01:35 |
cfhowlett | yes indeed | 01:35 |
keith_ | Hello | 01:37 |
cfhowlett | jon__, I used to chase each release and update immediately. Soon learned that the saner option was to install LTS only and upgrade after the .1 release. YMMV | 01:40 |
wedgie | yeah, i find that the LTS's are where it is at as well. Especially now that non-LTS support is down to 9 months (couldn't believe they did that) | 01:41 |
jon__ | wedgie, 9 months seems nuts | 01:42 |
jon__ | fedora is fast but reasonable | 01:42 |
bazhang | jon__, lets stay on topic here please | 01:43 |
jon__ | the biggest issue that worries me is this stupid dock support | 01:43 |
cfhowlett | jon__, that is something the DELL team needs to hear. nothing to done from the ubuntu side until they perfect the drivers | 01:43 |
nacc | jon__: which dock is that? | 01:49 |
jon__ | nacc, this one, its a usb-c dock http://www.dell.com/support/Article/us/en/4/SLN301105 | 01:50 |
nacc | jon__: is it a displaylink one? | 01:51 |
nacc | jon__: if it is, they're a pain and not worth it (IMO) :) | 01:52 |
jon__ | not sure what a dispalylink dock is | 01:52 |
cfhowlett | jon_ http://en.community.dell.com/techcenter/os-applications/f/4613/p/19678284/20974723#20974723 | 01:52 |
root | hi all | 01:53 |
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Industrial | I have lots of PPA's that are not working or incorrect. How do I remove them? | 01:53 |
jon__ | cfhowlett, I guses I should get everything working in 14.04 at least | 01:55 |
jon__ | image it, then try 16.04 | 01:55 |
cfhowlett | sounds like a plan | 01:55 |
Bashing-om | !ppa-purge | Industrial | 01:55 |
ubottu | Industrial: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html | 01:55 |
jon__ | in terms of charging over usb-c is that handled at the bios level..? | 01:59 |
jon__ | ie. if that works with windows, is the OS relevant? | 02:00 |
nacc | jon__: charging over usb-c is probably at the bios level | 02:06 |
jon__ | usb-c seems like a very confusing standard | 02:07 |
bazhang | !ot | jon__ | 02:07 |
ubottu | jon__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 02:07 |
bazhang | jon__, chatter elsewhere Please | 02:07 |
njcx | Hi | 02:12 |
AlexPortable | why would anyone use ubuntu-core over debian? | 02:14 |
AlexPortable | ubuntu core / lubuntu core | 02:15 |
AlexPortable | i'm using lxde | 02:15 |
njcx | because apt | 02:15 |
AlexPortable | uh debian has apt too | 02:15 |
njcx | maybe it is easy | 02:15 |
Bashing-om | AlexPortable: One take, because a core intall is light and very fast ! .. and only installs what apps you want . Totally under your control . | 02:17 |
AlexPortable | so is debian (net install) | 02:18 |
AlexPortable | just wondering which i should use | 02:18 |
siva_machina | I would think you would use ubuntu-core along side apt | 02:18 |
Bashing-om | AlexPortable: That is a polling question and best asked in #ubuntu-offtopic . | 02:19 |
juan_ | hello need to connect to a chanel that speek spanish | 02:23 |
cfhowlett | !es | juan_ | 02:23 |
ubottu | juan_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 02:23 |
cute_korean_girl | Hey I am just trying something out with the 4.10 rc6 kernel to test this thing out (So, I'm not using it expecting a stable kernel, I have a specific reason for using a beta kernel, just to get that out of the way) and I figured I'd try out the debs from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.10-rc6/ and see how that works before compiling it myself if I need to. I'm actually on mint 18.1, but I'm asking here | 02:24 |
cute_korean_girl | because they're the ubuntu debs for the kernel (and lets be honest, at that level there's not that much of a difference.) And I guess my question is, does anyone know if the nvidia drivers (not nouveau, the actual nvidia drivers) just straight up don't work on 4.10 yet? Or if it's a failure on my part that I cant get them to work? | 02:24 |
cfhowlett | cute_korean_girl, you have to ask mint. they have their own support channelsl | 02:25 |
cfhowlett | !mint | 02:25 |
ubottu | Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org | 02:25 |
cute_korean_girl | Fair enough, like I said I was asking here cuz I was using the ubuntu kernel debs and that's where this issue popped up, so I thought they might just send me here. But yeah I'll try there, thanks | 02:25 |
juan_ | ok how do i get my pc to reconace my dvr im using ubuntu 16.04 ltd | 02:26 |
Bashing-om | juan_: Graphic's drivers ? Intel amd AMD (ATI) come in the kernel, nothing else you need to do . | 02:31 |
dm1530 | lanc | 02:39 |
darkhack | how to use snort | 02:41 |
darkhack | hello bro | 02:41 |
darkhack | anybody in here | 02:43 |
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AlexPortable | Can I also do a bare minimum install while still keeping the full iso? | 02:45 |
Bashing-om | AlexPortable: Sure; After all the .iso is only a file . | 02:46 |
AlexPortable | because right now i have the idea it's pulling everything from the internet | 02:46 |
rafael | hi | 02:47 |
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Bashing-om | AlexPortable: That is a fact .. all it needs it pulls in via the 'net . But the install medium is not touched . | 02:48 |
Guest69874 | oi | 02:48 |
AlexPortable | is this also when using the full iso and installing bare minimum? | 02:48 |
Bashing-om | AlexPortable: I do not know that one can even do that - the "full iso" is a desktop install with all the bells and whistles . | 02:49 |
AlexPortable | oh okay | 02:50 |
darkhack | hey all, what the best of Penetration OS | 02:51 |
darkhack | quit | 02:53 |
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andres_ | :) | 03:11 |
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xMopxShell | In gnome 3, how can i type (or copy from somewhere?) emoji? | 03:12 |
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energizer | When I resume from suspend, my background and edges of windows look like this. https://imgur.com/a/faED7 How can I fix this? | 03:45 |
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user__ | bludnut | 03:51 |
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gartral | 04:16 | |
gartral | ok, this is weird, whenever my system goes to sleep or screensaver, my mouse cursor dissapears, i'm on ubuntu 16.04 LTS fresh install | 04:17 |
gartral | rather, it dissapears when i log bak in | 04:18 |
Jordan_U | gartral: Can you still (blindly) click things? | 04:22 |
Jordan_U | gartral: Is it visible at the lock screen? | 04:23 |
energizer | When I resume from suspend, my background and edges of windows look like this. https://imgur.com/a/faED7 How can I fix this? | 04:26 |
on3pk | So, on a scale of 1 to Moronic, how dumb is it to run docker inside a VPS? | 04:57 |
gartral | Jordan_U: yes and yes | 05:02 |
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tubal | What do people think of the default rules for ufw in U 16.nn? Good enough? | 05:02 |
gartral | Jordan_U: sorry about the delay, had to field a dad who decided to unplug his desktop because "the cables took too much room" | 05:03 |
sisyphus | man wmctrl | 05:03 |
gartral | Jordan_U: an os update fixed it | 05:13 |
radkek | \quit | 05:15 |
tenos | Hello, I am having a slight issue with Chrome Remote Desktop, is there anyone around that might help? | 05:17 |
tenos | active for the ubuntu support channel... | 05:20 |
NickIgnat | t | 05:29 |
Vibor | Hi | 05:43 |
lotuspsychje | Vibor: dont join irc as root mate | 05:43 |
Vibor | I 'm new, why not? | 05:44 |
lotuspsychje | !root | Vibor | 05:44 |
ubottu | Vibor: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 05:44 |
lotuspsychje | Vibor: join irc as the regular user for safety | 05:44 |
Dr_Coke | Vibor because if someone gains access to your computer as root they can screw your computer | 05:45 |
Dr_Coke | log in as a user for protection | 05:45 |
Vibor | Oh, thx you all | 05:45 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest31065 | ||
Dr_Coke | welcome | 05:46 |
Guest31065 | #join ubuntu-mx | 05:46 |
=== mike_ is now known as Guest65482 | ||
royal_screwup21 | I installed pandas (or so I thought) via the terminal and here's what I got: https://thepasteb.in/p/xGhmnVPY2o7uM. Then I imported pandas on a script but got an error saying there was no module named pandas. How do I resolve this? | 05:56 |
Camron | Good morning all. I have just installed owncloud and set it up to work but when accesing it from the browser I get the error "ssh2.0-openssh_7.2p2 Ubuntu-4Ubuntu2.1 " any ideas | 06:02 |
qwr | bountysource | 06:03 |
Camron | was that to me | 06:03 |
lotuspsychje | Camron: you added ppa's of any kind? | 06:04 |
Camron | yes, it works local | 06:04 |
lotuspsychje | Camron: we dont support external ppa's mate, can you contact the maintainer of the ppa? | 06:05 |
lotuspsychje | !ppa | Camron | 06:05 |
ubottu | Camron: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 06:05 |
Camron | thanks | 06:05 |
pyromax | Hi | 06:12 |
pyromax | Is this the right place to ask complicated questions? | 06:12 |
Ben64 | about ubuntu, yes | 06:12 |
pyromax | I think it's about LVM | 06:12 |
pyromax | I have had a server running for years, and now my disks start failing | 06:13 |
pyromax | I have replaced one of them | 06:13 |
pyromax | and another has failed, but I thought there was nothing on there | 06:14 |
pyromax | but I rebooted and can't get the d**n thing to start | 06:14 |
pyromax | I get an error: "device-mapper: table: 252:8 raid: Fail to run raid array" | 06:15 |
pyromax | and I'm kind of lost as to where to look | 06:15 |
pyromax | anybody has an idea? | 06:16 |
royal_screwup21 | https://thepasteb.in/p/76hE4K29zLVHV I got this message after it said "successfully installed pandas". So I went to the directory mentioned, performed "chmod 777 -R *", but to no avail. I'm still not able to import pandas on my python script. How do I resolve this error? | 06:17 |
drjam | gl pyromax | 06:19 |
Ben64 | royal_screwup21: whoa be careful with chmod | 06:19 |
Big_Bird | What would you all say is something very cool to do in Ubuntu that is rather unique to linux? | 06:23 |
pyromax | sorry? | 06:24 |
Ben64 | Big_Bird: you should ask that maybe in #ubuntu-offtopic | 06:24 |
Big_Bird | Ben64: Ok. Thanks. | 06:24 |
testuser2 | i cant join #emaacs. anyone here using Emacs + Robe. | 06:25 |
testuser2 | i get bundler: failed to load command: irb (/home/user/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.5/bin/irb) while trying to run robe | 06:27 |
hateball | !register | testuser2 | 06:32 |
ubottu | testuser2: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode. | 06:32 |
Vibor | Hi | 06:34 |
Vibor | How do you tell if I'm logged in as root? | 06:35 |
Ben64 | run "whoami" | 06:35 |
pyromax | @vibor type: "id" | 06:35 |
testuser2 | hateball: :-( | 06:35 |
Heston | hello, does the latest version of ubuntu livecd include smartmontools? | 06:36 |
Vibor | I mean on a irc channel, some mates told me it was bad to log into irc as root, but how did they tell that | 06:36 |
lotuspsychje | Vibor: when you logged in on irc last time it showed also root@yourhost this is how we saw you logged in irc as root | 06:36 |
hateball | Heston: No. But you can apt install it live, provided you have an internet connection | 06:36 |
Heston | hateball: balls.. | 06:37 |
lotuspsychje | Vibor: this time your logged in as leo@... so its good | 06:37 |
Heston | I wont have internet | 06:37 |
Heston | and I need to boot it up at the location to test a drive im buying | 06:37 |
Vibor | lotuspsychje: OK | 06:37 |
pyromax | anyone know anything about LVM? | 06:38 |
hateball | Heston: There are other distros better suited for recovery operations and hardware tested. Otherwise you have to remaster Ubuntu yourself | 06:38 |
lotuspsychje | pyromax: best to solve your issue, with your full question to the channel | 06:38 |
hateball | Heston: You also have the option of making a persistent install on a thumbdrive | 06:38 |
lotuspsychje | !lvm | pyromax can this help? | 06:38 |
ubottu | pyromax can this help?: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto | 06:38 |
Heston | hateball, hmm..yeah that would be a ton of work and time | 06:39 |
hateball | pyromax: fwiw, I think this is a nice resource on getting started with LVM https://www.howtoforge.com/linux_lvm | 06:39 |
Vibor | So I wonder if there is any way I can tunnel my whole system's network through a firefox VPN add-on? | 06:39 |
Heston | probably just go with a centos livecd | 06:39 |
hateball | Heston: making a persistent install to a thumbdrive isnt very time consuming tho | 06:39 |
hateball | Heston: but it's all up to you :) | 06:39 |
Heston | hateball, it is with usb 2 | 06:39 |
hateball | Heston: personally, I use something like systemrescuecd if I just need to test hardware etc | 06:40 |
lotuspsychje | Vibor: there are different ways to tunnel your internet/apps, but this channel is used for ubuntu support | 06:40 |
Heston | hmm, youd think for something as unanimous as smartmontools, it would be included as default | 06:41 |
Heston | just like memtest is | 06:41 |
lotuspsychje | Vibor: for firefox questions: #firefox or networking: ##networking | 06:41 |
lotuspsychje | !manual | Vibor see also this for starter | 06:41 |
ubottu | Vibor see also this for starter: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/ | 06:41 |
pyromax | ok, so I was not clear enough half an hour ago, or just now. I really fucked up my hom eserver, which used to run on mirrorred disks. One failed, and just after replacing it, another crashed, and now I can't boot. | 06:41 |
pyromax | somteing to do woth " fail to run raid array" | 06:42 |
Heston | hateball, ill check out systemrescuecd though, thanks | 06:43 |
pyromax | I'm not just starting with LVM or raid, all your links are nice, but I already read and discarded them | 06:43 |
Vibor | Maybe I should ask this question on firefox channel, silly me:pOC | 06:44 |
Heston | pyromax, so your raid array wasnt able to rebuild before the other drive crashed? | 06:44 |
lotuspsychje | pyromax: your on ubuntu server? | 06:44 |
pyromax | running an updated version of ubuntu server, mirrored and well up until 8 hours ago | 06:45 |
pyromax | I had a failing disk a week ago, and replaced it two days ago, everyting seemed fine. | 06:46 |
pyromax | I also had some old disks in the server, which I wanted to remove (because: old) | 06:47 |
pyromax | and just when I rebooted before changing any hardware, crash | 06:47 |
lotuspsychje | pyromax: you can also use the #ubuntu-server channel if you like, to state your issue | 06:47 |
pyromax | oh, I did not know there are more channels, sorry | 06:48 |
pyromax | what should I do? | 06:48 |
pyromax | how do I find that server channel? | 06:48 |
lotuspsychje | !server | pyromax | 06:49 |
ubottu | pyromax: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server | 06:49 |
lotuspsychje | pyromax: most clients can join on clicking the #channel-name | 06:50 |
lotuspsychje | pyromax: if not, type /join #ubuntu-server | 06:50 |
testuser2 | /k | 06:51 |
testuser2 | j i mean | 06:51 |
pyromax | ok, thanks, but nothing seems to be happening on there | 06:51 |
lotuspsychje | pyromax: im just trying to widen your options | 06:52 |
pyromax | and i am very gratefull for you to point e in that direction | 06:52 |
lotuspsychje | pyromax: to get an issue solved, be patient and re-ask your issue once in a while to the channel (all in one line) with your steps taken | 06:53 |
lotuspsychje | !details | pyromax like this | 06:53 |
ubottu | pyromax like this: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. | 06:53 |
hateball | starting with "does anyone" rarely yields good answers | 06:53 |
user5938 | are there any console programs I can download that will play music? | 06:54 |
lotuspsychje | !players | user5938 can this help? | 06:55 |
ubottu | user5938 can this help?: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 06:55 |
tubal | user5938: I think mplayer does that. | 06:56 |
user5938 | I want to stream it from youtube | 06:56 |
pyromax | ok, so when I reset my computer, it starts spewing messages: "device-mapper: table 252:8 raid: Fail to run raid array" | 06:56 |
user5938 | or other free services | 06:56 |
user5938 | like radio | 06:57 |
pyromax | I can't boot anymore, except from an USB stick in rescue mode | 06:57 |
hateball | pyromax: Are you using only LVM, or are you also using mdadm ? | 06:59 |
lotuspsychje | !info mps-youtube | user5938 is this usefull for you? | 07:00 |
pyromax | I have not used mdadm consciously | 07:00 |
ubottu | user5938 is this usefull for you?: mps-youtube (source: mps-youtube): Terminal based YouTube jukebox with playlist management. In component universe, is extra. Version (yakkety), package size 53 kB, installed size 238 kB | 07:00 |
=== sirv is now known as sirv_high | ||
pyromax | do you have any experience with LVM? I must admit the initial installation was on different disks as the ones I have now... | 07:03 |
lotuspsychje | pyromax: describe more details of your issue mate, ubuntu server versio? up to date? installation steps at your setup? did you check your cables/hardware? etc | 07:05 |
lotuspsychje | pyromax: did it work before? when did it go wrong?..the more info you provide, the more change your issue gets solved | 07:06 |
pyromax | Hardware is from years ago (about 5/6 years), ubuntu server version I'm not sure about, and since I cannot boot, I cannot check. | 07:07 |
pyromax | All cables are ok | 07:07 |
lotuspsychje | pyromax: you dont know your server version you on? | 07:07 |
pyromax | hardware should be ok, the only doubt is a brand new disk which may be DOA, but which is not used in the RAID array | 07:07 |
pyromax | I updated the server (software-like) about 6-8 months ago, but I'm net 100% sure | 07:08 |
sirv_high | just boot from a usb or cd | 07:09 |
pyromax | I'm booting from USB right now | 07:09 |
lotuspsychje | pyromax: we cant smell what you did mate, did it go wrong after the new HD? | 07:09 |
lotuspsychje | pyromax: lsb_release -a | 07:09 |
sirv_high | should we accompany u thru this process ? | 07:09 |
pyromax | yeah, give me a minute. let me try to explain, I appreciate every little bit of advise | 07:10 |
lotuspsychje | pyromax: can you recall updating to 14.04 or 16.04? | 07:10 |
pyromax | 16 something | 07:11 |
pyromax | is there an /etc/release? I'm starting from usb right now | 07:11 |
pyromax | sorry, let me try to explain what I did, it might take some time | 07:12 |
lotuspsychje | pyromax: ok, so lets presume your on 16.04 server, when did it go bad? after pluggin your new disk? | 07:12 |
hateball | pyromax: there's /etc/issue | 07:13 |
lotuspsychje | when did the 'failed array' error came up | 07:13 |
pyromax | the failed array comes up during boot | 07:13 |
lotuspsychje | pyromax: yes you already said, but did it work fine before? | 07:13 |
pyromax | well, yeah, but i had not rebooted for about a year ........ | 07:14 |
lotuspsychje | erm | 07:14 |
pyromax | yep | 07:14 |
lotuspsychje | pyromax: some updates requier reboots, you never update and reboot? | 07:15 |
alkisg | Haha, no security updates for a year... | 07:15 |
pyromax | ok, so /etc/issue: Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS \n \1 | 07:15 |
pyromax | yeah, I'm bad | 07:15 |
lotuspsychje | pyromax: if your on .1 you must have rebooted sat some point, its not a year old | 07:16 |
pyromax | I'm starting to dount myself before yo mentioned that | 07:16 |
pyromax | *doubt | 07:16 |
lotuspsychje | pyromax: ok tell us when things got wrong? | 07:16 |
Bashing-om | lotuspsychje: pyromax ^^ that issue report from the liveDVD ? | 07:17 |
pyromax | when I started replacing harddisks | 07:17 |
=== violet is now known as Guest36015 | ||
lotuspsychje | pyromax: can you describe exactly what you did? | 07:17 |
n1b | When using the terminal how can you scroll back up to look at text? | 07:17 |
pyromax | that will take some time, because I have been fiddling around for about 7 hours now, but let me try | 07:18 |
sirv_high | what ? security updates require reboot ? how can that work in a production envirinment | 07:18 |
lotuspsychje | sirv_high: every machine needs a reboot once in a while | 07:19 |
xXEoflaOEXx | n1b, Which terminal are you using? Xterm? | 07:19 |
n1b | I'm using a bash shell | 07:20 |
n1b | no gui | 07:20 |
sirv_high | lotus > why ? i always thought linux can be run withotu reboots for decades | 07:20 |
cfhowlett | sirv_high, can. not should. | 07:21 |
lotuspsychje | sirv_high: good uptimes are good, but even then a machine needs a reboot once in a while | 07:21 |
xXEoflaOEXx | n1b, Try the PageDown and PageUp. Is it Ubuntu server? | 07:21 |
sirv_high | lotus > lol why should need a machine a reboot ? | 07:21 |
cfhowlett | sirv_high, are you trolling? | 07:22 |
=== Guest36015 is now known as violet | ||
=== the_ant1 is now known as the_ant | ||
n1b | I tryed that and it did not work | 07:22 |
n1b | can i try | less | 07:23 |
BadCodSmell | There is a package that simply wont update. | 07:23 |
sirv_high | cf > no, i always was 100% sure that it is possible to run linux without reboot, this is new to me . also i dont get why a machine needs a reboot ... like the hardware needs a reboot ? | 07:23 |
BadCodSmell | Apt cache policy seems to be stuck on the old version | 07:23 |
sirv_high | but i was not a server admin | 07:23 |
BadCodSmell | 1000+ machines upgrade fine but this one doesn't. | 07:24 |
BadCodSmell | When debian chooses which package (IE apt-cache policy) is there a way I can get it to show me how it's actually making that determination? | 07:24 |
lotuspsychje | sirv_high: after kernel updates i would reboot | 07:24 |
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pyromax | ok, off (my) topic: a reboot for a computer is usefull once in a while | 07:24 |
Bashing-om | nisseni: mouse wheel to scroll ?? | 07:24 |
xXEoflaOEXx | n1b, Try shift + Pageup | 07:24 |
pyromax | for possible hrdware failures | 07:24 |
cfhowlett | sirv_high, long story short: you were misinformed. yes it is possible to run without reboot. not always advisable and, as lotuspsychje pointed out, often required. | 07:24 |
BadCodSmell | There's no indication of any problem it just things that it should install version 1.2.3 instead of 1.2.4 | 07:25 |
n1b | okay that worked | 07:25 |
k1l_ | BadCodSmell: can you pastebin the apt-cache policy output? | 07:25 |
pyromax | I have seen it plenty of time, servers running for years (record: 9 years, 10 months, 12 days) without issue | 07:25 |
pyromax | reboot: almost all the hardware wont run again | 07:26 |
sirv_high | pyromax i never thought about it this way | 07:26 |
lotuspsychje | !ot | 07:26 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 07:26 |
pyromax | ok, about my current problem: | 07:27 |
pyromax | I have a server with 2 500 GB HDD's, mirrored. | 07:27 |
pyromax | And this ran my website and email (wichern.nl) I added 2 2TB HDD'sand tried to move the submirrors around. All went well, until a week ago and one of the 2TB disks started sprouting SMART errors. I got a new one, and replaced it. Started syncing. All seemed fine. Today (or yesterday evening) I decided to remove the old 500GB HDD's. I just unplugged the sata-data-cables (all the power cables are still in place). And rebooted, error, | 07:27 |
pyromax | adjusted GRUB, errors, tried all kinds of LVM commands | 07:27 |
cfhowlett | pyromax, best answered in #ubuntu-server | 07:27 |
BadCodSmell | k1L_: Installed: x-1.2.3 | Candidate: x-1.2.3 | 1.2.4 900 | 500 url distro/all amd64 Packages | *** 1.2.3 900 | 500 url distro/all amd64 | 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status | 07:28 |
lotuspsychje | pyromax: i also suggest you doublecheck the hardware part you did in ##hardware | 07:28 |
pyromax | I think I somehow missed a command or something when adding a new disk to an array | 07:28 |
BadCodSmell | As you can see, no reason for it. not held, no indication of any dependency errors, etc | 07:28 |
k1l_ | BadCodSmell: please put the specific output on paste.ubuntu.com and show the link here | 07:28 |
=== the_ant1 is now known as the_ant | ||
BadCodSmell | k1l_: There is nothing in apt-cache policy, I have checked it, I use the command all the time, I even make scripts to parse it to fix things and no there's no pin | 07:29 |
BadCodSmell | I have 1000 machines as well to compare too the only difference is the candidate and *** | 07:30 |
BadCodSmell | The question is how can I get apt-get to actually spit out why it's doing this | 07:30 |
sirv_high | http://wichern.nl/ is not working | 07:30 |
pyromax | no, that's because the server won't boot | 07:31 |
pyromax | because of raid issues | 07:31 |
k1l_ | hard to tell without actual output. did you run apt update before? is there some dependency blocking? etc etc etc | 07:31 |
xXEoflaOEXx | sirv_high because that server is down. | 07:31 |
pyromax | do you know if I can import an volume group? | 07:32 |
BadCodSmell | k1l_: Nothing. I've been doing this for years. It's just like it seems to thing 1.2.3 is greater than 1.2.4 and I don't know anyway I can get it to actually expose it's working. | 07:33 |
BadCodSmell | It's a hard problem | 07:33 |
jadew | hey, where can I see a list of bug reports for various packages? | 07:33 |
k1l_ | jadew: launchpad.net | 07:34 |
jadew | thanks | 07:34 |
BadCodSmell | maybe it's database is corrupt. weird things in aptitude alternatives | 07:34 |
BadCodSmell | I guess this is one of those corrupt bitrot bugs you get with crap loads of boxes | 07:35 |
k1l_ | BadCodSmell: its hard to just guess from the unspecific data you provide. | 07:35 |
BadCodSmell | k1l_: I've already told you that I've reached the point of all the things you would do | 07:35 |
BadCodSmell | The only thing now is... well I need apt to tell me what it's actually doing | 07:35 |
BadCodSmell | as usual apt never shows its reasoning | 07:35 |
k1l_ | BadCodSmell: ok, if you have done everything, and know everything, then i cant help you, sorry. | 07:36 |
k1l_ | BadCodSmell: sudo apt install package will tell why its not updating. | 07:36 |
BadCodSmell | normally it might say something | 07:37 |
BadCodSmell | not in this case, hmm maybe if i force it | 07:38 |
BadCodSmell | ugh it wants to remove a bilion packages and wont say why | 07:39 |
pluesch0r | hi everybody. i'm running xenial. unfortunately, the snmpd daemon in denial seems to report wrong interface names when being queried on oid - i'm getting output like STRING: "Red Hat, Inc Device 0001" instead of "eth0". this does not happen in the snmpd version present in trusty, i only found a bug report in debian describing the behaviour that i'm experiencing | 07:40 |
pluesch0r | (https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=788228) - is this a known problem, can anybody reproduce? | 07:40 |
ubottu | Debian bug 788228 in snmpd "snmpd: Wrong label in ifDescr" [Important,Open] | 07:40 |
pluesch0r | s/denial/xenial/g, hah | 07:40 |
BadCodSmell | specifically telling it to install those packages works | 07:40 |
BadCodSmell | IE inverted, the normal way you tell it to downgrade | 07:41 |
BadCodSmell | no conflict no reason... 4 < 3 = true | 07:41 |
BadCodSmell | I think this is a sign that reality is collapsing | 07:41 |
pyromax | ok, thank you, I'm going to concentrate on a fresh install now, thank you | 07:42 |
catwar | Hello! I'm looking for some help with fixing my sound. I had a green analog to my monitor that worked fine in windows but it seems it isn't recognized under ubuntu, any advice? | 07:43 |
sirv_high | pyromax so u gave up on restoring the RAID ? | 07:44 |
pyromax | yeah, | 07:44 |
pyromax | I have been at it for 9 hours now, no hope in sight | 07:44 |
BadCodSmell | catwar did you google first for common audio problems in ubuntu? | 07:44 |
BadCodSmell | also make sure it's plugged in and the volume is turned up. ensure that the sound card is properly mounted in its ISA slot. | 07:45 |
pyromax | oh, and I forgot to mention, the 9 hours started at about 23:00 at night, I'm kinda beat | 07:47 |
pyromax | and this doesn't work either ... | 07:51 |
LondonAppDev | Hey guys, each time I power on my Ubuntu 16.04.1 desktop, bluetooth is disabled by default. In order to use my bluetooth mouse I need to turn it on each time... What could have changed to make bluetooth disabled by default? | 07:53 |
johnflux | How do I install libpng12-0 in ubuntu 16.10 ? I see it here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/yakkety/amd64/libpng12-0/1.2.54-1ubuntu1 | 07:59 |
johnflux | but apt install libpng12-0 says it has no installation candidate | 07:59 |
=== arjun is now known as Guest91078 | ||
ryan32 | any good tips on getting a lady to suck a cock real good? | 08:00 |
ryan32 | I like the kind that can swallow that cum real nice | 08:01 |
ryan32 | you know? | 08:01 |
ryan32 | one that can deep throat that shit | 08:01 |
ryan32 | Tahr-Poop: are you following me baby...you stalking? | 08:02 |
ryan32 | liuxg: bitch what the fuck you want you come in here everyday asking all kinds of fucking questions | 08:03 |
alkisg | johnflux: what's the output of: sudo apt-get update; apt-cache policy libpng12-0 | 08:03 |
alkisg | All the output, to pastebin | 08:03 |
alkisg | !ops | 08:03 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu | 08:03 |
ryan32 | rol | 08:03 |
ryan32 | rofl | 08:03 |
alkisg | Ban ryan32 please | 08:03 |
jink | :o | 08:03 |
ducasse | johnflux: it's deprecated now, so not in the repos for yakkety. | 08:04 |
johnflux | ducasse: so anyone that needs it is just screwed? | 08:05 |
johnflux | ducasse: it's really frustrating when ubuntu does this! | 08:05 |
ducasse | johnflux: the app that needs it should upgrade | 08:05 |
johnflux | ducasse: okay, but what about the users of the app? | 08:05 |
ducasse | johnflux: they can't keep including ancient libs forever | 08:06 |
johnflux | ducasse: why not? | 08:06 |
MarcoP | johnflux, what app you actually trying to download | 08:06 |
MarcoP | or install | 08:06 |
ducasse | johnflux: it would be impossible to maintain and support | 08:06 |
johnflux | MarcoP: a React program that uses npm | 08:06 |
MarcoP | do you mind saying the name of the program there might be an updated version somewhere | 08:07 |
MarcoP | johnflux, | 08:07 |
cfhowlett | MarcoP, I think we're just supposed to guess - like Ms. Cleo or something | 08:08 |
johnflux | MarcoP: https://www.npmjs.com/package/pngquant-bin | 08:08 |
MarcoP | rofl | 08:08 |
cfhowlett | johnflux, imagemagick does this same function | 08:08 |
johnflux | cfhowlett: I don't use this directly. I use: https://github.com/mxstbr/react-boilerplate/tree/master/docs | 08:09 |
johnflux | and pngquant-bin is just one of the packages it uses | 08:09 |
johnflux | but if you google for: libpng12-0 has no installation candidate you get lots of other programs that use this | 08:09 |
johnflux | e.g. wps-office: http://askubuntu.com/questions/840412/how-to-install-wps-office-on-ubuntu-16-10/840429 | 08:10 |
johnflux | or Teamview 11 | 08:10 |
johnflux | Veil Evasion. Oracle Virtualbox. QIIME. Siduction | 08:10 |
MarcoP | does it need to be pngquant-bin? | 08:10 |
MarcoP | cause I see pngquant on synaptic package manager | 08:11 |
MarcoP | i have yakkety yak | 08:11 |
johnflux | for me personally, I just installed the xenial version and that worked | 08:11 |
johnflux | but it's really annoying with ubuntu just removes packages that thousands of apps use | 08:12 |
MarcoP | well pngquant is in synaptic package manager... | 08:12 |
johnflux | I'm talking about libpng12 | 08:12 |
MarcoP | well you said you were trying to install pngquant | 08:12 |
cfhowlett | there are many no longer maintained packages in linux. does not mean they should be used ... | 08:12 |
ducasse | johnflux: for apps you have the source to it is not a problem, just recompile against newer lib | 08:13 |
MarcoP | i think he might be trying to use an outdated program | 08:13 |
MarcoP | that is why he is running into problems | 08:13 |
MarcoP | yakketty yak has a version of that program in the repository | 08:14 |
pluesch0r | solution for my snmpd dilemma under xenial: the nagios script i used to check interfaces (check_snmp_int.pl) checks the wrong oid, it should not check ifDesc but rather ifName. changed the oid in the script, everything works. | 08:27 |
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hdon_ | hi all :) any python devs here? i've installed virtualenvwrapper on xenial but i have no mkvirtualenv(1) cmd -- what am i missing? | 08:28 |
Victora | Good evening. | 08:32 |
Victora | Is any semi good irc user willing give me some direct answers to questions, no kidding, i just need some help. | 08:33 |
ducasse | Victora: try #freenode | 08:33 |
rifter | Victora, just ask the questions | 08:34 |
Victora | I am installing ubuntu and irc server on it, but stumbled across somee obvious questions, to many. | 08:35 |
rifter | well yeah, #freenode for irc questions, but if you have an ubuntu question... | 08:35 |
rifter | oh okay | 08:35 |
rifter | so ask the questions | 08:35 |
rifter | what irc server did you install | 08:35 |
Victora | If i create a new channel, non registered, and simply go into it, and talk to myself with nobody else in channel, can anyone review what i typed to myself. | 08:36 |
Victora | ? | 08:36 |
rifter | you can if you log it, sure | 08:36 |
rifter | oh can anyone else .. well, people have to be in a channel to log it | 08:37 |
rifter | or have a bot in there, whatever | 08:38 |
Victora | So if its say a channel i used before for experimenting, and had say 12 practice participants help me, they could have set channel to log, so that if i typed like a diary my most secret inner concepts of packing thickness of wafers and cutting blades needed, it could have been recorded in a buffer of soomeone from the experiment past. | 08:38 |
Victora | torque motor speed, angular velocity etc | 08:39 |
ducasse | Victora: they need to be present in the channel at the time | 08:39 |
Victora | ducassse i thought that was the case, but wasnt sure. | 08:40 |
sirv | victoria > it is too late, all your sick ideas u typed on the empty channle are logged, and we will know everythinkg about you | 08:40 |
Victora | I know regardless of my buffer size it never shows me prior to when i logged out. | 08:40 |
samiux | recently, openssl is update for security. however, my box required to be rebooted. I would like to know that if livepatch can avoid reboot when openssl or alike is updated? | 08:41 |
Victora | sirv you are troll leave me alone | 08:41 |
theyesmen | what makes you think openssl requires a reboot? | 08:41 |
sirv | victoria i'am not a troll, i helped 3 ppl already on this channel in one week, all 3 of them helped me | 08:42 |
samiux | theyesmen, when I login to my box via ssh, it advised me to have a reboot. | 08:42 |
Victora | Then dont infer i talk in that type language. | 08:42 |
Victora | I dont take humor in <sirv> victoria > it is too late, all your sick ideas u typed on the empty channle are logged, and we will know everythinkg about you | 08:43 |
Victora | i find that type of help not helpful | 08:43 |
Victora | I know 100 percent of irc is logged, reviewed, and occasionally a military or nsa or fbi agent investigates further, but not about simple studies to get a system to work normally. | 08:46 |
theyesmen | samiux, strange. | 08:46 |
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panicstr | Victoria stop trolling :P | 08:47 |
theyesmen | probably another package not related to openssl. because i upgraded a large server and instantly logged back in. no problems. | 08:47 |
samiux | theyesmen, I have similar experience in other kernal module is updated and it requires me to have a reboot too. | 08:47 |
theyesmen | samiux, i can tell you that MUST be related to something else. | 08:47 |
Victora | I actually am not trolling, it might seem so but had that one question regarding buffers. | 08:47 |
theyesmen | not an openssl issue. | 08:47 |
samiux | theyesmen, I am not asking if it is openssl issue or not. I am asking if I applied livepatch, this kind of reboot can be avoided or not. | 08:48 |
ducasse | samiux: it has nothing to do with the kernel | 08:48 |
Victora | Okay open ssl question, has mirc implimented ssl successfully for practical users needs? | 08:49 |
samiux | so, livepatch cannot prevent ubuntu box to be required to reboot when something else is updated/upgraded? | 08:49 |
samiux | ducasse, but I mean kernal modules | 08:49 |
ducasse | samiux: openssl is not a kernel module | 08:50 |
samiux | the crypto module | 08:50 |
realmist | hey guys | 08:50 |
ducasse | samiux: not related | 08:50 |
realmist | I do want to disable the F1 key to open a gnome terminal documentation | 08:51 |
rifter | Victora, not sure about mirc since that is a windows program, but most irc clients do have ssl support | 08:51 |
realmist | so that I can use it for some other software where I need to press , F1 to execute the software files instead ? | 08:51 |
samiux | what if a kernal module is updated, the box is required to reboot even livepatch is applied? | 08:51 |
realmist | ducasse: so do you have any idea or any docs ?j | 08:51 |
realmist | I don't like ubuntu steals my keybindings and I can do nothing about that instead / | 08:52 |
Victora | mirc for windows specifically states their most current release includes ssl, and when i did the little test program on it it stated passed. | 08:52 |
realmist | any one knows / | 08:54 |
samiux | hmmm, nobody knows | 08:54 |
ducasse | samiux: some kernel modules can just be unloaded and reloaded, i don't know how livepatch affects them. it should manage them too, though. | 08:54 |
samiux | ducasse, thanks for your reply | 08:55 |
ducasse | samiux: for details you should probably try #ubuntu-kernel for example | 08:56 |
samiux | ducasse, thanks | 08:56 |
ducasse | samiux: np | 08:57 |
Victora | My installation, a computer that at present can run ubuntu from a scard when placed in slot, 32 gig chip, and I have full windows 10.0 build 14393, would it be possible to do an install to a second drive, eliminating need for sdcard, and duel boot, and is duel boot for purposses of discussion, boot both at once? or boot one given a selection in boot process. | 08:57 |
lakshay | yo bitches wazz up??? | 08:58 |
ducasse | Victora: you select at boot | 08:58 |
akik | Victora: you can shrink the partition that now holds your win10 installation (with the disk management tool in win10), and then install ubuntu on the ssd/hdd | 09:00 |
erm3nda | akik, nice idea | 09:00 |
Victora | ducasse is this inferior to windows with a vm running ubuntu separately, given fairly good machine speed. And to be able to more or less alt tab between ubuntu and windows, as opposed to restarting each time you wished change. | 09:00 |
aer | I have ubuntu and fedora set on a vmware.. will those ips be the same? how can i know the ip of both the machines | 09:00 |
aer | will ip differ or will it be same | 09:00 |
theyesmen | aer, differs | 09:01 |
erm3nda | aer, each vm has it's own ip | 09:01 |
theyesmen | in terminal enter "ifconfig" | 09:01 |
erm3nda | ifconfig te see them | 09:01 |
erm3nda | ssry :-B | 09:01 |
theyesmen | all good | 09:01 |
akik | Victora: a vm is probably an easier solution, yes you can alt-tab to the vm, it's usually running in a window if you use virtualbox | 09:02 |
Victora | Would this involve moving my ocean videos to a 3rd drive freeing up space. So being able to run windows and ubuntu concurently means running them from same drive, yes? | 09:02 |
aer | theyesmen: how can i find the ip? | 09:02 |
rifter | realmist, key bindings where? You can change those .. in at least some contexts | 09:03 |
Victora | Oracle vm the best for a windows 10 > and back vm, or other vendor? | 09:03 |
akik | Victora: the storage drive for the vm disk can be on another disk too, but preferably on the fastest disk | 09:03 |
Victora | I have 4 sdd and 3 mixed, and one pure big old hdd. | 09:04 |
boboliu_ | aer, just enter "ifconfig" in terminal | 09:05 |
Victora | But i want simple path to install, and backup, nothing fancy really | 09:05 |
Victora | me bobo? | 09:05 |
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theyesmen | aer, we told you | 09:06 |
aer | sorry theyesmen dint notice that | 09:07 |
akik | Victora: virtualbox is a good solution | 09:07 |
geirha | or ip -o addr show | 09:07 |
aer | now what is the ip here https://gist.github.com/anonymous/80d2122f5c4fb20e46e389ec7f67e8e0 | 09:07 |
boboliu_ | aes, the inet addr of device ens33, here is | 09:08 |
Victora | In partitioning drive, the simplicity is apparent. My main drive is all set up for having partitioin added since its defragged daily, so use the install wizard from ubuntu disk partition disk, it will understand htfs, and be able to create its own ownership partitiion and accept a bootable ubantu. which I could boot concurrently with windows 10. Both running at same time, including their | 09:10 |
Victora | modules and sub routines? | 09:10 |
ducasse | Victora: if you dualboot you run one os at a time | 09:11 |
Victora | ducasse, there is no such thing as duel boot clean, having both run without a virtual machine correct? | 09:12 |
ducasse | Victora: no, impossible. | 09:12 |
toha1 | Good morning everyone | 09:12 |
Victora | Ducasse, money no object, what is preferred vm | 09:13 |
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ducasse | Victora: i prefer kvm, but that only runs on linux hosts | 09:13 |
Victora | hi toha1 | 09:13 |
Victora | i only want a linux host to run 2 applications | 09:14 |
boboliu_ | Victora, why not try docker? | 09:14 |
Victora | I will be willing to be dumb, and ask, what is docker? | 09:15 |
liu_x | . | 09:15 |
Victora | like a level 3 or such service? | 09:16 |
ducasse | Victora: you need a full hypervisor to run a complete other os. try virtualbox. | 09:16 |
Victora | try virtual box - buy a machine that is a vitural box, or buy a rental use of a machine that is a virtual box, or install an application called hypervisoor and create an os that behaves as a virtual box | 09:18 |
ducasse | Victora: install a hypervisor (application) called virtualbox, install ubuntu in a vm you set up with that. | 09:19 |
panicstr | ducasse i installed a windows 7 vm in kvm but it is running very slow | 09:21 |
EriC^ | panicstr: how much ram did you give it? | 09:21 |
ducasse | panicstr: use virtio drivers | 09:21 |
alkisg | panicstr: does your host support hw acceleration for virtualization, vt-x? If not, vbox is much faster there. | 09:22 |
Victora | ducasse i am smart woman, but linear of thinking, can you give me do a >> then do >> then do c >>> and then you will be in place to do >>> create 2 name servers, one http server for personal site i fully control, for kicks, an eggdrop and znc or psybnc to protect self. but generally the final product being very low bandwidth, home delivered, website, and secure sockets based, and mess around | 09:23 |
Victora | on irc with privacy with a znc and eggie, and not pay bunch of providers that cant speak english or at least in ways i understand. | 09:23 |
panicstr | i guess it does. I had a similar vm running quite good before the upgrades the other day | 09:23 |
Victora | Ducasse just one or two first steps done correctly would keep me busy. | 09:24 |
akik | Victora: virtualbox is a good solution for you | 09:24 |
Victora | akik describe what you mean by virtual box, is it something on a rack of a provider selling services? | 09:25 |
alkisg | panicstr, egrep 'vmx|svm' /proc/cpuinfo | 09:25 |
akik | Victora: virtualbox is a free virtualization application | 09:25 |
ducasse | Victora: virtualbox is a hypervisor, i just told you :) just install like any other application | 09:25 |
akik | Victora: http://www.virtualbox.org/ | 09:25 |
Victora | simimilar to oracle vm, or different animal? | 09:26 |
bryan_ | animal | 09:26 |
wedgie | oracle owns it, so... | 09:26 |
akik | Victora: the _product name_ is virtualbox | 09:26 |
boboliu | Docker is a lightweight solution to run applications. Hmm... maybe harder to use. | 09:26 |
alfio | Hi. I have an old asus eeepc 1201k. I installed xubuntu 16.04. All seems working except EVERY browser. All browsers crash (firefox, chrome, konqueror, midori, xombrero). Did someone has my same problem? (Excuse my english, I'm Italian) | 09:27 |
lotuspsychje | alfio: tried chromium-browser? | 09:28 |
panicstr | alkisg: flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe nx lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts aperfmperf pni dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm dca lahf_lm dtherm tpr_shadow | 09:29 |
alkisg | panicstr: it's ok then; are you talking about slow graphics only, or slow in genera? | 09:29 |
alkisg | l | 09:29 |
sama | alfio, I think Xubuntu is heavy for your system. Generally eee series was for light use. Xubuntu uses heavy DE. | 09:29 |
aer | why am i getting error when i do ssh-copy-id /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused | 09:30 |
aer | ssh-copy-id <ip> is the command i use | 09:30 |
Victora | installing | 09:30 |
panicstr | windows show cpu usage 100% all the ime... is this related to cirrus display? | 09:30 |
alfio | sama, thanks for your answer. I tried also lxde and openbox but browsers crash anyway | 09:31 |
Victora | how do i bind my sd chip with bootable ubantu to virtual box? | 09:31 |
ducasse | Victora: don't. install on disk. | 09:31 |
Victora | too large for cd | 09:32 |
Victora | its 1.5 gig | 09:32 |
alfio | lotuspsychje, yes i tried also chromium-browser | 09:32 |
ducasse | Victora: 'disk' as in hdd/ssd | 09:32 |
Victora | okay i have iso on sdd | 09:32 |
Victora | i know its maddenting teaching beginners | 09:33 |
alkisg | panicstr: if there's no screen redrawing, and it's still showing 100% cpu, no i don't think it would be related to graphics or network | 09:34 |
Victora | Would you like to install this device softwaare... universal serial bus | 09:34 |
ducasse | Victora: try this - http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/virtualbox | 09:35 |
Victora | i accepted the usb install k going that link | 09:35 |
aer | if i do sudo vi /etc/sudoers on ubuntu also i get user is not in sudoers file | 09:37 |
sama | alfio, Do you receive any message? Usually at the time of crash, you get a window asking for reporting the issue. In that window, you can see the error. If you see this window, share the error here | 09:38 |
xuhui | hi | 09:40 |
DevAntoine | hi | 09:40 |
DevAntoine | I need to deploy code to a remote Windows Server 2012. At the moment the only way to connect to this server is to use the RDP connection inside Remmina but I don't want to deploy by hand. Any idea how I can do this? | 09:40 |
hateball | DevAntoine: try ##windows | 09:41 |
DevAntoine | hateball: ahah, never thought of a #windows chan :D | 09:41 |
xuhui | windows is a terrible monster. | 09:41 |
sruli | anyone familiar with otpw-gen? is ther a way to secure it that user should only be able to call it with sudo? in my opinion it is a security flaw that it does not require sudo, if i turn around for a few seconds anyone can generate a list of passwords, i tried changing onwer of /usr/bin/otpw-gen but although i can gen passowrds with sudo when trying to login it does not accapt the generated passwords | 09:45 |
Ben64 | sruli: how is that a security flaw | 09:48 |
Victora | like this? http://imgur.com/bKOU7Y6 | 09:49 |
Victora | Is that rightt first step? | 09:50 |
Ben64 | Victora: looks fine | 09:50 |
sigg3 | Hello! | 09:51 |
Ben64 | Victora: except maybe you'd want one bigger drive instead of two 8GB ones | 09:51 |
sruli | Ben64: if i turn my back for a few seconds a person can without elevated privileges generate a list of one time passwords, which 1. will give them elevated privileges to do anything! 2. will expire my 1 time list ... | 09:51 |
Ben64 | sruli: how does that give them elevated permissions | 09:52 |
Victora | yes i have empty drive with hrmm let me check preformated empty | 09:52 |
alfio | sama, here you can find the output when i launch firefox from terminal http://paste.ubuntu.com/23917147 | 09:53 |
Victora | 27 gig old notebook drive | 09:54 |
Victora | drive I | 09:54 |
sigg3 | I am wondering how Ubuntu LiveCD (ubuntu-16.10-desktop-amd64.iso) detects previous installations. I have a system with an SSD (16.04 LTS) and a harddrive (one is a backup of a 14.04 LTS). I want to upgrade the 16.04 to 16.10 from the iso, but the upgrade option does not appear in the installer since it detects >1 OS. The current system (16.04) is installed with UEFI (or there is an UEFI partition in fstab). | 09:54 |
sigg3 | I have unlinked several files on the old harddrive (e.g. vmlinuz and inird) and removed directories. It is only used as a file backup, not a running system. So how can I make the LiveCD installer ignore 14.4 so that I can choose Upgrade on the 16.04 to 16.10? | 09:54 |
Victora | fully available, ubuntu sd disk not inserted on drive J | 09:54 |
pragomer_1 | is it possible to "browse" through a ppa and e.g. download some files manually? | 09:56 |
Victora | is anyone meritorius of channel trust and i will let them connect to me. | 09:56 |
sruli | Ben64: before i explain elevated privileges - they can have ssh access (if configured) which is bad enough! little background to what i want to achieve here... i try to support many friends on their transition to ubuntu (mostly from win) sometimes i have to ssh into their machine but i do not want them to give out their password, so i want to ask them to use otpw-pass, for this i need to configure ssh access with otpw, but also sudo access, wiuthout configurin | 09:56 |
Victora | i can see files back and forth, when in ubantu see windows files and vice versa | 09:56 |
Victora | I suspect ubantu installed a portable versioin on the sd card, but has full install capacity but recognized its size | 09:57 |
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sruli | Ben64: for my usecase and in my opinion i consider it a security flaw big enough that i wont use it as is... my question is, is there a way to make the gen only work with sudo? | 09:58 |
Victora | am i safe to click install ubantu, and it not overwrite my c drive and given opportunity to select drive. The reason of my concern is my bios simply says hdd, cd/dvd, usb chip as boot options, it does not create list of hard drives. | 10:00 |
Ben64 | sruli: it doesn't make any sense | 10:00 |
alkisg | sruli: you want to be able to assist them while having sudo access to their machines, and without learning their passwords? | 10:00 |
sruli | Ben64: what doesnt make sense? | 10:00 |
Ben64 | anything you're saying | 10:00 |
ducasse | Victora: the ubuntu installer running in virtualbox can't see your actual jardware, just what is provided through the hypervisor | 10:01 |
ducasse | sruli: what does otpw-gen do that gives a user elevated privileges? | 10:01 |
sruli | Ben64: alkisg: with otpw it makes perfect sense to get ssh/sudo access to a machine without knowing the password, thats what otpw (One Time PassWords) is for | 10:02 |
alkisg | sruli: I'm asking for what you want to do, not how you want to do it... | 10:02 |
alkisg | sruli: for example, I do that 10 times per day here, with reverse vnc connections | 10:02 |
Victora | ducasse so install the ubantu via the original iso not chip to my empty drive. am i hearing you right? | 10:02 |
sruli | ducasse: if you configure it for sudo (in pam.d) | 10:02 |
alkisg | sruli: the clients run a command and connect to me, and if I need sudo, they are able to enter their passwords without me seeing it | 10:03 |
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alkisg | sruli: and they always see what I do to their PCs | 10:03 |
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alkisg | (screen sharing) | 10:03 |
ducasse | Victora: ignore the sd card, install through virtualbox to an image on your disk. | 10:03 |
sruli | alkisg: with reverse vnc you are correct, however i want reverse ssh in which case they cannot enter the password for sudo commands | 10:03 |
alkisg | sruli: there's reverse socat/screen for that | 10:04 |
alkisg | sruli: no need for ssh; ssh doesn't allow them to see what you're doing | 10:04 |
zzz10 | What are some good webscraping tutorials that feature BeautifulSoup4 and Python3? | 10:05 |
sruli | alkisg: thanks, will try to find man pages for socat/screen and read it up | 10:06 |
Victora | okay sd disk out you say that i would be good wit 28 gig drive for ubantu? to include, appache server, with secure sockets, irc server, eggie drop and znc? Given i dont want to do anything else. | 10:06 |
Ben64 | Victora: it's called "Ubuntu" | 10:06 |
heari | hi guys | 10:06 |
ducasse | Victora: that is several times what you need. | 10:06 |
alkisg | sruli, here's one quick command to help you get going: One way to share a console with a remote person is: [local pc] forward port 5500; apt-get install socat; socat tcp-listen:5500,keepalive=1 stdio,raw,echo=0 [remote pc] apt-get install socat screen; socat SYSTEM:"sleep 1; exec screen -xRR ra",pty,stderr tcp:REMOTE-IP:5500 & screen -l -S ra | 10:07 |
Victora | i misspell terribly sorry | 10:07 |
Victora | k give me number | 10:07 |
Victora | i got 8 drives | 10:07 |
heari | Today has kernel a new update? | 10:07 |
ubuntuuser | Hello. Am using 16.04. While updating ap-get it says "28 No space left on device" but i have still sufficient space in my folders. Can anyone help please. This is the output of my "df -h" command: --> https://paste.ofcode.org/Hc6jdhZaisYjgd7mzKFFYb | 10:07 |
Victora | mix mash of various computers. | 10:07 |
Ben64 | Victora: virtualbox doesn't care about drives, it puts a file wherever you tell it to, that file acts as the drive for whatever you're running invbox | 10:07 |
alkisg | ubuntuuser: your /var is full | 10:08 |
Victora | but drives need be formated in the partition appropriately for that application i would imagine ducasse | 10:08 |
ubuntuuser | alkisg: Thanks. Any way to extend that? | 10:09 |
alkisg | ubuntuuser: why do you have it in a separate partition? | 10:09 |
sruli | alkisg: | 10:09 |
alkisg | ubuntuuser: I would suggest copying the existing contents to the / partition, and removing the entry from fstab | 10:09 |
Ben64 | Victora: no, it's a file | 10:09 |
ducasse | Victora: no, virtualbox creates an image file and uses that as a drive | 10:09 |
Victora | Ducasse for simplicity, tell me what i would need in total, and lets double it for my desired ubuntu | 10:09 |
sruli | alkisg: i prefer to read man pages first.. dous socat and screen need to be installed on local or remote or both? | 10:10 |
ubuntuuser | alkisg: i do not know. I just read some online tutorial and partioned accordingly. | 10:10 |
ducasse | Victora: don't ask me, please, i don't use virtualbox or windows :) | 10:10 |
alkisg | sruli: socat to local, and both to remote. You *should* read the manpages, and then read the example that I gave, because without the example you won't know what to do with them. | 10:10 |
Victora | Okay so it doesnt need be in native fat 32 or htfs or whatever linux uses | 10:10 |
Ben64 | Victora: omg its a file on your computer like any file, inside that file is a fake drive for whatever os is running in vbox | 10:11 |
alkisg | ubuntuuser: ok, then go with what I suggested above | 10:11 |
Hudu | Victora: http://www.wikihow.com/Install-Ubuntu-on-VirtualBox | 10:12 |
ubuntuuser | alkisg: I couldn't understand what that means ! :-( Will google search it. Thanks !!! :-) | 10:12 |
Victora | k what do i do, i have application open, and free drive with 28 gigs ben, point me | 10:12 |
sruli | alkisg: typo? "socat to local, and both to remote" do you mean socat to local and screen to both? | 10:12 |
Ben64 | Victora: pick a size to make the fake drive, put it somewhere and install ubuntu, done | 10:12 |
alkisg | sruli: no, I mean "socat to local, and both socat and screen to remote" | 10:12 |
ducasse | Victora: i gave you a link to step-by-step tutorial | 10:12 |
alkisg | sruli: that means that you don't need screen, but the other person does need it. And both of you need socat. | 10:13 |
sruli | alkisg: thanks, hopefully it will be the perfect solution | 10:13 |
guardian_ | ubuntuuser : http://askubuntu.com/questions/480690/resize-hard-drive-partition-to-make-more-space-for-var | 10:14 |
ubuntuuser | guardian_: Thanks ! :-) | 10:15 |
ducasse | ubuntuuser: pastebin output of 'df -h' | 10:15 |
ducasse | ubuntuuser: sorry, didn't see you did | 10:15 |
ubuntuuser | ducasse: Yes it is there. | 10:15 |
LearningToTroll | whats a pastebin? | 10:16 |
ducasse | !pastebin | LearningToTroll | 10:16 |
ubottu | LearningToTroll: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 10:16 |
LearningToTroll | !pastebinit lol | 10:17 |
ubuntuuser | ducasse: My df -h Output http://paste.ubuntu.com/23917241/ | 10:17 |
ducasse | ubuntuuser: yes, i saw it. with such a big / you could just move /var there. for now try 'apt-get clean' to empty package cache, see if that helps. | 10:18 |
ubuntuuser | ducasse: yes i cleaned apt-get but i need much space. Would moving /var to / solve all? | 10:20 |
ducasse | ubuntuuser: / has 67g free, that is plenty for most usage. | 10:21 |
ubuntuuser | ducasse: Do you want me to do this --> http://askubuntu.com/questions/89105/how-do-i-relocate-on-my-ubuntu-moveable-directories-var-and-usr | 10:23 |
ducasse | ubuntuuser: yes, in reverse. instead of moving from the root fs you move to it. | 10:25 |
ubuntuuser | ducasse: Thanks. I will do my homework and will attempt. I think i got my answer. Thanks !!! | 10:26 |
alkisg | ubuntuuser: the commands would be something like that: sudo -i; cp -a /var /newvar; umount -l /var; rmdir /var; mv /newvar /var; nano /etc/fstab <remove the line for /var>; sync; reboot | 10:26 |
ubuntuuser | alkisg: Can i follow these commands with 'MachineOn' right now?? | 10:27 |
alkisg | ubuntuuser: are you somewhat experienced with the terminal? i'm not 100% sure that I don't have a typo or something there | 10:27 |
ducasse | alkisg: ubuntuuser i would do this from a liveusb, i would not move /var on a running system | 10:28 |
ubuntuuser | alkisg: yes i am bit acquainted with Terminal. Let me give it a go right now. :-) | 10:28 |
alkisg | I agree with ducasse there | 10:28 |
alkisg | I think it'll work though, not much to lose :D | 10:28 |
alkisg | (faster than explaining on how to locate partitions and mount them etc) | 10:29 |
alkisg | umount -l keeps the files in use open | 10:29 |
ubuntuuser | alkisg: ducasse Ok i will attempt right now. Let me take a bit risk. | 10:29 |
ubuntuuser | alkisg: unable to remove /var using rmdir command. It says Directory not Empty. | 10:32 |
ducasse | ubuntuuser: files open | 10:33 |
alkisg | ubuntuuser: did `umount -l /var` succeed? | 10:33 |
ducasse | alkisg: you can't when there are open files iirc | 10:33 |
alkisg | ducasse: afaik, that's what -l is for... | 10:34 |
rifter | ducasse, correct | 10:34 |
rifter | oh | 10:34 |
alkisg | It unmounts while leaving the file handles still open, accessible | 10:34 |
ubuntuuser | alkisg: it did unmounted. But still /var is maintaining Cache | 10:35 |
alkisg | ubuntuuser: what's the output of `sudo du -sh /var` right now? | 10:35 |
* alkisg thinks a program started to write to the "new" /var immediately... | 10:36 | |
ubuntuuser | alkisg: output: 708k /var | 10:36 |
alkisg | Yeah... so try: sudo -i; mv /var /var-to-delete && mv /newvar /var | 10:36 |
alkisg | Put them with && to be fast enough to prevent other writes inbetween | 10:36 |
ubuntuuser | alkisg: there is folder now /var/cache/fontconfig with many files in it | 10:37 |
alkisg | ubuntuuser: ignore it, you'll delete it on next reboot in /var-to-delete | 10:37 |
ubuntuuser | alkisg: yes yes that would do. | 10:37 |
ubuntuuser | alkisg: i better use Live CD on next reboot. | 10:38 |
alkisg | ubuntuuser: nah, I think you're fine | 10:38 |
alkisg | ubuntuuser: edit fstab, then reboot, and if it doesn't boot, only then use live cd | 10:38 |
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ubuntuuser | alkisg: ok let me continue with the commands after i rmdir /var | 10:39 |
ubuntuuser | alkisg: You want me to deleter UUID=324dd4ec-45af-40ce-8f2b-3cb0c6d2747e /var ext4 defaults $ ????? | 10:41 |
alkisg | ubuntuuser: just put a comment on front of it, #UUID... | 10:41 |
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alkisg | ubuntuuser: before you reboot, make sure that `sudo du -sh /var` is 400+ mb, not a few kb | 10:43 |
ubuntuuser | alkisg: done. Now i will reboot and come back here in 2 minutes. | 10:43 |
alkisg | ok | 10:43 |
sama | I am looking for a software (even CLI) for make a searchable index of all the files in all partions and devices. What I need is to keep the index file in the Home folder so I can search among offline devices (such as unmounted external HDD). Any suggestion? I hope here is the right place to ask | 10:48 |
EriC^ | sama: find /path > files ? | 10:49 |
sama | EriC^: would `find` command work for offline devices as well? | 10:50 |
EriC^ | sama: you'd run it while mounted and it would save the files in "files" | 10:51 |
EriC^ | then you search with "grep -i filename /path/to/files" | 10:51 |
sama | EriC^: That is great. Just it works with filenames. Is there any other solution which can do search on metadata also? | 10:52 |
efesto | hello, good morning, i have a little problem with sound, i only have noise on right speaker. I'm on laptop over ubuntu 16.04 with a clean install | 10:54 |
EriC^ | sama: ask in ##linux they might have a nice solution/program | 10:54 |
sama | Thanks EriC^. Your reply was very helpful | 10:55 |
geirha | sama: there's already locate for that | 10:55 |
ubuntuuser | ducasse: am loggin in from a windows Machine. It is not getting booted. It is struck at /dev/sda9 recovering journal. | 10:55 |
geirha | You just have to configure it to also index external drives and such | 10:56 |
ubuntuuser | ducasse: remember we were talking about relocatin /var to / . That machine is struck at ----> /dev/sda9 recovering journal | 10:57 |
ducasse | ubuntuuser: because the journal was not closed properly since you unmounted the fs it was on. that is why i said you should use a live image :) | 10:59 |
alkisg | ubuntuuser: you didn't reboot properly? | 10:59 |
alkisg | ducasse: /var was not in sda9, / was | 10:59 |
alkisg | He never unmounted / | 10:59 |
alkisg | /var was in sda6 | 11:00 |
alkisg | Anyway, live copy didn't work due to whatever reason, boot from a live cd now to fix it... | 11:01 |
Underworld | hello | 11:01 |
Underworld | anyone there? | 11:02 |
ubuntuuser | alkisg: yeah i will try with Live CD. Right now i booted into Recover Mode. I think it will help | 11:02 |
Underworld | no that may not help | 11:02 |
alkisg | ubuntuuser: the recovery mode does contain an fsck option | 11:03 |
ducasse | !behelpful | Underworld | 11:04 |
ubottu | Underworld: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes. | 11:04 |
ubuntuuser | alkisg: yes i got that. I ran FSCK. Till now all OK. :-) | 11:05 |
Underworld | Ha ha ha cool man be cool | 11:05 |
alkisg | ubuntuuser: did it hang on reboot, and you had to hard-reset it? | 11:05 |
ubuntuuser | alkisg: I confess it was taking Long Time to get shut-down. In haste to join here back i hard resetted it. It might had caused the problem. | 11:07 |
sruli | alkisg: i read the man page for socat and screen briefly, got it working, is the communication secure/encrypted? it doesnt use ssh | 11:08 |
sruli | q | 11:08 |
alkisg | ubuntuuser: when you are impatient in the future, at least do this: http://blog.kember.net/articles/reisub-the-gentle-linux-restart/ | 11:08 |
alkisg | sruli: it uses openssl | 11:09 |
alkisg | sruli: eeh, it *supports* openssl, if you want | 11:09 |
alkisg | sruli: if you don't tell it to use openssl, then it will be unencrypted | 11:09 |
ubuntuuser | alkisg: :-) Thanks. I was impatient indeed. | 11:11 |
inra | hello everyone, I cannot run an operation in the terminal because of the message that I cant get rid of: 'unable to lock the administartion directory (var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?'..normally it used to disappear after a minute or so, but this one 'doesn't'. | 11:15 |
francoisbabeuf | At some point my mysql root password appears to have been changed, and I can't seem to reset it. | 11:15 |
sruli | alkisg: do i need to configure openssl? when using openssl-listen instead of tcp-listen i get an error on remote "sslv3 alert handshake failure" and on local ".... no shared cipher" | 11:16 |
inra | ok, I did 'sudo su' and the operation could be done as root | 11:16 |
alkisg | sruli: yes, you need to generate a certificate etc | 11:17 |
francoisbabeuf | The old methods are not working, I've tried dpkg-reconfigure and restarting with initialisation turned of. | 11:17 |
sruli | alkisg: reading about it now.. final question can i start a reverse vnc from this screen? | 11:18 |
alkisg | sruli: you have access to a client terminal. If it's inside xorg, sure, you can run reverse vnc | 11:18 |
alkisg | sruli: also check out my program epoptes.org, it has some related functionality | 11:18 |
alkisg | Both vnc + socat for remote users, in the help menu | 11:19 |
alkisg | It also contains code on how to generate and use the openssl certificate over socat | 11:19 |
alkisg | debian/epoptes.postinst there | 11:20 |
francoisbabeuf | http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38311094/access-denied-for-user-rootlocalhost | 11:20 |
francoisbabeuf | Reinstalling everything would be a massive catastrophe for me, I have so many installed DBs | 11:21 |
alkisg | francoisbabeuf: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MysqlPasswordReset | 11:21 |
francoisbabeuf | None of those methods work anymore | 11:22 |
francoisbabeuf | Except the purge route | 11:23 |
* alkisg tried one in 16.04 and it worked, don't remember which one | 11:23 | |
alkisg | (of course not the purge one) | 11:24 |
sruli | alkisg: i cant find help menu or code to generate openssl.. the program is interesting! i can just use that, no? | 11:26 |
alkisg | sruli: sure | 11:26 |
alkisg | sruli: I'm using it to monitor a whole lot of schools | 11:26 |
alkisg | ...which in turn use it to monitor their clients | 11:26 |
francoisbabeuf | The daemon dies when you try to start it using the --skip-grant-tables | 11:26 |
sruli | alkisg: i meant to ask that will give me exactly what i want, assist user after they initiated ... | 11:27 |
alkisg | sruli: yes, the users will need to have epoptes-client installed, and manually run the assist command from /usr/share/epoptes-client | 11:27 |
alkisg | It will present them with a gui | 11:27 |
alkisg | Which will ask them your IP and the vnc or socat method | 11:27 |
sruli | alkisg: will paly with it now.. thanks for your help | 11:28 |
alkisg | np | 11:28 |
ubuntuuser | alkisg: ducasse thanks! | 11:32 |
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inra | hello everyone, is there a way to check and ensure that there is no malicious software/code in the downloaded files (o | 11:35 |
inra | ? | 11:35 |
inra | (and, thereby, my own files, too) | 11:36 |
lotuspsychje | inra: clamav antivirus? | 11:37 |
ducasse | lotuspsychje: inra clamav has little support for finding malware afaik | 11:38 |
lotuspsychje | yeah malware is really specific indeed | 11:39 |
inra | does it help to clean metadata? | 11:39 |
alkisg | Maybe some windows program with wine... | 11:40 |
Tahr-Poop | inra, use Comodo Antivirus for Linux or Immunet | 11:40 |
lotuspsychje | !info rkhunter | inra perhaps | 11:40 |
ubottu | inra perhaps: rkhunter (source: rkhunter): rootkit, backdoor, sniffer and exploit scanner. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.2-6 (yakkety), package size 193 kB, installed size 984 kB | 11:40 |
qwr | http://askubuntu.com/questions/460142/how-can-i-know-if-a-binary-is-malicious | 11:40 |
inra | gwr, thank you for the link :) | 11:41 |
inra | lotuspsyche, is clamav nicht auto-installed in system? | 11:42 |
lotuspsychje | !info clamav | 11:42 |
ubottu | clamav (source: clamav): anti-virus utility for Unix - command-line interface. In component main, is optional. Version 0.99.2+dfsg-2ubuntu2 (yakkety), package size 105 kB, installed size 782 kB | 11:42 |
lotuspsychje | inra: =optional to install | 11:42 |
rek | hello how are you guys? i have to install a couple of packages on a machine that is not on the net. i did apt-get --install-only to get the packages on another machine, but what about the dependencies? | 11:42 |
inra | Tahr-Poop, thank you, I will view this one, too | 11:43 |
lotuspsychje | rek: its recommended you get the offline box also online at some point, to get latest packages | 11:43 |
ducasse | n1b: you can use apt-offline afaik | 11:43 |
inra | lotuspscyhje, thank you very much, I will try them | 11:44 |
rek | lotuspsychje, sure but i only need some packages i don't need to go online. i need to install a couple of packages of an old distro. i need to know how to get the dependencies only for some packages | 11:45 |
lotuspsychje | inra: best antivirus is being prudent and system up to date also | 11:45 |
lotuspsychje | rek: great, check the package ducasse suggested | 11:45 |
rek | which one lotuspsychje | 11:46 |
lotuspsychje | !info apt-offline | rek | 11:47 |
ubottu | rek: apt-offline (source: apt-offline): offline APT package manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7 (yakkety), package size 55 kB, installed size 304 kB | 11:47 |
inra | lotuspsychje, sure I do them, but you know, you never know if the link you click on is the link you think you click on :) | 11:47 |
inra | ok, maybe you know it mostly | 11:48 |
lotuspsychje | inra: found an interesting security hardening article the other day holdon | 11:49 |
lotuspsychje | inra: if you do all 50, not sure malware will passby anymore :p https://opensource.com/article/17/1/yearbook-50-ways-avoid-getting-hacked | 11:49 |
inra | lotuspscyhje, oh, thank you :) reading | 11:51 |
rek | where does apt-offline stores packages? it's not specified in man apt-offilne | 11:52 |
usuario | hOLaaa | 11:55 |
ducasse | rek: /var/cache/apt/archives i would think | 11:55 |
usuario | hello | 11:55 |
usuario | bonsoir | 11:55 |
usuario | cabrones | 11:55 |
rek | ducasse, the same as apt-get uhm let me try | 11:57 |
BluesKaj | Hi folks | 11:58 |
zenirc369 | hi guys | 12:10 |
zenirc369 | Chain INPUT (policy DROP) | 12:10 |
zenirc369 | DROP all -- anywhere anywhere | 12:10 |
zenirc369 | ACCEPT tcp -- IP1 anywhere tcp dpt:Port1 state NEW,ESTABLISHED | 12:10 |
zenirc369 | ACCEPT tcp -- IP2 anywhere tcp dpt:Port2 state NEW,ESTABLISHED | 12:10 |
zenirc369 | In the above case, how does the DROP rule behave | 12:10 |
zenirc369 | ? | 12:10 |
zenirc369 | Any ideas | 12:10 |
lotuspsychje | zenirc369: perhaps a question for the #netfilter channel? | 12:12 |
zenirc369 | lotuspsychje: As I wasn't receiving any reply there, thought I would get some help here | 12:13 |
lotuspsychje | zenirc369: sure, just trying to widen your options | 12:14 |
ducasse | zenirc369: you could try ##linux | 12:14 |
Seveas | zenirc369: all incoming traffic is dropped, including responses to outgoing packets. Creating a fairly useless system :) | 12:15 |
francoisbabeuf | Ok, this is getting really frustrating! I've managed to get it to read an init file with ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY ''; and it still doesn't work | 12:15 |
Seveas | zenirc369: though to be 100% certain of that, I'd need to see iptables -L -v -n output (or even better: the output of iptables-save) | 12:16 |
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo | ||
alexandre9099 | hi, what is the most similar software to Microsoft Accesss? (it must be compatible with the accdb files) | 12:32 |
hateball | alexandre9099: LibreOffice Base | 12:33 |
alexandre9099 | not compatible with accdb :/ | 12:33 |
testuser2 | alexandre9099: Calligra Suit ? | 12:34 |
alexandre9099 | i'll check | 12:34 |
hateball | alexandre9099: Is there any reason you're not using a real db | 12:34 |
testuser2 | alexandre9099: http://www.kexi-project.org/wiki/wikiview/index.php@MDBDriver.html | 12:35 |
alexandre9099 | yes, i am a student, but everyone uses windows and office suit, in this module we are learing to use microsoft access, i tryed convincing the teacher to teach mysql for example but i got a big no ... | 12:35 |
testuser2 | alexandre9099: Dual Boot. | 12:36 |
alexandre9099 | so yea, it needs to be compatible , or at leat on a format the can be opened on access (obd doesnt work) | 12:36 |
alexandre9099 | testuser2: i dont want to do that, the only solution is to use the computers of the school... but i prefer using my laptop | 12:37 |
alexandre9099 | i hate M$ because they dont even do an effort to make open formats compatible with their products... argh | 12:38 |
alexandre9099 | i'm checking caligra | 12:39 |
hateball | alexandre9099: You could run Microsoft Office in wine, surely the school provides this if they expect you to use closed formats | 12:40 |
ppf | or in a vm, which might give you a better experience | 12:40 |
sav | since its a course that you would be quizzed in the future, i recommend you dualboot your machine so you can follow along. If you are using a different product, remember some questions may required you to describe the procedure and you might be found wanting because you are not using accdb with ms access but something else. | 12:41 |
alexandre9099 | hateball: that's the thing, they dont have any kind of partnership with M$ and i think they use not genuine products... (sometimes i just want to denunciate so they put linux and other open source programs on computers :D) | 12:41 |
Npco | When i am using Guake, I type blahblahblah, and it opens my irc client, but now I am unable to enter any more commands via line, what gives? | 12:42 |
alexandre9099 | the first module of this year was about excel, it is pretty similar to libreoffice calc. on the other hand libreoffice base is not very similar to access | 12:42 |
alexandre9099 | so i need to use the school computers | 12:43 |
ppf | Npco: the terminal is running that program | 12:43 |
Npco | how do I run the program, without the terminal being awol? | 12:44 |
n4h0 | join/ #raspberrypi | 12:46 |
ppf | Npco: appending a & will start a process in the background | 12:46 |
=== the_ant1 is now known as the_ant | ||
ppf | if it's already running hit ^Z in the terminal to go back to the prompt, then run bg to put the process into the background | 12:47 |
Npco | #linux | 12:47 |
alexandre9099 | from kexi: "Access 2007's .accdb files are currently unsupported. ", that is the format we use, i'll check if it is possible to have the mdb format | 12:48 |
ppf | alexandre9099: if that's an MS office course you should be using ms office | 12:49 |
ppf | anything else will cause you pain and suffering | 12:50 |
alexandre9099 | the course is about database managing program... so technically speaking it could be any database managing program | 12:51 |
alexandre9099 | thats why i get mad at teachers... there is no partnership on that school so i dont see why they use M$ products... whatever | 12:52 |
hateball | Politics and/or ignorance :) | 12:53 |
sav | its because they know ms, so they teach ms | 12:53 |
hateball | Nothing #ubuntu can help you with at any rate | 12:53 |
sav | know that u re a linux fun, you are most likely to recommend it | 12:54 |
alexandre9099 | sav yea, thats bad... no alternatives | 12:54 |
alexandre9099 | i already tryed convincing the teachers to use open alternatives (even using windows...) | 12:55 |
alexandre9099 | but they will not change :/ | 12:55 |
alexandre9099 | afk... i'll install windows to see if sound card not being detected is a hardware problem (i think it is) | 12:56 |
francoisbabeuf | omg, is there truly no way to change the mysql root password anymore? I'm going to lose my mind. I've pulled this off like a dozen times in the past. | 12:57 |
alexandre9099 | if you have access to the server you can start it with a flasg | 12:58 |
alexandre9099 | *flag | 12:58 |
alexandre9099 | that ignores all permissions | 12:58 |
ducasse | francoisbabeuf: wouldn't #mysql be a better place to ask that? | 12:59 |
francoisbabeuf | Maybe, but there is a fairly complicated interaction with the installation | 12:59 |
alexandre9099 | francoisbabeuf: the flag is --skip-grant-tables | 12:59 |
francoisbabeuf | alexandre9099, yes, this works but then you can't set the user pass anymore while in the permission free mode. | 13:00 |
alexandre9099 | ? | 13:00 |
alexandre9099 | https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/resetting-permissions.html | 13:00 |
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod | ||
francoisbabeuf | mysql> ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY ''; | 13:04 |
francoisbabeuf | ERROR 1290 (HY000): The MySQL server is running with the --skip-grant-tables option so it cannot execute this statement | 13:04 |
fling | francoisbabeuf: time to edit mysql table | 13:04 |
alexandre9099 | wish me luck... installing windows temporarily... (why inst there any windows live cd... grrr...) | 13:06 |
alexandre9099 | afk | 13:06 |
=== sicsscam_ is now known as sicsscam | ||
phil72 | how do i install a different version of the distro (want 16.04 lts, have 16.10)? | 13:16 |
ppf | phil72: reinstall | 13:16 |
phil72 | whats the best way to do that - the same way i installed it originally? | 13:18 |
ppf | yes | 13:18 |
phil72 | is there no apt process that can be run? -- will take advice, just curious | 13:19 |
cfhowlett | sudo do-release-upgrade, phil72 | 13:19 |
ducasse | phil72: no, apt can't downgrade a release | 13:20 |
ppf | cfhowlett: other direction | 13:20 |
cfhowlett | phil72, d'oh! sorry, I read wrong. thought you were going 16.04 >>> 16.110 | 13:20 |
phil72 | no prob, thanks for the help | 13:21 |
alexandre9099 | argh... why windows needs to be so complicated... my computer came with a key but now the key dont work.... | 13:23 |
phil72 | me too - have been running a windows vm off/on for a years and have had to deal with it/them/that several times | 13:24 |
phil72 | that brings up another q, whats the best way to run itunes on ubuntu? prob off/on-the-fringes of this channels topic but way better odds than asking apple :) | 13:29 |
ducasse | phil72: afaik a vm | 13:29 |
phil72 | or, better yet - where should i go to find an answer | 13:30 |
phil72 | will continue with that then, thanks ducasse | 13:30 |
ducasse | phil72: if you're going to use it with an i-thingy i believe a vm is your only option. | 13:33 |
phil72 | not interested in i-nonsense | 13:36 |
ppf | except tunes? | 13:36 |
phil72 | just have a lot of content that is locked into itunes through DRM and other anti-piracy nonsense | 13:37 |
guardian_ | ppf : any luck with my shutdown issue? | 13:37 |
ppf | guardian_: sorry, i got no further idea | 13:38 |
guardian_ | damn!!! What wrong with this system... | 13:38 |
guardian_ | eric^ hey | 13:38 |
ch | exit | 13:46 |
ch | how do you exit | 13:46 |
ppf | \quit | 13:46 |
xubuntu61d | any timeframe for [ubuntu/zesty-proposed] firefox 51.0.1+build2-0ubuntu1 (Accepted) Chris Coulson to ship, manifest shows >> firefox50.1.0+build2-0ubuntu1 | 13:57 |
ppf | !ubuntu+1 | xubuntu61d | 13:58 |
ubottu | xubuntu61d: Zesty Zapus is the codename for Ubuntu 17.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+1 | 13:58 |
xubuntu61d | ppf in daily-builds >> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/daily-live/current/ | 14:00 |
ducasse | xubuntu61d: zesty support is in #ubuntu+1, not here | 14:01 |
xubuntu61d | as per >> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/zesty-changes/2017-January/006894.html | 14:02 |
ducasse | xubuntu61d: we still don't support zesty here | 14:03 |
xubuntu61d | oh! sorry | 14:03 |
xubuntu61d | tnks! | 14:04 |
Narev | Hi everyone | 14:12 |
Narev | I'm an Ubuntu novice, but I have a question | 14:12 |
Narev | More of a conundrum, really | 14:12 |
ducasse | !ask | Narev | 14:12 |
ubottu | Narev: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 14:12 |
shangul | Narev, ^ | 14:12 |
shangul | and hi | 14:13 |
Narev | Sorry, I was trying to be polite | 14:13 |
Narev | I was attempting to get my 3d card working, so I downloaded the drivers from the Radeon site | 14:13 |
Narev | I followed a list of quite complicated instructions I didn't really understand | 14:14 |
hateball | Narev: If you have an AMD card you shouldnt really have to do anything, it should have the proper driver out of the box | 14:15 |
Narev | Then when I rebooted the computer and the login screen came up, I entered my login, the screen went black and a line of text flashed for a second, then I was back at login | 14:15 |
Narev | Let me see if I can find the page whose instructions I followed | 14:17 |
Narev | http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMDGPU-PRO-Install.aspx <--- This is what I did | 14:18 |
hateball | Narev: and you have a card that is supported by the AMDGPU-Pro drive? | 14:19 |
hateball | driver* | 14:19 |
Narev | Radeon 9500 | 14:19 |
hateball | Narev: that isnt going to be supported by that driver. the link tells you how to uninstall it, so do that and you'll be back to a working environment most likely | 14:20 |
hateball | the pro driver is for the latest highend cards | 14:21 |
Narev | I can't even log into the system though | 14:21 |
hateball | Narev: ctrl+alt+f1 to switch a tty | 14:21 |
hateball | there you can run the command in a shell | 14:21 |
hateball | Narev: ctrl+alt+f7 to return to the tty with X | 14:21 |
Narev | Any websites you'd recommend for someone who's been a computer expert with windows for years and now wants to learn ubuntu without all the "This is how a bhard drive works!" padding? | 14:22 |
Narev | This is actually a brand new install, would a reinstall be easier? | 14:23 |
ducasse | Narev: easier maybe, quicker no. | 14:25 |
Narev | what's a tty? | 14:28 |
ducasse | Narev: in this instance, a virtual console - a terminal. | 14:28 |
Narev | So like a different window in windows? | 14:34 |
ducasse | Narev: no, like a terminal ;) | 14:35 |
adalbert | Narev, no like a login prompt for a new session | 14:35 |
james0r2 | command prompt? | 14:36 |
Narev | Okay, I'm running right now kin the "Try Ubuntu" environment on my thumb drive | 14:36 |
Narev | When I restart my comp, and the login comes up, what should I do? | 14:37 |
feffa | ciao | 14:38 |
Narev | I just need access to the directory to run the uninstall script | 14:38 |
feffa | !lis | 14:38 |
ducasse | Narev: ctrl+alt+f1, log in, follow uninstall instructions | 14:38 |
feffa | !list | 14:38 |
ubottu | feffa: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 14:38 |
feffa | !list | 14:39 |
Mastakilla | Hi everyone... I have a Windows 8.1 host running VMware Workstation 12. I'm trying to cleanly install the Ubuntu 16.04.1 as a guest. But every time the installation completes, it asks me to push the "restart now" button and then it freezes with an error "[sda] assuming drive cache: write through" | 14:45 |
Mastakilla | If I then force a reboot, then it does boot into Ubuntu, but I'm not sure if the install completed cleanly, so I'd like to get this silly issue solved instead of ignoring it | 14:46 |
ducasse | Mastakilla: if it tells you to hit restart the install is finished | 14:47 |
Mastakilla | ok thanks, but why is it having trouble with the first boot then? | 14:47 |
Mastakilla | in meanwhile I already tried reinstalling (including reboot of the host) 10+ times | 14:47 |
Mastakilla | I tried with or without LVM | 14:48 |
Mastakilla | I tried unmounting the iso in vmware | 14:48 |
Mastakilla | etc | 14:48 |
Mastakilla | nothing helps... it always freezes | 14:48 |
Mastakilla | btw: I think it freezes even before it starts the reboot | 14:49 |
Mastakilla | I just tried pressing ctrl-c and then it proceeds... 0.5 seconds later it actually starts the reboot | 14:50 |
Mastakilla | so it looks like the ubuntu installer fails to shut down | 14:50 |
Zeeeljko | Can someone tell me is tehere any which i can control my server on shell such as using, adding users, modifying their configuration of shell | 14:52 |
Zeeeljko | panel or somethign like that | 14:52 |
ducasse | Zeeeljko: ssh? | 14:52 |
Zeeeljko | ducasse its ok :) i mean something like web panel | 14:53 |
Southern_Gentlem | yuck | 14:53 |
one808 | %3D3 | 14:53 |
one808 | 51515 | 14:53 |
one808 | 515 | 14:53 |
one808 | 65 | 14:53 |
one808 | 6 | 14:53 |
one808 | 6'6 | 14:53 |
Southern_Gentlem | Zeeeljko, you could always log into it and use or remote desktop but adding the gui on a server ends up adding alot of attack serfaces for vulnerbilities | 14:54 |
Zeeeljko | Southern_Gentlem i dont have remote desktop | 14:54 |
Zeeeljko | for my vps | 14:54 |
Zeeeljko | dude | 14:54 |
Southern_Gentlem | tunnel vnc over ssh for security | 14:54 |
Zeeeljko | vps | 14:55 |
Zeeeljko | not vnc | 14:55 |
Southern_Gentlem | vps is a server which you can run vnc dude | 14:55 |
Zeeeljko | Southern_Gentlem ok, but let me see how can i adduser with, for example : 50mb ssd, 128mb ram..etc.. | 14:55 |
Zeeeljko | if you know what i mean | 14:56 |
Zeeeljko | how can control users and all | 14:56 |
ducasse | Zeeeljko: ssh is the best and easiest way | 14:56 |
Southern_Gentlem | ssh is the most secure | 14:56 |
Zeeeljko | ducasse i know what you mean, but i think any web panel | 14:56 |
Zeeeljko | something like that | 14:56 |
ducasse | Zeeeljko: there aren't any that i know of | 14:56 |
ducasse | Zeeeljko: and anyway you should learn to use the cli | 14:57 |
Southern_Gentlem | now your vps provider may provide a web interface | 14:57 |
Zeeeljko | Southern_Gentlem i have web interface | 14:58 |
Zeeeljko | but i never see users on them | 14:58 |
Zeeeljko | ;) | 14:58 |
boboliu | adduser passwd done | 14:58 |
Zeeeljko | lol | 14:58 |
Zeeeljko | i know how to adduser | 14:59 |
Zeeeljko | but i dont want that user use all my SSD storage | 14:59 |
Zeeeljko | i want to give them up to 100,200mb | 14:59 |
ducasse | Zeeeljko: use quotas | 14:59 |
Zeeeljko | ducasse how | 14:59 |
Southern_Gentlem | so you want to set quota | 14:59 |
Zeeeljko | i want as web panel | 14:59 |
Zeeeljko | i dont know use that from ssh | 14:59 |
arakash | Hi. I just installed ubuntu on my friends PC and need some help troubleshooting. Grub as well as ubuntu is very laggy and ubuntu has no keyboard input. | 15:00 |
ducasse | Zeeeljko: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/07/disk-quota/ | 15:00 |
Zeeeljko | ducasse | 15:01 |
Zeeeljko | web interface | 15:01 |
Zeeeljko | not ssh | 15:01 |
boboliu | you want a web interface? Why not do it your self? | 15:01 |
ducasse | Zeeeljko: told you, there aren't any, at least not any good ones | 15:01 |
Zeeeljko | it must be anywhere | 15:02 |
ducasse | Zeeeljko: why? | 15:02 |
Zeeeljko | its easiest way to controls your users from web | 15:02 |
Zeeeljko | just click click add remove | 15:02 |
ducasse | Zeeeljko: everybody just uses ssh, _that_ is the easiest way on linux. | 15:02 |
Zeeeljko | you also can modify your web hosting but cPanel is easiest way to do that | 15:02 |
Zeeeljko | i dont know to use that on that way | 15:02 |
Zeeeljko | so i want web panel | 15:02 |
ducasse | Zeeeljko: and i've told you, we can't give you what does not exist | 15:03 |
boboliu | if you don't like them, create something instead. | 15:03 |
Zeeeljko | it exists | 15:03 |
Zeeeljko | 100% | 15:03 |
ducasse | Zeeeljko: if you know that, why ask us? | 15:04 |
Zeeeljko | How do i have vps web interface to set up server on vps | 15:04 |
boboliu | maybe you can find it on github | 15:04 |
Zeeeljko | but i dont have users section | 15:04 |
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boboliu | Zeeeljko: "to set up server on vps"? so what do you need? | 15:06 |
Zeeeljko | boboliu | 15:07 |
ducasse | Zeeeljko: vps providers leave managing the server up to you, so they don't provide management tools for generic admin duties | 15:07 |
Zeeeljko | to manage my server through web panel | 15:07 |
Zeeeljko | ducasse i want to manage my shell users | 15:08 |
boboliu | I know there is a user&traffice control module on a chinese vps control panel, but it's for proxy. | 15:08 |
Zeeeljko | their storages etc... | 15:08 |
Zeeeljko | something like that | 15:08 |
Zeeeljko | https://code.google.com/archive/p/ovz-web-panel/ | 15:08 |
Elec_A | Hi, when I execute "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" it will sometimes, reduce the version of some packages. have you ever had this issue? is it normal ? | 15:08 |
mikecmpbll | is it possible to restrict ssh access, for a particular user, to a particular host? | 15:08 |
\9 | mikecmpbll: yes -- http://serverfault.com/a/207392 | 15:11 |
=== cablop is now known as Guest29180 | ||
boboliu | Zeeeljko: There's a lot of web control panels. but it's all for web service, like this: http://vestacp.com/ | 15:11 |
mikecmpbll | \9 : sweet. can i make that specific to a local user? | 15:11 |
mikecmpbll | i.e. can only ssh to user_a from host_a. any other user no restriction | 15:12 |
Narev | Hey guys, your advice worked and I got my system back. | 15:12 |
mikecmpbll | oh, i misunderstood the option. | 15:12 |
Narev | Just wanted to thank all who helped. | 15:13 |
mikecmpbll | \9 : thanks! | 15:13 |
boboliu | Zeeeljko: It's hard to control disk usage for your shell users, why not try to provide OpenVZ vps instead of shell logins? | 15:13 |
Zeeeljko | bobe | 15:14 |
Zeeeljko | ajenti is whati want :) | 15:15 |
Zeeeljko | successfully installed :) | 15:15 |
Zeeeljko | full control of my server via 8000 port | 15:15 |
Zeeeljko | using web | 15:15 |
Veste | sqlut | 15:18 |
lucidguy | Ok, when I het ~. It types out ~. .. not the exit/kill response of ssh or ipmitool .. what am I doing wrong? | 15:19 |
\9 | mikecmpbll: no problem | 15:20 |
\9 | lucidguy: where are you typing that? | 15:24 |
Veste | i am french | 15:26 |
Veste | ca va les pd | 15:27 |
ducasse | !fr | Veste | 15:27 |
ubottu | Veste: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 15:27 |
AlexPortable | How do I setup SSD trim? | 15:27 |
Jharm | hello everyone, ran into a new issue after setting up OpenVPN for the first time. I was a to set up server side configurations but after moved the .ovpn to targeted device ( in my case the device is android and the app is OpenVPN Connect). after i try to import the files i get this error: Error parsing OpenVPN profile: client.ovpn: option_error: option <key> was not properly closed out. not sure which file i need to look at to correct this, | 15:27 |
Jharm | any suggestions? | 15:27 |
Veste | wesh | 15:28 |
boboliu | AlexPortable: http://www.howtogeek.com/176978/ubuntu-doesnt-trim-ssds-by-default-why-not-and-how-to-enable-it-yourself/ why not google first? | 15:29 |
AlexPortable | boboliu: well maybe those articles are old | 15:30 |
ducasse | lucidguy: try ~~. | 15:31 |
boboliu | no matter how old, it's usable. | 15:32 |
faLUCE | hello, On 16.04 the screen flickers often (and stop flickering when I change the current window) with this error: [drm:intel_cpu_fifo_underrun_irq_handler [i915]] *ERROR* CPU pipe A FIFO underrun | 15:33 |
faLUCE | how can I fix that? | 15:33 |
ducasse | AlexPortable: you won't know if they are old until you look at them | 15:33 |
Jharm | any help? | 15:36 |
BluesKaj | faLUCE, try your highest render setting in GLX options,3.1 for example | 15:36 |
faLUCE | BluesKaj: where can I set these options? | 15:38 |
faLUCE | Is there a gui util? | 15:38 |
Jharm | hello everyone, ran into a new issue after setting up OpenVPN for the first time. I was a to set up server side configurations but after moved the .ovpn to targeted device ( in my case the device is android and the app is OpenVPN Connect). after i try to import the files i get this error: Error parsing OpenVPN profile: client.ovpn: option_error: option <key> was not properly closed out. not sure which file i need to look at to correct this, | 15:39 |
Jharm | any suggestions? | 15:39 |
AlexPortable | ducasse: true | 15:40 |
=== _arien_ is now known as arien | ||
boboliu | faLUCE: This bug has found since 2015, but it hadn't solved until now. see: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=95461 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1550779 | 15:40 |
ubottu | bugzilla.kernel.org bug 95461 in Video(DRI - Intel) "[drm:intel_cpu_fifo_underrun_irq_handler [i915]] *ERROR* CPU pipe A FIFO underrun" [Normal,Resolved: duplicate] | 15:40 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1550779 in linux (Ubuntu) "[i915]] *ERROR* CPU pipe A FIFO underrun - Xorg glitches" [Medium,Incomplete] | 15:40 |
AlexPortable | is it possible to install a system, and then export the choices I made during install to use as a preseed? | 15:41 |
faLUCE | boboliu: I don't understand if is there workaround | 15:41 |
boboliu | faLUCE: actually, there is not. perhaps reinstall or change a kernel will solve it. | 15:43 |
BluesKaj | faLUCE, depends on your DE, wherever your screen resolution and compositor asettings are located | 15:44 |
faLUCE | boboliu: it appears strange to me | 15:44 |
faLUCE | BluesKaj: I use lxde | 15:44 |
faLUCE | BluesKaj: in the monitor settings GUI I can change the resolution and refresh rate | 15:46 |
BluesKaj | fa sorry, I'm not familar with lxde on ubuntu | 15:46 |
faLUCE | should I change refersh rate? | 15:46 |
BluesKaj | faLUCE,^ | 15:46 |
inra | hello everyone, I am on a ubuntu derivative, and there is no channel for my OS, so asking here, hoping it's fine..I cant create multiple instances of firefox, which is possible in my ubuntu systems. when I run the same commands, I just always get new windows of the same instance. so I think it's got to do with the particular OS.could you have any suggestion to implement, if you had such a problem before? | 15:46 |
BluesKaj | the renderer backend faLUCE , GLX seting | 15:47 |
ducasse | inra: we don't support derivatives, try ##linux | 15:47 |
_adb | hello. has anyone been through https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch lately? it mentions "There is a current (for Karmic, Lucid, ..., Precise) issue with services running in a chroot:" and links to an upstart bug. i'm on 16.04, so using systemd. no problems yet -- just curious what trouble i'm getting into. | 15:48 |
ducasse | _adb: that wiki page might be outdated, too many are unfortunately | 15:49 |
inra | ducasse, ok, thank you | 15:50 |
_adb | thanks ducasse, i'll just give it a shot and see how far i get | 15:51 |
inra | great, #linux channel is invite-only. can anyone invite me please? | 15:51 |
inra | linux as exclusive club. whose great idea it was | 15:51 |
ducasse | !register | inra | 15:51 |
ubottu | inra: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode. | 15:51 |
inra | ducasse, it is registered | 15:51 |
ducasse | inra: _you_ need to be | 15:52 |
inra | if it weren't, it wouldn't be cloaked, right? | 15:52 |
phos1 | How do i set default owner and permissons when files are uploaded? I have 2 users uploading files, and we keep having to chown / CHMOD to our shared group so we can both edit | 15:52 |
inra | it is clearly not about registration. | 15:53 |
inra | channel is invite only, it says | 15:53 |
_adb | phos1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Setuid#setuid_and_setgid_on_directories | 15:53 |
ducasse | inra: i didn't look. i've had no problems joining, nor have i heard anyone else having any. try ##linux-ops, maybe, or #freenode. | 15:54 |
_adb | #linux vs ##linux ? | 15:54 |
tgm4883 | inra: yea you probably want ##linux not sure why you weren't just redirected there | 15:55 |
phos1 | _abd: Thanks! That worked perfectly | 15:57 |
phos1 | _abd: actually that did owner properly, but not permissons on the file. It’s set to 644 which won’t let me write it, I need 664 (as it’s a shared group) | 15:57 |
=== Guest29180 is now known as an-usah | ||
_adb | phos1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umask | 15:58 |
inra | tgm4883, thank you! it was that | 15:59 |
lucidguy | ducasse: thanks, I found it worked, I just had to do it really quickly. | 15:59 |
_adb | phos1: alternatively, http://askubuntu.com/questions/44534/how-to-set-umask-for-a-specific-folder | 15:59 |
DolphinDream | howdy | 16:10 |
DolphinDream | is there a problem if i set my default python (in ubuntu 16.04) to be 3.5 instead of 2.7 ? will some apps not work ? | 16:10 |
ducasse | DolphinDream: there's a lot of system stuff that uses python2.7 that is not tested with python3, it might break | 16:14 |
=== zzz10 is now known as zz2021 | ||
{Dolphin} | Hello. :) | 16:20 |
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Kevin` | how can I tell networkmanager which serial port to use for a cellular modem? it's conspicuously missing from the settings for a 'mobile broadband' connection | 16:26 |
ilmaisin | hi | 16:29 |
ilmaisin | how i can enable beep on gnome-terminal | 16:29 |
ilmaisin | i do not want the pc beep but some nice sound card "bling" sound | 16:30 |
ioria | ilmaisin, ( speaker-test -t sine -f 1000 )& pid=$! ; sleep 0.2s ; kill -9 $pid | 16:32 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest42623 | ||
ilmaisin | ioria: my speakers are functioning | 16:32 |
ioria | ilmaisin, so, run it | 16:33 |
Guest42623 | #ubuntu-es | 16:33 |
ilmaisin | ioria: why? what will it do? | 16:33 |
ioria | ilmaisin, beep/bling | 16:33 |
ilmaisin | ioria: but how can i make a sound to play when the terminal encounters the beep character? | 16:34 |
ioria | ilmaisin, ohh... that is in the gnome-terminal preferences | 16:34 |
ioria | ilmaisin, but idt it's working properly anymore | 16:36 |
ilmaisin | ioria: yeah, i noticed it | 16:36 |
ilmaisin | why everything has to be always broken... | 16:36 |
ioria | ilmaisin, i think it tries to ring an internal computer speaker, that not exists anymore | 16:37 |
ilmaisin | ioria: now i found the solution https://www.rohanjain.in/bell/ | 16:39 |
ilmaisin | wonder why it isn't enable by default | 16:39 |
ioria | ilmaisin, ant it works for the gnome-terminal bell ? | 16:40 |
zang | Hey, anyone has tips about testing mpi on beowolf cluster? | 16:40 |
rizonz | is anyone able to check if 'PDF::OCR', 'PDF::OCR2' are available from cpan for Ubuntu ? | 16:40 |
zang | i m having some irregularities | 16:40 |
zang | some nodes are crashing | 16:42 |
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ioria | ilmaisin, hurra ! sudo modprobe pcspkr | 16:45 |
ioria | ilmaisin, but is very feeble | 16:45 |
ducasse | zang: this is probably not the best channel for that, ##linux might be better | 16:46 |
zang | tx i will try ther | 16:47 |
ioria | ilmaisin, idk why it's not loaded by default | 16:47 |
apetresc | Are some of the mirrors down right now or something? I'm suddenly getting "E: Failed to Fetch, 404 Not Found [IP: 80]" even after an apt-get update. | 16:49 |
apetresc | This is on an archive.ubuntu.com mirror | 16:49 |
ducasse | apetresc: wouldn't be the first time a mirror was down. try another one or wait. | 16:52 |
apetresc | ducasse: okay, thanks. These are docker container builds that are failing, though, so it's not quite that trivial to switch mirrors, haha :) I guess I'll wait a bit. | 16:53 |
apetresc | Ooh actually I think the problem is that the apt-get update call had been cached by Docker and it was only the new -install that was therefore using the outdated mirror. Whoops! | 16:54 |
ioria | apetresc, that ip is http://yukinko.canonical.com/ , do you have it in your sources.list ? | 16:54 |
apetresc | Yeah, seems to be working now. false alarm! | 16:55 |
apetresc | (now that I forced it not to use the cache) | 16:55 |
an-usah | i have a problem with the X | 16:55 |
an-usah | i can't normally copy content | 16:55 |
an-usah | and i tested the thing on KDE and also on XFCE, same "bug" | 16:56 |
genii | apetresc: If repo changes apt won't know until the APT::Archives::MinAge and APT::Archives::MaxAge default values are met | 16:56 |
=== anon is now known as Guest17557 | ||
SlabDabs | woo, i should have a think pad arriving today to ubuntu up | 17:05 |
jp_ | kill me now. sighs..... I don't know why but I get in my syslog entres like this kernel: [ 1397.196010] iptables DROPPED: IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:50:56:01:2 | 17:07 |
jp_ | there are two servers in the same subnet and I have a little pythone http server on port 80 on server A. On Server B I can't curl that service at all | 17:07 |
jp_ | from server A I can curl to local ip address and get a response | 17:07 |
=== KindOne_ is now known as KindOne | ||
jp_ | I turned of firewal using ufw disable (I am on ubuntu) | 17:07 |
jp_ | I checked iptables -L and everything says open | 17:08 |
jp_ | I don't know what else is wrong | 17:08 |
jp_ | can anyone help? | 17:08 |
funkyheadgirl | ubuntu 16.04. my firefox got messed and and needed to reinstal but it's not working | 17:12 |
w9qbj | I've updated to 16.04, net questions - how/where do I enter nameservers -, (Not at all like 14.04) | 17:12 |
ZoderUck | how to i put a standalone script in an rc.d level ? is that with symlinks ? | 17:13 |
nacc | jp_: is server listening on localhost:80 or <ip>:80? When you curl on A, which address did you use to test? | 17:14 |
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nacc | jp_: do you get that iptables output on every curl? | 17:14 |
ARTF2 | hi | 17:14 |
jp_ | @nacc the local ip address on the box, yes there is a service listening and is shown in netstat --listen | 17:15 |
jp_ | @nacc I did'nt understand the second question | 17:15 |
nacc | jp_: to be clear, which do you mean by "local ip"? | 17:16 |
jp_ | ip address on eth0 something like | 17:16 |
nacc | jp_: you mentioned a 'iptables dropped' line in syslog. Does that happen every time you curl from B to A? | 17:17 |
jp_ | say server a has and server b has | 17:17 |
w9qbj | Also, How do I ifconfig to a static address on startup ? | 17:17 |
nacc | jp_: ok | 17:17 |
jp_ | yes | 17:17 |
jp_ | however I don't know whats causing it | 17:17 |
ducasse | w9qbj: set it up in /etc/network/interfaces - 'man interfaces' | 17:18 |
funkyheadgirl | how can i remove javascript? | 17:19 |
jp_ | nacc - http://pastebin.com/C8Tyfu0W | 17:19 |
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nacc | jp_: um, don't you have a 'DROP all' line? | 17:21 |
jp_ | nope | 17:21 |
nacc | jp_: literally in your paste just now. | 17:21 |
nacc | jp_: line 12 | 17:21 |
jp_ | sorry wrong server | 17:22 |
jp_ | one second | 17:22 |
jp_ | nacc http://pastebin.com/Ki73vBkS . - ps it shou;d'nt matter since I already did ufw disable | 17:24 |
jp_ | which should turn off the firewall and not use the iptables | 17:24 |
joseki | hello everyone! i've managed to loose a disk label and wanted to see if anyone could help troubleshoot. it's a san/multipath setup | 17:24 |
joseki | basically, i don't have a "real" UUID - /dev/mapper/mpatha-part1: PARTLABEL="primary" PARTUUID="1ce65b62-23a6-4ab7-9307-fd8b637e286f" | 17:25 |
minilux | hi i am new to ubuntu any patient people who can help me with some stuff | 17:25 |
minilux | ? | 17:25 |
=== minilux is now known as Shadstarn | ||
joseki | seems like i could "mklable loop" but i think that will cause me to loose data | 17:25 |
ducasse | !ask | Shadstarn | 17:25 |
ubottu | Shadstarn: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 17:25 |
nacc | jp_: ... that also has DROP? | 17:26 |
nacc | jp_: while I understand that you turned off ufw, if `iptables -L` is listing running rules, that absolutely matters | 17:27 |
Shadstarn | how can i install themes on ubuntu mate... all i isntall do not work... | 17:27 |
Shadstarn | i am frustrated beyond reason | 17:27 |
Shadstarn | also how can i make things bigger without touching the resolution of the screen | 17:27 |
nacc | joseki: what do you mean by "lose a label"? | 17:28 |
hoagies | Shad, I'm sure you can find a lot of videos on Youtube which explain such matters in detail. | 17:28 |
Shadstarn | hmm | 17:29 |
Shadstarn | okaj you are right | 17:29 |
nacc | Shadstarn: what did you try and what happens? | 17:29 |
Shadstarn | i will try there first | 17:29 |
Shadstarn | i love linux already | 17:29 |
nacc | Shadstarn: and have you looked at the accessibility options? I'm not sure what exactly you mean by "make things bigger"? | 17:30 |
jp_ | nacc your awsome | 17:30 |
jp_ | nacc thank you | 17:30 |
nacc | jp_: that was the issue, I assume? | 17:30 |
jp_ | nacc yes | 17:31 |
jp_ | thank you | 17:31 |
ilmaisin | lol i looked at the bug report of the problem https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/769314 | 17:31 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 769314 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "System bell broken in Natty/Unity (despite heroic...)" [High,In progress] | 17:31 |
nacc | jp_: tbh, i don't exactly understand how ufw and iptables inter-relate, but always trust what your system tells you (and never trust scripts (including init scripts)) to be 100% correct :) | 17:31 |
ilmaisin | it's just over a half decade old, no hurry... | 17:31 |
joseki | nacc: there isn't a UUID for the partition, but there is a PARTUUID | 17:31 |
elias_a | What video player can play multiple video files in an endless loop without showing filenames or other extra things but the video itself? | 17:32 |
ioria | ilmaisin, did you sudo modprobe pcspkr ? i'am using unity and it works | 17:32 |
{Dolphin} | elias_a i think you can do this with vlc | 17:33 |
nacc | joseki: even in /dev/disk/by-uuid ? | 17:34 |
{Dolphin} | https://www.techwalla.com/articles/how-to-loop-a-video-in-a-vlc-player | 17:34 |
joseki | nacc: nope | 17:34 |
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joseki | nacc: I just unmounted it, resized via multipath and then increased the disk size via parted | 17:35 |
joseki | nacc: increased meaning "rm 1" and then mkpart | 17:35 |
w9qbj | One more Q - I'll admit my eyes are not as young as they once were. How do I set a LARGE mouse-arrow-pointer - bigger than the 'stock' ones | 17:36 |
tekeli-li | *sigh* | 17:36 |
nacc | joseki: i really don't know, sorry | 17:37 |
elias_a | {Dolphin}: You are not answering my question. I have multiple files. Loop = play again beginning from 1st file. And VLC shows the filename in the background by default. | 17:37 |
tekeli-li | I need to share a screenshot to explain my problem. Is there a preferred way to share images here? | 17:37 |
tekeli-li | paste.ubuntu.com doesn't support images as far as i know | 17:38 |
{Dolphin} | elias_a elias_a make one alltogether video... or try one playlist | 17:38 |
tekeli-li | (unless y'all want it base64 encoded i suppose) | 17:38 |
elias_a | {Dolphin}: How would that help if the file name is still shown? :O | 17:39 |
nacc | !paste | tekeli-li: i believe imgur: | 17:39 |
ubottu | tekeli-li: i believe imgur:: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 17:39 |
tekeli-li | nacc, thank you | 17:40 |
ducasse | w9qbj: you can change cursor theme and size, should be settings for it | 17:41 |
joseki | nacc: thanks. anywhere else where filesystem gurus might hangout? | 17:46 |
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w9qbj | ducasse, There are some, but not big enough | 17:48 |
nacc | joseki: you might try #ubuntu-server, esp. because of multipath/san | 17:48 |
ducasse | w9qbj: then try to find a bigger one, i'm sure others have had the same problem | 17:49 |
w9qbj | ducasse, That's why I'm asking here. | 17:50 |
ducasse | w9qbj: maybe there are some on gnome-look.org | 17:50 |
w9qbj | decoder, Thanks, I'll look there. | 17:52 |
w9qbj | ducasse, thanks Ti'' look there - whoops sent to the wrong | 17:52 |
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dax | gonna be a bit noisy with joins/parts for a bit folks | 17:56 |
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nicomachus | way to go, dax | 17:57 |
dax | hehe | 17:57 |
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Brochacho | Hi all, what exactly is 'history-daemon'? It's constantly maxing out a CPU core on my machine | 18:01 |
ducasse | Brochacho: see 'apt show history-service' | 18:03 |
Brochacho | ducasse: Stores messages and calls, on my desktop? | 18:04 |
AlexPortable | How can I use preseed? | 18:05 |
AlexPortable | auto url= should work no? | 18:05 |
lucidguy | PLAY *************************************************************************** | 18:05 |
lucidguy | TASK [setup] ******************************************************************* | 18:05 |
lucidguy | ok: [r4b-33] | 18:05 |
lucidguy | TASK [configure network interfaces] ******************************************** | 18:05 |
lucidguy | changed: [r4b-33] | 18:05 |
lucidguy | TASK [Install list of packages] ************************************************ | 18:05 |
ducasse | Brochacho: are you using telepathy? | 18:06 |
ducasse | !paste | lucidguy | 18:06 |
ubottu | lucidguy: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 18:06 |
Guest47258 | {Dolphin}: Found it. 1) disable OSD in VLC and 2) loop a playlist. | 18:06 |
lucidguy | sorry about the flood | 18:07 |
lucidguy | From my workstation I can ssh -A etc just fine into specific servers. If I ssh into my workstation from another box and try the -A to the box that always worked it no longer does. It's something to do with an ssh agent or something running, can someone remind how to resolve this? | 18:07 |
Brochacho | ducasse: Er, not sure? I'm using telegram and polari | 18:08 |
ducasse | Brochacho: then telegram is probably what uses it. | 18:10 |
Brochacho | ducasse: It was polari | 18:15 |
fub | Hi. How do I install libc6-dbg:i386 on 16.04? | 18:18 |
AlexPortable | auto url= should work no? | 18:18 |
roneivbc | sudo apt-get install libc6-dbg:i386 | 18:19 |
fub | roneivbc: it's not found | 18:20 |
roneivbc | It worked for me. | 18:21 |
fub | roneivbc: https://dpaste.de/tfcm | 18:22 |
DolphinDream | is there a problem if i set my default python (in ubuntu 16.04) to be 3.5 instead of 2.7 ? will some apps not work ? | 18:23 |
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tgm4883 | DolphinDream: as was mentioned before, probably yes. Why would you want to do that? | 18:24 |
roneivbc | fub: maybe the repository is missing. | 18:24 |
ducasse | DolphinDream: you've already asked that and got an answer | 18:24 |
fub | roneivbc: I did a apt-get update before | 18:24 |
fub | anything else I have to do? | 18:24 |
DolphinDream | oops. sorry.did not see the answer. my web irc client is kind of crappy (and i was afk) | 18:25 |
roneivbc | fub: I think you should add a another repo | 18:25 |
tgm4883 | DolphinDream: in other words, don't do things just to do them | 18:25 |
cotin | Anyone knows any webdev channels? | 18:25 |
DolphinDream | tgm4883: n0t just to do them. i wanted to use sublime for instance to do some py developement .. and want4ed to make sure that is using the 3.x and not the default .27 | 18:26 |
fub | roneivbc: found it | 18:26 |
fub | dpkg --add-architecture i386 | 18:26 |
fub | then apt-get update, then it is found.. | 18:26 |
tgm4883 | DolphinDream: you want to make sure your scripts are using python 3? | 18:26 |
roneivbc | fub: Yes ! I just found an article... lol | 18:27 |
DolphinDream | tgm4883: when i test my scripts i want to make sure they are executed using 3.5 yes. in terminal i can launch py3.5 of course to do that.. but sublime may need further settings to make sure it uses that by default (e.g. if i run scripts form sublime text) | 18:27 |
roneivbc | fub: But I did not do this in my machine and it worked. Anyway... | 18:27 |
tgm4883 | DolphinDream: wouldn't you just specify python 3 in your first line? | 18:28 |
DolphinDream | ah.. hm.. maybe :) i don't knw much about python . maybe you can. | 18:28 |
tgm4883 | DolphinDream: eg, #!/usr/bin/env python3 | 18:28 |
DolphinDream | nice tip. thx | 18:29 |
tgm4883 | DolphinDream: yw | 18:29 |
DolphinDream | tgm4883: is 3.5 not stable enough? why isnt it the default, btw? | 18:30 |
Trel | How do you define/use a variable in an systemd unit file? | 18:30 |
tgm4883 | DolphinDream: of the thousands of things that use python that are shipped with ubuntu, not all of them have been converted and tested with python 3 | 18:30 |
DolphinDream | ahh.. thousands you say... hm. makes sense. | 18:32 |
jatt | Trel Environment=FOO=BAR | 18:34 |
tzfrs | Hi guys. I somehow destroyed my grub loader. I have a windows partition and an ubuntu partition, but can only boot into ubuntu. I already tried "sudo update-grub" and reinstalled grub, but still, only getting into windows. Any idea what I can do? | 18:34 |
tzfrs | When I open /etc/default/grub it says "GRUB_DEFAULT="Windows 10 (loader) (on /dev/sdb1)"". | 18:35 |
cotin | V | 18:36 |
tzfrs | It even tells me that I have Windows 10 loader installed | 18:39 |
tzfrs | But as soon as I launch my computer, I only get Ubuntu | 18:39 |
jatt | that's good | 18:40 |
pwnsaunder | hi | 18:40 |
genii | tzfrs: Repair the Windows bootloader first, get it booting back into that. Then boot up to a livecd/dvd/usb and repair grub from that | 18:40 |
amstaff | Hi having an issue with an ubuntu server 16.04 LTS | 18:40 |
genii | !mbr | 18:40 |
ubottu | GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 | 18:40 |
amstaff | everytime i connect with ssh | 18:40 |
amstaff | I get same message 10 packages can be updated. | 18:40 |
amstaff | 7 updates are security updates. | 18:40 |
amstaff | Yes, i have already update and upgrade | 18:41 |
tzfrs | Can't I somehow do it from Ubuntu? I don't have an USB-Stick anymore. | 18:41 |
genii | tzfrs: You can, but it's far more work | 18:42 |
tzfrs | ok | 18:42 |
timbozeman | I'm on trusty and I seem to be stuck on php 5.5.9. How can I get to 5.6 without bricking my computer? | 18:42 |
timbozeman | I added this ppa:ondrej/php repo and tried apt-get install php5.6, but that doesn't seem to exist | 18:43 |
timbozeman | woops, nm user error. forgot to update | 18:44 |
pwnsaunder_ | lll | 18:49 |
genuine__ | I have a problem with my sound on my laptop. i installed lubuntu 16.04 any ideas? | 18:50 |
Simonious | anybody done any RS485 on ubuntu? | 18:51 |
jatt | what problem?? | 18:51 |
genuine__ | theres no sound on my system. can anyone help? | 18:52 |
genuine__ | i have a sound problem on my laptop anyone can help? | 18:56 |
ouroumov | hi genuine__ | 18:57 |
genuine__ | hey | 18:57 |
ouroumov | genuine__, do you have multiple sound cards? | 18:57 |
genuine__ | no, and it is a laptop. | 18:57 |
ouroumov | genuine__, please provide the output of the command: lshw -C sound | nc termbin.com 9999 | 18:58 |
BluesKaj | genuine__, open alsamixer in the terminal and increase the relevant volume ctls to 100% ,then on the fr right disable automute and make sure any vol ctls tou are using aren't muted with MM in the box, navigate to the ctls with arrow keys | 18:58 |
cerion | genuine__: state what is the problem | 18:58 |
genuine__ | ouroumov didnt work, says inaccurate or incomplete | 19:00 |
mrichman | Hey everyone. I need to split up a large log file where each line contains a thread ID, i.e. "2017-02-03 12:25:22.5175|71|Error|blahblahblah". The value "71" in there is the thread ID. I'd like to split this file up, writing each line corresponding to its thread ID to its own file. | 19:01 |
genuine__ | BluesKaj, i opened alsamixer but i cant increase the sound or decrease it | 19:01 |
Simonious | http://www.waveshare.com/rs485-can-cape.htm how do I use RS485 on this cape under ubuntu? | 19:01 |
genuine__ | cerion, sound not working on my laptop | 19:01 |
* Simonious keeps poking at it | 19:01 | |
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genuine__ | ouroumov, worked | 19:04 |
genuine__ | Hardware Lister (lshw) - B.02.17 | 19:04 |
genuine__ | usage: lshw [-format] [-options ...] | 19:04 |
genuine__ | lshw -version | 19:04 |
genuine__ | -version print program version (B.02.17) | 19:04 |
genuine__ | format can be | 19:04 |
ouroumov | genuine__, that's what happen when you post output to the chan. Please use the exact command I gave and provide only the resulting URL. | 19:06 |
genuine__ | ops sorry. | 19:06 |
jeffreylevesque | how can i check if xinetd is installed? | 19:07 |
BluesKaj | genuine__, use the up/down arrow keys to increase/decrese | 19:07 |
genuine__ | http://termbin.com/828w | 19:07 |
AlexPortable | auto url= should work no? | 19:08 |
genuine__ | BluesKaj, theres nothing to increase or decrease | 19:08 |
ouroumov | genuine__, it appears you have two sound cards. Please check the "hardware" tab of the sound preferences dialog. | 19:08 |
simon2 | hey, what to do when i have different cursor themes on desktop/x root window and when i hover applications? | 19:09 |
genuine__ | BluesKaj, i checked the second one. which should work i see how to increase and decrease now. | 19:09 |
BluesKaj | genuine__, in alsamixer use F6 to choose the soundcard | 19:09 |
genuine__ | done | 19:09 |
BluesKaj | ok | 19:09 |
genuine__ | increased to 100 | 19:10 |
genuine__ | still no sound | 19:10 |
BluesKaj | now navigate to the far right and use the down arrow key to disable automute | 19:10 |
BluesKaj | genuine__,^ | 19:11 |
genuine__ | ok | 19:11 |
genuine__ | done | 19:11 |
genuine__ | auto-mut disabled | 19:12 |
BluesKaj | now 'escape' then do, sudo alsactl store | 19:12 |
nathan77 | I have Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop | 19:12 |
nathan77 | I bought a TL-WN821N(EU) V5.0 | 19:12 |
nathan77 | It does not work as expected. I was told by a computer chop that this adapter works out of box, for Linux, but it seems not. | 19:12 |
nathan77 | I followed a few User helps on Ubuntu forums to try get it running. | 19:12 |
nathan77 | Currently using my laptop as a Wired Internet Hub (shared networking over cable connection) | 19:12 |
nathan77 | My aim is to have my Desktop as a standalone computer. | 19:12 |
nathan77 | Can anyone help? | 19:12 |
=== aw is now known as Guest78078 | ||
nathan77 | Sorry. Didn't realise each new line would flood. | 19:13 |
genuine__ | BluesKaj, nothing much happened | 19:14 |
simon2 | nathan77: have you installed the linux drivers? | 19:14 |
genuine__ | i typed sudo alsactl store then put my password | 19:14 |
simon2 | nathan77: http://www.tp-link.com/en/download/TL-WN821N_V4.html#Driver | 19:14 |
nathan77 | Yes. I tried that first | 19:14 |
Guest78078 | Just got here and don't know what is happening | 19:14 |
nathan77 | I can start again if you are willing and have the time | 19:14 |
AlexPortable | anyone can help me with preseed? | 19:15 |
simon2 | nathan77: how did you install them and can you confirm that they are installed? | 19:15 |
nathan77 | simon2: I'll have another look | 19:16 |
ZoderUck | how to i put a standalone script in an rc.d level ? is that with symlinks ? | 19:18 |
BluesKaj | genuine, run sudo modprobe, then sudo alsa force-reload | 19:18 |
genuine__ | BluesKaj, :P | 19:18 |
genuine__ | don't give up on me lol | 19:19 |
genii | ZoderUck: There aren't really any runlevels any more. Just 0, 2-5, and 6 | 19:19 |
ZoderUck | uh | 19:19 |
genii | ZoderUck: 2 through 5 are all just really 3 | 19:19 |
BluesKaj | genuine__, oops correction sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel, then sudo alsa force-reload | 19:19 |
ZoderUck | well it is for proftpd | 19:19 |
genuine__ | ok | 19:19 |
ZoderUck | and i did see it does not start after reboot | 19:19 |
nathan77 | simon2: I cannot confirm that the drivers are installed. I followed the Installation for linux Driver, which is located in that driver zipfile. I got lost in following the instructions. Their version is for 14.04.1 | 19:19 |
ZoderUck | it is ubuntu 14.04 yes | 19:19 |
AlexPortable | How do I start ubuntu install with preseed file? | 19:20 |
genuine__ | my pc isnt intel tho | 19:20 |
BluesKaj | no but your audio chip is intel, genuine__ | 19:20 |
ZoderUck | was there a systemd to control rcd level ? | 19:20 |
rajivmars | what is the difference between the commands "uname -a" and "uname -r"? | 19:20 |
genuine__ | oh interesting | 19:21 |
Brochacho | rajivmars: See uname --help | 19:21 |
ZoderUck | genii, what shouljd i do first to find why proftpd is not restart ? | 19:21 |
genii | Sorry, forgot runlevel 1 | 19:21 |
ZoderUck | genii, ok, but there is a command ? to add a service in to correct level, i forgot | 19:21 |
ducasse | ZoderUck: iirc 14.04 uses update-rc.d | 19:21 |
genii | ZoderUck: Check in /etc/default directory for a proftp file and see if it's disabled by default | 19:21 |
rajivmars | Brochacho, yeah got it. thanks:) | 19:22 |
genuine__ | what's next BluesKaj | 19:22 |
genii | ZoderUck: If it's not disabled by default in there, then look at syntax of update-rc.d | 19:22 |
ZoderUck | genii: aha, wait, where should i look? it concerns proftpd it needs to start whenever the system does have a reboot and, if pssible if proftpd is stopped accidently it should be restarted. | 19:23 |
nathan77 | how do I find out if my linux kernel supports 802.11? I would have thought that Ubuntu 16.04 already does. | 19:29 |
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genii | ZoderUck: If there is a file in /etc/default called something like proftp then check it does not contain a line like: ENABLED=0 ...if it does, change the 0 to a 1 and then restart proftpd with sudo service proftp restart ( or sudo service proftp start) | 19:30 |
genii | ZoderUck: If there is no relevant line like that in a file in /etc/default then add it to the automatic startup services using something like sudo update-rc.d proftpd defaults | 19:31 |
* genii runs back to work | 19:32 | |
genuine__ | BluesKaj, xD no sound still | 19:36 |
Simonious | 44e09000.serial: ttyS0 at MMIO 0x44e09000 (irq = 158, base_baud = 3000000) is a 8250 <-does this support an enable pin? | 19:36 |
ZoderUck | what ? | 19:39 |
ZoderUck | nobody here uses ubuntu ? | 19:39 |
genuine__ | everyone here does | 19:40 |
hesham | helli | 19:40 |
hesham | hello | 19:40 |
hesham | quit | 19:40 |
hesham | hello | 19:40 |
hesham | seb | 19:40 |
Bashing-om | hesham: Welcome to ubuntu support . ask your question . | 19:41 |
al8989 | hello i just upgraded to kubuntu 16.04 from 14.04 by doing a clean fresh install and everything seems to be working fine, but need to know how to turn off the annoying login screen that appears after i leave my computer for a few minutes | 19:41 |
nathan77 | I have Ubuntu 16.04. I'm trying to install the linux drivers for TL-WN821N(EU)_V5 from TL's website. (here - http://www.tp-link.com/en/download/TL-WN821N_V5.html#Driver ). "An error occured while extracting files" Any fix I've tried to get beyond this, has not worked. Can anyone help | 19:41 |
ioria | al8989, SystemSettings -> brightness & lock | 19:46 |
nathan77 | al8989: does this help? "It's very similar in KDE 4.1 System Settings -> Advanced -> Login Manager -> Convenience and there is the option "Enable Auto-Login" " | 19:46 |
ioria | al8989, ho, sorry kde | 19:47 |
ZoderUck | genii, did havea look in /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf and there was no line enabled=0 or 1 | 19:47 |
ZoderUck | that was an advise not in the right directrion lol | 19:48 |
al8989 | oh sorry im using kde desktop | 19:48 |
ZoderUck | hello | 19:48 |
al8989 | i'll try that nathan | 19:48 |
ioria | al8989, check also Workspace > Desktop Behavior > Screen Locking > uncheck Lock screen option. | 19:49 |
al8989 | didn't work nathan already have auto logon checked | 19:51 |
ZoderUck | hi | 19:51 |
al8989 | oioria: i'll try that | 19:51 |
ZoderUck | where do configure proftpd to start whenever the whole system reboots ? | 19:51 |
Southern_Gentlem | systemctl enable servicename | 19:51 |
ducasse | ZoderUck: he said to look in /etc/default, not /etc/proftpd | 19:52 |
genii | ZoderUck: NOT /etc/proftpd /etc/default/proftp | 19:52 |
genii | ZoderUck: Note the path contains the word "default" | 19:52 |
ZoderUck | update-rc.d proftpd how do i get the current state ? | 19:53 |
al8989 | ioria: thanks thats what I was looking for don't know why i did not see it | 19:53 |
ZoderUck | genii, yes you are right | 19:53 |
ZoderUck | but how do i get a list of all rc.d ? | 19:53 |
genii | ZoderUck: sudo service --status-all | 19:55 |
Guest65824 | how can i determine if i have a keylogger in my system? | 19:57 |
=== Guest65824 is now known as an-usah | ||
shambat | I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 and I'm copying some files between harddrives, and it's very slow. I'm getting this over and over in my dmesg: https://hastebin.com/izixekibok.css /dev/sde is the device I'm writing to. My drives are attached via a LSI Fusion MPT SAS2 controller card. | 19:57 |
shambat | my cpus are also spending a lot of time in "wait" | 19:58 |
maltus | hi | 19:58 |
ioria | al8989, you're welcome | 20:00 |
Apachez | it seems like gcc/gpp and the other compile tools are included with "ubuntu-desktop", is there some way to uninstall them without having "ubuntu-desktop" to get ripped away by apt at the same time? | 20:04 |
ioria | shambat, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-lts-xenial/+bug/1630837 | 20:04 |
genii | Apachez: The package build-essential | 20:04 |
Apachez | shambat: same thing if you would boot on a 16.10 image? what does "additional drivers" tell you - any options there? | 20:04 |
ubottu | Error: Could not gather data from Launchpad for bug #1630837 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1630837). The error has been logged | 20:04 |
Apachez | genii: so removing that would remove all gcc etc but leave ubuntu-desktop intact? | 20:05 |
nathan77 | How do I find out my pc architecture? | 20:05 |
ioria | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-lts-xenial/+bug/1630837 | 20:05 |
Seveas | Apachez: sudo apt-get remove gcc | 20:05 |
genii | Apachez: ubuntu-desktop is only a virtual package anyways | 20:05 |
Apachez | Seveas: doesnt work, apt wants to remove ubuntu-desktop at the same time | 20:05 |
Apachez | and by that gnome and everything gets ripped out | 20:05 |
Seveas | Apachez: doesn't do so here. | 20:05 |
Seveas | Apachez: pastebin the full output please | 20:05 |
Seveas | (the output before you hit n to cancel) | 20:06 |
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inra | hello everyone, I have an older version of python, and I installed the newer version from python website. but still the older version is shown. is it ok just to delete it? | 20:09 |
inra | and will the newest version be shown if I just remove the old one? | 20:09 |
=== [iczero] is now known as iczero | ||
Seveas | inra: deleting the ubuntu-provided python is a very bad idea. | 20:10 |
ducasse | an-usah: there is no 100% certain way, they tend to hide well (obviously) | 20:10 |
Seveas | as long as you install your special python into /usr/local, you can use it just fine. But don't install into /usr. | 20:10 |
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inra | Seveas, which is why I wanted to make sure..so keep them both, then? | 20:11 |
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Seveas | inra: yes. | 20:11 |
inra | ok, thank you! | 20:11 |
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inra | is there a way to upgrade the ubuntu-provided version? | 20:11 |
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inra | to the latest one, I mean? | 20:11 |
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ducasse | inra: then it wouldn't be ubuntu-provided | 20:12 |
Seveas | inra: upgrade Ubuntu :) | 20:12 |
an-usah | ducasse i have this issue, i need to copy things twice in order to properly copy them, e.g, if i copy text in libreoffice, and press ctrl+c once it copies it but plain text, if i copy it twice i get the format and can paste properly in other place | 20:12 |
inra | Seveas, so 16.10. has the latest python but 16.04. not? | 20:12 |
k1l | inra: what ubuntu is in use? what python do you need exactly? | 20:13 |
an-usah | it makes no sense, that i need to double copy things to copy them with format | 20:13 |
inra | k1l, I have 16.04, and it has python 2.7.6, while I need python 2.7.13 | 20:13 |
an-usah | it also happens with the mouse or ctrl+ins | 20:13 |
k1l | inra: do you need it? for features or a bugfix? | 20:14 |
Seveas | 16.10 has 2.7.12 | 20:14 |
an-usah | a right click copy copies just the text in plain format, but copying again, viola! it gets the format too | 20:14 |
an-usah | it makes no sense at all :/ | 20:14 |
inra | k1l, it is required for an install | 20:14 |
ducasse | !enter | an-usah | 20:14 |
ubottu | an-usah: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone. | 20:14 |
an-usah | ok, ok | 20:15 |
inra | k1l, actually I need the current pip, but it shows the pip version in the old python, so I thought about upgrading python | 20:15 |
Seveas | inra: why do you need a newer pip than Ubuntu provides? I've never had a problem with the ubuntu-provided pip | 20:16 |
Seveas | any specific package you're trying to install? | 20:16 |
k1l | inra: ok, so now we come to the real issue. what is the root of your issue? | 20:16 |
Talche | hi all | 20:18 |
inra | k1l, I dont know if this will become an issue, but the install guide shows the pip version as 8.1.1. whereas mine shows 1.5.4 | 20:18 |
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Talche | hmmm... anyone here knows something bout ddns, mx records and maybe about a mailserver not working ? :D | 20:19 |
Seveas | !info python-pip xenial | 20:20 |
ubottu | python-pip (source: python-pip): alternative Python package installer. In component universe, is optional. Version 8.1.1-2ubuntu0.4 (xenial), package size 140 kB, installed size 620 kB | 20:20 |
Seveas | inra: I don't know where you grabbed pip from, but Ubuntu provides 8.1.1 | 20:20 |
nacc | Seveas: maybe they are on trusty | 20:20 |
inra | Seveas, oops | 20:20 |
Seveas | nacc: not according to their earlier info :) | 20:20 |
ioria | inra, apt-cache policy python-pip | 20:20 |
inra | sorry, my dumb..I am currently on 14.04.1, not 16.04. | 20:21 |
k1l | inra: what is "lsb_release -sd" in terminal? | 20:21 |
Seveas | inra: ah, then it's time to upgrade Ubuntu :) | 20:21 |
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nathan77b | test-ubuntu | 20:24 |
inra | the thing is, my OS is a derivative, built on ubuntu 14.04., so I dont know if I can safely upgrade it, if at all | 20:24 |
nathan77 | rec-win7 | 20:24 |
ioria | inra, and why do you use a derivative ? any special reason ? | 20:25 |
Apachez | previous LTS? | 20:25 |
inra | ioria, I like the distro | 20:25 |
ioria | i see | 20:25 |
Seveas | inra: then it's time to go find support in the support channels of that derivative :) | 20:25 |
Apachez | whats the distro name? | 20:25 |
inra | Seveas, if it had one | 20:25 |
k1l | inra: then ask the support of that derivate how to solve that issue | 20:26 |
inra | in no time comes the warning 'this-is-not-your-distros-channel-go-ask-there'...guys, everything in the distro is ubuntu, only the skin is different | 20:26 |
Seveas | inra: unfortunately that's nonsense. We don't know in which ways they broke it. We know what Ubuntu breaks :) | 20:27 |
ioria | inra, are you using the Ubuntu Satanic Edition ? :þ | 20:27 |
inra | yeah | 20:27 |
shambat | Apachez: how should I test it? Update to 16.10? I don't have X installed (its a server), so is there an "additional drivers" option there? | 20:27 |
nathan77b | how do I read this? ..."/wifi2/Driver/include/hal_com.h:413:13:" <--- What are the numbers on the end of that file? | 20:27 |
Seveas | nathan77b: line and character | 20:28 |
ioria | inra, this one ? http://ubuntusatanic.org/download.php ... really ??? | 20:28 |
Apachez | line 413, 13 spaces in? | 20:28 |
inra | ioria, I thought it was a joke | 20:28 |
ioria | inra, lol | 20:28 |
nathan77b | so if there's an error, these numbers tells me where, in that file? | 20:28 |
inra | recently I'd read about religious derivatives | 20:29 |
ioria | inra, true | 20:29 |
k1l | inra: we can only support what is shipped by standard ubuntu and its flavors in here. if its just another wallpaper then instll ubuntu and use that wallpaper. but since its not only that, go and ask them. | 20:29 |
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k1l | and if they dont offer support, but you need support ask in ##linux or think about using a distro that got better support. | 20:30 |
inra | haha, k1l, wallpaper? :)) who installs a whole distro for a wallpaper? | 20:30 |
Seveas | too many people. | 20:30 |
ouroumov | yup | 20:30 |
inra | ok | 20:30 |
k1l | inra: you just said you do to get ubunut support in here. | 20:30 |
nathan77b | Thanks Seveas | 20:30 |
inra | k1l, did I say I installed something for wallpaper? | 20:32 |
k1l | inra: you said you use your non ubuntu only because of the nice theme. but we are spoiling this channel for other ubuntu users. so please go to your distros support or ##linux | 20:33 |
dax | or stop using crackpot derivatives | 20:33 |
simon2 | hey, any idea what's up when you have one cursor theme hovering on desktop/x root window and another theme when i hovering applications? | 20:34 |
Talche | hmmm ubuntu server users allowed here ? | 20:34 |
dax | Talche: yes | 20:34 |
Talche | i mean newbies, not users :) | 20:34 |
Seveas | dax: not all derivatives are crackpots :) | 20:34 |
nathan77b | would you guys help here for some coding in ubuntu? | 20:35 |
Trel | jatt: is the enviornment part necessary if my only goal is to use it during the start command? | 20:35 |
k1l | simon2: you are running programs as root on the desktop? | 20:35 |
inra | k1l, oh gosh, how on earth you made it up? I only said I liked the distro as an answer to the respective question | 20:35 |
simon2 | k1l: nope thats not it, the only difference is on the desktop, the cursor is normal everywhere else | 20:35 |
Seveas | simon2: applications can set which cursor they want to show. Maybe whatever is running on your root window wants something special | 20:36 |
Seveas | simon2: what do you have on your root window? | 20:36 |
simon2 | Seveas: its the other way around, its the root window that is different | 20:36 |
simon2 | Seveas: nothing, just a background imagfe | 20:36 |
Seveas | simon2: there has to be something running to render that. e.g. in normal ubuntu it's nautilus I believe (though last time I knew for sure that it was nautilus is pre-compiz) | 20:37 |
simon2 | Seveas: ah, that's possible, can i find out? | 20:37 |
Seveas | nathan77b: programming is a bit OT here, there are more appropriate channels. Also, since it often requires the exchange of large parts of code/output, something like stack overflow is often better suited for programming questions. | 20:38 |
k1l | simon2: what desktop is it? | 20:38 |
nathan77b | Thanks Seveas | 20:38 |
ducasse | nathan77b: use alis to find a channel for your language | 20:38 |
ducasse | !alis | nathan77b | 20:38 |
ubottu | nathan77b: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http" | 20:38 |
simon2 | k1l: what do you mean? desktop enviornment, window manager or if something is running on the root window? | 20:39 |
nathan77b | ducasse: I'm trying to solve issues one by one. All im trying to do is get a wireless adapter running on U16.04 | 20:39 |
k1l | yes, on what setup do you experience this behavior? i dont get it at all | 20:39 |
Seveas | simon2: the output of xwininfo -root -children on my system (ubuntu 16.10) makes me think it's still nautils. | 20:40 |
simon2 | k1l: ubuntu with i3 ontop | 20:40 |
Seveas | simon2: ok, so definitely something i3 related then | 20:41 |
Seveas | as it'll want to take over that function | 20:41 |
simon2 | Seveas: | 20:41 |
simon2 | xwininfo: Window id: 0x1e4 (the root window) "i3" Root window id: 0x1e4 (the root window) "i3" Parent window id: 0x0 (none) | 20:41 |
ducasse | simon2: did you relogin after changing cursor theme? | 20:41 |
Seveas | yeah | 20:41 |
ducasse | i3 has nothing to do with cursor theme. | 20:41 |
simon2 | ducasse: yea rebooted, can see the cursor theme change everywhere except on the desktop | 20:41 |
Seveas | check the i3 preferences | 20:41 |
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simon2 | Seveas: nothing obvious in the i3 config | 20:42 |
rek | i was stuck at starting hotplug subsystem then i hit ctrl+c at the point i was used to get stuck and i could continue the installation.... what is ctrl+c generally for? | 20:42 |
ducasse | simon2: where did you set cursor theme? | 20:43 |
Seveas | rek: for crudely killing something that is stuck | 20:43 |
simon2 | ducasse: tried both /etc/X11/Xresources/x11-common and ~/.Xresources | 20:43 |
rek | Seveas lol i hope my system is ok | 20:43 |
simon2 | ducasse: and it does work, like i said earlier, just not on the root window | 20:43 |
rek | what if i wanted to continue the grub and booting without hotplug | 20:44 |
Seveas | rek: I'm afraid that sentence makes no sense, so let me answer with a question: was this hotplug issue when installing, or when rebooting after the installation? | 20:44 |
rek | Seveas, i rebooted after the first part of the installation...so it's still installing the os | 20:45 |
Seveas | rek: erm... no. The install is only one part, no reboot in the middle. | 20:45 |
Seveas | you only reboot when the install is done. | 20:46 |
ducasse | simon2: try setting it with lxappearance | 20:46 |
rek | Seveas, the system did reboot ...asking me to remove the media and to make sure i was able to boot from the hd | 20:46 |
Seveas | that means the install is done. | 20:46 |
rek | it's still installing all the packages... though | 20:47 |
Seveas | you mean it's doing security updates? | 20:47 |
rek | i see mostly applications... tote, synaptic...ooffice various ttf | 20:48 |
rek | totem* | 20:48 |
simon2 | ducasse: can i reload the cursor theme without having to restart X? | 20:48 |
simon2 | ducasse: when setting it with lxappearance | 20:48 |
Seveas | can you share a screenshot of what's going on? Those two haven't been installed by default for quite some time... Which Ubuntu version are you using? | 20:49 |
ducasse | simon2: i don't remember tbh, i have a sneaking suspicion maybe you need to relogin | 20:49 |
lorddoskias | hello, i just installed 2 dell U2415 monitors, and rotated one of them vertically and i observe screen tearing on this monitor, whereas on the other which is in normal horizontal position i don't observe tearing when scrolling or moving windows around | 20:49 |
simon2 | ducasse: right, ill do that, brb! | 20:49 |
lorddoskias | both monitors are hooked up via DP | 20:49 |
simon2_ | ducasse: same behavior, the cursor changed but not on the desktop | 20:51 |
ducasse | simon2: how did you set it in ~/.Xresources? | 20:51 |
AlexPortable | How do i shutdown the system after 5 seconds? | 20:52 |
AlexPortable | shutdown -r -t 5 seems to shut it down after 5 minutes | 20:52 |
simon2_ | ducasse: Xcursor.theme: DMZ-Black | 20:52 |
ducasse | simon2_: btw, 'i3-msg restart' is probably enough, no need to restart x server itself | 20:52 |
simon2_ | ducasse: ill try | 20:52 |
simon2_ | ducasse: nope i3-msg restart wasn't sufficient | 20:53 |
simon2_ | ducasse: Seveas: btw, i did notice that the cursor is the same when im at the login screen | 20:53 |
simon2_ | ducasse: Seveas: as it is on the deskopt that is | 20:53 |
ducasse | simon2_: well, you haven't changed anything since logging in :) i mean enough for testing if a change works. | 20:53 |
ducasse | simon2_: hang on, let me see if i can change the theme here. | 20:54 |
simon2_ | ducasse: yea, but something is setting the default cursor theme at the login screen as well right? | 20:54 |
budfox | Hi! I just installed Ubuntu Server 16.04.1 but when doing `sudo npm install` in a project dir I get error ECONNRESET, anybody know? https://gist.github.com/anonymous/581b31555f0a74815e7528dbb2f2b26b | 20:55 |
ducasse | simon2_: default x resources, i would think | 20:55 |
jonjitsu | on ubuntu 16.04 what is the easiest way to execute a script on bootup/shutdown/reboot? | 20:55 |
budfox | jonjitsu: ubuntu startup scripts are messy as f | 20:57 |
Apachez | 3.8GB | 20:57 |
k1l | budfox: did you read what you pasted? its a network issue. | 20:57 |
EriC^^ | jonjitsu: add it to crontab @reboot | 20:57 |
k1l | jonjitsu: (ana)cron script or make a proper systemd scribt | 20:58 |
budfox | k1l: What isn't revealed in that paste is that it actually installs a lot of packages successfully first. So the network works for like a minute and then shuts down. | 20:58 |
Apachez | 3.6GB | 20:59 |
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simon2_ | ducasse: you sure? id think that unity had some kind of theme | 21:00 |
Seveas | jonjitsu: systemd unit files. | 21:01 |
k1l | budfox: are you using some vpn or proxy? | 21:02 |
Apachez | Seveas: I found which package wanted to rip out ubuntu-desktop: cpp and cpp-6 | 21:03 |
budfox | jonjitsu: Yep, copy one of the scripts in /etc/init.d/, but beware, things will never be as beautiful as on openbsd (http://cvsweb.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/ports/infrastructure/templates/rc.template?rev=1.10&content-type=text/x-cvsweb-markup) | 21:03 |
simon2_ | ducasse: i think i found a bug-report describing my issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-settings-daemon/+bug/1506587 | 21:03 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1506587 in unity-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Unity Desktop does not respect cursor theme after update" [Low,Confirmed] | 21:03 |
simon2_ | unfortunately far from fixed :/ | 21:03 |
budfox | k1l: Not really, I'm on virtualbox in bridged networking mode though? | 21:03 |
Apachez | Seveas: http://imgur.com/whRx9Oh | 21:05 |
Apachez | genii: http://imgur.com/whRx9Oh | 21:05 |
Seveas | Apachez: so leave that one installed. | 21:05 |
Apachez | regarding the uninstall of cpp wants to rip out the whole ubuntu-desktop and all its dependencies | 21:05 |
Seveas | and no, uninstalling cpp will not rip out gnome, just the ubuntu-desktop metapacakge, which is fine to not have installed. | 21:06 |
k1l | budfox: try disableding https with npm config set registry http://registry.npmjs.org/ | 21:06 |
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Apachez | along with xinit, x11-apps and the others? | 21:06 |
Apachez | sounds like stuff will break heavily... | 21:06 |
Seveas | that's not what the output shows. | 21:07 |
budfox | k1l: Much obliged, trying now :P | 21:07 |
Seveas | it shows that apt-get autoremove would now remove those, so you can no longer use apt-get autoremove. Which is expected if you remove core parts of what ubuntu installs. | 21:07 |
Apachez | yes but how is cpp a core part? | 21:07 |
budfox | cloneCurrentTree ? gunzTa _ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ | 21:07 |
Apachez | you should be able to have ubuntu installed without shitloads of compiletools imho | 21:08 |
k1l | Apachez: what makes you think cpp is not needed? | 21:08 |
Seveas | Apachez: cpp isn't "shitloads of compiletools". As to why it's necessary: no idea, I'd have to look. | 21:08 |
simon2 | was able to change the cursor on desktop (and unity-greeter) using `update-alternatives --config x-cursor-size` | 21:09 |
simon2 | thanks guys | 21:09 |
budfox | k1l: So far so good =) | 21:09 |
k1l | Apachez: look at rdepends to know why a package is installed. blindly removing pacakges when you have no clue at all will just make a mess | 21:09 |
Seveas | Apachez: the dependency chain is ubuntu-desktop -> xorg -> x11-session-utils -> cpp | 21:09 |
Seveas | so something in x11-session-utils needs cpp | 21:09 |
Seveas | and has done so since ~forever | 21:10 |
Seveas | xrdb needs it to process .Xdefaults. | 21:10 |
Apachez | sounds... retarded (regarding dependency to cpp) | 21:10 |
Apachez | but I guess ill have to live with that... | 21:10 |
Apachez | what Im trying to do is to shrink a default install to be used with pxe | 21:11 |
k1l | Apachez: i guess the projects will welcome a working solution from you that will make that better. | 21:11 |
Seveas | then don't bother with having ubuntu-desktop installed. You can trim it down much, much further without the metapackages | 21:11 |
Seveas | e.g. by not having libreoffice | 21:11 |
Apachez | yeah but libre and browser is a must in this case | 21:12 |
Apachez | other than that there doesnt seem to exist that many options to shrink the default install othre than removing build-essentials, gcc and gpp | 21:12 |
Seveas | then the whopping 6mb of cpp-6 can't be much of a problem. You're already bloated... | 21:12 |
Apachez | will shrink from 3.8GB to 3.6GB | 21:13 |
Apachez | the other way around is of course to use lxde or such with basically no depdencies but then its a different user experience compared to unity | 21:13 |
k1l | what? so you blew everything up as far as possible and argue about a install cpp then? | 21:13 |
Apachez | k1l: I used the default install and tried to rip out things who is in no need such as compiletools | 21:14 |
Apachez | but for some bad reason the ubuntu-desktop depends all the way down to cpp which is odd and bad | 21:14 |
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k1l | Apachez: ask the users who need that for video or wifi drivers etc. | 21:14 |
Apachez | and nowadays you are stuck with both perl AND python since various system scripts uses both | 21:15 |
k1l | Apachez: sorry, but you have no clue at all and make strong statements here. | 21:15 |
Apachez | k1l: sorry but you have no clue on the topic of creating a pxe boot image obviously | 21:15 |
Seveas | be nice to each other kids. | 21:16 |
k1l | Apachez: as i already said above: make a better solution and the projects will benefit from that. but just ranting in here not knowing the facts behind the decisions will help nobody at all. | 21:17 |
budfox | Apachez: You're right. On OpenBSD it's not like that though. OpenBSD ships with minimal software, hence being the world's most secure and tidy Unix-like OS. | 21:17 |
Apachez | k1l: you are not really contributing at all with your rant | 21:18 |
nacc | Apachez: couldn't you just use the netboot boot.img? | 21:18 |
Seveas | budfox: but apparently he wants all the bloat, just no compiler tools :) | 21:18 |
Apachez | nacc: in this case its thin client stuff | 21:18 |
Apachez | nacc: otherwise netinstall works like a charm :) | 21:18 |
denza252 | Hi, I'm having problems booting off of a LiveUSB (made with UNetBootin | 21:19 |
denza252 | ) | 21:19 |
Apachez | denza252: what about using startup disk creator in ubuntu ? | 21:19 |
al8989 | hello i just did a fresh clean isntall of kubuntu 16.04 as an upgrade to ubuntu 14.04 but I am having a problem with my usb wireless adapter where when i restart my computer linux will not connect to my wireless network until i remove the usb adapter and reinsert it. Why is this happening when it did not happen before in ubuntu 14.04 | 21:19 |
k1l | denza252: its known that unetbootin got some issues. on windows better use rufus | 21:19 |
Seveas | denza252: what's the problem? And have you checked the md5sum of the image? And did you try simply dd'ing the image to the usb stick? | 21:19 |
denza252 | Apachez, erm, that might be somewhat difficult, considering that the USB is 1000~ miles away from me physically | 21:20 |
Seveas | denza252: better start walking :-) | 21:20 |
denza252 | (I'm actually helping a friend install (K)Ubuntu but for the sake of simplicity I just said me) | 21:20 |
Apachez | denza252: and no human being close to it? :P | 21:20 |
denza252 | Apachez, well the friend is there | 21:20 |
denza252 | plus I have the magic of TeamViewer to help the process | 21:21 |
Seveas | k1l: rufus looks useful. Thanks, TIL. | 21:21 |
cybex_ | hi all, I require assistance with generating keys for a FTP server which channel can best help me achieve this? | 21:21 |
k1l | denza252: as i said: netbootin is known to have issues. try to use rufus on windows. | 21:21 |
budfox | oh rufus is awesome | 21:22 |
denza252 | k1l, can it do the persistence stuff that UNB can do? | 21:22 |
AlexPortable | How do i shutdown the system after 5 seconds? | 21:22 |
budfox | that and putty two of my favorite windows tools | 21:22 |
AlexPortable | shutdown -h -t 5 is 5 minutes | 21:22 |
denza252 | Like | 21:22 |
k1l | denza252: https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows | 21:22 |
AlexPortable | should i use shutdown -h -t 0.08 ? | 21:22 |
xar- | -t is in seconds, not minutes, beware | 21:22 |
AlexPortable | nope its not | 21:23 |
k1l | denza252: i dont think so. but for installing that doesnt matter | 21:23 |
Seveas | AlexPortable: sleep 5 && shutdown -h now | 21:23 |
AlexPortable | xar-: $ shutdown -r -t 5. shutdown scheduled for fri 2017-02-03 22:28:20 CET, use 'shutdown -c' to cancel | 21:23 |
denza252 | k1l, installing for myself I'd agree, however | 21:23 |
denza252 | One of the reasons I used UNB was persistence, so I could have TeamViewer installed on the LiveUSB because the friend would like the initial install done for them | 21:24 |
denza252 | s/installed/preinstalled/ | 21:24 |
denza252 | (I ain't some huge teamviewer fan fyi, just need something that doesn't require em to have to figure out port forwarding) | 21:25 |
AlexPortable | Seveas: thanks | 21:25 |
al8989 | hello does anyone knwo why my usb wireless adapter is not activated at computer boot into kubuntu 16.04 and why i must remove it and reinsert it for it to become activated and connect to my wireless network | 21:26 |
denza252 | k1l, is it possible to install packages onto a LiveUSB without having persistence? | 21:26 |
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k1l | denza252: a little bit untill the ram is full | 21:26 |
Seveas | al8989: please don't repeat questions too quickly. Maybe browse the forums or askubuntu.com while waiting for an answer | 21:27 |
al8989 | oh sorry | 21:27 |
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Guest11261 | hello all. can someone direct me to the place where i can ask a question about configuring default-ssl.conf? | 21:28 |
denza252 | k1l, noted. | 21:28 |
denza252 | k1l, my other theory about why it fails to boot is that it's a bios problem | 21:28 |
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Guest11261 | i mean in ubuntu 16.04 | 21:29 |
denza252 | the (very unhelpful) error that always pops up when trying to boot is "Boot Error" | 21:29 |
Seveas | Guest11261: that smells like an apache config file. What's up with it? | 21:29 |
denza252 | and I can't tell if it's a bios or syslinux error | 21:29 |
k1l | denza252: unb changes things from the ubuntu iso to show their boot menue etc. that is not compatible recently | 21:29 |
Guest11261 | hi seveas | 21:29 |
denza252 | k1l, would that result in the cryptic error? | 21:29 |
k1l | denza252: not matching syslinux version | 21:29 |
Guest11261 | not sure what is wrong | 21:29 |
Guest11261 | i have no problem configuring 000-default.conf for http | 21:30 |
Guest11261 | but my browsers simply cannot connect to https | 21:30 |
rek | my fear the x server can't go into x because the resolution is too high.... how can i lower it? | 21:30 |
Guest11261 | even though port 443 open on ufw | 21:30 |
denza252 | k1l, could I say, copy the syslinux files from my comp (*.c32) and put it onto the USB? | 21:31 |
Guest11261 | and things look right with my commercial SSL certificate | 21:31 |
rek | reconfiguring gdm doesn't take me to that point | 21:31 |
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denza252 | Oh I should mention, I made the disk with UNB on both Ubuntu and Windows(10) with the latest available version of UNB | 21:31 |
Seveas | Guest11261: did you a2enable it? | 21:31 |
Seveas | and a2enmod ssl? (not sure if that's needed) | 21:32 |
Guest11261 | yes | 21:32 |
Guest11261 | and restarted apache2 | 21:32 |
Guest11261 | and i rekeyed my certificates twice, thinking something might be wrong | 21:32 |
rek | i don't have x.org in X11 | 21:32 |
Guest11261 | yes a2enmod ssl | 21:32 |
Guest11261 | funny thing is that in 14.04 i had no problems | 21:33 |
Guest11261 | it's only in 16.04 that this problem popped up | 21:33 |
Seveas | is it listening on port 443? (sudo ss -tlpn) | 21:33 |
Guest11261 | yes | 21:33 |
Guest11261 | ah | 21:33 |
Guest11261 | i didn't ss -tlpn | 21:33 |
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Seveas | should show a line like this: | 21:33 |
Seveas | LISTEN 0 128 :::443 :::* users:(("apache2",27756,6),("apache2",27273,6),("apache2",23859,6),("apache2",23858,6),("apache2",23857,6),("apache2",21453,6),("apache2",21452,6),("apache2",20574,6),("apache2",19081,6),("apache2",19080,6),("apache2",10713,6)) | 21:33 |
nicomachus | "a line" | 21:34 |
nicomachus | >proceeds to paste 5 lines | 21:34 |
Seveas | it's a single line. Just very long. | 21:34 |
Guest11261 | should i try ss -tlpn? | 21:34 |
Guest11261 | please hold on | 21:34 |
rek | Seveas, sorry to disturb you...how would you set the screen resolution for the X server? | 21:35 |
Guest11261 | LISTEN 0 128 :::443 :::* | 21:35 |
Guest11261 | that's what i get when i ss -tlpn | 21:35 |
Guest11261 | plus a lot of other lines | 21:35 |
adamsilver | How can I disconnect from tmux session while keeping it active? ctrl+d is doing nothing from my mac | 21:36 |
Guest11261 | above that | 21:36 |
bannon4life | when is trump sending tanks to congress to be like boris yeltsin? we all loved boris | 21:36 |
bannon4life | when is trump sending tanks to congress to be like boris yeltsin? we all loved boris | 21:36 |
bannon4life | when is trump sending tanks to congress to be like boris yeltsin? we all loved boris | 21:36 |
bannon4life | when is trump sending tanks to congress to be like boris yeltsin? we all loved boris | 21:36 |
Seveas | rek: click the ubuntu logo in the top left corner, type 'displays'. Open that applet and set resolution. | 21:36 |
Seveas | adamsilver: ctrl+b, then d | 21:36 |
rek | Seveas i can't start the X | 21:36 |
Seveas | rek: then solve that first :-) | 21:36 |
rek | i suppose the problem is too high resolution | 21:36 |
Guest11261 | seveas are you talking to me? | 21:36 |
rek | any idea | 21:36 |
Seveas | Guest11261: looks like it's listening. Is this on a public ip I should be able to connect to. | 21:36 |
Guest11261 | yes | 21:37 |
Guest11261 | want the domain name? | 21:37 |
Seveas | Guest11261: what's the ip/hostname. Want to see what I get. | 21:37 |
adamsilver | Seveas: thanks a lot | 21:37 |
Guest11261 | mpowr-me.com | 21:37 |
Seveas | Guest11261: looks like you're serving http on port 443 | 21:37 |
Seveas | instead of https | 21:38 |
Guest11261 | oh, that isn't good | 21:38 |
Seveas | yeah, check this: http://mpowr-me.com:443/ | 21:38 |
Guest11261 | wonder how that happened | 21:38 |
Guest11261 | could it be that both 000-default.conf and default-ssl.conf loaded simultaneously? | 21:39 |
Seveas | please pastebin the output of ls -laR /etc/apache2 | 21:39 |
Guest11261 | please hold | 21:39 |
denza252 | your call is important to us | 21:39 |
rek | no screens found | 21:40 |
Seveas | Today's hold music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ | 21:41 |
rek | the live works | 21:41 |
Guest11261 | er, what i get is too long to paste here | 21:41 |
Basketball | I have a windows 7 pc that is eth0 only... is there a way to somehow use my pi 3 to give it Internet inside the garage where I cannot plug ethos into router | 21:41 |
Guest11261 | it's a russian novel as it were | 21:41 |
Guest11261 | ;-) | 21:41 |
Seveas | Guest11261: put it on dpaste.de | 21:42 |
nicomachus | So I started noticing this message yesterday when I connect to my home network (from multiple machines), but have never gotten it previously. Nothing about the network configuration has changed, and nothing on either machine has changed. Any idea what could the issue all of a sudden like that? https://askubuntu.com/questions/339702/network-service-discovery-disabled-what-does-this-mean-for-me | 21:43 |
Seveas | nicomachus: something on the network changed, look in /etc/resolv.conf | 21:44 |
Seveas | you'll notice a 'search .local' line which you get from your dhcp server (probably settings from your (stupid) isp) | 21:44 |
Guest11261 | done | 21:44 |
Seveas | Guest11261: what's the irl of the snippet? | 21:44 |
Seveas | url* | 21:45 |
nicomachus | Seveas: I just don't understand why it started happening suddenly, when I haven't made any changes to network settings (at all) | 21:45 |
Guest11261 | http://dpaste.de/ggVa | 21:45 |
Seveas | nicomachus: it's not a change on your computer | 21:45 |
nicomachus | Seveas: right. I haven't made any router or other network changes, though. | 21:45 |
Seveas | nicomachus: in most simple home setups those settings simply come from the ISP, who may have made a change. | 21:46 |
nicomachus | I don't use my ISPs router though | 21:46 |
Guest11261 | i hold till further word from you | 21:46 |
nicomachus | DNS is custom and DHCP settings are pretty well static | 21:46 |
Seveas | Guest11261: that looks correct. Did you change 000-default.conf or default-ssl.conf? | 21:46 |
Guest11261 | i see you are dealing with several aircraft at the same time | 21:46 |
Guest11261 | in what way "change"? | 21:46 |
Seveas | nicomachus: ok, now it's getting interesting. Does the 'search .local' line actually appear in /etc/resolv.conf? | 21:47 |
Seveas | Guest11261: in any way edit the file :) I guess you did as you mention a custom certificate. Can you pastebin both files? | 21:47 |
Guest11261 | i simply put in what i think are the correct certificate lines | 21:47 |
nicomachus | not on this machine but I'm not on my home network atm. one sec, let me check one of those machines. | 21:47 |
Guest11261 | and i think i added a ServerName | 21:47 |
Guest11261 | which i got in some youtube video | 21:47 |
Guest11261 | and removed the string default_ssl_site from the beginning before *.443 | 21:48 |
Guest11261 | in virtual host header | 21:48 |
nicomachus | Seveas: no, it's not in that resolv.conf either. | 21:48 |
nicomachus | Seveas: https://paste.ubuntu.com/23920801/ | 21:49 |
Seveas | so no search lines whatsoever. | 21:49 |
nicomachus | right | 21:49 |
Guest11261 | again, on 14.04 i set up ssl in about 15 minutes. now i have spent a couple days and still no joy | 21:49 |
Guest11261 | odd | 21:49 |
Seveas | nicomachus: I'm not sure how avahi detects a .local domain then... does this give anything useful: dig -t SOA local. (and do include the '.' in the command) | 21:50 |
Guest11261 | maybe i'll just have to live with http: | 21:51 |
Guest11261 | :-( | 21:51 |
Guest11261 | at least it works just fine | 21:51 |
wendico | hello, i never use irc just to talk in this room to solve ubuntu problems that you always help me. Today i have a problem with android, i know is not for this channel but since i only know how to talk in this channel, could you help me find a channel that can help me solvind android issues? Thank you very much ubuntu users! I tried #Android with no luck, do you know any channel like this one that would help me with an android weird | 21:51 |
Guest11261 | a shame that an upgrade to 16.04 should be causing me such a headache | 21:51 |
Seveas | Guest11261: please pastebin the configs | 21:51 |
Guest11261 | sure | 21:52 |
Guest11261 | both for http and for ssl? | 21:52 |
Guest11261 | both configs? | 21:52 |
Seveas | yeah | 21:52 |
nicomachus | Seveas: https://paste.ubuntu.com/23920814/ | 21:52 |
Guest11261 | ok, please hold | 21:52 |
nicomachus | !alis > wendico | 21:52 |
ubottu | wendico, please see my private message | 21:52 |
Seveas | nicomachus: ayup, stupid ISP it is. They suddenly have .local in DNS | 21:53 |
Seveas | I'd expect better from AT&T | 21:53 |
wendico | Thank you nicomachus | 21:53 |
Seveas | nicomachus: which they're explicitely not allowed to do... | 21:53 |
Guest11261 | here is the 000-default.conf | 21:54 |
Guest11261 | http://dpaste.de/KvYn | 21:54 |
Guest11261 | and in a moment you will get the default-ssl.conf | 21:55 |
Guest11261 | note that 000-default.conf works just fine | 21:55 |
Seveas | yeah, that one looks fine. Didn't expect a problem, but wanted to be thorough | 21:56 |
Guest11261 | how do i copy the file if it goes past one whole screen of text? | 21:57 |
Seveas | nicomachus: one workaround would be to use google's nameservers ( and for dns | 21:57 |
Guest11261 | sorry for the dumbness of question | 21:57 |
Seveas | Guest11261: cat /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf | nc termbin.com 9999 | 21:57 |
Guest11261 | thx | 21:58 |
Guest11261 | http://termbin.com/a2ud | 21:58 |
Guest11261 | could this be a chown issue? | 21:59 |
Guest11261 | i find that hard to believe | 21:59 |
Guest11261 | in fact i chowned to www-data:www-data | 22:00 |
Guest11261 | at one point at least | 22:00 |
rek | xfree86 log not recognized screens | 22:02 |
Seveas | Guest11261: unfortunately the config looks completely fine :/ | 22:02 |
Guest11261 | could this have something to do with the wrong extensions (.crt) instead of (.pem) or something like that? | 22:02 |
Guest11261 | i know | 22:02 |
Seveas | any clues in error.log? | 22:02 |
Guest11261 | that's what's wierd | 22:02 |
Guest11261 | i can look. | 22:02 |
Guest11261 | please hold | 22:02 |
Seveas | any chown or certificate format error should result in apache simply not starting up | 22:02 |
Guest11261 | http://dpaste.de/Abxv | 22:05 |
Guest11261 | most recent activity | 22:05 |
Guest11261 | from error.log | 22:05 |
nicomachus | Seveas: AT&T actually doesn't allow any changes in DNS on their routers. I am using my own, which is pointed to my rpi3 | 22:05 |
nicomachus | Seveas: but what's this about them not being allowed to have .local in DNS? | 22:06 |
Seveas | nicomachus: .local is reserved for mdns/avahi/bonjour, it's not to appear in normal dns | 22:06 |
Seveas | Guest11261: nothing odd there either. I'm baffled. | 22:07 |
Guest11261 | this is the wierdest thing i've ever seen. it's like everything is right but it simply doesn't work | 22:07 |
Guest11261 | perhaps there is a certificate issue | 22:07 |
Guest11261 | though i did that right too | 22:08 |
Guest11261 | generated csr | 22:08 |
nicomachus | Seveas: and what in that paste tells you they were using it? I would love to take another crack at them about their awful DNS policies. | 22:08 |
Guest11261 | and put related key in right place | 22:08 |
Jordan_U | Logging in to GNOME Shell takes about a minute on my system, which is longer than it takes to get from boot to GDM. How can I debug / solve this problem? Recently upgraded to Ubuntu Gnome 16.10, but I had the same problem with U-G 16.04. | 22:08 |
Guest11261 | and downloaded zipped bundle and certificate and stuck them in the right place | 22:08 |
Seveas | nicomachus: dig -t SOA local. resolves to something. It should absolutely not. The only correct response would be an NXDOMAIN | 22:08 |
Guest11261 | and, again, i had NO problems whatsoever in previous iteration if this SSL install busines | 22:08 |
Guest11261 | anyway, thanks for trying | 22:09 |
Seveas | nicomachus: http://termbin.com/79ag | 22:09 |
Guest11261 | i am just going to forget about the SSL. after all, what i want to secure is neither banking nor military importance | 22:09 |
Guest11261 | more of a learning thing | 22:09 |
Seveas | Guest11261: sorry I couldn't help. I do this for a living, so I really should be able to :) | 22:09 |
Guest11261 | thanks anyway. | 22:10 |
Guest11261 | i will just muddle on | 22:10 |
Guest11261 | :-) | 22:10 |
rek | damn | 22:10 |
Guest11261 | and let any interested party watch my traffic | 22:10 |
Guest11261 | bye for now | 22:10 |
Seveas | Guest11261: If you could zip up the entirety of /etc/apache2 and mail it to seveas@seveas.net, I'll have a shot tomorrow | 22:10 |
Seveas | gotta go to bed now :) | 22:11 |
Guest11261 | i will get billed? | 22:11 |
Seveas | what would make you think that? | 22:11 |
Guest11261 | ha ha | 22:11 |
Seveas | I just can't stand not solving this :) | 22:11 |
Guest11261 | i will try to zip everything up and send | 22:12 |
Guest11261 | thanks | 22:12 |
Guest11261 | bye for now | 22:12 |
Seveas | \o | 22:12 |
MonkeyDust | o/ | 22:13 |
budfox | Oh well, guess npm won't work on Ubuntu either, next stop Debian! | 22:13 |
ikonia | npm works fine on ubuntu | 22:13 |
ducasse | rek: if you want help, please ask a properly phrased question on ONE line, to the channel, then wait for someone to respond. | 22:13 |
ikonia | npm itself is not a good package manager | 22:14 |
Seveas | isn't npm short for "not a package manage"? :) | 22:14 |
wendico | Thank you very much again, solved my problem. i love you all. | 22:14 |
adalbert_ | Hi, question, How can I list the dhcp clients that are connected to a wifi hotspot in NetworkManager? | 22:14 |
adalbert_ | ./var/lib/NetworkManager/*.lease doesn't show the ip's the hotspot is providing ... | 22:15 |
Bashing-om | Jordan_U: Not to teach Grampa, but on booting issues have you seen : http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/systemd-blame.html ? | 22:16 |
budfox | ikonia: I suppose you're right | 22:16 |
budfox | Seveas: hehe | 22:16 |
Seveas | adalbert_: perhaps they show up in the dnsmasq logs. journalctl -xe --identifier dnsmasq | 22:16 |
adalbert_ | Seveas, let me check that. | 22:17 |
adalbert_ | Seveas, Nope nothing there | 22:17 |
elias_a | adalbert_: Would this be of help? http://askubuntu.com/questions/506110/listing-devices-connected-in-hotspot-through-terminal | 22:19 |
adalbert_ | Seveas, found it's journalctl -xe --identifier dnsmasq-dhc , Thanks S! | 22:20 |
rek | i'm on ubuntu 4.10 i can't start the x server properly. /var/log/XFree86.0.log says failed to load module v41 module does not exist. no device detected fatal server error: no screens found. what can i do? | 22:20 |
Seveas | rek: Ubuntu 4.10 has been out of support for over a decade. Try 16.04 instead. | 22:21 |
MonkeyDust | rek what's the output of cat /etc/issue | 22:21 |
budfox | I have no choice but to try Debian next. If it works there I know for sure something is wonky with Ubuntu. | 22:22 |
rek | Ubuntu 4.10 "Warty Warthog" \n \l MonkeyDust | 22:22 |
budfox | Or I sort of already know, because first I had these abrupt npm ECONNRESET errors on Ubuntu Server 16.04.1/VirtualBox 5.1.4? https://gist.github.com/anonymous/aca183d181bec293c619133922f07fe6 | 22:22 |
MonkeyDust | rek type /topic | 22:22 |
budfox | Then, they somehow magically disappeared, only to be replaced by another error when doing `sudo npm install phantomjs-prebuilt`, npm WARN notsup Not compatible with your operating system or architecture: fsevents@1.0.17 -- https://gist.github.com/anonymous/8052bb79acbaa6262764a604a37a040e | 22:22 |
Jordan_U | Bashing-om: Unfortunately that doesn't cover Gnome Session (that I know of). My boot time is fine, it's the login time that I want to fix. | 22:23 |
Seveas | budfox: phantomjs comes as an ubuntu package too. sudo apt-get install phantomjs | 22:23 |
rek | Seveas, MonkeyDust if somebody can help i'd be glad or i'll goin ubuntu offtopic | 22:23 |
Error02x | Hi all | 22:23 |
elias_a | rek: Just for reference - what are you doing with such an old version? | 22:23 |
Seveas | rek: /dev/null is the only correct place for ubuntu 4.10. | 22:23 |
MonkeyDust | rek your ubutu version is long dead | 22:23 |
budfox | Seveas: True, but it won't work, my Node app requires the latest version :/ That's why I came to Ubuntu from OpenBSD in the first place | 22:24 |
MonkeyDust | rek you wo't find help anywhere | 22:24 |
rek | elias_a, compiling and run qt 2.3.0 and psx memory card manager of raphael | 22:24 |
budfox | (OpenBSD too had a slightly older version of phantomjs and I didn't want to wait for the port manager to respond to my cry for help :D) | 22:24 |
budfox | adios debian here we come! | 22:24 |
Seveas | rek: might be easier to just invent a time machine. | 22:24 |
elias_a | rek: Interesting! Good luck! :) | 22:25 |
rek | Seveas, yeah i had many problem also installing win 98 on this dual core machine... :) | 22:25 |
elias_a | rek: You are a bit perverted but I guess you know it already. :D | 22:26 |
rek | elias_a, yeah heheh you remember psx days...i wanted to test the interface i build with linux.... i have some problem using qt 2 with 14.04 or .10 so i might try to compile qt 2 under 14.10 | 22:26 |
MonkeyDust | troll alert (rek) | 22:26 |
Seveas | MonkeyDust: why? Just because he plays with ancient software? | 22:27 |
nicomachus | MonkeyDust: he was here the other day. he's a hobbyist with old hardware running Warty | 22:30 |
Seveas | We can mock him for his sins, but that doesn't make him a troll :) | 22:31 |
MonkeyDust | fair enough | 22:31 |
student | hello | 22:32 |
sean_1 | student, hi | 22:32 |
Seveas | I have fond memories of 4.10 and the naked people wallpapers :) | 22:32 |
foul_owl | rek: can you paste /etc/X11/xorg.conf? | 22:34 |
foul_owl | into gist or similar | 22:34 |
xangua | Wait what >.> Seveas | 22:35 |
Seveas | foul_owl: 4.10 still had xfree86, not this fancy xorg stuff :) | 22:35 |
foul_owl | Daaamn ok haha | 22:35 |
foul_owl | I would suggest commenting out whatever config line is trying to load v4l | 22:35 |
rek | hardy heron's wallpaper was nice too | 22:35 |
Seveas | xangua: http://www.javipas.com/wp-content/ubuntu.JPG | 22:36 |
Seveas | https://distrowatch.com/images/screenshots/ubuntu-4.10.png | 22:36 |
xangua | >.> | 22:37 |
rek | yeah there's no xorg.conf | 22:37 |
foul_owl | Maybe try http://en.tldp.org/HOWTO/XFree86-HOWTO/x111.html | 22:37 |
rek | during the setup i set an extremely high resolution could that be a problem? yeah let me have a look | 22:38 |
foul_owl | What's your resolution? | 22:38 |
=== Scapegoated is now known as obsessive_RPer | ||
margul | I know this is for ubuntu and I'm running Linux mint cinnemon 18.1 but hopefully I can still get some help. I have two monitors, one set in DVI and one with HDMI. Only one of them are showing at a time. When both are connected only the HDMI is showing. When I remove the HDMI my screen with DVI shows. Here is inxi -G and xrandr: http://pastebin.com/ihH6iCKT , hopefully someone can help me. | 22:39 |
cfhowlett | !mint | margul use the mint support channels please | 22:39 |
ubottu | margul use the mint support channels please: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org | 22:39 |
foul_owl | rek: http://www.xfree86.org/4.2.0/XF86Config.5.html | 22:39 |
AlexPortable | how can i add a slight sound delay? | 22:40 |
foul_owl | grep those locations looking for references to v4l, remove the line, try starting x | 22:40 |
foul_owl | (Making backups of course) | 22:40 |
foul_owl | The system was working correctly in the past though? | 22:40 |
foul_owl | Do you know what changed or when the change happened? | 22:40 |
foul_owl | Is someone running a production database on it? :P | 22:42 |
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kaddi | hi, i need to create a pdfa-1b compliant document and validate that it is pdfa-1b compliant. I was supposed to do with acrobat pro but I don't own it and it doesn't exist for linux.. I was wondering if that is a tool on linux that'll do the same as preflight in acrobat pro | 22:45 |
kaddi | document = pdf document | 22:45 |
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RicKJames | howdy | 22:47 |
RicKJames | NEED assistance on initramfs Boot issue | 22:48 |
bazhang | state the exact issue please RicKJames | 22:49 |
RicKJames | bazhang: thanks! Booting into ubuntu I get an initramfs prompt, the only thing I can do is enter exit to get out of it. fsck not found, etc. | 22:50 |
RicKJames | blkid outputs: /dev/sda1: UUID="d2ebbd02-09a7-4209-84d6-44e80254e997" TYPE="ext4" | 22:51 |
RicKJames | OK it's more verbose than that. | 22:52 |
RicKJames | The issue is it says this: /dev/sde1: UUID="33ff6dbc-6d80-496f-b880-b24aaf18bef8" TYPE="ext4" is not found | 22:52 |
=== salem_ is now known as _salem | ||
RicKJames | I did run an fsck using a liveUSB on all the hard drives, and also attempted boot repair on liveusb but I still get the initramfs prompt when I boot. | 22:53 |
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Bashing-om | RicKJames: Compare the UUIDs set in /etc/fstab for what to boot to what 'sudo blkid' reports . | 22:58 |
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RicKJames | Bashing-om: Thanks. OK. | 23:05 |
Bashing-om | RicKJames: ( from a liveDVD mounting the booting root partition ) :) | 23:06 |
RicKJames | fstab says: <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass> | 23:07 |
RicKJames | # / was on /dev/sdd1 during installation | 23:07 |
RicKJames | UUID=33ff6dbc-6d80-496f-b880-b24aaf18bef8 / ext4 discard,noatime,nodiratime,errors=remount-ro 0 1 | 23:07 |
RicKJames | and: | 23:09 |
RicKJames | # swap was on /dev/sdc5 during installation | 23:09 |
RicKJames | UUID=9e3b5196-e8ca-4a7e-8537-c0f4fb7a93d3 none swap sw 0 0 | 23:09 |
RicKJames | # Move /tmp to RAM | 23:09 |
RicKJames | tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noexec,nosuid 0 0 | 23:09 |
Bashing-om | !paste | RicKJames | 23:10 |
ubottu | RicKJames: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 23:10 |
RicKJames | Bashing-om: Got it | 23:11 |
Bashing-om | RicKJames: Pastebin ' sudo blkid ' . Se if the UUIDs are correect . | 23:11 |
RicKJames | OK Pasted | 23:12 |
wedgie | you have to give us the link :) | 23:13 |
RicKJames | oh sorry | 23:13 |
RicKJames | https://paste.ubuntu.com/23921372/ | 23:13 |
RicKJames | https://paste.ubuntu.com/23921375/ | 23:13 |
RicKJames | So it seems sdd1 switched to sde1? | 23:14 |
Bashing-om | RicKJames: look'n . | 23:14 |
Bashing-om | RicKJames: So our target is " 33ff6dbc-6d80-496f-b880-b24aaf18bef8 "; pastebin ' sudo blkid ' . | 23:15 |
=== darlene is now known as Guest28230 | ||
RicKJames | Bashing-om: https://paste.ubuntu.com/23921397/ | 23:18 |
Guest28230 | hola | 23:18 |
Guest28230 | what do you spanish? | 23:18 |
wedgie | !es | 23:19 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 23:19 |
Frede | I'm running an ubuntu server 16.04 lts. I have 2 network interfaces. One is connected to my router, the other to a computer. I want the computer to be able to talk to my router, without even knowing the ubuntu machine is in the middle. How do I do that? | 23:19 |
Guest28230 | thanks | 23:19 |
wedgie | de nada | 23:19 |
Bashing-om | RicKJames: So of the 4 ext4 partitions .. which are the partitions containing root and which one do you want as the booting system ?? | 23:20 |
wedgie | Frede: you're looking for bridging: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkConnectionBridge | 23:20 |
Frede | wedgie: Later, I'd like to be able to run some proxy / cache on the server. Would bridging still be the answer? | 23:22 |
wedgie | Frede: i don't have any experience setting up caching or proxying in that manner, so I'm not sure how to advise you. But if you want the computer to be "invisible" then that is what you have to do | 23:24 |
wedgie | the alternative is setting up a proxy and configuring the clients to use it | 23:24 |
wedgie | that woudn't require bridging | 23:24 |
RicKJames | Bashing-om: I have several HD's in this desktop and three of them are running Ubuntu, but the Intel SSD has the main Ubuntu and is the one I need to boot from | 23:25 |
Frede | wedgie: I'm hoping to set up a proxy which doesn't require the clients to do anything. I was thinking something like iptable routing, routing all port 80 calls to my cache. But at the moment I can't even get my computer on the other side of the server to responds, so I was thinking to start with the basics :) | 23:26 |
pos | Frede, possible, but any such solution will fail at https | 23:27 |
pos | and, thanks to a certain Ed, many sites do use it :) | 23:27 |
wedgie | Frede: well, alternative #2 then is to set up the server as a router and route between your users' and the internet router | 23:28 |
pos | nah, iptables can do it, just search for transparent proxy | 23:28 |
pos | but again: https | 23:29 |
Bashing-om | RicKJames: K. That begs the question then - which of the 4 drives is the SSD device and is that set as 1st boot priority in bios ? | 23:29 |
Frede | pos: https isn't an issue. It's mostly for downloading large files over http. | 23:29 |
pos | Frede, then set up squid as a transparent proxy. but again: many sites and CDNs are on https already | 23:30 |
pos | windows update is not, however :O | 23:30 |
kevy0 | Hi guys , every time I open up my Terminal (urxvt) the Xresources file doesn't load. I have to do it manually with xrdb , how can I "automate" that ? | 23:30 |
goto- | Hey. I like to use a additional usb number block as a remote for some python scripts. I would prefer that this device does not work as standard HID for the system but only for my program. Where should I start searching? | 23:30 |
kevy0 | using 16.04 if that matters | 23:31 |
pos | i did this twelve years ago, not much https around back then :P | 23:31 |
RicKJames | Bashing-om: It's set as boot priority in bios, but I'm not sure how I would find out which HD is the SSD from the blkid output? | 23:31 |
=== gigi is now known as Guest27731 | ||
Guest27731 | italy? | 23:31 |
pos | blkid just gives you UUIDs for partitions | 23:31 |
pos | try hdparm | 23:31 |
tgm4883 | !it | Guest27731 | 23:32 |
ubottu | Guest27731: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 23:32 |
Bashing-om | RicKJames: Maube ' sudo parted -l ' will tell which is the SSD . | 23:32 |
kaddi | hi, i need to create a pdfa-1b compliant pdf-document and validate that it is pdfa-1b compliant. I was supposed to do with acrobat pro but I don't own it and it doesn't exist for linux.. I was wondering if that is a tool on linux that'll do the same as preflight in acrobat pro | 23:32 |
RicKJames | pos, Bashing-om: Ok. Thanks. https://paste.ubuntu.com/23921460/ | 23:33 |
Frede | pos: I have some pre-defined locations I would like to fetch from, which all use http and will likely continue to use it for this :) we're a couple of people all grabbing large raw files from a customer, and I would like to be able to speed it up by not having everyone go and grab it at the customers location, but just being able to grab it from a local cache, as our download speed is limited. | 23:34 |
pos | should work really well | 23:35 |
mcphail | kaddi: The last I checked, there wasn't a linux-native way to do that | 23:35 |
pos | so long as the files names do not change and the URIs are about the same | 23:35 |
kaddi | mcphail: thanks :( | 23:36 |
Frede | pos: That's what I'm thinking. But right now I can't even get a computer on the other side of the server to respond. I'm guessing that problem is independent from squid. I'm imagining it would be something like iptables, that would allow me to talk "through" my server? | 23:36 |
kaddi | mcphail: you know of any way to do this without buying adobe pro? | 23:37 |
dlam | is there some view-a-log-file-through-web-frontend package i can install? sounds like something that might exist | 23:37 |
mcphail | kaddi: nope. I used to run acrobat through wine to make compliant PDFs. Haven't needed to do it in years, thankfully, as I no longer have a licence | 23:37 |
pos | http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/TransparentProxy.html | 23:37 |
mcphail | kaddi: There have been a couple of abortive attempts to get something similar on Linux, but I haven't seen any come to fruition | 23:38 |
kaddi | mcphail: at least I know.. gonna have to look into whether I can get it through some services (uni/work/internet cafe).. Not keen to shell out for a licence that I'll need once to edit a document | 23:38 |
RicKJames | Bashing-om: So sde is the SSD | 23:38 |
thyriaen | Hello, am running a screen resolution of 2560x1440(16:9) and i would like to run 1920x1200(16:9) with black borders around the screen ( so no stretching ) - how can i achive this ? ( i cannot find any such option in my nividia driver gui ) | 23:39 |
pos | also: http://wiki.squid-cache.org/SquidFaq/InterceptionProxy | 23:39 |
Bashing-om | RicKJames: Deems to me that the SSD is " Disk /dev/sde: 240GB " . but ya got serious problems with that 2nd hard drive . | 23:39 |
Bashing-om | Seems* yeah . | 23:39 |
Frede | pos: I just found the tldp link. I'll try it out. Thanks for the help :) | 23:39 |
glache | How can I permanently disable the cups server? I have no printer and will never want to use one under any circumstance. | 23:40 |
RicKJames | Bashing-om: The ATA OCZ-REVODRIVE (scsi) is an older PCI SSD that I've been meaning to take out off the board since it's more trouble than it's worth but I don't have any bootable partitions on it. | 23:41 |
Bashing-om | RicKJames: The ATA driv is not the issue here . the SSD set as 1st boot priority .. and remove the bad sdb drive from the system . until such time as you can reconstruct the partition table on sdb , | 23:42 |
RicKJames | Bashing-om: So do I just hit E during grub boot and then point to /dev/sde or whatever? | 23:42 |
RicKJames | Bashing-om: So I should not have the Intel SSD drive set as first boot? | 23:43 |
Bashing-om | RicKJames: I would rather think resetting in bios to boot the SSD as the more likely resolution . Failing that then we look at grub's boot script . | 23:44 |
RicKJames | Bashing-om: Ok. I will give that a try. | 23:45 |
Bashing-om | RicKJames: I know from experience that a failing ( bad) drive can drive bios nuts . | 23:45 |
RicKJames | I'll let you know if that works. Thanks. | 23:45 |
Bashing-om | RicKJames: K . will be here waiting to see . | 23:45 |
adhd_ | sup niggers | 23:47 |
glache | Is it possible to permanently disable cups-browsed? | 23:48 |
Bashing-om | glache: What I did was ' sudo apt purge --auto-remove cups ' . in 16.04 to disable cups . | 23:54 |
thxffo | anyone running bro-ids on ubuntu? | 23:54 |
bazhang | !info bro-ids | 23:54 |
ubottu | Package bro-ids does not exist in yakkety | 23:54 |
bazhang | what is bro-ids | 23:55 |
glache | u mad bro? | 23:55 |
wedgie | !info bro | 23:55 |
ubottu | bro (source: bro): passive network traffic analyzer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.1+dfsg-2build2 (yakkety), package size 1575 kB, installed size 5379 kB | 23:55 |
wedgie | bazhang: it's an IDS | 23:56 |
bazhang | thanks wedgie | 23:56 |
speed_ | Bashing-om: no luck | 23:57 |
Victora | before I leave, i thought I might share a photo of my best friend. http://imgur.com/hDRNDVy | 23:57 |
Victora | Thank to all that helped me last night. | 23:58 |
Bashing-om | speed_: as RicKJames ??? | 23:59 |
diablo_ | hi | 23:59 |
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