
bluesabreevening all00:47
bluesabrehey Unit193 00:54
Unit193bluesabre: Any progress on packageset?  Thought about splitting the icons out to src:elementary-xfce-themes, binary:elementary-xfce-icon-theme (or since libreoffice-style-elementary is no longer in there, just icon for src too)?00:57
bluesabreUnit193, haven't pinged about the packageset. Totally in favor of splitting the icons out00:58
Unit193I can't remember the third. \o/00:59
bluesabreUnit193, what's used for starting an upgrade to development version? "update-manager -d" doesn't seem to cut it to get me to zesty01:01
Unit193do-release-upgrade -d is the terminal one, all else fails go with sed and apt.01:02
bluesabreIndeed, that seems to do something01:03
Unit193bluesabre: You may have to make sure you're on the 'normal' releases in /etc/update-manager/01:03
bluesabreUpgrade started01:05
bluesabreShould I go offline for a few days, I encountered a critical bug :D01:05
knomewell that's better than ochosi traveling and disapperaing for two weeks01:07
* knome hides01:07
Unit193No we may have kind of fixed the thunar one! :P01:07
knomealso, typo01:07
bluesabreI'm looking forward to possibly finally seeing that darn bug fixed01:08
knomeeach patch has practically 50/50 chances of doing that01:08
bluesabrethough, I've grown really fond of nautilus these past few days01:08
knomeeither it fixes or doesn't fix :P01:08
* knome slaps bluesabre with a pile of turd01:08
knomeno nautilus :P01:08
knomei'm sorry01:09
knomeit was the first thing that came into my mind01:09
knomewhen thinking of nautilus01:09
Unit193Meh, he can use whatever he wants.01:19
Unit193I use thunar, and not really any crashing. :P01:20
Unit193...OK so I use thunar every so often to open stuff, or see thumbnails, but not really.01:21
bluesabreI rename a lot of files01:21
knomei don't use any other file manager than thunar01:21
knomeit's gotten better than it was even some time ago01:21
knomewell yes but that's not a file manager01:22
Unit193It's what I seem to use. :301:22
Unit193I don't use it.01:23
knomethat would have been an instaban01:23
knomejuuust kidding01:23
bluesabre... or is he01:24
knomei do sometimes type mc when i mean to write mv though :P01:24
knometime to go to bed. nighty!01:40
bluesabre nighty knome01:40
Unit193apt-cacher-ng can make updates fun. :P01:41
Unit193Certainly makes pbuilder nicer.01:41
bluesabreThat'd be nice01:42
bluesabrepbuilder is not fun currently01:42
Unit193eatmydata+acng cached.01:42
bluesabreUp and running with Zesty :D02:27
* Unit193 puts some Zest on bluesabre.02:39
Unit193bluesabre: Don't forget to report it.03:52
bluesabreUnit193, thanks :)03:54
bluesabrenighty all04:28
flocculantI think I've got the ppa thunar now - I forgot I'd dpkg -i those *thunar bits the other day :)07:22
flocculantbluesabre: I commented on the parole bug - not quite sure why you'd think I didn't have all the codecs I could find installed - but I posted what is here :)07:35
flocculantalso btw (and perhaps linked) system chokes on upgrading to the parole we've got in staging 07:36
flocculantlets see how it does with copying the same 22Gb to 2 different places at the same time07:45
flocculantand changing those 10 .txt files back and forth07:45
flocculantcos it's not crashed on me in the last 25 minutes07:46
flocculantterminal on the other hand crashed running ssh to here :p07:47
flocculantochosi: crashing still - posting to upstream 07:52
flocculanthard to know what normal usage of a file manager is - but I'd say 'anything you happened to want to do with it when you wanted to do it'07:56
flocculantthat said *I* wouldn't normally be copying large files from destination to 2 seperate locations at the same time07:56
flocculantall in all in my normal usage - this latest 2 versions of thunar look much better than the repo version07:59
flocculantUnit193: looking at that list of what the thunar ppa has - I see the 9c6ddb patch - does it have the one from the bug report https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12264#c173 ?08:30
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 12264 in core "Crash when renaming single file in folder" [Major,New]08:30
Unit193flocculant: Yes that's listed, you've got the commit hash at the top of the attachment, I've got that listed.09:48
bluesabreflocculant, I only suggested it since parole actually works for me... really hard to debug something I can't reproduce10:51
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flocculantbluesabre: yea I realise that - not sure what to say there - doesn't appear to have any confirmation - perhaps keep an eye on it and see12:07
flocculantalso don't appear to be able to reproduce on live now so ...12:10
flocculantUnit193: ok - thanks just wanted to be sure12:13
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flocculantos-prober fix landed now20:34
flocculantwell - landed in proposed at the moment :p20:35
akxwi-davegood will get that tested as soon as its up20:37
flocculantyou can grab it from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/zesty/+source/os-prober if you really want to20:40
pleia2community funding request granted for another year of our linode :)21:08
flocculantpleia2: awesome :)21:11
flocculantochosi: and a crash just moving 1 file 22:23
bluesabrepleia2, awesome!22:50
flocculanthi bluesabre :)22:52
bluesabrehey flocculant 22:54
flocculantthi sthunar thing is driving me nuts :p22:55
flocculantI'm going to start correlating crashes in thunar against weather patterns ...22:57
Unit193flocculant: The master thunar fuzzer.23:07
Unit193Amusingly, neither Corsac nor I really hit it. :P23:14
knomethunar freezer?23:15
flocculantUnit193: hit what - the bug?23:16
flocculantI'm at loss now as to whether it's even worth testing it more to be honest23:17
bluesabreso, everything was fine yesterday, and terrible today?23:27
flocculantbluesabre: not sure I tested yesterday anymore 23:29
flocculantI know I crashed it on the 1st and today :p23:29
flocculantI did a bunch of things earlier and it was fine - then ~ hour ago it crashed moving a file23:30
flocculantit failed this morning too if the time stamp on bugzilla works23:31
flocculantbluesabre: these new patches appear to be better - but perhaps they aren't helping 23:32
flocculantthe make 1.txt etc and mv to 1.txt.txt and back appears ok - I ran that on it's own for ages 23:33
flocculantat the end of the day - if a file manager can't move a file without crashing it's not a whole lot of use :(23:34
flocculantbluesabre: to summarise - I've built with 2 different sets of patches and used Unit193's ppa version of one of them23:35
flocculantup until it crashing moving the 1 file - it 'seemed' to not like detaching tabs while it was copying/moving files23:37
bluesabreI see23:37
flocculantbluesabre: I can test it - but it doesn't seem to be worth it if it gets nowhere :)23:39
bluesabreflocculant, fair enough :)23:56

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