
zykloHi, i've searched google and looked at Dolphin's settings but can't find anything. How can I show hidden files in dolphin?03:02
sintrealt +03:09
Derycohow do I install plasma 5.9 on 16.1003:15
sintrenot sure if it been available long enough to be ported yet03:16
sintrewhat version are you currenting using03:17
sintresettings > system > info center03:18
Derycowell right this exact second I'm at my brothers on  windont 10 but 5.803:18
sintreis normall atm03:19
sintrethat'll change as soon as it can03:19
DerycoI know just wanted to try the global menu do hickey out03:20
sintrewell cnsidering it your brothers pc you might want to ask him03:20
sintreif you can play around with it03:20
DerycoIts windows was just looking into it for when I gt home03:21
Derycohe doesnt do the whole linux thing03:21
sintrestill his computer03:21
DerycoYeah I know03:21
sintreneed to ask him if its ok to change anything03:21
DerycoI wasnt intending on doing anything to his machine03:22
valorieDeryco: we've uploaded 5.9 for zesty03:23
valorieI doubt we'll try to backport to 16.1003:24
valoriebut I guess it's possible03:24
valorieour major push is getting zesty ready for release in April03:25
Derycoyeah ill just wait til then03:25
valorieI'm already running zesty (not yet plasma 5.9 though)03:25
valorieit's great!03:25
Derycomaybe ill upgrade when i get home03:26
Derycoi always like playing with the new gadgets and gizmoos03:26
valorieyou can always try it in a VM and see if you like it enough to upgrade03:27
Derycoyeah but there is so much lag for me when I run VM's03:27
valoriewe can always use more testers03:28
Derycoill probably upgrade when i get home if its not too late03:29
mactzuhey guys, I need a hand with kio-extra and I assume this is effecting Krunner which keeps crashing07:44
mactzuIs this Channel active at all ?08:00
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:06
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.08:06
mactzuok sorry08:08
mactzu!ask hey guys, I need a hand with kio-extra and I assume this is effecting Krunner which keeps crashing08:08
ubottumactzu: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:08
mactzuubottu: ok08:08
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)08:08
mactzu!ask having conflict with Kio-extra packet http://termbin.com/rlup08:11
ubottumactzu: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:11
mactzuacheronuk: any idea ?08:11
acheronuknot without about a bucket more coffee. 8am on a Saturday morning here08:12
acheronukif you can describe what release/versions you are on, and what the issue you have actually is, someone may be along later who is more awake!08:13
acheronukthere is also https://www.kubuntuforums.net and https://forum.kde.org/ where you might find help, or even the question already asked08:14
mactzuacheronuk: fair play thx anyway08:18
rajeshwari have graphic issue in kubantu08:56
bogdandoes anyone know any apps for managing the battery life?11:32
koffeinfriedhofbogdan:  laptop-mode-tools, tlp11:35
bogdankoffeinfriedhof : thanks11:37
BluesKajHowdy folks11:45
ar_sahitoall of yoy are using kubuntu?13:04
ar_sahitoanyone alive?13:05
koffeinfriedhofno :)13:05
koffeinfriedhof!ot | ar_sahito13:05
ubottuar_sahito: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!13:05
ar_sahitoor near keyboard?13:05
ar_sahitowhat no? alive or kubuntu?13:06
ar_sahitoSo I will get all the I need regarding Kubuntu here? really?13:06
koffeinfriedhof!ask | ar_sahito13:07
ubottuar_sahito: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:07
ar_sahitoSorry! My first time with IRC. I thought that was a command.13:07
ar_sahitoSo I am having having this issue with my kubuntu13:08
ar_sahitoIt's not much but it's annoying.13:08
ar_sahitoHere: I was messing around with Synaptics PM.13:08
ar_sahitoAnd I installed some random packages with cool-sounding names.13:09
ar_sahitoI don't remember their names but now my distro has become ugly and crappy.13:09
ar_sahitoSome of the icons have become invisible, some have got ugly contrasty look.13:10
ar_sahitoAnd my kubuntu takes some time to do, even the basic task. Like, opening a window, browser etc.13:11
ar_sahitoany help about how can I get rid of the packages causing problem would be much appreciated.13:12
=== sysadmin_ is now known as Koal
koffeinfriedhofHow did you install them, ar_sahito? Using ppa's? Muon? Terminal apt or apt-get?13:14
ar_sahitostraight from the Synaptics Package Manager GUI13:14
koffeinfriedhofthere's a log file called  /var/log/apt/history.log13:15
viewer|64269hey im a bit new here.. is this working?13:15
koffeinfriedhofYou could have a look at it and remove the packages you do not need.13:15
ar_sahitoindeed there is13:16
viewer|64269discover software center not working kubuntu 16.0413:17
koffeinfriedhofviewer|64269: Is what working?13:17
viewer|64269discover software center13:18
ar_sahitoThanks man. LOv ya13:18
koffeinfriedhofviewer|64269: Did you upgrade or a fresh install? I recommend using terminal commands like apt or apt-get. They are much easier to use and do important output if anything doesn't work. If you need todo it graphical, use Synaptic.13:18
koffeinfriedhofar_sahito: sorry, already got a partner. But thanks for your love :þ13:19
BluesKajviewer|64269, open a terminal and install muon, sudo apt install muon13:19
viewer|64269i just installed kubuntu 16.0413:19
BluesKajviewer|64269, muon is a package manager13:20
saiswarupim the same user just using konversation13:23
saiswarupit says you have the latest version of muon13:28
BluesKajsaiswarup, not muon-discover , just muon13:29
saiswarupmuon is opening but not able to view packages13:32
saiswarupthere are a few updates available should i try updating the them?13:32
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[Relic]whole day of hunting down some gles error, I put the thing on the primary monitor and it works just fine19:21
=== Winter__ is now known as Winter_
al9898hello:) Does anyone know why a usb wireless network adapter will not automatically connect to a network upon startup, but will connect without me taking any actions once i simply remove the usb adapter and reinsert it?19:59
poco_So I have the exact same problem that the OP has but I don't quite understand the answer provided. Can anyone tell me what exactly he modified from those files? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35138433/need-to-modify-kdeinit-entry20:35
poco_think I figured it out :)21:08
an-usahis kubuntu backports a stable repo or is it for testing purposes?21:46
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Stable :)21:49
valoriewe test it quite well before releasing21:51
mparilloMost of us recommend -backports on top of LTS (e.g. 16.04) releases. While it is a PPA, newer versions of KDE software (Plasma, Frameworks, and Apps) are likely to be more stable than that released at the time of the LTS.21:51
valorieI agree, mparillo21:58
valorieI've never had a problem with backports21:59
valoriein like ..... 10 years21:59
an-usahnow i have this issue22:07
an-usahi mistakenly installed the KDE neon repo22:07
an-usahnow, i regret22:07
an-usahi want to revert to backports... but i'm realizing ppa-purge is not working with neon22:07
an-usahso i don't know how to do that22:07
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories22:08
valorieyou can comment it out in your repo list22:08
valorieeither on the commandline22:08
an-usahthat just take the repo out22:08
valorieor using muon22:08
an-usahbut doen't downgrade the packages22:08
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter multiarch problems on non-updated 12.04 installs, see  http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.22:09
an-usahi used ppa-purge before and the tool did a good job removing the repo and restoring the installed things with the active repos instead22:09
valorieright, that won't work22:09
valorieyou could try aptitude to help fix any broken packages22:10
an-usahbut it doesn't work with the neon thing22:10
valorieyou have to remove the repo first22:10
valorieand probably deal with broken packages one at a time22:10
valorieor reinstall22:10
an-usahsadly i can't reinstall22:11
an-usahi have certain issue that requires to keep the system in order to solve it22:11
sintrethis a little odd22:11
an-usahi need to somehow audit the system22:11
an-usahif i reinstall it i destroy any evidence22:12
an-usahbut we need to remove that thing from the system22:12
sintrewell this is illegal talk here22:12
valoriethen I suggest 1. removing/commenting out the repo22:12
sintrenot gonna fly22:12
valorie2. use aptitude to fix22:12
valoriealthough `sudo apt install -f` where f=fix is usually enough22:13
valorieeven if it has to be done multiple times22:13
an-usahhaha, no, it's not that complex, as i tell you is is not a formal auditing, but we need to resolve what happened in the machine to make another decision and not commit the same error again22:13
valorieaptitude is the tool for this however22:13
an-usahi think i can do that with synaptic too, right?22:14
sintreso you want us to fix it for you then you have the information to decide on what os to use?22:14
valorieI haven't used synaptic in years, but I suppose so22:14
valoriemuon is IMO better22:14
sintrebut any fix is going to modify your os , so how is that info22:15
sintrefor your decision22:15
an-usahno, sintre, i was just looking for a suggestion in how to remove the neon thing22:15
an-usahvalorie's ideas are the best i got now, but they sound reasonable, a lot of hardwork, but that's going to work for me22:16
sintremore like 10 minutes but ok hardwork if you look at it like that22:16
an-usahah, sintre, simple. We made some configuration and it is causing some problems, we cant to know what is the problem... sadly we have the neon thing installed and it is not stable enough and it is getting in the way22:17
an-usahso, we want to revert to plain Kubuntu, or Kubuntu with backports, then with the system stabilized we can investigate the other issue properly22:17
sintrewell you need to reinstall a stable system  that you know is stable22:18
sintrewe can't give you magick22:18
an-usahsintre, then i destroy the current system and cannot investigate the other problem, cause it is sent witrh the system to oblivion22:18
an-usahit is hard work, we have to manually downgrade the packages... and they are a lot22:19
an-usahall KDE22:19
valorieyou won't have to downgrade everything22:19
sintreyour choice it takes freakin 10 minutes to reinstall kubuntu22:19
valoriewe''re up to date on a lot22:19
mparilloOne advantage of pacman over apt is pacman has an easy downgrade syntax. Of course, if a downgrade breaks something, then you had better not be a newbie.22:19
valoriean-usah: what Kubuntu version are you on?22:20
valoriewell, some things will be older then22:25
valorieeven with backports22:25
an-usah[plasma 5.8.5 in backports22:29
an-usahneon has 5.922:29
sintrefew weeks it'll most likely be baxkported22:30
sintrei believe it staging now22:30
sintreif you have a company and money on the line just spend an hour backing up and reinstalling22:31
sintreyour search for "where it went into oblivioun" is futile22:32
user|81619Hello, this might be the wrong place to ask, but I'm trying to install windows 8 over kubuntu, and I need to know what partition to delete. Do you know how big the Kubuntu partition is?22:32
sintreduel install you need to install windows first22:33
sintreso wipe entire drive22:33
sintrethen install windows 8 from scratch22:33
user|81619Thank you. That helps me out a lot.22:33
sintrethen you can install kubuntu or any linux distro side by side because it will then control the bootloader22:34
valoriemaybe it will be backported -- afaik there has been no testing of 5.9 on xenial22:34
valoriethose who are interested in getting that should be testing22:34
* sintre raises hand22:34
valorieafaik we'll be keeping the plasma LTS on the LTS22:34
valorieit's possible we'll backport it to yakkety, although I've not seen any testing there either22:35
sintreto much exitment on new roll out22:36
sintrebut hopefully some free time some backporting can get done22:36
valoriethe point of an LTS is .... long term support22:37
valorieso it seems pointless to abandon Plasma LTS on the LTS22:37
sintrenot in the downloadable iso of course not22:37
sintredoesn't me i don't want the newest on my lts distro :)22:37
sintrelts doesn't have to mean old and outdated :)22:38
sintreif somebody has the time i'm sure they'll try22:38
valorieplasma LTS is kept up-to-date with bugfixes22:38
valoriethat is the meaning of stable22:39
sintrewell i can alot of bugs in lts releases that haven't been worked on22:39
sintreyou'd like to think someone who fixed the problems would want it distributed across as many platforms as possible22:39
sintreinstead of just the newest22:40
valoriehelp is always needed22:41
valorieand bugfix releases are the *most* widespread22:42
valoriethey come down as "updates" rather than backports, which many people never enable22:42
an-usahugh, no, i need what's on KDE 5.822:45
an-usahi ḿ not going back to the KADe that came with the LTS22:45
sintreyou can upgrade plasma thru backports22:46
an-usahwell. except in my case22:53
an-usahand, sintre, we cannot wipe this system22:53
sintrei don't know what you want then22:54
an-usahif we do that then we'll never get to know what happened in the other case22:54
sintreso you want us to figure that out for you?22:54
sintrei mean that not to be mean , but if it is a copany with info start backing things up22:54
an-usahok, again, we need to have the system working, and the neon repository is causing issues, problems we don't need, so we want to move back to Kubuntu+backports22:54
sintrewipe or no wipe22:55
an-usahwe have a different issue in the system, we need to discover what's going on there, but we'll never know wthat if we wipe the system and install again22:55
an-usahand it is very important for us to know what happened there22:55
an-usahin fact, to determine what happened is more important than the neon issue22:56
sintreand you want people to spend hours and hours helping to to determine this for you for free?22:57
sintrewe'll help people for hours ans hours but at this point your basicly saying to us fix my bussiness os problem for free22:57
sintrethe repeating of we need to know what happend over and over22:58
sintreinstead of backing up data and reinstalling is getting old22:58
an-usahno, you don't need to help me to determine what happened there22:58
an-usahi'm not asking help for that22:58
sintrewell i'm out of this issue good luck to you22:59
an-usahthe issue i came to ask is about removing the neon desktop and restoring KDE to Kubuntu+backports22:59
an-usahand that was just mentioned to leave clear we cannot wipe the system22:59
valoriean-usah: the problem is that adding the Neon repo to kubuntu is not supported by neon, and def. not supported by us23:02
valoriewe can help, but that's it23:02
valorieand I've given you my best advice already23:03
valorieyou might look for the purge-apt-repository tool23:03
valorie!info purge-apt-repository23:03
ubottuPackage purge-apt-repository does not exist in yakkety23:03
an-usahhehe lol23:03
valoriebut we don't package it23:04
valorie!info purge-apt-repository xenial23:04
ubottuPackage purge-apt-repository does not exist in xenial23:04
nauticalnexus!info apt-purge-repository xenial23:04
ubottuPackage apt-purge-repository does not exist in xenial23:04
valorieso not official -- but perhaps useful in this case, since you are insisting on not reinstalling23:05
* valorie is done with this23:05
an-usahi see that one is pretty old :(23:07
an-usahthanks for the help23:07
an-usahto manually downgrade the thing is what we are going to do, we cannot do other thing at this moment23:08

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