
micesis there a cups issue with 16.10 cause ever since i installed this os i can't print00:12
micesi have my printer's ip set but can't reach it00:14
boyonginstall lubuntu from kylin05:22
boyonghow do i install lubuntu from kylin, do i need to erase the hard drive and install from beginning? thank you05:23
LeGentooLinuxHello my frends ! :)17:20
LeGentooLinuxByebye !17:21
shalokHow do I change the touchpad swipe scroll direction?19:25
tonberry-kingKinda confused by two lubuntu websites ?20:09
tonberry-kingIs it .net or .me ?20:10
krytariktonberry-king: .me - LP bug #1608306.20:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1608306 in Lubuntu Artwork "Confusing for users with many websites" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/160830620:12
tonberry-kingif i dl iso's from .net i am fine right ?20:13
krytarikNot necessarily, no.20:13
krytarikDepends on how outdated the links are, that is.20:14
tonberry-kingkrytarik: Thanks for the help, is their a way to verify a installed version to check integrity ?20:16
krytarikWell, the site usually links to the official images - it's just not always up to date.20:18
tonberry-kingyeah i am up too date so... thanks20:18
tonberry-kinggot kinda worried their for a second20:18
tonberry-kingThanks for clearing that up ubottu & krytarik20:20
krytarikubottu is a bot.20:22
ubottuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. For more information, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots20:22
krytarikAnd welcome, of course.20:23
shalokWhen logging in I can select 'lxsession' or 'lubuntu'... What's the difference?20:41
wxllxsession is a more general lxde session20:41
shalokwxl: Can you elaborate?20:42
wxlit lacks all the customizations of lubuntu20:43
shalokso lxsession is similar to what I would get running lxde on debian or fedora?20:44
wxlkinda sorta20:44
shalokIs there anything important added to lubuntu, or is it just branding (graphics etc)?20:45
wxlto be honest, i haven't much tried to use that session. i'm not sure that all the features are well integrated20:45
Cesarion76Hello just installed lubuntu on a eepc with 4 gb of space. I removed cups so I have a little more space. What else is recommended to uninstall?21:00
razer_hello everybody, short question: I've installed KDE applications in Lubuntu and the menu entries are not working. I've figured out the -caption %c is the problem21:11
razer_Problem is that I have multiple users, so manually removing all captions for all users is cumbersome21:11
razer_is there a fix for lubuntu 14.04?21:11
razer_can i remove it from the default files?21:13

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