
dooleyHey all00:02
dooleyso anyone here have any experience with finding out what ZIETGIEST does and is it needed by UM00:04
dooleystrolling around and watching movies, will be checking back00:05
dooleyif it is not needed how to get rid of zietgiest00:05
nicholas_hi peoples01:47
ubuntu-mate xpkill2301:57
=== ubuntu-mate is now known as xpkill23
=== jorge is now known as Guest93839
Guest93839questions about upgrading from ubuntu mate 15.10 to 16.14 anyone can help?03:13
SailorMoonHey guys, how do i install an ssh server onto ubuntu-mate? (im a noob lol)03:55
SailorMoonon raspberry pi my partition didnt expand04:16
SailorMoonwhat do i do04:16
SailorMoonwait no HWA?04:26
SailorMoonpeace <304:26
PackMarinerJAKQuestion:  I'm new to MATE, and like the lean interface.  When I install apps however, what's the best way to run them.  I'm not seeing any tools that show all loaded applications. <Noobish...I know>08:55
jticketThere should be a mate menu.08:56
jticketIn the top or bottom pannel.08:56
=== jeff_ is now known as Guest57802
PackMarinerJAKjticket, thanks.  I see a menu at the top, but don't see all the applications I've installed.  Is there a preferred way to find/run them from the command line?08:59
jticketalt+f2 is helpful.09:08
jticketIf you know the command that is.09:08
amundsendoes anybody know how to set up video and pdf desktop icons, like generic icons and not previsualized?15:07
Akulilike you wouldn't see the content in the icon?15:08
Akulijust some generic icon above the filename?15:08
amundsenthat's it15:10
Akulifor videos seems like you can remove ffmpegthumbnailer15:11
Akulii have no idea about pdf's, "dpkg --get-selections | grep thumb" doesn't show anything useful15:12
cetin_netherland ????????17:13
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cyrus_anyone there?17:39
ubottuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl17:39
cyrus_i have a question17:39
Akulioh sorry17:39
Akulino problem, ask it :)17:39
cyrus_so i just installed ubuntu mate17:39
cyrus_and i installed steam17:39
cyrus_but when i install a game it sais 0mb available17:40
Akulithat's weird17:40
cyrus_but when i do the free command i the terminal17:40
cyrus_that is not the case17:40
Akulidisk space or ram?17:40
Akulidf / tells you how much disk space you have17:40
cyrus_ok just a seck17:40
alkisgdf -h | nc termbin.com 999917:41
alkisgthis will let us see too17:41
cyrus_it gave me this17:42
Akuliare you running directly from the usb stick?17:42
cyrus_i installed it like an hour ago17:43
Akulii have no idea what to do17:43
cyrus_the usb stick is out17:43
Akuliyou can ask help on #steamlug or #ubuntu-steam instead if nobody knows here17:43
cyrus_it's bar metal17:43
alkisgcyrus_: and what's /boot, an sd card?17:44
cyrus_the sight gave me this17:44
cyrus_Filesystem                         Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on17:44
cyrus_udev                               934M     0  934M   0% /dev17:44
cyrus_tmpfs                              192M  6.8M  185M   4% /run17:44
cyrus_tmpfs                              956M  348K  956M   1% /dev/shm17:44
cyrus_tmpfs                              5.0M  4.0K  5.0M   1% /run/lock17:44
cyrus_tmpfs                              956M     0  956M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup17:44
cyrus_tmpfs                              192M   28K  192M   1% /run/user/100017:44
alkisgYes we saw that in termbin17:44
alkisg/dev/mmcblk0p1                     472M  119M  330M  27% /boot17:44
alkisgYou had that too17:44
alkisgmmcblk0p1 usually is an sd card17:45
cyrus_yeah i ariginally did somthing with an sd card17:45
cyrus_but i installd with a usb stick17:45
alkisgWhat's the output of this command? sudo touch /boot/test17:45
cyrus_it just goes a line down like pressing enter17:47
cyrus_i'm not sure what it did17:47
alkisgThat probably means you still have the sd card inserted17:47
cyrus_no it's not in17:47
alkisgOK, you can remove the test file, give: sudo rm /boot/test17:47
cyrus_just a sec17:47
alkisgWell, df mentions that you're using an mmcblk device for /boot17:48
alkisgMaybe some weird internal storage?17:48
alkisgWhat kind of pc is this?17:48
alkisgA netbook?17:48
alkisgA laptop?17:48
alkisgWhat's the output of: sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999917:49
cyrus_ sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999917:50
cyrus_Error: /dev/mapper/mmcblk0p5_crypt: unrecognised disk label17:50
cyrus_Error: /dev/mmcblk0rpmb: unrecognised disk label17:50
cyrus_Warning: Error fsyncing/closing /dev/mmcblk0rpmb: Input/output error17:50
cyrus_thats the output17:50
alkisgSee, you have missing disks17:51
alkisgMaybe that's why steam complains17:51
alkisgLike, you told it to use an sd card or a usb stick for installation, and then you removed them17:51
alkisgWhat's the output of: cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 999917:51
alkisgAnd the output of: ls /boot | nc termbin.com 999917:53
cyrus_thnx btw for helping me with this17:55
cyrus_so what hould i do?17:55
alkisgHm, the output is a bit comfusing17:56
alkisgOn one hand, the mmcblk device is in fstab and in df,17:56
alkisgon the other hand, it's not there in parted, missing etc17:56
alkisgyet the /boot files are there...17:56
alkisgI think more info is needed to find out what's going wrong there, but i'm out of time...17:58
cyrus_thanks anyway man your awesome17:58
cyrus_you know i kinda miss manjaro17:59
cyrus_(the distro i had before)17:59
Akulion the computer you're running now?17:59
Akuligets even weirder...18:00
cyrus_why is that/18:00
Akuliubuntu is in this weird state that we don't know how to explain18:01
Akulibut manjaro was fine...18:01
cyrus_yeah steam worked fine on manjaro18:01
cyrus_hey another question18:03
cyrus_i want to install virtual box how do i do that on here?18:04
Akulisudo apt-get install virtualbox18:04
cyrus_man it's taking a wile18:06
Akuliyeah virtualbox installation is kind of weird18:07
Akulialmost everything else goes a lot faster18:07
cyrus_on manjaro the pacman command was so easy to use...18:07
Akuliapt-get is just as easy18:08
cyrus_oh it's done18:08
Akuliyou're just getting started with the worst possible corner case :)18:08
cyrus_i know18:08
cyrus_hey i did a whereis and virtualbox didn't show up18:09
Akulihow about which18:09
cyrus_oh that worked18:09
Akulii don't know why whereis doesn't find it18:09
Akuliworks for me18:09
cyrus_yeah i ohnestly like whereis better18:10
cyrus_i hope vm workes this time18:10
cyrus_in manjaro it said that i needed the VM driver18:11
cyrus_i'm petting my cat right now18:12
Akulicat --pet :D18:12
cyrus_she helps me with linux18:12
cyrus_if you were going to start a virual box what dictro would you use?18:13
Akulii don't choose my distros based on which programs i like because they all work on most distros18:14
cyrus_i can never diside18:14
Akuliyou can turn any distro into whatever you want18:15
Akuliso i don't think it really matters much18:15
cyrus_any sugjestions?18:15
Akulidoesn't virtualbox work?18:16
cyrus_well i want to see18:16
cyrus_how about18:16
Akuli...launching it from the menu?18:16
cyrus_how about arch18:17
Akuliuse whatever you like18:17
Akulii'm not a big arch fan because i can get a similar system with a debian mini.iso in much shorter amount of time18:17
Akuliwell different package manager and so on, but as minimal18:18
cyrus_hey don't i need to download the iso for vm to work?18:18
Akulithe vm works without an iso, but it's kind of useless without an operating system18:18
cyrus_when i start it it sais no bootable found system halted18:19
cyrus_no bootable medium found*18:20
Akuliyeah because you didn't give it an operating system18:20
Akuligive it an iso to boot from and it'll work :)18:20
cyrus_so i do need the iso18:21
cyrus_but i don't really like to do the gpg verify and checksums but i will18:22
cyrus_do i have to?18:22
Akulidid you download with a torrent?18:23
cyrus_download what?18:24
cyrus_the iso?18:24
Akulii just md5sum when i don't use a torrent18:25
Akulitorrents are really good at making sure you get the right content18:25
cyrus_well first of all18:26
cyrus_i don't have bittorrent18:26
cyrus_and second of all18:26
Akulisudo apt-get install deluge :)18:26
cyrus_if you don't gpg verify you could get a bad signiture18:26
Akulilike how18:26
cyrus_it's always better to make absalute sure it's a good signiture18:27
Akulimy torrent program verifies it for me18:27
cyrus_i don't have torrent so i can't18:27
cyrus_is deluge a torrent?18:29
Akulia torrent program yes18:29
Akulia program you use for downloading stuff with torrent files18:29
Akulitorrents are great for isos, you can turn off your computer in the middle of a download and continue from where you left off18:30
cyrus_i just downloaded it18:30
cyrus_can you get me the torrent file for arch iso 64 bit?18:30
Akuligoogle for it18:31
Akuliif you're going to go arch i really recommend having another computer to look up the instructions18:31
Akuliit comes with an install.txt but it's basically useless because it says "see this wiki page" and the page isn't there18:32
Akulilike, it contains places like that18:32
Akulifor example, "install a boot loader"18:32
Akulior "partition your disk"18:32
cyrus_hey does it matter if it's bittorrent i'm downloadin but i only have deluge18:33
cyrus_bittorrent file*18:33
Akulibittorrent is basically same as torrent, deluge does it18:33
cyrus_so i get the bittorrent file?18:34
Akulithere it says "Torrent for 2017.blablabla"18:34
cyrus_the file i'm downloading sais dual.iso18:35
Akulii got archlinux-2017.02.01-dual.iso.torrent18:35
cyrus_mine is just dual.iso at the end18:36
Akulii guess they don't have separate 64-bit isos? i have no idea18:36
cyrus_it just stoped the download and the estimate says 7 days18:38
Akuliin deluge or web browser?18:38
Akulithat's weird18:38
cyrus_it stoped at 285.5 mb18:39
Akulimaybe deluge thinks you're out of disk space?18:40
cyrus_maybe i am18:40
cyrus_this is a crappy laptop18:40
cyrus_only 7 GB on it18:40
cyrus_very cheap18:40
cyrus_it's a new one but it's low powered18:41
cyrus_my dad got it for my mom my mom gave it to me18:41
cyrus_because she like never used it my dad spent very little money on it because he knew she wouldn't18:41
cyrus_anyway how would i fix this?18:43
Akulime an alkisg have no idea what's going on, so i don't know :(18:44
cyrus_ima download the non torrent version18:44
alkisgcyrus_: do you still have the ubuntu-mate live cd/usb ?18:56
alkisgIf you're going to format anyway, it would be best to remove all those lvm/md volumes that you have18:57
alkisgAnd use simple partitions, with no sd cards etc18:57
cyrus_anyone there?19:03
Akulii'm here19:03
cyrus_what text editor does ubuntu mate use?19:03
Akuliit comes with pluma19:03
Akuliand nano of course19:03
cyrus_ok thank you19:04
Akuliyou can install whatever you want19:04
cyrus_i know but i was wondering what it comes with19:04
cyrus_anyone here?19:48
cyrus_anyone there?19:48
cyrus_i have a question19:48
cyrus_kali is based on debian right?19:49
pavlushkacyrus_: find a kali channel please19:49
pavlushkacyrus_: and yes kali is based on debian19:49
pavlushkacyrus_: actually it uses the ubuntu core19:50
pavlushkaand it has adapted the gnome 3 desktop env19:52
A64_UserHey there21:20
A64_UserDoes anyone here have an idea how to use the GPIO-Pins on the Nanopi-A64 under Ubuntu Mate?21:22
Akulifrom which programming language?21:23
lokatzis78geia aw22:11
lokatzis78i want help22:26
lokatzis78i have broblem with boot22:26
lokatzis78my system he restarting always22:27

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