
ironhoofWow I didnt think it would ever happen but after,... 8 years i got malware on just firefox, it has a voice message: WARNING: system might be infect. Yours system might be infect by abware_popup.exe which is complete bollocks since linux doesn't use .exes? what do I do?01:58
ironhoofIs it possible to whipe firefox and everything entirely start over?01:59
ironhoofqupzilla seems uneffected.02:00
ironhoofNevermind, I just uninstalled deleted the .mozilla folder all is good/02:15
ironhoofsimple fix02:15
andrew_I wondering if someone could help with a problem I'm having on xubuntu?13:26
andrew_Occassionally my mouse left click stops working, in fact it just happened now13:26
andrew_I can still do everything else except left click13:27
Wayward_VagabondDoes it happen with different mice, or the same mouse on a different computer?13:28
andrew_I have only one mouse, but my laptop is dual boot and this does not happen on Windows13:28
andrew_It's can be fixed by logging out13:29
andrew_but that requires shutting down all my programs so that's not a useful fix13:29
andrew_It also happens with my trackpad13:34
andrew_I may have to come back later to follow up.13:37
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flocculantyou did16:21
gebruikeris 16.10 build with gtk3?16:58
xanguaGTK 3 is used for GTK 3 apps, yes17:58
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