
=== Isai is now known as Guest65909
tiblockHi. I have newbie question. I have big HDD mounted under /mnt/hdd/ and there is dir /mnt/hdd/a/b/c and i want to allow one user to access only that one dir without allowing accessing all other stuff on /mnt/hdd. How i can do that? As i understand user must have permission to whole /mnt/hdd to get there. But i don't want it00:11
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=== Bill_Gates is now known as Agent
tiblockI can think of making groups "mnt","mnt_hdd","mnt_hdd_a","mnt_hdd_a_b","mnt_hdd_a_b_c" and giving them to dirs and giving groups to user. But it will not work as i want. User will be able to access /mnt/ /mnt/hdd/ /mnt/hdd/a... And so on00:16
tgm4883tiblock: they don't need read access to all the upper directories, only excutable access00:30
tiblocktgm4883, so its chmod 0711, right?00:31
tgm4883tiblock: yea00:31
tiblockSo i thought about that. Thank you.00:31
tgm4883tiblock: it's o+x but the other permissions could be whatever you wanted them to be00:31
berkiyoArch is a piece of shit00:34
daxno need for the language00:35
berkiyosorry dax00:35
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berkiyoI'm sorry dax okay? :D00:37
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SITMis there a CL utility to see how busy an nvme drive is?00:42
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sadasdwin 300$ easy -> http://PayHite.com/?refcode=311801:10
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Guestiehow do I put Ubuntu server on a USB flash drive on Ubuntu Desktop?01:25
GuestieI see how to do it on a Windows machine, but I don't see how to do it from a Ubuntu machine.01:25
SilentCogIf you're in Ubuntu already, you might find that an app called 'Startup Disk Creator' is already installed01:26
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GuestieIs putting Ubuntu server on a Wii even a good idea? xD01:28
GuestieI choose server because I'm guessing it will take less resources to run.01:28
uxfiGuestie  isnt that a video game system?01:28
Guestieuxfi, yes. But it's old.01:28
uxfiI haven't tried it01:29
GuestieWe have the newer version of the Wii anyway, the Wii U.01:29
w9qbjGuestie, or sudo dd if=[whateverfilename] of=/dev/[thumbdrive]  The thumb drive should not be mounted, and use the /dev/sdx not /dev/sdx1  use sudo fdisk -l to find it01:29
w9qbjyou might also add bs=500M  (or something large)01:31
tubalI'm chasing down some Dash info. Wondering why some plug-ins seem to do nothing, such as Manpages?01:35
easyOnMeanyone here familiar with letsencrypt01:35
tubal...lens plug-ins01:35
w9qbjeasyOnMe, There a #letsencrypt chat here on freenode01:40
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easyOnMew9qbj: I went there nobody was answering01:40
GuestieeasyOnMe, I've used it a couple times.01:41
w9qbjeasyOnMe, i did set it up on a Raaspberrypi with nginx01:41
GuestieeasyOnMe, What you need?01:41
wom12I know u guys are bombarded with questions but any1 have experience with Webmin + BIND?01:42
easyOnMeGuestie: I encountered some errors01:42
easyOnMeGuestie: can you help me01:42
* Guestie triggered!01:42
GuestieeasyOnMe, what are you using letsencrypt with?01:43
w9qbjeasyOnMe, tell us what errors , we can't guess01:43
easyOnMe just entered this command sudo letsenrypt --apache -d baseDomain.com -d www.baseDomain.com -d subDomain1.baseDomain.com -d subDomain2.baseDomain.com01:43
Guestiewom12, I had to do something with Bind9 DNS stuff in my competition today.01:43
wom12Competition? holy crap01:43
GuestieeasyOnMe, what was the error?01:43
wom12Here is my post: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2351477&p=13603120#post1360312001:44
wom12That explains the problem fully01:44
Guestiewom12, that was one of the least successful competitions ever.01:44
easyOnMeAn unexpected error occurred:01:44
easyOnMeThe server experienced an internal error :: Failed to get registration by key01:44
easyOnMePlease see the logfiles in /var/log/letsencrypt for more details.01:44
GuestieeasyOnMe, try using one domain.01:44
wom12Guestie, sorry to hear man. Hopefully you do well next time. Hopefully there was not money on the line01:45
GuestieeasyOnMe, I use the bot they suggested.01:45
Guestiewom12, oh. It was all a free ride. Well, down the road wasn't free. Everything else was.01:45
lm1hello all01:46
easyOnMeGuestie: what bot01:46
Guestiewom12, ride down the road*01:46
easyOnMeI am using the new version of letsencrypt client01:46
wom12Guestie, anyway, its the experience that counts and hopefully that experience will help me today in my question :D01:46
GuestieeasyOnMe, https://certbot.eff.org/01:46
wom12Its entirely placed here: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2351477&p=13603120#post1360312001:46
lm1I am using a Ubuntu Server distro for a school assignment and I am having some difficulty with making an A record in BIND9 --I am seeking help if someone could provide it.01:47
Guestieholy crap. I really need to learn BIND9.01:47
GuestieI'm in Cyber Patriots, and DNS really kicked my butt today?01:47
GuestieI didn't mean that to be a question. xD01:48
wom12Hopefully cuz ur asking it the wrong person but i do need to also, especially if i want to learn server config01:48
lm1One of my first questions would be, how do I make a new A record?  I am thinking it is something within db.local01:48
lm1My second question would be, how would I use that A record to redirect traffic.  For example, if someone typed www.google.com, it would send the traffic to www.yahoo.com01:50
lm1I am thinking this is more of a hosts file thing too...01:50
wom12Anyway, do you have an idea of what im trying to achieve?01:50
WechKepJust ate a burger at the sleazy joint01:53
WechKepNow I gotta take a shit, get to the point01:53
WechKepSittin' on the toilet, my ass is a blas01:53
WechKepRunnin' smelly diarrhea outta my ass01:53
WechKepNo fuckin' paper01:53
WechKepHey baby lick my ass 'til your face turns blue01:53
WechKepYou're finished rimmin' me and you want some more01:54
WechKepYa say ya don't flush but your out the door01:54
WechKepI'm back in the...with a cup01:54
WechKepScoop it outta the toilet 'cause you wanna slurp it up01:54
WechKepEat my diarrhea you're chuggin' it down01:54
WechKepYou're suckin' my ass and your lips are all brown01:54
WechKepSince we've gone back to the hamburger place01:54
WechKepI'm gonna stick my ass right on your face01:54
wom12who is this guy?01:55
WechKepI'm gonna shit in your mouth01:55
WechKepI'm gonna shit in your face, your mouth01:55
WechKepAnd I wanna shit on your mother01:55
WechKepI'm gonna shit on you and your mother01:55
WechKepI gotta take a shit01:55
xrandr_laptopis there an op that can kick/ban this guy?01:55
WechKepGotta bottle a Ex-Lax, gonna take it01:55
kk4ewtwom12,  /ignore WechKep  all and life is good01:55
WechKepI'm gonna take me a lumpy shit01:55
WechKepGonna throw it at you, I hope I hit you01:55
WechKepI hope it splats in your face there too01:55
WechKepIt's comin' out my ass all drippin' wet01:55
wom12thanks, ignored01:55
WechKepIt's comin' out my ass all drippin' wet01:55
WechKepI want you to suck up all of it01:56
xrandr_laptopi ignored him too, but still.....ewwww01:56
WechKepLick my ass and eat it too01:56
WechKepCause diarrhea is good for you01:56
WechKepYa eat it, eat it, eat01:56
WechKepEat it, eat it, eat01:56
WechKep Eat my fuckin' shit01:56
WechKepeat my fuckinjg shit01:56
wom12His domain is part of nForce01:56
wom12so its a proxy01:56
wom12Guestie, you here?01:58
WechKepJust ate a burger at the sleazy joint01:58
WechKepNow I gotta take a shit, get to the point01:58
WechKepSittin' on the toilet, my ass is a blast01:58
WechKepRunnin' smelly diarrhea outta my ass01:58
WechKepNo fuckin' paper01:58
confusedaboutnetI am interested in port forwarding02:03
wom12confused, its kinda empty now02:03
confusedaboutnetthe internet that I use blocks everything except port 80/44302:03
confusedaboutnetso stuff like git, imap, and even ntp don't work02:03
confusedaboutnetI need a way to transparently send everything through port 8002:03
confusedaboutnetbut I have zero knowledge of networking02:04
xrandr_laptopconfusedaboutnet, can you use a VPN? There's some free ones out there02:04
confusedaboutnetI would rather not use a vpn02:04
xrandr_laptopconnect to that, and then life is good for you02:04
confusedaboutnetbut it means one more external dependency02:04
wom12Gah, i give up on this02:04
wom12im so tired of it02:05
confusedaboutnetcan anyone give my some pointers on this?02:05
wom12nothing freaking works02:05
confusedaboutnetseems like most solutions involve iptables02:05
wom12how do u guys keep doing it with little problems02:05
confusedaboutnetI am considering using ufw02:05
eelstrebori need to do a memtest but it doesn't show up in the boot menu or even on the install dvd02:05
confusedaboutnetto avoid messing with iptables directly02:05
xrandr_laptopconfusedaboutnet, but your ISP is blocking everything except 80/443, right?02:06
xrandr_laptopif your ISP is blocking it, then you're not going to get very far02:06
confusedaboutnetxrandr: network admin, not isp02:06
confusedaboutnetwont port forwarding work?02:06
wom12confused, do u know anything about BIND or networking?02:06
confusedaboutnetwom12: zero knowledge about networking except a high level overiew02:07
xrandr_laptopconfusedaboutnet, then your network admin needs to set it. If he is setting it at the router or gateway level, then nothing you do will work except VPN02:07
wom12could this help? its a small post https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2351477&p=13603120#post1360312002:07
confusedaboutnetwhy won't port forwarding work?02:07
confusedaboutnetcan't multiple connections listen on one port?02:07
johnzornAny advice on running a script on shutdown/reboot on xenial?02:08
xrandr_laptopIt can, but if you're being blocked at the router/gateway level then your rules won't be seen02:08
confusedaboutnetjohnzorn: systemd02:08
confusedaboutnetxrandr_laptop: but its for my own computer, i.e. git, imap etc.02:09
xrandr_laptopconfusedaboutnet, think of it this way: You're in a house with many rooms. You have the key to those rooms. You can open and close any door you want, except the front door. The front door has a small slit in it to allow certain packets come through it02:10
xrandr_laptopthat's how your network is setup right now02:10
johnzornconfusedaboutnet, ya I was playing around with that and the shutdown part wasn't working. So that didn't give me much confidence...02:10
xrandr_laptopmake sense?02:10
confusedaboutnetxrandr_laptop: I could get around the git problem with this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7953806/github-ssh-via-public-wifi-port-22-blocked02:10
confusedaboutnetwhy wont something work for say imap?02:10
xrandr_laptopconfusedaboutnet, try modifying the answer from that page for imap's port02:11
xrandr_laptopsee if it works02:11
WechKepJust ate a burger at the sleazy joint02:11
WechKepNow I gotta take a shit, get to the point02:11
xrandr_laptopI don't think it will02:11
WechKepSittin' on the toilet, my ass is a blast02:11
WechKepRunnin' smelly diarrhea outta my ass02:11
xrandr_laptopIs your network admin a BOFH?02:11
WechKepNo fuckin' paper02:11
WechKepHey baby lick my ass 'til your face turns blue02:11
WechKepYou're finished rimmin' me and you want some more02:11
WechKepYa say ya don't flush but your out the door02:11
teward!ops | WechKep spammer02:11
ubottuWechKep spammer: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu02:11
xrandr_laptopif not, wouldn't it be simpler to ask him to open those ports for you?02:11
WechKepI'm back in the...with a cup02:11
WechKepScoop it outta the toilet 'cause you wanna slurp it up02:11
WechKepEat my diarrhea you're chuggin' it down02:12
WechKepYou're suckin' my ass and your lips are all brown02:12
=== charlie_ is now known as Guest85997
WechKepSince we've gone back to the hamburger place02:12
WechKepI'm gonna stick my ass right on your face02:12
WechKepI'm gonna shit in your mouth02:12
WechKepI'm gonna shit in your face, your mouth02:12
WechKepAnd I wanna shit on your mother02:12
WechKepI'm gonna shit on you and your mother02:12
xrandr_laptopall hail elky!02:12
confusedaboutnetxrandr_laptop: school network, complete with proprietary network filtering software for The Greater Good™02:13
xrandr_laptopconfusedaboutnet, oh dear god lol02:13
confusedaboutnetxrandr_laptop: can't really do anything right now. Even email wont work02:13
confusedaboutnettook me forever to figure out that the ports were blocked02:13
confusedaboutnetfor a while I thought thunderbird was wonky02:13
xrandr_laptopconfusedaboutnet, then i return to my earlier suggestion... VPN02:13
confusedaboutnetxrandr_laptop: how safe is it to use run a vpn on a production server?02:14
charlie__hey can some1 help me, i just got linux and my windows drag is laggy02:14
confusedaboutnetI have a simple saas I am going to deploy soon02:14
xrandr_laptopif it is a secure vpn, then it should be fine02:14
confusedaboutnetprolly a Digital ocean $5 server02:14
confusedaboutnetsince I am a student on a tight budget02:14
confusedaboutnetI wont be able to afford another server02:15
confusedaboutnetso is it safe for me to run the vpn on the same server that's running a rails production software?02:15
xrandr_laptopconfusedaboutnet, you could, in theory, get a free Amazon AWS VPS Server, install some kind of vpn software that has a web logon interface :)02:15
confusedaboutnetweb logon interface?02:16
confusedaboutnethow would that work?02:16
xrandr_laptopyeah, i know cisco has it02:16
xrandr_laptopya got me, i just know cisco and juniper networks have it02:16
xrandr_laptopwe used to use juniper networks at my job02:16
xrandr_laptoplogged in via a web client02:17
confusedaboutnetbut how would you tunnel through it?02:17
xrandr_laptopit launched the VPN client and created the VPN connection02:17
confusedaboutnetI see02:17
xrandr_laptopand then you don't have to worry about running the VPN on the same production server02:18
confusedaboutnetxrandr_laptop how can I get the free amazon server?02:18
xrandr_laptopsign up for Amazon Web Services02:19
confusedaboutnetxrandr_laptop: you are refeering to the 750 hours ec2 thing right?02:20
xrandr_laptopto be honest I don't remember. It's been a month or so since I launched mine, and it's sitting there because I've been too lazy to do what I want to do with it02:21
bumWhat make anything bootable02:56
mkquistbum: booty?..  sry too quiet in here03:12
SpeirosHi people:)  Is there a program similar to Virtual Clone Drive in Ubuntu?03:13
mkquistSpeiros: http://alternativeto.net/software/virtual-clonedrive/?platform=linux03:16
SpeirosThanks mkquist :)03:16
wiaki have this https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nwgat/playkodi/master/playkodi.sh script but the i cant get the url to work, whatever i do it fails due to something to do with quotes03:35
wiakcurl --user $user --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Player.Open","params":{"item": {"file":"'"$OPTARG"'"}},"id":1}' "$host/jsonrpc"03:35
wiakits not passing OPTARG03:35
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ubuntuDummyHELP fglrx 14.04.5 will it work03:44
wiakubuntuDummy what card?03:46
wiakif its newer try amdgpu-pro03:46
wiakaka GCN HD 7000 or later03:46
ubuntuDummycarrizo A-10 8700P03:47
ubuntuDummylspci | grep VGA 00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Carrizo (rev c5)03:49
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bivohow can I map a sequence of button presses to either constantly repeat or be tied to a single button press? Looking to save some time  leveling up familiars in C:SOTN in PPSSPP03:58
holodocAm I correct to assume that 16.04 LTS runs systemd?04:00
xrandr_laptopwhat is the latest version of ubuntu? 16.04 LTS?04:00
xrandr_laptopah 16.1004:01
holodocxrandr_laptop, 16.1004:01
genuine16.04 has longer support04:01
genuine16.10 has only nine months support04:01
holodocDo init scripts still work in 16.04 or is systemd mandatory for that version? I am trying to create a simple shutdown (rc6.d) script but it doesn't seem to work with 16.04 LTS anymore.04:03
=== lethu_ is now known as lethu
tubalI'm chasing down some Dash info. Wondering why some lens plug-ins seem to do nothing, such as Manpages. Any thoughts?04:11
GuestieI want to be able to boot into Ubuntu on my wii. I saw another Linux (I think distribution is the appropriate word) whose kernel was compatable with the Wii.04:13
SpeirosI made a mistake earlier on, about three weeks ago or so.  I typed an incorrect password, and lost access to certain external hard drives, but more importantly, I can't seem to access the root account from this user account, as it only allows me to enter the user password.  I use a separate user account to the admin account, yet have formerly been able to access it from here.  Can someone tell me what might have changed by default, so that I ca04:14
Speirosn undo it?04:14
GuestieIs it possible to take that kernel and inject it into the Ubuntu install files?04:14
GuestieSpeiros, I may be able to help you with the root login issue.04:15
SpeirosGuestie It would be much appreciated.04:15
GuestieSpeiros, Are you using desktop or server?04:15
GuestieTTY or SSH?04:15
SpeirosGuestie I used to be able to "sudo su", but not now.  I'm on a desktop.04:15
Speiros...actually, I just saw a mistake when I typed that...04:16
GuestieCan you use sudo?04:16
GuestieSpeiros, do you have physical access to the machine?04:17
SpeirosGuestie Yes.  I can log in to either, but not one to another, at least not from here to there.04:17
GuestieSpeiros, you can login to root, you just can't switch to root?04:17
SpeirosGuestie Correct.04:18
SpeirosGuestie I have messed up permissions somewhere, by typing an incorrect password three times in a row.04:18
GuestieSpeiros, are you logged into root right now?04:18
SpeirosGuestie No.  I have to reconfigure my Hexchat client to allow that, as I'm registered here, and not from Admin.  I don't use admin account for general internet access.04:19
SpeirosGuestie At least in order to be on here.  I tried it earlier, about 10-15 min ago.04:19
GuestieSpeiros, if you had a second computer, that would work out nicely.04:20
SpeirosGuestie Yep.  I can work around it, but I'm trying to learn to fix things.  I keep my files separate from the computer too, so a new install isn't out of the question.04:21
GuestieSpeiros, I do not believe that is neccessary. I mean, if you want to do that, that's okay04:21
Guestiebut I think if you login to root (maybe write down what I tell you), you can fix it without much sweat.04:21
SpeirosGuestie Great.  I'll write it down.04:22
Ben64by default you can't log into root in ubuntu04:22
Ben64Speiros: what's the output of "id"04:22
GuestieBen64, you sure?04:22
GuestieBen64, that's not what my install did.04:23
Ben64maybe you're not on ubuntu04:23
tgm4883Guestie: your desktop ubuntu install?04:23
SpeirosGuestie My id output is uid, gid and groups, all at 1001.04:23
Ben64Speiros: paste the actual output here04:23
SpeirosBen64 uid=1001 (resklyt) gid=1001 (resklyt) groups=1001(resklyt)04:24
GuestieSpeiros, did you install it's something crack04:24
SpeirosGuestie No, I haven't heard of that.04:24
Ben64Speiros: looks like you created a new user from the default one, and you didn't give this new user sudo access04:24
SpeirosBen64 I see.  So I should edit permissions from the Admin account then?  The permissions changed when I typed the wrong password three times.  It was working well until I erred there.04:25
Ben64Speiros: nothing happens when you type the password incorrectly04:25
tgm4883incorrect passwords don't change permissions04:26
Ben64Speiros: what is this 'admin' account you're talking about04:26
GuestieBen64, I think there is a configuration somewhere, where you could set it to lock you out after too many failed attempts.04:26
GuestieBen64, probably external software too.04:26
SpeirosBen64 I have this Resklyt account as a guest as such.  It's not a guest account, in that it is password protected.  I have this user account separate from my installation account.04:27
Ben64Speiros: why04:27
SpeirosBen64 Security.  I read that it is wise not to use the root account to access the net, so that it protects against hacking.04:27
Ben64right, thats why sudo exists04:27
GuestieBen64, this general area: /etc/pam.d/04:27
GuestieSpeiros, check "visudo" for a good configuration.04:28
tgm4883Guestie: Is it possible that can happen, yes. However the user would know if they set that up as it's not done by default04:28
SpeirosBen64 I understand that, but I also learned not to use the admin account in a course 9 years ago, using windows.04:28
Ben64Speiros: linux works differently04:28
Ben64there is no "admin" account04:28
Ben64there is root, and not root04:28
SpeirosBen64 The permissions for the user account are less than the admin account too, yet they can be accessed via sudo also.  It is an extra safeguard.04:29
Ben64Speiros: it isn't04:29
Ben64it's pointless04:29
GuestieIs there such thing as injecting a kernel to Ubuntu installation files (as in, the installation files that come from the ISO file that we get from Canonical) so that it will work with a certain machine?04:30
tgm4883Ben64: not really, you can setup sudo to allow certain commands to be run yet not be able to switch to root04:30
Ben64tgm4883: i don't see how that is relevant04:31
SpeirosBen64 I understand it is more awkward, but I don't know about pointless.  It allows me, as a learner, to understand how I can and can't get out from a user account, and a user account is what I want others to use, if they ever use my computer.  In that way, it is a safety issue.04:31
Ben64Speiros: yeah it's fine to make an account for someone else, pointless to give yourself an account like that04:31
SpeirosBen64 I know now, that before my error, I could access root from the user account, knowing the admin passwords.04:31
Ben64by default you can't04:32
tgm4883Ben64: I don't see how it's pointless to give  yourself an account that doesn't have sudo privs04:32
Ben64tgm4883: because it's your machine04:32
SpeirosBen64 Fair call.  By default it may not be, but it doesn't mean it can't be done.  It can't be done now though, after my error.  Yet I would like to see the workaround to fix this.  If I have to go into admin to do it, that's fine, but from the user account, I believe it is good to understand how it works.04:33
Ben64Speiros: stop saying admin, it's confusing04:33
tgm4883Ben64: What does that have to do with anything? We're not talking about securing the machine against yourself, we're talking about securing it against others that might gain access to your account04:33
Ben64but theres already an account there with sudo04:34
SpeirosBen64 What terminology makes you comfortable, or is correct?04:34
Ben64Speiros: well what's the name of the default user04:34
SpeirosBen64, Okay, default user account, who has access to root privileges?04:34
tgm4883Ben64: Ok, so USER1 has sudo and USER2 doesn't. If an attacker gains access to USER2's account, then they don't automatically get access to sudo....04:34
Ben64then they would just gain access to user1 instead04:35
tgm4883Speiros: what is the output of 'ls /home'04:35
tgm4883Ben64: ....04:35
Ben64Speiros: the user who has access to sudo04:35
Speirostgm4883 It is my computer name, plus this, "resklyt".04:35
tgm4883Ben64: you say that like the attacker has a choice about what account they get access to?04:35
tgm4883Speiros: what is your computer name?04:35
Ben64well if they get access to one account, you're screwed already04:35
SpeirosIt's private.04:35
tgm4883Ben64: how so?04:36
Ben64i'm sure theres a root exploit out there, or they could just su - otherusername04:36
tgm4883Speiros: oh FFS, this isn't private info but whatever. Ben64, for the sake of the rest of this discussion, let's pretend his first account is PrettyZebras04:36
Ben64Speiros: "su - PrettyZebras" type in PrettyZebras password, then you can use sudo04:37
tgm4883Ben64: ... That's absurd04:37
SpeirosBen64 Ok...04:37
tgm4883Ben64: they wouldn't be able to 'su - otherusername' without the password for the other username04:37
Ben64tgm4883: not any more absurd than getting one account hacked but thats it04:37
Ben64tgm4883: which is why i said type in the password...04:37
tgm4883Ben64: and if we're going to go down the path of "there's a root exploit" then all bets are off and there's no point in connecting it to the internet at all since I bet there is a remote exploit04:38
BenderRodriguezdear god I need help04:38
SpeirosBen64 It says the first letter of my computer name is an invalid option.  Okay, I'll tell you what I have, and I'll reinstall and start from scratch later.lol:)  It isn't hide-and-seek, but a learning curve I'm trying to get...I'll type the names in the next sentence.04:39
Ben64Speiros: not "su -PrettyZebras" make sure you put a space after -04:39
tgm4883Ben64: I'm not sure why you think that an account you use for online stuff vs an account you use for computer administration both have the same likelyhood of being hacked04:40
SpeirosThe computer is called ktd_57-tx33, the main account is Tsiarichtmyth-92, and the account attached to that is resklyt.  Okay, I'll work with the space.04:40
tgm4883!ask | BenderRodriguez04:40
ubottuBenderRodriguez: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:40
BenderRodriguezok this is insane04:41
SpeirosBen64 That worked.  I believe I will be able to access root from here, with the next command.04:41
BenderRodriguezI have configured a subinterface for a vlan (ens3.20)04:42
BenderRodriguezit's getting a DHCP ip04:42
BenderRodriguezbut when I ping/traceroute it, it's not reachable04:42
BenderRodrigueznot even from the DHCP server04:42
BenderRodriguezit's insane04:42
BenderRodriguezYou know what, I'm going to ask this in ##networking too04:42
SpeirosThanks for your help Ben64, tgm4883, and Guestie:)  Much appreciated.  I can probably work my way through from here.04:44
DeathShotguyses, I have a live usb, super fast, ssd, took 19 seconds to make, it's dope, how do I turn it into a persistent usb?04:44
DeathShotthe only guides I can find go up to 12.0404:45
DeathShotand the most detailed one is for ubuntu 804:45
DeathShotI can't use an automatic usb maker thing, because I'm running it on NTFS (I know someone is going to want to say something about this, but just don't, it shouldn't effect how syslinux's file stricture is set up)04:46
BenderRodriguezBen64: brother...04:47
DeathShotbasically what I need is to know where the config file for the menu is so that I can add an entry for persistence, and make it the default, and if anyone has any tips on how to do this best that would be awesome.04:47
GuestieIs there such thing as injecting a kernel to Ubuntu installation files (as in, the installation files that come from the ISO file that we get from Canonical) so that it will work with a certain machine?04:47
bivohow can I map a sequence of button presses to either constantly repeat or be tied to a single button press? Looking to save some time  leveling up familiars in C:SOTN in PPSSPP04:56
easyOnMeanyone here familiar with letsencrypt05:06
GuestieeasyOnMe, hey. It's you again. ;)05:10
easyOnMeGuestie: yes sorry I still did not solve my issues05:11
easyOnMeI tried installing and using certbot but it returns an error05:11
easyOnMeGuestie: any suggestion please05:13
easyOnMeGuestie: I am a newbie to letsencrypt and I google my issues but the suggestions over stackoverflow do not fit my own problem05:13
DeathShotwhats the problem?05:14
xrandr_laptopeasyOnMe, what are you using letsencrypt for?  Collabora/CODE?05:16
easyOnMexrandr_laptop: I am using it for https only05:17
easyOnMefor the website I am working on05:17
easyOnMexrandr_laptop: any suggestions man05:18
easyOnMexrandr_laptop: this is the issue: I just entered this command: sudo letsenrypt --apache -d baseDomain.com -d www.baseDomain.com -d subDomain1.baseDomain.com -d subDomain2.baseDomain.com05:18
xrandr_laptopno, i was gonna pay attention if you were using it for collabora05:18
easyOnMend it gave me this error05:19
easyOnMeAn unexpected error occurred:05:19
easyOnMeThe server experienced an internal error :: Failed to get registration by key05:19
easyOnMePlease see the logfiles in /var/log/letsencrypt for more details.05:19
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GuestieeasyOnMe, sorry. Took me a bit to see it.05:22
easyOnMeGuestie: ok thanks05:22
GuestieeasyOnMe, are you trying to get a certificate from a domain?05:22
easyOnMeI am trying to add certificates for the sub domains that we are adding to the website05:23
SpeirosThanks for your help again team, and see you next time.:)05:29
XzE: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/tiheum/equinox/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found05:30
XzE: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.05:31
XzI always get that error on 'apt-get update'05:31
Xzwhy is that?05:31
Xzit also says:05:31
XzW: The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/tiheum/equinox/ubuntu xenial Release' does not have a Release file.05:31
shachindraReading package lists... Done E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/05:34
shachindraError while updating05:35
Caleb_can someone help me?05:35
GuestieeasyOnMe, did you successfully do one? At least, in the past?05:35
Caleb_when i go into my downloads folder it says You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of “Downloads”.05:35
Caleb_any ideas?05:35
easyOnMeyup I did for the main domain05:35
XzCaleb_: you must have downloaded stuff as diffrent user05:35
Caleb_I only have 1 user05:35
XzCaleb_: + root05:36
easyOnMebut when I tried to add just today for the sub domains it gave me errors that I never encountered before05:36
XzCaleb_: have you logged in as root?05:36
Caleb_How do i get to root?05:36
shachindraCaleb_ check "ls -l" on Downloads folder05:36
Caleb_I just downloaded ubuntu05:36
Xzsudo/gksudo etc.05:36
easyOnMexrandr_laptop: ok thanks05:36
Caleb_like 2h ago and been trying to fix this05:36
Caleb_whats the command i should do?05:36
shachindrals -l05:36
Caleb_total 44 d-wx--x--x 2 caleb caleb 4096 Feb  4 20:00 Desktop d-wx--x--x 2 caleb caleb 4096 Feb  4 19:40 Documents d-wx--x--x 2 caleb caleb 4096 Feb  4 21:18 Downloads --w------- 1 caleb caleb 8980 Feb  4 19:20 examples.desktop d-wx--x--x 2 caleb caleb 4096 Feb  4 19:40 Music d-wx--x--x 2 caleb caleb 4096 Feb  4 19:40 Pictures d-wx--x--x 2 caleb caleb 4096 Feb  4 19:40 Public d-wx--x--x 2 caleb caleb 4096 Feb  4 19:40 Templates d-wx--x05:37
XzCaleb_: go to terminal, type 'cd Downloads' and then ls -la05:37
XzCaleb_: they have no 'read' permission, weird05:37
Caleb_ok something else poped up05:37
shachindrasudo chmod +x Downloads05:37
Caleb_want me to copy and past it?05:37
Caleb_total 44 d-wx--x--x 2 caleb caleb 4096 Feb  4 20:00 Desktop d-wx--x--x 2 caleb caleb 4096 Feb  4 19:40 Documents d-wx--x--x 2 caleb caleb 4096 Feb  4 21:18 Downloads --w------- 1 caleb caleb 8980 Feb  4 19:20 examples.desktop d-wx--x--x 2 caleb caleb 4096 Feb  4 19:40 Music d-wx--x--x 2 caleb caleb 4096 Feb  4 19:40 Pictures d-wx--x--x 2 caleb caleb 4096 Feb  4 19:40 Public d-wx--x--x 2 caleb caleb 4096 Feb  4 19:40 Templates d-wx--x05:38
Caleb_didnt copy sorry05:38
Caleb_caleb@caleb-HP-2000-Notebook-PC:~$ ls -la total 128 drwxr-xr-x 21 caleb caleb 4096 Feb  4 21:58 . drwxr-xr-x  3 root  root  4096 Feb  4 19:20 .. drwx------  3 caleb caleb 4096 Feb  4 20:34 .adobe -rw-------  1 caleb caleb  465 Feb  4 20:51 .bash_history -rw-r--r--  1 caleb caleb  220 Feb  4 19:20 .bash_logout -rw-r--r--  1 caleb caleb 3771 Feb  4 19:20 .bashrc drwx------ 13 caleb caleb 4096 Feb  4 21:22 .cache drwx------ 15 caleb cal05:38
shachindrano problem05:38
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Caleb_shachindra i did what you said it made me enter my password but did nothing05:39
shachindrals -l05:39
Caleb_ok i did that05:40
kj_any1 here?05:40
Caleb_now what05:40
shachindrado you see any changes in the folder types compared to before05:40
Caleb_total 44 d-wx--x--x 2 caleb caleb 4096 Feb  4 20:00 Desktop d-wx--x--x 2 caleb caleb 4096 Feb  4 19:40 Documents d-wx--x--x 2 caleb caleb 4096 Feb  4 21:18 Downloads --w------- 1 caleb caleb 8980 Feb  4 19:20 examples.desktop d-wx--x--x 2 caleb caleb 4096 Feb  4 19:40 Music d-wx--x--x 2 caleb caleb 4096 Feb  4 19:40 Pictures d-wx--x--x 2 caleb caleb 4096 Feb  4 19:40 Public d-wx--x--x 2 caleb caleb 4096 Feb  4 19:40 Templates d-wx--x05:40
shachindrano change! Hmmm05:41
Caleb_any way i can clear it?05:41
shachindrahow many users05:41
Caleb_1 just mine05:41
shachindrathats weird05:41
Caleb_cant access most of the home files05:41
Caleb_like downloads/Documents05:42
Caleb_You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of “Documents”.05:42
Caleb_This location could not be displayed.05:43
shachindragive me a minute05:43
quartersI'm having issues with running qt -creator since it requires glx 1.3 or above and I'm on glx 1.2. I was wondering how to update my version of glx.  I had installed mesa-utils to confirm my glx version05:46
JsyncHello room. I am curious if Linux depends on Haskell.05:47
Caleb_anyone have any ideas how to fix this error when trying to open system files?05:47
Caleb_like download05:47
Caleb_You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of “Documents”.05:47
shachindrasudo chmod -R o+rw Downloads05:47
Caleb_kk trying now05:48
JsyncI just thought that to get a simple reply might make the situation "simple". :)05:48
Caleb_caleb@caleb-HP-2000-Notebook-PC:~$ sudo chmod -R o+rw Downloads caleb@caleb-HP-2000-Notebook-PC:~$05:48
Caleb_it did nothing05:48
Caleb_ omg ;P05:49
shachindraman chmod05:49
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piercedwateranyone have sticky boogers05:50
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SynfulAckWhats the command to download the deb version off of the package repositories?05:52
SynfulAckim having a difficult time finding it in launchpad05:52
Caleb_shachindra anything05:52
Pestilencesup girls join irc.supernets.org05:52
GrodGodsup girls join irc.supernets.org05:52
kriskringlesup girls join irc.supernets.org05:52
DioSoftsup girls join irc.supernets.org05:52
Guest40015sup girls join irc.supernets.org05:52
amstysup girls join irc.supernets.org05:52
shachindraCaleb, it didn't work05:53
Caleb_I did this caleb@caleb-HP-2000-Notebook-PC:~$ sudo chmod -R o+rw Downloads05:54
shachindrajust give me the line output for ls -al od downloads05:54
Caleb_And it did nothing05:54
Caleb_d-wx--xrwx  2 caleb caleb 4096 Feb  4 21:18 Downloads05:54
shachindranot good05:56
Caleb_What does that mean?05:56
shachindrayou should have these privilages05:56
Caleb_How do i get those?05:56
shachindraOk, We're halfway there05:56
shachindrathis was earlier:    d-wx--x--x05:57
shachindraWas it so?05:57
shachindraEarlier Permission : d-wx--x--x05:58
Caleb_i think05:58
uxfihello shachindra05:58
shachindraYou need: drwxr-xr-x05:59
shachindraHi uxfi05:59
Caleb_how do i get drwxr-xr-x?05:59
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shachindraWell the previous command should have worked06:00
Caleb_try giving me it again06:02
Caleb_i will attempt it06:02
Caleb_You still there?06:05
shachindrasudo chmod -R a+w Douwnloads06:05
Caleb_k trying now06:05
Caleb_sudo chmod -R a+w Douwnloads [sudo] password for caleb:  chmod: cannot access 'Douwnloads': No such file or directory06:05
Caleb_Wait i see06:05
Caleb_Let me try again :P06:06
shachindrasorry for the typo06:06
shachindrachange the name06:06
Caleb_kk i did sudo chmod -R a+w Downloads and it did nothing06:07
Caleb_caleb@caleb-HP-2000-Notebook-PC:~$ sudo chmod -R a+w Downloads caleb@caleb-HP-2000-Notebook-PC:~$06:07
egor83shouldn't it be "sudo chmod -R a+r Downloads" ?06:08
egor83we're trying to set read permissions06:08
Caleb_so i put it in ""?06:09
egor83sudo chmod -R a+r Downloads06:09
egor83a+r instead of a+w06:09
Caleb_Still nothing06:09
shachindrasudo chmod -R o+rw06:09
shachindraYou tried this earlier right06:09
Caleb_Yea nothing with all three06:10
Caleb_Do you know how i can reset it? or reinstall with a usb?06:11
Caleb_i just downloaded it today so wouldnt be much of a setback06:12
shachindrauname -a06:12
Caleb_Linux caleb-HP-2000-Notebook-PC 4.4.0-62-generic #83-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 18 14:10:15 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux06:12
shachindrahave you tried restarting the pc06:13
Caleb_2 times06:13
Xzhi can I customize color of ubuntu panel?06:14
Xzthe default themes, radiance, ambiance, etc. don't work for me06:14
Xzusing unity06:15
Caleb_Shachindra any way of reinstalling it with a usb?06:15
Caleb_or a command that reset all of it?06:15
arakashIf you just installed something on your system, how'd you go about finding out where the files are located?06:16
shachindraWell yeah, you can make a bootable usb & either recover or reinstall the os06:17
Caleb_i have my usb from when i installed it06:18
Caleb_but now when i reboot it i dont get the boot menu06:18
Caleb_any way i can check bootable devices on screen?06:18
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Caleb_i think something worked!06:21
Caleb_downloads are working06:21
shachindraWell thats good!06:21
shachindraThat had to work06:21
Caleb_Well now06:21
shachindraDid you try anything else06:21
Caleb_i went into settings and backups06:22
Caleb_and folders to ignore06:22
Caleb_But Pictures, videos, music,documents doesnt work06:22
shachindratry the same commands for those folders06:23
shachindraafter all that log out and try accessing it06:23
turbo64the mscorefonts package is broken, the URLs are 40406:24
Caleb_Ok can you check your saved folders in backups06:25
Caleb_does it have home in there06:25
shachindraDid you take a backup06:25
Caleb_I wanted to know in saved storage if i should delete home (caleb)06:25
Caleb_Folders to save06:26
Caleb_If i needed it06:26
tubalI just ran chkrootkit on this week-old 16.10 install. It say tcpd is infected.  ...  What am I supposed to do with that information?06:27
Caleb_Those perms didnt work for any other06:27
shachindraI would suggest a clean install06:28
shachindrare-install after a backup06:28
Caleb_How do i re-install?06:29
Caleb_i have a USB boot drive06:29
shachindrai think you made errors during installation06:29
Caleb_But when i relod my pc it doesnt show the boot-log menu06:29
tubalrkhunter suggests the opposite. Hrm.06:30
Tahr-Pooptubal, run scan with Rkhunter, chkrootkit is known for returning false positives06:30
Caleb_any ideas?06:32
tubalTahr-Poop: Yeah, I did, and I hope you're right .And rkhunter too. Should we just stop using chkrootkit?06:33
Caleb_can anyone help me?06:34
shachindraUEFI or BIOS06:35
Caleb_How can i re-install my computer with ubuntu, but the home screen doesnt show the boot menu on start up06:35
Caleb_Uhh it came with Windows-806:35
shachindraNo i'm asking type is your bios06:36
Caleb_i think its UEFI06:36
tubalCaleb_ You usually have to go into the bios just after power-up.06:36
shachindrawhich type*06:36
Caleb_were is bios?06:36
shachindraoh ok06:36
Caleb_How do i check haha :P06:36
tubalCaleb_ You want to boot from the USB drive?06:36
shachindrapress F1 while start06:37
Caleb_Yes i want to boot from usb drive06:37
tubalCaleb_: Or possibly another F key. It depends on the machine. Look at the screen just after power-up. And get ready to hit the key.06:37
tubalWhichever it tells you it is.06:37
Caleb_its basicly black screen when i load06:37
Caleb_then auto logs me in06:38
Caleb_k reloading thanks ofr the help06:38
tubalCaleb_: In there...06:38
tubalYou need to change the boot order, so that your machine chooses the USB drive first.06:38
tubalBefore the Windows install on your hard drive.06:39
caleb__It didnt work06:41
caleb__Showed no keys to press06:42
caleb__just black screen06:42
caleb__then loaded me into ubuntu06:42
Tahr-Pooptubal, you should stop using it, try https://github.com/CISOfy/lynis its better than both of them06:42
tubalcaleb__: From the USB drive? Or do you have an Ubuntu install elsewhere?06:42
tubalTahr-Poop: An thanks.06:42
caleb__I have it from the usb drive06:43
caleb__I just got it today06:43
caleb__i was windows06:43
tubalcaleb__: I'm sorry, I'm confused. What are you trying to accomplish?06:44
caleb__i am trying to re-install it06:45
caleb__cause my system folders ( Music,documents,Pictures,Videos folders do not work06:45
tubalHow do you mean, do not work?06:45
caleb__Says You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of “Music”.06:46
caleb__This location could not be displayed06:46
caleb__i gtg very soon06:48
tubalI see you grappled with this for a while. If you're going to reinstall, the BIOS has to be set to boot from the USB drive. I don't know why that might have changed from your first install, though.06:50
caleb__on windows i click boot menu in settings06:50
caleb__and it lised all the bootable devices06:51
caleb__but i dont see anything like that06:51
caleb__Its ok if you dont know i might have to wait tell monday intell my mate burns me a Lunix mint disc06:51
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zacwallsI just installed Ubuntu, and I noticed the software center won't load anything. By this I mean I will search for someting and I will just get the spinning wheel.... Same when I try to load a page for an application. Is that just for me or for everyone?07:08
zacwallsBtw apt is working for me just fine07:08
Xzdoes anybody know how to disable horizontal scrolling/07:11
Xzmy touchpad doesn't handle that well07:11
bivois there a system wide equalizer? I'd like to be able to watch blacksmithing and machining videos without the piercing high pitched ring of the anvil of the scream of the power tools either making my ears bleed with headphones or disturbing everyone else if played on speaker07:13
Xzafter using ubuntu for couple of days, after spending many days configuring it I have to say it's pretty solid07:19
XzI'm booting it off USB stick with secure mode enabled, and it works!07:20
Xzunity does pretty good job07:20
Xzespecially with unity-tweak-tool and themes downloaded from internet07:20
uxfiXz  on a laptop or?07:20
uxfier whats the system youure isntalling it on07:20
Xzuxfi: yes, laptop - HP Zbook 15G307:21
uxfioh ok07:21
Xzuxfi: I had many troubles with getting UEFI secure boot to work while booting off USB stick07:21
Xzuxfi: but managed to get that to work07:21
uxfiI see07:21
uxfiwell good07:21
uxfiXz  I think that UEFI protection started happening with Windows 8 and 1007:22
uxfiso it was tougher to install another OS07:22
uxfibasedo n what I've read07:22
Xzuxfi: true07:22
uxfidont remember exactly07:22
Xzuxfi: it's Microsoft's requirement07:22
uxfioh yes07:22
uxfiXz  where are you from07:23
ducasseuefi is intel's baby, actually07:23
Xzuxfi: I'm living in california currently07:27
Xzuxfi: why would you ask that?07:27
ducasseXz: touchpad - you can probably do that with synclient07:34
tubalXz: Where did you find your themes? I've been thinking about that.07:35
kang0Is it Possible to have mbr without partition?07:45
B1uscr34mhello :)07:54
B1uscr34mIm searching for a shell command similar to windows's "Search for new hardware" in the Device Manager07:57
olesB1uscr34m, lspci/lsusb?07:59
hotmedalI have a usb stick that shows up in lsusb and no errors in dmesg, but doesn't get mounted or even shows up in fdisk08:14
jatthow do you mount it08:14
cfhowletthotmedal, automount = off?08:15
hotmedalOther devices work fine. Just this particular usb stick. It doesn't show up on windows either08:15
B1uscr34mSomeone here with some linux experience?08:18
B1uscr34mi guess that's a no ^^08:20
hotmedalWe all have experience with Linux. Ask your question.08:20
B1uscr34mOh okay thanks08:21
B1uscr34mI'm using Ubuntu 16.04 Server in VirtualBox08:21
B1uscr34mAnd i need to connect to it through ssh08:21
kang0How many sectors or space kernel occupies?08:22
B1uscr34mbut ifconfig only shows the lo adapter08:22
hotmedalkang0: asking me?08:22
kang0You are the only medalist in the room08:23
hotmedalkang0: I do not know08:23
B1uscr34mhere is what i mean: https://i.imgur.com/Onqv3l2.png08:23
B1uscr34malso my VB net settings: https://i.imgur.com/2fl90XA.png08:24
hotmedalB1uscr34m:  are you sure virtualbox is giving it a network connection?08:24
B1uscr34mit used to work before i did the ubuntu dist-upgrade to 16.04 from 14.0408:24
B1uscr34mi wish there was a way to start some "network auto configure" process08:26
B1uscr34mwhere it detects all network adapter and sets them to dhcp etc etc08:27
B1uscr34mmaybe someone has a neat command for this like 'ifconfig --autoconfigure' or similar08:30
hotmedalB1uscr34m: have you checked other virtualbox settings?08:31
hotmedalB1uscr34m: different options for network sharing08:31
B1uscr34mhotmedal: https://freetz.org/wiki/help/howtos/common/install#Execution Step 4 says it should be in bridged mode08:34
B1uscr34mbut i tried all possible orders and adapter type08:34
hotmedalwhat does ifconfig -a say?08:35
B1uscr34mi can't screenshot all the output08:35
B1uscr34mand can't copy paste it08:35
hotmedaldoes it have eth0?08:36
hotmedaltry to manually assign network to it08:37
hotmedallike in step 3 of your link08:38
B1uscr34mi already tried that too08:38
B1uscr34mno success08:38
hotmedalB1uscr34m: create a new vm using this file08:39
B1uscr34mohh i got something08:40
B1uscr34mi removed the /etc/network/interfaces file08:40
B1uscr34mand rebooted08:40
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whiteoutI'm using the latest ubuntu server LTS and need to make it absolutely locked down, any articles I should read?09:07
whiteoutI've read this: https://www.thefanclub.co.za/how-to/how-secure-ubuntu-1604-lts-server-part-1-basics09:08
whiteoutany others I should read?09:08
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repozitoris it possible that we have a username which is not listed in passwd?09:17
bluekingsteam gamers here ?09:20
cfhowlettblueking, please see /msg ubottu steam for info09:20
bluekingjust asking about open ports in firewall09:21
cfhowlettsame answer09:21
whiteout_sorry I was gone, did anyone answer my question?09:22
cfhowlettwhiteout_, sounds like great questions for #ubuntu-server09:23
repozitorany idea/.09:25
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Seveasrepozitor: yes, most definitely. For example when using ldap for authentication.09:30
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iambatmanwow so many people in here but so silent o.o09:36
bazhangiambatman, it's a support channel not a chat channel09:36
iambatmanbut u do support through chatting right :p09:37
bazhangiambatman, in the #ubuntu-offtopic channel not here09:38
FCGregrepozitor: Also, different Kerberos modules can allow authentication/access for users and services without local users in passwd09:38
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iambatmanhi is there a way to get ubuntu on my android phone?09:40
cfhowlett!touch | iambatman possibly.  read the touch link09:40
ubottuiambatman possibly.  read the touch link: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch09:40
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iambatmanthanks cfhowlett09:42
dsfsdfdid someone got banned?09:43
dsfsdfi only saw b09:44
dsfsdfbut it was a unban09:44
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dsfsdf##fix_your_connection <- is that a reason?09:50
guardian_eric u thr?09:52
guardian_can someone help me with the lap shuttdown issue.09:52
guardian_while I try to shuttdown ths systems hangs, restart and otherstuffs works fine (except hibernate)09:53
guardian_Lap : acer es1 533. OS Ubuntu 16.1009:55
AlahinHi, i'm trying to update using apt-get update, but I get 404 errors. (see http://paste.ubuntu.com/23932528/ for the output) does anyone know if there is a problem with ubuntu.apt-get.eu, since I can't find any information about it. I also checked the site itself and it gives 404 not found there as well.09:55
cfhowlettAlahin, try a different mirror09:55
repozitorFCGreg, actually i mean local user, not network authenticated user.09:56
=== abhishek is now known as algos_doubts
FCGregrepozitor: Assuming you're using default Kerberos authentication layers on your install, users can be imagined in non-standard ways, acting like a local user but not in the passwd file09:58
SeveasAlahin: that's not a supported repo.09:58
repozitorso it might be exist on the other files? right?09:59
dsfsdfanyone can quickly write down the curl and wget commands with output file name?09:59
dsfsdfi remember smth like wget -O "file.sh" bla.com09:59
Seveasrepozitor: what's the context of the question? We may be able to give a better answer if we know what you're trying to do09:59
Seveasdsfsdf: correct. and for curl it's curl url-goes-here > filename-goes-here09:59
repozitori want to list ALL users on my ubuntu.10:00
dsfsdfoh nice awesome :) Seveas10:00
Seveasrepozitor: getent passwd10:00
repozitorSeveas, it return only passwd.10:00
Seveasthen you have no non-local users. Check /etc/nsswitch.conf to confirm.10:01
repozitori guess there is another container for users which i don't recognize it.10:01
Seveasrepozitor: pastebin your /etc/nsswitch.conf10:01
repozitorSeveas, i think it have important data.10:02
repozitoris it safe to publish?10:02
Seveasonly you can determine that :) But I can't think of anything sensitive in there...10:03
ZoderUckvar user = um.FindByIdAsync(userId);    i need to find all the roles  in a user  like user.Roles  do i need to implement  the Roles method myself?10:03
SeveasZoderUck: I think you're in the wrong channel :)10:04
repozitorSeveas, it's better to keep it as secret, sorry buddy :)10:04
Seveasrepozitor: then it'll be tricky to help you.10:04
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repozitorseems there is no way to find my answer.10:04
repozitorthanks anyway.10:04
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Alahincfhowlett Seveas thanks for the responce, I notified the provider for the repository.10:05
Alahinhave a nice day!10:07
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danzizii am danzizi10:11
genuineis there similar platforms to steam which is supported on ubuntu? i want platforms that are natively supported no playonlinux or wine10:12
ZoderUckhello danzizi from libia ?10:12
danziziZoderUck, oh no10:13
danziziwhat made you thought like that?10:14
ZoderUckow just because of your nickname10:14
genuinecan anyone help me with gaming on linux/ubuntu? thanks.10:15
ZoderUckbut i need to test some asp.net 1.0 stuff on ubuntu speak to you later10:15
Tahr-Poopgenuine, https://lutris.net/about/10:18
genuineThank you10:19
genuineare you aware of any other platform?10:21
k1l_genuine: steam got native support.but not for all games inside steam10:25
genuineyea, also lutris seems good. are these two the main ones? or only one?10:27
tian_non-englihs ,just have a look10:39
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nerdsvilleHey all, is us.archive.ubuntu.com down for anyone else?10:49
nerdsvillehm, now that one is good but security.ubuntu.com isn't10:50
ppfnerdsville: http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/security.ubuntu.com10:54
k1l_nerdsville: ipv6 isp issue? does it give an error or just hang there?10:56
nerdsvilleI can't access ipv410:57
nerdsvilleIt is weird, I am having intermittent access issues for both us.archive.ubuntu.com and security.ubuntu.com10:57
nerdsvilleAnd yeah just hangs there, can't even access in the browser or ping10:58
nerdsvilletraceroute is weird when pinging that domain, it doesn't even show my router as a hop, but I can traceroute to google for example10:59
nerdsvilleOh, nevermind... turns out it was my intrusion protection system -.- sry11:01
=== Fleet_ is now known as Fleet
heariI am looking for a good converter(video to audio)11:08
cfhowlettheari, ffmpeg11:08
hearihow can I install it?11:09
heariI tried But I didn't get11:09
cfhowlettheari, wait 111:09
cfhowlettheari, sudo apt install ffmpeg11:09
nerdsvilleIt should just be a package install right?11:09
cfhowlettnerdsville, not always.  avconv was the alternate for a time, but it was part of the libavtools package11:10
nerdsvilleah makes sense, does apt have the equivalent of yum whatprovides11:11
elias_aheari: What exactly do you want to do?11:11
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heariI want to convert a video file(mp4) to audio(mp3)11:11
heariin ubuntu 16.0411:11
elias_aheari: You want to extract audio, that is. :)11:12
cfhowlettheari, ffmpeg -i foo.mp4 foo.mp311:12
hearithx man11:12
k1l_heari: ffmpeg or soundconverter11:12
ninaizHi, I installed nvidia propietary (nvidia-current) and I lost mouse buttons in gnome shell, when I open an app for example terminal I can click inside with 2 buttons but not the window borders neither the rest of the desktop neither dock or panel etc.11:13
lorddoskiasI'd like to be able to use the qemu command without a password. I've added the following line to my sudoers: nborisovALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 but it still asks for a password11:14
ninaizThat doesnt happens in this machine (Ubuntu with nvidia too) neither in another litle netbook/table with debian + gs + intel11:14
ninaizIs there any known bug? Thanks11:14
k1l_ninaiz: is the driver working correctly? see Xorg.0.log and does it work on guest account?11:16
nerdsvillelooks right to me lorddoskias, nborisov ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_6411:16
lorddoskiasnerdsville: do i need to do some reloads etc?11:16
nerdsvillemaybe remove the spaces?11:17
nerdsvilleALL=NOPASSWD no spaces11:17
lorddoskiasthat's what i was going to ask - what should the separator be - spaces or tabs or just a single space?11:17
nerdsvilleonly spaces are after the user and before the command11:17
nerdsvillesee if that fixes it11:18
ninaizYes, there is an error11:18
lorddoskiasand when i execute the command do i need to give it a full path to the command or just qemu-system-x86_64 should be fine?11:18
ninaizadding input device imps/2 logitech wheel mouse ...11:18
cfhowlett!it | GIUSE,11:18
ubottuGIUSE,: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:18
ninaizand then (II) no input driver specified, ignoring this device11:18
nerdsvillefull path11:18
nerdsvilleIt is very specific11:18
k1l_GIUSE: please stop the capslock and keep this channel clear for ubuntu support only11:19
cfhowlettGIUSE, this is ubuntu support.  ask your ubuntu questions11:19
nerdsvilleyou can also set the rule to be for the binary itself if it is in the PATH11:19
lorddoskiasnerdsville: nope, still asking for a password :(11:19
nerdsvillehm, let me try on my end one sec11:19
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lorddoskiasbut that's a rather trivial task, it should "just work"11:20
ninaizk1l_: there is an error, click doesnt work neither in gdm11:20
ninaizpointer works and button works inside aplications11:20
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nerdsvilleworks here lorddoskias11:23
nerdsville<user> ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: <command>11:24
nerdsvilletry that11:24
nerdsvilleI guess the spaces don't matter11:24
lorddoskiasnerdsville: nope, still asks for a password11:25
nerdsvilleso weird11:25
nerdsvilletry closing and reopening the shell?11:25
nerdsvilleand are you using visudo?11:25
lorddoskiasi now what the problem is11:26
lorddoskiasessentially if i put my sudo rule as the LAST LINE in the file then it works11:26
lorddoskiasso apparently ordering is essential11:27
lorddoskiasi'm trying to find this in the documentation but i can't11:28
nerdsvilleshould be there11:28
nerdsvilleman sudo?11:28
ninaizYesterday I installed Ubuntu 16.04 on 2 machines, desktop and portable, but I connected same mouse in both, the problem is that the same mouse doesnt work in the desktop PC after installing propietary drivers, ponter works but buttons doesnt works, only if I open a windows, inside works but in the window borders no neither the rest of the desktop.11:28
ninaiz[    29.681] (II) config/udev: Adding input device ImPS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse (/dev/input/mouse0) [    29.682] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.11:29
ninaizThis is the error.11:29
ninaizSame Ubuntu instalation same mouse, error only here with propietary nvidia not with nouveau.11:29
ninaizBut perfect working in the other machine with same ubuntu and nvidia propietary.11:30
nerdsvilleoh lorddoskias: man sudoers, it is in there :)11:30
rizonzanyone good @ curl ? I cannot download packages from sourceforge11:31
nerdsvillecurl <url> -o <output>11:32
nerdsvilleshould be all lol11:32
nerdsvilledefault method is GET so if you are pulling that should be all you need11:32
rizonznerdsville: sec, will give you my full line11:32
nerdsvilleOh wait is sourceforge one of those websites that doesn't give you a direct link?11:33
rizonzindeed, but with wget it works using -O and /latest11:33
rizonzcurl  -s -S  -k  -o /tmp/assp_2.5.5_16366.tar.gz 'https://sourceforge.net/projects/assp/files/ASSP%20V2%20multithreading/2.5.5%2016366/ASSP_2.5.5_16366.zip/download'11:33
nerdsvilleadd that11:34
rizonzyeah thought about it11:34
rizonznerdsville: looks better indeed :)11:34
nerdsvillenp :)11:35
rizonzheh I'm on heavy medicine because I'm ill... I must have been halicunating :P11:35
nerdsvillerizonz: you should be resting XD11:36
rizonznerdsville: I did11:36
rizonzmuch better now11:37
rizonzI hade some tube issue11:37
rizonzit was all stuck11:37
hearihi guys11:37
ninaizdoes xorg use a .conf file for mouse?11:39
ninaizthere is no Xorg.conf11:40
akikninaiz: look into /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d for the config files. xorg.conf is still used if you put it into /etc/X1111:40
BluesKajHi all11:41
rizonznerdsville: wanna hug ?11:41
nerdsvillerizonz: no please XD, I do not like hugs at all11:42
ninaizakik: the weird thing is that same mouse works in the other machine with same ubuntu install...11:42
rizonznerdsville: menhugs are very important!11:43
ninaizthe change is nvidia-current here and nvidia-361 in the other11:43
ninaiznvidia-361 doesnt work here11:43
ninaizand if I put here nouveau buttons works OK11:43
ninaizis nvidia-304 current the problem11:43
rizonznerdsville: do you use cpan >?11:43
nerdsvilleWhat is cpan?11:44
rizonzperl modules11:44
rizonzbut then from source11:44
nerdsvilleOh I don't, maybe some packages I rely on use it lol11:44
rizonzI need to figure out why some don't work11:45
mangjuan007*my first IRC message*11:47
nerdsvillehi mangjuan00711:47
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mangjuan007hey nerdsville!11:49
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vmnewStill very confused about disk blocks. Read the wiki and lots more. A 'block' is a software representation of grouped bits, right? What exactly happens when we copy (let's say 'dd' from disk A to disk B) 'on the block level'. Files aren't important because this is lower - so a certain outline and set of bits are copied over from A to B ? What is the actual 'data' that is copied and how is it different from a file copy if it all just bits11:56
vmnewat the end?11:56
MonkeyDustvmnew  for general linux question, ask in ##linux11:57
k1l_vmnew: files are not a row of bits at all. they can be spread all over the disk. that is what the Filesystem handles.11:57
ansarihello everyone11:58
mgottschlaghey, anybody here as a thinkpad with top software buttons on the touchpad and can tell us how to make them work properly?11:58
ZoderUckhello uh11:58
ZoderUcki have a problem with install npm  and nvm11:58
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akikvmnew: with dd you can copy data from disk a to disk b but then you're not copying files11:59
nerdsvilleWhat issue are you having ZoderUck?11:59
ZoderUcknersvile i think i did apt-get update or upgrade and from then yo is broken, it did work yes11:59
ZoderUckubuntu 14.0411:59
nerdsvilleWhat error does it give12:00
ZoderUck> spawn-sync@1.0.15 postinstall /usr/local/lib/node_modules/yo/node_modules/yeoman-environment/node_modules/inquirer/node_modules/external-editor/node_modules/spawn-sync12:00
ZoderUck> node postinstall12:00
ZoderUcknpm ERR! Error: ENOENT, chown '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/yo/node_modules/yeoman-environment/node_modules/lodash/functionsIn.js'12:00
nerdsvilleseems like a permission issue12:01
k1l_GIUSE: stop that12:01
nerdsvilleor no such file or directory12:01
nerdsvilleis there a way to kick someone?12:01
ZoderUckaha possible yes12:02
k1l_nerdsville: use !ops trigger to call ops or report in #ubuntu-ops12:02
Xavier__hi there ! installing ubuntu, where do I have to install grub with 2 hard drives: /dev/sda1 contains windows 7, /dev/sdb1 Windows 7 loader, /dev/sdb2 root partition, /dev/sdb3 swap, and /dev/sdb4 /home ? do I have to erase /dev/sdb1 ?12:02
ZoderUcknerdsville, i remember i installed it long ago as a normal user12:02
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu12:02
elias_a!ops IMHO GIUSE has earned kick & ban.12:03
ubottuelias_a: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:03
nerdsvilleZoderUck, what does ls -alh that path say12:04
an-usahi have this issue. the copy is behaving weird in my box. I have a text with format, i copy it once, wither using ctrl+c, ctrl+ins, right click then selecting copy... but it copies only plain text, not the format; i have to copy twice to get the text with the format12:05
ZoderUcknerdsville, o moment :)12:05
ZoderUcknerdsville:  ls -alh  on my current path gives  2 times root12:06
ansarii am having some issue with my touchpad.12:06
nerdsvilleI mean the path that is erroring12:06
MonkeyDust!touch | ansari12:07
ubottuansari: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch12:07
ZoderUckuh oeps12:07
ZoderUcknerdsvile, cant i remove all :) and reinstall ?12:08
nerdsvilletry that yeah12:08
ZoderUckuh you are being sarcastic ?:)12:08
nerdsvilleno lol12:08
nerdsvilleYou could remove the package and reinstall12:09
ansarihello | monkeydust12:09
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elias_aan-usah: What program(s) are you using?12:09
ZoderUcki..  have  no  f**   cluew12:11
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ZoderUckdamn i wish i was born in Afrika or sri lanka12:11
ZoderUcknerdsville uh i canno remove  bower12:12
ZoderUckand yo12:12
ZoderUckhelp me the f$*!@@k out here12:12
ZoderUck:) lol12:12
ZoderUcknerdsville i try to do this but on ubuntu 14.0412:14
ZoderUckmaybe you coujld have a look for me ?12:14
ZoderUckshould i install nvm  or is npm   good enough ?12:14
ZoderUcksomebody here ?12:16
cfhowlettZoderUck, patience12:17
ZoderUckif possible before tomorrow12:17
ZoderUckpeople suffled   ubuntu in to my trouth12:17
ZoderUckand now they say it is supported by the community12:17
k1l_ZoderUck: you follow a howto for 16.04 and wonder its not working on 14.04?12:18
ZoderUckk1, o yes,12:18
ZoderUckyes but i dont use the steps for 16.0412:19
k1l_ZoderUck: you are aware that those ubuntu version are different in used package versions and init systems?12:19
Dead_OfficeZoderUck, -_- maybe choke on it12:19
cfhowlettDead_Office, not helpful.  please stop.12:19
Dead_Officesorry ZoderUck12:20
k1l_ZoderUck: i dont understand? you dont follow the whole howto which is for the wrong ubuntu version anyway?12:21
k1l_ZoderUck: seems like its an issue with the older npm version on 14.04: see last comment https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/565312:23
k1l_ZoderUck: so i suggest you either upgrade to 16.04 or you follow a proper howto matching your ubuntu version12:24
rizonzis it possible to only extract all contents from a folder IN a zip into some folder ?12:25
mcphailrizonz: you can open in archive manager and drag and drop what you need12:26
ZoderUckthey the management did shuff it in my troath12:27
ZoderUckbetter i was born in Afrika or in Greeze12:28
rizonzmcphail: commandline ;)12:28
ZoderUckor in Peru, realy i dream of livng in the tropics12:28
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cfhowlettZoderUck, please stay on topic: ubuntu support.  chitchat in #ubuntu-offtopic.  thank you.12:29
ZoderUckk1l_:  can i send you in pastebin in private what the status is ? of npm and yo / bower ?12:29
ZoderUckit did work i remember, oherwhise i was not able to scafold a sqlite web app12:29
k1l_ZoderUck: ask in here so more people can look at the pastebin and help12:29
ZoderUckmy goal is to remove yo, bower, npm,  and try again?  but continiously i have some permission error12:30
an-usahZoderUck, what is your issue?12:30
k1l_ZoderUck: did you look at the last comment from the link i posted? it names your possible solutions and the cause12:30
ZoderUckk1l_ no :)12:31
an-usahand please, be patient, it is sunday morning, really early morning, for some of us12:31
ZoderUckk1l_ let me look up your loink12:31
an-usahfor the rest is plain sunday xD12:31
k1l_ZoderUck: i guess you should reduce the chatter in here than and actually look at the answers and links people provide you12:31
ZoderUckan-usah, i have tried this on ubuntu 14.04  and scafolded a simpe yo asp.net program, did work . etc. https://www.junian.net/2017/01/running-your-first-aspnet-core-web-app-on-ubuntu-16-04.html12:31
ZoderUckbut now  yo is broken,  i tried to install a yo that targets  asp.net  1.0   instead of asp.net 1.112:32
an-usahwhat is yo?12:32
ZoderUckyo is yo man12:32
ZoderUckit is a generator, wizard kind of thing12:32
an-usahthat sounded like rap, bro xD12:32
ZoderUckyes, haha, buti think yo excists long time ?12:33
an-usahwell, i'm openning that link12:33
am_hiya ppl12:34
an-usahok, back ZoderUck and what problem did that cause?12:35
an-usahi guess the main problem is... .Net Core is a new citizen in linux world, so i'm afraid it has not the same support on older releases... in fact, i could guess your code is trying to use the old Mono thing rather than running the .Net core instead12:36
ZoderUckthis is the error i have12:38
ZoderUcknpm http 304 https://registry.npmjs.org/is-property12:38
ZoderUck> spawn-sync@1.0.15 postinstall /usr/local/lib/node_modules/yo/node_modules/yeoman-environment/node_modules/inquirer/node_modules/external-editor/node_modules/spawn-sync12:38
ZoderUck> node postinstall12:38
ZoderUcknpm ERR! error rolling back Error: ENOTEMPTY, rmdir '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/yo/node_modules/yeoman-environment/node_modules/inquirer/node_modules/rx/dist'12:38
k1l_its due to your npm version. see my link12:38
ZoderUckis this maybe the  dotnet stand alone webservice is running ?12:38
ZoderUcki am not sure but i did stopthe service with systemctrl stop kestresl_webservice12:39
ZoderUcko k1l_ aha ok, uh i need to find your link in this chat. wait.12:39
k1l_ubuntu 1404 doesnt use systemd. it uses upstart12:39
ZoderUck https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/5653  <= i will look12:39
an-usahas a side note, i think if you are planning to do .Net development you should be moving up the machine to any ubuntu 16.0412:41
an-usahand as k1l_ said the issues are on the versions12:41
an-usahdid you change the references of xenial with trusty when following the tutorial, ZoderUck?12:42
ZoderUckk1: i  did try  with sudo npm  install -g yo  etc, and  clearnng and cleaning cache, no luck12:42
ZoderUckpastebin ?12:42
an-usahi'm afraid i can't help you with this issue, because i don't know about npm (in fact i ignore what is it for) and yeoman (yo)12:46
an-usahbut i only can say, that if you didn't change the references to "xenial" with "trusty" when following the guide, then the versions are not compatible and causing issues12:48
ZoderUck nice link i have for troubleshooters12:54
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=== Juniper is now known as Guest27701
Guest27701How can I use the output of one command in another? e.g echo $pwd13:11
koffeinfriedhofGuest27701: echo $pwd | ls13:13
Guest27701what does the pipe mean?13:13
Guest27701koffeinfriedhof nvm I got it, thanks13:15
koffeinfriedhofGuest27701: np :)13:15
ioriaGuest27701, maybe  you're looking for  $PWD  , not $pwd13:17
ZoderUcknode package manager users here ?13:19
dracmasAnyone make a windows 10 usb installer from ubuntu here? Have a steam machine I want to set up for gaming and not sure how to properly get the iso on the usb.13:27
Grimsleywouldn't the usual dd command work ?13:28
w9qbjI'd use   sudo dd if=windowfile.iso  of=/dev/sdx  bs=500M13:30
w9qbjcorrecting file names as needed13:30
akikdracmas: try this http://www.webupd8.org/2016/06/make-bootable-windows-10-usb-install.html13:33
akikw9qbj: that won't work with the windows isos13:33
dracmastheres so many different ways listed online from askubuntu.com that ive been confused about it. Most of them dont recommend DD which is why I'm not sure which is the right way to go. Only other way I usually go is the unetbootin but that isn't right either13:33
dracmasI'll check it out and see how it goes akik13:34
akikdracmas: i've got another solution too if that doesn't work13:34
arunsHi, I am running Fish 2.4 on Ubuntu 16.04 as my default shell. For some reason, when I try to disown a process from the terminal now, such as chromium-browser & and then try to run exit on the terminal, it tries to exit the running process.13:40
arunsNot sure why this is occurring now, first time it has happened. Any ideas / suggestions?13:41
w9qbjaruns,  'disown'?  Did you try using nohup13:42
arunsw9qbj: Disown isn't recognised by Fish, ampersand works though.13:43
arunsAnd I haven't tried nohup, I've always used the ampersand.13:43
arunsWill try now.13:43
an-usahZoderUck, i think they could have an irc channel... but i can't guess its name13:43
an-usahZoderUck, try asking in the javascript channel13:43
arunsw9qbj: Nohup works, thanks.13:43
w9qbjnohup   "No Hangup"  the & just puts the process in the background, I usually use both13:44
arunsw9qbj: I think I prefer using the ampersand though to disown a process, because I can quickly exit the terminal that executed the process.13:44
arunsJust not sure why it's acting up now.13:44
arunsMy laptop, a Dell Latitude E5400, has been acting up a bit this week.13:45
arunsFor ex., sound plays on both left and right channels on built-in speakers but not with external headphones.13:45
arunsAlthough could be a connector issue with the stereo jack.13:45
an-usahfirst check you have the right driver for the sound system13:46
arunsI do.13:46
MonkeyDustaruns  if you don't get an answer here, ask in #ubuntustudio13:46
arunsMonkeyDust: Ah OK, thanks.13:46
an-usahthen check you have the right configuration for the hardware13:46
arunsIt's an Intel driver and Intel's pretty well supported.13:46
arunsI think it has to be a loose cable somewhere.13:46
arunsEither that or a lot of gunk in the 3.5mm port.13:46
an-usaharuns, simple, check with another pair of headphones or speakers13:47
arunsan-usah: I've already done that.13:47
arunsWith two earphones and one pair of headphones.13:47
cfhowlettaruns, check your sound settings.  I was absolutely convinced that my dell had failed and took it in for expensive repairs.  found out that PEBKAC as I had set it to unusable parameters.  much embarassed13:47
arunsAlthough with the headphones, the Ubuntu sound test works but both coming out of one bud.13:47
adrian_1908I want to use nftables instead of iptables, so I'd like to avoid an rules set by the latter interfering. If `iptables -L -n` prints the following: http://pastebin.com/H8KqF6Ck   – am I good?13:48
arunsWhat is that xD13:48
MonkeyDustpebcak = problem exists between chair and keyboard13:48
an-usahif you believe the issue is with something broken or just loose on the inside of the laptop, the easiest way to check it is: grab a live cd, boot the machine with it, and test, if you can reproduce the problem, then the issue is on the HW, but if you can reproduce the sound, and not the problem, the issue is in the SW13:49
an-usahMonkeyDust, lol! we use a slightly different name for that nowadays... it is a tier|layer 8th trouble13:50
arunsHere are my alsamixer settings by the way.13:50
arunsJust in case that helps.13:50
arunsI haven't really messed around with alsamixer too much, admittedly.13:50
arunsAnd the output of cat /proc/asound/card0/codec* | grep Codec is Codec: IDT 92HD71B7X13:52
arunsCodec: Intel Cantiga HDMI13:52
an-usahi prefer the term "an 8th layer issue" than pebcak13:52
noah__hey whats up guys13:52
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an-usaharuns, no, i think the isue is not in alsamixer, but in the ubuntu settings for audio13:53
BluesKajan-usah: I don't see the default automute option in alsamixer, it should be right beside the loopback, if you find it disable it with the down arrow13:56
an-usahno one seems to have any clue on my issue13:59
an-usahnot even Google13:59
BluesKajan-usah:  did you see my post above?13:59
mcphailioria: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1218169 - I think out problem is an old firefox bug combined the new multi-process firefox being slower13:59
ubottuMozilla bug 1218169 in Layout "Hidden CSS Animated spinner causes high idle CPU usage on www.google.fr French search page" [Normal,New]14:00
an-usahBluesKaj, about the copy issue? no i'm afraid i missed it14:00
ioriamcphail, let me check it14:00
BluesKajnot the copy , an-usah14:00
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an-usahah BluesKaj no that's not my isue, that's aruns one14:01
mcphailioria: the hidden spinny thing isn't present on the logged-in page14:01
arunsan-usah: It was a PEBCAK issue lol14:01
ioriamcphail, yeah14:01
BluesKajan-usah:  ok sorry14:01
arunsHeadphone cable not fully plugged in.14:01
an-usahmy issue is with the copy/paste... i have text with format and i copy it, when i paste it it has no format... but if i copy the text twice, e.g., pressing ctrl+c twice, then the system copies the format too (also happens with ctrl+ins and using the mouse)14:02
BluesKajaruns:  : I don't see the default automute option in alsamixer, it should be right beside the loopback, if you find it disable it with the down arrow14:02
ioriamcphail, the last comment is yours, right  ?14:02
mcphailioria: yes14:02
arunsBluesKaj: It's working now anyway, but thanks :)14:03
arunsBluesKaj: Headphone jack not fully secured.14:03
BluesKajaruns:  ok , good14:03
an-usaharuns, i had a similar issue with a device, i had to "carve" the plastic around to allow the jack to fully get it xD14:03
arunsBluesKaj: And did you mean Internal? Because that's to the left of Loopback and is not muted.14:03
arunsan-usah: Oh, so the plastic was covering the hole?14:03
arunsan-usah: Oh yeah also, is it bad that I destroy most of my earphones? Just that I find they're very shoddily made.14:04
arunsLike I gently pull one of the earbuds out of my ear and the whole earbud snaps off.14:04
an-usahhaha, no, the jack was too wide so the plastic of the jack and the plastic of the device wer an obstacle, so i needed to make the plastic hole wider14:05
ioriamcphail, today the google startpage hits 85 % cpu :(14:05
arunsAh :P14:05
BluesKajaruns:  no , most alsamixer settings include an automute function by default, so you don't get blasted when you open the desktop for the first time, that's what in was told by an "expert" when i complained about it being turned on by default14:06
arunsBluesKaj: I see.14:06
mcphailioria: gotta keep those invisible boxes spinning14:07
ioriamcphail, yep14:08
mcphailProbably not an easy bug to fix without side effects14:09
BluesKajaruns:  it's a pet peeve of mine , over half the audio problems I've seen on ubuntu are due to the automute being enabled by default14:10
ioriamcphail, thanks for the link  btw14:11
mcphailioria: np14:11
=== asdfasdf is now known as Barones
lord4163Why do mail aliases not work?14:14
MonkeyDustlord4163  start from the beginning, what are you trying and what happens14:14
lord4163MonkeyDust: I want to relay email through Zoho using postfix, and it doesn't allow it to send as fabian@example.com, it only allows info@example.com14:16
lord4163MonkeyDust: so in /etc/aliases I added fabian:        info@example.com14:16
lord4163MonkeyDust: I send an email and it still sends it as fabian@example.com.....14:17
lord4163MonkeyDust: and yes I did restart postfix and newaliases14:17
mcphaillord4163: aliases are for incoming mail redirects14:17
lord4163mcphail: so where do I set the outgoing stuff?14:18
tomreynlord4163: whats the error message that's logged?14:20
lord4163tomreyn: https://paste.kde.org/ppunvubou/op7sqj/raw14:21
lord4163tomreyn: I want ALL email to be sent using info@example.com14:21
* lord4163 is highly annoyed14:22
ZoderUckThis may mean that you have14:22
ZoderUckrequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable14:22
tomreynlord4163: sounds like zoho rewrites your sender address then14:23
tomreynlord4163: i.e. you'll need to reconfigure zoho14:24
realmistwhen i use the mouse, i can't move it , the arrow doesn't appear, but I can once I move it with the acutal mouse instead o the keyboard , so how do i use only *keyboard* ?14:24
lord4163tomreyn: No, it's postfix that's the issue.14:24
lord4163tomreyn: it has to send from info@ not from fabian@14:24
realmistAnd reduce my dependence on mouse to zero ?14:24
ZoderUck Depends: libstdc++6 (>= 5.2) but 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.3 is to be installed14:26
ZoderUck                                    Depends: dotnet-sharedframework-microsoft.netcore.app-1.0.3 but it is not going to be installed14:26
ZoderUckE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.14:26
tomreynlord4163: then either reconfigure your applications to send from the correct address, or make postfix rewrite the incorrect address before it relays.14:26
EriC^^!paste | ZoderUck14:26
ubottuZoderUck: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:26
lord4163tomreyn: Yes, HOW?14:27
k1l_ZoderUck: put all the output into paste.ubuntu.com and show the link here14:27
ZoderUcki have this error,  Depends: libstdc++6 (>= 5.2) but 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.3 is to be installed14:27
tomreynlord4163: http://www.postfix.org/ADDRESS_REWRITING_README.html14:28
ZoderUckk1l_  how do i st my ubuntu back to  a previous version, i think the apt-get upgrade did this14:28
k1l_ZoderUck: please read the answers given to you and follow the advise.14:28
MonkeyDustlord4163  there's alos the channel #postfix14:28
k1l_ZoderUck: i guess you added a 3rd party repo that breaks the package system now14:28
ZoderUckk1 aha ok14:29
ZoderUckand now ?14:29
k1l_<k1l_> ZoderUck: put all the output into paste.ubuntu.com and show the link here14:29
ZoderUckall of it ?14:30
k1l_ZoderUck: please show the output of "apt-cache policy dotnet-dev-1.0.0-preview2-1-003177" on pastebint14:33
mcphaillord4163: IIRC, you may need to use postmap rather than the alias file for this, if you want it to happen automatically. The alternative is to have a "From:" header in your email14:33
ZoderUckk1l_ thanks for helping man. !! http://pastebin.com/9NYDvR6t14:34
k1l_ZoderUck: you are again trying to install 16.04 (xenial) packages on your 14.04 system. this cant work14:34
ZoderUckk1l_ i have an ubuntu 14.0414:34
k1l_dont mix ubuntu releases14:35
ZoderUckuh, what shouljd i do then ?14:35
k1l_sudo apt purge dotnet-dev-1.0.0-preview2-1-00317714:35
k1l_then remove that repo14:36
ZoderUckaha ok14:39
ZoderUcki did remove it ok, thanks14:39
ZoderUckand now this apt repository works yes indeed14:39
MaimsterMorning all, any Superbowl predictions?14:41
cfhowlettubuntu support here Maimster.  stay on topic please.  thank you.14:42
dracmasJust wanted to thank whoever helped me if they're still on. The winusb program loaded on my usb key perfectly and installation is now running.14:42
Maimstercfhowlett: :o) Sure thing.14:42
k1l_Maimster: #ubuntu-offtopic is the chatter channel if you want to continue :)14:44
ZoderUckk1l_ i have now this, http://pastebin.com/ZTrGwDxc14:47
ZoderUckyou mnight know it14:47
k1l_ZoderUck: why dont you upgrade to 16.04 if you want to run stuff that needs 16.04?14:49
ZoderUckuh, yes that seems a good idea14:50
ZoderUckbut lot of stuff runs better on 14.0414:50
ZoderUckk1l_ i think my npm is broken,  i need to install yeo man14:50
k1l_<k1l_> ZoderUck: why dont you upgrade to 16.04 if you want to run stuff that needs 16.04?14:51
ZoderUcklot of stuff runs better on 14.0414:51
ZoderUckfor example mysql14:51
ZoderUckmore support on 14.0414:51
k1l_mysql runs fine on 16.0414:51
ZoderUckow, i did try it , did not work good14:51
w9qbjOn my laptop the upgrade  14.04->16.04 went smoothly, on the Desktop - 16-04 would sort of boot, but not complete to a login.  Had to do a new load, glad I had the laptop to build a boot/load stick14:51
ZoderUckand other services ?14:51
k1l_ZoderUck: then look if you can get the proper versions for 14.04 if you want to 14.0414:52
ZoderUckk1 i have the dot net working14:52
k1l_*want to stay on 14.0414:52
ZoderUckbut now is the point  npm and npm install -g yo14:52
k1l_i showed you the solutions some time ago on the link i gave you14:53
kang0(kang0) What's mbr and gpt14:53
ZoderUckand the solution was ? to clear the cache ?14:53
ZoderUckthe link was not clear what the solution was14:53
k1l_kang0: MAster Boot Record. gpt is the new partition table used for uefi.14:53
kang0How to convert one to another14:54
ZoderUckk1l_ maybe if you could help me step by step with npm reinstall or  that instal of   bower and yo14:54
k1l_kang0: afaik you cant convert without a full wipe of the drive14:54
ZoderUcki need bower anyways14:54
kang0Gpt not  compatible with bios?14:54
kang0I think uefi is new version of bios14:54
k1l_kang0: what is the issue at all?14:54
kang0And curious14:55
kang0Is all of them dependant upon os?14:55
k1l_kang0: no14:55
k1l_ZoderUck: i am not an npm specialist. so i geuss you want to ask the npm guys about that14:57
ZoderUcko ok15:04
ZoderUckthanks k115:04
an-usahk1l_, the question is... here's npm channel here?15:04
an-usahi don't know, but afaik npm is a javascript thing, so go to the javascript channel15:04
federicoI dont speak english15:04
ouroumov!es | federico15:05
ubottufederico: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:05
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"15:05
k1lZoderUck: an-usah ^15:05
w00tburgerIs anyone aware of anything out there that would help document cron jobs in an entire server farm?15:05
ZoderUckuuh what ?15:05
an-usahw00tburger, you can make a cronjob to extract the coronjob settings and send to a central server15:06
an-usahbuuuut... this is not the way yu document things on servers15:07
w00tburgerSure, but what about if I am coming into a new environment where nothing had been documented15:07
an-usahw00tburger, the proper way of doing that is to record things, to keep a log of what is being done in a server15:08
w00tburgerI guess the damage has already been done by the previous sys admin, now I need to go in and see what is hitting our production environment15:08
an-usahif you have a server farm, and there's no documentation, man, oh, man, i don't want to be in your shoes15:08
w00tburgerSure, and I fully agree. I didn't engineer the servers. And yeah, I don't want to be in my own shoes either15:08
an-usahyou have to go one by one and get the information15:08
w00tburgerNo, that's not creative thinking.15:09
an-usahwell... you can make a usb with a script to help you get the information automatically15:09
w00tburgerI currently had a script that went in and dumped them, but the results were sporadic.15:09
an-usahbut, i'm afraid you have to write your own bash script for the tast yourself, as you are the one who knows what information do you need15:09
k1lw00tburger: why dont you read out the cronjobs?15:10
an-usah(and please sacrifice some virgins to the IT gods, for them to make your life easy)15:10
w00tburgerK1, have a script that basically goes out to /var/spool/cron and dumps that info15:11
w00tburgerSo every users cron on the system is dumped15:11
an-usahthen dump the data to a central sevrer15:12
w00tburgerWell, the idea is to temporarily record the data in a sql lite database15:12
an-usahcreating a directory there (scp would work) with the name of the host and voila15:13
w00tburgerThen get it imported to a CMDB15:13
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an-usahdo you need to keep track of the servers from now?15:13
w00tburgerBut I was just asking if there was a better, way15:13
w00tburgerNope- we will be running all the jobs through jaspersoft after all of this data is collected15:13
an-usahor do you only need to document the current status of them?15:14
k1lw00tburger: i dont understand your issue, to be honest15:14
an-usahif you need to work with them from now and the future, then think of installing in all of them some software like Nagios or alike to keep track of all of them15:15
an-usahin a centralized server15:15
w00tburgerI need to find every cron job in a 1200 server farm15:15
w00tburgerI was asking if there is somthing out there that already exists today that would help find them15:16
k1li doubt it. i would guess a bash script would do15:16
an-usahmy answer is: if you need to do this only once, then do a good bash script and run it in each machine (hire a bunch of interns if needed)15:17
an-usahbut if you need to do this tasks or other similar tasks from time to time, then install a software on all the machines to monitor them and to help you deploy some scripts in all of them15:18
kang0Os resides in partitions?15:18
an-usahkang0, elaborate, please15:18
ducassew00tburger: check out gnu parallel to run a script on a ton of hosts15:18
kang0I think mbr has partition table15:19
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
an-usahyes, mbr holds the partition table for a mbr partitioned disk15:19
kang0I don't know what else partition contain except user data15:19
ZoderUcki have a dependency ass diseaster15:19
ZoderUckthe arse has ben disaaarsed.15:19
k1lkang0: partitions contain the data15:19
kang0Os lies in any one of partition?15:19
k1lZoderUck: watch your language in here15:19
ZoderUckthe arse has been disaaarsed, tadaaaah  inpossible dependecy  in a circle15:20
w00tburgerThanks ducasse, I will check that out for sure15:20
ZoderUckk1 i am getting crazy\15:20
an-usahkang0 basically... yes... but more complex setups like LVM or raid go beyond that15:20
AlexPortableI'm using preseed, how can I setup the keyboard and locale? I have d-i keyboard-configuration/xkb-keymap select us d-i debian-installer/locale string en_US but it keeps asking me for the locale and keyboard15:20
kang0an-usah which partition os lies usually?15:20
k1lkang0: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disk_partitioning15:20
kang0In which15:20
k1lkang0: in that one you installed it to15:20
k1lkang0: what is your issue?15:21
k1lkang0: then read the wiki article15:21
ducassekang0: this channel is for ubuntu support, if you're just curious about something unrelated try #ubuntu-offtopic or ##linux15:21
an-usahkang0, hmmm, unlike Windows the setup in linux is done the other way, we don't sit the OS in an usual partition, we say this partition, block device or alike is where the OS is going to be stores, and that information is saved (somehow) in the boot partition for it to be able to find the system15:21
kang0It's tough to inerpret for me wiki15:22
k1lkang0: you can switch to your native language on wikipedia if that helps15:22
kang0Nope k1l15:22
an-usahkang0 the shortest answer, in ubuntu there'usually a boot partition, the one marked as the boot partition, it contains the information of where the system partition is15:23
alkisgAlexPortable: I have these in an old script of mine, not sure if they help at all: debian-installer/language=el keyboard-configuration/layoutcode=gr15:23
kang0Lvm or raid go beyond partitions? an-usah15:24
alkisgan-usah: afaik that's only true for the windows boot loader, while grub ignores the boot flag15:24
AlexPortablealkisg: on seperate lines, or one line?15:24
AlexPortableand with or without d-i15:24
alkisgAlexPortable: I pass them to the cmdline, not on a seed script, so on one line15:24
an-usahkang0, but ubuntu allows you to have a linux installed all in just one partition, all in different simple partitions, all in different partitions and virtual partitions on top of LVM or all in virtual partitions on top of LVM on top of encrypted partitions... or any combination of all of that15:24
kang0ducasse both need registration15:25
ducassekang0: so register15:26
an-usahkang0, yes, LVM is a logical volume manager, you can have one "partition" a LVM logical volume, that is being stored in 4 different physical hard drives, same with RAID, and with both systems you can have the partitions "mirrored" on different devices15:26
an-usahit is not strictly 4 drives, the number could vary15:27
kang0an-usah boot partition=mbr?15:28
AlexPortablealkisg: ah okay15:29
an-usahnope, the partition that is marked as active15:29
AlexPortablehow do I disable the timeout when starting from CD?15:29
AlexPortableits in isolinux.cfg15:29
AlexPortablealkisg: nope still asks me for keyboard15:30
alkisgAlexPortable: btw, are you using the text mode installer, or the graphical one, ubiquity?15:30
AlexPortabletext mode15:31
AlexPortablei dont think ubiquity can do preseed15:31
alkisgAlexPortable: check the syslinux documentation, I think it's TIMEOUT=xxx in the cfg file15:31
AlexPortableyes but what should i set the timeout to?15:31
alkisgI'm sure its' there in the syslinux wiki15:31
alkisgThere's also an option for uninterruptible boot, noescape or something15:32
=== exalt_ is now known as mr_exalt
ldshHi, today I have sound. Any Idea on what I could do to have sound everyday? (I'm using the optical output of a Creative SoundCore™ 3D Gaming Audio from the GA-Z170X-Gaming 7 motherboard, and I have the exact same problem of random sound at startup on Archlinux)15:33
mr_exaltI have created an luks encrypted partition on an external drive, i can mount it via cli, however when i connect the drive to the machine it wont show up in nautilus, why is that ?15:33
BluesKajldsh:  what does cat /proc/asound/modules give ?15:37
ldshBluesKaj,  0 snd_hda_intel15:53
ldsh 1 snd_hda_intel15:53
Caleb_Hello can someone help me?15:55
AlexPortableCaleb_: probably15:55
Caleb_When i go into my documents/pictures/videos/music it says this You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of “Documents”.15:55
AlexPortableopen a terminal15:55
Caleb_This location could not be displayed.15:56
AlexPortableand type ls ~/15:56
Caleb_Ok i will now15:56
AlexPortableand pastebin the output15:56
AlexPortableuh wait15:56
AlexPortablels -la ~/15:56
k1lCaleb_: did you mess with root or sudo?15:57
MelRayHey everyone hope things are well with you. I have a HP Envy Touchsmart 17 laptop. Sound sounds very funky through the speakers although not so bad that audio cannot be understood. I'm running 16.10 MATE and wondered if there are any suggestions for an equalizer that can be added to perhaps at least add more control over the audio?15:57
Caleb_I got ubuntu yesterday and shortly had that problem15:57
Caleb_Like in 2h of downloading it15:57
k1lCaleb_: eh, did you run chmod commands?15:58
Caleb_I downloaded OpenJBK and tryed to download minecraft15:58
Caleb_I think i did from google to try to fix it15:58
k1lCaleb_: looks like you removed the read permissions  from a lot of stuff15:58
Caleb_I dont know how15:58
GeoWith mdadm, I want to change the partition size on a disk. Right now, the only way I know how is to fail the disk, remove the disk, change the partition size, then add the disk, which takes hours to resynch. Is there a way I can perhaps not fail the disk, so that I can just --re-add it later and not need to synch it?15:59
GeoI've not failing and just removing, but it tells me the disk is busy15:59
k1lCaleb_: "cat .bash_history | nc termbin.com 9999"15:59
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
k1lCaleb_: show the url here15:59
Caleb_What do i do?15:59
newcoderWhich wifi internet modem is recommended for ubuntu linux?16:00
k1lCaleb_: run that command in terminal, it will print a url, show that url here. it includes all the commands you ran in your terminal.16:00
MelRayAnother possibility could have been if he tried to add him/herself to a group and when done it removed the existing permissions that were set during install.16:00
k1lMelRay: look at the ls -al paste he showed. the folders are missing the r permissions at all16:01
Caleb_Well theres only 1 user16:01
k1l"chmod -r -x+X"   this command was the issue16:01
newcoderI need to connect to internet wirelessly in linux.16:02
newcoderAny suggestion?16:02
Caleb_How do i undo it?16:02
AlexPortableCaleb_: by chmod -r -x+X (especially the -r) you removed the permissions for your own folder16:02
MelRaynewcoder: Well when you are booted into the OS do you see an option to click that will let you join a wireless network?16:02
k1lCaleb_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/561369/resetting-home-permission16:02
Caleb_that was the awnser cause it wouldnt let me boot minecraft16:02
Caleb_it said "this file is exampt16:03
Caleb_like wouldnt let me open :P16:03
dumle29So a deb package complains about php >=5.3 while php is PHP 7.0.13-0ubuntu0.16.10.116:03
newcoderMelRay: Which modem to buy?16:03
dumle29I think the ubunty fucks with it16:03
k1lCaleb_: i dont know where you got that command advice from, but -r is not a solution16:03
mr_exaltI have created an luks encrypted partition on an external drive, i can mount it via cli, however when i connect the drive to the machine it wont show up in nautilus, why is that ?16:03
k1ldumle29: put all the output onto paste.ubuntu.com and show the url here16:04
Caleb_So what command should i do to fix it?16:04
AlexPortableCaleb_: -r is basically 'remove read permission'16:04
Caleb_Or will i have to reboot it16:04
AlexPortableCaleb_: rebooting won't help, you changed things. k1l gave you a link16:04
dumle29k1l: will do16:04
MelRaymr_exalt: You need to edit FSTAB and add an entry for the external drive you want to mount at boot16:05
mr_exaltMelRay: i only want to mount it when i connect the drive, and i want a menu to appear which asks me for my passphrase16:05
Caleb_Ok so i did this caleb@caleb-HP-2000-Notebook-PC:~$ sudo chmod a+rx /home [sudo] password for caleb:16:05
Caleb_And entered my password16:05
Caleb_and it gened no text16:06
dumle29k1l: http://aste.ubuntu.com/23934467/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/23934468/16:06
dumle29k1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23934467/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/23934468/ fixed16:06
dumle29the first link was borked16:06
AlexPortableCaleb_: yes that's right. due to safety you don't see your password16:06
dumle29it's not piping it correctly :/16:06
k1ldumle29: i dont see an issue there16:06
MelRaymr_exalt: Then you are going to have to create a script that can handle that for you. You are going to have to read quite a bit to learn how to do that16:06
Caleb_I know16:06
AlexPortableCaleb_: so someone next to you don't now how many lettrs there are in your password16:06
dumle29k1l: No it's not piping it all16:06
Caleb_But it showed nothing after this16:06
AlexPortablepress enter?16:06
dumle29k1l: I'm doing sudo gdebi package.deb | pastebinit16:06
Caleb_I did16:06
mr_exaltMelRay: im busy doing that right now :(16:07
k1ldumle29: no16:07
Caleb_And it just took me to where i can type again16:07
dumle29k1l: What then?16:07
k1lso you are insatlling a 3rd party deb?16:07
AlexPortablethen it executed the command Caleb_16:07
Caleb_Ah k but nothing happend?16:07
newcoderWhich usb wifi modem is recommended/suggested here?16:07
dumle29k1l: Yep, I'm installing something called ebot16:07
k1lCaleb_: nothing shown means: no error.16:08
AlexPortableCaleb_: do a ls -la ~/ again16:08
k1ldumle29: then copy it manually to paste.ubuntu.com16:08
AlexPortableand compare it to the first time you did that command16:08
BluesKajusb wifi dongles on linux are hit and miss ..16:08
=== mohammad is now known as sysadmin
MelRaymr_exalt: Then why in the heck are you wasting bandwidth asking a question about why it doesn't do what you expect it to do? Obviously you have determined a solution but may be lacking the skill(s) to accomplish it. Try asking a less generic question that give a representative example of what you have done and what it is that you are getting in way of an error16:09
newcoderBluesKaj: What do you mean by hit and miss?16:09
dumle29k1l: http://pastebin.com/raw/XzPeRQPF16:09
mr_exaltMelRay: because i dont want to write a script when there is already functionality to handle it.16:10
k1ldumle29: since ubutnu 16.04 ubuntu doesnt have php5 anymore. it uses php7 now16:10
k1ldumle29: so software depending on any version of php5 will fail16:10
dumle29k1l: Oh, but the dependency is >=5.3 Is that strictly in php 5?16:11
MononaI'm trying to figure out what is this command "Web Content" that is now showing up when I run "top" and having my browser open.  Is there a way to see what it is?16:11
BluesKajsome work some don't and it's hard to predict due to which router and modem in the chain , one dongle woks on a pc and not on another on the same network newcoder, that's been my expreience16:11
k1ldumle29: php version7 is now php7. so he php5 >=5.3 will never be satisfied because it always will be 016:11
ducassemr_exalt: just add it to fstab with noauto flag, then mount it with 'sudo mount /mountpoint'16:11
dumle29k1l: Gotcha. Thanks16:12
MelRaymr_exalt: Like I explained ask the question in a more specific way. I guarantee you won't get the help you see by asking a vague question like you first posted. Ignorance is fixable failure to follow specific help on how to get assisted just pisses people off.16:12
dumle29k1l: any way to ignore that dependency? I know the code will work with php716:12
MelRayWhen it isn't followed that is16:13
k1lyou can force dpkg to ignore dependencies as warnings16:13
k1ldumle29: run dpkg -i --force-depends something.deb16:14
wizicDoes anyone know how to add an bind option to gnome-disks16:14
dumle29k1l: Thanks, that did the trick :)16:15
OerHekswizic, 'bind option to gnome-disks' ? what is your goal?16:15
wizicShould I create symbolic links or use a bind option from previous installion16:17
rizonzanyone a clue how to find out why Ubuntu doesn't know some cpan modules ?16:17
MononaMaybe that was unclear:  When I'm running "top", a process called "Web Content" now appears in the list of programs running when I have my web browser open.  I don't recognize this program, and would like to know more about what it is, in case it's somehow malicious.  How would I go about getting more information about one of the processes running on my computer?16:21
ducassewizic: for what? what are you trying to accomplish?16:22
ducasseMonona: iirc that belongs to firefox, after they split the ui process from content rendering.16:23
ioriaMonona, can you tell us how much cpu does it take ?16:23
OerHeks'Web Content' sounds like a crashed firefox container/plugin16:25
Mononaducasse:  Ah, got it.  Wasn't sure what that was.16:25
Mononaioria:  Right now it's around 1-3%, but it's been as high as 40% I think.16:26
ioriaMonona, thanks16:27
Monona0erHeks:  I was wondering, but I've restarted the browser and computer, and it's still there.16:27
MononaAs long as it16:27
ioriaMonona, i'am afraid we have to get used to it until a fix16:27
iambatmanis it possible to have hardware acceleration during video playback in firefox?16:28
ioriaMonona, mcphail has found an interesting bug report https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=121816916:28
ubottuMozilla bug 1218169 in Layout "Hidden CSS Animated spinner causes high idle CPU usage on www.google.fr French search page" [Normal,New]16:28
Mononaioria:  That's fine, I just didn't remember seeing it previously.  As long as it's supposed to be there, I'm not that worried about it.16:28
ioriaMonona, before it was different ... ff ran  in just one instance16:29
ioriaMonona, now, in two16:29
lucyfxany ideas? I cant connect to my server using ssh16:30
lucyfxit seems to look for the /root/.ssh16:30
lucyfxwhich I dont think exists16:30
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lucyfxwait, it exists nvm16:30
Mononaioria:  Interesting.  What is the reason for that?  (might be above my technical capacity to understand, but I'm curious...)16:31
ioriaMonona, also above mine16:31
ducasseMonona: one thing is that if a page crashes the ui will still respond16:32
ioriaMonona, https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Firefox/Multiprocess_Firefox16:32
Mononaioria:  :)  Thanks for the info!16:32
ioriaMonona, yourewelcm16:33
Mononaducasse:  Ah, got it.16:33
ldshHi, today I have sound. Any Idea on what I could do to have sound everyday? (I'm using the optical output of a Creative SoundCore™ 3D Gaming Audio from the GA-Z170X-Gaming 7 motherboard, and I have the exact same problem of random sound at startup on Archlinux)16:33
ducasseldsh: creative has a horrible record for linux support16:33
ioriaMonona, you can experiment wit a pkill "Web Content"16:34
ldshducasse, yes, I read that, but right now it's working verry fine, the sad part is that next boot, it will probably just be mute.16:34
ldshducasse, It just looks like random (but more often not than yes), that I can have sound. Very annoying.16:35
kang0(an-usah) kang0, but ubuntu allows you to have a linux installed all in just one partition, all in different simple partitions, all in different partitions and virtual partitions on top of LVM or all in virtual partitions on top of LVM on top of encrypted partitions... or any combination of all of that16:37
Mononaioria: What would that do?  Just kill the content on the pages I'm browsing?16:37
kang0Linux extend beyond one partition?16:37
wizicDoes anyone know where I can locate my bookmarks in chrome installation folder16:37
cotinAnyone that can recommend this laptop for Ubuntu?: https://www.komplett.no/product/898654/gaming/gaming-pc/baerbar/asus-rog-gl702vm-173-fhd-matt-g-sync#16:38
ioriaMonona, yep16:38
ducassekang0: look, take this to ##linux - we do ubuntu support for people with actual problems here16:38
ioriaMonona, but only in the active tab16:39
Mononaioria:  Got it.  Interesting...16:40
ioriaMonona, yeah... for us, not for our cpu :þ16:40
Mononaioria:  Is that something that will be changed in future firefox updates?  It doesn't seem like a huge hit to performance, but those little drags can add up I guess...16:41
ioriaMonona, ia'm confident16:42
ducasseMonona: this is how firefox is supposed to work now according to mozilla16:42
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Mononaducasse:  Yeah, reading this on why: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Firefox/Multiprocess_Firefox/Motivation16:44
MononaStill kinda over my head, but I think I understand why they're doing it.16:44
ducasseMonona: there was recently an article on, ars technica (i think) that explained it well16:45
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Mononaducasse:  Maybe this one:  https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2016/12/firefox-takes-the-next-step-towards-rolling-out-multi-process-to-everyone/16:46
DickenHello, anyone here who might help me with a booting problem at 16.04 server?16:48
okwahowhats up?16:49
Caleb__Alex thank you for the help!16:50
Dickenmy system won't boot. booting stucks at "Started disk manager", then nothing happens16:50
okwahodetails? whats your system...how are u booting...from a usb key16:50
Dickeni've got a hp proliant ml10 v2  and i'm booting from ssd connected to sata16:52
ioriaDicken, have you tried recovery mode from grub screen ?16:52
okwahoand the original install was on the SSD?16:52
okwahook...like ioria says...have you tried recovery16:53
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GeoWith mdadm, I want to change the partition size on a disk. Right now, the only way I know how is to fail the disk, remove the disk, change the partition size, then add the disk, which takes hours to resynch. Is there a way I can perhaps not fail the disk, so that I can just --re-add it later and not need to synch it?16:55
GeoI've not failing and just removing, but it tells me the disk is busy16:55
DickenI reach recovery menu, but don't know what to do there16:56
ChadTaljaardtHEllo :)16:56
ChadTaljaardtIm having a issue, when i boot up my computeri get the login screen, i enter my password and the box dissapears and then i get a black screen and then i get sent back to the login screen16:57
ChadTaljaardtthe password is correct because i can still ssh into the computer16:57
okwahoDicken try to do a fsck first16:58
ChadTaljaardtthe resolution is wrong as well16:58
ioriaDicken, check the disk and then root shell16:59
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ioriaChadTaljaardt, your video card and the driver in use ?16:59
ChadTaljaardti dont think so17:00
DickenI did fsck but everything seems to be ok17:00
ChadTaljaardtit was working before but then i restarted and it started happening17:00
ioriaChadTaljaardt, open a console ctrl+alt+f1 (or f2)17:00
okwahotry booting in failsafe X17:00
Dickenhow do i do this?17:01
ChadTaljaardtioria done that and logged in :)17:01
ChadTaljaardtnow what17:01
ioriaChadTaljaardt, lspci -k | grep VGA -A 217:01
okwahorecovery mode17:01
okwahou should have the option17:01
tomreynGeo: what about --grow ?17:02
BluesKajokwaho:  whoever you're adressing , please use his/her nick to avoid confusion17:02
ioriaChadTaljaardt, can you paste it ? we need to see it17:02
ChadTaljaardtit says VGA compartible controller : Nvidia Corporation GP104 (Geforce GTX 1070)17:02
ioriaChadTaljaardt, lspci -k | grep VGA -A 2 |nc termbin.com 9999    it'll give you an url to paste here17:03
DickenNo, I don't find anything there called failsafee17:03
ioriaDicken, root shell ... in this way (if it boots) you can check the logs17:04
okwahoDicken what options do u see17:04
ChadTaljaardtthere you go17:05
Dickenresume, clean, dpkg, fsck, grub, network, root, system-summary17:05
ioriaDicken,  did you install the nvidia driver ?17:05
Dickennvidia driver?17:06
ioriaDicken,  sorry, not for you17:06
ioriaChadTaljaardt, did you install the nvidia drivers ?17:06
BluesKajChadTaljaardt:  looks like you need to install the nvidia-367 driver17:06
ChadTaljaardtim pretty sure i have it17:06
ChadTaljaardtand yeah17:06
okwahodicken try dpkg...jst in case17:07
ioriaChadTaljaardt, dpkg -l | grep nvidia |nc termbin.com 999917:07
DickenI did. no packages to be updated17:07
okwahook and it still stuck if you rebbot17:08
ioriaChadTaljaardt, you installed from pps, right ?17:09
okwahoDicken you get no errors or messages17:09
ChadTaljaardtim not sure17:09
ChadTaljaardti installed it from the "additional drivers" but17:09
ChadTaljaardtbut i installed cuda too17:09
ioria!info nvidia-37817:09
ubottuPackage nvidia-378 does not exist in yakkety17:09
DickenNo, it just stucks. I even can plugin a usb drive and the recognition is displayed. but booting won't continue17:10
BluesKajthe 378 is a an edgy driver17:10
okwahoDicken...well only option i see is to reinstall...of course without removing your files17:10
ioriaChadTaljaardt, dmesg | grep Kernel |nc termbin.com 999917:10
Dickenoh, ok. Any idea what f*cked up my system?17:12
ioriaChadTaljaardt,    ls -al ~/.Xauthority  |nc termbin.com 999917:12
ldshBluesKaj, Re, sorry I did not saw you message quickly enough. cat /proc/asound/modules17:12
ldsh 0 snd_hda_intel17:12
ldsh 1 snd_hda_intel17:12
okwahoDicken; could be many things...no clue17:12
DickenOk, thanks!!17:13
okwahoDicken..make sure you select install keeping your files...it's ussually real quick17:13
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  cat ~/.xsession-errors   |nc termbin.com 999917:13
okwahogonna take you less time doing that than trying to figure it out17:13
BluesKajthe the 367 isn't as new but I think it 's more stable, ChadTaljaardt17:13
ducasseDicken: boot up in recovery mode _after_ trying to boot normally once. then open a root shell and go through the logs looking for errors.17:14
ChadTaljaardti think it might have been installed when i installed cuda and cudnn17:14
ChadTaljaardtbut i need those17:14
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  using unity , right ?17:14
ChadTaljaardtioria unity?17:14
ChadTaljaardtlike the game engine?17:15
ChadTaljaardti needed it for tensorflow for my uni17:15
BluesKajthe desktop ChadTaljaardt17:15
ChadTaljaardti have no idea17:15
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  your desktop , i mean unity, kde, xfce ?17:15
ChadTaljaardthow can i tell17:15
ldshBluesKaj, And sudo lspci -vv contains http://pastebin.com/i6kCfdv317:16
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  ls -l /usr/share/xsessions/17:17
ChadTaljaardt-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 238 Oct  4 12:16 ubuntu.desktop17:18
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  ok, secure boot is enabled or disabled ?17:18
ChadTaljaardti think disabled?17:18
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  i think to purge nvidia, but without it i'am afraid you'll boot in a blank screen and you'll need nomodet17:19
ChadTaljaardtoh no17:19
ChadTaljaardtthe nomodeset caused issues before17:19
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ioriaChadTaljaardt,  can you tell us what have you done right before  ?17:21
BluesKajldsh:  sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel , then run sudo alsa -force relaod17:21
ArrEmmArrEffubu1610 did they remove the right click make link for shortcuts in nautilus?17:21
ropofor some reason 'nginx' dretcory is not created under /etc/ when i install it?17:21
ArrEmmArrEffi couldnt find any info on it17:22
BluesKajldsh:  correction sudo alsa -force reload17:22
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  or we can purge 378 and install 37517:22
ldshBluesKaj, sudo alsa force-reload executed17:23
ChadTaljaardtsorry was getting food17:23
Caleb__Hey does anyone know how i install winwar or is it even compatable for linux/17:23
ChadTaljaardti think just remove 378 and install 37517:23
ChadTaljaardtand the issue with nomodeset i had before was the computer wouldnt start when using ubuntu 16.04 and nothing helped haha17:24
ldshBluesKaj, Here is the result: http://pastebin.com/nPU0b2gj17:24
ldshChadTaljaardt, Which graphic card?17:24
ArrEmmArrEffhow do i make a shortcut in ubuntu 16.1017:24
ChadTaljaardtgtx 107017:25
ioriaChadTaljaardt, of we can install lubuntu-desktop so you can (maybe) work  on that with a gui and not in console17:25
ChadTaljaardti dont mind console that much17:25
ioriaChadTaljaardt, ok,  sudo service lightdm stop17:26
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ioriaChadTaljaardt, oh, sorry it a desktop or notebook ?17:26
ArrEmmArrEffdoes anyone know how to make a shortcut in ubuntu 16.10?17:27
ioriaChadTaljaardt, apt-cache policy nvidia-37517:27
ducasse!patience | ArrEmmArrEff17:28
ubottuArrEmmArrEff: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:28
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  apt-cache policy nvidia-375    |nc termbin.com 999917:28
TalcheGuys, can anyone please help me with sendmail not sending mails out? Running /var/spool/mqueue/v15HOrrD003030 (sequence 1 of 1)17:28
Talchev15HOrrD003030: locked17:28
ArrEmmArrEffi wasnt sure if nobody knows or if they are busy17:29
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  before reinstall driver, could you try the Guest Account ? sudo service lightdm start17:30
ducasseTalche: sendmail as in eric allman's sendmail or in another mta binary called sendmail?17:31
Talchemta called sendmail :) ducasse17:31
ChadTaljaardtit never let me log in either17:32
ArrEmmArrEffgot it thanks17:32
ArrEmmArrEffhave a good day17:32
ducasseTalche: i haven't used sendmail itself in at least 15 years, but iirc you can flush the queue with mailq17:33
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  ok, but to be honest idk much about cuda or how to remove it17:33
Talcheducasse when i mailq i get the list of queued mails, but they just don't want to go out of the machine....17:34
ducasseTalche: check the man page, there should be an option to flush. then check mail errors log.17:35
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BluesKajldsh:  also add this line to the bottom of your /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf file, 'options snd-hda-intel model=auto' without the quotes. then save the file. that should solidify your kernel module/audio driver17:35
ChadTaljaardti can just reinstalled the os its ok17:35
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  stop again lightdm and sudo apt purge nvidia*    (with the *)17:35
Talcheducasse, i get this error log Feb  5 17:57:43 baserver sendmail[20141]: unable to qualify my own domain name (baserver) -- using short name17:36
volkswagnerGreetings, I'm running server 16.04 as KVM host with several server 16.04 guests. The guests were created using clone from the first.17:37
volkswagnerI have run into problem, same as this bug report https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=124333517:37
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 1243335 in virt-manager "copy and rename nvram file while cloning the whole guest" [Medium,Assigned]17:37
kang0(kang0) When someone says mbr is wiped;does it mean only partition table is crashed?17:37
volkswagnerHow can I recreate /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/nvram/DC1_VARS.fd?17:38
theparadoxer02hey everyone17:38
ducasseTalche: what does 'hostname -f' say? does it return fqdn?17:38
deniz946Hello, how i can install php5 in my ubuntu server?17:39
deniz946is not in the repository17:39
deniz946and i cant find any tutorial17:39
Talchehostname -f gives out my domain, as im on a dynamic IP, only learning now :)17:39
ldshBluesKaj, Ok, I hope this will work :)17:39
theparadoxer02i am getting the following error installing any application17:39
=== nectar is now known as Necc
ChadTaljaardtill try it now ioria17:41
NeccI installed these packages (libimobiledevice-dev libimobiledevice-utils libgpod-dev), how would i now go about removing them? i dont need them now. :)17:41
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  ok17:41
ducassetheparadoxer02: what is in /etc/mailname?17:41
BluesKajldsh:  if it doesn't then replace the line with,  options snd-hda-intel index=0, but either one should work IME'17:42
ducasseTalche: what is in /etc/mailname? also, is Dj set in the m4-file?17:43
magiqhello I have ~/.local/share/applications/franz.desktop file with content http://pastebin.com/HBuzuYx1 when I write update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications/ it error with the message Could not parse file "/home/magiq/.local/share/applications/franz.desktop": Key file contains line '?Desktop Entry' which is not a key-value pair, group, or comment17:44
magiqWhyy ??17:44
ducassedeniz946: 16.04? there is no php5 for 16.04 and up.17:44
Talcheducass mailname file is empty. I am not sure what you point when you say DJ17:46
theparadoxer02ducasse, there is no folder /etc/mailname17:47
ducasseTalche: try putting the domain name you want to accept mail for in it, then try flushing the queue.17:47
ducassetheparadoxer02: sorry, message was not for you :)17:47
ChadTaljaardtokay its done ioria17:48
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  sudo apt autoremove17:48
theparadoxer02ducasse, then help me too17:48
ChadTaljaardtdone that too17:50
magiqhello I have ~/.local/share/applications/franz.desktop file with content http://pastebin.com/HBuzuYx1 when I write update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications/ it error with the message Could not parse file "/home/magiq/.local/share/applications/franz.desktop": Key file contains line '?Desktop Entry' which is not a key-value pair, group, or comment17:50
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade17:50
ducasseTalche: Dj (not DJ) is a configuration parameter for sendmail in its m4-based system17:50
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  sudo apt install nvidia-37517:51
ducasseTalche: i do need to say, though, that unless you have a very good reason to choose sendmail i would use something else instead.17:52
alkisgmagiq: what's the output of "file franz.desktop"?17:52
magiqalkisg: what do you mean? I pastebin source17:53
alkisgmagiq: "file" is a command, run it and tell us the output17:53
magiqalkisg: ok, 1 moment17:53
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:53
ChadTaljaardtls: cannot access '/etc/X11/xorg.conf': No such file or directory17:53
magiqalkisg: /home/magiq/.local/share/applications/franz.desktop: UTF-8 Unicode (with BOM) text17:53
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   ok, try to reboot17:53
alkisgmagiq: right, remove bom, save as plain utf file17:53
magiqalkisg: thank you very much17:54
alkisgmagiq: i.e. use "save as" in your editor, and select "utf8", not "utf8 with bom". np, cheers17:54
magiqalkisg: I'm still cant see entry at menu, should I restart ubuntu?17:55
magiqalkisg: but now no errors seems it works17:55
theparadoxer02help me someone please17:56
alkisgmagiq: if you want a global menu, put it in /usr/share/applications17:56
ChadTaljaardtioria rebooted and same message ioria17:56
alkisgmagiq, there's also "desktop-file-validate franz.desktop" for errors17:56
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   what message ?17:56
magiqalkisg: wow, so what changed since I add this desktop ?17:56
ChadTaljaardtls: cannot access '/etc/X11/xorg.conf': No such file or directory17:56
alkisgmagiq: I didn't understand you there, what do you mean?17:57
volkswagnerI just created a new vm from scratch and no file was created in /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/nvram, why are other VM's dependent on such a file?17:57
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   ok, don't worry about it .... do you get to the login screen ?17:57
ChadTaljaardtill check17:57
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  did you reboot or not  ?17:58
Dickenokwaho how do i reinstall without partitioning and losing all my data?17:58
ChadTaljaardtioria i rebooted17:58
magiqalkisg: I mean I expected that it would be at menu, but dont understand where it adds this shortcut17:58
ChadTaljaardtand same issue, i get the login screen but cant login17:58
ioriaChadTaljaardt, do... what happens ?17:58
ioriaChadTaljaardt, oh, ok17:58
alkisgmagiq: which desktop environment are you using? unity?17:59
magiqalkisg: yes17:59
onio_I am playing with wpa_supplicant and would like to know if the -D option is compulsory of wireless usb dongle to function correctly17:59
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log    |nc termbin.com 999917:59
alkisgmagiq: I'm not using unity, I don't know; the DEs I know read /usr/sahre/applications just fine. Try to logout/login too, see if it helps.17:59
ChadTaljaardtioria  http://termbin.com/bogt18:00
onio_I am running the calling wpa_supplicant -B -i wlan0 -c wpa_supplicant.conf18:00
Talchesry ducass i got out of battery on laptop...18:01
magiqalkisg: Now if I press "super" button it shows that software, but if I type "Franz" it shows nothing and it's a bit weard18:01
Talchewhat were you suggesting to do ?18:01
ioriaChadTaljaardt,    NVIDIA: Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module.18:01
magiqalkisg: okay, I'll try to logout and see then18:02
alkisgmagiq: I'm not using unity; I don't know when it updates its menus18:02
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   sudo lshw -c Video    |nc termbin.com 999918:02
alkisg(or its internal search database)18:02
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   yes, the module it's not loaded18:04
ChadTaljaardtwhy would it not be?18:04
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   sure secure boot is down ?18:04
ChadTaljaardthow do i check?18:04
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   in your bios settings18:04
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: mokutil --sb-state18:04
Caleb__can someone help me?18:04
Caleb__I have this random blank space on my task bar18:05
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   EriC^^18:05
ChadTaljaardtEriC^^ EFI variables are not supported on this system18:05
ChadTaljaardtthats the result18:05
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: legacy install then18:05
ChadTaljaardtshould i restart into bios and check18:05
EriC^^*it's a18:06
aroonican i map Super + a to trigger Control + a instead ?18:06
Talcheducass, you still here ?18:06
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  sure18:06
Caleb__Alessandro you there?18:06
Caleb__Can anyone help me?18:06
Caleb__Please can someone help me18:07
EriC^^Caleb__: ask your question and wait for any takers18:08
Caleb__I have this random Blank space on my task bar18:08
ChadTaljaardtioria and EriC^^ i cant find it in the bios anywhere18:10
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  what's your pc ?18:11
ChadTaljaardtcustom built18:11
Talcheguys, ia have a problem with sendmail not sending out mails... can anyone get involved please? be aware you are talking to a noob :)18:11
ChadTaljaardtwant to know my motherboard?18:11
=== tarunno_ is now known as tarunno
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   dpkg -l | grep linux-headers   |nc termbin.com 999918:12
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  are you using encryption ?18:14
ChadTaljaardtdont think so18:14
ChadTaljaardtpretty sure im not18:14
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   sudo dmidecode -t 2   |nc termbin.com 999918:15
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   you have for sure that item in your bios18:18
ChadTaljaardti couldnt see it18:18
ChadTaljaardtdo you know what section it was under?18:18
TalcheRunning /var/spool/mqueue/v15IINS3005535 (sequence 1 of 1)18:19
Talchehwo can i solve this issue guys?18:19
lm1hello all18:21
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: sudo ubuntu-drivers devices | nc termbin.com 999918:21
lm1I have some questions regarding BIND918:21
lm1I am trying to figure out where I would add an A record?18:21
ducasseTalche: try putting the domain name you want to accept mail for in /etc/mailname, then try flushing the queue.18:22
Talchei tried18:22
Talchedoesn't work18:22
ducasseTalche: sorry, didn't see your message at first as you typo'ed my nick :)18:22
ducasseTalche: i do need to say, though, that unless you have a very good reason to choose sendmail i would use something else instead.18:22
ChadTaljaardtweird EriC^^ it wont work18:22
Talchei can recieve the email, but can not send it out....18:22
ChadTaljaardtUse netcat.18:23
ChadTaljaardtException ignored in: <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>18:23
ChadTaljaardtBrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe18:23
Talchei don't need to use sendmail, but i had so many trouble with postfix, and i couldn't solve it so i tried sendmail :(18:23
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: sudo apt-get install pastebinit18:23
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: sudo ubuntu-drivers devices | pastebinit18:23
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   Bios Features ?18:24
ducasseTalche: weird, postfix tends to just work. i'm using exim right now, but that's mostly just to check it out. sendmail is a hugely complex beast, however.18:24
soeecan i somehow test my hdd with some gui (for bad blocks etc.) ?18:24
ChadTaljaardtEriC^^ http://paste.ubuntu.com/23935494/18:24
ChadTaljaardti can try look again but it means i have to pause EriC^^18:24
Caleb__Hey can anyone tell me how i would install winwar?18:25
ChadTaljaardtbrb ill reswtart and test it18:25
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: dpkg -l | grep nvdia | pastebinit18:25
ChadTaljaardtYou are trying to send an empty document, exiting.18:25
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: it might not show if you're not using UEFI18:25
ChadTaljaardti think i am using UEFI18:25
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: sorry, typo dpkg -l | grep nvidia | pastebinit18:26
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: nah, mokutil said EFI vars aren't set earlier18:26
magiqDamn ubuntu terminals looks awefull18:26
ikoniaubuntu terminals ?18:26
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: try the recommended driver18:26
ikoniathey are the same terminal applications as every other distro18:26
magiqI need split screen and for this reason I need multiplexer that works a bit overhead18:26
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: sudo apt-get purge nvidia*18:26
Talchei could maybe retry postfix..18:26
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: sudo apt-get install nvidia-37818:26
magiqhow to split ubuntu terminal ?18:27
Talcheas apt able to purge sendmail ?18:27
ikonia"ubuntu terminal" ?18:27
magiqI need split screen two terminals18:27
ikoniamagiq: what terminal emulator do you normally use ?18:27
ikoniamagiq: so install item then18:27
magiqikonia: item?18:27
ikoniamagiq: the terminals that default in ubuntu, are the same as every other major distro18:27
ikoniamagiq: iterm18:27
ducasseTalche: first off, I expect it to go a lot smoother. try the postfix page on the  ubuntu wiki. second, a lot more people can help you with it as it is far more widely used now.18:27
magiqikonia: iterm is osx software18:28
Talchegonna try now18:28
ikoniamagiq: I thought there was a port18:28
ducasseTalche: apt should purge it, yes.18:28
lm1Could anyone help me with some BIND9 questions?18:28
magiqikonia: nope18:28
BlueratDear all, I upgraded my ubuntu 16 when i reboot I stuck on login screen with this message "recovering journal clearing orphaned inode", any advice!18:28
ikonialm1: you can just ask or use the bind channel18:29
ducassemagiq: you mean two terminal buffers in one window?18:29
ikoniamagiq: try tmux then18:29
magiqducasse: yes18:29
EriC^^Bluerat: it didn't boot fine?18:29
ducassemagiq: try terminator18:29
magiqboth of them by default looks awefull for eyes18:29
magiqI used terminator years ago18:29
ikoniamagiq: in what way "look awful"18:29
ducassemagiq: fix your font, then18:29
ikoniait's a blank screen with text on it18:29
ikoniawhat looks so bad ?18:30
BlueratEriC^^: I can't login when I typed my password it stucked18:30
EriC^^Bluerat: does the guest account work?18:30
ChadTaljaardtokay done, should i reboot?18:31
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: yeah18:31
BlueratEriC^^: works fine quest account18:31
EriC^^Bluerat: press ctrl+alt+f1, login then type ls -l ~/.Xauthority18:31
EriC^^Bluerat: check if the owner is your user18:32
EriC^^(alt+f7 gets you the gui again)18:32
magiqikonia: ducasse hard to explain, maybe it is because unity18:32
ikoniamagiq: unity is nothing to do with it18:32
BlueratEriC^^: OK let me try18:32
Newbie3Hello, new user here. I just installed ubuntu for the first time and it boots to a black screen with white text. On a mobile IRC client18:33
EriC^^!nomodeset | Newbie318:33
ubottuNewbie3: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:33
Newbie3I'm sorry, but that's all gibberish to me.18:35
Newbie3I don't understand any of it.18:35
EriC^^Newbie3: did you visit the link?18:35
volkswagnerusing virt-manager why do some guests create nvram file and others do not? How can I force a vm to create the nvram file?18:35
Newbie3Yes. It makes no sense.18:35
Newbie3I can't even boot into ubuntu, so how would I do any of that...18:36
ioriaNewbie3, you do it before ubuntu boots, in the grub screen18:37
OerHeksNewbie3, scroll to th part "How to temporarily set kernel boot options on an installed OS (not wubi)"18:37
OerHeksall explained there18:37
ioriaNewbie3, press shift to make it visible, right after the bios screen18:37
Newbie3I don't have a line that says "Linux /boot", I have one that says Linux /vmlinuz..."18:39
ioriaNewbie3, ok, find quiet splash and add   nomodeset then f1018:39
Newbie3Okay, done. Now I have a purple screen. Should I just wait or?18:41
ioriaNewbie3, if it hangs, press esc to see what its doing18:41
Newbie3ESC does nothing18:41
Newbie3(That key *might* be broken-ish. I've had it be flakey when pausing games in Windows)18:42
ioriaNewbie3,  so wait a minute then try to open a console  ctrl+alt+f1 (of f2)18:42
ChadTaljaardtEriC^^ i rebooted and its still the same18:42
Newbie3That does nothing as well. (Also the fans have turned off)18:43
ioriaChadTaljaardt, i's persiste with secure boot18:43
ioriaChadTaljaardt, i'd persist with secure boot18:43
ChadTaljaardtioria ill look again for the secure boot thing18:43
ioriaNewbie3,  ok, so you are left with Recovery Mode that you can select from the same grub screen18:44
ioriaNewbie3,  Advance Mode18:45
Newbie3Already done :3.18:45
ioriaNewbie3,  Options18:45
BluesKajChadTaljaardt:  have you tried the nvidia-367 driver , it's older , but stable18:45
Newbie3Okay, so big grey menu.  http://i.imgur.com/042Ojvq.jpg18:45
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: try BluesKaj 's suggestion18:46
ioriaNewbie3,  you can try resume , but it'll probably fail ....18:46
ChadTaljaardti still cant see it in the bios ioria18:46
ChadTaljaardtand i can try18:46
Newbie3whoa. I didn't touch anything, this happened:  http://i.imgur.com/Z6DkfYI.jpg18:47
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  can you paste   sudo parted -l | pastebinit18:47
Newbie3I swear I didn't do anything.18:47
Talcheducass, got trouble with postfix now :(18:47
Talchenot working either....18:47
Talchemail.log gives following info Feb  5 19:44:59 baserver postfix/smtp[15010]: 471AD61715: to=<ammar.mirvic@gmail.com>, relay=none, delay=91, delays=0.09/0.02/90/0, dsn=4.4.1, status=deferred (connect to alt2.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com[]:25: Connection timed out)18:47
ioriaNewbie3,  fresh install ?18:48
Newbie315 minutes old, never booted once18:48
Newbie3Well, booted successfully.18:48
ioriaNewbie3,  16.04 ?18:49
Newbie3I think? I just clicked download on ubuntu.com18:49
BlueratEriC^^: it says -rw------- 1 root root 13218:49
EriC^^Bluerat: type sudo chown $USER: ~/.Xauthority18:49
AditApproximately, how long will it take for 'diff' command to finish on 2 directories which are 170 GB each?18:49
ppfAdit: no way to tell. couple minutes maybe18:50
ChadTaljaardtioria http://paste.ubuntu.com/23935663/18:50
EriC^^i'd think more in terms of hours18:50
Newbie3I seriously know nothing about Linux. I just wanted to use it to write Ruby apps because I'm tired of Mac.18:50
EriC^^it has 2 read 340gb and compare them18:50
Talcheducass still here ?18:50
ppfEriC^^: true, but the comparison is significantly faster than O(n^2)18:51
Newbie3So, this is what I get when I boot normally and run "systemctl default", if nothing else it's an error message.18:51
BlueratEriC^^: it brings nothing18:51
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  yes, you installed in legacy mode probably because of Win 7 ?18:51
BlueratEriC^^: nothing appears18:51
ChadTaljaardtits windows 1018:51
=== vince is now known as Guest1846
ducasseTalche: i'm here18:52
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  i'am not sure 367 will help, but you can try18:52
Talcheducass, got trouble with postfix now :(18:53
Talchenot working either....18:53
Newbie3Does nouveau, HUB0 or GPC0 mean anything?18:53
ducasseTalche: type the first few characters of my nick and press tab, you don't need to type it in full18:53
Talchemail.log gives following info Feb  5 19:44:59 baserver postfix/smtp[15010]: 471AD61715: to=<ammar.mirvic@gmail.com>, relay=none, delay=91, delays=0.09/0.02/90/0, dsn=4.4.1, status=deferred (connect to alt2.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com[]:25: Connection timed out)18:53
ChadTaljaardtim  in the process of trying it :)18:53
Talcheok bro ty18:53
Newbie3(Been googling, slow because I'm on a phone)18:54
ducasseTalche: that is a connection problem, different from what you had with sendmail. this looks like a transient error.18:54
Newbie3Nvidia drivers are nouveau right? I have an nvidia card.18:54
Talcheso what you suggest?18:54
\9Newbie3: that or the proprietary drivers provided by nvidia18:54
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  the point is that the module is not active so maybe we can try a sudo nvidia-xconfig18:55
ducasseTalche: try sending to another domain. that mail should get delivered later when it can successfully connect.18:55
onio_I am having problem with wlan0 not reachable any idea. I am using Edimax usb dongle on Ubuntu 12.0418:56
Newbie3Ionia, command not found18:56
BlueratEriC^^: nothing appears from chown $USER: ~/.Authority what that means ..18:56
onio_running under Virtualbox18:56
ChadTaljaardtioria its just rebooting then we can do it :D18:56
\9Newbie3: nvidia-xconfig comes with the proprietary drivers18:56
Talcheducasse: i gave 2 domains, none work :( neither hotmail nor gmail18:56
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  ok18:56
ducasseTalche: similar error for the other mail?18:56
Newbie3So, I don't have them? That makes sense, it is a FOSS operating system. So, FOSS drivers as standard is sensible.18:57
onio_when I if bring up the interface it seems to communicate but then dies after left unattended18:57
\9Newbie3: i don't know if nouveau has anything simialr18:57
EriC^^Bluerat: it worked18:57
Newbie3Maybe my system can't use them?18:57
\9Newbie3: right.18:57
EriC^^Bluerat: try logging in again18:57
\9Newbie3: you can use them, but you need to install them manually18:57
\9!nvidia | Newbie318:57
ubottuNewbie3: For nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing »18:57
Newbie3So, would uninstalling the FOSS ones help?18:57
Talcheducasse: same error..18:58
BlueratEriC^^: so simple to fix it .. thanks18:58
EriC^^Bluerat: no problem18:58
Newbie3\9 I'm sure that page makes perfect sense to you, but it midaswell be cuneiform for me.18:58
\9Newbie3: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia maybe this one is clearer18:58
Caleb__Can someone help me? I need to install winwar or a program like it18:59
EriC^^Caleb__: 7z18:59
ducasseTalche: can you ping those hosts from a shell?18:59
Newbie3\9 Okay, that makes enough sense for me to know that I can't do it XD. No GUI, and from my trying to do stuff... no internets? Maybe Ethernet would work.18:59
EriC^^Caleb__: sudo apt-get install p7zip-full19:00
OerHeksp7zip-full & p7zip-rar19:00
Caleb__How do i open it?19:01
Caleb__I have already installed it19:01
bivois there a system wide equalizer? I'd like to be able to watch blacksmithing and machining videos without the piercing high pitched ring of the anvil of the scream of the power tools either making my ears bleed with headphones or disturbing everyone else if played on speaker19:01
\9Newbie3: it should be possible to install it from the command line, assuming you can get there19:01
EriC^^Caleb__: sudo apt-get install p7zip-rar19:01
EriC^^Caleb__: i think it's 7z x /path/to/file19:02
guardian_hey eric19:02
Newbie3Yeah, no internets. Grabbing a cable, unless someone knows how to get wifi from a terminal19:02
Talcheducasse: seems i cant ping them....19:02
Caleb__How do i open a folder with it?19:02
Caleb__I have a .zip.pack that i cant not open19:02
ducasseTalche: so you have a network problem.19:03
\9.zip.part sounds like an unfinished download19:03
Talcheducasse: you might know what could it be or shall i ask on #network19:03
Caleb__could be why19:03
ducasseTalche: can you ping
ChadTaljaardtokay im back ioria19:03
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  same issue with 367 ?19:04
Newbie3Okay, plugging in an Ethernet cable still gives me "failed to fetch" on sudo apt-get nvidia-36719:04
\9they're not available by default, you need to add the extra repository, or "ppa"19:04
Talcheducasse: i can ping
OerHeksNewbie3, first update.19:05
ChadTaljaardtioria yeah same issue :(19:05
magiqWhy this not working http://pastebin.com/UKbXFSLK19:05
Newbie3Failed to resolve, I have no internet.19:05
Bashing-om!info nvidia-367 xenial19:05
ubottunvidia-367 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-367): NVIDIA binary driver - version 367.57. In component restricted, is optional. Version 367.57-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 (xenial), package size 39332 kB, installed size 167349 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf)19:05
onio_how else can I kill a process. I am trying to kill wpa_supplicant but not stopping19:05
Newbie3Or my cable is a POS.19:06
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: pastebin/var/log/Xorg.0.log19:06
onio_kill -9 <process id>19:06
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log19:06
onio_I have also tried pkill -9 wpa_supplicant but it is not stopping19:06
ducasseTalche: ok, so it is restricted to certain hosts/networks. it could be a problem with your isp and their connections, in which case it will go away when they fix it.19:06
ChadTaljaardtEriC^^ http://paste.ubuntu.com/23935769/19:07
OerHeksmagiq, 1. use full paths. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles19:07
Newbie3Tried a different cable, ping google.com fails.19:07
EriC^^onio_: try stopping the service sudo systemctl stop wpa_supplicant19:07
magiqOerHeks: ok, I'll try19:07
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   NVIDIA: Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module  again19:07
Talcheducasse: so what could i do at the moment?19:07
ChadTaljaardtioria yeah i see that19:07
onio_out of curiosity can anyone seem my post19:07
ChadTaljaardtwhat does that mean?19:07
pix1few questions here19:07
onio_Ha Eric thanks19:08
pix1is it possible to install full desktop enviroment on Ubuntu Server and manage it via ultraVNC? WILL IT WORK?19:08
ducasseTalche: nothing, i think. i could ping the ip from your error with no problem, and i doubt the problem is with your machine.19:08
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: try sudo modprobe nvidia19:09
Talcheducasse: hmm... i still think i'm doing something wrong....19:09
ChadTaljaardt[sudo] password for chad:19:09
ChadTaljaardtmodprobe: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod-module.c:832 kmod_module_insert_module() could not find module by name='nvidia_367'19:09
ChadTaljaardtmodprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'nvidia_367': Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)19:09
Talcheducasse: i can regularely ping hotmail and gmail, but not the ip.s from the error..19:09
ducasseTalche: are you using a firewall?19:10
gde33this may be a dumb question but the ubuntu software center was called gnome software for a while but now it is back to ubuntu software? is that correct?19:10
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  dpkg -l | grep dkms19:10
ChadTaljaardtii  bbswitch-dkms                                   0.8-4ubuntu1                                amd64        Interface for toggling the power on NVIDIA Optimus video cards19:11
ChadTaljaardtii  dkms                                                             all          Dynamic Kernel Module Support Framework19:11
gde33I'm trying to search in it but it doens't find anything19:11
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  not here please, but it's ok19:11
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: dmesg | tail | pastebinit19:12
Talcheducasse: no firewall bro... and i can ping one of the hosts from the error... the gmail host19:12
Newbie3... why does my computer hate me.19:12
gde33ah found a web page about it, nvm19:12
Talchecan it be a problem with port 25 or something ?19:12
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: dmesg | grep nvidia | pastebinit19:12
ChadTaljaardtYou are trying to send an empty document, exiting.19:13
ducasseTalche: pastebin both errors19:13
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt:  is this ubuntu 16.10?19:13
ChadTaljaardtno wait19:13
ChadTaljaardt16.04 wouldnt work for me19:14
Talcheducasse: when you say pastebin to paste them here ?19:14
pix1ChadT why?19:14
ioriaChadTaljaardt, i'd purge 367, reinstall 375 or 378 and try sudo nvidia-xconfig19:15
ducasse!pastebin | Talche19:15
ubottuTalche: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:15
Talcheubottu: thank you19:15
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)19:15
ioriaChadTaljaardt, but the issue might be in SB19:16
Talcheducasse: here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/23935847/19:16
=== Agent is now known as Guest35337
ioriaChadTaljaardt, stop lightdm before19:17
ducasseTalche: try 'telnet 25'19:17
ChadTaljaardtim just trying to purge the driver quick19:17
Talcheducasse: it doesn't go through19:17
Talcheducasse: keeps on trying19:17
ChadTaljaardtill reboot then stop lightdm and then do the sudo nvidia-xconfig?19:19
ducasseTalche: now try that with the other ip address19:19
Newbie3I removed and blacklisted and initramfs  all nouveau, and I still boot to a black screen on a fresh install.19:19
ioriaChadTaljaardt, yup19:19
Newbie3Well, slightly not so fresh now. But either way, I need help. I have no idea what to do next and google isn't helping.19:20
Talcheducasse: cant telnet on 25 even the other....19:20
\9did you try the nomodeset parameter?19:20
Newbie3That was the first thing we tried.19:20
\9hm right19:20
Newbie3Hung the whole system, couldn't ESC or go to a terminal.19:20
\9does /var/log/Xorg.0.log tell anything?19:20
\9since the console works then X must be freaking out for some reason19:21
ducasseTalche: this could be your isp blocking it, i guess...19:21
Talcheducasse: so... can i use any other port instead?19:21
Newbie3\9 what am I looking for?19:22
\9any errors near the end of the file19:22
ducasseTalche: not really19:22
Talcheducasse:  :( soo.. i can't get this outbound server to work ? :(19:23
ducasseTalche: looks like it. you'll need to use a vps or something.19:23
Newbie3\9 I don't see anything, but you might  http://i.imgur.com/1QMYEX4.jpg19:23
ChadTaljaardtioria https://cl.ly/0G100R1X2h2S19:23
ioriaChadTaljaardt, and with sudo ?19:24
ChadTaljaardtit created a file19:25
Talcheducasse: but if i can telnet my public IP on 25 does it still mean it is blocked by isp?19:26
ioriaChadTaljaardt, yes, reboot ... (sig !)19:26
wedgieTalche: doing it from inside your network is one thing... can you do it from outside?19:26
Talchewedgie: 1 sec ill try from 3g :D19:27
ducasseTalche: that is incoming.19:27
ChadTaljaardtokay now what :D ioria19:29
ducasseTalche: also, you can connect to that without going through your isp since it is local.19:29
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  i assume you cannot login ....19:29
Newbie3I have no idea how but I managed to get Ethernet working.19:30
ChadTaljaardtnope :(19:30
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:30
Newbie3Installing nvidia-367 now19:31
logosvOdd question, but how do you disable the disabling of the touchpad while typing in Ubuntu 16.10(gnome)?19:31
RxbadIs that a GT 71019:31
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   lspci -k | grep VGA -A 2 | pastebinit19:31
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: egrep -HR "drm|modeset" /etc/modules /etc/modules.d | pastebinit19:31
ChadTaljaardtEriC^^ empty document19:32
Talcheducasse: wedgie i cant telnet 25 on anything19:32
Talcheducasse: wedgie is it possible that something in my configuration is blocking outgoing telnet?19:32
ducasseTalche: you tested from 3g?19:32
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   we want to try with nomodeset ?19:32
wedgieTalche: outbound seems unlikely unless you set up something for that on purpose19:32
ChadTaljaardtwe can try19:32
ducasseTalche: no, unless you have a firewall. you said you don't.19:33
RxbadDo you have a GT 71019:33
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   from grub , press 'e' or 'tab' find 'vmlinux line' and after quiet splash add   nomodeset19:33
Newbie3RxBad, 740M19:33
ChadTaljaardtokay hold on :)19:33
wedgieTalche: I haven't been following the whole conversation, but if you suspect that the ISP might be blocking 25 (as some do) then you might just contact them and ask. In some cases you may even be able to get them to allow it if there were blocking it19:33
ducassewedgie: that is basically what we've narrowed it down to19:34
Newbie3It's my work machine, a Toshina Satelite P... something or other ... shiny aluminum heat sink of love.19:34
Talcheducasse: wedgie if i telnet incoming that doesn't tell anything... gonna call the isp now..19:35
ducasseTalche: btw, where in the world are you?19:35
RxbadI have a 710 on the box19:35
Newbie3I got it because Apple appears to have decided that sanity isn't in mind for the future of their product line. So, I was hoping to move to Linux :319:35
RxbadGood luck19:36
wedgiealso, if you're trying to set up a mail server at home (again, i haven't read the whole convo) then you're probably going to have a bad time. Email is a beast these days. Mostly because of anti-spam stuff. Even if you can get it working from a technical standpoint, a lot of places might reject mail from you just because you're coming from a residential IP19:36
Talcheducasse: i live in Bosnia :D19:36
Talcheducasse: haaha i guess you pinged me and saw a dot on the map :D hahaha19:36
wedgieor because the PTR for your ip doesn't match your domain19:36
ChadTaljaardtioria okay its booting19:37
ChadTaljaardtadded the line19:37
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  ok19:37
Newbie3Black screen again. Wow.19:37
ducasseTalche: aha. an ip address from a dynamic range in bosnia will be blocked on a *lot* of mail servers19:37
wedgienot just from bosnia. From anywhere, really19:37
ChadTaljaardtokay its booted ioria19:37
Talcheducasse: wedgie so if i try to mail one of my mails on a paid host, should go through?19:38
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  try to login19:38
wedgieTalche: you'll probably have better luck. But no gurantees. As I said, mail is a beast19:38
ChadTaljaardtsame issue haha ioria19:38
ducasseTalche: please clarify what you mean19:38
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  sudo apt install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop19:38
RxbadThere is squirrel mail server it's nice19:39
ducasseTalche: if you mean using a vps instead, then that usually works as long as the provider has a decent reputation.19:39
Talcheducasse: wedgie i just called the isp and the port is not blocked by them...19:39
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: do you have other kernels installed?19:39
ChadTaljaardtioria rebooting after that command19:40
ducasseTalche: then the servers themselves are blocking you19:40
ChadTaljaardtand EriC^^ dont think so19:40
Newbie3Is there anyone I can call or pay to deal with this ?19:40
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  yes,  paste ls /boot | pastebinit19:40
wedgieTalche: well, if you can't hit port 25 on your own local server from the outside then you haven't done your portforward correctly19:40
dumle29Newbie3: What's going on?19:40
Newbie3Like, official ubuntu support or something?19:40
RxbadOnly paid version19:41
dumle29Newbie3: Don't expect the plug and play experience that you are used to. Linux does still take a bit of work now and then to get it to behave as you'd like19:41
Newbie3Dumle29, New user, fresh install, boots to terminal. After nomodeset didn't work, and it dropped to the terminal again, I'm out of ideas and everyone else is too.19:41
dumle29what's the hardware?19:42
Talcheducasse: i have a hosted web at www.promoface.biz it doesn't go out to that addres either...19:42
Newbie3Dumle29 Nvidia 740M, intel i7, 16GB ram, 1080p 17" display.19:42
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  yes,  you have this one 4.8.0-34-generic19:42
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: try in grub advanced > 34 kernel19:42
dumle29Newbie3: i7 doesnt' say much :)19:42
ducasseTalche: no, and that will be the case for most domains.19:43
ChadTaljaardtEriC^^ what does that mean haha19:43
wedgieTalche: sure, but is a mail server listening there?19:43
Bashing-om!info linux-image-gneric19:43
ubottuPackage linux-image-gneric does not exist in yakkety19:43
Newbie3Dumle29, I have no idea what more you'd want. It's a quad core? Haha.19:43
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  or you can select it from grub - Advanced Options19:43
Bashing-om!info linux-image-generic19:43
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (yakkety), package size 2 kB, installed size 13 kB19:43
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: in the grub menu go to advanced19:43
dumle29Newbie3: Can you run hwinfo --short | pastebinit19:43
Newbie3Ah... no internet on the try.19:43
Talchewedgie:  it is i recieve mail regularly...19:44
dumle29Newbie3: oh :/19:44
ChadTaljaardti pressed e on the grub screen19:44
Newbie3Hwinfo is not currently installed.19:44
=== anon is now known as Guest58719
wedgieTalche: it's listening on 58719:44
dumle29Newbie3: Can you install software from tty?19:44
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  nope19:44
dumle29sudo apt install hwinfo19:44
kk4ewtlspci |pastebinit19:44
dumle29that'd work too19:44
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  Advance Options19:44
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: nah, no e, at the bottom there should be advanced19:44
Newbie3Dumle29, Does not resolve.19:45
royal_screwup21Hey guys! I have a text file containing several sentences, one below the other. I want to feed each of these sentences, one by one, into an online sentiment analyzer (don't ask why), and fetch their corresponding scores. Can someone point me on the right track as to how I could automate this process?19:45
ducasseTalche: there isn't really much you can do about this, other than not run the mail server from your home :)19:45
dumle29Newbie3: I don't know man :/19:45
ChadTaljaardtoh right i see it now19:45
wedgieroyal_screwup21: one per line?19:45
Newbie3Dumle29. Let me try what I tried before to get it working. I had Ethernet working for like 5 minutes before.19:45
royal_screwup21wedgie yup19:45
ChadTaljaardtstarting 34 now19:45
Talchewedgie: ducasse i can telnet to my ip address on port 25 from 3g on mobile..19:45
ioriaChadTaljaardt, and please try also the Guest Account19:46
ducasseTalche: that isn't related19:46
wedgieroyal_screwup21: looping through the file is easy enough... how to submit it will depend on the website you're submiting to19:46
mgaunardwhat's the difference between packages "adb" and "android-tools-adb"?19:46
helphelpam i able to get some help through this channel with problem decrypting encrypte drive?19:47
ChadTaljaardtioria guest no access19:47
helphelpanyone who is able to help I have btc handy for a generous tip19:47
Talcheducasse: ok... but is there any way to test if all the servers on the world are blocking me, or i have something wrong on my machine?19:47
helphelpas I have spent over a day and I am worried my files might be lost19:47
k1lmgaunard: its just a link to adb19:47
ioriaChadTaljaardt, you user ?19:47
Newbie3I have no idea why that works but it does! I got Ethernet, XD. I have to enable networking in recovery mode and then select the dpkg option and let it fail. Any other way and it doesn't work XD.19:47
wedgieTalche: most won't straight up block,they just won't accept your mail19:47
royal_screwup21wedgie: for what it's worth, it's this site: http://sentiment.vivekn.com/19:47
ioriaChadTaljaardt, can you ask how it went when you first installed ubuntu ?19:48
mgaunardk1l: I do not understand your answer19:48
logosvQuestion: How can I disable the disabling of the touchpad while typing in Ubuntu 16.10(Gnome)? The option doesn't appear to be in the usual place, and syndaemon appears to not exist on the system.19:48
ioriaChadTaljaardt, *I19:48
mgaunardk1l: the packages are mutually exclusive19:48
ducasseTalche: this is not a problem on your machine19:48
Newbie3dumle29, okay, picture of that command:19:48
k1lmgaunard: the android-tools-adb is just a link to the adb package.19:48
ChadTaljaardtwhen i tried 16.04 or 16.10?19:48
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  16.1019:48
mgaunardk1l: that's not possible since installing one removes the other19:48
ChadTaljaardtwhen i clean install ubuntu 16.10 everything works except the mouse pointer doesnt move from the top left, but if you go to additional drivers then video card then install that one it works19:49
ChadTaljaardtive never had this issue before19:49
Talcheducasse: wedgie or might it be a problem that i have dynamic IP and going through ddns service?19:49
ducasseTalche: both19:49
Newbie3dumle29: paste.ubuntu.com/23936109/19:50
magiqHow to make terminal show words with colors as default terminal ?19:50
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  ok, you installed a ppa ?19:50
Newbie3If I typed that incorrectly let me know.19:50
ChadTaljaardtwhats that?19:50
magiq*how to make terminator show colors as default terminal19:50
magiqI want to see colored user name and else19:50
dumle29Newbie3: Has it ever worked?19:50
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa19:50
ChadTaljaardtyeah i think so19:50
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  and you first try with the repo ones ? or not ?19:51
Newbie3dumle29: I've never used Linux before, so I guess no?19:51
ChadTaljaardtiused the one that the menu gave me19:51
dumle29Newbie3: I'd try the install again in that case19:51
dumle29as you have no data to loose19:51
ducasseTalche: you need a static ip on a 'clean' range, and dns set up to match your reverse dns19:52
Talcheducasse: yea... but i don't have one... so that is what i gues the problem is... i hve to configure something in postfix that i didn't19:52
ducasseTalche: no, you can't fix this by configuring postfix.19:53
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  dmesg | grep -i nvidia     tells soemthing ?19:53
ducasseTalche: a mail server on a home connection can only be used for a very limited set of things, like local mail19:55
wedgieroyal_screwup21: while read -r line; do curl --data "txt=$line" http://sentiment.vivekn.com/api/text/; done19:55
wedgieroyal_screwup21: the result will be a a json block for each line19:56
royal_screwup21Wow, thank you wedgie!19:56
k1lmgaunard: what ubuntu are you on  exactly?19:56
wedgieroyal_screwup21: oh wait, may be a better way. one sec19:56
wedgieroyal_screwup21: ah, maybe not. Their batch api requires your requests to be in json format, so probably more work for you19:57
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  367 ? still there ?19:57
wedgieroyal_screwup21: also, almost forgot one part: a t the very end you need:    < yourfile.txt19:57
wedgieroyal_screwup21: so actually this: while read -r line; do curl --data "txt=$line" http://sentiment.vivekn.com/api/text/; done < file.txt19:58
ubottupepp: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:58
royal_screwup21wedgie Yay, thanks!19:58
wedgieroyal_screwup21: http://sentiment.vivekn.com/docs/api/19:58
ChadTaljaardti did autoremove and i purged it19:58
ChadTaljaardti dont understand19:58
sn0wh1t3first time here =)19:58
mgaunardk1l: 16.04 lts19:59
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  better reboot with the latest kernel you have and paste again ?20:00
ChadTaljaardtokay holdon20:00
ChadTaljaardtif i do a sudo reboot will it auto select the other version?20:00
k1lmgaunard: and what is removing which package?20:00
mgaunardk1l: adb and android-tools-adb20:01
mgaunardsame with fastboot and android-tools-fastboot20:01
Talchejoin #networking20:03
Talchejoin #networking20:03
MonkeyDustTalche  it's   /j ##networking20:04
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  sure20:04
ducasseTalche: they can't 'fix' this for you, though20:04
MonkeyDusthaven't followed, was away20:05
ducasseMonkeyDust: running a mail server on a home connection, he's unable to deliver mail.20:06
k1lmgaunard: well, did you try to use both of them? the android-tools-adb is the older package, its included since 14.04. the adb is included  since 16.0420:08
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.20:08
mgaunardk1l: that doesn't answer my question, I asked what's different about them and why there are two of them20:09
MrOpenSourceHello I am new here20:09
Bashing-omMrOpenSource: :) Welcome to ubuntu support .20:09
k1lmgaunard: i dont know. i guess adb is from the ubuntu-touch and is overlapping the older android tools pacakge so they cant be installed both at the same time20:10
MrOpenSourceThank you Bashing-om20:11
ChadTaljaardtits rebooting ioria20:11
cfoxdont speak rus?20:11
ChadTaljaardtsorry for delays im trying to multitask20:11
ChadTaljaardtioria i rebooted and this is the output https://cl.ly/3f0T3f3I3C3220:12
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   grep -i nvidia /var/log/kern.log | pastebinit20:13
Seveascfox: not in here, no. In #ubuntu-ru they do20:13
MrOpenSourceit is possible to change text font and colour from terminal ??20:13
SeveasMrOpenSource: yes, it is.20:14
MonkeyDustMrOpenSource  Edit > Profile prefernces20:14
cfoxSeveas thanks!)20:15
lord_daemonDoes anyone know any free ddns?20:15
EriC^^lord_daemon: what's a ddns?20:15
Seveaslord_daemon: you mean things like no-ip.com?20:16
Bashing-omMrOpenSource: A lot depends on what Desk top environment AND the terminal that you are runing ..  GUI appearnace is generally controlled by the theme you have installed .20:16
lord_daemonI want to access my computer from the street with a name I give it, type no-ip20:16
lord_daemonSeveas yep20:16
MrOpenSourceI am very new to Ubuntu but I installed Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 64bit in dualboot20:16
lord_daemonBut no-ip now has limitations20:16
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   lspci -k | grep VGA -A2 | grep Kernel20:17
ChadTaljaardti used no-ip, i love it :D20:17
ChadTaljaardtKernel modules: nvidiafb, nouveau20:17
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   i still think to secure boot ... :þ20:18
Seveaslord_daemon: dynu.com perhaps? It's been a while since I had to use dynamic dns hacks...20:18
ChadTaljaardtioria i tried looking in the bios again and i still cant see anything about it at all20:18
ChadTaljaardti went through each section20:18
Bashing-om!manual | MrOpenSource Are you aware :20:19
ubottuMrOpenSource Are you aware :: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/20:19
ChadTaljaardtbut it doesnt explain it becuase it has been working for like 2 weeks and then i rebooted and then it stopped working suddenly20:19
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   https://forums.tweaktown.com/gigabyte/60819-ga-990fxa-ud3-secure-boot.html  as you see there is20:20
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: look at /var/log/apt/history.log for stuff you installed 2 weeks ago20:20
MrOpenSourceBashing-on thank you very much, i take a look20:21
ChadTaljaardtive installed tons of stuff and removed tons of stuff too20:21
hahahhahey guys, i started using linux a few weeks ago and im loving it so far, only thing is, i see all these programs that can be installed by get-apt. whats get apt and how do people learn to install anything by that command?20:21
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: look at around the time the problem started20:21
ChadTaljaardtthats difficult becuase the computer has been on a few days :/20:21
ChadTaljaardti think its probably easier to just try reinstall lol20:21
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: nah, look at the date20:22
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ChadTaljaardtioria i must disable CSM?20:22
ChadTaljaardtill look20:22
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: try "ls -l ~/.Xauthority" for a sec20:22
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: it isn't secureboot related20:22
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   you installed in legacy mode (csm)20:22
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: what date does ls give?20:23
ChadTaljaardt-rw------- 1 chad chad 62 Feb  5 19:47 /home/chad/.Xauthority20:23
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   try to remove it20:24
ducasse!software | hahahha read this :)20:24
ubottuhahahha read this :): A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents20:24
ChadTaljaardtioria rm -rf ~/.Xauthority ?20:24
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: wondering how you could get the date of the last time it successfully logged in20:24
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   mv .Xauthority Xauthority.back20:25
ChadTaljaardtthat wont help either i dont think becuase i use the machine over ssh20:25
ChadTaljaardti just turn it on and thats it20:25
EriC^^oh nevermind20:26
ChadTaljaardtive moved that file now20:26
EriC^^it wont help20:26
EriC^^the Xorg log says it can't open any /dev/drm file20:27
ChadTaljaardtcould it have somethign to do with visudo20:27
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest27183
ChadTaljaardtbecuase i edited that file but i put it back how it was also20:27
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  we can install anothe DE, if you want20:28
EriC^^won't help either20:28
EriC^^it's a problem with the kernel not giving that file20:28
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  another desktop so you can work in a gui20:28
ChadTaljaardti dont need to work in a gui actually haha, the issue is becuase i try running my python script and get this error, but this is realted. https://cl.ly/0Q0e0E2V1t0C20:29
Quatrokingwhere do I go for questions about the ubuntu wiki? I'd like a page removed20:31
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: try "sudo modprobe nvidia"20:31
ChadTaljaardtmodprobe: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod-module.c:832 kmod_module_insert_module() could not find module by name='nvidia_378'20:32
ChadTaljaardtmodprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'nvidia_378': Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)20:32
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: anything in "dmesg"20:33
ChadTaljaardttons lol20:33
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  have you used the .cuda installer ?20:33
ChadTaljaardtyes ioria but i said no to the nvidia driver on that20:33
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ChadTaljaardtEriC^^ https://cl.ly/25031J0L0g1Z20:34
SaintMoriartyFor some reason my curl to https is not working through crontab, is there any parameters that I need to use?20:35
EriC^^SaintMoriarty: nope, is it usually working from the terminal?20:35
EriC^^SaintMoriarty: what command are you using?20:35
SaintMoriarty/usr/bin/curl "https://myurl"20:36
EriC^^SaintMoriarty: that's all?20:36
EriC^^SaintMoriarty: what's line line in crontab?20:36
EriC^^*the line20:36
SaintMoriarty* * * * * /usr/bin/curl "https://myurl" >/dev/null 2>&120:37
EriC^^SaintMoriarty: ok, so how do you know it's not working?20:37
pfifoHello everyone20:37
=== Gaz1i[afk] is now known as Gaz1i
SaintMoriartybecause  it calls a url that executes a task20:37
SaintMoriartywhen I do the curl from terminal it works20:38
EriC^^SaintMoriarty: ok, try with curl "......" > /tmp/curllog 2>&120:38
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cuda.list20:38
ChadTaljaardtls: cannot access '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/cuda.list': No such file or directory20:39
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  dpkg -l | grep *cuda*20:40
ChadTaljaardtits blank20:40
pfifoI just upgraded from a nvidia card to an Radeon RX480, everything is going great but I am at a total loss for how to set the display resoultion, it is defaulting to 1920x1080 but the display is actually a television and its native resolution is 1366x768 which is a super rare resolution. Im using Lubuntu 16.04 and have fussed around a bit with xrandr but cant not seem to get it to generate an approprate20:40
pfifomodeline, it keeps insiting on a 1368 vertical resolution and when I try with that modeline my display refuses to use it.20:40
tchnqCan anyone help me make hotcorners work automatically after restart?20:41
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   ok, so for now, the last think i could think of, is to purge nvidia* again and try to login with nouveau. But you could end up with a blank screen20:41
tchnqIs dconf-editor a good idea to try on ubuntu 16.04 as a fix for hotcornerns20:43
BluesKajodd that no nvidia drivers work , there must be something else mucking things up20:43
ioriaChadTaljaardt, + nouveau should work with your card20:44
ChadTaljaardthow do i do the nouveau thing20:45
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   sudo apt purge nvidia+ and reboot20:45
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   sudo apt purge nvidia* and reboot20:45
ChadTaljaardtill try20:45
ChadTaljaardtdo i do autoremove?20:45
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   ok20:46
ducassepfifo: can't be that rare, 1366x768 is what my laptop uses. works out of the box with the radeon driver.20:48
Bashing-ompfifo: A thought, did you purge the old nVidia driver prior to insalling the AMD card ? Maybe we have a failure to communicate at the hardware level ?20:50
pfifoBashing-om: i have multi monitor amdgpu-pro is working spot on, and everything nvidia/cuda related is gone20:52
pfifoducasse: im using amdgpu-pro, im a gamer and need hw20:52
pfifoi suppose the question really is, how do i create a modeline appropriate to my monitor?20:53
ChadTaljaardtits rebooting now :)20:53
Ben64pfifo: what display is it, and how is it connected20:53
ChadTaljaardtnow what? ioria20:53
tchnqdoes anyone knows a fix for hotcorners on ubuntu 16.04?!20:54
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   rebooted and no login ?20:54
ChadTaljaardtill test now20:54
pfifoBen64: Emmerson LC320EM connected via HDMI20:54
ChadTaljaardti dont know how to do the noveau thing20:55
ioriaChadTaljaardt, nouveau is the default driver, if you purged nvidia you only have that20:55
Ben64pfifo: what's the output of 'xrandr'20:55
ChadTaljaardtso i can then just reboot and thats it :D20:56
ioriaChadTaljaardt, yep20:56
ChadTaljaardti just see a black screen20:56
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  right...20:56
pfifoBen64: http://dpaste.com/2PEC1VV20:57
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  wait a bit, open a console with ctrl+alt+f120:57
ChadTaljaardtthere its back20:57
ChadTaljaardtthe screen just came back, ill try login now20:57
Ben64pfifo: try using the 1360x768 or the 1280x72020:57
ioriaChadTaljaardt, ok20:58
pfifoBen64: neither work20:58
ChadTaljaardtokay login works20:59
ioriaChadTaljaardt, hurra20:59
Ben64try using a different hdmi port on your tv20:59
ioriaChadTaljaardt, cat ~/.xsession-errors20:59
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  that's a terrible paste-site21:00
ChadTaljaardti just got a error too "System program problem detected"21:00
ChadTaljaardtits a screenshot site haha21:00
ioriaChadTaljaardt, cat ~/.xsession-errors | pastebinit21:00
pfifoBen64: I swapped hdmi ports but I am unsure of how to proceed21:01
Ben64see if it works now21:01
ioriaChadTaljaardt, can you try the Guest Account ?21:02
pfifoBen64: the only resolution i could get workingn was 1920x108021:02
Ben64pfifo: does it actually display21:02
ioriaChadTaljaardt, and again  cat ~/.xsession-errors | pastebinit21:02
pfifoBen64: and it is badly clipped, the majority of the screen is located outside of the LCD21:03
=== Gaz1i is now known as Gaz1i[afk]
pfifoBen64: 1920x1080 works, it is just blurred and clipped21:03
Ben64sounds like your tv just sucks21:04
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  no good21:04
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  dpkg -l click21:05
pfifoBen64: it does, however it worked fine with ndivia... I think i have located the issue here, http://dpaste.com/0JVDR0F as you can see the modeline its generating is forcing me to a 1368 resolution and that is incorrect it is supposed to be 1366 and I typed in 136621:05
ChadTaljaardton the guest accout?21:06
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  yes, ...21:06
joakimkUbuntu 14.04: I installed some "important security update for my hardware" (or something), and ubuntu asked for a reboot. But now, after this, I am unable to log in: The screen only flickers, and the log in window reappears21:06
joakimk(also , the monitor resolution is way off)21:06
joakimkhow can I fix this?21:07
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   did you install it ?21:07
k1ljoakimk: does the guest account work?21:07
joakimkk1l: no, same problem21:07
k1ljoakimk: so a driver issue? what ubuntu? what video card? how did you isntall that driver? does an older kernel in grub work?21:08
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   try to remove it   sudo apt purge click21:08
ChadTaljaardtfrom guest still?21:08
joakimkk1l: Well :) Can I somehow boot in in "text only mode", so I can get the answers to what you're asking?21:08
joakimkthere's some key-combination to switch away from GUI, right?21:09
k1ljoakimk: ctrl+alt+f1 to tty, crtl+alt+f7 to switch back to X21:09
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   no, you need to login you user21:09
k1ljoakimk: but i would first try the older kernel in grub extended menue21:10
joakimkk1l: ok, thanks! Now I'm logged in21:10
joakimkah... in the login screen?21:10
joakimkoh, in grub!21:10
k1ljoakimk: no, grub is the boot menue right after the bios.21:10
joakimkrebooting. The GRUB loader has the following options: "Ubuntu". "Advanced options for Ubuntu"21:11
grimelHi, all. I have a problem configuring my old G3010 scanner for Ubuntu - can anybody help me out with this?21:11
joakimkor Memory tests21:11
joakimk +windows :)21:11
k1ljoakimk: advanced options. then the second latest kernel21:11
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   purge also libatk-adaptor libgail-common21:12
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ChadTaljaardtokay done21:12
joakimkright! So, the top one is 4.4.0-62-generic. The second one, is 4.2.0-42-generic21:12
joakimkthat one?21:12
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   no, wait21:12
k1ljoakimk: yes21:12
joakimkthat worked. So what does that mean?21:12
joakimkis the "62" one the new one I just installed?21:12
k1ljoakimk: so something with the latest kernel doesnt work with your video drivers. now we need the specifics i asked before21:13
ducassegrimel: have you installed hplip?21:13
ChadTaljaardtive already did it21:13
joakimkgotcha! So how do I get those parameters? Thanks again for helping me!21:13
grimelducasse: hplip is for printers only, isn't it?21:13
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   apt get install libgail-common libatk-adaptor21:13
ducassegrimel: nope21:14
grimelducasse: anyway it's already installed21:14
k1ljoakimk: "lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | nc termbin.com 9999" and show the url ehre21:14
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   logout/login and21:14
ioriaChadTaljaardt,  cat ~/.xsession-errors | pastebinit21:15
ChadTaljaardthold on :)21:15
joakimkk1l: http://termbin.com/vg1n21:15
joakimkk1l: neat way to dump to a pastebin :)21:15
ducassegrimel: according to sane-project.org, this should work: https://sourceforge.net/projects/hp3900-series/21:17
akikjoakimk: another way which you can use for multiple commands is "pastebinit <( command1; command2 )"21:17
k1ljoakimk: "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log |nc termbin.com 9999"21:17
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   so now you can login with opensource driver, but you still have a tons of errors21:18
grimelducasse: tried it - "Error : Some error caused GIT command execution. Are you sure you've installed GIT client?"21:18
ChadTaljaardtwhy would these errors have started do you know?21:18
grimelducasse: git is installed21:18
joakimkk1l: http://termbin.com/c6h721:18
ducassegrimel: ok, then you need to ask the sane guys or the devs of that driver (more likely)21:19
joakimkakik: nice :)21:19
k1ljoakimk: and now again from the failed boot "cat /var/log/Xorg.1.log |nc termbin.com 9999"21:19
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   on unity, usually when you do something you should not have done :þ21:19
joakimkk1l: there's no such Xorg.1.log file. I only have Xorg.0.log and Xorg.0.log.old21:20
grimelducasse: that's funny, just tried again and it worked...wtf))21:20
k1ljoakimk: ok, then the old one21:20
ChadTaljaardtioria lol so you mean install Ubuntu?21:20
ChadTaljaardtjust kidding21:20
joakimkk1l: http://termbin.com/694z21:20
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   funny21:20
ChadTaljaardtwell thanks for your help, ill see how everything goes21:20
joakimkk1l: what are you looking for :)21:21
ioriaChadTaljaardt,   ok21:21
k1ljoakimk: look at the last paste, the nvidia driver is failing there21:21
k1ljoakimk: look for EE21:22
joakimkI see it!21:22
alpha_best advice for someone21:22
alpha_who just got started with elementary os21:22
k1ljoakimk: ok, now please "dpkg -l |grep nvidia |nc termbin.com 9999"21:22
xanguaalpha_: switch to Ubuntu?21:22
alpha_but elementary os is ubuntu/debian based21:23
k1lalpha_: since you ask in here, install ubuntu :)21:23
joakimkk1l: http://termbin.com/a45r21:23
xangua! Elementary | alpha_21:23
kk4ewtalpha go to the elemtryos channel for support21:23
ubottualpha_: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.21:23
alpha_thank you21:23
k1ljoakimk: ok, now please "cat /var/log/apt/term.log |nc termbin.com 9999"21:24
joakimkk1l: http://termbin.com/v61m21:24
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bivois there a system wide equalizer? I'd like to be able to watch blacksmithing and machining videos without the piercing high pitched ring of the anvil of the scream of the power tools either making my ears bleed with headphones or disturbing everyone else if played on speaker21:27
k1ljoakimk: ok, now please "dpkg -l |grep wily |nc termbin.com 9999"21:29
joakimkk1l: http://termbin.com/yds321:29
ducassebivo: maybe libasound2-plugin-equal does what you want, read the description21:30
rizonzdoes ubuntu always needs a /etc/default/program for an initscript ?21:30
xanguaPulse audio equalizer bivo webupd8http://www.webupd8.org/2013/10/system-wide-pulseaudio-equalizer.html21:30
xrandr_laptopIs there a way to upgrade to 16.10 via command line?21:31
k1ljoakimk: ok, i guess your system is somehow confused since you had the wily backports kernel and xorg installed (which is outdated) and its still somehow partly installed21:31
EriC^^xrandr_laptop: sudo do-release-upgrade21:31
k1lxrandr_laptop: sudo do-release-upgrade after you set the release prompt to "normal" instead of LTS only21:31
xrandr_laptopk1l, how does one set the release prompt to normal?21:32
daxubottu: upgradeofflts21:32
ubottuTo upgrade from an LTS release of Ubuntu to the next (non-LTS) release, run sudoedit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and change the prompt= line to "prompt=normal". Then, do sudo do-release-upgrade to begin the upgrade.21:32
k1ljoakimk: ok, now please "dpkg-query -l *-lts-* | grep '^ii' |nc termbin.com 9999"21:32
joakimkk1l: this is way over my head :) Here's the paste: http://termbin.com/huxa21:34
xrandr_laptopok, it's upgrading thanks!21:34
k1ljoakimk: ok, there is still some lts-wily stuff isntalled21:34
k1ljoakimk: sudo apt-get -s install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-core-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-video-all-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-input-all-lts-xenial libwayland-egl1-mesa-lts-xenial21:35
k1lthe -s will simulate only, does this want to remove pacakges?21:35
\9don't need sudo if you use -s21:36
DukeNukem_is the Sapphire Radeon HD 7850 Dual-X Edition 2Gb drivers going to work on the 17?21:36
bivoducasse already installed it, but I don't see any kind of GUI for controlling the audio21:37
joakimkk1l: http://termbin.com/3ofo21:37
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joakimkk1l: seems it doesn't recommend installing/removing anything?21:38
bivoxangua Looks like the kind of thing I'm after, I'll give it a try21:38
k1ljoakimk: yes, i wonder why the 4.2 kernel works but the 4.4 kernel doesnt.21:38
k1ljoakimk: sudo apt install --reinstall nvidia-36721:39
joakimkapt or apt-get?21:39
k1lapt is the new apt-get :)21:39
joakimkmuch better :)21:39
xrandr_laptopit says the upgrade can take several hours?!21:40
xrandr_laptopis that.....normal?21:40
ducassebivo: the package desc says to use alsamixergui or alsamixer21:40
k1lxrandr_laptop: depends on your download speed, yes.21:41
\9and your cpu speed too, when it comes to the actual installing21:41
zacwallsHello, I recently installed Ubuntu 16.04 alongside Windows 10 on a SSD I just bought and I am noticing some very slow boot times. I started off trying to fix this problem by going into startup applications and disabling everything I don't need (such as the screen reader) but I am not noticing any changes in results. I looked at log files and everything looks normal from what I can tell. Any advice?21:42
wedgiehow long is "very slow"?21:43
joakimkk1l: ok, it's done. Reboot?21:43
k1ljoakimk: yeah21:44
zacwallswedgie: like a 1:30.... That's really slow compared to windows 10...21:44
ducassezacwalls: pastebin 'systemd-analyze blame' and give us the link21:44
joakimkk1l: still same thing :(21:45
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joakimkdoes anything indicate something wrong with the previous kernel, btw?21:45
joakimkmaybe I should just "stick with that"21:45
joakimkor is this easily fixable, do you think?21:46
zacwallsducasse: woah wth??? Thats super useful, and I see the problem now.... http://pastebin.com/3SRQxhzW21:46
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zacwalls13min 59.800s apt-daily.service :/21:46
zacwallsthat can't be accurate21:46
k1lthe 4.2 kernel is dead and doesnt receive any security updates anymore21:47
ducassezacwalls: ok, try 'journalctl -u apt-daily.service'21:47
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zacwallsducasse: there is nothing abnormal there. Feb 05 13:20:01 zacbox systemd[1]: Started Daily apt activities21:48
k1ljoakimk: hmm, maybe try to apt purge nividia* . after that is done without error, install nvidia-34621:48
joakimkk1l: and it doesn't matter that I do this while "logged into the previous kernel" (guess that maybe makes no sense?)21:49
zacwallswhy does "starting/started daily apt activities" take so long?21:49
k1ljoakimk: yes, that doesnt matter21:49
joakimkok thanks!21:49
ducassezacwalls: does 'apt install -f' say/do anything?21:50
joakimkk1l: uh.. Now, I can't log into the "42-kernel" anymore either...21:52
zacwallsducasse: Yes it reads the package lists, builds a dependency tree, reads state information and then prints 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 220 not upgraded. So no, not really...21:53
k1ljoakimk: does tty1 work?21:53
zacwalls220 not upgraded...21:53
ducassezacwalls: aha. try 'apt full-upgrade'21:53
zacwallsducasse: will that fix it? If so, why?21:54
joakimkk1l: ctrl-alt-F1 gives me just, "login: * Starting CUPS printing spooler/server             [ OK ] "21:54
joakimkthere's no login prompt, not even there21:54
ducassezacwalls: you must have been using 'apt upgrade' instead, which won't install all updates. i'm guessing the missing ones causes apt.daily service to take so long starting up.21:54
joakimkah hit enter21:54
k1ljoakimk: press enter once21:54
joakimkok, logged in21:55
joakimkI think ;)21:55
k1ljoakimk: then "sudo apt purge nvidia*"21:55
joakimkk1l: it just gives me, 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded21:56
k1lso the nvidia install didnt work before?21:56
k1ljoakimk: try a" sudo apt install nvidia-346"21:57
joakimkk1l: Runs into an error and fails: "Could not resolve 'no.archive.ubuntu.com'" and same for 'security.ubuntu.com' --- unable to fetch some archives21:58
rizonzis someone able to check with me why cpan cannot insll modules like IO::Socket::SSL ?21:58
joakimkmaybe run apt-get update, or try with --fix-missing?21:58
k1ljoakimk: can you "ping google.com"  cancel with ctrl+c21:59
zambaall login and sudo operations are taking forever to complete21:59
joakimkunknown host (!)21:59
k1ljoakimk: ok, so no internet21:59
zambait seems like there's some kind of timeout happening21:59
joakimkso it's offline?21:59
k1ljoakimk: what brings you: lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use'22:00
k1lnvidia or nouveau?22:00
k1lyou can look at lspci -nnk22:00
joakimkk1l: doesn't seem to give any output...?22:01
joakimkrunning just "lspci -nnk" does give something though22:01
k1lit should name the driver in use22:01
zacwallsSorry my connection timed out22:02
joakimkk1l: well, NVIDIA is found, but "nouveau" was not found (in the output)22:02
k1ljoakimk: i dont understand why its not purging the nvidia driver when its using the nvidia. i dont know in what state your system is there22:04
matt___ 22:05
k1lbecause if the nvidia is purged it should  run with nouveau. and that should be shown by lspci -nnk22:05
joakimkk1l: of course, this is difficult to diagnose/repair via IRC :) Thanks for your patience! But, do you think this is fixable, or will I have to reinstall Ubuntu ... :(22:05
k1ljoakimk: i dont really understand the issue right now. that doesnt make sense when it works with the latest driver on kernel 4.2 but not on 4.4 and not at all with the second latest driver from nvidia22:06
joakimkk1l: but now it doesn't work on 4.222:07
joakimkk1l: can't log in to any of the kernels listed under the Advanced menu, in GRUB22:08
* xrandr_laptop sighs in contentment22:08
k1ljoakimk: make sure "sudo apt purge nvidia*" removed all nvidia stuff22:09
xrandr_laptopk1l, will nvidia drivers work with ubuntu? the ones you download from nvidia.com?22:09
k1ljoakimk: after that try the nomodeset setting (see bot link for one time in grub describtion) when its booting with noveau with the 4.4. kernel22:10
k1l!nomodeset | joakimk22:10
ubottujoakimk: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter22:10
GuestieDo I need a multi-world plugin with GriefPrevention, worldedit, and Nucleus? I am running Sponge 1.10.2, modded server.22:10
GuestieWRONG CHAT! So sorry!22:10
k1lxrandr_laptop: better use the one from the ubuntu repos. not from their website22:10
xrandr_laptopi may switch my desktop from fedora to ubuntu22:11
xrandr_laptopI never thought I'd say this, but I like the unity desktop now22:11
xrandr_laptopI used to hate the bar at the side. But now that you can auto-hide it, i kinda like it22:11
k1lxrandr_laptop: you can put it to the bottom now, too22:11
xrandr_laptopyou can?22:12
joakimkk1l: well, I booted back into the "62" kernel, in TTY, and did the purge command again: "Package 'nvidia' is not installed, so not removed"22:12
joakimkdoes that look promising?22:12
xrandr_laptopis that in 16.04 or 16.10 ?22:12
k1ljoakimk: the * at the end is important22:12
joakimkhold on22:12
k1lsudo apt purge nvidia*22:12
joakimkAfter this operation, 341 MB disk space will be freed22:12
joakimkso Y then?22:12
xanguaxrandr_laptop: I think both22:13
joakimkmust have missed that before. Have to read from this PC, and type onto the Ubuntu prompt :)22:13
joakimkok, so it ran22:13
joakimkreboot? do I have to try the "nomodeset" parameter?22:13
joakimkI could maybe be so lucky that it now works.....??22:14
matt___ /quit22:14
k1ljoakimk: first try the 4.4 kernel now. if that doesnt work do the nomodeset parameter on that22:14
joakimkok, so rebooting back into "default GRUB choice"22:14
joakimkk1l: Excellent :D You saved my day!22:15
joakimkthanks a bunch22:15
GuestieAny good multi-world type of plugins for Sponge 1.10.2?22:16
ducasseGuestie: still wrong channel...22:16
Guestieducasse, oh my God. :\22:17
GuestieI'm stupid.22:17
ducasseGuestie: we all have those days :)22:17
hahahhaguys what program should i use on ubuntu that works like microsoft outlook?22:17
k1lhahahha: thunderbird22:18
hahahhak1l thunderbird is very bad! i tried it and it downloaded every single mail in my inbox! i have a lot of folders in my gmail account22:18
ducasseisn't evolution outlook'ish? never used outlook myself, so no clue...22:19
k1lhahahha: that is just a config thing then.22:19
hahahhak1l any idea how to do this?22:19
k1lhahahha: you can set it in the settings for that account what to sync etc. just open the settings and make it matching your usecase22:21
gravitycan anybody help me?22:21
alpha_if i have the knowledge to do so22:22
xrandr_laptopgravity, please state the nature of the linux emergency22:22
xrandr_laptopoh, he left22:22
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joakimkk1l: uh, so sorry to bug you again, but after ~10 minutes the computer froze. Can move mouse, but nothing else22:27
k1ljoakimk: hmm22:28
joakimkk1l: did a "hard reboot", will try again. But22:28
joakimkk1l: working again now... Maybe just a hiccup?22:30
xrandr_laptophello hertz22:30
xrandr_laptophi glache22:31
dumle29So I'm about to put a days worth of work into setting up several CSGO servers, with ebot. Is there any free way I can make that in an easily deployable manner, that isn't hardware specific?22:32
dumle29Like, I set it up on my VPS, or alternatively home server, and then when I need it for a LAN, I'll deploy it onto a dedicated server22:33
hahahhawhat's the use of ''home server''?22:33
hahahhaisn't every pc a server?22:33
dumle29can be22:33
dumle29but I have a 2U22:33
joakimkk1l: I'm hoping it was a one-off problem. Is there any way I now might check that nividia is indeed un-installed?22:40
joakimk(and this nouveau is installed)22:40
joakimkk1l: should not have thought that -- there it just happened again :( Full monitor freeze22:42
joakimkso, a full re-install of the linux partition is perhaps the best solution?22:43
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Ntemiscan anyone help me kill caja?22:43
Ntemisi get caja failing on me every day after updating to 1.1622:43
Ntemis killall caja does nothing22:43
Ntemisi killed caja and now i see no desktop icons22:45
Ben64run caja22:46
Ntemisrun not found22:46
NtemisNo command 'run' found, did you mean:22:46
ZiyadWuz good boys22:46
ZiyadWho's watching Super Bowl22:47
Ntemiscaja does nothing22:47
Ben64!ot | Ziyad22:47
ubottuZiyad: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:47
ducasseNtemis: which ubuntu version?22:47
Ntemisah wait22:47
joakimkk1l: thanks again, got to go. I'll get back to the freeze problems later. Thanks for helping me out!22:47
\9caja is the desktop and file manager so if you kill that of course your desktop icons go22:48
ducasseNtemis: ok, so you installed caja from somewhere else and now it fails?22:48
\9ducasse: caja is the ubuntu mate desktop and file manager22:48
ducasse\9: i know, but xenial does not ship 1.1622:49
ducasse!info caja xenial22:49
ubottucaja (source: caja): file manager for the MATE desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.12.7-1 (xenial), package size 908 kB, installed size 3873 kB22:49
\9i thought the 1.16 was a typo of 16.0422:49
Ntemisbash: !info: event not found22:49
\9the !info was to trigger the reply from ubottu22:50
Ntemisi installed mate 1.16 from official page22:50
\9well.. why did you do that?22:50
Ntemisbecause is official?22:50
ducasseNtemis: which page?22:50
wedgieNtemis: pasting commands you don't understand from an irc channel (or anwywhere, for that matter) into your shell is a bad habit.22:50
\9Ntemis: official mate maybe. but not official for ubuntu22:50
Ntemisyes official mate22:51
Ntemisi need to revert then22:51
\9that's a PPA22:52
\9that is not official yet22:52
Ntemisis on the official page of mate ubuntu22:52
Ntemisand you say is not official?22:52
pavlosNtemis, I started caja, it popped the File Manager, in a term I typed killall caja and was gone. Running UM 16.04, caja 1.1222:52
ducasseNtemis: "The version of MATE Desktop 1.16 in this PPA..." so ppa, not official.22:53
Ntemispavlos: edi file mou then pethainei me tipota22:53
pavlosNtemis, maybe caja 1.16 has some issues22:54
Ntemisi will revert to official mate version asap22:54
Ntemisppa-purge  ppa:ubuntu-mate-dev/xenial-mate is enough for this?22:55
Ntemisok here goes nothing22:56
Ntemisha i got my desktop back22:57
Ntemisbuggy as hell22:57
k1ljoakimk, sorry was busy22:57
* xrandr_laptop wonders how many more packages he has left before the upgrade is done. too bad the command line doesn't give a progress report22:58
pavlosNtemis, you can read about caja issues ... https://github.com/mate-desktop/caja/issues/38022:59
bivohow can I map a sequence of button presses to either constantly repeat or be tied to a single button press?22:59
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Ntemispavlos: i dont use audio files23:00
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Ntemisi was trying to unmount a sshfs mount23:00
Ntemisand caja freaked23:01
pavlosNtemis, some of the comments mention that caja becomes unresponsive, difficult to kill ... reboot23:01
Ntemisyes this is my issue23:01
Ntemisbut i have reverted to 1.1423:01
NtemisPPA purged successfully23:03
Ntemisjust added my opinion23:06
Ntemisthanks pavlos for the thread23:06
xrandr_laptopi think it's close to being done23:16
xrandr_laptopit's generating boot images23:16
hahahhawhat's the best linux in your opinion? ive tried mint and ubuntu so far, what should i try next?23:26
Ben64it's all just preference, but this isn't the channel to discuss other distros, maybe try ##linux23:27
k1lhahahha: obviously #ubuntu :) but you might want to ask in ##linux23:27
hahahhahaha what's so special about ubuntu?23:28
xrandr_laptopubuntu means unity which is something this world could use!23:34
xrandr_laptopah, i liek the launcher bar at the bottom :P23:36
xrandr_laptopbrb gotta reboot23:37
xrandr_laptopok i wish i didn't do the upgrade23:44
xrandr_laptopthe unity desktop is all messed up. After I log in I just get a black background, no launcher, no wall papaer. and the windows are lacking controls23:44
xrandr_laptophow can I fix this?23:44
Herbalistanyone happens to know how i can get an actual GtkCellrenderer mouseclick event, instead of the currently available "activate" event ?s ?23:45
xrandr_laptopk1l, any ideas?23:46
k1lxrandr_laptop: does guest account work?23:46
xrandr_laptoplet me check. I'd need to log out and try it23:46
xrandr_laptopk1l, if it does, what do i do?23:46
\9Herbalist: you won't have much luck getting gtk programming help here, try some gtk channel or forums23:47
Herbalisti did.. but noone is talking there23:47
k1lif it works there, then login as user again and rename the .config folder to .config.backup and relogin23:47
xrandr_laptopk1l, no dice23:52
k1lxrandr_laptop: so the guest account is messed up too?'23:52
xrandr_laptopguest doesn't work, renaming .config to .config.backup doesn't work23:52
xrandr_laptopk1l, yes23:52
k1lwhat ubuntu? what video card?23:52
xrandr_laptopk1l, i just upgraded from 16.04 lts to ubuntu 16.1023:53
xrandr_laptopi had also installed compiz23:54
xrandr_laptopshould i uninstall compiz?23:54
k1lyou should not have to install or remove compiz ata ll23:54
k1lwaht video card? what driver?23:54
xrandr_laptopk1l, not sure. it's an older laptop23:54
xrandr_laptopAND Vision e1 i think23:55
k1llspci will list the card23:55
afru_so. how about we target trump's twitter with a ddos23:55
xrandr_laptopk1l, VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Wrestler [Radeon HD 7310]23:55
k1lhmm, i am not familiar with amd, but if 16.04 worked i dont see why 16.10 should not work23:55
afru_we're all smart lads and can pull that off23:55
k1lafru_: we focus on only ubuntu support in here.23:56
afru_i jest.23:56
xrandr_laptopis there a driver i can install for radeon video cards?23:56
k1lxrandr_laptop: since the amd video driver is amd_gpu now and is already put into the kernel it should not need to do anything.23:57
k1lxrandr_laptop: you could try if "nomodeset" helps you.23:57
k1l!nomodeset  | xrandr_laptop23:57
ubottuxrandr_laptop: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter23:57
k1lxrandr_laptop: but i am not a amd specialists. maybe others in here do know more about23:58
Housekeepingis btrfs something similar to windows storage spaces23:59
k1lbtrfs is a new filesystem. like ntfs just with other features23:59

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