
flybacksudo mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md0 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sda /dev/sdb04:18
* flyback facepalms at how simple it was04:19
lynorianflyback glad you got raid working I hate tearing your hair out when there is a really simple answer04:25
flybackwell I never did a software raid the last one I fixed was like 20 yrs ago so ...04:25
JP____what is lzlib?08:49
JohnDoe_71Rusfor lz compression08:50
=== manjaroi3 is now known as tuxi3
=== tuxi3 is now known as manjaroi3
digital_ghosthow do i turn on syntax highlighting on leafpad?18:37
wxldigital_ghost: you don't. it doesn't have it.18:42
digital_ghostwxl: is there a way to add it?18:50
digital_ghostplugins or something?18:51
wxldigital_ghost: sure. you just need to send a patch that adds that feature to the upstream developers. :)18:51
=== grav is now known as Guest27411
=== wxl_ is now known as wxl
=== db[lappy] is now known as db`
=== AlexPortable_ is now known as AlexPortable
=== DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec

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