[05:48] Bug #1662073 opened: 'regiond' tries to get 'bootloaders' that are not selected === frankban|afk is now known as frankban [09:45] Bug #1662111 opened: when deploying 'virsh' type of machine(KVM), it repeats deploying constantly === jamespag` is now known as jamespage [13:28] Bug #1661880 changed: specify static ip address when taking ownership of device [14:37] Bug #1662185 opened: device discovery runs correctly, at first, but not subsequently [17:58] Bug #1662274 opened: When maas gui tells you to install some packages, it should offer to do so for you [18:07] Bug #1662274 changed: When maas gui tells you to install some packages, it should offer to do so for you [18:16] Bug #1662274 opened: When maas gui tells you to install some packages, it should offer to do so for you [18:30] Hi [18:30] Does anyone have any idea what's going on with the error in the log I posted over the weekend? [18:31] The error occurs during commissioning process. My commisioning fails and the only error I see is that ssh keys weren't installed for user ubuntu [18:31] I've added ssh keys to my MAAS user account. [18:47] mmxe, best file a bug. include all logs. not just a snippet [19:13] mmxe: it seems the amchine is trying to enlist, not commission [19:14] mmxe: the issue doens't seem to be the ssh keys [19:14] mmxe: but cloud-init dying for some reason [19:14] mmxe: what version of MAAS are you using ? === menn0 is now known as menn0-otp [19:17] he said 2.1.3 earlier [19:29] ah! [19:29] mmxe: make sure you have the latest images as well === frankban is now known as frankban|afk [19:52] I have the images that MAAS downloaded automatically. [19:53] On a side note, it would be nice to see the MAC addresses associated with DHCP leases in the lease list so it's easier to fill out power control MACs and IP. [19:53] It's sort of a convoluted process to pair a MAC with a machine name. [19:54] mmxe: you dont need MAC's for BMC's [19:55] I select IPMI as my "Power type" and the last field is "Power MAC" [19:55] It's not necessary to populate it? [21:00] mmxe: no it is not [21:02] Bug #1657491 opened: Several IPs assigned to the same iface in the DB due to 'free' leases === menn0-otp is now known as menn0 [22:02] Bug #1662343 opened: [2.1.3] Commissioning doesn't pick up new storage devices [22:05] Bug #1662343 changed: [2.1.3] Commissioning doesn't pick up new storage devices [22:20] Bug #1662343 opened: [2.1.3] Commissioning doesn't pick up new storage devices [23:25] roaksoax: Hi, I tried to add maas cloud to conjure-up, but it errors out with trackback: unable to find: /.local/share/juju/accounts.yaml. Is there something I need to do prior to setting this up in conjure-up? [23:33] or 'cattle' not found in juju's bootstrap-config.yaml === iatrou_ is now known as iatrou === garym_ is now known as garym === tai271828_ is now known as tai271828 === mpontillo_ is now known as mpontillo === plars_ is now known as plars === cargonza_ is now known as cargonza [23:38] Bug #1662361 opened: `machine deploy` parameter expectations and error output are not consistent === jefferai_ is now known as jefferai