
pavlushkaLove you Kilos :)06:02
Kiloshi guys06:17
rokonas salamu alykum room06:19
pavlushkarokon: Walaikum Assalam06:42
pavlushkau-la-la: tell rubel vy to check this https://hardforum.com/threads/mysql_secure_installation-fails-trying-to-set-root-password.1705542/07:05
u-la-lapavlushka: Okay, I'll tell rubel on freenode07:05
=== NahidSultan is now known as Lord_Voldemort
rokonas salamu alykum , room10:52
rokoni want to know how to coustomize ubuntu 10:53
rokoncustomize mean , run only one app 10:54
pavlushkarokon: rephrase your "run only one app"10:57
rokonhow 10:57
pavlushkarokon: explain your "run only one app"10:57
rokonwithout gui10:58
rokonoo :D10:58
pavlushkarokon: you can use bash terminal to work without gui10:58
rokoni am running a serve on ubuntu 10:59
pavlushkarokon: or you can switch to tty shells by "ctrl+alt+f1" up to f610:59
pavlushkarokon: so you want a gui?10:59
rokoni know that 10:59
pavlushkaon that server?10:59
rokonopenerp server 11:00
pavlushkarokon: ok, and what do you want to do with it?11:00
pavlushkarokon: the thing you inquiring about?11:01
rokonwhen boot ubuntu , i just want to run only that server 11:01
rokoni am working on it ,11:01
pavlushkarokon: paste the "sudo ps aux | grep openerp" result11:03
pavlushkafrom the Ubuntu VM terminal11:03
pavlushkaVM's terminal11:03
pavlushkarokon: and you can automate that service by "systemctl enable name.service"11:05
rokonhow 11:05
pavlushkaand it will(supposed to) start at the boot11:05
rokoni will give u the result11:06
pavlushkarokon: and there's another way, the gui way11:06
rokontell me 11:07
pavlushkarokon go to Startup Applications11:07
pavlushkayou have to create a new startup entry for your desired app here11:08
pavlushkarokon: but first you have to identify how your app manually launches11:09
pavlushkayou just have to define that ways in the startup, I am telling you how.11:09
rokon parum na 11:09
pavlushkarokon: easy, I am guiding you11:09
pavlushkarokon: first close the openerp server11:12
pavlushkarokon: you can force it to close by "sudo kill pid"11:12
pavlushkarokon: in this case, your pid is 1842 getting from the ubuntu paste11:13
rokonkill: failed to parse argument: 'pid'11:14
pavlushkarokon: in this case, it is "sudo kill 1842"11:14
pavlushkapid means process id11:15
pavlushkarokon: and now try from normal usermode i.e.($) python ./openerp-server11:16
pavlushkaand see if it launches the server app11:17
pavlushkadont get confused, I meant this (odoo@odoo:~$)11:17
rokoni understand that 11:18
pavlushkaand privileged user mode looks like (root@odoo#)11:18
rokonbut am i have to run pyhon11:18
pavlushkarokon: looks like that is a python script that needs python to launch11:19
rokonyes that is python script11:19
rokonnow i am normal mode11:20
rokonin the python 11:20
pavlushkarokon: you dont have to be in python11:20
pavlushkaquit that11:20
rokonok :D11:20
pavlushkapython ./openerp-server11:21
pavlushkarokon: paste the "sudo ps aux | grep openerp" result again11:21
pavlushkaif it launches the app, it will show11:22
pavlushkaon that result11:22
* pavlushka waiting11:24
pavlushkarokon: we didn't finished yet, its only the checking part11:24
rokonroot      3269  0.0  0.0   4680   824 pts/13   S+   17:20   0:00 grep --color=auto openerp11:24
rokoni know 11:24
pavlushkarokon: how did you set that openerp up? is there is a directory where lies the openerp python script?11:26
pavlushkarokon: can you paste the result of "sudo ls /opt/openerp/odoo-8.0/"?11:28
rokonlook another thing going if only one app run can ssh to this guest11:28
pavlushkaI guess not11:29
pavlushkarokon: can you paste the result of "sudo ls /opt/openerp/odoo-8.0/" ?11:29
pavlushkarokon: explain "look another thing going if only one app run can ssh to this guest" after we sort the previous :p11:30
rokonit came to mind because if i want edit any file out of the server if anythig goes wrong11:32
pavlushkarokon: just curious, you followed this manual http://paste.ubuntu.com/23940603/ to setup the openerp ?11:38
rokonin that dir i run the openerp-server11:39
rokonhere is after python ./openerp-server11:41
rokonhere is my sudo ps aux | grep openerp11:41
pavlushka<rokon> in that dir i run the openerp-server, exactly how?11:43
pavlushkarokon: by ./openerp-server ??11:43
pavlushkarokon: create a new entry in the startup application, put in the COMMAND section "/opt/openerp/odoo-8.0/openerp-server"11:49
pavlushkaadd name openerp-server and description11:50
pavlushkaclick apply/ok11:50
pavlushkarokon: and there you go, you can test it by rebooting the VM. and checking by sudo ps aux | grep openerp11:51
pavlushkarokon: and I dont get it "look another thing going if only one app run can ssh to this guest"11:52
pavlushkau-la-la: tell rokon to check http://paste.ubuntu.com/23940644/11:53
u-la-lapavlushka: Got it, I'll tell rokon on freenode11:53
rokonsorry i was dic 12:22
u-la-larokon: By the way, pavlushka on freenode told me "tell rokon to check http://paste.ubuntu.com/23940644/" 28 minutes and 48 seconds ago12:22
rokonu know that i runnig ubuntu on vm 12:25
=== Tanvir is now known as Flumedicine
pavlushkahello zaki 18:35
zakihi pavlushka18:35
zakiLord_Voldemort:  Flumedicine and others18:35
pavlushkazaki: you mean Kilos ?18:36
Lord_Voldemorthey zaki :) 18:36
zakioh my18:36
zakihi Kilos :) how are you doing?18:36
* pavlushka on late dinner18:36
zakii just did18:36
zakiu-la-la: coffee on18:37
* u-la-la flips the salt-timer18:37
Kilosalive still ty zaki 18:38
zakiwhat are you doing now? and how's your daughter? talked today?18:40
u-la-laCoffee's ready for zaki!18:41
zakiu-la-la: ty18:42
u-la-laYou are welcome my friend18:42
zakipavlushka: i'm gonna try plasma 5.918:57
pavlushkazaki: yeah, sure, that's the best thing you can do :p18:58
pavlushkazaki: you weren't here, rokon was here for help18:59
pavlushkabut I was afk18:59
pavlushkaone person is not enough18:59
pavlushkaneed a back watcher19:00
zakithat mac user?19:00
pavlushkazaki: uses Ubuntu on VM, so it counts :p19:00
zakihow about saiful alam rakib?19:01
zakioky :D19:01
pavlushkasaiful is a full-time student19:01
zakioh. good student may be. not like me.  i was bad one. :D19:02
zakihi Flumedicine19:03
zakipavlushka: upgrading to plasma 5.8.5 :319:10

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