
anon^_^everyone must be watching the pooper bowl01:57
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cpaelzergood morning07:10
mitya57Laney: thanks, Sphinx migrated now! \o/08:15
Laneymitya57: someone skipped it ...09:05
tjaaltondoko: hi, just a heads up that mesa et al will migrate to llvm-4.0 for zesty, probably post-ff as llvm-4.0 is still at rc109:21
Mirvtjaalton: will you be the guy to switch the verification tag in bug #1641017? I see a community testing is mentioned, so I didn't dare to tag it as done just based on my testing.09:31
ubottubug 1641017 in mesa (Ubuntu Yakkety) "Mesa 12.0.6 - multiple important fixes, stable branch" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/164101709:31
MirvI did tag the other two bugs, especially as I happen to have Radeon 7750 mentioned in the other bug09:32
tjaaltonMirv: yeah, guess I should09:38
rbasakcpaelzer: could versioning the symbols be a solution?10:20
lolekhello everybody, I hope this is not wrong channel for this question, I'm trying to understand how the global menu in ubuntu is being done as I'm trying to fix one application behavior10:45
lolekso far I thought it's taking the app menu that's not hidden and is using it as a menu, but it seems it's not working like this, so my question is how can I have multiple global menus and switch between them?10:46
juliankI'm thinking about just pushing ndiswrapper 1.60-3 from yakkety/zesty to xenial to make it build with newer kernels (bug 1625089). Opinions on that?10:46
ubottubug 1625089 in ndiswrapper (Ubuntu Xenial) "ndiswrapper <= 1.60-2 ADT test failure with linux 4.8.0-11.12" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162508910:46
juliankIt's a very leaf package in universe, the changes (https://anonscm.debian.org/git/collab-maint/ndiswrapper.git/diff/?id=debian/1.60-3&id2=debian/1.59-6) are fairly tiny, and I don't really want to bother rolling custom updates for stable series for a project that's on basic life support.10:47
juliankapw: ^ basically ready to go10:53
juliankAKA package built, not signed yet...10:53
juliankUploaded now, but oh well, 1.60-3~ubuntu16.04.1 might not have been the best versioning choice - I think it should have been 1.60-3~ubuntu0.16.04.1?10:59
juliankor well, it's a ~, so it does not really matter11:00
cpaelzerrbasak: could work, but then how much more symbols would it be11:00
cpaelzerrbasak: that is part of the "it might be an upstream bug, but I have to fix packaging for now" story IMHO11:01
rbasakcpaelzer: it would be the same number of symbols per shared library still though, no?11:06
rbasakIIRC, libmysqlclient20 does this.11:06
juliankThere's an ndiswrapper 1.61 now, but it failed to build or something, so no upload of that one ...11:07
juliankIf we can just upload the new uploads to xenial (assuming neither I nor upstream do anything except basic life support), we can even continue having working ndiswrappers in xenial with new kernels.11:09
juliankWe have the same problem with new kernels in precise and trusty, but they never got an update for ndiswrapper (but they probably also have no automated testing of dkms builds)11:10
juliankUnfortunately, I cleaned up the packaging after trusty/vivid (wily?) [see 1.59-4 changelog], so these would require backporting quite some stuff which I'm not really fond of doing (it's up for grabs if someone is interested in that stuff)11:13
cpaelzerrbasak: yeah I just meant this is a fix that I might propose upstream for the following versions11:23
cpaelzerrbasak: do you have a pointer to the libmysql example to I can refer to it?11:24
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rbasakcpaelzer: I'm not sure, sorry. I'm not even sure how to confirm the symbols are versioned. I thought they were, but objdump/nm don't seem to think so.11:27
* rbasak 's linker-fu is weak.11:27
cpaelzerrbasak: honestly I just think different versions of same so in the same exetubale space are doomed to cause trouble - the question for me is how to resolve that so that it won't happen11:39
apwjuliank, i can reject that for you if you want to change the version11:40
juliankapw: Nah, I think it's normal for the ~ ones11:40
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cpaelzerrbasak: after I summarized I'm kind of leaning towards the symlink-compat-lib solution I described for now11:40
juliankOnly the non-~ ones have a 0. in front usually11:40
cpaelzerrbasak: and starting the discussion upstream how they want it in the long term11:40
cpaelzerrbasak: yet - I feel unsure enugh still that I'd really want some feedback from the more experienced packagers11:41
apwjuliank, i suspect they are either ubuntu0.16.04.1 or ~16.04.1, but as long as they are consistent between releases so they sort right it doesn't matter much11:41
rbasakcpaelzer: I agree it's problematic, but I also think it's inevitable for complicated applications. libmysqlclient is an example - it may be that two different libraries need that for certain apps. If symbols are versioned, it should work correctly I think. The problem might come if the library breaks ABI only.11:41
rbasak(breaks ABI without declaring it, that is)11:41
rbasakOr, if the application wants to pass handles or data across different ABI versions of the same library. Then I'm not sure how to declare that relationship in dependencies in a clean way.11:42
juliankapw: Right. It just felt kind of wrong without "ubuntu" in there IMO (that would be 1.60-3~16.04.1)11:42
juliankpbuilder has 0.227~ubuntu16.04.1 similar to my ndiswrapper upload, I think that looks nicer11:43
apwjuliank, then that is good enough11:43
juliankapw: I accidentally have "(LP: ##1625089)" [two #] in the changelog, but the entry below it has the correct one, so the bug tracking works fine... :)11:46
apwheh, it is one of those days isn't it11:46
juliankapw: I love how you are talking to yourself in the semi-automated "please test" message :D12:01
apwjuliank, heh .. lovely isn't it12:02
apwonce the publisher gets caught up i'll wack that one and get the test rerun12:02
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maprerijuliank: that's proposed for xenial-backports, not xenial-updates though.12:37
juliankmapreri: Ah, well. Both are technically backports, though, one is just tiny enough to SRU it12:38
mapreri(but apparently in ubuntu the same versioning is used for all pockets)12:38
juliankmapreri: Well, there's no clear rule on that anyway, except for the security rules.12:39
juliankAnd these don't have ~ rules ...12:39
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ogra_pitti, oops ... http://planet.ubuntu.com/12:50
ogra_i guess you're cached there ...12:51
pittiogra_: yeah, I got re-hacked after restoring everything, I permanently shut it down now12:56
pittiso planet's cache needs to get purged12:56
ogra_yeah, no idea who owns planet nowadays12:56
ogra_or how one would purge it12:57
juliankogra_: maybe pitti's attacker can help :D12:57
juliankpitti: Your blog got hacked twice?12:58
juliankthat's incredible.12:58
pittitwo days ago already, so three times12:58
juliankI did not know you were such a valuable target :D12:58
pittidaily.2 looks good12:58
pittihugo looks pretty good, and https://github.com/SchumacherFM/wordpress-to-hugo-exporter seems to do quite an amazing job12:59
juliankI'm thinking of converting my ikiwiki to jekkyl, dropping the host and just hosting my website on github ...13:00
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smoserbdmurray, when you arrive... were you looking at the xenial cloud-init sru ? (you requested SRU info on one of the bugs, i've added it). is there anything you need from me.15:30
naccrbasak: around?17:01
rbasaknacc: o/17:10
rbasakcpaelzer, nacc or maybe caribou: I'd appreciate a review of my squid3 merge please. https://code.launchpad.net/~racb/ubuntu/+source/squid3/+git/squid3/+merge/31649619:46
rbasakI'll upload it in a week if nobody has had time to review by then.19:47
rbasakReview workflow at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Merging/GitWorkflow#Reviewing_Merges19:49
naccrbasak: I will try if I can find the cycles :)19:50
sarnoldit's 90% changelog, 90% QRT tests19:50
naccsarnold: yeah, because a lot of stuff is being dropped in the merge (afaict)19:51
rbasakIt's the total diff againt Debian you're seeing in the preview diff. It's a good sign when that's all that's remaining :-)19:52
rbasakhttps://git.launchpad.net/~racb/ubuntu/+source/squid3/log/ may be more helpful in understanding what the delta actually is.19:52
rbasakAnd https://git.launchpad.net/~racb/ubuntu/+source/squid3/log?id=logical/3.5.12-1ubuntu8 is what it was before.19:53
dobeywho knows anything about lubuntu?20:32
wxldobey: #lubuntu(-devel)20:32
dobeywxl: well i just need to know if it depends on xdg autostart functionality for starting indicators, or if it uses upstart or systemd instead20:33
dobeyand if fossfreedom is around, i need to know the same about budgie20:34
wxldobey: the indicators are all within lxpanel which is started with autostart20:34
dobeywxl: so indicator-messages and indicator-application are started with autostart?20:35
fossfreedomdobey: same on budgie - budgie-desktop starts the indicator20:35
wxldobey: yep.20:36
dobeyhmm. :-/20:37
dobeyhmm, no, it looks like lxpanel is actually loading .so files for indicators? or am i reading this code wrong?20:47
wxlyepp. that's what i'm saying. the indicators are plugins that are built into lxpanel.20:48
wxlbut lxpanel is loaded with autostart, which in turn loads those indicators.20:48
dobeyhmm, i wonder why indicator-messages and indicator-sound are seeded in lubuntu20:48
wxlhm. maybe i'm wrong20:49
wxlthere's no -messages in a yakkety vm but -sound is there20:51
dobeybut indicator-sound doesn't provide libsoundmenu.so20:52
wxl-application is there, too20:53
wxlbut not messages20:53
wxland this coincides with the manifest20:53
smoserbdmurray, i've just uploaded cloud-init_0.7.9-0ubuntu1~16.04.2_source.changes21:26
smoserwhich has a fix on the sru you let in earlier today.21:26
smoserwould appreciate a quick review and let that into -proposd.21:29
bdmurraysmoser: accepted21:32
wxldobey: libsoundmenu.so is provided by indicator-sound-gtk2 which lubuntu does have21:32
dobeywxl: yeah, i see that now, but i don't understand why that depends on indicator-sound21:33
dobeyi also don't see any evidence that budgie is using ubuntu indicators at all21:33
smoserbdmurray, can you reject the upload to yakkety-proposed21:34
smoserfor cloud-init.21:34
smoserand i am uploading it again right now.21:34
wxldobey: well, i can't speak as to why indicator-sound-gtk2 depends on indicator-sound, if that's what you mean21:35
dobeywxl: sure. was just pointing out what i discovered. i'm in this rabbit hole because i'm making changes to indicator-sound that could potentially break some of the other flavors, so trying to make sure i don't21:36
wxldobey: speaking for lubuntu, i appreciate your consideration :)21:36
Unit193infinity: Howdy.  Is there something I can follow to track the progress of geoip-database getting an "automatic" backport?  Also, you seem to be the dpkg guy.  Know if that's getting merged for zesty, or is that held up on LP .buildinfo support?22:08
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fossfreedomdobey: in the case of Ubuntu Budgie - we do not make any use of any of the indicator-* packages.  So no impact on our side if you make changes to indicator-sound22:46
fossfreedomcjwatson: just wondering if our (Ubuntu Budgie) merge request is nearing the top of your todo list?  TIA https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-cd/+bug/165927822:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1659278 in debian-cd (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Budgie does not boot directly to ubiquity try/install screen" [Undecided,In progress]22:52
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wxlcyphermox: caribou: if i understand this whole patch pilot thing correctly, you guys are on call to help with sponsorship, no? i've been trying for almost a week now to get my konversation in yakkety sponsored so i can pursue an sru https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/konversation/+bug/163591123:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1635911 in konversation (Ubuntu Yakkety) "Konversation crashes on quit - please package latest version" [High,Triaged]23:47
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