
thatgraemeguymorning peoples05:26
pavlushkaMorning Every One & Kilos 06:03
pavlushkahey thatgraemeguy06:03
* pavlushka ahoys ZA06:04
superflyHi thatgraemeguy, pavlushka 06:09
superflyHmm, bed time for me06:10
Kilosmorning superfly pavlushka and everyone else06:18
paddatrappermorning everyone06:18
Kilossleep tight superfly 06:18
Kiloshi paddatrapper 06:18
paddatrapperhow are you doing oom Kilos?06:18
Kilosill lurk, im ok atm ty waiting for prof to decide what next06:19
superflyMorning Kilos, paddatrapper. Good night everyone 06:28
paddatrappernight superfly 06:34
pavlushkaNight superfly 06:41
pavlushkaGreat to hear from you Kilos :)06:41
Kilosgreat to have connection again06:42
Kilos2 weeks offline sucked06:42
paddatrapperI'm sure it did. I struggle with two days off!06:53
inetprogood mornings everyone07:32
inetprooh and welcome back oom Kilos07:33
inetproKilos: you posting from in hospital still or from home?07:33
pavlushkatheblazehen: ping08:01
pavlushkaMorning inetpro :)08:02
Kilosin hospital inetpro 08:05
Kiloshopefully get some concrete decision from them today08:05
theblazehenhey pavlushka13:28
theblazehenhi all13:28
LangjanHello Kilos what a pleasure to see you here!14:36
Kilosty Langjan 15:14
Kilosbigger pleasure to see my za page again15:16
Kilosdont let anyone tell you things are good here15:17
Kilosthey never get to do much15:17
Kilosmore is nog n dag15:17
LangjanAre you still in hospital?16:29
LangjanAnd how are things with you?16:30
chesedohi all and welcome back oom Kilos16:33
LangjanHi chesedo 16:33
Kiloshi chesedo ty16:43
Kilosyip Langjan im here and will be for a while yet16:43
Kilosspent first three days in a lazyboy16:43
Kiloshad a milder attack this avy but it still hurt like hell, now im ok again16:44
Kilosthey gonna decide fryday if they must do bypass or whatever16:45
Kiloseven my fingers short term memory is affected now16:46
LangjanHi Kilos, sorry we went for a swim17:05
LangjanHave they transplanted your memory to your fingers? 17:06
LangjanHow are you feeling? 17:06
LangjanThinking about you a lot - hope things work out well, keep us posted. 17:30
Langjanhi nsnzero 17:50
nsnzerohi Langjan hope, you keeping well 17:50
LangjanYes, very well thanks nsnzero. And yourself? 18:03
nsnzerohad a tiring day ...18:17
LangjanAi, sorry to hear. What's the problem?18:18
nsnzerojust busy at work , gets like this some days , cant help it18:24
nsnzerohey kilos - how are you ?18:37
Kilosstuffin doctor that has tried to discharge me twice in last 2 weeks comes now and says im being discharged tomorrow18:37
LangjanYou're scaring me Kilos - growling at me? 18:37
LangjanAnd you had an attackk today?...18:38
Kilosi feel like killing someone18:38
LangjanIt's scary what happens in hospitals these days18:39
Kilosi need to find ceo email addy and everyone else with some authority here18:41
LangjanAsk to speak to the Superintendent18:41
Kilosno one wants to give me any info now, they say do it tomorrow because the stress will bring on another attack18:49
LangjanSA Patients' rights charter: you are entitled to a second opinion: https://www.westerncape.gov.za/general-publication/heres-what-you-need-know-about-patients%E2%80%99-rights-charter18:55
LangjanHello smile, still out chasing the girls? 18:57
LangjanKilos, jy moet lekker slaap en pas jou lappie op. Sit hom onder jou kussing...19:00
KilosMaaz tell langjan i been hunting for matrons office and superintendants office so i can start making waves in the morning19:29
MaazKilos: Got it, I'll tell Langjan on freenode19:29
Kilosnight all. sleep tight21:33
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