
flocculantdavmor2: are you the oem whizzkid? if so - do you test oem and encryption? 12:25
davmor2flocculant: no due to the fact that an oem would have to set an encryption key password which would null and void the whole point of the encryption :)12:26
davmor2flocculant: oem is a mode that is used as stand alone, you can test with encryption it's just not the typical way it would ship12:26
flocculantthat was what I thought - just checking :)12:27
* flocculant toddles of out again12:27
flocculantknome: when you've got 30 minutes ish :)17:10
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flocculantbluesabre: something occurs to me - 14.04 goes EOL, I assume 3years after release, which is in ~2 months - do we start telling users soon? 17:49
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knomeflocculant, yes?19:35
knomemy take on EOL is that we can wait until the EOL date as the core system is supported anyway19:36
knomeit's not like the world collapses 3 years after the release19:36
knomebut we should probably start preparing the news etc.19:36
flocculantack on core being supported19:38
flocculantso we wait till it's EOL - then tell people at the same time as it being EOL - instead of giving some warning?19:38
flocculantthat's friendly ;)19:39
knomewell, i'll happily hear other opinions19:39
knomei just don't know if it's sensible to shout that 14.04 will be EOL very early either19:39
knomeat least before we have a new thunar SRU on 16.0419:39
flocculantwell it's LTS - and it goes EOL in ~2 months19:40
flocculantand yea - would be goot to sru thunar for 16.04 absolutely19:40
flocculantjust got my head in taskmanager for a few minutes for ochosi 19:41
knomepart of my rationale is that we don't support releases for 3 years because we don't have the manpower to do more19:42
knomebut in case we don't feel like the next LTS is quite ready (which is unforunate), we still *can* as the core is supported to19:42
knomeit would be different IMO if the ubuntu core was also only supported for 3 years19:42
knomethen we would definitely want to make sure people upgrade soon19:43
flocculantochosi: so played about with columns add yea as you saw - all over the place http://paste.ubuntu.com/23942957/19:48
flocculantknome: yea I would agree with that sentiment19:48
knomeso maybe schedule an article a few weeks before the EOL date and another one on EOL, or sth19:48
flocculant4 would be the week prior to beta 1 freeze19:49
flocculantfinal beta19:50
knomeso we don't want 3 weeks at least19:50
flocculantnearly had kittens then - cos that's next week :D19:50
flocculant3 weeks would be final beta week19:51
flocculantbut yea - some time before then again on eol makes sense19:51
flocculantanyway - was a passing thought mostly brought on by me remembering the last couple of eol's ' oh - we're eol now - best tell people'19:52
flocculantso - and I think we've possibly had this discussion previously ...19:53
flocculantanyway to have some sort of freeform text box at http://dev.xubuntu.org/#tab-qa19:53
flocculantbit sort of blueprint whiteboardish19:54
knomewill look at that19:54
flocculantknome: reasoning for that is things like the folder/image issue we're seeing in desktop settings19:55
flocculantsomeone mentioned it to me - I looked - asked ochosi where to report it - then it got forgotten by everyone - then Simon mentioned it - then Sean did - but nothing had been written down anywhere19:56
flocculantnow - seems that we just need somewhere to note qa/dev issues to me until reported 'somewhere'19:57
knomeyep, that seems all fair and doable19:57
flocculantif it's loads of work then qa blueprint whiteboard will suffice19:57
flocculantok - ta :)19:59
flocculantI'd rather it was on the tracker - and on the qa tab - seems best place for it till it's properly reported19:59
flocculantochosi: moving columsn - seems to be no specific pattern to what works and what doesn't20:28
ochosiyeah, it's fairly random in my experience too20:28
flocculantsame with hiding/adding - though at some point task disappears and then comes back 20:28
ochosibut it's sorta broken i guess20:28
ochosias far as i can tell it's even broken in the current release20:29
ochosirestarting the taskmanager fixes the visible columns i think20:29
flocculantochosi: well - I didn't manage to break current20:29
ochosibtw, any news from robert on the greeter issue?20:32
flocculantochosi: noticed something else - in current - box for the tick, in git - no box20:32
ochosibox for the tick?20:32
flocculantochosi: nope - waiting for him to wake a bit then ping him20:32
ochosii guess i need a screenshot for that20:32
flocculantochosi: where you choose which columns 20:33
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flocculanthttp://i.imgur.com/MxPoE67.png is current20:34
flocculanthttp://i.imgur.com/Ph77Svs.png is git20:34
ochosithat's just gtk3 (current) vs. gtk220:40
ochosiyou could build git with "./autogen.sh --enable-gtk3" then they would look the same20:41
flocculantochosi: aah ok :)20:41
flocculant ochosi bluesabre - reply from robert in -desktop re locking bug20:55
ochosiwell if he has it on his "to fix" list, i'm happy20:56
ochosii trust him20:56
* flocculant wonders if a mail to our testers re that and maybe replacing with gnome-screensaver or something in the interim would be an idea 20:56
flocculantochosi: yea :)20:56
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