=== rogpeppe1 is now known as rogpeppe [12:33] frankban, Hiya, quick question regarding https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/issues/2392. Any estimate for the patch delivery ? [13:33] deanman: hey, sorry, missed the ping, 2.3.1 is due in ~2 weeks according to our schedule [15:53] frankban, hey great news then, looking forward to see that, thanks for the update! [15:53] deanman: np, thanks for reporting! [15:54] frankban, on a side note, is there any feature request to be able to present a bundle as a single unit ? [15:55] So that you can have more complex architectures in your model without having tens of services always visible in your canvas ? [15:58] deanman: that idea is under design. yes we want bundles to be real entities in juju. right now, once a bundle is deployed, there is nothing in juju indicating that that's a bundle and not just a collection of charms in your model. for instance, you cannot scale out a bundle. I think a plan exists but not scheduled for the very near future [16:00] frankban, i think the elasticity scenario is far more advanced and would mean that bundles are treatest as first-class citizens. My request comes from the fact that i simply want a better representation in the web-gui side. [16:01] deanman: I see, interesting [16:02] I was thinking something that you could toggle on-off and either group the charms of a given bundle in a single UI element or expand them [16:02] deanman: I'll have to ask UX about this, and we'll have to think about how doable it is without some support server side [16:04] e.g. deploy two complex bundles, 1 is from the charm store and contains 20 charms and 1 bundle which is my application and is 3 charms. With this example the 20 services which I'm simply using as-a-service simply make my 3 charms "invisible" or less important. In the UX language i guess you could say it draws the focus of the end user to the wrong side [16:06] deanman: I think the idea there would be the feature flagged idea of cross model relations. [16:06] deanman: so you can put them in different models and connect.the bits that need to be connected [16:09] Hi rick_h, hmmmm...haven't see the cross-model feature yet, can you deploy a subordinate, e.g. a monitoring tool and connect all services ? Will that be visible in the same canvas ? [16:10] I guess if you are able to see both models at the same time that will work for what i have in mind. === frankban is now known as frankban|afk === frankban|afk is now known as frankban === frankban is now known as frankban|afk