
nsnzeromorning all06:15
paddatrappermorning nsnzero 06:17
nsnzerohi paddatrapper - time to learn awk and sed06:24
paddatrapperEnjoy, I usually try avoid them!06:31
nsnzeroseems like a useful application to learn - my linux toolkit grows each day06:40
MaN1they are both incredibly useful, though a large part of learning sed is just learning regex - and regex is useful everywhere not just linux :)06:41
=== MaN1 is now known as MaNI
nsnzerohi MaNI - regex or REgular Expressions - is quite a useful as most programming languages support them - although the syntax is abot obscure 06:47
nsnzerosorry MaNI i repeated what you said MaNI +106:48
paddatrapperbuffer 1206:49
nsnzeroif anyone is interested  http://vc.airvectors.net/tsawk_1.html#m106:51
nsnzerosome sed 1 liners - > http://sed.sourceforge.net/sed1line.txt06:52
nlsthzno/ all, uncle Kilos 07:12
Kilosmorning nlsthzn MaNI inetpro paddatrapper and everyone else07:32
nlsthznall good uncle Kilos ?07:38
paddatrappermornign Kilos 08:00
nsnzerohi Kilos - hope you feeing much better08:08
nsnzeroi need to monitor a file over samba to see if it was changed date time size etc. Anybody got any ideas - btw inotify-tool doesn't work over smb (samba)09:16
paddatrappernsnzero: cron job every few minutes?10:45
nsnzeropaddatrapper: i can use smbclient to connect to the share then use ls but how do i run a script when the prompt is smb : \> 10:49
nsnzeromore research is required 10:49
andrewlsdnsnzero: mount smb and then ls -lh?12:01
andrewlsdI'm guessing the smb host is not linux. otherwise, run inotify on that host instead.12:01
Kilosdischarged now to wait half a day for meds and return date12:01
Kilosthey say come back with the video from the op in aus12:02
Kiloswhat efficiency12:02
andrewlsdKilos: :-( that's terrible.12:03
nsnzeroandrewlsd: cant run ls with any args - its a windows host 12:07
nsnzerosorry Kilos 12:07
nlsthznhey uncle Kilos , heart again? :(12:38
andrewlsdnsnzero, then can you mount the share? and use ls/find on the mountpoint?12:41
Kilosyip nlsthzn but instead of fixing it the fools wasted over 2 weeks and did nothoing12:44
Kilosthey have all the equipment to do angiograms but rather want the one from australia12:45
Kilosand thats 250 uad12:45
Kiloswhatever aus is called12:45
nlsthznwould have thought doing a new one now would make more sense13:01
nlsthznthen again 13:01
nlsthzni am no Dr.13:01
Kilosi dont think they want to do stents so not angio then look at last one and do bypass13:33
jeritKilos! Welcome back :)13:49
Kilosty jerit 13:50
smilehi Kilos :p15:12
Kiloshi smile 15:49
smileKilos: how are you doing? :p16:04
nsnzeroevening guys18:25
nsnzerohi nlsthzn 18:26
nlsthznhow are you/18:27
nsnzeroall good and you ?18:28
nlsthznsame same :)18:28
nsnzeroreading up on how to mount a samba share locally... everything has a easy solution in nix but finding that solution always involves a little googling18:40
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:54
nsnzerogood night Kilo 18:54

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