
ubuntu-matehey guys! I need to configure btsync on a friends computer which runs Mint18. When I try to reproduce the effect of the software boutique on Mate 16.04, the repo tells me it does not support Ubuntu 16.04. Any ideas?00:40
ubuntu-mateI copies the ppa and added it myself. Then it tells me that the repo does not support Ubuntu 16.04. Which is weird because it apparently supports Ubuntu mate 16.04. Can anyone give me a hint?00:47
Astro7467the PPA would be different under Mint00:48
ubuntu-mateit would? Does this not depend on the base (e.g. Ubuntu 16.04)?00:49
ubuntu-mateDo you know how I can find out the correct ppa for Mint?00:49
Astro7467suggest Google or follow instructions on BTSync site00:50
Astro7467ppa includes release name eg xenial or sarah00:50
Astro7467would also suggest syncthing over btsync00:51
ubuntu-mateAstro7467, unfortunately the instructions on the website do not give the version that Mate offers. It is a newer one, which has become closed source and rebranded as "resilio". It also does not come with a native GUI. And One of the computers which will be synced is a windows PC so syncthing is sadly not a viable solution.00:58
ubuntu-mateDirect encrypted syncing over platform borders with open source tools is surprizingly challenging.00:59
Astro7467assuming the PPA has a mint release support;01:04
Astro7467on the Mint machine run;01:04
Astro7467lsb_release -a01:04
Astro7467the last line should say 'COodename: xxx'01:05
Astro7467in the PPA source file change references of Xenial to the 'xxx'01:05
ubuntu-mateI'll do that. Thank you. But just for my understanding: Both Mint 18 and Mate 16.04 are based on Ubuntu 16.04. Why does the PPA differentiate?01:07
Astro7467if that doesn't work on the Mint site they probably state the Ubuntu codename equivalent somewhere of the Mint release you are on e.g. xxx1 = trusty,  xxx2 = xenial, etc (sorry I am not familiar with Mint release names - I just know it is a fork of Ubuntu)01:07
ubuntu-mateHehe! That is very much alright!01:08
ubuntu-mateMint 18 is called "sarah".01:08
Astro7467AFAIK how PPA's work you are right, just having Xenial in there should work cos I know for different Ubuntu releases you can config a PPA to use diffrent releases to get the software to work01:09
ubuntu-mateI have to say that I really do not get the need to give every distro a pseudonym. And a female one at that.01:09
Astro7467I can only assume in the case of BTSYnc they somehow have something different going on or you have a typo :D01:09
ubuntu-mateI actually hope that it was a typo and redid it several times. Even copied the ppa without typing anything myself.01:10
ubuntu-mateSyncthing is not cross platform, right?01:10
Astro7467agree - would be nice if it just used some version number info automatically and mapped from there - release names just add a layer of complexity to the uninitiated - a false barrier for those new to Linux01:11
ubuntu-mate*g* Well, here our impressions differ. I just found it to be a "dumbed down" way to not having to remember numbers when I started with Linux.01:13
Astro7467It's that too, but having 3 ways of referring to the same thing doesn't help ; ie. (latest) LTS, Xenial, 16.0401:17
conniealguien que hable español.?02:02
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:14
comptekkihi - when I remove my external 4k monitor the top and bottom panels don't resize to my laptop screen.  Any way to fix this?03:19
comptekkiI can't see the clock, wifi, etc. on top right or the desktop switcher at bottom right03:19
comptekkii've tried changing resolution 2880x1800 to 1920x1200 and back, but the panels aren't resizing to current display (laptop screen)03:21
comptekkiit does work if I log out and back in03:22
comptekkiif i plug the 4k display back in the panels also go back to show right ends of top/bottom panels correctly03:31
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giuseppe_sono sex11:40
philippe_dgood morning13:07
Ceri_Philippegood evening13:19
=== DarkPsydeLord is now known as Tacoder
=== Savage is now known as Torvalds
comptekkiI have set my default screen to a 4k display.  When I disconnect, the top and bottom panels are chopped off on the right - maybe retaining the 4k screen width.  Any way to fix this?17:04
comptekkiother than logging out then back in?17:06
=== ubuntu-mate is now known as xpkill23
xpkill23grüsse gibt jemand deutsch chat18:33
xpkill23hab ubuntu -m chat auf deutch18:36
xpkill23für nichts18:37
sigurdurdas weiss ish nocht18:37
sigurdursie können deutch mit mich sprechen, aber ich verstehen niemals18:38
yiannisHi all18:39
sigurdurHey, mate!18:40
yiannisI just installed mate....irc is a Good idea18:40
yiannisI didn't use irc since 1995 !!!!18:41
sigurdurIndeed. Me too. Late 90s last time for me i would guess.18:41
sigurdurUsed to be a lot of normies here in those days.18:41
yiannisdial up power...18:42
sigurdurI left irc when mIRC became synonymous with irc.18:42
yiannisthe same here...18:42
sigurdurDial up power and angry mothers!18:42
sigurdurFirst install of ubuntu-mate?18:43
sigurdurCurious. How does one find mate? What was your reasoning?18:44
yiannisI like the old style gnome desktop. I recently update from 12.04 with to 16.04 flashback, but it seems flashback is a crap18:46
yiannismate works smoother by far18:46
yiannisI have just downloaded mate 16.0418:46
sigurdurI cant settle for one desktop. Been distro and DE hopping since Slackware 7.1. Oups. Crying children. Must go be a father!18:47
Akulinowadays irc is kind of a thing for programmers and other nerds18:48
Akulinot something that people use for talking to friends18:48
yiannishehe my dauther just slept. she is 1 year old18:49
yiannisakuli sure but i think i still find it convinient.18:50
yiannisplus brings up some nostalgy18:50
Akuliyes, irc is a great way to get support with any tech related issues :)18:50
yiannislike a vinyl record hehehehe18:50
Akulior just talk18:50
Akulilooking at the list of channels i have joined to there are actually quite a few non-support, talking-just-for-fun like channels18:53
Akuliwhatever :)18:53
mahmutTürk varmı türk21:18
binegraHello! have any of you experienced that phenomena, when you type a certain key on your notebook's keyboard, there are 2 or more other characters appearing as well along with that it is supposed to appear? This is a hungarian keyboard, so it has a different set then the standard us keyboard, but it still printing numerous characters by one keystroke even setted to english. Guess it's a hardware failure?22:22
DarkPsydeLordlike ubuntu-offtopic22:26
DarkPsydeLordbinegra: did you tried to clean your keyboard22:27
binegrasorry about posting it here ^^ Seems like that's the best option I have given here. I did not, altough I can't think like it is _that_ dirty.. will try it tomorrow!22:32
DarkPsydeLordwell lemme tell you something22:33
DarkPsydeLordif it only happen with certain keys most probable thing is that is dirty if it happen with every key well must be software based22:33
DarkPsydeLordor defective hardware22:34
DarkPsydeLordspecially if it was working well22:34
binegrawith certain keys in every os setup, even on a live linux distribution22:34
DarkPsydeLordthen must be dirty/sticky from some beverage or bread crums22:35
binegrabasic english -latin- keys are working well, but once you are into special characters, it goes wild) i.e. -, é, ü22:36
ali1234which keys? and what appears on screen?22:37
ali1234usually people report the opposite happening because of deadkeys22:37
binegraif you press "-" for example, you get printed '-' on your terminal, but it goes back to the beginning of the line, like if you would press home as well22:38
binegraif you press "ö" which is a dedicated hungarian key, then it will give you two or 3 characters alongside the original one alltogether (i forgot which)22:39
ali1234always the same characters?22:40
binegraYes, it's repetitive22:40
ali1234and you always get a ö followed by some others?22:40
binegrawith that key, yes22:40
ali1234that doesn't sound like a dirty keyboard to me. it would be more random and unpredictable22:41
ali1234like it wouldn't happen the same every single time22:41
binegraIt happens all the time the exact same way, not matter what operating system22:41
ali1234that's weird22:41
DarkPsydeLordnot weird at all22:42
ali1234what model of computer is it?22:42
binegraIt's a built-in keyboard of an acer laptop22:42
binegraif you plug in an external keyboard, all is well22:42
ali1234what operating systems have you tested this with?22:43
binegrawindows 7, different linux distributions22:43
DarkPsydeLordsame thing happened to me with my tx1000 laptop when pressing ñ22:45
DarkPsydeLordbut since my laptop had touchscreen i used the virtual keyboard22:46
binegrabasically it makes impossible to use the terminal in linux, because you either have to delete some characters after typing some, or for instance using '-' which is quite common, you always need to get back to the end of the actual command22:46
DarkPsydeLordafter all it seems i had some milk on the keyboard22:46
ali1234so - also sends home?22:46
binegraIt effectively print '-' and act like if I pressed home at the same time22:47
ali1234i guess it could be a hardware problem, if some keyboard signals are shorted out inside22:48
ali1234that would create ghosting22:48
ali1234ever spilled coffee in your keyboard?22:48
binegraI am pretty sure I did. It's a very old laptop. I just want to find out what it's problem is and if it could be solved in a rational way.22:49
ali1234what happens when you press home? does it send extra "-"?22:50
binegraNo, it just simply put you to the first character of that line22:51
binegraSpecial charachters are placed around and the left to the "enter" key in hungarian keyboards and those are the ones I have problems with. It could be some serious dirt in that area22:52
binegrasince it's concentrated there22:52
ali1234its more likely to be a short circuit22:53
binegraOh, than it's likely to be the end of it22:53
ali1234dirt wouldnt really so that, but liquids would22:54
ali1234its probably fixable. keyboard replacement is usually cheap and easy22:54
binegraIt's not a separate keyboard as I remember well, like in nowadays' laptops22:55
ali1234i can see UK layout keyboards for £10 on ebay22:55
binegraokay, thanks, I will check it out tomorrow, take it apart and see if there is any corrosion or any sight of damage22:56
binegraSorry for being off-topic and thanks for your help!22:56
=== DarkPsydeLord is now known as Tacoder
=== Tacoder is now known as DarkPsydeLord
comptekkiany ideas on top/bottom panels when unplugging external monitor - won't resize to laptop when external is set to default23:48
comptekkiother than log out/back in....23:48
ali1234restarting the panel might fix it without logging out23:50
ali1234not ideal though23:50
Astro7467was thinking that there might be a mate-* command to reinitialize you could trigger on the event of the screen being unplugged or hot key23:53
Astro7467but not in position to investigate currently23:53
comptekkiok will check how to restart a panel - no right click option23:56
ali1234isomething like mate-panel --replace or mate-panel -r23:59
ali1234check mate-panel --help23:59

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