
drabsarnold: in front of a bunch of older spinning drives , about 8TBs of WD reds00:55
sarnolddrab: yeah that sounds like quite a step up :)00:55
drabsarnold: you may be right tho, and I will give up shortly because it's taking up a lot of my time and I may not need it right now00:55
draband maybe it's a firmware thing that will get fixed00:55
drabso I just need to hold tight for a while, emailed the vendor with some deets after a call so we'll see what they have to say00:56
sarnolddrab: oh! cool00:56
sarnoldlets hopeyou can reach a human :)00:56
drabI got to one, let's see how good this human is, they have honeslty already done more than most by not just saying "fio? oh sorry, we just run CDM on windows, your problem"00:57
drabwhich is in many ways an understandable business strategy when your market is primarily ms desktop/laptops00:57
sarnoldunderstandable but dissapointing00:58
sarnoldof course I can relate, I've got near-zero ability to help with windows things. so. :)00:58
drabthe one thing that does worry me is taht testing with a higher numjobs seems to pose quite a challenge :(, whcih is actually closer to the workload given that server is supposed to run a bunch of VMs01:01
drabthe other thing I have not been able to put my finger on is to map a workload in terms of block size reads and writes01:05
drabI wonder if I can do something with iostat or whatnot01:05
drabbut I don't think that tells you what kind of block size reads/writes happen at from say mysql or apache etc01:05
sarnolddrab: hopefully useful https://github.com/iovisor/bcc/blob/master/tools/bitesize.py01:06
sarnolddrab: fwiw I've never used the bcc version of that tool, only the perf version: https://github.com/brendangregg/perf-tools/blob/master/disk/bitesize  -- but the bcc version may have lower overhead01:06
drabsarnold: thanks, will take a look01:09
drabsarnold: thanks, that's really nice, I ended up installing bcc and it has a biosnoop which does already what I needed (prints a SIZE column with the size of the IO request , per process)01:24
drabin fact that's a great toolset I didn't know about, thank you for sharing it01:25
sarnolddrab: here have a weekend's worth of reading or videos, whichever you prefer :) http://brendangregg.com/01:28
drabI'm also going to try and give kernel 4.9 a go just in case, I'm seeing a bunch of updates to nvme01:31
drabaltho I still feel like firmware at this point01:31
drabvarious tests with higher numbjobs peg at 700MBs consistent, so somehow that seems a cap and it's not the PCIe bus cap, not the interlink with the CPU01:32
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VillageGood evening, what server solution is beter 16.04 or 16.10 ?03:10
Villagei think i chose 16.0403:10
Villageand swap 1024 MB getting off? i mean enoght?03:12
patdk-lapno idea, dunno what your doing on it03:16
sarnoldVillage: I strongly recommend picking LTS releases (16.04 LTS) over non-LTS releases unless you happen to like filing bug reports and so on :)03:16
patdk-lappersonally if you need any swap at all, I would consider you are using too much03:16
patdk-lapunless you plan to use hibernate03:17
sarnoldthe kernel can make some better use of memory if you have -some- swap space03:17
sarnoldbut if you wind up using it often then probably you didn't buy enough hardware03:17
patdk-lapthe kernel always does bad things using swap for me03:17
sarnoldone gigabyte is probably a good idea03:17
Villagepatdk-lap, it's three partitions swap last 1024 MB, boot - ext4 200 MB and data03:17
Villageit's by default i leave it03:18
patdk-lapmy servers run with 300megs swap03:18
Villagelast configuration was not bad, ok thanks Guys03:18
patdk-lap1gig boot03:19
sarnoldthat sounds like a small /boot03:19
sarnoldone gig /boot is better03:19
patdk-lap200mb boot? that isn't going get you anywhere03:19
Villagehm very much boot03:19
patdk-lapif it's efi, then that is different03:19
Villageboot / data / three swap03:19
patdk-lapif using efi boot, no need for a seperate /boot03:19
patdk-lapI had gotten so used to newer systems03:20
patdk-lapthat on many of my servers, I stopped using /boot03:20
patdk-lapand hit a stupid raid card bios that can only boot the first 4gigs of the disk :(03:20
patdk-lapI found it had an option to change it to 8gigs, if I reformatted the raid03:21
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gentoowhile atempting to install radeon drivers there is encountered configure problems preventing install04:50
gentoostarting with udev04:50
gentoodpkg --configure udev doesn't work for not finding update-intramfs04:52
gentoohow can update-initramfs be found in the packages with the end result of installing radeon drivers in mind?04:55
Seven_Six_TwoI have a vm exporting /var/www, which is mounted rw by my desktop. guest and host have same username. I've done chmod -R g+w on the mounted /var/www, and verified that apache is so far unaffected. I've added my host user to the www-data group, so that I can modify files in mounted system, and verified group membership with id command. But I can't modify or create still.08:14
sarnoldwhat filesystem type?08:14
Seven_Six_Twoboth ext408:15
sarnoldand how about the network filesystem between the two?08:15
Seven_Six_Twomount command shows it's mounted RW08:16
sarnoldnfs usually works with userids, not usernames; does id show the same -numbers- everywhere?08:18
Seven_Six_Twooh in trying to describe my issue, and your question, I may have found my solution.08:18
sarnoldoh? :)08:18
sarnoldwhat was it?08:18
* sarnold <-- always happy to be a rubber ducky08:19
Seven_Six_Twooh I don't know yet, I'm assuming my first search result was related, as it's about nfs version differences08:19
Seven_Six_Twobut I haven't got that far yet. They do have the same user id, actually08:20
sarnoldand group ids?08:20
Seven_Six_Twofor www-data?08:20
Seven_Six_Twothey're the same. both ubuntuish08:21
sarnoldno kidding, i never noticed that it was the same everywhere; 33? my three easy hosts show 3308:23
Seven_Six_Twouser and group id for my users also match (all 1000)08:24
Seven_Six_TwoI was wrong, also. I haven't found my answer yet.08:25
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sarnoldaww :(08:30
Seven_Six_Twook I might have found an issue. when I do   id myuser   i see www-data as a group, but when I just to id      I don't see it. But I'm logged in as myuser08:32
sarnoldhrm this description might take some time08:33
sarnoldprocesses inherit their ids from their parents08:33
sarnoldand when you logged in via sshd or lightdm or whatever, PAM told the process which groups to use for your process08:33
sarnoldyou fiddled with group database, but that only affects when processes go through PAM again -- existing processes are unchanged08:34
sarnoldso you can either use 'newgrp' or 'sg' to start a new shell with the new group08:34
sarnoldor you can log in again via ssh or lightdm or whatever08:34
sarnold(note that /usr/bin/newgrp is setuid root -- it will essentially take the place of sshd or lightdm, and run through the full PAM stack again)08:35
Seven_Six_Twoodd. I ran newgrp and it changed my bash history. I'll log in again. Thanks!08:37
sarnoldwell that's the thing08:38
sarnoldit started an entirely new shell :)08:38
sarnoldthat's the only way to get the group in a process -- to be a child of a process that had it, the setuid newgrp.08:38
samba35i am using openvswitch on ubuntu 16.04.1 ,on this host machine i have installed one guest (centos) using kvm ,please help me to correct my understand or is that expected08:50
samba35when i run arp on ubuntu i am getting incomplete message with ethernet but bridge  show ip and mac both end mac id correct (ubuntu is dhcp client)08:50
samba35on guest machine /centos  ? ( at  xxxxmac id of host  [ether] on eth008:50
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rbasakteward: how's nginx looking? FF next week.09:46
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caribourbasak: would you have the time to review the second nut merge branch ?11:15
caribourbasak: I cannot see any tagging issue with it, wrt https://code.launchpad.net/~louis-bouchard/ubuntu/+source/nut/+git/nut/+merge/31147111:15
caribourbasak: maybe I should just drop this MR & create a new one with the _v2 branch ?11:16
rbasakcaribou: sure, though it's my SRU day today. Can I look tomorrow?11:17
caribourbasak: oh, sure np11:17
caribourbasak: or point me to the bits you use to verify it and I can start to have a look11:18
caribouin case i see something obvious11:18
rbasakcaribou: you can run wip/review from the usd-importer repo. But you have to edit the top, and read stdout/stderr carefully IIRC.11:19
caribourbasak: ok, I'll have a look11:19
bluekingsudo vconfig add eth0 100  <- this  are tagged or untagged ?11:20
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mwhahahacoreycb, jamespage: did you guys push new UCA packages? watcher is broken http://logs.openstack.org/28/430828/1/check/gate-puppet-watcher-puppet-beaker-rspec-ubuntu-xenial/de2a6c1/logs/watcher/watcher.txt.gz#_2017-02-08_12_19_50_41612:50
jamespagemwhahaha, are you using ocata-proposed?12:52
mwhahahajamespage: yea12:52
jamespagenot changed since 2017-01-1712:52
mwhahahajamespage: i guess we didn't both testing that one since the last update, well it's broken12:53
jamespagemwhahaha, I see an update in staging, coreycb is working through some challenges re cells stuff for b3/rc1 which I think is blocking our testing atm12:54
jamespagecoreycb, ^^ is that correct?12:54
mwhahahaoh cell v2, how i know that pain12:55
coreycbjamespage, yes cells is blocking12:55
mwhahahathat's fine i just wanted to make sure you're aware. i'll just skip it for now.12:56
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jamespagecoreycb, zul: ok this is our old favorite don't pull from github.com problem12:57
jamespagecoreycb, zul: can we phase in a policy to update watch files to use release tarballs from tarballs.openstack.org please12:58
jamespagetarballs based on github tags and no better that using git + tags12:58
zuljamespage: slowly changing the watch files as I go ;)12:58
jamespagezul, awesome - looks like watcher needs a recut/re-upload to fix missing alembic migrations12:59
zuljamespage: fudge12:59
coreycbjamespage, zul: ok.  i see alembic.ini file in the package source but it doesn't get installed so it may need a manual install in d/rules too.13:07
coreycbthanks mwhahaha we'll get that fixed up13:08
zuli think we should be adding basic dep8 tests to more stuff as well13:08
jamespagecoreycb, zul: this problem will go away if we switch to using the release tarball13:27
jamespagecoreycb, zul: adding things to d/rules is death by a 1000 cuts for this sort of thing13:27
coreycbjamespage, ok.  why is that though, is the manifest missing in the git tarball?13:27
jamespagecoreycb, yes - because the git tarball is just a snapshot of the tree, whereas the release tarballs is generated from the tree usng pbr via sdist13:28
coreycbjamespage, ok that makes sense13:29
jamespagecoreycb, this is what we do in the ci system - we grab git, generate the tarball using python setup.py sdist and then package against that13:29
jamespagepbr does some automagic stuff and generates a better MANIFEST13:29
jamespagecoreycb, relying less of human brains to get things right13:29
coreycbjamespage, right.  they've been dropping manifest files because pbr does manifest magic now.13:30
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powersjxnox: when you ran vmtest on s390x in the past do you recall if you were customizing the images? still trying to figure out why all of a sudden s390x-tools was required.15:02
cpaelzerpowersj: which should be default installed anyway - I don't see much cases to run without it15:05
cpaelzerzul: coreycb: I had no luck in reproducing the qemu triggered nova test isssue either15:13
cpaelzerzul: coreycb: I went for the more reduced proposed set first "--apt-pocket=proposed=src:qemu"15:13
cpaelzerzul: coreycb: and then wit hsome hackery to get it working to run in a KVM guest15:14
coreycbcpaelzer, ok.  we need to add some extra debug to our dep8 test15:14
cpaelzerzul: coreycb: ?unfortunately? all are working so far15:14
cpaelzerzul: coreycb: there is one thing I found thou15:14
cpaelzerzul: coreycb: maybe that helps with your thoughts on debug15:14
cpaelzerzul: coreycb: look at https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-zesty/zesty/ppc64el/n/nova/20170208_114508_9825b@/log.gz and https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-zesty/zesty/ppc64el/n/nova/20170203_151321_9825b@/log.gz15:14
cpaelzerzul: coreycb: do note that they fail at DIFFERENT spots in the nova-compute-daemon tests15:15
coreycbcpaelzer, what do you mean by different spots15:16
zulcpaelzer/coreycb: im in the middle of fixing the dep8 tests and will be trying to add more debug stuff if there is a failure15:16
cpaelzerzul: coreycb: search for "NOVA-COMPUTE FOR nova-compute-" in there - one stops at kvm one at qemu15:17
cpaelzerzul: coreycb: but the other works in each case15:17
cpaelzerzul: coreycb: so it might be racy as well15:17
cpaelzerzul: coreycb: furthermore - I requested the config of the autopkgtest flavor and got it from Laney15:18
coreycbcpaelzer, oh i thought it was just nova-compute-qemu that's been failing15:18
cpaelzerzul: coreycb: with the same sizes I still get all PASS, but when attaching to the serial main console I see plenty of OOMs15:18
cpaelzerzul: coreycb: OOMs could be the factorr that makes this somewhat transient15:18
coreycbcpaelzer, ok interesting15:18
cpaelzercoreycb: zul: like "Out of memory: Kill process 12028 (nova-conductor) score 70 or sacrifice child"15:19
cpaelzerall lxc based tests will never get this until host is exchausted ( I dont think we have mem limits, and even if so it is more efficient)15:20
cpaelzerbut with KVM as I set it up I see them15:20
cpaelzerI need to do another rerun once the current one is over, trying to get the log out to a file or so15:20
cpaelzercoreycb: zul: FYI 1536 M is the limit15:20
cpaelzercoreycb: zul: I have a local repro - on the third re-run15:34
cpaelzercoreycb: zul: yet it is somewhat dead, so I assume even more the OOM to be involved15:35
zulcpaelzer: how much memory does the instance has...since i just ran a regular test and i get a "failed to fork" on the tests15:36
cpaelzerthe ppc64el autopkgtest flavour has 1536M15:38
cpaelzerit just cleaned up and should get me to shell-fail soon - I can then check if thre were OOMs in this case as well that I had reproducing15:38
cpaelzerzul: coreycb: here the ooms in the failing case http://paste.ubuntu.com/23954935/15:42
cpaelzerzul: coreycb: maybe it is transient depending on what the OOM killer hits15:42
zulcpaelzer: yeah if the nova-conductor goes away then the nova-compute tests fail15:43
cpaelzerI'm analyzing on my system (whats left) where the memory goes to15:45
cpaelzerit seems to be a fight with openstack respaning things and OOM Killer reaping it - already 60 kills and up15:51
cpaelzerI'm restarting it with way more memory to see if it would work then15:51
cpaelzerto note - the test is waiting for me due to shell-fail - but spawning and killing goes on15:52
cpaelzerzul: are you ok with me restarting this - or do you think you need any debug data from this case?15:52
zulcpaelzer: try it with more memory please15:53
xnoxpowersj, i have note.16:24
xnoxpowersj, i have note16:24
xnoxpowersj, but note, that previously s390-tools used to be declared as important and installed everywhere (including chroots/containers)16:24
xnoxpowersj, very late in the cycle (can't remember which) we have made s390-tools unimportant (thus not debootstrapped by default)16:25
xnoxand instead made it to be installed as part of cloud-image generation, and inside d-i's zipl-installer16:25
xnoxsuch that it is only installed on systems that are going to boot.16:25
xnoxpowersj, i can't remember what vmtest does, but it does make sense if one now needs to add "apt install s390-tools" somewhere.16:26
naccxnox: powersj: will read bakctrace, but sounds like maybe an arch dependency in tools/vmtest-system-setup?16:29
xnoxprobably. before it was automagic =)16:30
xnoxnacc, and/or maybe whatever generates maas images should be including s390-tools16:30
xnoxif it start off from stock container tarballs16:31
naccxnox: ah good point16:31
powersjxnox: thanks for the info, the priority change at least explains why it is no longer there16:33
cpaelzerzul: coreycb: with 8G all passing and no OOM16:36
zulcpaelzer: thought so16:36
coreycbcpaelzer, ok thanks for digging into that16:37
cpaelzercoreycb: zul: I'm at EOD - would you let me know what the conclusion on this will be once you settle on the new tests you said you are working on?16:37
zulcpaelzer: ack16:37
=== Agent is now known as Guest9364
jayjoI need to transition a server over to a colleague. This server lives on AWS. What do I need to do to get them primary access? I create an ssh key, and create a user, but how do I promote that user to the level of my old user?18:01
rbasakYou could add your key to authorized_keys. Handing over control over the instance (for example permission to terminate it) is really a question for Amazon.18:03
jayjoIt is more for the scripts and jobs the server runs, not the "ownership" on the AWS side. If I give them ssh access, that's the end of it?18:04
rbasakBy default users belong to the admin and/or sudo groups. You may want to add those.18:06
rbasakBeyond that, it depends on what you set up.18:07
rbasakThere's also stuff like libvirtd, which on install copies the admin group (IIRC). Or something like that. libvirtd probably doesn't apply to an AWS instance though.18:07
drabanybody knows enough about block devices to help me understand why, with a O_DIRECT flag, I'm still seeing much faster speed writing to a filesystem than writing to the raw device?18:08
drabI thought once o_direct was enabled FS caching would be out and at most I'd be using the same OS cache that dd would18:08
rbasakdrab: I'm under the impression that O_DIRECT is best effort, and it depends on your filesystem.18:09
drabmmmk, I'm testing on ext4 and the diffrenc between writing directly to /dev/nvme or to a file on an ext4 fs on it is huge18:10
rbasakI don't know that it does, but I wouldn't be surprised to hear that ext4 completely ignores O_DIRECT.18:12
sarnoldrbasak: I think drab's test is to open the raw block device with O_DIRECT and write to it that way18:13
rbasakI assumed he meant he was opening a file on the filesystem O_DIRECT.18:13
drabboth, well fio is doing taht for me (and dd), not coding anything up18:14
drabit's both opening the raw device with o_direct and in another test a file on a ext4 fs on the same device18:14
drabls -l18:21
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mdeslaurnacc: hi! I'm currently preparing security updates for php5...are you planning an SRU to php 7.0.15 soon?20:19
naccmdeslaur: yeah, i think i'm going to need to for a bug in the last SRU20:20
naccmdeslaur: was hoping to do that this week20:20
mdeslaurnacc: oh, interesting20:21
naccmdeslaur: an upstream bug, that is20:21
mdeslaurok, so I'll fix php5 with backports, and I'll wait for your 7.0.15 SRU to go through, and once it does, I'll rebuild it and re-release it as a security update, how's that sound?20:23
mdeslaurunless you think it's safe to just update to 7.0.15 directly as a security update20:23
mdeslaurbut I really hate doing that as I can't back out patches if there's a regression20:23
mdeslaurnacc: ^20:25
naccmdeslaur: yeah, that makes sense to me20:53
coreycbbeisner, hi can you promote qemu 1:2.3+dfsg-5ubuntu9.4~cloud3 to liberty-proposed and qemu 1:2.2+dfsg-5expubuntu9.7~cloud8 to kilo-proposed please?21:41
beisnerhi coreycb, both synced to -proposed.21:46
coreycbbeisner, thanks21:46
beisneryw coreycb21:46
Seven_Six_TwoI have an ubuntu vm exporting /var/www as an NFS share. host and guest have same username, each with same user ID and group ID. host user belongs to www-data group, and folders/files in mounted folder are g+rwX but I still can't create or modify files.23:07
patdk-lapnone of that matters, unless your using nfs323:08
patdk-lapnfs4 is a totally different beast23:08
sarnoldhey Seven_Six_Two, still no luck? :(23:08
Seven_Six_Twopatdk-lap, I am using 4. I got a hint at that last night, but didn't find a solution. No sarnold, but I haven't worked on it since yesterday23:08
countingdaisiesI'm not sure what to search for ...  I have a situation where I need to install multiple php applications (1 currently installed and 1 one lined up to install any time soon).  I don't know enough about what scheme/system/type of soln I need to employ so that the urls used to access each application are unique. I have heard different terms related to configuring a web server or something like...23:09
dino82What is in your /etc/exports23:09
countingdaisies...that, but I don't know what to choose or where to begin. Can someone steer me in the right direction?23:09
Seven_Six_Twodino82, /var/www *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash)23:10
patdk-lapthat is defently a nfs3 export23:10
sarnoldcountingdaisies: depends upon your webserver of choice; nginx for example has multiple location blocks: https://www.nginx.com/resources/wiki/start/topics/tutorials/config_pitfalls/23:11
Seven_Six_Twobut my mount on the host:  webdev1.local:/var/www on /home/username/Workspace/vm/Webdev1 type nfs4 (rw,relatime,vers=4.0,rsize=131072,wsize=131072,namlen=255,hard,proto=tcp,port=0,timeo=600,retrans=2,sec=sys,clientaddr=,local_lock=none,addr=
sarnoldcountingdaisies: apache may also call their things "location"..23:11
Seven_Six_TwoI'm also unsure of whether my guest user or host user needs to be a member of www-data. or both? but like you mentioned patdk-lap maybe it's irrelevant?23:14
countingdaisiessarnold: Thanks.  I have a package called eramba installed (the installed php package) but I don't know in what way it was configured since I just followed instructions (from more then one source). Now I also want to install media wiki which is a php application. Right now I access eramba by entering "http://localhost/login" or if I type "http://localhost/" it redirects to the first. Also ,...23:15
countingdaisies...eramba is not installed properly (barely installed I'd call it) though That's my current sitch. I'm using apache2 (ubuntu's version/default). Wish i had a clearly laid out plan to achieve my goals but feeling a bit overwhelmed at the prospect.23:15
countingdaisiesSorry, I'm wordy (Lord knows I try)23:15
Seven_Six_Twocountingdaisies, I use apache for multiple sites.23:16
sarnoldthis may be a usful high-level overview of ubuntu-style apache config https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/httpd.html23:17
countingdaisiesSeven_Six_Two: I'm sure that's what I need to do, but how? Where to start if what I want is merely to solve a problem not learn everything there is to know?23:17
Seven_Six_Twocountingdaisies, you just need a config file in /etc/apache2/sites-available for each website that you have. The config file specifies the url that the site will respond to, and until you have a real domain name, you can just make one up and use /etc/hosts to point it to
countingdaisiessarnold: I'll read that, ty23:17
Seven_Six_Twothen you enable it using   sudo a2ensite siteconfigfile.conf23:18
Seven_Six_Twoor whatever the file name is in /etc/apache2/sites-available (and it must end in .conf)23:18
sarnoldheh, good point about 'ending in .conf'. it's easy to lose -hours- trying to track that down.23:19
Seven_Six_Twoyeah, the switch messed me up, as I wasn't really reading the release notes like I should have been23:19
countingdaisiesSeven_Six_Two: Are you suggesting that it's permissible to change the address in a apache config file to estend beyond the primary domain?  eg: localhost/some_additional_stuff_I_completely_make_up   ??23:19
sarnoldSeven_Six_Two: you weren't the only one23:19
countingdaisiesSeven_Six_Two: That super super helps a lot. ty23:20
countingdaisiessounds simple23:20
Seven_Six_Twocountingdaisies, your "ServerName" directive doesn't have to be a real domain. But it has to be something that your browser can resolve, hence the hosts entry23:21
Seven_Six_TwoI use business.local or something like that23:21
sarnold.local is trouble since apple bonjour assumes it owns it23:21
sarnold(very annoying)23:21
Seven_Six_Twojust don't use a .com or .org..oh really? I guess anything not-official would be best then? is .dev a real tld?23:22
Seven_Six_Twooh no, they are now...23:22
sarnoldlooks like .dev is owned by google https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Internet_top-level_domains23:23
Seven_Six_TwoI guess I should switch!23:24
sarnoldafaik there's no "safe" tld choice set aside for folks to use internally :(23:24
Seven_Six_Tworeally it can be anything though. If I block a website called something.dev, I guess it's a risk I take.23:24
sarnoldif you haven't hit it yet.. :)23:25
Seven_Six_Twoor, the only one set aside is the one you own23:25
sarnoldgood point23:25
countingdaisiesSeven_Six_Two: Like death, the day I'd have to learn this had to come. Glad you made it a little easier to swollow.23:32
Seven_Six_Twonp! apache isn't so bad, once you give it a chance23:33
Seven_Six_Twobut it's definitely not meant for your average user, since misconfiguration of a public server can be tragic23:34

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