
dufluI'm confused. On Unity8 webbrowser-app fails with GL errors. On Unity7 it segfaults for a different reason. On mir_proving_server it fails with a spurious permission denied error. Is anyone assigned to webbrowser-app/Oxide bugs? I can't get it to work in any shell...07:24
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oSoMoNduflu, can you point me to the bug reports you filed for those issues?08:45
dufluoSoMoN: Two of them at least are near the top of this list: https://bugs.launchpad.net/oxide08:45
dufluoSoMoN: We also seem to have new issues with app launching. Now webbrowser-app doesn't start at all for me08:57
dufluBut I've seen people open a few bugs around app launcher problems08:58
oSoMoNapp launching is broken every second day…08:59
dufluoSoMoN: Yes, that's why I tried other shells. But the confusion comes from encountering a different bug on each shell. All webbrowser-app-specific09:00
oSoMoNduflu, I’m talking to Santosh (who is assigned bug #1590561) on #oxide, I was hoping he would have come up with a solution by now09:03
ubot5bug 1590561 in Oxide "webbrowser-app crashes on startup on fresh zesty Unity8: No suitable EGL configs found" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/159056109:03
oSoMoNor at least a clearer understanding of the root cause09:03
dufluCool. I could have debugged that one myself had new app launch issues not got in the way09:04
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tjaaltonhi, I'm testing zesty with mesa ported to use libglvnd, the GL vendor dispatch library14:52
tjaaltonbut unity fails to start due to compiz crashing in libmove.so14:53
tjaaltonI'm not sure what to run manually after xinit to see what exactly fails. running just 'compiz' does not crash, but it doesn't seem to manage the windows either14:55
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tjaaltonjust realized this could be caused by the "obsolete" xserver we have..15:46
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