
gde33k thanks00:00
k1lgde33: its a short url, you can type it on that client you use now00:00
zuiss1hi. is the minitube package broken in 16.04?00:01
bazhang!info minitube00:01
ubottuminitube (source: minitube): Native YouTube client. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.2-2 (yakkety), package size 856 kB, installed size 2873 kB00:01
gde33will take a bit, installing wifi driver00:01
ash_workzI totally fail at this: https://docs.docker.com/machine/drivers/generic/00:04
ash_workzI really don't get it it... id_rsa would be a private key, no? so that's created on the server? o.O;00:05
gde33eh I hit update in stead of cancle then got a error brokencount >0. This usually means that your installed packages have unmet dependencies. Update is still running, going to take some time it seems.00:05
gde33going well for a fresh reinstall :P00:06
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein
gde33Different question, my monitor is only 600 px high. How do I use dialogs? I can get to [accept] by trying different numbers of [tab]'s but is there some generic solution?00:11
gde33so far only the powermanagement didn't fit on the screen00:12
k1luse alt key to shove the window?00:12
gde33with arrows?00:12
gde33it only lets me drag it down00:14
kk4ewtalt drag00:14
k1lhold alt then use mouse and drag it00:14
gde33it wont go beyond the top of the screen00:15
gde33ah I got it!00:15
gde33it jumps all over the place but it sort of works good enough00:16
gde33I mistakenly grabbed the toolbar but the mouse isn't allowed to venture outside the port00:17
Luis_Hey I am no longer able to login to my account00:20
Luis_It keeps looping me back to the same screen00:20
Luis_With a split second of console00:20
Luis_Can anyone help?00:20
k1lLuis_: does the guest account work?00:21
gde33k1l: okay, it says sources.list.d/* : No such file or directory and gives this http://termbin.com/v3hc00:21
kk4ewtLuis_,  can you log in in a console00:22
k1lgde33: did you manually change the sources.list file?00:22
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ash_workzwhy would eval work as root but not as me?00:23
k1lgde33: you have doubled entries in your sources.list. and since you dont answer me about that i guess you know you messed that up. so revert that changes00:26
qweqwehey guys, can I somehow set font priority?00:26
qweqweFontAwesome seems to be in conflict with some other font on the system and I have no idea which package installed what font00:27
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gde33k1l: my connection crapped out right after I wrote: okay, it says sources.list.d/* : No such file or directory and gives this http://termbin.com/v3hc00:40
k1lk1l> gde33: did you manually change the sources.list file?00:40
gde33k1l: I didn't get your messages after I posted that line00:40
gde33k1l: or did you mean : how did you create this mess?00:41
k1lgde33: what about you answer that question? :)00:42
gde33I haven't tried anything so far, no I didn't change anything00:42
k1lhint, i know its not the origial one00:42
gde33it is lubuntu00:42
k1lbecause at the top of that file there are 3 lines added that are not there on a "fresh installed lubuntu"00:43
k1lso i would suggest you revert that manual changes00:44
gde33it beats me, I dont know how those got there. I download the 32 bit lubuntu from the website and make a liveusb00:44
k1li dont know what you did after the install00:44
gde33the live usb booted just fine00:44
=== lethu_ is now known as lethu
gde33then I tried to install but it abandoned and went into powersave, after bringing it back to live the installer vanished00:45
gde33after that it said ubuntu was already installed but booting didn't show grub00:45
gde33so I reinstalled it00:45
gde33first option in the list00:45
gde33then grub worked, I got the os, I went straight for the terminal and did sudo apt-get update00:46
gde33I also included 3rd party extras and allowed the installer to look on the internet00:46
gde33and I installed the propriatardy wifi driver00:47
k1lgde33: as i said: remove that 3 lines at the top00:47
gde33the 3 deb lines you mean right? lines 2,3,400:49
gde33is just putting a # in front enough?00:49
k1lremove them00:50
=== Spontex is now known as Guest63547
k1lif you want to add or remove ubuntu repos better use the system settings updates&software00:50
gde33it stopped complaining, sudo apt-get update fetched, read packages then said Done00:53
gde33anything else I should check/try ?00:53
k1lapt update only gets you the new list of packages from the servers. you still need apt full-upgrade to install that new pacakges00:54
gde33interesting, I never see that before00:54
sharon_soHi, I am curious if it is a best practice to have some sort of tool that monitors hard disk from getting filled up and maybe memory from the same ? or that is not something that sys admins worry about ?00:55
gde33k1l: should I mention it is a crappy ph mini with 1 gb of ram?00:55
k1lgde33: what is the issue now?00:56
gde33no issue, just wondering if a full upgrade would grow it beyond being a lubuntu. nvm it was a stupid thought.00:57
k1lgde33: no00:57
wedgiesharon_so: on production servers, definitely. On desktop machines, less so00:57
gde33not a real issue, but it was kinda interesting how it killed my cable modem when I connected both the wired internet then connected to it with wifi00:57
k1lits just updating the packages. as i already said apt update doesnt update any packages, it just fetches the lists form the servers00:58
sharon_sowedgie: what is the standard/common for Linux VMs ? any recommendation00:58
gde33k1l: oh00:58
wedgiesharon_so: lots of options. There are open source ones like nagios/icinga, cacti, and so on. Those are meant to monitor large numbers of machines00:59
gde33should one always run full-upgrade or does the auto updater usually take care of things?00:59
k1lgde33: the gui updater will take care of that00:59
gde33ok ill shut up now, thanks man! keep up the good work01:00
sndnasdn1well... got it to install but it didn't install some firmware things. initframs acting up and i can't update01:06
sndnasdn1i still can't boot into a gui01:07
k1lsndnasdn1: did you use nomodeset to boot?01:08
k1l!nomodeset | sndnasdn101:08
ubottusndnasdn1: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter01:08
k1lwhen it booted once install the nvidia driver01:08
sndnasdn1well there is a major issue with the fact i can't update01:09
whodatUbuntu 12.04 support ends "April 2016", but does that mean April 1st or April 30th?01:09
sndnasdn1im not worried about the gui now01:09
aielloikonia: I'm back! and apparently you are still here! I just wanted to follow up and let you know what the resolution was (assuming you remember our chat earlier). I rolled back to X-org drivers and removed the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file forcing xserver to autoconfigure every time I rebooted. This resulted in a perfectly functioning desktop first try.... I got to that conclusion as xrandr was only detecting one video card for some reason 01:09
aielloikonia: (2/2) forum topic (https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=175743) that outlined the same issue and a resolution01:10
sndnasdn1i could install my gpu drivers from cli but the fact of the matter is that im having huge issues with just the system itself. im going to just reinstall cause right now i have no OS besides this01:10
k1lsndnasdn1: its hard  to help you if you only come here, tell some story, say you "did all", "nothing works", and then leave again01:11
sndnasdn1okay i got a useful error that can tell you where im at now. W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/kbl_guc_ver9_14.bin for module i91501:16
sndnasdn1i get errors about firmware like that when trying to install anything01:16
naccsndnasdn1: that's not an error, it's a warning (W) and it's harmless01:17
stevendaleHi linux01:18
sndnasdn1i get errors with dpkg too nacc01:18
sndnasdn1let me go back to read the other parts01:18
naccsndnasdn1: why are you using dpkg?01:18
sndnasdn1hold on01:20
linuxGuys I have problem with virtualbox , I can't copy and paste files from-to guest and host , the problem is not with settings.01:21
sndnasdn1E: mkinitramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img- with 101:22
gtxbblinux, try using vbox guest additions01:22
naccsndnasdn1: to get any help, you *must* pastebin the entire output (command to failure), if at all possible.01:22
sndnasdn1what cli browser do i have by default?01:23
sndnasdn1do i have lynx? cause what i was trying to install was a cli browser01:23
sndnasdn1no, lynx isn't installed.01:23
linuxgtxbb I tried , I think the problem because I installed it from deb file instead of ubuntu repositories.01:25
gtxbblinux, whatever you are using inside the guest, you need to install the vbox guest additions within the vm..01:26
Ntemisguys how i delete a sudo user from my server?01:28
Ntemisi tried but it says user is currently used by process 294801:29
Ntemisnow what?01:29
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linuxOk , I will remove virtualbox then I will install it from ubuntu repository with guest additions . Thank you .01:30
newbuntuserThis is my first irc. What mosly happens here?01:34
bazhangnewbuntuser, this channel is for ubuntu support01:34
bazhangchit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic newbuntuser01:35
thawesNtemis: slay <username> && usermod -L <username>01:40
thaweswill log them out and lock their account01:41
marchelzohi. i'm running into some problems trying to compile a C program on ubuntu. is that on topic here?01:41
Ntemisi have an /dev/sda2 with windows efi bootloader on it i want it wiped and format to ext401:41
Ntemisany help?01:41
Ntemisbootloader gone too01:41
Ntemisclean state01:42
Ntemisext4 fs01:42
sndnasdn1okay, i reinstall and now some things are fixed and i can install now. but i hang on boot. i can get into cli and if i go to an another session to force gui it says settings for low graphics mode? it's some display issue01:42
thawesmarchelzo: what problems are you running into?01:43
marchelzothawes: i'm getting "undefined reference to 'sinf'" and a bunch of similar linker errors01:43
marchelzothawes: but i'm using the -lm flag, and ld isn't complaining about not being able to find libm01:44
marchelzosame for a bunch of other libraries, like readline, pcre, etc.01:44
marchelzothey are all installed and all of the correct linker flags are being used01:44
marchelzoand yet i get all of those errors01:44
thawesmarchelzo: you need to include the appropriate libraries in your code01:45
marchelzoof course01:45
marchelzoall of the source code compiles fine01:46
thawesits just not linking?01:46
thawesis it code you wrote yourself?01:47
marchelzothawes: yes01:48
thawesmarchelzo: are you using gcc or clang to compile?01:50
marchelzothawes: gc01:50
thawesmarchelzo: also can you paste your output into pastebin and send the link?01:50
marchelzothe one that came installed with ubuntu01:50
thawesmarchelzo: paste the output of your compile here http://pastebin.com/01:52
thawesyou chould get a link to it when you submit01:53
marchelzolooks like i was invoking gcc wrong. the order of the arguments is important apparently.01:53
thawesyes they are01:53
thawesNtemis: are you trying to preserve the /dev/sda2 partition, and install the grub (ubuntu) bootloader?01:54
Ntemisi need to clean sda01:55
Ntemisit has 5 partitions01:55
Ntemisthey need t go01:55
Ntemisand have one big partition with ext401:55
Ntemisall from cmd01:55
thawesyou can do that with an install/rescue disk01:56
thawesthe ubuntu live disk will give you install, they used to give rescue as well, but not sure if they still do. but for wiping an intire disk and formatting to ext4, the install disk will do just fine01:57
Ntemisam remotely connected01:58
Ntemisand i need to format the hdd01:58
Ntemistried sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sda01:58
Ntemisanswer /dev/sda is apparently in use by the system; will not make a filesystem here!01:59
Ntemisnow what?01:59
thawesNtemis: back in the good ol' days, one could do such things with a mere serial connection to the machine01:59
thawesNtemis: I don't think it can be done on an Ubuntu system set up this way.02:00
thawesIf you want to be destructive, you could run fdisk on /dev/sda, and delete all partitions, but you won't get it formatted, and it won't be bootable. You'd have to get to it locally to do anything meaningful.02:01
thawesNtemis: serial connections are so old now, I don't think you could repartition a disk remotely with any modern Linux distro. You can still do this with Solaris, however.02:03
Ntemisi did it already02:03
thaweshope nobody needed that system02:05
wedgieNtemis: usually you make a filesystem on a partition, not a whole block device. E.g., /dev/sda102:08
wedgiebut yeah, trying to format a disk that you are booted from via the network sounds dicey.02:09
Ntemiswedgie: am booted from sdb02:09
Ntemisi formated sda02:09
thawesNtemis: you need to add a partition to sda in order to use it. As long as you are not booted from sda, you can do this remotely, using fdisk /dev/sda02:13
themusicgod1after using fsck on a usb hard drive that got unplugged accidentally(ugh), fsck reports 'e2fsck: aborted02:14
themusicgod1er it reports an incorrect time stamp: fix?, hitting y results in e2fsck: aborted02:14
Ntemisi want to make the formatted drive to be written by any sudoer02:14
Ntemishow i do that?02:14
Ntemisalso i get this now02:15
Ntemisgrub-probe: error: cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sda4.  Check your device.map.02:15
Ntemishow i fix grub?02:15
Capum321hello, how do I proceed with hplip to scan a document?02:16
themusicgod1fsck does not appear to be running out of ram, at least in terms of available ram/my system has plenty of ram available02:16
yam_hey anyone online02:17
thawesNtemis: what do you get when you run "df /boot/" (without the quotes)02:18
themusicgod1fsck reports 'operational error'  via return value02:19
themusicgod1(ie 9)02:19
Ntemis/dev/sdb2         483946 65882    393079  15% /boot02:20
Ntemisam safe to reboot server?02:20
RNevilleHello everyone, Nautilus not seeing a recently add harddrive to my Ubuntu 16.04 computer02:21
RNevilleIs there a command line tool I can run to see if it will show this newly added harddrive02:22
sponixRNeville: "sudo fdisk -l"02:22
RNevilleThis new harddrive is not formatted, since I ran Derek's Boot and Nuke on it - bought it through ebay, harddrive that is02:23
wedgieRNeville: then you'll need to create a partition and filesystem on it02:24
RNevillewedgie, don't see this harddrive when I run: sudo fdisk -l02:24
wedgieRNeville: use gparted02:25
RNevillek, wedgie02:25
wedgiewon't have a partition table to display since the drive has no partitions02:25
RNevilleso, no command line tool will show that the drive is at least connected properly to mobo?02:26
Ben64fdisk should02:26
thawesNtemis: I don't know, you might be wanting to run update-grub2 if it used to see a Windows partition there02:26
thawesNtemis: if update-grub2 runs smoothly, I'd say it is safe to reboot02:27
themusicgod1what can I do to get fsck to not abort?02:27
wedgieRNeville: can look for it in /dev/sd*02:27
whodatUbuntu 12.04 support ends "April 2016", but does that mean April 1st or April 30th?02:27
Ben64themusicgod1: don't hit ctrl+c ?02:27
Ben64whodat: assume april 1st02:27
themusicgod1I'm not hitting ctrl+c.02:27
wedgieRNeville: and if you want command line, use fdisk to create the partition(s)02:27
wedgie(instead of gparted)02:27
themusicgod1it aborts this way whether or not i use 'a'02:27
themusicgod1(to say yes to everything)02:27
whodatBen64: That's what I'm doing, but I'd like to know for sure.02:27
Ben64whodat: it's probably somewhere in the middle, why does it matter? don't push it02:28
Ben64themusicgod1: this way?02:30
themusicgod1e2fsck: aborted02:30
=== Wulf4 is now known as Wulf
RNevilleIf I would like to duel boot, and want a data drive to be visible under Ubuntu and Windows, can I choose ext402:31
Ben64RNeville: you can, but you'd have to install a thing for windows to be able to read it02:32
themusicgod1full log ^02:33
RNevilleBen64, how about ntfs02:33
gnomethrowerUbuntu 17.04 will start with Z... what will 17.10 start with? :P02:34
Ben64RNeville: that works02:34
Ben64gnomethrower: probably A02:34
gnomethrowerBen64: my vote is Angry Aardvark02:34
RNevillethanks Ben6402:34
sponixRNeville: ntfs is most likely the easiest to be read by both Linux and Windows02:34
sponixBen64: Is there software to read ext4 on Windows that is Free ?02:35
gnomethrowersponix: yes but AFAIK it only works on Windows 7 and below02:35
jthunderso trying to boot an HP server with the ubuntu 14.04 LTS live cd, and having difficulty - what is the option to add to the end of the boot options line to not use gui and just command line?02:37
Ben64jthunder: i don't think it's possible on the livecd02:38
sndnasdn1my problem was fixed by removing my gpu.02:38
RNevilleOkay, thanks for everyone help, I have Nautilus showing this new formated Harddrive, but can't write to it02:38
Ben64themusicgod1: are you trying to run fsck on a mounted filesystem?02:38
RNevilleI think the permissions are set for admin - to have write access to it only02:39
Ben64RNeville: correct02:39
themusicgod1it is unmounted02:39
jthunderBen64: was never an option?02:39
Capum321how do I proceed with digitalization?02:39
Ben64themusicgod1: what's the output of "mount"02:39
RNevilleNext question: how do I reset permissions on this new drive so standard user can move files to it02:39
Ben64jthunder: just use the server cd...02:39
Ben64RNeville: where is the drive mounted02:40
jthundertext option?02:40
RNevillejust a second Ben602:40
Ben64jthunder: the server iso is all text02:40
themusicgod1appended to
RNevilleBen65/ Ben6**02:40
jthunderdoes it boot into a live environment02:40
themusicgod1as you can see sda1 isn't there, i can mount it...but since there's fs errors some operations fail02:41
Bashing-omjthunder: In the grub boot line replace "quiet splash" with the term text . ctl+x to continue the boot process .02:41
Ben64themusicgod1: weird02:41
RNevilleBen64, don't know what command to use to determine where this new drive is located02:42
jthunderBashing-om: thanks02:43
RNevilleI believe /dev/sdb02:43
Ben64that's the device02:43
themusicgod1Ben64: according to source there's like 6-7 spots that can define FSCK_ERR and they should all log a backtrace(?), so recompiled fsck with --enable-backtrace and same result.02:43
jthunderBashing-om: is that . required?02:48
Bashing-omjthunder: ? required ?? for what end ? text works for me to boot to terminal .02:49
RNevilleIf my new harddrive is /dev/sdb can I mount it using: "mount /dev/sdb   /mnt/sdb" ?02:49
wedgieRNeville: no, you need to specify the partition: e.g., /dev/sdb102:50
RNevilleIf my new harddrive is /dev/sdb can I mount it using: "mount /dev/sdb1   /mnt/sdb" ?02:50
Ben64if sdb1 is the partition you want to mount02:50
RNevilleyes, Ben6502:50
wedgielooks good, assuming that /mnt/sdb exists02:51
RNevilleThis drive is already appearing when I run Nautilus, but I don't have correct permissions on the drive to allow standard user access02:52
sponixYou all sure you _must_ use partitions with Linux ? I was almost sure you could mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdc  && mount /dev/sdc /mnt -- Formatting the base of the device without and mount it without a created partition ..02:52
reisioRNeville: chown!02:52
reisiosponix: IIRC you _can_ do that, yes02:52
reisionot that you'd want to02:52
Ben64RNeville: well you still never answered my question02:52
RNevillethx reisio02:52
reisioBen64: 42?02:53
Ben64that's a much more important question02:53
reisiooh :p02:53
RNevilleyes, sdb1 is only partition I have on this harddrive Ben6402:53
Ben64RNeville: no...02:53
Ben64Feb 07 2017 18:40:01 <Ben64>RNeville: where is the drive mounted02:53
RNevilleUsing "sudo fdisk -l" it shows sdb, Ben6402:54
Ben64omg no02:54
reisioRNeville: 'mount'02:55
sponixRNeville: He means the mount point.. For example my "Crap" drive is mounted at /media/sponix/Crap02:55
reisiowell, your Crap FS that's on your crap drive02:56
wedgieRNeville: ''mount | grep sdb''02:56
RNevillenot sure were it is mounted, till me proper command to run, Ben64, and I'll pastesbinit02:56
Ben64i already did02:56
Ben64Feb 07 2017 18:42:56 <RNeville>Ben64, don't know what command to use to determine where this new drive is located02:56
Ben64Feb 07 2017 18:43:07 <Ben64>mount02:56
Ben6416 minutes ago02:56
reisioyeah but he clearly didn't remember that :p02:56
Ben64or the 3 times people said it in the past 5 minutes02:57
sponixreisio: was that not a good name for where I store my Crap ?02:57
Capum321how to scan a document?02:57
reisiosponix: might I suggest 'crap'02:57
RNevillesorry, didn't follow what everyone was trying to tell me02:57
reisioCapum321: many pages?02:57
sponixreisio: No, trust me.. I have enough of it the Capitol C is needed :)02:58
Ben64RNeville: "sudo chown $USER /media/james/b4733e1a-70ce-4c83-8f1a-23d01d168db1"02:58
thawesBen64: no, not chown02:59
Ben64yes, yes chown02:59
Capum321reisio: no, I am trying to do the actual scan02:59
thawesBen64:(re) mount -o uid=1000,gid=100002:59
thawesor whatever his uid and gid is based on 'id'02:59
reisioCapum321: you got one page or more?03:00
Capum321now, there is one page03:00
thawesBen64: when he boots in windows chown won't be preserved, or at least with the older ntfs, they won't03:01
Ben64thawes: why are you assuming windows and ntfs03:01
RNevillethanks, thawes, but I decided to us ext4 - for the time being03:01
RNevillewill reformat if I decide to duel boot later03:02
thawesBen64: guess I missed the decision to go with ext403:02
reisioCapum321: you just want an image or you want OCR?03:02
RNevillethis drive is a small ssd to hold one file at a time, so I have a primary ssd and second ssd to write data to, only03:02
RNevillewhen using Lightworks to NLE files03:03
RNevillevideo files/ files**03:03
RNevillehope this makes sense03:03
RNevilleI can write to this drive now, under standard user , used Ben64 recommend command03:04
reisiosure doesn't03:04
RNevilleI want to ssd to use while video editing - going to use this small drive to hold only current video project, as data drive03:05
reisioit's unlikely that is relevant :D03:05
RNevilleI want two ssd/ ssd**03:05
RNevilleI just will reformat to ntfs, for this small drive if I want to duel boot and use it as a data drive, reisio03:06
RNevillethx, everyone for the help, sorry if I went somewhat off topic03:09
themusicgod1so doing strace on fsck resulted in a bazillion* pread64's and then an abort03:09
themusicgod1see bottom of03:09
themusicgod1http:// *03:09
Capum321reisio: it's a text, no ocr this time03:10
reisioCapum321: so you don't _want_ ocr, is that what you're saying?03:11
Capum321why so?03:12
reisiothat is the question, if indeed it has an answer03:14
reisioanyway, try simple-scan03:14
Capum321from repositories?03:14
Capum321and ocr feature?03:15
reisioif you want ocr, try pdfsandwich03:15
reisiothat's in universe03:15
Capum321all right have a good night...03:16
reisioy tu, Capum321, y tu03:16
=== cyborg is now known as Guest24481
roweHey guys and gals. I'm trying to get OpenXcom to work on Wily. It installs to /usr/share, which is root owned.  So I can't add the needed files to that folder in order to make the game run. I'm new to Linux, so maybe this is a really easy fix. How do I add files to a root owned directory?03:51
steeve149hi, how can I update my version of openssl? I've already run sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y but it appears that I'm still on version 1.0.2g03:53
steeve149If it makes any difference, I hadn't used the machine I'm on in a while but I used the software updater to get to 16.04 LTS03:54
krytarik!info openssl xenial03:55
ubottuopenssl (source: openssl): Secure Sockets Layer toolkit - cryptographic utility. In component main, is standard. Version 1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.6 (xenial), package size 494 kB, installed size 991 kB03:55
steeve149thanks for that!03:56
roweHow can I add files to a folder in /usr/share when it's owned by root? I'm the admin of this computer.03:59
PipeItToDevNullrowe: sudo04:00
roweI'm new to Linux. So I do it in the terminal instead of the GUI?04:00
PipeItToDevNullrowe: if you want to use GUI you can do `sudo nautilus` in a terminal04:01
roweThank you!04:01
PipeItToDevNullThat will open terminal as root04:01
krytarik!sudo | rowe04:02
ubotturowe: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo04:02
Ben64ew, shouldn't be doing sudo nautilus04:02
roweWhy not?04:02
Ben64can cause problems. so what are you trying to add in there?04:02
roweI'm trying to transfer game files from XCOM UFO to my openxcom install.04:03
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Ben64that doesn't sound like the proper way to do that04:04
roweopenxcom needs the original game files from UFO. Like how Brutal Doom needs a legit .wad04:05
Ben64i'm not even seeing openxcom in the repositories04:05
rowehttp://openxcom.org/git-builds/ is where I got it from04:06
Ben64ok well i'd recommend using the terminal to copy things04:06
roweGot ya. Can you point me in the right direction for getting those commands? Like I said, I'm super new.04:07
roweGetting Ubuntu installed was a challenge for me.04:07
Ben64sudo cp <source> <destination>04:07
roweThank you.04:08
Guest13368how to set up wifi hotspot on linux?04:08
PipeItToDevNullGuest13368: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/297151/share-wifi-creating-hotspot-on-linux-mint04:10
adalbertnmcli device wifi hotspot ifname wlp3s0b1 con-name <WifiNAME> ssid <WifiNAME> password <password>04:10
adalbertnmcli device wifi hotspot ifname <wifi_interface> con-name <WifiNAME> ssid <WifiNAME> password <password>04:10
Guest13368adalbert: where to get <wifi interface>?04:32
adalbertifconfig -a04:32
Guest13368adalbert: HWAddr?04:34
Guest13368on wlan0?04:34
adalbertwlan0 is the name04:36
Guest13368Error: 'dev wifi' command 'hotspot' is not valid.04:36
adalbertyour wifi is not up04:36
Guest13368how to set it up?04:37
adalbertEnable Wifi:04:37
adalbert$nmcli radio wifi on04:37
Guest13368radio is unknown04:37
adalbertwhat is the output of $nmcli general status04:39
Guest13368general is unknown04:40
Guest13368nmcli nm04:40
Guest13368RUNNING         STATE           WIFI-HARDWARE   WIFI       WWAN-HARDWARE   WWAN04:40
Guest13368running         connected       enabled         enabled    enabled         disabled04:40
adalbertyou don't have wifi hardware !04:41
Guest13368adalbert: what? I made this connection via wifi!04:42
Guest13368adalbert: now I want to share this connection via wifi hotspot04:42
adalbertwell you can't hotspot a current wifi connection you need to disconnect to current connection04:43
Guest13368adalbert: actually i followed http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/297151/share-wifi-creating-hotspot-on-linux-mint04:43
Guest13368adalbert: you mean I can't hotspot a current wifi connection? that's too bad04:44
Guest13368adalbert: it does not work either for above link04:45
Guest13368adalbert: actually i created a wifi connection by following the above link and is shown in network connection tab. the only difference with other wifi connections is that it has no Auto in front of it.04:51
Guest13368so a wifi card cannot be used as both a client and hotspot?04:57
Guest13368adalbert: is there a limit on how many clients connected to a hotspot?04:58
GuestieSo, I want to setup where my Ubuntu server emails me about system updates. Do I need to host a mail server, or does canonical do that for me?05:09
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archpcshould I switch from Windows 10 if I have an AMD GPU?05:44
Bashing-omarchpc: Gammer ? hybrid graphics ? Now may not be a good time to switch to linux with AMD graphics; other wise, jump in the water is fine .05:51
archpcBashing-om, I have a R9 29005:51
ProblemWithShortHi, having trouble with Ubuntu Gnome. Ctrl+Alt+Up/Down are shortcuts I need to use in a program, however when using them, they switch to the workspace above/below, respectively. But when I open my keyboard shortcut settings, I can't find this combination bound to anything - there I can see Super+Up/Down configured for the same thing (and it works too). I'd like to disable the Ctrl+Alt+Up/Down shortcut globally, but no idea 05:54
Bashing-omarchpc: That card is supported by AMD's latest driver ' AMDGPU-PRO ' .05:55
gundashey i want to mimic a user visiting a website on command line05:58
gundashow can i do this05:58
mrdualhello everybody05:59
uxfiHello mrdual06:01
mrdualhello uxfi06:01
cfhowlettmrdual, ask your ubuntu question06:02
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gundashey i want to mimic a user visiting a website on command line06:22
gundashey i want to mimic a user visiting a website on command line06:22
=== beto is now known as Guest88003
cfhowlettAttrz007, ask your ubuntu question06:23
gundasi like poo06:23
cfhowlettgundas, stop that.  now.06:23
Attrz007what is the topic there06:23
cfhowlett!topic | Attrz00706:23
ubottuAttrz007: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic06:23
BioinfoHello. Is there an Off-topic Ubuntu Channel on FreeNode?06:26
cfhowlettBioinfo, there is.  #ubuntu-offtopic06:26
Bioinfocfhowlett: thanks !06:26
Bioinfocfhowlett: oh. it's protected. needs identification. Np.06:27
cfhowlett!  wait 106:27
cfhowlettBioinfo, indeed.  well, sounds like it's time for you to register a nickname then.  please read       /msg uobttu nick06:28
Bioinfocfhowlett: i am registered. just need to be identified. :-)06:30
cfhowlettBioinfo, confused.  you've registered your nick, so sign into freenode with your password and you should be good to go06:31
cfhowlettBioinfo, /msg nickserv identify <password goes here>06:31
gundasbut i really like poo06:33
cfhowlettgundas, your were warned once.06:33
Bioinfocfhowlett: am identified now. i was hesitating because am at work, using WebChat Freenode (Browser). Webchat doesn't provide all services.06:33
cfhowlett!ops | gundas06:33
ubottugundas: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu06:33
Bashing-omarchpc: That AMDGPU-PRO driver is provided in the kernel on 16.04+ releases - 16.10 has the better support .06:35
elkycfhowlett: they're already gone.06:35
cfhowlettyep.  drive my trolling.  moving on.06:36
wwwichromium froze my gui, so i want to kill it, i have access to the real terminal06:45
ProblemWithShortHi, having trouble with Ubuntu Gnome. Ctrl+Alt+Up/Down are shortcuts I need to use in a program, however when using them, they switch to the workspace above/below, respectively. But when I open my keyboard shortcut settings, I can't find this combination bound to anything - there I can see Super+Up/Down configured for the same thing (and it works too). I'd like to disable the Ctrl+Alt+Up/Down shortcut globally, but no idea 06:45
cfhowlettwwwi, ps -x | grep chromium             then kill -9 ###06:45
wwwibut it has various processes, so i kill it with killall, right?06:45
wwwicfhowlett: -9 is that sigterm?06:46
cfhowlettwwwi, I don't know the terminology, but kill -9 = terminate this process with extreme prejudice immediately!06:46
wwwicfhowlett: what about killing it as gracefully as possible?06:47
cfhowlettwwwi, killall usually doesn't satisfy my bloodthirsty nature.  YMMV.06:47
wwwicfhowlett: there are various processes named chromium-browse, so, i thought i should kill them all with killall? isnt it this a correct approach? instead i could kill them one by one with kill?06:49
cfhowlettwwwi, yep killall chromium *should* do the trick06:49
wwwicfhowlett: ok, but i am having another problem, chromium-browse is exactly 15 characters, i should use killall -e chromium-browse or system might kill anything starting with c?06:50
cfhowlettwwwi, sounds right06:51
wwwibecause command name is actually chromium-browser which is 16 characters, but it doesn't show at the terminal, e.g. at ps06:52
cfhowlettwwwi, ps -x | grep chromium-b*06:52
wwwicfhowlett: i have 12 processes chromium browse06:58
cfhowlettcool.  killall06:58
lotuspsychjeis there a way i can search apt-cache for latest packages?06:59
wwwicfhowlett: ok, killall -e chromium-browse, right?07:00
cfhowlettwwwi, yep07:00
wwwicfhowlett: ok, thanks, -w is unnessasary?07:00
cfhowlettdoesn't seem to be a critical thing.  you might include the --verbose trigger so you can observe the details07:01
wwwicfhowlett: ok07:02
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lotuspsychjetayzar: welcome, what can we do for you07:05
ltsreleasewhenWhat date is the next LTS release planned?07:05
tayzaryep! Thank ,I had AMD graphic card unsupport error07:05
lotuspsychje!releases | ltsreleasewhen07:06
ubottultsreleasewhen: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months (non-LTS) or 5 years (LTS). More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases07:06
ltsreleasewhenlotuspsychje seems like every 4th release a lts is released07:07
ducasseltsreleasewhen: that's the idea, yes07:08
ducasseltsreleasewhen: some time in april on even years07:09
wwwicfhowlett: so, the process is listed as chromium-browse but to kill it i need to use killall -e chromium-browser which is the real name of the command?07:10
ducassewwwi: try to use tab expand07:11
cfhowlettwwwi, chromium-browser should be the parent. kill -9 and the children should likewise perish07:11
wwwicfhowlett: pstree says chromium-browse is the parent, but man chromium-browser is the man page07:13
=== yinflying2016 is now known as yinflying
wwwiducasse: yes, if i type chromium-browse then tab i get chromium-browser07:18
wwwiso, i am not exactly sure how i kill it07:19
wwwiif i type chro tab i get both chromium-browser and chroot07:20
cfhowlettwwwi, chromium tab07:20
wwwii kill it with killall -e chromium-browse or killall -e chromium-browser?07:21
cfhowlettasked and answered at least twice, right?07:21
wwwicfhowlett: chromium tab shows chromium-browser07:21
evgen_vasilevHi, I'm trying to boot to minimal initramfs with ssh, but ssh doesn't work. I can observe this error when I run ssh with strace "can't open '/dev/tty': No such device or address". Can anyone help me mount /dev properly?07:21
cfhowlettwwwi, you don't need my permission to try it07:22
wwwicfhowlett: yes, i am just trying to undestand why ps doesnt just show chromium-browser and instead shows chromium-browse07:22
MtrzI have an Intel tablet running 16.10. First time booting live USB worked great, subsequent boots on the same USB fail to get past a black screen. Using nomodeset allows booting, but disables xrandr rotate, leaving the screen sideways. Any suggestions?07:23
wwwicfhowlett: so, i just enter killall -e chromium-browse as it is listed in ps and that will only kill chromium browser, not chroot too, right?07:23
cfhowlettwwwi, correct07:24
wwwicfhowlett: ok, thanks07:24
wwwicfhowlett: thanks07:25
=== yinflying is now known as yinflying2016
cableguyi jused renamed my phpmyadmin symlink to custom07:28
cableguyand when u go to it07:28
hateballMtrz: model of tablet might be useful, do you know what gpu chipset it uses?07:28
cableguyit just lists index of /dir/ with all the files in it07:28
cableguythis shouldnt be happeniong07:29
wwwiok, i run it, killall -e -v chromium-browse, it said skipping various partial matches, but it also skipped partial match chromium-browse, so it didnt kill chromium-browse07:29
cfhowlettwwwi, ***-browser07:29
wwwiand finally, it said chromium-browse no process found07:29
cfhowlettwww1   share the url: ps -x | grep chromium | pastebinit07:30
Mtrzhateball: RCA w101-v2 with Atom Z3735F07:31
villaingot a weird issue with 16.04 lts. the device renaming for network interfaces seem to break a particular card. if i disable the device renaming, everything works fine. any ideas?07:31
Mtrzhateball: everything worked perfectly on the first USB boot07:32
Mtrzhateball: ((x)ubuntu)07:32
wwwicfhowlett: with this command, ps -x | grep chromium, i get lots of lines with an id, i assume the process id? and then some extra columns, like time and then chromium-browser and its arguments or the filepath to chromium-browser and then arguments. So, the process name is chromium-browser and i should kill it with killall -e chromium-browser?07:37
cfhowlettwww1   share the url: ps -x | grep chromium | pastebinit07:38
cfhowlett!paste | wwwi looking for the paste please07:38
ubottuwwwi looking for the paste please: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:38
wwwicfhowlett: i dont have pastebinit, apt-get pastebinit?07:39
cfhowlettwwwi, eh try this: ps -x | grep chromium | nc termbin.com 9999            same function: it'll return a url with your directed output07:39
hateballMtrz: anything in Xorg.log ?07:41
hateballMtrz: Is this a very new device? If so I personally would consider using the mesa ppa (padoka)07:42
Mtrzhateball: checking logfiles now; device is about 14 months old07:44
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cfhowlettwwwi, still with us?07:45
squigargh, this is getting on my nerves, so my computer will loose its ethernet connection randomly, on a network manager restart its back.07:45
squigThe cable doesnt become unconnected, and there is nothing in the syslog07:45
wwwicfhowlett: yes, i will post it shortly07:46
wwwicfhowlett: http://termbin.com/z84h07:50
Mtrzhateball: https://pastebin.com/FpuKaQKP07:51
Mtrzhateball: this is post-install, which has never successfully booted without nomodeset07:52
hateballMtrz: hmmm, then I dont really know. As I said I would try the mesa ppa, or try with a mainline 4.9 kernel. But others may have other/better advice08:00
hateballMtrz: and no difference if you try booting without quiet splash ?08:00
Mtrzhateball: nope08:07
Mtrzhateball: is there some way to rotate from mesa?08:07
wwwikillall -e -v chromium-browse says skipping partial match chromium-browse and that chromium-browse no process found, any ideas?08:08
hateballMtrz: should be, it's the proper driver08:08
hateballMtrz: I can rotate just fine using the gui tool in KDE Plasma at least, I have intel gpu as well08:09
hateballbut it's on an older gen i508:10
Nicho1as I'm kind of pissed off.. but..08:13
Nicho1asguess I have to think it's the flow I've got to get used to08:13
Nicho1aswhich one is it? MiB or MB? when Ubuntu installer asks me for the volume of an LV08:13
Nicho1as I want a perfect 1GiB08:14
Nicho1asI want a perfect 1GiB LV please..08:16
pesziHey, Can someone please help me? I've installed Nvidia driver on Ubuntu 16.04, which worked great as long as I plugged in a second screen08:17
peszithen, the screens get extremely weird.08:18
peszifor example in nvidia-settings the laptop screen is not recognized, only the external screen08:18
hateballpeszi: what does "then" entail08:18
pesziafter plugging in the second screen, it is both recognized as the "built-in display" and the "external screen"08:19
hateballpeszi: can you see all screens when you run "xrandr" ?08:19
pesziwell, I am not sure what i see to be honest08:20
pesziScreen 0: minimum 8 x 8, current 3520 x 1080, maximum 16384 x 1638408:21
PsychonautMtrz, try unofficial build of ubuntu from http://linuxiumcomau.blogspot.com/ made specifically for bay tail cpu08:21
pesziLVDS-0, DP-0,1,2 are disconnected08:21
pesziDP-3 is connected08:21
pesziDP-3 connected 1920x1080+1600+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 521mm x 293mm08:21
hateball!paste | peszi08:21
ubottupeszi: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:21
PsychonautMtrz, touch screen firmware -> https://github.com/onitake/gsl-firmware/tree/master/firmware/rca/w101v208:21
pesziactually, now the screen seems to work good08:22
peszibut my only problem is that if i want to switch the position of the screens, it gets crazy again08:23
pesziif the external screen is on the right to the built-in it is fine08:24
peszibut if I want to switch them, it's crazy08:24
hateballpeszi: is this ubuntu with unity, or some other DE?08:26
peszibut i can switch the position of the screens only by using ubuntu's Display program08:27
peszibecause I do not see the built in display in nvidia-settings08:27
peszihateball: can you please tell me how I can check if I have ubuntu with unity or not?08:28
MtrzPsychonaut: thanks for the suggestion - that patch is actually how I've got it working this well08:28
MtrzPsychonaut: it worked beautifully on a fresh USB deployment, but not after rebooting08:28
zambawhat does /sys%p/queue mean?08:29
zambameaning.. the %p?08:29
hateballpeszi: did you install Ubuntu, or Kubuntu, or Xubuntu etc?08:29
hateballpeszi: Right, then I dont know what could be up. I use Kubuntu (Plasma) myself and it has issues with multimonitor in default 16.0408:29
peszioh ok08:31
peszihateball: can you please take a look at my xorg.conf ?08:31
pesziI've got multiple gpu's08:32
peszione for battery saving, integrated one08:33
pesziand one dedicated, an nvidia gpu08:33
hateballpeszi: I do not dabble with hybrid GPUs I'm afraid08:35
hateballpeszi: are you using nvidia-367 with nvidia-prime? or some other combination?08:35
hateballall I know is that later nvidia drivers (there's a PPA) have better support for the hybrid stuff as well08:35
peszihateball: yes, nvidia-367 with prime08:36
hateballpeszi: were it me, I'd test with nvidia-378 from PPA and see if that helps things. It will move your xorg.conf to a backup tho, so you'd need to recreate that either manually or with the nvidia tools08:37
peszialright, i will see :)08:38
peszithank you for your help!08:38
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=== Bluerate_ is now known as Bluerate
anddamwhen enabling two fingers scroll in Unity there are two kinds of gesture recognized for scrolling, one where you move the two fingers togheter and the other where you keep a finger fixed and move the other one08:49
anddamthey go along with the single setting in System Settings > Mouse & Touchpad > Two finger scroll08:50
anddamis it possible to have one and not the other08:50
anddamerr that was a question08:50
anddamis it possible to have one and not the other?08:50
[jasper]hej guys, I'm trying to get displayport setup on my laptpo on ubuntu08:51
[jasper]I'm not getting any displays at all08:51
[jasper]can someone help me with this to see if my setup is correct?08:51
Ben64[jasper]: pastebin the output of 'xrandr'08:53
Kartagisnvm, figured it out08:54
cult-hello, i would like to raise awereness of a broken library in ubuntu repository, i contacted the maintainer in email but he hasn't responded. what should I do?08:56
studenthttp://termbin.com/65lo hey what are the newest drivers avalible for gma 900 on ubuntu 16.04 ,according to wikipedia the mesa driver should have 2.1 opengl renderer08:59
k1l!bug | cult-09:00
ubottucult-: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.09:00
studentat least fro gma 90009:00
=== Conna is now known as ConnaSiapaItu
cult-ubottu: the problem it is only related to 16.04, the binaries are broken because they have been built with different flags.09:01
Ben64student: the latest drivers are in the kernel, you got em already09:01
lukmaDear all,09:01
lukmaIs there a way to compare two linux zImages with e.g. sha1, or md5sum ?09:01
k1lcult-: doesnt matter. you can file bug against packages for specific releases09:02
Ben64lukma: you can compare anything with sha1sum or md5sum, not sure what you mean besides that09:02
lukmaLinux binary also includes the time of building09:02
cult-ubuntu-bug libodb-dev for xenial 16.04, more info: http://www.codesynthesis.com/pipermail/odb-users/2016-May/003280.html09:02
lukmaso when I build two binaries at different times - simple md5sum will not work09:03
k1lcult-: run that command on your system. it will collect the data from your system and open your browser to add comments/info to the bugreport09:03
lukmamy goal is to clean up the Kconfig mess without loosing functionality09:03
cult-k1l: its not a crash report09:04
cult-it doesn't collect anything09:04
brisingrrrI'm looking for an online text-editor that in-built python libraries/modules. What do you guys recommend?\09:04
cult-its a broken binary for a development package09:04
villainanyone have experience debugging issues with the predictable device naming in 16.04?09:04
k1lcult-: yes. but still launchpad.net is where bugs get filed. not matter if they result in a crash or just miss compile flags or such09:05
Ben64villain: nope09:05
villainwhen 16.04 renames some of my network cards, they stop passing traffic entirely09:05
Ben64villain: would help if you explained your issue though09:05
lukmaBen64: Has anybody tries to do that?09:05
Ben64lukma: not that i know of09:05
villaindisabling the persistent renaming fixes the issue09:05
cult-k1l: do i need an account to file this report?09:05
k1lcult-: it doesnt make sense to spread bug reports all over different locations. so they all get collected on launchpad.net. that is what "bug-report" automates09:06
Ben64villain: it doesn't rename your cards in the middle of the day though, so your assertion doesn't really make sense09:06
k1lcult-: yes, on launchpad.net09:06
villainBen64: if i boot the box with persistent renaming enabled (eth1 renaming to ens...), no traffic passes through the nics09:06
villainif i boot with it disabled (ethX stays as ethX), traffic passes fine09:07
k1lvillain: could depend on the way you setup the interfaces09:07
Ben64that's entirely different than "when [it gets renamed], they stop passing traffic"09:07
villaink11: this is with no setup, straight after a standard install09:07
villainas soon as ubuntu starts its boot, the link light disappears from the nic entirely09:08
cult-k1l: i found a bug report already and this simple yet annoying issue didn't get solved: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libodb/+bug/158833009:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1588330 in libodb (Ubuntu) "Incompatible builds of libodb and libodb-mysql" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:08
villainseems similar to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/biosdevname/+bug/1284043, but i'm not entirely sure09:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1284043 in biosdevname (Ubuntu) "udev renaming the same hardware network i/f to different name, breaks networking and firewall" [High,Confirmed]09:08
Ben64villain: well come back with predictable names enabled and maybe can do some diagnosis09:09
wwwikill -1 just tells a process to gracefully exit on its own?09:09
villainBen64: sure, let me reboot the box09:09
k1lcult-: usually the package maintainer get signed to the bugs from their package. but you can subscribe someone lese there in the menu on the right09:11
cult-k1l: i doubt anyone will do it, can i do it? how to trigger rebuild?09:12
TendiesHi, I'm trying to have my default terminal emulator set as urxvt so that when I use Ctrl+Alt+T it will open a terminal with urxvt. I've used the profile option to run a command instead of my shell, however it will open a default terminal and then open urxvt, leaving the default one open. How can I make only the urxvt one open?09:13
k1lcult-: trigger rebuild is only possible as pacakge maintainer. and since 16.04 is released you will need a stable release update excemption maybe09:13
cult-k1l: but the package maintainer is not responding09:14
k1lcult-: then i guess write a mail to ubuntu-devel(-discuss)09:15
cult-#j ubuntu-devel09:15
luka__did you install VLC?09:15
wwwikill -1 just tells a process to gracefully exit?09:18
Tendiesis my question not interesting enough09:21
lotuspsychje!patience | Tendies09:21
ubottuTendies: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/09:21
Tendiesalright admittedly it's not been long this time, but previously I've been patient and 30 minutes later nobody knew i asked anything09:22
lotuspsychjeTendies: best way to get your issue solved is to repeat (all in one line) once in a while to the channel, with all your details09:22
wwwimy gui froze, it shows chromium exiting from full screen, i killed chromium, but gui is still frozen, so, what do i do? if i backup open, but saved files, will they be ok? then, i reboot pc from real terminal?09:22
Tendiesdon't use fullscreen in chromium on ubuntu is what i've stuck to09:23
Tendiesit always freezes it09:23
k1lit doesnt always. works like a charm here09:23
al2o3-crTendies: sudo update-alternatives --set x-terminal-emulator /usr/bin/urxvt09:24
wwwiTendies: ok, but saving my open, but saved files in a backup, will result to corrupted backup?09:24
wwwiTendies: my gui is still frozen09:25
Tendiescan you get into a terminal session using ctrl+alt+1?09:25
wwwiTendies: yes09:25
wwwiTendies: i killed chromium, but gui is still frozen, i just told chromium to exit with kill -1 and it exited09:25
k1lwwwi: what programs?09:26
PaulePanterOn Ubuntu 16.04 ureadahead.service is listed as failed.09:26
wwwik1l: firefoz, text editors09:26
PaulePanterI was told by TUXEDO support, that is because, it’s just used for upstart.09:26
PaulePanterI don’t really believe that though.09:27
PaulePanterAny confirmations.09:27
k1lwwwi: usually its kill -TERM pid. but x programs are not designed to listen for TERM but a xserver command09:27
k1lwwwi: wmctrl could be a way to gracefully kill x programs09:28
TendiesPaulePanter: man ureadahead09:28
Tendieslooks like they weren't joking to me09:29
k1lPaulePanter: 16.04 uses systemd. but some services still use upstart wrapper or sysvinit wrapper since they still not ported to systemd09:29
k1lwwwi: wmctrl -xl  will list the windows and you can close them with wmctrl -xc program.Program from that list.09:30
wwwik1l: so, what about chromium? i killed it with kill, the window still survived?09:31
Tendiesand thanks al2o3-cr09:31
cult-k1l: i want to get this solved, is there anything i can do?09:31
al2o3-crTendies: np09:31
hateballwwwi: probably because you didnt kill all processes it spawns09:31
k1lcult-: write to the ubuntu-devel(-discuss) mailinglist09:31
poet!queue http://www.speedtest.net/result/6034856035.png09:31
wwwihateball: ok, i killed its parent, its possible that it spawned other processes, right? how do i kill those?09:32
poetuh wrong channel/network09:32
k1lcult-: add the bug report and other info there and that you could not reach the maintainer. and how this is an issue for a standard ubuntu09:32
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PaulePanterTendies, k1l: There is a dedicated service unit. https://paste.debian.net/913330/09:33
PaulePanterTendies, k1l: Manually running it under strace shows the line below.09:35
PaulePanteropenat(3, "events/fs/do_sys_open/enable", O_RDWR) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)09:35
PaulePanter… and adding the switch `--verbose` shows, that `/var/lib/ureadahead/pack` is not found.09:37
wwwicopying files that are open in an application could result in data corruption?09:37
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PaulePanterTendies, k1l: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ureadahead/+bug/1429098 has the glory details. It’s my self-build vanilla Linux kernel. Sorry for forgetting to mentioning that.09:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1429098 in ureadahead (Ubuntu) "systemd[1]: ureadahead.service fails on vanilla kernels, needs Ubuntu kernel patch" [Medium,Triaged]09:40
PaulePanterLet me try the shipped Linux kernel.09:40
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k1l_PaulePanter: standard ubuntu kernel?09:41
k1l_PaulCapestany: is this a regular x86 or a arm box?09:42
k1l_PaulCapestany: seems like that is an issue on non standard ubuntu kernels since ages. and looks like systemd doesnt play with ureadahead at all?09:44
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newuser2Hello everyone. I've just installed ubuntu 16.04 LTS on my laptop and ubuntu-gnome-desktop. I'm trying to change the default behavior of the power button. Regardless of what I do, the power button always suspends. I've tried gnome tweek tool, dconf-editor, and custom keyboard shortcuts. None work. Help.09:48
wwwicopying files open by an application, cannot lead to file corruption, right?09:49
lotuspsychjewwwi: what exactly are you doing?09:49
k1l_wwwi: did you use the wmctrl?09:50
lotuspsychjenewuser2: can this help you? http://askubuntu.com/questions/66723/how-do-i-modify-the-options-for-the-power-button09:50
cableguywhy "mv * .[^.]* .." is not working and it gives "mv: cannot stat '*': No such file or directory" why does it tag * as a dir09:51
wwwik1l_: i dont have that09:51
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wwwilotuspsychje: my gui froze, i killed the offending app, but gui is still frozen, and i can still the offensing apllication open, i want to back up files, and safely reboot, with unmounting of drives etc, a safe reboot09:52
newuser2lotuspsychje: unfortunetly, what that asker wants to change is the behavior I want. For what it's worth, I've already tried gnome-tweek-tool, but whatever I set seems to be completely ignored by ubuntu.09:53
newuser2lotuspsychje: 14.04 did not have this issue, so I think it's a regression in ubuntu 16.0409:54
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brainwashcableguy: are there any non dot files/directory present?09:57
lotuspsychjenewuser2: did you check dmesg or syslog for weird behaviour perhaps?09:57
cableguybrainwash, probably theres like 10k files09:58
cableguyall i want is to take all of it and move one dir up09:58
lotuspsychjewwwi: wich application are you talking about?09:58
newuser2lotuspsychje: No, It didn't occur to me. Thanks for the tip!09:58
lotuspsychjenewuser2: if you didnt notice this issue in 14.04, perhaps you might want to consider a new !bug ?09:59
wwwilotuspsychje: libre calc, kate, files are open, but saved, if i just copy them, can they become corrupt?09:59
lotuspsychjewwwi: when a system freezes, open files could be damaged or lost sometimes yes09:59
wwwilotuspsychje: but the act of copying them, could corrupt them?10:00
brainwashcableguy: and none of them were moved up?10:01
lotuspsychjewwwi: not sure i fully understand, your system freezed? how will you copy?10:01
wwwilotuspsychje: the gui froze, but real terminal works fine, pc works fine in the background, i can see it with top10:02
lotuspsychjewwwi: ah, i see if your file is saved correctly and you copy the file, why would it corrupt?10:02
lotuspsychjewwwi: if you loose files anyway, there's always photorec to recover data if you need10:04
cableguybrainwash, no10:04
cableguybrainwash, it actually moved files only that start with dot so e.g. .htaccess .gitignore etc10:05
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aaranHi, whats the current suggested method of allowing active directory ldap logins on a ubuntu machine? I have found so many guides and I am unsure what is best practice10:09
wwwilotuspsychje: i see, thanks. can i safely eject a usb stick from the terminal? i want to do that after i am done with the copying10:09
lotuspsychjewwwi: safely unmount the usb first10:10
lotuspsychje!ldap | can this help10:10
ubottucan this help: LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer10:10
brainwashcableguy: no clue then :/10:10
wwwilotuspsychje: how do i safely unmount the usb drom the terminal?10:10
lotuspsychjecableguy: perhaps the ##linux guys might know that10:11
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cableguywhats the most correct channel to ask that anyway?10:11
cableguyim asking here cuz server running on ubuntu thats all10:12
aaranThanks thats for installing openldap, I already have a MS AD server which I need to auth against though10:12
lotuspsychje!mount | wwwi10:12
ubottuwwwi: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount10:12
wwwilotuspsychje: thanks, after i plug usb, i need to run mount command?10:12
lotuspsychjecableguy: channel choice depends on your specific question10:13
spaceninjahi i just installed ubuntu 16.04 lts. How do I update the package list. Also how do I installa  single package called exfat-utils?10:13
lotuspsychjespaceninja: sudo apt update10:13
wwwilotuspsychje: or the terminal will just do that for me?10:13
lotuspsychjespaceninja: sudo apt install your-package-here10:13
spaceninjalotuspsychje: ok thanks10:13
hateballaaran: I *think* this is what is used currently, but I havent dabbled with AD authing for some time https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/sssd-ad.html10:14
brainwashcableguy: ask in #bash10:14
aaranYeah, thats one of the guides I followed but was unable to get it working10:15
lotuspsychjeaaran: perhaps #ubuntu-server might know where you got stuck?10:16
aaranthanks I will give it a go10:17
wwwiso, i attached the usb stick and terminal produced a few messages saying i plug the usb10:19
wwwiit sees the usb, but its not visible in the media folder, i need to mount it?10:20
lotuspsychjewwwi: sudo fdisk -l shows your usb mounted?10:22
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wwwilotuspsychje: i got a list, with many lines, fdisk cannot open ... permission denied, and then last line says fdisk cannot open /dev/sdd permission denied, i think sdd is the new usb drive, is it mounted?10:25
lotuspsychjewwwi: did you sudo?10:25
wwwilotuspsychje: ok, i did sudo now. now i see the new drive with details in the list, but it doesnt say anything if it is mounted, actually i cant see anything about other drives being mounted too10:27
lotuspsychjewwwi: try sudo unmount /dev/sdd if your files are saved correctly10:28
wwwilotuspsychje: i havent saved anything yet, i cant see the drive in the media directory10:28
wwwilotuspsychje: is the new drive mounted?10:29
lotuspsychjewwwi: doesnt show in /media ?10:30
lotuspsychjewwwi: i dont see why you dont just reboot and make your gui work again10:31
villainBen64: http://pastebin.com/pksXVznE .. the ens3* devices are the ones not passing any traffic10:33
spaceninjaim pressing the button  install in "ubunut software" for the "os update". I've done it two times, then I got a bar. Now the button is just there but nothing happens when I press it, no bar.10:33
spaceninjaprogress bar10:34
wwwilotuspsychje: it doesnt show in media. i want to take a backup first10:34
delphinnyanyone having issues with Xeon E3-1200 ?10:34
lotuspsychjedelphinny: best to ask your specific issue in the channel, with all details10:35
wwwilotuspsychje: get a backup, in case reboot, corrupts the open files10:35
delphinnyok, well whenever I plug in my HDMI cable into my computer I get logged out of Xwindows and it goes crazy, I am thinking it isnt liking my drivers that are for onboard video10:36
weilzhello all10:36
lotuspsychjespaceninja: perhaps the update is done? try it from terminal? sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade10:37
nikolamHow to make bootable Xubuntu flash drive from ISO, without having syslinux package (not running linux) ? I dd'ed ISO to USB drive but not booting10:38
lotuspsychje!usb | nikolam10:38
ubottunikolam: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent10:38
k1l_nikolam: what command did you use exactly?10:38
lotuspsychjedelphinny: ubuntu version? graphics card chipset? driver active?10:38
nikolamseems also that oflag=direct does not work with dd. sudo dd if=xubuntu-16.04-desktop-i386.iso bs=8192 of=/dev/rdsk/c7t0d0p010:39
wwwilotuspsychje: maybe, i need to mount the usb stick at this point?10:39
lotuspsychjewwwi: i would reboot10:39
k1l_nikolam: i dont know what /dev/rdsk/c7t0d0p0 is, but you need to dd to the bare metal, not to a partition10:40
wwwilotuspsychje: why not get backups first?10:40
delphinnylotus: ubuntu 16.04 LTS  and its onboard video, I think its a Xeon E3-1200 .. driver active I dont know how do I check?10:40
k1l_nikolam: and only use the 32bit iso when you have a 32bit only cpu.10:40
lotuspsychjewwwi: your trying things a weird way, a gui freezed with open files trying to copy without being able to close them10:40
nikolamk1l_, it's solaris raw disk designation, trying to make Ubuntu USB flash bootable, from downloaded ISO, using dd on Solaris/illumos (Openindiana)10:40
wwwilotuspsychje: but copying them, even if they are open, shouldnt be ok?10:41
lotuspsychjewwwi: i wouldnt trust to copy an open file10:43
wwwilotuspsychje: could it damage them?10:43
lotuspsychjewwwi: what other choice do you have to just try or reboot?10:44
spaceninjalotuspsychje: im trying to install but it seems to be locked by another process. I've closed the ubuntu software app.10:44
spaceninjalotuspsychje: which program coud be running?10:45
wwwilotuspsychje: can i tell ubuntu from the terminal to exit open application, not to forcecebly terminate them and restart?10:45
delphinnylotuspsychje: ubuntu 16.04 LTS  and its onboard video, I think its a Xeon E3-1200 .. driver active I dont know how do I check?10:45
spaceninjalotuspsychje:  seems aptd is running.10:45
lotuspsychjedelphinny: sudo lshw -C video10:45
nikolamI would like to know if I can do syslinux , to make bootable USB drive, by using dd instead of having to start syslinux command (since i dont' have syslinux package here)10:46
delphinnylotuspsychje: I get two entries from that10:47
lotuspsychjedelphinny: whats behind driver= ?10:47
k1l_nikolam: when using dd you dont need todo anything to the iso. that is the idea behind the hybrid isos.10:47
k1l_nikolam: so i guess the dd doesnt work properly, the iso is corrupt or the machine got issues booting it.10:48
nikolamokwaho, will retest if it boots again.10:48
lotuspsychjewwwi: just reboot10:48
zetaI cloned a disk using dd, but now I can't boot from either of them ... unable to mount root fs10:49
ashiiHi! I just installed ubuntu 16.04 and i'm setting it up as a dev machine, but I run into a problem, in terminal the urls that show there, don't open the browser correctly "x-www-browser URL" works correctly but the others don't, so my question is this, how do I change the default command for terminal to open webbrowser (I have installed google chrome)10:49
delphinnylotuspsychje: dont see driver=10:50
lotuspsychjedelphinny: card shows unclaimed?10:50
wwwilotuspsychje: i dont think copying the open file should be a problem. its not being changing and is saved10:50
lotuspsychjewwwi: ok, its your machine..just try then?10:51
wwwilotuspsychje: yes, but the new usb drive is not mounted. i just create a new folder in media and mount the usb stick there? and when i unmount it, the folder will still exist and visible in the gui later as an empty drive? and if i plug the usb again, through gui, i will get a new temporary folder in media10:53
wwwilotuspsychje: ?10:53
wwwilotuspsychje: i entered lsblk and the drive doesnt have a folder10:54
zetaI hoped I would be able to just go back to the old disk if the new didn't work, but now I'm screwed10:55
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delphinnylotuspsychje: http://pastebin.com/J6dWqC4y10:58
srulihow do i launch SCREEN larger then default window size?11:01
wwwii plugged a usb stick, but it was automounted, if i remove it from pc, will i lose data?11:08
zetaI successfully booted with a old kernel, pwew11:08
hroiI wrote ubuntu 16.04 server to a usb -- it seems to allow me to install and recover, but I kinda need to get to a terminal11:12
hroito run some checks on my disks11:12
hroiby hand11:12
hroidoes the server iso not allow me to do that? (only desktop version?)11:13
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k1l_hroi: the server "cd" is not a live cd11:14
hroblive is the word11:14
hrobok so i better get the desktop live version11:14
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BluesKaj'Morning folks11:27
glosoliHey, how could one reset computer with Encrypted Ubuntu install without knowing a password for that user ? basically I bought Dell XPS and returned it back to the shop, they claim they need my personal password in order to take in computer to do proper reset11:33
numnumhi what is the diffrence between traceroute and tracepath?11:34
ashiisolved my problem11:34
Wadjenesglosoli: it's possible to bypass that and reinstall with a disk of the OS, no need to take it to some place11:35
Wadjenessuch as a usb/cd you booted from11:35
glosoliWadjenes nah I mean I have it back using my 2 weeks guarantee in Europe11:35
glosoliWadjenes and they claim they need my password to reset it11:35
k1l_glosoli: you dont want to keep that data?11:35
glosolik1l_ no11:35
k1l_then just tell them to reinstall11:35
hateballglosoli: There's no need for a password if you wipe/reinstall11:35
Wadjenestell them to boot into BIOS11:36
ashiianyone who got the same issue as i had, when I installed google chrome as default browser ~/.local/share/applications$ cat google-chrome.desktop needs to have %u at the end of exec11:36
numnumwhat is the diffrence between tracerout and tracepath?11:37
numnumwhat is the diffrence between tracerout and tracepath?11:38
numnumwhat is the diffrence between tracerout and tracepath?11:40
numnumok sorry i will wait11:40
deanmanHi I'm looking ways on how to install "apt update indicator" as seen here -> https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1139/apt-update-indicator/. Is there a PPA or a way to install on a Xenial release?11:41
k1l_numnum: since you seem to be very impatient i found a askubuntu question that asked exact the same question as yours and has a very detailed answer: http://askubuntu.com/questions/114264/what-are-the-significant-differences-between-tracepath-and-traceroute  next time you could search and find that easily if its that important to you?11:41
Wadjenes^ same lol11:41
numnumim sorry u r right11:41
k1l_deanman: are you using gnome-shell?11:42
deanmank1l_, I think I'm using the default one, Unity?11:43
k1l_deanman: then this gnome-shell thing will not work for you11:43
deanmank1l_, Yes I'm aware, some have been ported over to unity, like system load indicator. That's why I'm asking whether anyone had any hints for me since from google couldn't find any PPA repo.11:44
k1l_this is a list of some well known indicators: http://askubuntu.com/questions/30334/what-application-indicators-are-available  is there something similar to that?11:45
k1l_iirc the gui updater will make a notification and/or indicator when updates are to be insatlled.11:46
deanmank1l_, yes that's right, looks like a feature i would like11:47
deanmank1l_, there seems to be a package associated with it, packagekit-tools. Do i need to restart the machine to see it?11:49
deanmanah sorry wrong remark, this is just a supporting lib.11:49
wwwihello, gui is frozen, killed chromium that seem the culprit, gui is still frozen with chromium trying to exit full screen? is there still something i can do to unfroze the gui? and can i tell the os to gracefully close open application, and then reboot? i have access to the real terminal11:54
wwwisorry, no question at first question, just a fullstop11:54
BluesKajwwwi:  try F11 with chromium11:56
k1l_wwwi: as i said hours ago: wmctrl11:58
wwwiBluesKaj: can that help? i already asked chromium to exit with kill -1 and it exited, there are no more chromium processes, just chromium's screen on gui trying to exiting fullscreen11:59
wwwik1l_: apt-get wmctrl?11:59
k1l_wwwi: no. apt-get doesnt have a wmctrl option12:00
wwwik1l_: so, how do i install that?12:00
AaryanHello World12:00
k1l_wwwi: sudo apt install packagename #to install packages12:01
wwwik1l_: wmctrl is a package too?12:01
delphinnywhenever I plug in my HDMI cable into my computer I get logged out of Xwindows and it goes crazy, I am thinking it isnt liking my drivers that are for onboard video12:02
k1l_!info wmctrl12:02
ubottuwmctrl (source: wmctrl): control an EWMH/NetWM compatible X Window Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.07-7 (yakkety), package size 20 kB, installed size 78 kB12:02
wwwik1l_: but wmctrl wont require reboot, before it works?12:02
k1l_i dont know. but you dont have another chance to close gui apps gracefully12:03
wwwik1l_: so, i killed chromium, but its window is still in the gui, so the window is some other process that still runs in x server?12:04
Wadjenesanyone customized their ubuntu setup? if so what software did you use?12:04
k1l_wwwi: chromium has more than one process.12:04
k1l_wwwi: and are you sure only chromium is crashed? and not the whole desktop?12:05
wwwik1l_: i am not sure if just chromium crashed and not the whole desktop. but terminal works fine12:05
wwwik1l_: but i dont know if whole desktop crashed, the processes of the open applications still run12:06
wwwik1l_: so, i killed parent chromium process and the children vanished along with the parent, possible that some other process controls the chromium window or whole gui crashed, that why left bar and chromium are unresponsive? mouse still moves12:08
anubisno1hello gents12:20
wwwianubisno1: hello12:20
anubisno1looks like a big community12:20
pauloreloyhello anubisno112:20
wwwii cant find how reboot behaves from terminal12:20
anubisno1sudu reboot12:21
wwwiwill it greacefully close applications and processes?12:21
pauloreloysudo reboot12:21
anubisno14 sure :)12:21
anubisno1and know that half or maybe more of you are wankers, so i new to all this irc... and want to find some porn12:22
wwwianubisno1: sudo reboot will gracefully close open applications and processes?12:22
anubisno1it will close them yeah12:22
wwwianubisno1: gracefully, or force them to terminally, like abrubtly?12:23
anubisno1where do i need to look for porn, what chanels?12:23
anubisno1dude, i´m 4 real12:26
basiclaserhi there12:26
basiclaserim trying to write to a new external hdd12:26
anubisno1oh c´mon, use the google12:26
ppf!google | anubisno112:26
ubottuanubisno1: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.12:26
hateball!ot | anubisno112:26
ubottuanubisno1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:26
anubisno1oh wait! I can use google12:26
hateballbasiclaser: Does your new drive have any partitions?12:26
basiclaseri just wrote it as an ntfs12:27
anubisno1c ya12:27
basiclaserim using ubuntu server12:27
basiclaserso having to mount with 'mount' i assume to media/usb for example, but then i can't open media/usb12:28
basiclaserits not writeable12:28
k1l_wwwi: no it will not gracefully close the programs12:29
hateballbasiclaser: well you'd need to mount it with options such that your regular user can write to it, if you sudo mount12:30
basiclaser-o rw right?12:30
ppffile browsers like nautilus can do all those mounting things properly for you12:30
hateballbasiclaser: if you just run "mount" what does the line for your external hdd say?12:30
basiclaseri only have cli12:30
ppfin case you don't really want to do it yourself12:30
wwwik1l_: so, it will just gracefully close the background processes and forcefully terminate open desktop applications?12:30
k1l_wwwi: for gui programs wmctrl is your only chance. if the desktop is not responding.12:31
k1l_wwwi: and it still depends on the programs you are talking about. there is no guarantee you can save your opened data.12:32
k1l_wwwi: some programs do have fallback and autosafe settings.12:32
wwwik1l_: there is no guarantee that unsaved work will be saved, right? but saved work should be fine, with wmctrl?12:33
k1l_wwwi: if you saved your work already there is no issue to kill the program12:33
wwwik1l_: but if i just kill the programs, can they corrupt the open files, although they are saved?12:35
k1l_i dont think so12:36
k1l_you could copy the data to another place to be sure12:36
puddlehey I have a bunch of datasets (csv,tsv,txt...) and a lot of them contains millions of line. What I would like to do is to get max 100k lines from them absolutely randomly (no repeated lines) and I would like to keep the header/1st line). Could somsone help me in which terminal command/tool could do this and how?12:39
wwwik1l_: thanks12:39
basiclaserhateball: type ntfs12:44
hateballbasiclaser: right, but you are accessing this partition as a regular user and not using sudo? then you'd want to supply options to mount pointing out which user/group12:46
ahsan_how to install any software from source cloned from git??12:49
k1l_basiclaser: file permissions on the mountpoint?12:49
basiclaserahsan_: depends entirely on the project12:49
k1l_ahsan_: look at the readme from that project. most times you need to compile it12:50
ahsan_please help me with vlc.12:50
k1l_ahsan_: is there a reason for cloning git? what is wrong with the version ubuntu ships or with the vlc team ppa?12:50
ahsan_when i configure it. i get error of some missing dependencies and i dont know how to add them12:51
k1l_ahsan_: is there a reason you need that version and cant use the ubuntu one?12:52
olmariI have odd problem or quirk more of... basically when I install mine ubuntu "trough" debootstrap, everything works otherwise exactly as should, exept for some reason network-manager doesn't handle most of mine networking devices... and yes I've checked all the things google can throw at me.. interfaces -file, NM-settings files and such... nothign I do makes it want to manage mine devices :D12:53
hateball!compile | ahsan12:58
ubottuahsan: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall12:58
ahsanhow to install vlc from git source12:58
basiclaserhateball: im using sudo and it says 'interdevice  move failed: a to b unable to remove target; read-only file system'12:59
k1l_ahsan: i still think compiling is not needed here. but you keep ignoring my questions for more info.13:01
ahsank1l: actually i want to modify the code and install it13:02
k1l_ahsan: then do it and compile the program afterwards.13:02
ahsanhow to compile it. when i configure it it says that it miss some dependencies and i am not able to fix it13:04
k1l_details matter. show the errors on paste.ubuntu.com and link it here13:04
ahsank1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23954181/13:06
hateballbasiclaser: right, like I said, what does it say when you run only "mount" ? does it say rw or ro?13:07
hateballbasiclaser: also what are you actually trying to do, looks like you are trying to move stuff?13:07
basiclaserhateball: ro13:07
basiclaserhateball: yeh transfer files to external13:07
hateballbasiclaser: remount it rw then13:07
k1l_ahsan: configure: error: Missing libav or FFmpeg13:08
k1l_ahsan: so isntall one of that?13:08
k1l_ahsan: i bet vlc does name the dependencies in the readme. so please read that13:08
k1l_ahsan: it will be way faster that just try and error13:09
ahsank1l: i have already installed ffmpeg13:10
mcphailahsan: one way to cheat and get all/most of the dependencies installed would be "apt-get build-dep vlc"13:10
basiclaserhateball: ok done now i can get in the drive, permission denied , and if i use 'sudo cd' i get 'command not found'13:10
mcphailahsan: that will pull all the dependencies needed for the _ubuntu_ version. it may not be all that is required for the git version13:11
k1l_ahsan: did you or did you not read the readme?13:11
ahsank1l: i read that13:12
hateballahsan: for compiling you will need the -dev packages, something you should be aware of if you think you should be compiling in the first place13:13
ioriaahsan, it is probably looking for the -dev packages (or for other version of ffmpeg)13:13
ahsanhateball: how can i get those dev packages and paste them to sources.list manually??13:14
royal_screwup21I'm looking for a file that has the word "xyz" in it. What's the easiest way to do this?13:14
k1l_!info libavcodec-dev13:15
ubottulibavcodec-dev (source: ffmpeg): FFmpeg library with de/encoders for audio/video codecs - development files. In component universe, is optional. Version 7:3.0.5-0ubuntu0.16.10.1 (yakkety), package size 4450 kB, installed size 15204 kB13:15
hateballahsan: surely the documentation tells you this13:15
Pavrroyal_screwup21, grep xyz [file or dir]13:15
hateballroyal_screwup21: grep -r, if you want to do it recursively13:17
ioriaahsan, but you'll still have a lot of wanings, it wont stop the compiling, but you might have trouble in future, when you'll try to use some features13:17
groundze1ohello need help...i always see in nethogs "/usr/bin/tor" .. i deinstalled tor..torbrowser-launcher etc...how do i block these connection???13:17
royal_screwup21Thank you, Pavr, hateball!13:17
ahsanioria: how to compile after configure13:17
Pavrahsan, what changes are you making to vlc?13:18
ioriaahsan,  you chose the worst pkg to start learning .... :] ... btw is make ...13:18
Pavrahsan, if you don't mind me asking :)13:19
k1l_!compile | ahsan13:19
ubottuahsan: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall13:19
ahsanparv: make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.13:19
groundze1oand..when /usr/bin/tor sends data..and i do kill the process in htop, the whole system cracks down...wtf13:20
k1l_ahsan: as i said often, it might be better to use precompiled packages. but on your way you have to read and learn a lot now. it will not be just run 2 commands and it works.13:20
Pavrahsan, ?13:22
ahsanpavr:  make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.13:22
ahsanpavr: this error while make13:23
ioriaahsan, did you run  ./bootstrap ?13:23
ChadTaljaardtHello :)13:23
ahsanioria:  yes did bootstrap13:23
ChadTaljaardtcan someone pelase help me downgrade bazel. I cant continue with my Honours project until i get it sorted :/13:23
ioriaahsan, repaste .configure13:24
=== royal_screwup21 is now known as global_var22
pragmatist1 Hello! I have a new Dell XPS 15 9560, and after a bunch of struggle, for the most part, everything is running smoothly, with one exception. My system will not wake up from suspend. The screen is black, but the keyboard backlight comes on and the power is clearly there but it does not wake up. Any suggestions?13:25
pebkac_notreallyJust installed Ubuntu and now my rig won't boot... gets stuck verifying dmi pool data... tried to reinstall thinking something got corrupt but no joy... any other ideas?13:28
ioriaahsan, still errors, you don't have a Makefile to run make13:29
ioriaahsan, as it says --disable-avcodec to ignore this error    (does not sound good, anyways)13:30
hateballpebkac_notreally: is this a dual boot, single boot, uefi, etc?13:30
hateball!details | pebkac_notreally13:30
ubottupebkac_notreally: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.13:30
ahsanioria: can u give me example of some project which dont need so much dependencies to try compiling13:31
ioriaahsan, a text editor ? :þ13:31
pebkac_notreallyRight-o. Single boot on a SSD, blew away a windows 10 install... not a clue if its UEFI. Ditched encryption attempts after the first install didn't work (not sure if relevant).13:32
ahsanioria: which one? emacs vim nano?13:32
ioriaahsan, wait.... maybe i don't get your goal13:33
pebkac_notreallyNo real errors or anything useful. The install runs great and then indicates to remove install media and hit enter which I do. It goes for a reboot and during the bootup gets stuck on "Verifying DMI Pool Data". Even left it overnight in case it wanted to do some thinking or something.13:33
hateballpebkac_notreally: is it using uefi and even secure boot? or are you using legacy bios?13:33
ioriaahsan, if you use ubuntu , use it as it has been thought13:34
pebkac_notreallyNo encryption on the latest install. I believe its using legacy bios?13:34
hateballpebkac_notreally: if you intend to single-boot, you might wanna consider changing to legacy boot if it is currently using uefi, then reinstall13:35
hateballIt should work with uefi, but... meh13:35
ioriaahsan, if you want lean c or c++  or java , then start with a tutorial and in few weeks you'll get the point of what you're doing right now13:36
j4f-shredderhey, something happened and my ssh service now hangs up indefinitely even with ssh localhost13:36
j4f-shredderwhat could be happening?13:36
j4f-shredderyesterday I was able to connect13:36
j4f-shredderI'm on ubuntu 16.113:37
ahsanioria: i know c well. i have changed some of the shortcut keys of vlc to just try. but i am unable to build it.13:37
j4f-shredderssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused13:38
ioriaahsan, ok, so you understand the last error you got ?13:38
ioriaahsan, why did you run make if configure ddn't tell you that a Makefile has been created ?13:39
ahsanioria: I get it there is a mismatch of version of libavcodec13:39
ahsanioria: how to fix all those error while configure??13:40
AnticomHi all. What's the proper libz dev package for precise? is it libghc-zlib-dev ?13:40
pebkac_notreallyhateball: I'm not seeing any secureboot options in BIOS - going to boot into live CD to try and change UEFI (following this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI#Converting_Ubuntu_into_Legacy_mode)13:40
ioriaahsan, it told you13:41
rizonzwhat is the best way to create routes when I have 2 interfaces ? like I have eth0 with in a /24 and eth1 in a /24 and want to use eth1 for my and my eth0 for all traffic to incoming and outgoing to the public13:41
ahsanioria: should i pass ignore error or try to replace with the required version13:42
ioriaahsan, you can't replace the version13:44
Homely_GirlHi, can somebody plse help me, was messing with my display settings n I hid my menu bar n dunno how to get it back!!!13:46
ChadTaljaardtcan someone pelase help me downgrade bazel. I cant continue with my Honours project until i get it sorted :/a13:47
Homely_GirlI'm on my mobile phone so plse be patient with me13:47
ChadTaljaardtHomely_Girl what menu bar?13:47
Homely_GirlWith all my programmes on it,  I think it's called dash??13:48
k1l_ChadTaljaardt: usually you dont donwgrade13:48
k1l_Homely_Girl: you mean the launcher bar on the left?13:48
ChadTaljaardtk1l_ i need to, the software im using wont work with the latest version of bazel. https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/474813:48
Homely_GirlChadTaljaardt: the one with all my applications13:48
ChadTaljaardtthe answer is there i just dont know how to do it13:48
k1l_Homely_Girl: and hiding the launcher is a different thing than changing display settings13:49
k1l_Homely_Girl: start unity-tweak-tool and make it unhide again=13:49
Homely_Girlk1l_: Yes I think I've hidden it,  how do I get it back please?13:50
j4f-shredder_everytime I connect with the postgres user to ssh I loose the service and I have to reinstall it13:50
j4f-shredder_I don't know why13:50
k1l_ChadTaljaardt: i dont know any of those 2 projects. i guess you should ask bazel if they can solve the issue differently or what version is to be used. then you need to manually install that13:51
k1l_<k1l_> Homely_Girl: start unity-tweak-tool and make it unhide again=13:51
IhrFusselUbuntu 16.04: For some reason nano asks me if I want to "continue" the editing when I try to open a certain file but there are NO nano processes running...no matter if i say yes/no/cancel it throws me back to the terminal with a whole bunch of error codes13:51
k1l_IhrFussel: is there a "backup" file on the same folder?13:52
Homely_Girlk1l_: How do I do that,  I'm not that geeky lol13:52
k1l_Homely_Girl: start the "unity-tweak-tool" program and change the setting?13:52
k1l_Homely_Girl: that is nothing geekly or difficult.13:53
IhrFusselk1l_, first 2 lines "fab7df49000 r--p 00000000 09:01 7210137    /usr/share/locale-langpack/de/LC_MESSAGES/nano.mo"13:53
IhrFusselYes there is a .save file13:53
k1l_IhrFussel: rename that .save file i guess13:53
Homely_Girlk1l_: I have a blank desktop but do know how to open a terminal13:53
k1l_Homely_Girl: so you dont even have a panel at the top?13:54
IhrFusselThat save file is an old one through...I guess it got created in the past when I opened it with gedit once13:54
k1l_Homely_Girl: becaue it might be you didnt just "change the display settings" but messed with the video driver so the desktop doesnt work properly now.13:55
Homely_Girlk1l_: nope13:55
k1l_Homely_Girl: ok, doe the guest account work properly?13:55
k1l_IhrFussel: did you remove/rename it and tried again?13:55
AnticomHomely_Girl: usually you should be able to open a term using CTRL+ALT-T13:56
k1l_IhrFussel: because it sounds like its trying to open the fallback .save file. and since its not a nano one its breaking nano. so please rename it so nano is not trying to open it.13:56
Homely_Girlkilltheliterate: I don't have access to anything, can't run anything now menu is gone,  my laptop logs me in automatically13:57
IhrFusselk1l_, I removed the .save file but there's another .swp13:57
k1l_IhrFussel: rename that too13:57
wwwiis sudo reboot a clean reboot?13:59
AnticomIhrFussel: afaik, .swp's are from vim13:59
k1l_Homely_Girl: open a terminal with alt-ctrl-t then run "gnome-session-quit" in there13:59
Anticomwwwi: define "clean"13:59
k1l_wwwi: its still not saving your opened data13:59
IhrFusselk1l_, THANKS it works again13:59
wwwidoes it unmount drives and does whatever is supposed to be clean?13:59
raubTo run skype in pidgin I see pidgin-skype, which is in the default repos, and pidgin-skypeweb which requires a PPA. Should I pick the PPA one per http://askubuntu.com/questions/9065/how-to-integrate-skype-into-pidgin ?13:59
k1l_wwwi: yes14:00
wwwik1l_: that's ok about the data, i dont have any unsaved data, by the way i tried the wmctrl, but it wont install14:00
wwwiso, sudo reboot is like a reboot from the gui?14:01
raubwwwi: yep14:02
Anticomwwwi: afaik it's not **exactly** the same but more or less yes14:02
raubAnticom: I would expect it to call reboot or shutdown in the end of the show14:02
Homely_Girlk1l_: it tebooted, asked 4 my password n it's still menu less 😖14:02
Anticomraub: sure, but iirc unity has some own (weird) wrappers arround that14:02
Anticomraub: so TL;DR; is yes14:03
wwwiok, thanks. i just tried, and i got message please retry after clossing inhibitors and logging out other users14:03
k1l_Homely_Girl: no. you need to logout and choose guest account to test if its a systemwide issue or if its just your user setting.14:03
Homely_Girlk1l_: is there a way to get into settings via terminal?14:03
wwwiso, how do i do those?14:03
k1l_Homely_Girl: try with "gnome-session-save --force-logout"14:03
raubwwwi: I thought the GUI one would also ask to logout the other suers14:03
Homely_Girlk1l_: Aaah, I'll try now ta14:04
wwwisudo reboot, from terminal, not the gui14:04
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Anticomwwwi: probably there's a force flag... RTFM :]14:05
Homely_Girlk1l_: I logged out n it automatically comes up with kogging me back in,  no guest14:06
raubAnticom: I think shutdown -r will not do handholding14:06
k1l_wwwi: sudo reboot can take a bit14:06
wwwiAnticom: but what are those inhibitores and who are those other users, services?14:06
Anticomwwwi: dunno what machine you're working on? is it your PC is it a server etc. ?14:07
raubwwwi: "who" should tell you who is around in said machine14:07
Anticomwho -a is even better :>14:08
k1l_Homely_Girl: ok, then please do "sudo systemctl restart lightdm.service"14:08
k1l_Homely_Girl: this is just an easy test to see if just the user is messed up or the whole system14:08
wwwiraub its me in the gui, me in the real terminal and the guess14:09
wwwiraub the guest14:09
Homely_Girlk1l_: Is there a way to create a guest user acc from terminal?14:09
Anticomwwwi: then you've just locked guest account and not properly logged out14:09
Anticomwwwi: so sudo reboot -f14:09
Anticomfinito (:14:10
wwwiAnticom: but does the -f will result in a unclean reboot?14:10
k1l_Homely_Girl: there should be the option to choose the guest user on the login screen. dont login to your user, we know that is broken14:10
wwwisince i killed the desktop applications, i can just restart the gui, right?14:11
Anticomwwwi: good question, man page actually doesn't clearly say anything about that14:11
raubwwwi: It will tell every running application to shut down and kick out all users. Then it will go through the normal rebooting procedures. It is not like just pulling the power cord.14:11
zetaI have to upgrade my hdd to another disk with a different block size 512 vs 2096 any ideas ?14:12
raubwwwi: i.e. unmount fileshares, close encrypted devices, turn off lvm, and so on14:12
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Homely_Girlk1l_: it was underneath,  yay my nenu is there!!   So how do we fix my login??14:12
Anticomraub: Hm in my man page it says "Force immediate halt, power-off, reboot. Do not contact the init system."14:12
Xenierwhich is the default vnc server on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS?14:13
Xenierand what port does it use?14:13
raubAnticom: I stand corrected!14:13
Anticomraub: :p14:13
k1l_Homely_Girl: ok. so please go to the tty1 (ctrl+alt+f1 you can go back to gui with ctrl+alt+f7) then login to your user. then do "mv .config .config_backup". after that go back to gui and see if the login works now14:14
Anticomwwwi: btw what ubuntu version are you on?14:14
arunsHi, running Vim 7.4 on Ubuntu 16.04 Vagrant box (using version 0.6.0 of Laravel Homestead), and I am trying to configure clipboard support for Vim, tried sudo apt-get install -y vim-gnome which seems to have downloaded the package, and have clipboard sharing enabled on VBox between guest and host (host is Mac OS X 10.11.6 - El Capitan)14:14
raubBut is still not like yaking th epower cable... which I have done before. :-"14:14
wwwiAnticom: 15, but i will upgrade14:14
arunsAnd I can yank text in Vim, but I can't do something like "+y to yank to the system clipboard.14:15
arunsAnd running whereis vim-gnome just gives me vim-gnome: as output14:15
Anticomwwwi: 15 hasn't migrated to systemd, right?14:15
k1l_Anticom: sure it has14:15
arunsHow can I enable clipboard support?14:15
arunsSomething I am doing wrong?14:15
k1l_Anticom: but ubuntu 15.04 and 15.10 are dead already14:15
Anticomwwwi: well then `systemctl reboot` is the way to go anyway14:15
k1l_but the service command should still wrap it to systemd14:16
Anticomk1l_: cheers. I upgraded from trusty to xenial straight away so i never touched 1514:16
donofrioanyone know what #channel tampermonkey is or what irc server?14:16
k1l_!alis | donofrio or see their website for informations14:16
ubottudonofrio or see their website for informations: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"14:16
wwwiAnticom: why reboot instead of restarting the gui and reboot from gui?14:17
wwwiAnticom: i mean why reboot from t rminal?14:17
Homely_Girlk1l_: I'm lost14:17
xharxhi. I try to start startxfce4 but in the logfile I see the error "...Cannot open /dev/tty0 (permission denied). With sudo it starts. how can i start manually as normal user?14:17
k1l_Homely_Girl: whwew14:17
xharxI tried to add the user to the group vide, but no effect14:18
xharxwhat else can I do?14:18
Anticomwwwi: well of course you can still do the things via GUI. Just wanted to let you know that with systemd halting / rebooting etc. is also managed by systemctl14:18
k1l_xharx: on ubuntu you start the *dm, like lightdm14:18
k1l_xharx: that will start the xserver and such14:18
Anticomafaik the reboot / shutdown commands are only aliases for systemd based systems anymore but could be wrong there14:18
Homely_Girlk1l_: I logged back in as me,  no menu ..... Now wot?14:18
xharxI know, but i have to tweek, because x starts in a bad mode14:18
xharxits rotated and cant be fixed with xrandr14:19
k1l_Homely_Girl: did you rename the .config dir?14:19
wwwiAnticom: so, reboot -f doesnt do things like unmounting drives?14:19
raubk1l_: How do you start the dm that runs xfce?14:19
Anticomwwwi: i honnestly don't know14:19
Homely_Girlk1l_: no I missed that bit sorry14:19
raubAutomatically I mean; right now I am using startx14:19
wwwiAnticom: ok14:19
Homely_Girlk1l_: How do I do that?14:20
k1l_Homely_Girl: that is the point of changin to the tty1 to rename that folder. but now you can start a terminal with ctrl+alt+t and run "nautilus". then rename the .config folder. then logout again14:20
xharxi have stopped lightdm with sudo service lightdm stop14:20
Anticomwwwi: however if it's really the guest user blocking you from rebooting w/o -f flag. look up user using who, then do something like sudo pkill -KILL -u <username>14:20
Anticomthat should log him out14:20
Anticomand hence make reboot cmd happy again14:20
k1l_raub: start lightdm or whatever dm is installed. then choose the xfce session on there14:20
wwwiAnticom: ok14:21
xharxi used this howto https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/XServer/#XServer-beenden14:21
Anticomwwwi: so many options to choose from :>14:21
raubk1l_: I guess I need to install a *dm first...14:21
wwwiAnticom: yes14:21
k1l_raub: which is standard on ubuntu14:22
raubk1l_: ubuntu server, so no *dm installed14:22
Homely_Girlk1l_: It came n went!!???14:23
k1l_Homely_Girl: ?14:24
k1l_Homely_Girl: keep in mind i dont see what you see. so please be precise what you do and what you see.14:24
raubk1l_: I thought when I installed xfce4 it would pick a *dm, but that was not the case14:25
Homely_Girlk1l_: I login n for a second the menu is there n then it's gone!14:25
k1l_raub: yes, only the xubuntu-package will pull that in, iirc14:26
Homely_Girlk1l_: I thought I'd set it to hide until my mouse went there to it14:26
k1l_Homely_Girl: forget about the launcher. look at the top bar please. that should always show14:26
Homely_Girlk1l_: Yes that's there14:27
k1l_Homely_Girl: ok, so its the launcher bar still missing?14:27
Homely_Girlk1l_: I need the launcher14:27
Homely_Girlk1l_: Yes,  launcher is missing14:28
k1l_Homely_Girl: come on, concentrate. i did not ask what you need, i did ask if its still missing since i cant see what is in fron of you14:28
donofrioweird anyone else see freenode drop out or just me ;(14:28
Homely_Girlk1l_: Launcher is still missing14:28
k1l_Homely_Girl: please open a terminal with "ctrl+alt+t" and run "unity-tweak-tool" there you can set the launcher bar settings14:28
k1l_raub: just checked, only the xubuntu-desktop package depends on lightdm.14:30
raubk1l_: But there is nothign saying I can't just plop lightdm by itself sinc eI already have xfce4, right? Also, is it the lightest dm?14:31
k1l_raub: no, you can install lightdm just fine14:32
xharxon a laptop i try to find the wlan-connector. lspci and lsusb don't show anything. Where could the connector be found?14:33
raubxharx: Check the dmesg output to see if it tried to get it and then gave up14:34
k1l_xharx: in one of those. make sure its not disabled by the bios or the a hardware switch or set to off in windows before14:34
k1l_xharx: can you show the lspci and lsusb output on pastebin?14:35
xharxon windows it works. Any hint how to filter dmesg?14:35
raubxharx: dmesg | less14:35
xharxk1l_: comölicated...14:35
Homely_Girlk1l_: I'm in a pickle now,  I'm at command level n can't get back to my login14:36
hateballxharx: if you have no internets at all you can still redirect to a file and copy using a thumbdrive or so14:36
hateballxharx: and then pastebin from the machine you use now14:36
=== rumble is now known as grumble
xharxhateball: that should work14:36
k1l_Homely_Girl: what did you do? what happend?14:37
k1l_Homely_Girl: nothing i told you should result you in a cli14:37
Homely_Girlk1l_:  I'll login to irc on my ipad  cos I can barely read this14:38
ash_workzokay, I need some 101 help here14:42
ash_workzif I have an nvme drive, that shows up in /dev/nvme* where * are all the partitions of that drive right?14:43
Capum321does hplip or cups have scanning feature?14:43
ash_workzso my first question is, does the fact that the /dev/nvme* directories exist imply that they're mounted?14:44
EriC^^ash_workz: try ls -l /dev/nvme14:44
EriC^^ash_workz: no14:44
ash_workzEriC^^: okay, so what exactly shows in /dev ?14:44
EriC^^ash_workz: any devices that udev has shown14:45
ash_workzEriC^^: udev is a program?14:45
EriC^^ash_workz: yup, it's a progra that handles devices14:45
Scourjeelky:  what the14:46
Scourjeyou really are a shill high command14:46
Scourjeim coming14:46
ash_workzEriC^^: I see; well anyway, so what happens when you plugin a usb? udev is auto-launched, usb dectected, and sdb created?14:46
Scourjei still have that pic of u14:47
Scourjewho who14:47
Scourjei know one of you does14:47
k1l_Scourje: please keep this channel clear for ubuntu support14:47
EriC^^ash_workz: yes, udev is always running, type "udevadm monitor" in a terminal and plug a device in, you'll see it in action14:47
Scourjek1l_: how about this14:47
__Yiotahey guys, my softlayer instance is dropping connections after 60 seconds, I've already modified the nginx proxy)timeout setting, so I am not gettinga  504 anymore14:47
__Yiotanow the connections are dropped14:48
Scourjetake LSD14:48
__Yiotais it possible it's a TCP socket timeout?14:48
ash_workzEriC^^: neato, and then ever after that sdb should be present?14:48
Scourjeor how about this14:48
Capum321does hplip or cups have scanning feature?14:48
EriC^^ash_workz: yeah14:48
Scourjeis something wrong14:48
Scourjei should leave somethings up14:48
ash_workzEriC^^: okay, so next question; if a drive shows up in lsblk with a blank mountpoint then said drive is not mounted?14:49
Scourjeif i leave theyll know i know that they know14:49
hateballCapum321: hplip provides drivers for anything using SANE14:49
Scourjeim gonna stay here14:49
Scourjeis something wrong14:49
Scourjei should leave somethings up14:49
Scourjeoh god im in a thought loop14:49
Scourjeif i leave theyll know i know that they know14:49
EriC^^ash_workz: yeah14:49
Capum321what is sane?14:50
Zewwywhat the14:50
ash_workzI see14:50
ZewwySorry, Ubuntu 16.04 has experienced an internal error.14:50
schoppenhauerhi. what to use for remote desktop access? I used to use x2go, but somehow, this does not seem to be supported too well.14:50
ash_workzEriC^^: thanks for that14:51
ash_workzEriC^^: I don't have any more questions atm, but those little tidbits really help14:51
hateballCapum321: if you have hplip installed you should also have the "scanimage" utility14:51
xpistosHey guys I am trying to setup a script that will run once a month, quarter and year that will basically just concate a weekly text file. Any ideas on how to write it14:51
EriC^^ash_workz: no problem14:51
Capum321hateball: what is SANE ? do I have to download any other program besides hplip? like simple-scan? scan-image should be in the Menu?14:51
hateballCapum321: scanimage is run from CLI14:52
ash_workzEriC^^: unless you specifically know if nvme works the same as any storage device on linux ? ^ ^;14:52
schoppenhauerI need something which I can suspend14:52
Capum321hateball: i see14:52
hateballCapum321: for a GUI frontend to SANE there is Xsane14:52
EriC^^ash_workz: right now you have /dev/nvme and you want to mount any partitions it has?14:52
hateballCapum321: you may need to install the package sane-utils14:53
ash_workzEriC^^: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ... the ultimate goal for me was to have postgres use nvme for a tablespace with heavy writes.14:54
ash_workzI didn't realize though there were so many partitions14:55
ash_workzs/( though)/,\1, that/14:57
EriC^^ash_workz: what does sudo parted -l show?14:58
ash_workzEriC^^: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/c2c9d9a30676099e746bbe9b1e4f875e15:00
ash_workzEriC^^: I didn't realize that was annoymous15:01
EriC^^it's giving an error15:01
ash_workzfor each partition15:03
EriC^^no i mean the link isn't working :D15:03
EriC^^ash_workz: you have 4 of those nvme disks?15:04
ash_workzEriC^^: mer, I thought they were partitions, but maybe... lemme see if I can check15:05
ash_workzEriC^^: (this is offsite)15:05
EriC^^ash_workz: ok15:06
ash_workzEriC^^: I think there were supposed be 2, but maybe that turned into 415:06
ash_workzEriC^^: I am assuming that since there'15:07
EriC^^ash_workz: are they empty?15:07
ash_workzugh, that happens sometimes with apostrophes for me; I hit return to early15:07
EriC^^no problem, same here15:08
ash_workzEriC^^: I am assuming that since there's nvme{0..3} *and* nvme{0..3}n1 that just the number shows the drive and the n1 shows the partition... maybe?15:08
ash_workzin /dev15:08
ash_workzEriC^^: so I guess it ended up as 4 drives15:09
vltHello. I have an Ubuntu 12.04 machine with this VGA: "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 661/741/760 PCI/AGP or 662/761Gx PCIE VGA Display Adapter" "Kernel modules: sisfb" and it's running 1920x1080 just fine.  The same machine with Ubuntu 16.04 defaults to 1024x768 on X.  Any idea what package might be missing?15:09
EriC^^ash_workz: yeah it looks like they are 4 drives without a partition table or anything on them15:09
ash_workzEriC^^: okay, so perhap I should make some kind of pool for pgdata ?15:10
EriC^^ash_workz: i'm not sure about the unrecognised disk label error though, hmm15:10
ash_workzEriC^^: as a note, the nvme[0..3}n1 names under lsblk have no mount point15:10
ash_workzs/mount point/mountpoint15:11
EriC^^ash_workz: i guess so15:14
xharxwhy cant i write to a fat32 stick, also not as root?15:15
vltI made a comparison: On 12.04 there's "xserver-xorg-video-sis" installed, on 16.04 it isn't. Which apt, dpkg or similar command shows me _where_ a pkg came from?15:15
=== Gazyrlezon is now known as Nery
iresfhi everyone15:17
EriC^^xharx: it might be mounted as root15:17
vltThis seems to be the pkg: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/xserver-xorg-video-sis and it's not available on xenial. How can I find out which pkg I need instead on 16.04?15:17
iresfi want to install docker on ubuntu 16.04  but docker-engin does not install on ubuntu     this is my problem15:18
k1l_iresf: your ppa or 3rd party repos is broken15:19
EriC^^vlt: is it related to usb?15:19
xharxEriC^^: and in such cases, I cant write to it as root with eg ls >file ?15:19
vltEriC^^: I don't think so.15:19
EriC^^xharx: you can, what command are you trying?15:20
iresfk1l_ how to solve it  ?15:20
Anticomiresf: how did you install docker?15:20
EriC^^xharx: are you logged in as root in the shell or trying sudo ls > file ?15:20
k1l_iresf: use the official ubuntu packages or tell the one who runs your 3rd party repo to fix that15:20
noimnotninevoltmaybe `sudo (ls > file)` ?15:21
iresfAnticom : first  : sudo apt install docker.io      that did not work    then second way i doeloaded deb and install that15:21
MrOpenSourceits possible to use skype in Pidgin??15:21
EriC^^ash_workz: i'm not too sure about the pool stuff you're talking about, no idea about these stuff :)15:22
k1l_iresf: what did not work? the official ubuntu package should work to install. please show the error in a paste15:22
ilmaisiniresf: did you look what those commands your output was suggesting to run say?15:22
ash_workzEriC^^: thanks anyway, you've been immensely helpful15:22
xharxmy old question: on a laptop i try to find the wlan-connector. lspci and lsusb don't show anything. Where could the connector be found?15:22
xharxpaste here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23954836/15:22
EriC^^ash_workz: no problem15:23
iresfilmaisin : http://paste.ubuntu.com/23954848/15:23
Anticomiresf: i guess there's an issue because in the PPA the package that installs docker is called docker-engine, in the official repos it's docker.io15:24
k1l_iresf: "docker" is not the docker program. its a gnome thingy. so you need to insatll docker.io as package. but please stop blindly installing pakages now15:25
Anticom<k1l_ why stop installing random packages. Sounds like afun game to me :>15:26
iresfThe group `docker' already exists as a system group. Exiting.15:27
iresfJob for docker.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status docker.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.15:27
iresfk1l_ : after installing docker.io it says  docker already exist15:27
k1l_iresf: sudo apt purge docker-engine docker15:27
iresfk1l_ : it can not remove it15:28
k1l_iresf: please show the output15:29
=== wyggler2_ is now known as wyggler2
k1l_iresf: sudo groupdel docker15:32
k1l_iresf: then run again15:32
=== donavan1010 is now known as donavan01
geniiSo one package was in middle of being installed and it's trying to finish that with addgroup but failing because the other one is trying to be removed15:32
k1l_genii: yep, thats a mess of blind installs. removing the group should let the process run to the end15:33
iresfkl1_  "  i deleted group but remove or purge command can not delete docker-engine15:34
geniiAlternately, edit it's preinst/postinst15:35
Homely_Girlk1l_: I'm sorted!!!  By flook I pressed alt F1 n my menu popped out,  went into settings n reversed auto hide!  Thank u 4 your patience15:35
k1l_Homely_Girl: ok15:35
k1l_iresf: details matter a lot. please show the output15:36
xrandr_laptopabout to switch from fedora to ubuntu on my desktop :)15:37
iresfkl1_   : http://paste.ubuntu.com/23954907/15:37
k1l_iresf: ok, so that is removed15:37
k1l_iresf: sudo apt update & sudo apt full-upgrade15:38
PaulePanterTendies, k1l: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ureadahead/+bug/1429098 is incorrect. At least it doesn’t work with Linux 4.9.15:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1429098 in ureadahead (Ubuntu) "systemd[1]: ureadahead.service fails on vanilla kernels, needs Ubuntu kernel patch" [Medium,Triaged]15:38
iresfok   i ran15:38
k1l_PaulePanter: so you are not on a standard ubuntu kernel (that is what i asked at the beginning)15:40
PaulePanterk1l_: Indeed, just found that out. I used `apt-cache policy ureadahead` mistakenly.15:42
PaulePanterk1l_: Thank you for your help.15:42
k1l_PaulePanter: as explained in that bug you linked its not working for non-standard kernel since they miss the ubuntu patches.15:43
PaulePanterk1l_: Yes. Thank you.15:45
xharxi try one more: on a laptop i try to find the wlan-connector. lspci and lsusb don't show anything. Where could the connector be found?15:51
xharxpaste here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23954836/15:51
=== xrandr_work is now known as xrandr_laptop
Edi2bok, recite mi kako da napišem tilda sa tipkovnicom koja je stavljena na HR jezik?15:51
k1l_xharx: dualboot?15:52
k1l_xharx: did you look at bios and made sure no hardware switch is turned off? did you try to press the shortkeys for wifi?15:52
xrandr_laptopAre the NVIDIA drivers easy to install with Ubuntu?15:53
=== Savage is now known as Torvalds
xrandr_laptopI'm hoping it doesn't prove to be too much of a hassle :)15:53
k1l_xrandr_laptop: yes, ubuntu ships pacakges in the repos and you can install them in system settings15:53
xrandr_laptopk1l_, and it will overwrite the noveau driver or remove it?15:54
xrandr_laptopi mean make the system use the nvidia driver instead of noveau?15:54
k1l_it will manage the nouveau driver, yes15:54
shade34321On start up network manager doesn't seem to be starting dnsmasq and thus I can't resolv anything. Any ideas as to why this is happening or where I can find some more information to troubleshoot it further?15:56
xrandr_laptopk1l_, what do you mean by it will manage the noveau driver?15:56
k1l_xrandr_laptop: it will take care of it. it will work. no manual fiddeling needed15:57
k1l_some nvidia cards do need "nomodeset" to be able to boot with nouveau once until the nvidia driver is installed.15:57
xrandr_laptopk1l_, ok15:58
mattfI have ubuntu 16.04 installed on a amd processor computer and it gets completly frost very often15:58
xrandr_laptopk1l_, thanks!15:58
mattflike when i start using theterminal or firefox15:58
xharxk1l_: I'm not sure if dualboot. I have windows and an unsuccessful xubuntu install, that i access over grub bootprompt15:59
mattfhow can i find what is causing the problem? The only solution is to force it to turn off15:59
mattfctrl+alt+f1 does nothing15:59
xharxSwitches should be ok, because on Windows it works15:59
mattfits really frost15:59
mattfwhich are the log files location i should look at?15:59
compdocmattf, you mean frozen15:59
mattfwhatever, i just gets stuck15:59
mattfthe mouse doest move, nothing responds16:00
compdocmattf, its most likely a bad hardware16:00
mattfany way to get logs?16:00
mattffind whats causing it?16:00
xdvmattf, can you ping it from another machine on the local network?16:01
compdocmattf, a bad hard drive, bad ram, bad cooling fans, or bad power supply. or a combination of those16:01
xdvif so then probably a graphics card issue, otherwise could be bad disk sectors or the like16:01
vltHello. What is the successor of the package http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/xserver-xorg-video-sis in Ubuntu 16.04?16:01
mattfgood idea16:01
mattfit doesnt have a graphic card but16:01
mattfcan be something like that16:01
mattfi once runned memtest on it but there were no errors16:02
pragmatist1Can anyone here help me with sleep issues? My laptop doesn't wake up from suspend.16:02
compdocmattf, you can use the Disk Util to see if the hard drive is going bad16:02
EriC^^pragmatist1: did you try acpi_osi stuff in grub?16:04
bentech4youhi, anyone successfully implemented iscsi target with targetcli? please share some documents16:04
pragmatist1nope. Never heard of that. Is there a link with instructions?16:05
mattfits not a problem wit HD16:05
k1l_xharx: some crappy hardware got crappy windows driver that shut down the wifi completly so it cant be seen on another OS on dualboot. can you power down the laptop completly and remove the battery, wait a bit and then boot straight into ubuntu?16:05
mattfI check the disk16:05
k1l_vlt: i wonder if sis cards will be supported anytime soon.16:05
compdocmattf, you cant tell that way16:05
EriC^^pragmatist1: open a terminal and type "sudo strings /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DSDT | grep Windows"16:05
bentech4yous this channel supporting ubuntu server related questions16:06
k1l_bentech4you: yes it is16:06
mattfI used disk util i mean16:06
mattfxD and i particioned this disk before16:06
mattfused gparted16:06
mattfand its a new HD16:06
bentech4youthen please share documents for targetcli implementation.16:06
bentech4youi cannot able to find detaled one on site16:07
mattfmost likely a BIOS issue or a overheating16:07
mattfbut it is about 4 ºC here16:07
compdocmattf, well, new can go bad too, but you can look eleswhere16:07
vltk1l_: The machines with these cards were/are running perfectly fine on 6.06, 8.04, 10.04 and 12.04.  Up to 1920x1080.  I just need the same functionality now on 16.04.16:07
pragmatist1EriC^^, I get a lit of windows versions from 2001 to 201516:07
compdocmattf, only the SMART info can tell you if the drive is bad. only that16:07
mattfwhat is the smart info?16:08
mattfhow to get it?16:08
compdocmattf, all drives record problems inside their circuit board16:08
bentech4youit worked one time for me, after that drivers unloaded automatically and drive went offline on initiator, now i cannot able to login to target16:08
compdocthats SMART16:08
=== antoine___ is now known as antoine
EriC^^pragmatist1: ok, when the pc boots, hold shift to get grub, then press 'e' then go to the line at the bottom that says linux vmlinuz..... quiet splash and make it quiet splash acpi_osi="Windows 2015" then press ctrl+x16:09
pavlosmattf, see https://www.smartmontools.org/16:09
mattfaw thanks16:09
mattfBut i dont remember it right, but i think it also got frost on a live usb16:10
pragmatist1EriC^^, I'll give that a shot, thanks!16:10
k1l_vlt: i found some people just grabbing xorg-driver-sis671_0.9_i386.deb and installing that on 16.0416:10
EriC^^pragmatist1: no problem16:10
vltk1l_: Sounds good. Thanks, I'll try that!16:11
k1l_vlt: but the support for that old hardware (that was a pain back then) is running out. maybe 14.04 is the last LTS running on that, still having 2 years support16:12
ash_workzwhy aren't my bash expansions working on my server? :\16:13
=== q_ is now known as charlie_sanders
basiclaserwhen i plug in an external , it shows up as sdh1 & sdh2, former is EFI 200M, latter is 1.8T - which device should i mount for usage/storage/transfer16:13
bentech4youAny help for iscsi16:14
o_00_omy dick hurts16:15
rmstarhi guys...quick question.16:15
charlie_sandersrmstar, whats up16:16
EriC^^basiclaser: the 1.8T one16:16
rmstarwhat is /var/tmp used for and how can i change the location?16:16
EriC^^basiclaser: the efi partition makes it seem like there's an OS on that disk btw16:17
charlie_sandersI dont think anyone actually uses /var/tmp , but why would you want to rmstar ?16:17
rmstarcharlie_sanders: the script that we are running uses that for some reason.  i thought it was something in the OS that is making it use that16:17
charlie_sandershmm, you could grep for that path in /etc  , see whats using it16:18
nacci'm fairly sure systemd uses /var/tmp16:18
charlie_sandersgrep -rni "/var/tmp" /etc16:18
charlie_sandersnacc,  yeah apparmor for sure uses it16:19
=== nat_ is now known as Natkeeran
rmstarcharlie_sanders: i see /etc/security/namespace.conf and apparmor, like you said16:19
pavlosrmstar, /var/tmp data is preserved during reboot unlike /tmp which has a short life16:19
charlie_sandersahha, thx pavlos16:20
rmstarpavlos: ah....16:20
rmstarok...thanks guys.  i think the problem may be in the script i'm using.  i will check that out :)16:20
vltk1l_: I'm trying the .deb fix first but get a dependency issue. The package I found is this: xserver-xorg-video-sis_0.10.7-0ubuntu6_i386.deb (from http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/i386/xserver-xorg-video-sis/download). Where did you get the ...671 from? And how to solve the dep for xorg-video-abi-15?16:21
rmstari love it that there's a channel in freenode for almost everything i am looking for lol16:22
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k1l_vlt: i dont have that .deb. maybe this helps you to get a working 1024 at least: https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/set-sis-graphics-1024x768-l-ubuntu-mate-14-04-and-16-04-16-10/355316:24
basiclaserEriC^^: which format should i format my drive for use between linux/osx16:25
vltk1l_: No, this looks like vesa only.16:27
EriC^^basiclaser: i think osx can't read ext4, not sure, i think you need to use the osx fs, i think its hpfs or something16:27
vltk1l_: Trying a native 14.04 setup.16:27
vltk1l_: Thank you.16:27
EriC^^basiclaser: hfs16:27
=== darkseid5nk is now known as darkseid4nk
xrandr_laptopif i am replacing a fedora install, and it used a /dev/mapper can I just choose that as the disk to install ubuntu on, or do i need to select a physical disk (ie /dev/sde) ?16:39
xrandr_laptopk1l, thoughts?16:40
EriC^^xrandr_laptop: in the installer it would ask to install next to fedora if there was free unallocated space, or offer to erase the whole disk and install ubuntu16:41
AaryanAnyone can help me about my fan issue on Lenovo?16:42
EriC^^xrandr_laptop: there's always the Something else option which lets you manually partition and choose where it gets installed16:42
xrandr_laptopEriC^^, ok. I have other disks attached to my computer and I don't want that data to be overwritten16:42
xrandr_laptopi have a win10 install, and some mac osx disks that i don't want touched16:42
EriC^^xrandr_laptop: i would choose the Something else option and manually tell it where to install16:43
EriC^^(note also the bootloader location at the bottom)16:43
xrandr_laptopso do i just use the something else, and then select the /dev/mapper that has two of my disks combined so that it gives me my 1.1T ?16:43
xrandr_laptopEriC^^, should I use ext4 or xfs?16:44
EriC^^xrandr_laptop: i'm not sure if it will show you a dev mapper there, to be honest16:44
EriC^^ext4 imo16:44
xrandr_laptopEriC^^, it does show me the /dev/mapper in Something Else :)16:44
EriC^^ok, cool16:44
* xrandr_laptop crosses his fingers16:46
xrandr_laptopEriC^^, do you know what the difference betweeen xfs and ext4 is?16:49
=== eam_ is now known as eam
lztoHey, I'm trying to install Ubuntu on my XPS 15 9550, I'm having trouble to get ubuntu to recognize the raid1. Would it be better to just install the server version of ubuntu than install a desktop? There's no differences besides packages by default correct?17:06
pauloreloylzto, is it raid by hardware?17:07
=== Gazyrlezon is now known as Nery
mattfok i look all over the SMART info of my hd and there are no errors17:10
mattfim having a problem with a freezing ubuntu 16.0417:11
iparhanHow i can chage the ubuntu to Windows717:11
mattfnot able to switch to tty1 or any when it freezes so its no the X server17:11
iparhanHow i can change the ubuntu and reinstall windows 717:11
xrandr_laptopdpkg seems to be stuck (post install). How can I unstick it?17:11
mattfit is not HD, memory or overheating,17:12
OerHeksiparhan, load your windows cd and boot from it? not really an ubuntu issue17:12
lztopauloreloy: default BIOS setting is set to raid, I could switch it to ahci but not sure how that will impact other aspects, would need to test it out17:13
mattfis not a graphic card issue17:13
mattfsince im on a ssh session that also freezes when it happens17:13
mattfalt+PrintScreen REISUB doesnt do anything17:13
mattfwhen it is freezed17:13
mattfwhat else can it be??17:13
OerHekslzto, choose ahci, not raid, as you need a free partition somewhere to put grub on.17:14
mattfanything i can search on the logs for17:14
iparhanCan u tell me the detail ?17:14
OerHeksiparhan, no, join ##windows for support perhaps?17:14
iparhano  thanks17:14
xrandr_laptopnevermind, it unstuck itself :)17:15
mattfany known problem with athlon processors?17:15
mattfplease i need help for this computer17:15
mattfcould it be unstable timming?17:17
keith_beebophey guys17:18
keith_beebopcan someone tell me if the boot is logged to a file I can see.. the stuff that scrolls by at boot?17:18
keith_beebopWould like to see what is acctually loading and if I could trim it of stuff not needed.17:19
xrandr_laptoppost install, how can I encrypt my filesystem?17:20
keith_beebopgot a very old Acer laptop that has SIS display and is not much but just experamenting with trimming it down a bit17:20
keith_beebopNo LSB modules are available.17:21
keith_beebopDistributor ID:Ubuntu17:21
keith_beebopDescription:Ubuntu 15.1017:21
mattfhey this comp looks a lot like mine: http://www.techsupportforum.com/forums/f64/solved-how-to-identify-cause-of-linux-system-freeze-556981.html17:21
mattfcan it be a cloking issue??17:22
OerHeks!15.10 | keith_beebop upgrade, this version is dead.17:22
ubottukeith_beebop upgrade, this version is dead.: Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) was the 23rd release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 28th, 2016. See !eol, !eolupgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/wily17:22
mattfbut i was completly unable to install windows on this comp17:22
OerHeksxrandr_laptop, you should choose encrypt during install17:23
keith_beebopIt's actually Xubuntu 16.417:23
OerHekskeith_beebop, really? how come you spam those lines ?17:24
xrandr_laptopOerHeks, yeah I forgot to do it and I don't want to go through reinstalling17:24
xrandr_laptopi JUST installed the OS17:24
xrandr_laptopso is there a way to encrypt now?17:25
keith_beebopubottu well leme try again that may have been old profile17:25
ubottukeith_beebop: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:25
noimnotninevoltcouldn't you boot from a live/recovery image and encrypt that way?17:25
OerHeksxrandr_laptop, i suggest to reinstall.17:26
noimnotninevolti'd suggestin reinstalling also.17:26
keith_beebopubottu Distributor ID:Ubuntu17:26
keith_beebopDescription:Ubuntu 15.1017:26
ubottukeith_beebop: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:26
OerHeksnoimnotninevolt, home folder perhaps, by moving stuff from unencrypted to encrypted, but whole disk, no17:26
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:26
OerHekskeith_beebop, so you have 15.10, upgrade pleas17:26
noimnotninevoltyea, not fde.17:27
keith_beebopooops sorry17:27
keith_beebopdidn't know how to do that17:27
lafleurdubienIs there a way to add packages to a live CD session and have them persist after a reboot?17:30
keith_beebopok I suppose I can go in and uncheck the Lubuntu software Check for updates and try it17:30
keith_beebopbut I have tried to install Mint on this and it didn't run, old sis video and it didn't like it17:31
OerHekslafleurdubien, that needs a lot of work, with !uck17:31
ubottuuck is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See http://uck.sourceforge.net/17:31
OerHekskeith_beebop, known issue, sis is pretty old, no youtube/hw-acceleration so it is a nice doorstopper17:32
shashank__xampp installation issues on ubuntu 16.04 xenial17:32
shashank__phpmyadmin and localhost not starting?17:33
shashank__need some help.17:33
keith_beebopyep exactly17:33
keith_beebopbut it runs boinc projects and make a good garage heater :)17:33
VaultBoyanyone able to help me17:33
shashank__Well whenever I type localhost in the firefox it is showing error 40417:33
shashank__also phpmyadmin is not starting17:34
Picishashank__: there is zero reason to use xampp on Ubuntu. Please use the packages in our repositories instead.17:34
ubottuWe do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.17:35
OerHeksshashank__,  we don't support XAMpP, lamp only17:35
=== anonymous is now known as Guest38015
shashank__no.. no17:35
VaultBoyim having a system issue17:35
shashank__it is lamp only17:35
shashank__but the localhost is showing error40417:35
shashank__also the phpmyadmin17:35
Picishashank__: how did you install phpmyadmin?17:36
shashank__actually i installed it through xampp which same as lamp but it is cross platform.17:36
shashank__so i installed it through the terminal17:37
shashank__apt functionality17:37
keith_beebopOerHeks ubottu  thanks we'll try update or upgrade and see, no loss if it clanxs17:37
Picishashank__: As we said, we do not support XAMPP installs. You are not using the packages in our repositories, you are using someone else's packages and someone else's configurations for those packages.17:37
shashank__and then further on gui opened through which i completed the installation17:37
xrandrooh, it worked!17:38
Picishashank__: We have no idea what those configuration changes are. If you want to switch to using our packages, we will gladly help you.17:38
shashank__I would be glad to switch if that is gonna work.!17:38
GenericHello, guys17:38
shashank__Please send me the package details and installation directions17:39
GenericSudo -i apt-get install coffee \cup17:39
VaultBoyI would like to request some help please :/17:39
Picishashank__: All of the instructions are here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP17:40
GenericVaultboy we all listen17:40
VaultBoyGeneric, im having an issue where If i use the Ubuntu desktop it crashes like within 1 minute but lxde is fine and gnome desktop wont even boot17:40
GenericInteresting let me think about that17:41
shashank__Thanks Pici I would surely try it and let you know!17:42
xrandrok, this theme for hexchat looks mildly better :)17:42
VaultBoyGeneric, im doing a reinstall from the live ubuntu 16.10 disk would that help?17:44
GenericGive us more info about your Ubuntu17:45
VaultBoyinfo as in17:45
VaultBoyso I know what to give17:45
xrandrHow does one get Desktop effects like Wobbly Windows in Ubuntu? I installed compiz and the config manager, but it doesn't seem to be making a difference when I select Wobbly Windows17:48
xrandrnever mind, it is now happily working :P17:49
OerHekswobbly windows is part of compiz plugins extra iirc17:49
sumit_could some one help me in setup VPNC17:50
MonkeyDustVaultBoy  http://paste.ubuntu.com/23955635/ ... paste the output here and give us the new link ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/17:50
sumit_trying to use "password helper" feature17:50
sumit_but getting some input/output error17:50
sumit_anyone here vpn expert?17:52
MonkeyDustsumit_  ask your question and wait17:52
sumit_ok thnaks @MonkeyDust17:53
VaultBoyMonkeyDust, I fixed it by doing a reinstall17:53
MrOpenSourcedoes someone know a good vpn client for linux ??17:56
ducasseMrOpenSource: you need to use whatever works with the server17:57
OerHeksVPN is build into the networkmanager, easy to setup17:57
CrazyTuxwhere can I find web cam settings in Xubuntu?17:58
=== Agent is now known as Guest9364
mixxitis this the xubuntu support channel18:03
mixxitor should i go elsewhere18:03
naccmixxit: yes, xubuntu is a supported flavor18:03
mixxitmy youtube videos are stuttering after a fresh install18:04
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longerstaff13mixxit: Try getting the YouTube Unity Webapp from Synaptic.18:05
mixxit214mb of files18:05
mixxitgrabbing now18:05
longerstaff13Sounds OK.18:05
OerHeksmixxit, sounds more like a videodriver issue18:06
cyberspectreIs it no longer possible to connect to DAV through nautilus?18:06
mixxitstill kinda stuttering18:08
ioriacyberspectre, you mean this  https://alwaystinkering.wordpress.com/2016/04/09/using-nautilus-in-ubuntu-14-04-and-16-04-as-a-box-client/  ?18:09
OerHeksmixxit, on what videocard? lspci | grep VGA # should give a line with details18:09
mixxitgk104 gtx 76018:09
OerHeksmixxit, did you visit the 'driver' tool? type driver in dash and the tool should show up18:10
mixxitchecking now thanks18:10
mixxitthe device is using an alternative driver (xorg x server)18:10
mixxitalso unknown device microcode for intel18:11
mixxitnot using that device18:11
OerHeksno nvidia driver visible there?18:11
mixxityeah there is two18:11
OerHeksselect it, and wait for the download/install to finish18:12
mixxit367.57 and 340.10118:12
OerHekschoose 36718:12
mixxitapplying now18:12
OerHeksno need to reboot after that :-)18:12
OerHeksrestart browser and let us know18:12
sumit_@OerHeks do you know about vpnc (vpn client for cisco)18:15
mixxitstill kinda jumpy18:16
mixxitit says i need to restart to apply driver changes18:16
mixxitshall i give that a go?18:16
mixxitill try brb18:18
krizoekmy computer was normally over 40C, and i installed a nvidia gtx 980 a couple days ago. and now the temperature barely goes over 30C even if i use the cpu more than normal. using the builtin gpu inside a intel 6700K seems to release allot of heat in comparison. im happy with good results. (quiet pc) :)  is there much opensource software that use GPU accelerators now days?18:19
MrOpenSourcefml i do not find a good free vpn service :(18:20
cyberspectreioria, thank you18:20
cyberspectreThe character encoding was the problem18:20
ioriacyberspectre, no prob18:20
lafleurdubienthe sourceforge page for uck says "PRODUCT DISCOUNTINED". are there any alternatives?18:20
OerHeksuck is dead? no more i-want-my-custom-ubuntu-questions \0/18:22
krizoekMrOpenSource, what about vpncoin or something?18:24
krizoekor thor18:24
mixxitstill jumping in youtube videos18:24
krizoeki have a router that can use thor18:24
anddamenabling System Settings > Mouse & Touchpad > Two finger scroll checkbox results in two kinds of gestures recognized for scrolling, one where you move the two fingers togheter and the other where you keep a finger fixed and move the other one. Is it possible to have the former while disabling the latter?18:24
mixxitits kinda like screen tearing18:24
anddamkrizoek: the god of thunder?18:24
krizoekwho knows, whatever that is anddam :)18:25
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anddamThor is18:26
OerHeksgood *and* free vpn service is a contradiction.18:27
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krizoekwhat is a good vpn technology?18:28
krizoeki heard that things like NSA can see through pptp18:29
krizoekand l2tp as well perhaps18:29
countingdaisiesI'm looking for a foss program that I can install on ubuntu 16.04 and I was hoping someone could help direct me to some options? I've been interested in scientific research (physics mainly) for quite some time and have gathered information for nearly a decade now. I need a good, robust tool (software) that will allow me to easily organize information into multiple disciplines (eg: chemistry,...18:29
countingdaisies...physics, etc) as well as topics (eg: history, famous scientist, scientific discovery, experiments, etc) and to easily link / cross link  (by whatever means) the individual datum as needed.18:29
countingdaisiesSorry, I'm wordy18:29
countingdaisiesAlso easily retrieve and edit (of course).18:30
countingdaisiesany ideas?18:30
OerHekskrizoek, if NSA told you that, it is true .. also offtopic18:30
mcphailcountingdaisies: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki would be the obvious choice18:31
keith_beebopis uck for Live CD only or can I build an install with it?18:31
krizoekis ubuntu about security? i have wondered about the packages. are they ever checked by others?18:32
krizoekrecompiled and checked with things like checksums18:32
countingdaisieskrizoek: I'll check that out.  mcphail : I tried to find a free wiki I think you just directed me to what I was having trouble finding before.18:32
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cyberspectreWhy is every service moving to webDAV when it seems to always be several times slower than FTP?18:33
jattcountingdaisies: emacs org-mode: http://orgmode.org/18:33
keith_beebopprobly security18:33
mcphailcountingdaisies: you may want to use something more lightweight for a personal project, of course18:34
countingdaisiesjatt: neat18:34
MonkeyDustcountingdaisies  you want to create some kind of wiki? if so, try 'zim'18:34
countingdaisiesmcphail: good to check out18:34
jattcountingdaisies: here you find examples on how org-mode can be used for scientific research: http://kitchingroup.cheme.cmu.edu/blog/2014/08/08/What-we-are-using-org-mode-for/18:35
clissold345anddam: this might help you https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad18:35
krizoekMonkeyDust, can dust be exported to web?18:35
krizoekcan zim i mean18:35
keith_beebopAnyone is UCK for Live CD only or can I build an instsall18:35
keith_beebopwhat the hell18:36
MonkeyDustkrizoek  i Zim: 'tools > create web server' ... looks like a Yes18:36
countingdaisiesmcphail: my biggest problem is organization (bit mess of documents I can hardly find what I need when I go back to). I thought if I could automate organization somehow (through settings or something) that I'd be ok. Having to repeat the same procedure for every new piece of data cause many catastrophic failures on my part (I can't do it)18:36
krizoekcountingdaisies, http://alternativeto.net/software/mediawiki/ i think the most votes goes to tiddlywiki and dokuwiki18:36
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krizoekcool MonkeyDust18:36
krizoekso zim is just a web browser then in general?18:37
countingdaisiesjatt: nice18:37
GlemSomI have a raid5 with mdadm - using partition from 3 SSD's that accordingly to hdparm all support TRIM... how-ever, when I run fstirm -v /   I get this error: "fstrim: /: the discard operation is not supported"... How can I get TRIM to work when using mdadm? (note i HAVE added the discard option i fstab, but that didn't change anything)18:37
keith_beebopwhats all this connection stuff18:37
MonkeyDustkrizoek  o, zim a local note taking app, that can link notes to each other, thus creating a wiki18:37
mcphailcountingdaisies: nothing is going to be set up exactly for your unique needs. You're going to have to do work (or pay someone else to do it)18:38
MonkeyDust!fo zim18:38
MonkeyDust!info zim18:38
ubottuzim (source: zim): graphical text editor based on wiki technologies. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.65-3 (yakkety), package size 971 kB, installed size 4243 kB18:38
krizoekzim seems great18:41
miczacHi, I just rendered my main system unbootable: I booted from the old recovery system (Ubuntu 14.04) from USB and installed it to another USB stick. I think the mistake was to name /dev/sda1 for booting from. 14.04 is fine, the built-in file system seems to be there, but I can't boot from it. removing all usb and booting puts the laptop into grub cmd-line.18:42
krizoekis there like visual editors in it?18:42
MonkeyDustvisual editors?18:43
MonkeyDustas in?18:43
krizoekfor making diagrams and such18:44
MonkeyDustkrizoek  no, it's not that advanced18:44
keith_beebopQUESTION is UCK only for Live CD or can I build an insall with it?18:44
krizoekahh, they should have teamed up with freemind18:45
MonkeyDustkrizoek  it creates .txt files18:45
keith_beebopwooops got disconnected18:47
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keith_beebopthink my UPS needs new battery18:47
keith_beebopcan someone tell me if UCK is for Live CD only or can I build an install with it?18:49
ducasse!patience | keith_beebop18:50
ubottukeith_beebop: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:50
keith_beebopk thanks18:50
spaceninjahi, why isn't there any wifi support? Do I have to manually install the package?  Maybe due to the fact that the os using a alternative driver?18:51
cyberspectreDoes anyone know of a text editor for Ubuntu that can access a DAV server? Atom freezes, Sublime freezes, and Visual Studio throws an error18:51
MonkeyDust!wifi | spaceninja start here18:51
ubottuspaceninja start here: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:51
keith_beebopdidn'know if my connection problem whasserver related or what was up  thanks18:51
dorkcyberspectre: mount the DAV locally with davfs and use your editor/IDE of choice?18:53
newbieeehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/23955913/ How to mount this partition?18:58
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Bashing-omnewbieee: Should automount in the GUI .. what is your end goal here ?19:00
newbieee<Bashing-om> yes19:01
newbieeecheck type Bashing-om19:01
Citizen_Hi. The release date of Ubuntu 16.04.2 is tomorrow, but the instructions to upgrade the HWE are already post:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack   .Should I wait for tomorrow or its ok to upgrade today? (One day before than official release)19:04
Citizen_The command is: sudo apt-get install --install-recommends xserver-xorg-hwe-16.0419:04
Bashing-omnewbieee: Be aware " If the code is FFFF, that means that gdisk doesn't recognize what it is, which in turn means it's probably something manufacturer-specific."19:05
naccCitizen_: it's not yet publisehd (only in proposed). wait til the release.19:05
Citizen_nacc: ok thank you! :)19:05
Bashing-omnewbieee: For GPT partitoning the tool to use is gdisk .19:08
jhutchinshttps://github.com/jimradford/superputty <- great tool if you manage multiple *nix from Windows.  Simultaneous commands to multiple ssh sessions.19:09
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
squeakytoylets say you own linux.com, where would be the best place to sell it so i can retire in the bahamas?19:14
ducasse!ot | squeakytoy19:14
ubottusqueakytoy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:14
Ntemisi want to mount a /media/hddfordata to two home dirs like /home/mine /home/hers how i do that?19:15
MonkeyDustNtemis  i guess bind can do that19:15
Ntemiswill this work?19:15
naccNtemis: why do you want to do that?19:15
Ntemisls -s /media/hddfordata /home/mine19:16
Ntemisls -s /media/hddfordata /home/hers19:16
MonkeyDustNtemis  'mount --bind19:16
MonkeyDustNtemis  'mount --bind'19:16
Ntemishdd is mounted with UUID by fstab19:16
naccNtemis: i assume you mean `ln` not `ls`, and while that might work, I would not recommend it (it's also rather odd for two users to share the same home directory)19:17
Ntemisits the hdd we want to share not home19:17
naccNtemis: you're putting the same hdd in two home directories, per your question19:18
Ntemisyes i am19:18
Ntemisso anyway to do it from fstab?19:18
naccNtemis: if what you just said is actually true, then mount it twice19:18
Ntemisauto mount for both users19:18
naccmount to /home/mine/path and /home/hers/path19:18
Ntemisin fstab?19:18
naccthat makes way more sense then mounting to /home/mine and /home/hers, imo19:18
Ntemisyes i prefer do it with fstab is more clean19:19
naccNtemis: but if all you're doing is sharing the data, why not leave it in /media/hddfordata and correct the permissions19:19
anddamclissold345: it might, thanks19:20
Ntemisbecause we work on it remotely with ssh and is convenient to have it in our home folders19:20
naccthat's rather silly, but ok19:20
naccthen yes, you can just use a symlink from each of your home directories to /media/path19:20
Ntemisfor ext4 defaults 0 2 sounds ok?19:20
Ntemisi will do it in fstab19:21
naccbut the point i was trying to make is you absolutely (imo) should *not* make the target of that symlink /home/mine or /home/hers19:21
naccas those are *both* your home directories and it makes no sense to share your actual home directory19:21
Ntemisno i was referring to the folder19:21
Ntemisi get your meaning19:21
Ntemiswill be inside a name for the mount point as well19:21
Ntemis/home/mine/data /home/hers/data19:22
Ntemissomething like that19:22
Ntemiswill we have any permission issues?19:22
naccNtemis: so what you're describing now is different than your origianl question -- mounting the disk again doesn't seem necessary in this new question19:23
naccNtemis: and the symlink (since it's purely for convenience if you both can already read the currently mounted disk), is the simpler choice19:23
Ntemisnacc: so can you please explane to me the right steps for this?19:24
nickamgI'm having some issues install Ubuntu19:25
naccNtemis: can both 'mine' and 'hers' access /media/hddfordata currently?19:25
nickamgMy caps lock flashes when I try to run the live USB19:25
nickamgblack screen19:26
Ntemisnacc: lets start from beginning19:26
Ntemisi have a hdd sda in /dev/sad19:26
k1lnickamg: that means kernel panic. does the usb work on other laptops/pcs?19:26
k1lnickamg: is that special hardware?19:26
Ntemisi want that hdd be mounted in two places /home/min/something /home/hers/something19:26
naccNtemis: do you actually wanted it to be mounted two places? or just visible two places?19:27
nickamgno don't think so? It's a HP Envy with a AMD cpu and shared graphics19:27
Ntemisand i want no permission issues over each other19:27
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:27
naccNtemis: and is it currently mounted anywhere?19:27
Ntemisi didnt mount it in fstab yet19:27
naccNtemis: well, you're going to have permission issues, potentially, since your creating files as two different users19:27
Ntemisis unmounted atm19:27
Ntemisi dont wan that19:27
nickamgI do have an SSD19:27
nickamgnot sure if that's considered special19:28
naccNtemis: you don't want what?19:28
nacc!who | Ntemis19:28
ubottuNtemis: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:28
Ntemisi want to be able to erase files as she also erase mine19:28
naccNtemis: that's a different question, honestly -- as you can't do that now anyways19:29
Ntemisnacc: cant do what19:30
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Ntemisnacc: how i about i do this : mount /dev/sda1 /home/mine/datahdd19:32
Ntemisnacc: and then ln -s /home/mine/datahdd /home/hers/datahdd19:32
Ntemiswill this be ok?19:32
RickJamesyou should be able to seperate the two commands with && and have them both run consecutivly ?19:33
plorphhi, I'm having trouble figuring this out. For some reason ubuntu is setting a bunch of .png files as executable in the /var/lib/app-info/icons/... folder in various subfolders such as ubuntu-xenial-updates-universe/64x64.. does anyone know why and how I can prevent it doing that?19:33
NtemisRickJames: like?19:34
RickJamescommand one && command two19:34
ducasseNtemis: RickJames not important here, as the symlink is only created once and the fs is automounted19:34
Ntemisbut i use fstab to mount hdd19:34
mixxit&& makes them run in parallel?19:34
k1lRickJames: that means: run comman1 and then command2 if command1 was succesful19:34
k1lmixxit: no19:34
RickJamesouch. not important. i'll go back to reading19:35
Ntemisso will this be ok?19:36
james1138Hello to all. I seek help finding any kind of Linux software/database (prefer Ubuntu) related to Herbs and/or Alternative Medicine. Any suggestions on where to look??19:42
k1ljames1138: i dont think that is linux or ubuntu related.19:43
naccNtemis: without other configuration, you can't delete files created by her and v.v.19:44
james1138ok... never mind19:44
countingdaisiesmuch appreciated. - ty19:44
Ntemishow about i mount it from fstab with umask=0019:45
naccNtemis: i think it's better (clearer) to do mount /dev/sda1 (should really be by UUID) /media/somewhere and then symlink that to both user's home directories19:45
Ntemiswith permission issue? what need to be done?19:45
naccNtemis: i don't think umask=00 is advised19:47
Ntemiswhy? will give full rw access19:47
Ntemisi want no permission issues19:47
naccNtemis: i believe the only way you'd get it to work is to add both users to a group and then set the umask to allow g+rw19:48
naccNtemis: yes, to any users, not just your two19:48
Ntemisi want to mv cp rm onthefly19:48
naccNtemis: if you don't specify the problem fully and clearly, it's hard to help19:48
naccNtemis: you never said those two users were the only two, for instance19:48
Ntemisyes they are19:48
helpmehplzHi, i removed dpkg by accident now i get Could not exec dpkg! E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (100) everytime i try to install it i have downloadedit from the website and extracted it but it still dosen't work19:48
Ntemisnacc: is a server19:49
nacchelpmehplz: how in the world would you remove dpkg 'by accident'?19:49
bruce_hello there!19:49
Ntemissudo apt-get purge myself19:49
OerHekshelpmehplz, time to reinstall19:49
Ntemishelpmehplz:do a  sudo apt-get purge ubuntu19:50
naccNtemis: what!?19:50
OerHeksone needs dpkg to remove dpkg, so tell us19:50
bruce_someone where i found some plymouth progress bar working from 0 to 100%19:50
naccNtemis: please stop giving bad advice.19:50
Ntemisnacc: am joking19:50
naccNtemis: it's not funny. and you're in the support channel.19:50
Ntemisok sorry :p19:50
Ntemishelpmehplz:do a  sudo apt-get purge nacc19:50
OerHeksNtemis, as funny as you mount issue for 2 users19:51
naccNtemis: ok, i'm done helping you, good luck with your problem.19:51
Ntemishey man take it easy19:51
helpmehplzE: Unable to locate package ubuntu19:51
nickamgright how do I execute a command before booting, I need to paste this some command somewhere - acpi_no_static_ssdt19:51
nacchelpmehplz: do *not* run those commands suggested by Ntemis19:51
Ntemisi concur19:51
Ntemishelpmehplz: sorry man i was teasing you19:52
helpmehplzany idea how i solve this ?19:52
OerHeksnickamg, "execute a command before booting"?? you want acpi_no_static_ssdt as an bootline option?19:52
Ntemisok am gonna join debian channel, maybe they have some more sense of humor19:53
helpmehplzinstall gentoo19:53
nickamgi found a fix for my problem, i'm just too much a noob to know where to use it?19:53
OerHeksnickamg, hold shift @ boot, predd e to edit, and add that to the bootline, see !grub19:54
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub219:54
VaultyTowersI need help my I keep getting dummy output even though I have an external speaker connected19:54
Ntemishelpmehplz: find the binary file and put it in your path then execute the command dpkg -i "dpkg"19:54
Ntemisfrom a deb file19:55
helpmehplzi already dpkg_1.16.1.2ubuntu7.2.tar.bz2 extracted ??19:56
Ntemisho solid19:56
Ntemisyou need a deb file19:56
Ntemisis that source file or binary file?19:57
OerHeksplease ignore Ntemis, you need dpkg to install dpkg, running round > reinstall ubuntu19:57
helpmehplzffs i didn't want to reinstall and loose all my stuff19:57
Ntemisi will sent you mine then make it exec and run ./dpkg -i base-files_9.4ubuntu4.3_amd64.deb19:58
solidguyz who can help me with an errno 819:58
MonkeyDustsolid  context?19:58
solidselenium trying to run pHANTOMEjs KEEPS GIVING ME WebDriverException: Message: Unable to start phantomjs with ghostdriver: [Errno 8] Exec format error19:59
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solidsame scrip on mac os wortks flawlesly19:59
MonkeyDust!find selenium20:00
ubottuFound: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 20 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=selenium&searchon=names&suite=yakkety&section=all20:00
helpmehplzexec cat20:00
VaultyTowersI keep getting stupid dummy output20:00
Ntemishelpmehplz: is not a binary20:00
Ntemisits script based20:00
helpmehplzjust end me :(20:01
helpmehplz>should of installed fedora instead20:01
solidMonkeyDust what do you mean !find selenium?20:01
nickamgtried adding acpi_no_static_ssdt said command not recognised?20:01
nickamgmust have done something wrong20:02
MonkeyDustsolid  looks like you're in the wrong channel20:02
solidthere is a selenium chanel ? sorry first time using the chat20:02
MonkeyDustsolid  type   /j #selenium   <- 140+ people there20:02
Ntemiswhat about snap?20:03
Ntemiscan he install package through snap guys?20:03
solidwill do thakns monkeydust20:03
solid /j #selenium20:03
numnumwhare do i find help with metasploint:20:04
VaultyTowersMonkeyDust, can you help me once more20:06
jaithI've got Ubuntu 16 on an Amazon EC2 instance. Every time I executve a sudo command, I get a "unable to resolve host xyz" error - and a notification email is generated. I want to stop this error and set a permanent host name, but AWS seems to reset my hostnames sometimes and I can't figure out when20:08
jaithcan someone help me solve this problem?20:09
ioriajaith, this can help : https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/linux-static-hostname/20:11
VaultyTowersug why am I always stuck waiting20:12
jaithioria: thank you! question: WHY does EC2 change the hostname on reboot? Alternatively, WHY does canonical not configure their AMIs to deal with this problem?20:16
ioriajaith, above my head, sy20:17
jaithioria: thank you20:17
ioriajaith, maybe ask Gandalf20:17
ioriajaith, no prob20:17
k1ljaith: did you ask the amazon support about that? usually on vserver instances such files get reset on reboot and only the hoster can change that20:19
jaithk1l: Amazon support BAHAHAHAHAHAHA cough cough cough20:20
jaithk1l: but seriously, is there any such thing as amazon suppor?20:20
k1ljaith: well, you run your servers there. dont ask me :)20:21
jaithk1l: i have only myself to blame20:22
ioriaif someone is interested, i made a unity-panel-indicator-server that will listen for input user events;can display text, cmd and script outputs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23956198/20:23
ZewQuestion; When I login to my Ubuntu server via SSH, it states20:24
Zew335 packages can be updated.20:24
Zew132 updates are security updates.20:24
Zewdo I have to run something to install these? such as sudo apt-get upgrade or update?20:24
k1lZew: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade20:25
Zewthank you20:25
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k1lapt update to get a fresh list of updated packages, apt full-upgrade to install those updated pacakges20:26
Zewthank you so much20:26
ZewAppStream cache update completed, but some metadata was ignored due to errors.20:27
ZewI'm assuming this isn't a concern20:27
jaithZew: you should keep your packages up-to-date because your machine will be more secure. However, updating packages can occasionally break things20:29
jaithZew: I cant comment specifically on 'ignored due to some errors' but my guess is that the package maintainers know more about this than you or I20:30
k1lZew: can you copy the output to paste.ubuntu.com and link it here?20:30
Zewmeh, I'll let it update, reboot and see if the two main services I setup are stil functional20:31
ZewI created a snapshot this time20:31
Zewso I should be ok to revert if it breaks20:31
Zewthanks guys!20:31
jaithZew: good plan20:31
ioriaZew, 16.04 ?20:32
Some_BlokeHopefully someone can help me with a strange issue that occurs using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Currently install on an old Macboo 13 inch from 2008.20:33
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Some_BlokeWhen ever I close the lid and allow the laptop to suspend after a few minutes. When I try to wake it up, I'm unable to enter a password, even though i can move the mouse around. Can't click on anything though.20:34
hheeguys,how can i configure unity music tab, to search for mp3 files on external hdd drive?20:35
hheei mean dash20:35
VaultyTowersSome_Bloke, its the light locker crap isnt it?20:36
VaultyTowershhee, why not copy the few files over?20:37
Zewioria: yeah20:37
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages20:37
hheeVaultyTowers, copy to local drive where OS installed in home dir?20:37
k1lSome_Bloke: see the bots link ^20:37
Zew33% and claimbing20:38
k1lSome_Bloke: mac hardware could need some special treatment to work20:38
VaultyTowershhee, copy the .mp3 onto the HDD that its set to search on20:38
ioriaZew, i thin it's a bug fixed in backports https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/appstream/+bug/164449820:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1644498 in appstream (Ubuntu Xenial) "apt-get update returns "AppStream cache update completed, but some metadata was ignored due to errors." periodically" [Medium,Fix released]20:38
VaultyTowersunless this is a spacial issue, but mine generally search through my partitions anywayd20:38
hheeVaultyTowers, how can i set dash to search on external hdd?20:38
Zewneat thanks20:39
VaultyTowerstbh I havent used dash yet but are you able to go to parent folders?20:39
Some_BlokeAlright, I'll take a look.20:39
Zewhhee: using the find command?20:39
VaultyTowersbtw noone should bother helping me I fixed my issue20:42
Zewwasn't planing on it :P20:42
VaultyTowerszew you probably dont even know what the issue even was20:43
Zewnope hahahha20:43
hheeZew, dunno. :) does find command create index files?20:44
Zewnope just a search command20:44
VaultyTowerseither way i dont need help so ciao folks and peanut brittles20:44
* Zew is not alergic to peanuts20:45
Zewhhee: you trying to build a media index?20:45
ZewI've only ever really used Kodi or such things20:46
Zewheard a lot of good things about Plex20:46
OwnzPlex is great20:46
OwnzI don't know what you all were talking about plex for. I just joined, but I owuld be glad to answer any questions. I have been using it for a long time.20:47
Some_BlokeNothing in the bot describe my issue. Guess I turn off request password after waking from suspend20:48
hheewell, i opened the dash. and see "There is no music available on this computer" and it's true, because my music on EXTERNAL drive. how can i create index from there? is it real?\20:48
elias_aAny information about how to tackle this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/67641320:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 676413 in linux (Ubuntu) "Video playback performance drops substantially after suspend/wake cycle (Lenovo X201 i5 w/ Intel GMA HD)" [Undecided,Incomplete]20:48
Ownzhhee: are you talking about in plex?20:49
elias_aCannot believe that has been unfixed for so long...20:49
k1lelias_a: comment 2220:51
prometI run 16.04 on an encrypted volume. I've run out of space on this volume. disk usage manager (baobab) only reports ecryptfs files, rather than filenames. Does anyone know of a way to identify and clean an encryptfs volume?20:52
k1lelias_a: most times resume issues are issues from the mainboard which doesnt bring up hardware fast enough20:52
gamesterI'm using the nvidia binary driver, as shown in "Software & Updates" but I feel like it's been the same 367 version for a long time. Where is this driver coming from, when is a new one released?20:53
k1lgamester: its not going to be changed (often). ubuntu uses a stable release model20:54
elias_ak1l: So i should run echo 0 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/online gor all cores?20:55
k1lelias_a: please read the comments and the linked forums thread which explain that workaround20:56
elias_ak1l: Ok. Thanks!20:56
k1lelias_a: and i am not sure if that is still an issue on modern kernels20:56
ioriapromet, what you mean with 'clean an encrypted volume' ?20:57
wwwiwhen a desktop text editor loads a file, that file is loaded from disk into memory, right? so, file is actually, opened for reading, but then once in memory, is closed? then, you change the text, and when you save, file is again opened, saved and then closed again?21:00
elias_ak1l: Well the symptoms are exactly the same.21:01
ppfwwwi: sometime yes, sometimes no21:02
ppfe.g., most editors won't load large file entirely21:02
Zewupdates completed... rebooting now21:02
Zewwwwi: No there should be a lock on the file while its open by a set application21:03
ppfZew: no, there is no such thing21:03
Zewthis is my understanding of it21:03
k1lwwwi: some text editors do make .swp files to autosafe the changes made21:03
ppfZew: in linux there is no way to lock a file21:03
Zewdiff between windows n linux, windows locks the file21:03
k1lZew: no, just on the package management is a lock file. not on regular files21:04
k1lyou can open a file with serveral programs at the same time21:04
wwwiso, if you kill text editor with an opened saved file, you risk that you will corrupt the file, but risk is extremely small?21:04
ppfwwwi: yes, the risk is small21:04
k1lwwwi: too theoretically. what is the issue?21:05
Zewmy question would be whats teh foundation, linux on hardware directly, or is it on a VM21:05
wwwik1l: just trying to figure if i corrupted a file today, but it seems fine21:05
Zewif you have a concern of courption, at least for testing, maybe use snapshots if its on a VM, of storage snapshots even better. but on direct hardware...21:06
Zewunno copy teh file21:06
wwwik1l: mostly, i thought about this and wanted to learn more21:07
ash_workzwhy would I be able to do man pg_ctl but using pg_ctl says command not found?21:07
Zewthats always good21:07
Zewcause theres a man page, but your path doesn't include the path to the bin?21:07
wwwiZew: if you copy the open saved file somewhere, before killing the text editor with the open saved file, the copied file should be fine?21:07
ppfmost text editors actually do that for you21:08
k1lash_workz: not all commands match the same man page names. sometimes there is a manpage but the command is included in a program and not a single command21:08
Zewfigured the command would only be in that programs man page then21:08
wwwippf i assumed that yes was the answer to my final questions? also i didnt get that about the text editors that do this for me, could you elaborate a little?21:08
k1lash_workz: how did you install postgresql?21:09
ppfmost text editors create a backup when you open a file21:09
Zewk1l: he actually did, you just may have missed it21:09
k1lash_workz: seems like on ubuntu/debian one uses pg_ctlcluster instead21:09
Zew15:03 < k1l> wwwi: some text editors do make .swp files to autosafe the changes made21:10
ppfwwwi: e.g. vim creates a .swp file, emacs or gedit create a file with a ~ in the name21:10
wwwippf so, if i compare the md5hashes of copied file and actual file, after i killed the editor with the actual file and the hashes are the same, it means that actual file is not corrupt, right?21:10
ppfmost likely21:10
k1lif the hash is the same, its the same21:11
Zewchances of a collision are small even with MD5, but SHA1 would be better21:11
ppfif you open the file again, you'll get a new backup, though, keep that in mind21:11
Zewwell if the swp file still exists it'll ask you about it21:12
wwwimd5hash command is safe to run on files, right? it wont corrupt them? i've read on stackoverflow some advice, that seems a little weird, it said, if your second file is on usb stick, first unmount the usb stick, remove it, then plug it in back and then run md5hash on it21:12
ppfvim will, yes. gedit won't, i think21:12
Zewdoing a hash sum doesn't change the file21:12
Zewit just reads it, and generate a hash21:13
ppfopening it in the editor is what i'm talking about21:13
k1lash_workz: but you better use sudo service postgresql start/stop/restart/reload...21:13
ZewYyyeeeee ha, ubuntu updates, my primary servers still working21:13
Zewgreat successs21:13
k1lZew: the updates get automated testings since some time. so if one sticks to the standard setup the udpates will work21:14
wwwiobviously, the command for sha1 hashes also doesnt change a file, right?21:14
k1lwwwi: that is the point of checksum. if it would change it, one would never compare 2 files and find matching ones21:14
ZewAll hashing works gernerally the same, just a different algo is used to dtermine the chance of a collisin21:15
wtfredhi, i have been running ubuntu from a live usb stick for 2 months, because I was waiting for a samsung ssd pro 512 Vnand, not the sataIII connected. Do you know why samsungs 960s are so difficult to get?21:15
Zewbut generally its read the file -> generate hash based on teh algo21:15
wtfredI mean, I bought one and the store now says they dont have the unit on store21:15
k1lwtfred: i would say: ask samsung why they cant deliver :)21:15
Zewalgo being either MD5 or SHA121:15
wwwiso, there is like 1 in a billion chance that the hash of the copied file and the hash of the "possibly corrupt" original file are the same, even though the second file is different? that's for the unlike scenario that the actual file is corrupt21:16
noimnotninevoltno, much less than 1 in a billion.21:17
wtfredif I buy a samsung 860, is that too slow for a virtualization? the virtualization will be connected to internet21:17
Zewnoimnotninevolt: depends on teh algo21:17
tomreynwtfred: this is #ubuntu, not ##hardware21:18
noimnotninevoltindeed it does. but which is <30 bit?21:18
k1lwtfred: you wont feel a difference21:19
ppfwwwi: your file is alright.21:19
wtfredok... k1l do you know somebody who owns a samsung 960 pro?21:20
wwwiZew the algo is md5 pr sha1 or something else?21:20
noimnotninevolteven crc32 is less than 1 in a billion likelihood of collision.21:20
k1lwtfred: i dont see how this is ubuntu related.21:20
Zewwhatever you want to use21:20
ZewMD5 should suit your needs21:20
prometioria, I mean removing large files to free up space21:21
ZewMD5 collision rate 2ex(-64)21:21
prometNormally I would do this with baobab, but it can't interpret the ecryptfs data21:21
noimnotninevoltwhich is less than one in a billion-billion :P21:21
noimnotninevoltand md5 is considered weak. i don't know of any weaker hashes than md5 that are in common use.21:22
Zewbut for a simple file21:22
Zewgenerally does ok21:22
MrOpenSourceI have a question, I wanna play music with Rythmbox music player, but i get this error Didn't get a playback URI for entry file:///home/jan/Music/Musik/New/Dark%20-%20Enough.mp321:22
Zewtwo different fourm posts, same answer21:23
k1lMrOpenSource: "mv ~/.local/share/rhythmbox/rhythmdb.xml ~/.local/share/rhythmbox/rhythmdb.xml.bak"21:24
k1lMrOpenSource: your music database seems corrupted. maybe you moved the files21:25
wwwithank you all21:25
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auvajshi, I need a terminal command to 1) login as some user 2) start screen 3) start some program inside screen.. any help?21:40
ppfauvajs: sudo -u User screen program21:41
k1lauvajs: 1) sudo 2) screen 3) some_program21:41
k1ljust put them together as ppf showed :)21:41
auvajsppf: k1l I get Cannot open your terminal '/dev/pts/1' - please check.21:42
k1lauvajs: is that user able to login?21:42
auvajsk1l: no idea21:42
auvajsk1l: but doing only su user works21:43
auvajsk1l: but after that I need to do script /dev/null.. actually I dont know what that means, lol21:43
k1lauvajs: ok, that can already have made a mess with that users file permissions21:43
auvajsk1l: how can I find out the permissions please?21:44
k1lauvajs: try sudo -H -u user ..21:44
auvajsk1l: that doesn't work, I get list of sudo commands21:46
k1lauvajs: capital H? (linux is case sensitive)21:46
krizoekis ubuntu about security? i have wondered about the packages. are they ever checked by others? recompiled and checked with things like checksums21:47
auvajsk1l: http://pastebin.com/Ypi78Z3121:48
k1lkrizoek: ubuntu got a security team for the packages in main. all packages from all repos are signed and checksum checked from apt21:48
ash_workzk1l: how did you find out that it was pg_ctlcluster?21:48
ash_workzk1l: is there one for initdb?21:48
k1lkrizoek: the community repos like universe only grant upload permissions to known users. they are peer reviewed yb the community.21:49
k1lash_workz: usually you control the postgresql server with the ubuntu "service" command. not the postgresql one.21:49
k1lauvajs: what ubuntu is that?21:51
k1lauvajs: lsb_release -sd21:51
krizoeksince ubuntu is so popular, it might make it even more secure than other distros that compile everything?21:52
krizoekyou can compile entire ubuntu from source?21:52
k1lkrizoek: ubuntu ships precompiled packages. so the clients pc doesnt have the compiling load.21:52
k1lkrizoek: you can. the source is available21:52
ash_workzthere's a freaking conflict this whole time21:53
ash_workzthere's /usr/bin/psql and /var/lib/.../psql21:53
ash_workzI am confounded... what the hell was psql supposed to do?21:54
ash_workzI mean /usr/bin/psql21:54
k1lash_workz: what is the issue? why dont you use "sudo service .... start "21:54
krizoeki have been using gentoo for a while. tired of having to compile and configure everything. and all the flags and whatnot21:57
krizoekubuntu is so easy. just install and run21:57
compdocsounds like work21:57
k1lyes, gentoo got a different strategy on that21:57
krizoekyeah, its allot of work21:58
krizoekwho do the releases of the various compilations?22:01
krizoekcan everyone join?22:01
krizoekand is there like a sheet of which use flags is to be used in general?22:01
k1lkrizoek: do you mean the .isos?22:01
krizoekwhats put inside the main apt repos22:02
k1lif you mean the packages, there are the maintainers.22:02
k1lthat is mainly debian and canonical guys.22:02
nacckrizoek: no, there's not a sheet, because unlike gentoo, you don't typically build a package yourself, so it's not really that important to you as the end-user22:03
k1lkrizoek: on launchpad.net or on packages.ubuntu.com you can see the maintainers listed22:03
k1lkrizoek: if you wonder about the compile flags of packages see this explanation: http://askubuntu.com/a/48532/3126022:04
krizoekgreat, ty22:05
Zewis there a way to list all available packages from Ubuntu default repo, and either filter, or grep the results?22:05
k1lZew: apt search keyword/packagename22:05
ppfapt search?22:05
krizoekyes, i was just checking a build log. this is great22:06
ghotiZew: `apt-cache search` would be my vote22:06
Zewghoti: what the diff?22:06
ppfghoti: it's just apt now22:06
Zewgotta loves changes hahah22:06
k1lghoti: apt is the new apt-get, apt-cache etc and is grouping some old commands into it.22:07
ppfsadly not apt file, though22:07
Zewwait... so I shoulda been using apt instead of apt-get?22:07
ZewI've mostly been using apt-get22:07
ppfyou can22:07
ghotik1l/ppf, thanks, apparently I only run old ubuntu boxes. :-)22:07
ppfit's shorter to type and has colors!22:08
k1lZew: the old apt-get still works. but the new apt will replace it some day. like in 50 years :)22:08
Zewhahah ok22:08
coffeeguythe loading is super22:09
k1lppf: and a progressbar :)22:09
ppfbut no apt-file22:10
ZewOK so my main reason for asking the search thing for apt was cause while I was following this guide, I ragge don a bit cause the guy who wrote the blog used the RPM from a site, instead of grabbing the one right from Ubuntu's repo22:10
ppfthat i'm still sad about22:10
Zewso now Im at another step where it seems to be the same thing, but this time instead of tomcat, its for the pwm software itself22:10
k1lZew: uh, rpm :/22:10
Zewfrom what I can tell there is no pwm in ubuntus repo22:11
Zewis it ok to install PWM in this fashion then?22:11
ppfuse apt search or packages.ubuntu.com22:11
ZewI've shared this blog post like 100 times now22:11
ZewI just want to make sure that I'm grabbing the right package from the right place if one exists, else I'm assumign I have to manually install as the blog states?22:12
k1lZew: insatlling .rpm sounds like a horrible howto.22:12
Zewk1l: whatelse can you do if its not available in teh deafult repo?22:12
k1lthat sounds like a "i only know centos, rhel, fedora, but i make a ubuntu howto22:13
ppfif it's not in the repos you need to go to the vendor22:13
ZewI didn't write it22:13
Zewits simply the "best" we could find22:13
Zewpwman3/xenial,xenial 0.5.1d-1 all console password management application22:13
ZewIs all I found via apt search22:14
Zewnot the same22:14
Zewthanks guys for the feedback22:15
k1lZew: i dont see a rpm file mentioned there. it uses .war files for tomcat22:18
Zewindeed sorry22:19
ZewI had assumed it was an installer, and that made an assout of me22:19
Zewlearning as I go on this one22:20
blazeme8How are multiselect field values supposed to be passed when using debconf-set-selections? Quoted string? Commas?22:20
philyhello from Ukraine22:27
nicomachushi philroche22:33
_adbi have a sound card with two outputs -- internal speakers and headphones. i want to disable the internal speakers, forbidding a user from changing their volume or re-enabling them, but still allow them to use headphones (and change the volume). is this possible? 16.04.1, Audio device: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 05)22:33
sl1rpytrying out LTS with unity on a laptop and I am trying to find the best method for turning off touchpad gestures because im randomlly opening things or changing windows when i dont want to.22:37
_adbsl1rpy: system settings -> keyboard and mouse->touchpad and uncheck multi gesture? (i don't have unity, can't test. saw it here: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2225634)22:40
_adber -- unfortunately, it looks liek that didn'twork, but the rest of that thread may contain helpful information22:41
ZewwyI successfully setup PWM... properlly! hahaha22:42
Zewwyusing all Ubuntu repo packages22:42
Zewwythanks a bunch guys!22:42
sl1rpydoes using synclient stick to current session or does it stick?22:46
_adbnot a clue. try it and see22:47
sl1rpy_adb, no... the settings dont stick.  i saw that someone was suggesting that someone should write a gui for synclient22:55
_adbsl1rpy: if the only problem is the non-persistence, you can write a script to run the commands for you when you log in/boot up22:56
sl1rpyyep. :)22:56
countingdaisiesI'm not sure what to search for ...  I have a situation where I need to install multiple php applications (1 currently installed and 1 one lined up to install any time soon).  I don't know enough about what scheme/system/type of soln I need to employ so that the urls used to access each application are unique. I have heard different terms related to configuring a web server or something like...22:57
countingdaisies...that, but I don't know what to choose or where to begin. Can someone steer me in the right direction?22:57
_adbcountingdaisies: apache virtual hosts?23:00
_adbthat's tricky, though, since the answer to that question depends heavily on the particulars of your situation23:01
OerHekscountingdaisies, good start would be #ubuntu-server23:05
countingdaisies_adb: Uhh, I have a package called eramba installed (the installed php package) but I don't know in what way it was configured since I just followed instructions (from more then one source). Now I also want to install media wiki which is a php application. Right now I access eramba by entering "http://localhost/login" or if I type "http://localhost/" it redirects to the first.23:05
countingdaisies_adb: also , eramba is not installed properly (barely installed I'd call it) though23:06
countingdaisiesthat's my sitch23:06
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countingdaisiesOerHeks: sorry, idk why I didn't see that ^ until just now. my bad23:08
OerHeks* if you find no answer here, ofcourse23:09
countingdaisiesOerHeks: thx23:09
Hrxwhy forbidden ? http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ubuntu-14.04.5-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent?_ga=1.199677672.797644579.148354013523:11
Hrxi can't download any version of ubuntu pff23:11
k1lHrx: choose here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/23:12
k1lHrx: http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ubuntu-14.04.5-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent23:13
OerHeksstrange tracker23:13
Hrxthnx bro <323:14
mukluksOerHeks: i get the same problem when i click the torrent download link, but if you remove that ?_ga=.... parameter it works23:14
OerHeksgoogle thingy .. https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/cookies-user-id23:15
Hrxthnx man problem fixed <323:15
OerHeksmaybe you got the url from a website, not from http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/23:16
Hrxi just want to do fresh install of ubuntu 14.04 cuz the os support fglrx driver :( anyone here now how to install amd driver in 16.04 (2 cards : intel + amd)23:18
k1lHrx: amd doesnt make fglrx anymore. they now make amd_gpu as open source driver and ship that with the linux kernel. for most recent cards you can load their prop. addon. but as always, amd dropped older cards from the support.23:20
k1lHrx: so runing 16.04 the kernel will automatically load amd_gpu if the video card is supported by amd. if its not it will load the free viddeo driver radeon23:21
k1lthat is for all recent linux distributions.23:21
Hrxthat's it .. when i tried to install amd gpu after reboot i got a black screen23:21
OerHeksdriver in use >> lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use'23:22
k1lHrx: so is your card supported by amd still?23:22
k1lHrx: because if not, you cant just install something and amd will support that again.23:22
OerHeksit should be loaded standard indeed, no install at all. maybe the pro driver from their site?23:23
Hrxmy card is not supported anymore pfff i have amd radeon 230M23:24
k1lyeah, but that only works if the card is supported by amd_gpu  (by amd) in first place.23:24
giovannihi all, who can explain me how backup works? For example the backup with "tar". Question is: if I backup my disk with tar, then I format everything and reinstall a clean system, if i receover the backup (with tar) I turn exactly to my last version before formatting?23:24
OerHeksopenradeon is not bad, i play youtube, dual screen, wobbly windows ..23:25
Hrxso i wil install ubuntu 14.04 that's all23:25
Hrxthnx for the help <323:26
daxit's just "radeon". and "amdgpu" sans underscore, for that matter23:26
OerHeksgiovanni, basicly yes.23:26
giovanniOerHeks what do you mean with basicly?23:27
giovanniIt is as I said or something can go wrong23:27
k1l230m is R5? i think that is not supported by amd anymore23:27
Hrxyes R523:28
daxshould work fine with the radeon driver23:28
daxi.e., out of the box23:28
OerHeksif you perform a full backup, yes. if you do just your /home/  folder, settings will be present but you need to reinstall all programs too.23:28
Hrxdax i'm going with fglrx .. it's still supported by ubuntu 14.0423:29
daxfglrx was crap when it was supported, and it's a dead end now, but do what you will23:30
Hrxcuz i can"t do anythiing :(23:30
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giovannia full back up restore the entire system at 100%? All the applications too? All the customizations I did (themes, icon, launcher, permissions)? And the data?23:30
giovanniHow can I do a full back up?23:31
wedgiegiovanni: if that's what you are looking for you may be better off with a disk imaging solution like clonezilla23:36
Hrxgiovanni u can try to make an iso os23:36
Hrxit means your private os23:37
giovanniAn iso I create from this one?23:37
giovanniHow can I do it?23:37
Hrxcheck this : http://www.techrepublic.com/article/create-a-live-system-iso-for-your-ubuntu-based-linux-machines-using-systemback/23:40
Hrxit may helps u23:40
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mixxithey guys23:49
mixxiti just installed xubuntu on my laptop and im getting a black screen of death23:49
RowanookHi folks, can anyone suggest somewhere for a Noob such as myself to get advice troubleshooting? I have an install (16.04) on my server, now after a restart is refusing to boot. goes straight to GRUB23:49
mixxiti had to do nomodeset acpi=off to install23:50
k1lmixxit: so add that to the kernel in grub again to boot.23:50
k1lmixxit: what video card is it?23:50
mixxitsure id id that23:50
mixxitbut it wont :-)23:51
mixxitits a 960m and skylake23:51
mixxitso the built in intel hybrid jobby23:51
k1lmixxit: did you try with only nomodeset on grub?23:51
mixxiti also tried a various other amount of acpi options from google23:51
mixxitbut no luck23:52
k1lwhat ubuntu is it?23:52
masterlinux_mixxit: on boot choose advanced boot and resume booting from there. then once your in open terminal and type: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade23:53
k1lmixxit: 16.04? people say they could install it23:53
mixxitadvanced optoins for ubuntu?23:53
k1land boot it with nomodeset, then isntall the nvidia driver, then remove nomodeset23:54
Rowanookanyone able to suggest easy to follow troubleshooting advice to get my UBUNTU running agian? Hi folks, can anyone suggest somewhere for a Noob such as myself to get advice troubleshooting? I have an install (16.04) on my server, now after a restart is refusing to boot. goes straight to GRUB23:55
mixxitmasterlinux_, its just stuck on Loading intiail ram disk23:56
masterlinux_mixxit: there's no boot menu list?23:56
mixxityeah i got the advanced list pressed e then added nomodeset to the line23:56
mixxitpressed f1023:56
k1lmixxit: so it never booted that install?23:57
mixxitinstall went through fine23:57
mixxiti had to use nomodeset acpi=off to kick it off23:57
k1land then it finished, then you rebooted and then it didnt never boot up?23:58
masterlinux_and u cant do the same with installed system?23:58
RowanookI shall Assume i have failed at chat rooms then. sorry for wasting your time.23:58
mixxiti yessir23:58
k1lRowanook: well, hard to say, what did you do before that happend? what is the error? works an older kernel?23:58
mixxitfyi, dunno if it helps, but i connected wifi during install and chose the install updates tickbox23:59

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