
Unit193'Elementary Xfce icon theme' isn't in Debian, only Ubuntu.  The package is named 'xubuntu-icon-theme'00:03
tobiasBoraUnit193: Do you know where I could download it ?00:09
Unit193Everything is always on Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-artwork though http://packages.ubuntu.com/yakkety/xubuntu-icon-theme might be more user friendly.00:11
Unit193tobiasBora: I've already hinted, but there's also this: https://xebian.org/00:13
tobiasBoraUnit193: Hum very interesting. Is it possible to convert a debian into a xebian without reinstalling everything ?00:17
Unit193tobiasBora: Pretty much at least, aye.00:49
Unit193You might want to checkout their support medium(s) at this point though.00:50
pmjdebruijncan somebody give me a hint as to what package contains the isolinux artwork for xubuntu?07:49
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nikolamOn previous install I couldn't boot and it failed to reboot after install09:43
nikolamI see it is installing Grub now..09:47
nikolamand now uninstalling many packages09:54
nikolamas part of install procedure..09:54
nikolamMaybe it has something to do i gave 1Gig of RAM to VM09:55
nikolamHow to make bootable Xubuntu flash drive from ISO, without having syslinux package (not running linux) ?10:28
bazhangnikolam, is that a hybrid iso10:51
bazhangnikolam, why dont you ask in the actual OS channel you are dding about that10:51
nikolamgot it. checked sha256 checksum, it's ok10:51
bazhangnikolam, thats not what hybrid means10:51
nikolambecause it is xubuntu trying ot install10:51
bazhangnikolam, you stated it is solaris10:52
nikolamYeahRight, but making xubuntu USB on any platform is x/ubuntu topic10:52
bazhangbut the iso you want is that of solaris10:53
bazhangyou want to put solaris iso on usb stick via dd10:53
nikolamno it is xubuntu 16.04 32bit ISO10:54
nikolamI want to but xubuntu ISO on USB10:54
bazhangnikolam, why did you state 'not linux' and then say openindiana solaris10:54
nikolamBecause platform where ISO is downloaded is not linux, but Openindiana, Solaris type of system10:55
nikolamAlso I instaleld form same ISO to Virtualbox minutes ago, it took a long time and now it seems like it is not booting10:55
nikolamaether dd'ing ISO to USB did not work like it should or that machine is not booting right from USB drive.10:59
nikolamI can see files on dd'ed drive right..11:00
nikolamokampfer[m], bazhang I catch your drift about dd'ing could be better supported on target platform11:02
nikolambazhang, it is saying: isolinux.bin is missing or corrupt and repeating same message. After finally made it to boot from USB11:06
nikolambut I see /isolinuxi/solinux.bin on usb. probably dd'ing to USb is not enough11:07
bazhangnikolam, I have no idea what the iso is, and what system you are trying the dd iso to usb from11:07
nikolamit is Xubuntu 16.04 LTS i386 ISO file11:08
bazhangfrom what system11:08
nikolamdd'ed that Xubuntu ISO to flash drive11:09
nikolamfrom Openindiana/illumos11:09
nikolamAlso after installing form same Xubuntu ISO instide VirtualBox, it won't boot form it's HD11:13
nikolamit just displays black screen11:13
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md84hi i'm using xubuntu 16.04.113:52
md84i installed slack for linux from https://slack.com/downloads/linux13:52
md84my title bar and windows cycle through (alt-tab) are not showing the slack icon. other application icons are showing up fine. the system tray icon works fine though.13:52
md84i tracked down the icon to /usr/share/pixmaps/slack.png (512x512). reduced it to 256 and 128 thinking that might be the issue. that didn't work. what is the best way to identify the issue?13:52
md84thanks in advance.13:52
xubuntu81wSo a problem started a few days ago after I installed an update. The computer logs me out randomly from time to time displaying different error messages that flash so quickly I cant see them.15:21
xubuntu81wIt's annoying, seemingly the log outs occur more frequent the more load I  put put on the system.15:23
MrOpenSourceits possible to use skype in Pidgin15:42
xubuntu81wNope, don't use either.15:43
genii!info pidgin-skype15:45
knomeMrOpenSource, don't use it myself, but apparently the package "pidgin-skype" should allow you to do that15:45
ubottupidgin-skype (source: pidgin-skype): Skype plugin for libpurple messengers (Pidgin-specific files). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 20140930+svn665+dfsg-1 (yakkety), package size 7 kB, installed size 87 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)15:45
geniiJust enable multiverse repository first if it's not already15:45
MrOpenSourceknome: do you use another program for irc chat ??15:46
knomeyes, irssi on a remote shell15:46
knomebut that's likely not what you are looking for...15:46
Picihexchat is rather popular if you want a gui client.15:46
MrOpenSourceI am a big noob in ubuntu15:47
Pici!info hexchat15:47
ubottuhexchat (source: hexchat): IRC client for X based on X-Chat 2. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.12.0-2ubuntu2.1 (yakkety), package size 336 kB, installed size 971 kB15:47
MrOpenSourcecuz I can't organize the chats and so in Pidigi as good as in IRC windows client15:48
MrOpenSourceI guess I try hexchat15:48
knomepidgin also isn't the app you want to use if you IRC regularly15:49
knomeit's just a handy multi-purpose tool for irregular/common instant messaging15:49
MrOpenSourceI realize it, its first program I found15:50
MrOpenSourcenow I am searching for something better15:50
MrOpenSourceI guess hexchat is good for beginning15:50
akxwi-daveMrOpenSource_: hexchat is definitely a good one to start with.. eery user friendly16:02
MrOpenSource/mode $me +x16:16
xGrind!info audacious16:19
ubottuaudacious (source: audacious): small and fast audio player which supports lots of formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.7.2-1ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 236 kB, installed size 1248 kB16:19
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MrOpenSourcehow to use autoPerfom in hexchat, that i dont have to identify manually16:28
AppAraathi, I think I've discovered some broken UX practices. For one, the connection to wifi AP can time out while entering the password. Another thing that bothered me was leaving my laptop, coming back and then finding the laptop locked and having to google default username.17:20
knomefor the first one, file a bug in network-manager (unless one exists)17:21
knomealso, what do you mean by default username? are you running the live system?17:22
AppAraatyes, liveUSB.17:22
AppAraatI had a lockscreen appear and entered xubuntu (without password). Perhaps best not to have a lockscreen unless user configures password?17:24
AppAraatdepends on the user of course, I could also just go to one of the ttys and configure a password, but I frequently see Xubuntu getting recommended to new users.17:27
AppAraatholy hell, there is definitely something wrong with networking. At least, I think it's NetworkManager.18:47
AppAraatwhen you connect to an AP, the networking icon should change into a wifi-icon and signal meter in one, right?18:48
knomeplease remember this is a family-friendly channel18:51
AppAraatso anyway, it didn't turn into a wifi icon. Instead it turned into an icon (I think) signifying an ethernet connection. Unbeknownst to me, I connected again and again thinking it did nothing. Finally I pinged Google, lo and behold it pinged. Then I went into my network settings to find that it had made like 5 profiles of my Wifi network.18:51
knomeyes, it should turn into a wifi signal icon and most often it does...18:51
AppAraatso does this differ from wifi interface to wifi interface then?18:53
AppAraatlol now I can't remove the wifi network profiles. "Interface 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Settings.Connection' on object with path /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/3 does not exist."18:56
AppAraatk, after dinner I'll try to remove the profiles in CLI and see how that goes.18:58
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jaltHi. With all the delays regarding Ubuntu 16.04.2 point release, is there an expected release date for a corresponding Xubuntu .iso? Is there an official RC out? Could not find any info on http://dev.xubuntu.org/.20:50
flocculantjalt: nothing yet20:51
jalthmm, will there be a new iso for the point release at all? and if not, will there be a supported path from 16.04.1 to enable the auto HWE tracking?20:52
flocculantjalt: when Canonical do their end - there will be a new xubuntu iso20:53
jaltthanks flocculant20:55
flocculantjalt: we should see a iso for test - maybe very late today, in which case 'we'd' likely not get any testing done till tomorrow - and even then it will only be smoketested20:56
jaltit's all good - not in a hurry.20:57
jaltdifferent question: is there any tool of sorts to allow proper desktop configuration management that reasonably supports Xubuntu? something like Ansible but that can easily understand the locations of apps' configs, including .rc files and GNOME registry-thing and Xubuntu's registry-thin, etc.20:59
jaltI currently have bash ad hoc scripts, but they're brittle.20:59
AppAraatknome: reboot helped for some reason21:05
AppAraatjalt: not really experienced in the domain, but AFAIK XFCE uses dbus heavily, so some Ansible magic might do the trick.21:11
jaltthanks AppAraat, but that's kind of the problem: if I need to know DBUS and how each app interacts with it, it defeats the purpose. also, there's a lot of issues with synchronizing access to it.21:13
jalti guess it is a complex open ended problem to begin with.21:14
AppAraatI'm trying to find a bash script which configured a fresh desktop but I can't find it. Depending on the complexity it can be (somewhat) molded to have state.21:25
jaltbasically that is what I did AppAraat :)21:31
jaltBut i only configured the real important stuff because it became too tedious to go on exploration missions to find out how each component worked, and how quickly those methods became obsolete...21:32
AppAraatunderstandable. Perhaps there will be an Ansible module in the future.21:54
rud0lfgoogle fails me.. after an update, firefox download's "Open containing folder" opens directory in nautilus instead of thunar22:47
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