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dufluRAOF: Can we kill max_simultaneous_outputs, or does it have a future?06:13
RAOFI believe I've already answered this :)06:13
* duflu looks06:13
RAOFIt's a *shrug*06:13
RAOFIt's information that's easy to provide, but it's not easy for a client to use.06:14
dufluRAOF: I mean https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/mir/fix-1661163/+merge/31630706:14
RAOFThe deprecation message is incorrect, but I'm not aghast at the function being deprecated.06:16
dufluI know, was just a suggestion06:16
dufluWe could declare it deprecated and then decide to keep it06:16
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dufluRAOF: OK then, a simpler question: Are 'cards' a dead concept?06:54
dufluI thought so, but max_simultaneous_outputs depends on them06:54
RAOFIn our current implementation, yes.06:54
dufluThen again, so does everything loosely06:54
RAOFAgain, yes :)06:56
RAOFIt's possible that cards will be exposed again in the client interface, but we've never ever exposed more than one.06:56
RAOFWhich is why they're not useful.06:56
RAOFThat said, prime support will suddenly mean that sometimes we *do* have more than one card.06:57
RAOFBut the first go at that will not really expose that.06:57
dufluRAOF: Hmm.... seems my best option is to just improve that deprecation comment06:59
dufluSince the logic to implement it was deleted06:59
RAOFIt'd be pretty easy to re-add that logic, but *shrug*.07:00
dufluRAOF: It was part of a larger code deletion (I just bisected it). Too hard07:01
duflufor now07:01
RAOFOh, I mean you could easily re-add logic that would support it.07:02
RAOFBut, again, shrug.07:04
RAOFAlso, EOD!07:04
dufluKay, bye07:05
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dandraderAlbertA, around?10:33
dandraderalan_g, using the new "mir_window_spec_set_cursor_name() && mir_window_apply_spec()" API doesn't trigger mir::scene::SurfaceObserver::cursor_image_set_to as the deprecated API "mir_cursor_configuration_from_name() && mir_window_configure_cursor" does10:35
dandraderalan_g, What should I be listenting to on the server side now?10:35
alan_gdandrader: I would expect that to work. Possibly a Mir bug.10:37
dandraderalan_g, ok, will report then10:38
dandraderalan_g, https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/166319710:43
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1663197 in Mir "mir_window_spec_set_cursor_name() doesn't trigger mir::scene::SurfaceObserver::cursor_image_set_to" [Undecided,New]10:43
alan_gdandrader: ack10:43
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alan_gA question to ponder: https://code.launchpad.net/~alan-griffiths/miral/miral-toolkit-dev/+merge/316827/comments/82581614:33
elopiokgunn_: AlbertA: hey, can you please check for my email in your inbox? I think you are sending me to the spam :'(14:39
AlbertAdandrader: here.. let me check the frontend14:56
AlbertAelopio: oh I was just waiting for kgunn to answer sorry :)14:56
elopioAlbertA: he seems to be missing in action. But anyway, the ideal was to have you both to talk about the work you have been doing.15:07
elopioAlbertA: can you join us on Friday next week?15:07
AlbertAelopio: I can , I believe kgunn_ is on vacation today15:09
kgunn_elopio: i'm here...busy15:09
kgunn_ah...demos, thank you AlbertA15:13
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dandraderAlbertA, turns out to be a bug in miral15:29
dandraderAlbertA, will try out your qtubuntu branch again once the fix is available15:29
AlbertAdandrader: cool thanks15:30
elopioAlbertA: awesome! I'll send you the invite, and more details next week.15:33
alan_gdandrader: confirmed a Mir bug - aiming to get fix into 26.116:23
dandraderalan_g, ok16:23
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