
babbageclunkaxw: hold off - it turns out you can't sent ProvisioningState in the update - trying out my fix for the fix now.00:57
axwbabbageclunk: ok01:09
axwlet me know when01:09
wallyworldaxw: you free to catch up now?01:36
axwwallyworld: sure01:36
axwbabbageclunk: I see you pushed an update, ready for review now?02:22
babbageclunkaxw: I think so - doing one last test now02:32
babbageclunkaxw: (sorry, went for a run)02:33
axwbabbageclunk: ok, I'll review optimistically02:33
babbageclunkaxw: testing looks good02:37
axwbabbageclunk: LGTM02:41
babbageclunkaxw: great, thanks02:42
axwveebers: is http://people.canonical.com/~leecj2/perfscalemem/ from running perfscale_longrunning.py ?02:57
* veebers looks02:58
veebersaxw: yes, from ages ago. (Note, the perfscale tests no longer generate standalone report html pages like the one shown here)02:59
axwveebers: ah right that's from october last year :)  ok, thanks02:59
axwveebers: are the long running ones not part of normal QA? don't see it on qa.jujucharms.com/perfscale03:00
axwnormal CI I mean...03:01
veebersaxw: there are no long running tests that run at the moment. We should be getting something in place in the near future03:02
veebersthe parts are largely there , just need to set things up03:03
axwveebers: okey dokey03:03
* axw nods03:03
* menn0 is EOD04:36
menn0have a good weekend all04:36
wallyworldaxw: oh btw, i thought i had, but i hadn't. deleting the certs in ~/.local/share/juju/lxd fixed the issue with certificate validation07:02
axwwallyworld: hrm. that's a bit odd. the client should upload them to LXD07:03
wallyworldyeah, not sure what's happening there07:03
axwwallyworld: will look into it next week07:03
wallyworldsure, it appears it's just me anyway07:03
axwwallyworld: may well affect anyone that removes/reinstalls LXD though07:04
wallyworldi'm also having weird lxd snap issue, so might be related07:04
axwhm, ok07:04
wallyworldaxw: i think this explains things a bit. i juju bootstrapped and the snap lxd was used unexpectedly. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23965584/07:25
wallyworldnot sure what's going on07:25
wallyworldthe snap juju was also used unexpectedly07:25
axwwallyworld: juju was connecting to the wrong lxd?07:26
wallyworldaxw: that's my guess. but i have NFI why the wrong juju binary s being run07:27
wallyworldwhich juju should indicate what binary is used right07:28
wallyworlddoesn't seem to be for some reason07:28
axwwallyworld: ah, I bet the snapped lxd is being told to run on the same HTTPS port. juju will open the unix socket owned by the non-snapped lxd07:28
wallyworldright, but why is the snapped juju being used07:28
axwwallyworld: so we'll upload the cert to the non-snapped lxd, then try to connect to the snapped one?07:28
axwhrm, doesn't explain why it starts working after removing the certs07:28
wallyworldi didn't ask for it and my juju is in the path first07:28
axwI don't know07:29
wallyworldi'll remove the snap and that will "fix" it07:29
wallyworldi'll ask adam and nicolas for advice07:29
wallyworldaxw: yeah, something is screwed http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23965626/07:37
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
axwjam: I think it might be a bit risky to land this now, but wanted to get it in front of your eyes for review: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/696210:05
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
jamaxw: reviewed11:11
axwjam: thanks. would you like me to change `"bond-" in` to startswith? it did seem odd, but didn't seem worth changing11:27
anastasiamac_axw: if it fixes refered bug, why do you think it'd be risky to land it?12:14
axwanastasiamac_: there was enough change that it might break something else12:51
axwanastasiamac_: but it's rc1 for a reason, to catch bugs12:52
axwso landed it12:52
anastasiamac_axw: \o/12:52
anastasiamac_axw: so shall i move the bug to rc1 milestone and mark at Fix committed?12:52
anastasiamac_axw: or is ther more changes anticipated?12:52
axwanastasiamac_: I know that it fixes the issue on rackspace, but I don't know about MAAS - and that was the reported one12:53
axwanastasiamac_: so without knowing that they're the root cause I can't say that it fixes the issue with any certainty12:53
anastasiamac_axw: k, will keep it as is for now12:53
* axw disappears into the night12:53
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
perrito666morning all13:01
frobwarelast PR for me folks - https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/696313:03
perrito666frobware: it has been a pleasure working with you man13:04
frobwareperrito666: you too!!!13:04
rick_hfrobware: <314:12
frobwarerick_h: adios dude!14:15
mupBug #1663633 opened: Juju 1.2.10: Conversation scope is missing sometimes - causes relation hook failure <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1663633>15:30
rediradios frobware15:42
frobwareredir: adios && take care! Hope all goes well for you over the next few months and enjoy the break before all hell breaks loose. :-D15:43
redirfrobware: :) you too15:43
redirmorning juju-dev15:44
alexisbmorning redir16:21
rediralexisb: o/16:21
perrito666elho redir16:27
redir¡Buenas! perrito66616:28
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk

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