
flexiondotorgMorning hikiko08:50
hikikohi flexiondotorg08:59
Laneywhat up willcooke09:04
Laneyhow was LDN?09:04
desrtbritish people are weird :)09:06
willcookehey Laney - was great!09:08
willcookeSaw some people, got out the house09:08
seb128hey flexiondotorg hikiko Laney willcooke desrt09:09
desrtmorning seb :)09:09
desrthapppy tgif09:09
willcookemorning desrt!  We don't get much real snow any more :(09:09
willcookemorning seb12809:09
hikikohi Laney willcooke desrt seb128 flexiondotorg09:10
willcookehey hikiko!09:10
desrtwillcooke, hikiko: welcome to the morning quadratic workout09:11
flexiondotorgMorning willcooke Laney desrt seb12809:11
willcookeyo flexiondotorg!09:11
* hikiko google trandlates09:11
desrthikiko: "quadratic" as in O(n^2)09:11
davmor2Morning all09:17
seb128bah, I created a role account for launchpad uploads09:18
seb128but launchpad oops when I try to log in with it :-/09:18
willcookehi davmor2 - any snow up your end?09:18
seb128hey davmor209:18
davmor2willcooke: don't be daft the rest of the Country needs to be waist deep before it ventures into wolverhampton ;)09:19
seb128english people, how do you call that http://www.bricorama.fr/media/catalog/product/2/7/2771151-1.jpg ... is that a "foam seal"?09:23
dufluseb128: Yes09:23
dufluUseful for everything09:23
seb128duflu, hey, thanks!09:23
davmor2duflu: no now you are mistaking it for duck tape ;)09:24
dufluAlso useful, regardless of spelling09:24
dufluor name otherwise09:25
dufluDucks are also musical09:25
davmor2seb128: yeap foam seal is as good a term and any, Foam seal, insulating strips, sealing tape just don't confuse it with foam pads which looks similar but is little cubes of it rather than a long strip09:26
davmor2duflu: duct even thanks for the heads up ;)09:26
Laneyseb128: you had to make a new user?09:31
seb128Laney, Colin suggested I do, p_itti had the upload key assigned to his users but it means the key has more priviledge than it should09:32
Laneyit was a trick so he could get all the karma!09:32
seb128also uploads stopped working because he removed himself from that team09:33
seb128don't want to repeat that with the next person09:33
Laneymakes sense09:35
LaneyGet:71 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu zesty/main amd64 openjdk-8-jre-headless amd64 8u121-b13-3 [27.5 MB]09:46
LaneyGet:72 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu zesty/universe amd64 openjdk-9-jre-headless amd64 9~b155-1 [109 MB]09:46
Laneywhat an update09:46
Trevinhohey Laney... it's snowing here tooo10:46
Trevinhoseb128: hey dude..10:46
seb128hey Trevinho10:46
Trevinhoseb128: did you see my pings of last night?10:46
Trevinhocheck the log :-)10:46
seb128I close IRC at night10:46
Trevinhonight... it was before dinner ...10:47
TrevinhoI mean you were here10:47
Laneyhey Trevinho10:47
Trevinhoat leat your client was10:47
Laneyis it settling on the ground?10:47
TrevinhoLaney: not in the city, but I see it in the hills nearby10:47
seb128Trevinho, the mp?10:48
Trevinhoseb128: anyway just to resume, please merge https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/+junk/snap-gnome-udt@split-parts+indicators-support to the DT branch :-)10:48
seb128Trevinho, oh, that I read10:48
Trevinhoand do the renaming you need so that we can adjust the tools too10:48
seb128I didn't understand why you were spliting the dependencies list10:48
Trevinhoseb128: to make it easier to read10:49
Trevinhojust a logical split10:49
seb128also we don't include unity libs10:49
seb128we said in DenHaag that we wanted a GNOME stack only there10:49
Trevinhoseb128: you're including unity-gtk-module, isn't it?10:49
seb128so unsure why we would add the indicators10:49
Trevinhowell, libappindicator isn't only unity related10:49
Trevinhoalso xfce uses that10:49
Trevinhoand I think elementary and mate?10:50
seb128well it's not GNOME10:50
Trevinhomh, that would just make easier to snap apps that work in ubuntu tho10:50
Trevinhoas we can't have a runtime that overides that too, isn't it?10:50
seb128what is that indicator part doing?10:50
Trevinhoseb128: https://github.com/3v1n0/appindicators-snapcraft-parts/blob/master/snapcraft.yaml#L8810:51
seb128Trevinho, so it builds libappindicator from source ... why would we do that and not use the debs like we do for everything else?10:55
Trevinhoit basically just adds http://paste.ubuntu.com/23966123/ (minus header and .so files)10:56
Trevinhoseb128: because the debs in xenial doesn't support snap properly10:56
TrevinhoMaybe we should SRU the fixes, but not there yet10:56
seb128yeah we should10:57
Trevinhonot sure the test case would be easy tho, as if we enable proposed in system, will they be used by snapcraft too? :o11:04
seb128Trevinho, I've no strong opinion either way, but ideally we would build everything the same way, either from debs or source11:05
seb128Trevinho, if there is anything blocked/not working due to that we can merge your changes as workaround and tweak later11:06
Trevinhoseb128: indicators won't work without it... unless apps won't define themselves after: indicator-gtk3...11:07
Trevinhowhich is fine, but still needs more tweaking, while i'd prefer app writers to have all things in one place as this is quite standard for ubuntu based distros11:08
Trevinhoah, of course... also kde needs that11:08
seb128Trevinho, which is easy to do, and we don't have that much apps using indicators...11:09
Trevinhoyeah, sure... I proposed that since didrocks suggested it in a PR (https://github.com/ubuntu/snapcraft-desktop-helpers/pull/36)11:10
Trevinhoas we agree'd on getting that for desktop launchers by default11:10
seb128Trevinho, I'm going for lunch for let me have another look once I'm back11:10
TrevinhoI can either set it only a dependency of the gnome-runtime at that level11:11
Trevinhoso the desktop-launcher has dependency on that, instead of the runtime itself11:11
didrocksyeah, I'm still waiting on your answer on this PR :)11:11
didrocksI don't remember why this isn't part of this part itself11:12
didrocksand rather it's a dep11:12
Trevinhodidrocks: sorry I had to take a train....12:27
Trevinhodidrocks: anyway...12:27
Trevinhoyeah.. That's the thing I would rather prefer to include everything in the runtime more than adding "after:" stanza's12:28
Trevinhoactually also the qt5 runtime has the needed elements to support unity...12:28
Trevinhowell, appmenu in fact.12:28
Trevinhodidrocks: also I update the PR for gnome runtime thing, let's sync with seb128 when pushing new snap with proper name and such...12:31
Trevinhodidrocks: by the way the remote part should do more I believe, like creating the ./gnome-runtime folder or s/runtime/platform if prefrred..12:32
Trevinhodidrocks: I've done that using the "install:" stanza... In fact some stuff could be now done also by just using 'prepare:' or 'install:', not sure you like that more than Makefile's tho12:55
didrocksTrevinho: agreed on merging indicator in runtime then!13:17
didrocksTrevinho: hum, creating the dir, there is an issue, right?13:17
didrockslike $SNAP is ro13:18
didrockswait, what's the install stenza?13:18
didrocksah, I see what you mean13:18
didrocksas part of the part, at build time13:18
didrocksclever Trevinho ;)13:18
didrockshum, it means it would need a custom plugin, though13:19
didrockswe can make it as part of make parameter13:19
didrocksbut yeah, I like your idea :)13:19
Trevinhodidrocks: yeah, I didn't want to clutter the makefile with something that is only related to that13:19
Trevinhoand.. those new tools are nice for such things13:20
didrocksTrevinho: well, it's a variable13:20
didrocksso if present -> mkdir -p it13:20
didrocksas for FLAVOR13:20
didrockslet's separate this in another PR, agreed?13:20
didrocks(the creation thing)13:20
didrockson the current one, I have few comments13:20
didrocksprefer doing it here or on the PR?13:20
Trevinhoas you prefer... I can stash that commit for later :-)13:20
didrocksyeah, stash it :)13:21
TrevinhoI'd keep it here as i's just one line..13:21
didrockssnap connect $SNAP_NAME:gnome318-platform gnome318-udt:gnome318-platform13:21
TrevinhoI would have loved to avoid defining the gnome-runtime multiple times too, so if we change it's not something we've to redo lods of times13:21
didrocks-> I would prefer now that we try to be consistent with qt to name it "platform"13:21
didrocksso gnome318-udt:platform13:21
Trevinhoindeed... it's just that we need to update the snap too13:21
didrockssame for $SNAP_NAME:gnome318-platform -> $SNAP_NAME:platform13:21
didrocksyeah :)13:22
Trevinhootherwise that would fail13:22
didrockswe'll need anyway13:22
Trevinhoseeeeb :-)13:22
didrocksfor s/runtime/platform/13:22
TrevinhoI whish I had write permission in the ~desktop-team stuff13:22
didrocksyou don't?13:22
Trevinhoof maybe seb would disagree :-)13:22
didrocksyou don't have upload rights?13:22
didrocksI thought you have on the desktop team bucket13:22
didrocksI can do, but I have meetings this afternoon13:22
Trevinhonope... I still have to conquer those... seb128 wanted to do something, but... still he gave me no news on that13:23
Trevinhohttps://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/+junk/snap-gnome-udt@split-parts+indicators-support is also something I'd do, or we prefer to add the after: stuff in the gnome-platform remote part?13:24
TrevinhoAs personally I think that it's just better to ship this integration stuff inside the runtime, so people has not to repackage it multiple times and... we can update it independently from apps13:24
didrocksyeah, let's get it inside the runtime13:24
didrockshowever, can you add it to other parts?13:24
didrockslike gtk3, qt…13:24
didrocksthe ones that don't use any platform snap13:25
TrevinhoI've the PR theat I linked before...13:25
Trevinhothat's doing it13:25
didrocksisn't that adding after:?13:25
Trevinhoyeah, what you meant, sorry?13:25
didrocksno, I meant, let's get that inside the part13:26
didrocksnot defining another part13:26
Trevinhoah... since it's compiling stuff, it would make things more cluttered13:26
didrocksI mean, this should just be part of desktop-launcher13:26
Trevinhowe can do it later once I've SRUed the changes13:26
didrockswell, depending on it will ask to compile it anyway?13:26
Trevinhoto xenial13:26
Trevinhosure... I fixed snapcraft for that13:26
didrocksyeah, but you know how it ends up with deps :)13:27
Trevinhoalso that is independent from desktop-launcher...13:27
Trevinhosure, you can still redefine those13:27
didrockswhy should it be?13:27
didrocksit's all one block "run my snap on the desktop"13:27
didrocksand integrate it13:27
Trevinhosure, i mean... indicators can be used independently13:27
didrockshem :)13:27
Trevinhosee https://github.com/3v1n0/indicators-examples-snaps13:27
didrocksa non desktop app using indicators?13:27
didrocksthey all deps on a toolkit13:28
didrocksbut let's keep that separate and finish that PR first13:28
TrevinhoI'd still need to use after anyway... So I'd keep them remote for now13:28
didrocksI'm quite opposed to "after:"13:28
Trevinhothen I'll SRU and we'll just add the deps13:28
didrockslet's finish that one: change plug name and slot name to be "platform"13:28
didrocksyeah ;)13:28
seb128Trevinho, let me know if you need help with the SRU13:29
didrockshelp/connect message13:29
didrocksand then, we sync that with the platform snap upload13:29
Trevinhoseb128: i'm preparing the branches for bileto now...13:29
didrocks(remove the install for now, I keep a note on doing it separetely, that's a great idea)13:30
seb128Trevinho, didrocks, did you agree on something?13:31
didrocksseb128: yeah, let's have plug/slot name being "platform"13:31
didrocksand mount point gnome-platform13:32
seb128didn't we agree that we needed the plug to be versioned?13:32
didrocksthe interface is versioned13:32
didrockslike content:13:33
didrocks(in a meeting)13:33
Trevinhodidrocks: I pushed the change13:33
didrocksTrevinho: you didn't push strongly enough it seems :)13:34
didrocksstill at https://github.com/ubuntu/snapcraft-desktop-helpers/pull/46/commits/2289e89d49bc86f2d4a9308846526cc4f137f18e13:34
Trevinhodidrocks: ah, you don't want that too?13:35
TrevinhoI mean, I removed the install thing13:35
didrocksok, let me build on yours13:35
didrocksafter the meeting13:35
didrocksthat will be quicker13:35
didrocksyou didn't get the renaming thing :)13:36
Trevinhowhat's missing :o13:36
didrocksas written13:36
didrockslet's rename the plug and slot to simply "platform"13:36
didrocks+    echo "snap connect $SNAP_NAME:gnome318-platform gnome318-udt:gnome318-platform"13:36
didrocks-> snap connect $SNAP_NAME:platform gnome318-udt:platform13:36
didrockswe don't need versioning here, because:13:36
didrocks- the platform snap is versioned13:37
didrocks- and the version is forced by +                content: gnome318-platform13:37
didrockson both side13:37
didrocksmaking sense?13:37
didrocksseb128: as well? ^13:37
seb128didrocks, Trevinho, sorry but I don't follow, what prevents somebody to "snap connect $SNAP_NAME:platform gnome319-udt:platform"?13:39
seb128if the content name is not versioned13:39
didrocksseb128: the content name is versioned13:41
Trevinhoseb128: I guess that default-provider: gnome318-udt:platform does that13:41
didrocksboth end needs to agree on the naming13:41
seb128didrocks, isn't the first part the name of the snap and the second the content?13:42
seb128didrocks, like "platform" would be the content there13:42
didrocksseb128: sorry, can't follow the discussion in this meeting, will have few minutes in ~45m13:43
didrocksseb128: but no13:43
didrocksseb128: first part is snap name13:43
didrockssecond is the plug name13:43
seb128didrocks, let's talk after your meeting13:44
didrocksyep :)13:44
seb128the content interface is confusing to me, nothing new13:44
seb128I keep mixing the content, slot, provider, et13:44
Trevinhomuktupavels: hey, are you here?13:53
muktupavelsTrevinho: yes :)13:53
Trevinhomuktupavels: good :-)13:54
Trevinhomuktupavels: hey, do you remember the rationale for https://code.launchpad.net/~muktupavels/libappindicator/watch-status-notifier-watcher-dbus-name/+merge/29853313:55
Trevinhoand... would you like to get that SRUed to xenial...?13:55
Trevinhoif so... I'd need a bug for that :-)13:55
muktupavelsNot sure if I remember...13:56
Trevinhomh :-)13:56
muktupavelswhy do you want to sru it?13:57
TrevinhoI don't want to, but since I've to do a release for libappindicator, I was wondering weather that was needed or not13:57
mitya57Trevinho, muktupavels: if for some reason indicator-application-service dies and restarts, the indicators should recover. That was the rationale.13:57
Trevinhoyeah, that is somehing that I was wondering to, but it generally did that anyway isn't it?13:58
muktupavelsmitya57: and it did not work before that, right?13:58
mitya57Yes, I think it didn't work.13:58
Trevinhohowever, let me look at the code further and... in the case, please mitya57 can you opena  bug with SRU headers please? :-)13:58
mitya57Trevinho, Actually I wanted to say that i-a-s rarely crashes (if at all), so maybe it's not worth a SRU13:59
Trevinhoas you guys prefer14:00
Sweet5harkseb128: libreoffice has been in the ppa for some time w/o any issues. it still has needs some tweaks for the final (e.g. move some externals from internal tarball to use dpkgs), but that can be done later still.14:27
seb128hey Sweet5hark14:27
Blu2_Sweet5hark, are you maintaining the libre office snap?14:28
Sweet5harkseb128: would you be fine with e.g. uploading today, so it can build over the weekend?14:28
seb128Sweet5hark, uploading to zesty sounds good to me ... I guess you didn't reapply to the dmb yet? ;-)14:28
seb128Sweet5hark, yes14:28
ricotzSweet5hark, hi, there are still transitional packages missing, and/or firebird re-enablement14:28
Sweet5harkBlu2_: yes14:28
Blu2_Sweet5hark, I recently noticed after installing the libre office snap, that I can't access my files which are in my symlinked folder (on seperate hdd)14:30
ricotzSweet5hark, fyi https://launchpadlibrarian.net/305238964/libreoffice_1%3A5.3.0~rc3-0ubuntu1~yakkety1_1%3A5.3.0~rc3-0ubuntu1~yakkety1.1.diff.gz (don't apply it like that though)14:30
Sweet5harkBlu2_: if that symlinked folder isnt in home, that is a Feature(tm) of snap. It has little to do with LibreOffice, and everything with the containerization. Maybe discuss with the friendly folks at #snappy?14:32
seb128Sweet5hark, let me know when there is something ready for sponsoring14:35
Sweet5harkseb128: will do14:35
Sweet5harkricotz: meh, yeah. human transitional is easy. lemme check the firebird stuff ...14:36
ricotzSweet5hark, I guess the human transitional should pull in some other available theme package14:37
ricotzSweet5hark, also libreoffice-sdbc-firebird is recommended while not being available14:37
Sweet5harkricotz: hmm, why? the stuff using human should have proper deps ...14:38
ricotzSweet5hark, and the mariadb vs mysql mentioned14:38
ricotzSweet5hark, just a thought to forcefully install something instead having the user endup without any14:39
ricotzthe transisional is empty of course ;(14:39
ricotzSweet5hark, https://paste.debian.net/plain/91369714:40
Sweet5harkricotz: libreoffice-common deps on libreoffice-style, libreoffice-gtk3 does dep on libreoffice-styles. its unlikely you end up with libreoffice but without a theme14:42
Blu2_Sweet5hark, they sent me here :D14:43
ricotzSweet5hark, right, hehe libreoffice-common suggests human14:43
Sweet5harkBlu2_: snaps are contained and the snappy folks are very proud of that. IIRC you can install snaps with --devmode, than you are not containered, which makes people unhappy. Anyway, this has nothing to do with the app and everything with snaps: so its wrong for this channel.14:47
ricotzSweet5hark, please take note of those things, I don't want to mention it a fourth time14:48
Sweet5harkBlu2_: again: its not an accident this is the case, it its intentional and by design of snap. if you want to discuss it, discuss it with the snap people. nothing about libreoffice causes this, nothing in libreoffice can "fix" it. only snap can.14:49
Sweet5harkricotz: what your beef with mariadb to create delta vs. Debian?15:04
ricotzSweet5hark, it is delta to the current ubuntu packaging which looked important and if mysql is still the default(?) it seems better to keep -- using "default" here seems fuzzy imho15:09
ricotzhaha, don't suggest you actually care about delta with debian ;)15:10
Sweet5harkricotz: well, of course its a delta to previous Ubuntu: it was an intentional change by Rene. So I am basically asking: why do you think Rene was wrong?15:11
ricotzSweet5hark, huh, I am *not* saying he/debian is wrong, I am just not aware of the situation of mariadb vs mysql in ubuntu15:12
ricotz(I am applying this for the backports to make sure keeping it mysql flavoured)15:13
Sweet5harkricotz: well, unless we _know_ it is a problem, we will keep with what Debian does for new releases.15:13
Sweet5harkricotz: but fine for backport (only) of course15:13
Sweet5harkno need to xkcd927 this more than needed.15:14
ricotzSweet5hark, fyi, mariadb is in universe and mysql in main, which likely suggests something15:17
Sweet5harkricotz: heh, now _thats_ and argument ;)15:18
* Sweet5hark changes back to mysql.15:18
Sweet5harkwell, checking back with _rene_. the main motive seems to be to use the internal build, not mysql-vs.-mariadb. in that case it might make sense. Also an internal mysql-cppconn wont cause new deps.15:25
Sweet5harkricotz: ^^15:25
didrocksseb128: sooooooo15:30
didrocksseb128: content interface is a little bit special15:30
didrocksas any other interface, you have a slot/plug15:31
didrocksthey can differ on both side15:31
didrocksbut I think we should name them "platform"15:31
didrocksso that connect is:15:31
didrocksfoo-app:platform gnome318-udt:platform15:31
didrocksfor them to be able to connect15:31
didrocksthey need to have a matching "content: <name>"15:31
didrockscontent: gnome318-platform15:32
didrocksor even just content: gnome31815:32
didrocksfor instance15:32
seb128so you have 3 parameters there?15:33
didrocks(yeah, I dislike the "content" term, it should be "type")15:33
seb128<snapname>:<plugname> and a content which is not specified?15:33
didrocksyeah, content is in the plug and slot definition15:33
seb128so why did you ask me to version the plugname back then?15:33
didrocks(you have a 4th parameter in the plug, which is target: path)15:34
seb128I had "gnome-runtime" in a first iteration15:34
seb128I think you asked me to add the version in a review round15:34
* seb128 reads old logs15:34
didrocksseb128: I think I did for the content, then, I probably wasn't clear because of being tired (it was after some sleepless night after my child was born IIRC :p)15:34
didrocksso sorry for creating this misunderstanding/mistake15:35
seb128no, we did that in december15:35
didrocksoh really?15:35
seb128it's probably my fault15:35
didrocksI don't remember, my memory is all foggy :)15:35
seb128but I don't really understand15:35
seb128the gnome runtime snapcraft.yaml has only 1 name15:36
seb128    content:15:36
seb128      content: gnome318-runtime15:36
didrocksare you sure?15:36
didrocksI don't understand the second line "content:"15:36
didrocksit's the slot name15:36
didrocksit should be gnome318-runtime from the current doc15:37
didrocks(and so, we want to change it to "platform")15:37
seb128sorry I opened an old version on disk15:37
seb128but that worked15:37
didrockswith a different connect command15:37
seb128Kyle recommended to use "content" as the slot name because that way you don't need to add a "interface: content" line15:37
didrocksI slightely disagree to this, I think ease of use for the user is better15:38
seb128it's confusing though15:38
didrocksand knowing that slot and plug name would be "platform" for platform snaps help15:38
seb128current version is15:38
seb128    gnome318-runtime:15:39
seb128      interface: content15:39
seb128      content: gnome318-runtime15:39
seb128      read:15:39
seb128        - /15:39
seb128 15:39
seb128so you get 2 labels which are the same but not the same15:39
didrocksyeah, that matches the instructions we got15:39
didrocksright, that's what I want to remove15:39
didrockshaving line 2 "platform:"15:39
seb128so what is the "content" about?15:40
didrocksthe content is what both slots/plugs needs to match to be able to connect15:40
didrocksit's the "type" of content if you prefer15:40
didrocksI would set this to "content: gnome318" if it was me15:40
seb128I don't understand snappy there15:40
didrocksso, if you have an app with content: gnome320, it won't connect to gnome318-udt snap15:40
seb128why do you need content to match15:41
seb128you connect to an content interface which as a name15:41
seb128the combo snap_name/slot_name should be unique15:41
didrocksyeah, I raised my concern on the spec doc about that15:41
didrocksthey decided another way15:41
didrocksand that the ABI is on "content"15:41
seb128so the ABI is not exposed at connect time?15:42
didrocksnope, it's just ensured it matches though15:42
didrocksbut not displayed in the command line15:42
seb128the issue I've with "platform" is that the connect line doesn't tell you what API you connect to15:42
didrockswell, you know what API you connect to15:42
seb128you connect to "platform" but don't know what is behind then15:42
didrocksfrom the snap platform name15:43
seb128unless you open the snapcraft15:43
seb128well, as an user I've no clue if that provides the right thing15:43
seb128or what it provides15:43
didrocksneither naming the same will tell you15:43
didrocksit will be even worse15:43
didrocksyou will think it's what should match15:43
didrocksbut it won't15:43
didrocks(or it won't necesarrily)15:44
seb128I'm concerned that some user are going to think "ok, so it wants a platform, gnome320 has one as well, let's try how it works with 320 and connect to that one instead"15:45
seb128since they both provide a "platform" slot15:45
didrocksthe error message should tell you the content doesn't match15:45
seb128and then get confused15:45
didrocksI hope it does :)15:45
didrocksyou can try, did you upload a snap working with your platform?15:45
seb128not yet, I've local builds though15:46
seb128but even if the error is clear15:46
seb128I'm not sure it's not going to confuse users?15:46
didrocksI start to wonder if it was me asking you to put the version in the slot or if you didn't yourself :)15:46
didrockswell, I find it confusing that in the same line, you set the same version 3 times, don't you?15:46
didrocksand even with that, you are not sure that content: will match15:47
didrocksso it's even more confusing if it doesn't15:47
didrockslet me see the error message15:47
seb128well if as a convention we use slot_name = content_name it's less ambigious15:47
seb128then you can have e.g gnome-xenial:gnome318-platform15:47
didrocksyou can say snap_name = content_name15:47
didrockswhich is what you did already15:48
didrocks(platform snap)15:48
seb128didrocks, reading the log you hinted that I should version the "content" indeed15:49
seb128I just got confused that we have a label for the slot and one for the content15:49
didrocksI'm not *that* inconsistent :)15:50
didrocksI'm trying to connect things that shouldn't15:50
didrocksone sec15:50
seb128didrocks, ok, so yeah, "platform" wfm, I still find it confusing but it's the snappy way which is (the 3 objects rather than 2), not something we can fix from that platform example15:50
didrockswe have autoconnects it seems now15:51
didrocksat least, for kde apps15:51
seb128needs to be set/flagged on the store side I think15:51
seb128but yeah, if you know who to ask they can do it15:51
didrocksubuntu-app-platform:platform            kbruch:kde-frameworks-5-plug15:52
didrocksI was able to connect…15:52
didrocks  kde-frameworks-5-plug:15:52
didrocks    content: kde-frameworks-5-all15:52
didrocksa new bug I think15:52
didrocksseb128: ok, look at #snappy15:56
didrocksknown bug15:56
didrocksdue to that, you almost convinced me of versionning the slot/plug name :p15:57
didrocksoh man…15:59
didrocksso, rereading the spec15:59
didrocksyou can avoid declaring "content:"15:59
didrocksif it matches plug name15:59
didrocksthat could worth the addition15:59
seb128right, that was my example before15:59
didrockswe did define content: still15:59
didrocksit seems you can just skip it this way16:00
didrocksfrom the spec16:00
didrocksto be tested, see what happens on enforcing the name…16:00
seb128oh ok16:00
Trevinhosorry, my train connection was too weak to follow the discussion... moved to 4g now...16:00
Trevinhoso... what's the final decision? :-)16:00
didrocksTrevinho: no worry, no decision yet16:00
didrocksseb128: do you mind testing removing content: on both side?16:00
didrocksor I can on Monday16:01
didrocksand that way, we version the plug/slot name16:01
didrocksand just name it "gnome318-platform"16:01
seb128didrocks, I can try in a bit, but we can continue on monday ... though that would still mean duplication of versions on the command line which we didn't like16:03
seb128didrocks, Trevinho, in fact I think I don't care much either way16:03
seb128so whatever you guys prefer is fine16:03
didrockslet's go with duplication, removing content:16:03
didrocksbut ensuring it works first16:03
seb128it's 5pm on a friday anyway16:03
didrocksyeah :)16:04
seb128so let's test properly and land on monday16:04
didrocksTrevinho: if you want to prepare it. Remove "content:" line in help, plug-name is "gnome318-platform"16:04
didrocksnot going to be merged right away16:04
didrocksthis is the decision, if it works :)16:04
TrevinhoI'm in the SRU stuff now...16:06
didrocksyeah, no hurry!16:07
Sweet5harkricotz: hmm, why "firebird reenablement"? AFAICS we had firebird disabled in 5.2 as well, so no change there?16:08
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Laneyget out there quick16:27
Laneyit'll be gone16:27
willcookesad snowman16:27
willcookemaybe :^(16:27
ricotzSweet5hark, right, so just a transitional needed while the previous empty package got dropped16:30
xnoxwillcooke, https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fsoverybritish%2Fposts%2F1273931125988106&width=50016:38
TrevinhoLOL, I thought my laptop was becoming crazy, since without no reason from time to time it was writing stuff by itself.... After looking at all the software options I had in mind... I figured out that I had a bluetooth keyboard in my backpack... Still active :-D16:38
willcookexnox, HA!!16:38
seb128Trevinho, :-)16:39
davmor2willcooke: We Can HAZ SNOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!!!16:42
Sweet5harkwillcooke: incoming!16:46
* Sweet5hark throws snowball16:47
Blu2_where does it snow?16:48
Sweet5harkre (leet haxx0r behind vpn n0w)17:24
Laneyreviewing merges sucks17:36
seb128Laney, do you know about using ksplice? I don't understand what's wrong on the langpack instance/how to fix it17:41
Laneylook at /var/log/uptrack/17:41
Laneysee if you can see it doing things17:41
seb128no such file or directory17:42
Laneynot /17:43
Sweet5harkLaney: always require rebase/cherry-pick, problem solved. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ https://twitter.com/Sweet5hark/status/82981712779221401617:43
seb128Laney, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23968015/17:45
Laneyseb128: looks like it's doing stuff17:48
Laneycheck with #webops17:48
LaneyI got some alerts about that check before that I think were false17:48
seb128k, thanks17:49
Sweet5harkseb128: currently uploading to http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/zesty/5.3.0/ -- I havent tested yet to build on armhf. currently also upload that to lp today for armhf-testing. would you want to wait to make sure armhf builds, or go ahead as-is as ff is looming next week?17:50
LaneyI think it puts things in syslog too maybe17:50
Laneydmesg | grep ksplice17:50
LaneySweet5hark: debian merge :(17:51
Laneyfor git I'm all about the rebase17:51
seb128Sweet5hark, I would just upload17:51
Sweet5harkLaney: ah. heh. sympathies.17:52
Sweet5harkseb128: k, thx17:53
seb128Laney, only success lines, I asked on #webops, let's see17:53
Sweet5harkseb128: I give you a ping when the upload completed.17:53
seb128Sweet5hark, k17:54
Laneyoff to go and look at nice lights18:02
seb128Laney, enjoy! (is that a festival?)18:03
Laneyyeah this thing http://www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/media/456153/77686-ncd-robin-hood-energy-light-night-final-version.pdf18:03
seb128have a nice w.e desktopers!18:08
flexiondotorgAnd you seb12818:10
willcookedinner time, niht all18:10
Sweet5harkupload to http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/zesty/5.3.0/ finished.19:08
Sweet5hark^^ in case you are bored on the weekend, seb12819:09
Sweet5harkwith that, /me is off too.19:09
jbichaseb128: I could probably upload LO, if you're done for the weekend19:19

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