
GrapesAre we on 17.04 yet?01:13
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sarnoldGrapes: feature freeze is next week01:27
rizonzGrapes: meh I'm just deploying 16.04 :P01:43
countingdaisiesWhen I run sudo a2enmod php5.6-curl  it tells me  "ERROR: Module php5.6-curl does not exist!"  but when I run sudo dpkg -l | grep curl I get this:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/23964773/  which shows that php5.6-curl is installed (doesn't it?). What am I doing wrong?03:57
sarnoldhrm if you're going to use sury' repo you may have to ask him for help :/03:58
patdk-lapthinking that php curl has anything at all to do with apache03:58
sarnoldoh? is it enought to just have it installed and then php can use it?03:59
patdk-lapisn't that what phpenmod is for?03:59
sarnoldno idea03:59
sarnoldtis a silly language, I never go there :)04:00
countingdaisiesnot sure what all that means but ok.04:25
patdk-lapcountingdaisies, that was the point04:32
gaurangthi, is OpenStack mitaka release supported for xenial (16.04). It seems the documentation is little confusing here - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OpenStack/CloudArchive07:25
gaurangtthe timeline here shows that the Mitaka release is the latest stable supported release for Xenial (16.04). But the below section "How to enable and Use" states that the mitaka cloud archive is only supported on trusty (14.04).07:28
gaurangtI also see a bug opened for this which is confirmed but not yet fixed.07:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1616454 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "Mitaka cloud-archive not supported on Xenial" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:29
cpaelzergaurangt: 16.04 effectively "IS" Mitaka07:51
cpaelzergaurangt: if you look at the drawing on the link you sent, you see that M is the last one on top of 14.0407:51
cpaelzergaurangt: and then 16.04 LTS starts and it starts with an M right underneath07:51
cpaelzerwith the same support time07:51
cpaelzergaurangt: so the reason for "Mitaka cloud archive only supported on Trusty" is that Xenial does not need a "cloud archive" to have it07:52
cpaelzerit is just supported by being Xenial07:52
cpaelzergaurangt: sorry - does that make any sense to you?07:52
sarnoldthanks for the explanation cpaelzer -- it helps me anyway :)07:53
cpaelzergreat, if gaurangt would ack I could maybe move that into the bug as explanation.07:54
gaurangtcpaelzer, thanks. Does that mean we need not add the cloud archive in xenial for mitaka and it can itself install the packages from standard xenial repo, right?07:58
cpaelzergaurangt: exactly07:59
gaurangtcpaelzer, ok. That helps. Thanks :)07:59
cpaelzerrbasak: nis doesn't seem to be in usd-i, could you run an import and ping me ?08:07
gaurangtcpaelzer, if someone wants to install the OpenStack M release in xenial and doesn't have internet access, what are the recommendations?08:11
sarnolda full ubuntu archive is only a tb, you could mirror the whole thing from starbucks and set up your own mirror in your bunker on that :)08:13
gaurangtsarnold, yeah, some customers may choose not to have internet access to their machines. So I believe we should recommend them to have a local mirror setup on one machine which has access to internet and then access this mirror from the machines we need to access.08:15
gaurangtsarnold, thanks :)08:15
sarnoldgaurangt: the juju / maas / conjureup stuff should all handle proxies of some sort by now, I think08:16
sarnold(I have to admit I haven't tested, but it seemed to be a frequent request a year ago and I don't see much of it today..)08:16
cpaelzeralso many of those caring enough to do local mirror also go for this and many other things that landscape provides08:18
cpaelzerhttps://landscape.canonical.com/static/doc/user-guide/ch09.html#idm46055123390496 https://landscape.canonical.com/static/doc/api/repositories.html08:18
cpaelzergaurangt: ^^ you might take a look08:19
cpaelzerthat will also do like update management and oh so many other things08:19
gaurangtcpaelzer, sure, will check. Thanks08:19
sarnoldcool, i've not seen this before :)08:19
cpaelzerrbasak: I was going through my old repo of nis, and identified that all Deltas can be dropped now making it a sync08:24
cpaelzerrbasak: I'll do some tests08:24
cpaelzernacc: ah FYI - I picked nis08:24
cpaelzerrbasak: arr another upload permission thing - this time nis09:37
cpaelzerrbasak: this is MOTU at the moment09:37
cpaelzerrbasak: it will become a sync now, but I can't sync it09:37
cpaelzerrbasak: what would you think - is adding server-dev to nis reasonable?09:38
cpaelzerrbasak: or OTOH - you might just call the sync for me if you want (syncpackage --debian-version=3.17.1-1 --force --verbose nis)09:38
rbasakcpaelzer: I think I should sponsor the sync for you for now, and you should use it as evidence for your MOTU and/or core dev applications :)09:43
rbasakcpaelzer: so for that purpose you do you mind using requestsync please?09:43
cpaelzerrbasak: of course09:44
cpaelzerrbasak: I have even documented the reasoning for why a delta drop is ok http://paste.ubuntu.com/23965942/09:44
cpaelzerrbasak: can I add that on requestsync anywhere?09:44
rbasakAh, great!09:44
* cpaelzer goes studying requestsync09:44
rbasakrequestsync is just a wrapper around filing a bug. So you can always add stuff to the bug later.09:45
cpaelzerrbasak: I just see that was the weird TIL lock remerge you did over it09:48
cpaelzerrbasak: can you to make my stament 100% proven a usd-i sync for it ?09:49
cpaelzerI want to check any potential delta in ubuntu2 and ubuntu3 more explicitly09:50
cpaelzerI'm running through debdiffs now, so if usd-i doesn't work it is ok09:51
rbasakRunning it now.09:59
cpaelzerrbasak: sync request bug 166353510:11
ubottubug 1663535 in nis (Ubuntu) "all Delta can be dropped, please sync nis 3.17.1-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/166353510:11
cpaelzerAlso added my Tests as extra proof now10:12
cpaelzerrbasak: I started a "reason for MOTU" example list, once it reaches three items I'll apply10:12
cpaelzercoreycb: zul: qemu is still blocked on the OOMing test - if not resolved anyway til then could we meet in a Hangout on Monday to talk about how to get things passing before FF?10:16
cpaelzercoreycb: zul: in that case just drop me an invite for monday when it works for you10:16
cpaelzercoreycb: zul: in the case that you have an upload that fixes it anyway - thanks and no need for a call then10:16
metachr0nhi everyone ... i've been experiencing issues relating to pam and systemd ... ssh logins are terribly slow ... it was like this before ... did an update went away ... new update and its back11:55
metachr0nthat is during an sudo11:57
metachr0nthe odd thing is that its done this like three times11:59
metachr0nits 16.04 btw11:59
metachr0nand basically ... a dist-upgrade and its fixed for awhile11:59
metachr0nanother and its broken again11:59
metachr0nany ideas?11:59
metachr0ni can't disable PAM because yeah ... thats no good12:00
metachr0nwe use LDAP and normal user accounts, and google authenticator12:00
metachr0ngetent passwd is without delay12:00
metachr0nany help in troubleshooting or seeing more verbosity might be helpful too12:01
fricklerwhat is the difference between nova-api and nova-api-os-compute? installing the former removes the latter, but also nova-placement-api, though if I understand http://docs.openstack.org/developer/nova/placement.html correctly, I need to run the placement API in addition to either of the first two12:21
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tewardthis may sound like an odd question, but is there a way to add a user to the group that can work with lxc/lxd without needing to use `sudo`?16:08
teward'cause apparently I can't figure out how to do it16:08
tewardoh wait i probably should reboot nevermind16:08
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BloodStoneteward, you can allow a user to run sudo on a specific command in /etc/sudoers.d/16:15
* nacc hitting enter before reading if tabcomplete worked -^ :)16:21
bluekingone can't access ssh on ubuntu from different subnets ?16:25
powersjnacc: can I get you to import autofs please?17:46
drabblueking: well can you ping the host to begin with?17:46
drabif the subnets aren't routable the host won't simply be reachable17:47
naccpowersj: running17:51
powersjnacc: thank you sir17:54
bluekingdrap after set rp_filter=0 on /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/  all  and default  I can ping ubuntu machine17:55
bluekingdrab even :P17:56
bluekingdrab looked like drap :P17:56
bluekingdrab from denmark ?17:56
drabnope, from... I actually don't even know anymore, sometimes I feel like I was born in an airport17:57
drabblueking: what do you get if you run ssh -vvvv host ?17:58
drabdoes it try to connect at all or what?17:58
bluekingthat have to wait adding two more hdd's on machine now17:58
drabk, np17:58
bluekingdamn have seagate killed those middle holes  only 4 holes  2 on each side    used to be 3 on each side...17:59
bluekinghard drive mounting brackets doesn't fit :/17:59
bluekingit's too short :/17:59
naccpowersj: done18:57
soopanyone care to point me to a howto to convert a physical ubuntu box to a vm?19:38
lynoriansoop, first question what hypervisor will you be using for the vm?19:39
sarnoldmy first attempt would look like: boot to another media; dd if=/dev/sda of=/tmp/vm_img.raw ; qemu-img convert to qcow2 or whatever19:40
sooplynorian: hyper-v *blech*19:51
lynoriansoop, sorry do not know anything about hyperv so cannot help you there19:55
DammitJimwhy is it that just now I ssh'd into my ubuntu 16 server and I'm seeing *** System restart required ***20:00
DammitJimI thought I had selected NOT to perform automatic updates?20:00
drab_DammitJim: do you have unattended-upgrade installed? you may have selected "security updates" only, which may require a restart20:41
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drabsee if you have unattended-upgrade installed and what /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades says20:42
DammitJimoh, let me check21:11
naccpowersj: are you waiting on any more reviews from me for your merges21:36
powersjnacc: nope just that one, rbasak has my other22:40
powersjnacc: thanks for looking at it! that was my first :)22:40
naccpowersj: np22:40
VillageHello, what means - "dpkg -L lua-socket" command at terminal?23:22
tarpmanVillage: list the files owned by the installed package "lua-socket"23:24
OerHeksdpkg -L = --listfiles package-name23:24
tarpmanVillage: for more details: man 1 dpkg23:24
Villageoh so not interesting command23:24
Villagethatk guys23:24
sarnoldwhat do you mean "not interesting"? :) I use it all the time :)23:27
geniisarnold: I find dpkg -S filename  generally useful23:28
sarnoldgenii: I use that one more frequently, yes :)23:28

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