
kaosineLavinho: if you're asking how to install it on there, you either need to burn the ISO for lubuntu to a CD or make a bootable flashdrive00:03
* kaosine is really considering doing the same thing with a older laptop too if he can fix the battery issues with it >_>00:03
daffodilheh i'm working on trying to get lubuntu onto a lenovo s10e right now, having some i/o issues i haven't worked around00:04
daffodili downloaded a tool called rufus on a windows machine and used that to write the iso to a USB stick00:04
daffodilLavinho, download the lubuntu iso you want and then read and do this:  https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows (assuming you ahve a windows machine you can use)00:05
kaosineyeah I've got several old laptops I'm contemplating putting lubuntu on but I need to fix their battery issues first and that's money I don't have00:05
kaosineI'd track down a cheap lenovo instead but it'd probably be easier to buy a new battery for the systems XD00:06
daffodilbattery working fine in the lenovo, battery seems to be dead in this old toshiba i'm putting full ubuntu on now, but still runs from power cord so running with it00:06
daffodili keep getting that errno 5 input/output error that says spin the CD/DVD at a lower rate even though it doesn't have a CD/DVD drive and i'm installing from USB00:06
daffodilso if you have any tips on that i'd be grateful, best advice i found on google so far was 'keep trying, did it about 20 times for me and then finally worked'  LOL00:07
kaosineI'm also running lubuntu inside of parallels on mac so there's that too XD00:07
daffodilah cool :)  what's parallels?  virtual machine for mac?  i've done dual boot on windows before but not mac00:07
daffodilcurrent macbook about 5 years old, looking to get new one soon and may set up dual boot, haven't thought that far ahead yet00:07
kaosineyeah it's one of the better VM's I've ever found00:07
daffodilthis weekend's project was to figure out what to do with two old laptops and see if i can get my raspberry pi going so i can install a detachable IRC client00:08
kaosineit basically allows for a setup near wine but better but also requires you to have the OS in question for it to work. I was really hoping to possibly revive a old xp machine long enough to move it to parallels or some vm at least00:09
kaosineit'd be nice to have win95/98 because there's some oddities I've not been able to get up in wine00:09
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daffodilcool :)00:09
kaosinenamely some old Learning Company games.....00:10
daffodilubuntu install going fine so far on old toshiba, not sure what to do with the lenovo.  i checked memory and it passed 100%.  checked hard drive and it had 13 errors00:10
daffodili'll keep googling this errno 5 thing but if you have any ideas let me know00:12
kaosinewhat would be really nice is I think one or more old laptops I saved from the trash are XP machines and get a docking station I can slide them into and run as a desktop or pull their OS. I might even have a old 98 computer with a bad screen that I could pull that from if it still works.00:12
kaosinebut yeah all those error codes I'm likely not to be the best person to ask....I may know ubu to some extent but error codes are something I usually never get unless I configure something wrong00:13
daffodilno problem, thanks though :)00:27
daffodilubuntu installation on toshiba seems to be successful00:27
daffodiland in the meantime i got two eggdrops to talk to each other (megahal script) and the results are amazingly funny00:27
daffodilnew ubuntu is app-like00:36
daffodillike a mac00:36
daffodilrunning upgrades on it now, then hopefully can download the raspberry pi image i want and actually flash it to the memory card correctly00:37
=== LONGERSTAFF13 is now known as longerstaff13
kaosinedaffodil: yeah i've not been a fan of the straight ubuntu since 14(?) when they did that weird unity windows manager in it. It got super battery intensive on the comptuer I had it on back then XD00:43
daffodili have to say it's interesting looking at it00:45
daffodilit's like where do i go to look at the software that's on it00:45
daffodiland now it's gone to an app store type deal00:45
daffodili guess you use the search for everything, kind of weird00:47
daffodilah well00:47
kaosinesee and I prefer the windows start menu so lxde is great00:47
daffodilmy primary computer is a macbook so i don't mind too much00:47
kaosineI'm still not knowledgeable on how to add my wine programs to the menu so yeah XD00:48
kaosineI still prefer this over macOS and windows though. If I knew I could easily manipulate wine and install anything I need for school  in wine I'd be happy00:49
xanguakaosine: not anything tho00:58
kaosinexangua: ??01:00
xanguaHello Cuba01:01
jcuba89I am having troubles with the bright of my screen Can u help me?01:01
jcuba89What can I do?01:02
jcuba89Can anyone help me please?01:03
kaosinejcuba89: that sounds like it should be a button on your monitor or keyboard(if it's a laptop)01:04
jcuba89it is a laptop01:04
jcuba89I used to have lubuntu 16 0401:05
kaosinethen yeah there's probably a button/key combination for the laptop. I'd recommended looking up a manual for the computer  to see which it is01:05
jcuba89 and I had to go back because a friend gave me the complete offline repo01:06
jcuba89I didnt have that problem back ther because I had a control01:06
jcuba89over the batery icon01:06
jcuba89but now I dont01:07
jcuba89and my screen is too bright01:07
jcuba89Yeah I already looked the manual01:08
jcuba89and  didnt find what I needed01:08
jcuba89What can I do01:08
jcuba89Any ideas please????????????????01:09
daffodilmy laptop has it on the f keys so i hold down the fn and use f6 and f7 to decrease and increase respectively01:09
daffodilalthough on my macbook it's f5 and f601:09
daffodiloh no sorry f1 and f201:09
jcuba89the f keys?01:09
daffodilyeah, the function keys along the top01:10
daffodilthose usually adjust brightness on laptops01:10
daffodiltwo of them anyway01:10
daffodilbut i'm off for the night, good luck, nice tlaking to you kaosine01:10
jcuba89my laptop has a z in f1 and a plane in f201:10
jcuba89OK have a nice night01:11
jcuba89Can anybody else help me??????????????01:11
jcuba89What is the fn key?01:12
wxljcuba89: what computer do you have?01:13
nc_hey I'm having an issue with one of my PCs getting it to connect to the internet. it says it has a strong wifi signal and connected but all browsers say DNS server can't be resolved/reached. I tried restarting network manager and that didn't work I even restarted the pc a few times.02:05
nx9010Hey everyone, I've got some issue where I can't open my Software, does anyone have a better solution to getting new software on Lubuntu? running on an old laptop here12:09
nx9010I mean the software center12:09
pavlushkanx9010: you can try Synaptic12:58
nx9010pavlushka, I have Synaptic package manager13:03
pavlushkanx9010: so you can work from there to manage packages13:04
pavlushkanx9010: or it seems a little complex? synaptic13:05
nx9010Yes I wish I had a software center like in Ubuntu13:06
nx9010Running on an old laptop here so I am forced to use Lubuntu, even Xubuntu did not run smooth on it.13:06
daffodildo it from command line14:49
daffodilsudo apt-get install <package>14:50
Lavinhohelp me18:33
Lavinhoi cant install lubuntu on ideapad 100s18:33
crankypussanybody here using lubuntu on xps13?22:54
crankypussok thx22:57

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