
k1l_v5: chown them  back to your user:user00:00
helpmeh_>tfw should of installed mint00:00
bazhanghelpmeh_, stay on topic here00:00
v5@k1l_ already did , i also deleted them , they got regenerated but didn't solve the issue00:00
k1l_helpmeh_: you will ruin every os with your way of running random commands.00:00
k1l_v5: "sudo service lightdm start"00:01
helpmeh_is it ruined now then?00:01
bazhanghelpmeh_, yes00:01
k1l_helpmeh_: sudo apt purge virtualbox*00:01
v5@k1l_ then i reboot ?00:02
k1l_v5: did you run the service command?00:02
v5@k1l_ yes it issued the command but didn't return anything00:02
k1l_v5: what was the output? did it bring lightdm up? can you change to tty7?00:03
v5@k1l_ tty00:03
v5@k1l_ tty7 still have the same visual bug , no login , only wallpaper "zoomed"00:04
helpmeh_ERROR broken count > 000:04
v5@k1l_ also , it returned no output00:04
k1l_helpmeh_: grep ^ /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* | nc termbin.com 999900:05
helpmeh_bash: /etc/apt/sources.list: Permission denied Use netcat.00:05
v5@k1l_ i don't know if it helps , but start lightdm returns "start: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused"00:05
k1l_v5: what ubuntu is it?00:06
Error|404helppmeh_: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list00:07
v5@k1l_ Xubuntu .Linux v5 4.4.0-57-generic #78-Ubuntu GNU/Linux00:07
helpmeh_do i ctrl c now?00:08
k1l_v5: sudo start lightdm00:08
k1l_helpmeh_: grep ^ /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*00:09
k1l_show the output please00:09
v5@k1l_ same error00:10
k1l_v5: sudo systemctl start lightdm.service00:10
v5@k1l_ sysctl: cannot stat /proc/sys/start: No such file or directory ** sysctl: cannot stat /proc/sys/lightdm/service: No such file or directory00:11
k1l_helpmeh_: "sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/virtualbox.list"00:12
k1l_v5: how did you install that xubuntu there?00:13
helpmeh_rm: cannot remove '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/virtualbox.lis': No such file or directory00:13
k1l_v5: was it a regular xubuntu isntll?00:13
k1l_helpmeh_: you cut the t from list off00:13
hggdhhelpmeh_: you provided the wrong file name to 'rm '00:13
v5@k1l_ yea , i've been using it for quite a while now , i remember i have had this problem before , but totally forgot how i fixed it00:14
k1l_v5: so lightdm is installed at all :)00:14
k1l_v5: sudo apt install lightdm00:14
v5@k1l_ lightdm is actually installed00:15
helpmeh_i did it now00:15
v5@k1l_ should i like uninstall & reinstall it ?00:15
k1l_v5: worth a try, imho00:16
k1l_helpmeh_: dpkg -l | grep virtualbox00:16
v5@k1l_ i didn't mention it , but i'm using lightdm-gtk-greeter , maybe it could help00:17
k1l_helpmeh_: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade00:17
budderhow can i extract/import files into a disk image iso? using windows00:18
v5@k1l_ reinstalled , gives the same error00:19
bazhangbudder, the debian firmware?00:19
budderyes. how did you know00:20
bazhangbudder why ask here00:20
bazhangthis is ubuntu support budder00:20
budderbazhang: i just need help extracting/importing files to an iso00:20
budderusing windows00:20
k1l_helpmeh: please run "apt policy virtualbox virtualbox-ext-pack" and show the output here00:21
k1l_budder: ask ##windows for that.00:21
bazhangbudder, as #debian support said, thats not the way to do it00:21
budderbazhang: then how?00:21
budderbazhang: i am not getting much over there00:21
bazhangbudder, so keep the debian support issues in the proper channel, which is not this one00:22
budderk1l_: thanks for the suggestion00:22
k1l_helpmeh_: ok. "sudo apt install -f"00:23
budderjoin/ windows00:23
FredeFor some reason my ubuntu server is unable to access the internet. However I'm currently running it as a bridge between my regular computer and the internet. The computer can access the internet just fine through the bridge. I can ping and ssh to my server no problem, from my regular computer. But I can't ping from my ubuntu server. I'm not even sure where to start looking.00:25
k1l_helpmeh_: ok. this should work now. you have the ubuntu repo verison of virtualbox and the virtualbox extensions pack installed00:27
tomreynFrede: start by providing information abouthow you set up the bridging00:27
tomreyn"ip a; ip l" on both systems may help. please don't refer to your desktop / endpoint system as "computerĀ§, sincethis term is ambigousouy00:28
k1l_helpmeh_: if you dont know what the commands will do you can ask here.00:28
tomreynFrede: ^00:28
helpmeh_thank you everything fixed :)00:29
tomreyn* ambigous00:29
helpmeh_is there a bsd room?00:31
v5@k1l "service lightdm start" returned  : Job for lightdm.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status lightdm.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.00:31
k1l_v5: ah that is actually leading somewhere00:32
v5@k1l_ yea , want me to pastebin the systemctl status command ?00:32
k1l_v5: systemctl status lightdm.service would be good to see why its failing00:32
k1l_v5: yeah, you can use "systemctl status lightdm.service  | nc termbin.com 9999"00:32
v5@k1l_ http://termbin.com/7ylf00:34
v5@k1l_ i'd delete openvpn since it looks like it's causing probs , but i'm not sure00:35
k1l_v5: did you remove that right now or before the paste?00:37
miceswhy does uninstalling firefox cause lubuntu-desktop to also be uninstalled?00:37
bazhangmices, thats a metapackage, ok to remove00:37
k1l_mices: because lubuntu-desktop has that as a dependency00:37
miceslubuntu-desktop is a metapackage needed for what?00:38
micesto run firefox?00:38
k1l_mices: for lubuntu.00:38
bazhangfor lubuntu mices00:38
micesbut you say it's ok to uninstall lubuntu-desktop?00:38
k1l_if you isntall lubuntu-desktop it will pull in all the programs you need for the full desktop experience.00:38
micesi see00:38
bazhangmices correct00:38
miceslisten to this short story00:39
bazhangmices what short story is that00:39
micesi installed on a acer aspire one zg5 with 1gb ram00:39
k1l_mices: so if you remove lubuntu-desktop there is still lxde etc installed.00:39
micesi thought it was slow so i uninstalled firefox and installed chrome and it got a lot faster00:39
micesit went from unusable to usable00:40
micesyoutube videos im talking about00:40
micesthen i noticed if  i uninstall lubuntu-desktop goes with it00:40
micesmakes me say hmmm00:41
bazhangmices, as said thats not an issue00:41
micesso then it seems firefox itself is slower than chrome00:41
bazhangmices, with a scant one gb ram, hard to believe firefox ran at all00:42
bazhangmices so accept the limitations of your very low ram system, or up the ram00:43
micesin case anyone ever tries to sell you one, the zg5 maxes out at 1.5gb ram00:43
micescause it has 512mb soldered on00:44
bazhangmices well thats hardly topical here00:44
bazhang#ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat mices00:44
micesfor what it's worth it runs great with 1.5gb ram and lubuntu/chromium00:45
micesno need for a better pc00:45
v5@k1l_ my connexion died , did u send smth ?00:45
k1l_v5: what video card is it?00:45
micesi'm happy with lxqt it works good00:45
bazhang!ot | mices00:46
ubottumices: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:46
bazhangmices Please chatter somewhere else00:46
v5@k1l_ 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 06)00:46
sveinseOn my NAS running Ubuntu 16.04, I often, if not always, have to manually restart the smbd service after reboot, otherwise the users are not granted login. Anybody knows if this a known issue?00:46
Night_sveinse:  does NAS come with smb now?00:49
topkekwhat is ubuntu debate chan?00:49
k1l_v5: ok, that should not be a video driver issue then00:49
sveinseNight_: No, not a pre-build NAS. A stanard PC running as the role of NAS.00:50
topkekhow do i register00:50
v5@k1l_ worth pointing it : my wireless card is kinda weird , it usually dc from times to time (on linux only) and i got some error earlier00:51
bazhang /msg nickserv help topkek00:51
k1l_v5: did you try a reboot and chose an older kernel in grub?00:51
Night_sveinse:  i do same, smb works fine00:51
Night_how did you install smb00:52
v5@k1l_ no00:52
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v5@k1l_ should i do it ?00:52
topkek\nick topkektyrone00:52
k1l_v5: yes00:52
=== topkek is now known as topkektyrone
v5@k1l_ okay00:52
sveinseNight_: installed the samba package. And smb does work fine. As long as I restart smbd after reboot.00:53
k1l_sveinse: i am not aware of that issue00:53
Night_is it even in intii.d?00:54
Night_do you have /etc/init.d/smbd00:54
k1l_sveinse: i could just imagin, that its starting smb before the network is ready (due to hardware/drivers) and that makes failures00:55
helphelpehlphi how do I increase mouse sensitivity in Ubuntu00:55
helphelpehlpI need to make my mouse pointer FASTER00:55
sveinsek1l_: yes, that is plausable. systemd race things00:55
helphelpehlpi'm using a touchpad00:55
topkektyronewhy cant i join offtopic?00:55
k1l_topkektyrone: need login after register00:56
helphelpehlpAnyone help, would please00:56
topkektyronehave to read  email i put a@b.com00:56
Night_helphelpehlp:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/205676/how-to-change-mouse-speed-sensitivity00:56
Night_at least try to google your issue00:57
k1l_topkektyrone: then ask in #freenode for help00:57
sveinseRight, samba is not yet converted to systemd. It runs off /etc/init.d00:57
helphelpehlpok but how00:58
Night_helphelpehlp:  read the link00:58
helphelpehlpi did, it only shows me how to list properties00:58
helphelpehlpi found my properties, now how do I set the speed00:58
Night_do you evan read00:58
helphelpehlpnevermind found it00:59
v5@k1l_ rebooted with the old kernel : same issues01:11
v5@k1l_ also , i issued sudo lightdm and it created a weird visual bug on all the tty01:12
asddadsdI'm trying to formad my HDD from a live CD of ubuntu, but when I open gparted I see my HDD as 'unallocated space'. I had problems with my HDD's partitions before (that's why I'm formatting it).01:15
asddadsdDoes anyone know how can I format (if I can) from this live cd, or shall I need other tools like Hirens boot?01:16
Night_format to ext4 or ntfs?01:16
asddadsdNtfs, since I will install first Windows 7 and then scientific linux01:16
Night_cant use ubuntu for that01:16
Night_use window 7 install disk for that01:17
asddadsdI have problems.01:17
asddadsdi.e: I can't.01:17
asddadsdDunno why, there is some problem with my partitions, that's the reason why I'm trying to format it.01:17
Night_bios issues thwen01:17
Night_check ide/achi01:17
asddadsdI did.01:17
asddadsdI didn't see nothing special there. Anyway, I loaded default settings.01:18
Night_try a diffenrt port on your motherboard01:19
Night_make sure it is a differnt controller01:19
Night_most motherboard have 2 x sata controllers01:19
asddadsdIt is a laptop01:19
asddadsdI didn't open it.01:20
Night_ok, lets try this create an ext4 from live cd01:20
asddadsdan ext4 partition?01:20
Night_then reformat that to ntfs with windwos instsall01:20
asddadsdI have all my hdd as 'unllocated space'.01:21
asddadsdBut if I run testdisk tool I can see my old partitions.01:21
asddadsdMoreover, if I run windows 7 I can see my old w7 partitions.01:21
asddadsdI don't know if I'm explaining myself.01:21
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asddadsdI can boot my old w7 with, for example, hirens boot tool, and then I'm able to access to my old windows 7 partition. But in Gparted, from this live CD, I see all my hDD as unllocated space.01:22
asddadsdIf I run fdisk -l from terminal, I can see my partitions.01:24
tatertotsasddadsd: are youo using the computer to chat right now/01:28
tatertotsasdasdasd_: nevermind sorry01:29
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spoonanyone know where i can get jinstall-12.1R8.4-domestic-signed.tgz01:32
Error|404asddadsd, you still have to use win live for that01:33
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AprelHi trying to redirect output from a script to netcat AND still print on the console. Here's the command I'm using. It sends to netcat ok, but the console is only printing netcat messages, not anything from the script01:51
Aprel./my-script 2>&1 | tee | nc -v <ip> <port>01:51
AprelIt seems like what's printed to console is just the output of `nc`, nothing from `tee`01:55
effectneti have an application and I don't know how to update it, a new version has come out.01:56
bazhangeffectnet, what app, whats the new version, why do you need the latest01:57
Apreleffectnet: if it's a brand-new update, it's probably not in the repo yet, so you can't get it from `apt-get`. The easiest way is to see if the application's developers released a .deb file and use thta01:57
effectnetwell it's freeplane.  oh it's kinda new and i want to get the latest key fixes and stuff.  some of the stuff isn't working quite right.01:57
bazhangeffectnet, the older version is working not quite right?01:58
effectnetoh sorry this is  a java app01:58
effectnetthere are keys that i want fixed yeah01:58
HaroldalJust ate a burger at the sleazy joint01:58
HaroldalNow I gotta take a shit, get to the point01:58
HaroldalSittin' on the toilet, my ass is a blast01:58
effectnetwant to see if they are fixed yeah01:58
HaroldalRunnin' smelly diarrhea outta my ass01:58
bazhang!info freeplane01:58
HaroldalNo fuckin' paper01:58
HaroldalHey baby lick my ass 'til your face turns blue01:58
ubottufreeplane (source: freeplane): Java program for working with Mind Maps. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.5.16-1 (yakkety), package size 10292 kB, installed size 16476 kB01:58
bazhangand what version did you seek effectnet01:59
effectnetwell i got the 1.5.18 version downloaded01:59
nx9010Anyone know how to batch add files to Handbrake? I am quite new to Linux but I havent found an easy way to add a folder.01:59
bazhangeffectnet, what version of ubuntu are you currently on01:59
AprelHow can I pipe output from a script to another program AND still print it on the console?02:00
nx9010Or some other software that can encode h264 to h265 under Lubuntu02:00
HaroldalYou're finished rimmin' me and you want some more02:00
HaroldalYa say ya don't flush but your out the door02:00
HaroldalI'm back in the...with a cup02:00
HaroldalScoop it outta the toilet 'cause you wanna slurp it up02:00
HaroldalEat my diarrhea you're chuggin' it down02:00
HaroldalYou're suckin' my ass and your lips are all brown02:00
effectnetwrong version02:00
effectnet16.04 lts yeah02:01
nx9010And thanks for banning that troll02:01
bazhangnx9010, handbrake can certainly do that, provided you instll the h265 and so on02:02
bazhangnx9010, did you need help with what handbrake to get install, the libraries, or what02:02
qmrwhy does ubuntu server 16.04 not boot to a working console?02:03
bazhangnx9010, note that x265 will be listed as h265 in the ubuntu repos02:03
nx9010bazhang, I am currently encoding videos succesfully to h256 but I can only seem to Queue one file at a time.. bazhang02:04
tiger_Hello All02:04
bazhangnx9010, as far as lubuntu, that wont matter much as it's all ubuntu under the surface02:05
bazhangnx9010, the handbrake documentation covers this very extensively02:05
effectnetoh i see that freeplane 1.1.3 is in the apps directory.  i wonder if could install a newer version though.02:06
nx9010bazhang, I tried googling the problem that I'm having and I even found people making scripts to make it work but I don't understand how to use those02:06
bazhangeffectnet, on 16.10 it's quite a bit higher02:06
bazhangnx9010, to add a folder and do a batch encode?02:07
effectnetk i'll check it02:07
bazhangnx9010, that simply puts them in a queue02:08
bazhangnx9010, the actual encoding/re-enoding time will not be altered02:08
bazhangeffectnet, /msg ubottu info freeplace02:09
nx9010bazhang, Yes, what is the 'normal' way to do it directly under Hanbrake? I just want to have a folder with mutiple files to be encoded to h265 and have them placed under Videos on the internal HDD (the source is a usb flash drive)02:09
bazhangeffectnet, that will give you a private message with the bot, and show you th current one avialable02:09
bazhangaugh available02:09
effectnetthat was easy install, thanks bazhang02:12
effectneti got 1.3.15 anyway, 1.5.18 was the newest but whatevs :D02:12
bazhang!info freeplane02:12
ubottufreeplane (source: freeplane): Java program for working with Mind Maps. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.5.16-1 (yakkety), package size 10292 kB, installed size 16476 kB02:12
bazhang1.5.16-1 in yakkety effectnet02:13
effectnetoh i did sudo apt-get install freeplane02:13
bazhangnx9010, did you get the handbrake.fr documents read on exactly how to do that yet?02:13
bazhangeffectnet, sure thats for 16.0402:14
effectnetoh i see02:14
bazhangjust to let you know that 16.10 has what version02:14
effectnetwell maybe i'll upgrade at some point then heh02:14
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nx9010bazhang, i read this page on the help page https://handbrake.fr/docs/en/1.0.0/workflow/open-video-source.html02:23
nx9010But I don't want it to encode one file, but multiple.02:23
bazhangnx9010, for specific handbrake issues why not ask in #handbrake , right here on freenode02:24
nx9010Oh I did not know they had a channel, thanks02:24
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effectnetwow is backup/restoring thunderbird that easy?  just copy that hidden file in my home dir and that's it?02:38
effectnetoh i see a newer distro in my future02:39
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blue_How is everyone?02:41
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jassimgood morning02:47
MaltWhat up02:52
intruzis there a way for me to disable my touchscreen driver?03:01
intruzI'm experiencing really poor battery life and powertop lists that pretty high up03:01
Lenintruz: find which module is used for it and blacklist it03:07
intruzin tlp?03:07
Lencheck this out03:07
Lenmaybe this will help ya03:07
intruzLen, I have disabled it in x11 because my screen is actually cracked so it clicks randomly on the screen03:09
intruztlp-stat gives this:03:11
intruzBus 001 Device 003 ID 04f3:0224 control = on,   autosuspend_delay_ms =  2000 -- Elan Microelectronics Corp.  (usbhid)03:11
intruzWould blacklisting it in tlp be the best solution?03:12
Lenintruz: sorry not sure, never had linux along with touchscreen device03:13
Lenbut if there's driver which is controlling it you should be able to blacklist it in initramfs I guess03:14
intruzLen, could i use this /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf03:14
Lenintruz: ya03:17
Lenremember about update-initramfs -u03:18
LenI'm out, good luck03:18
coyotebmhey guys, I'm trying to connect to wifi in ubuntu 14.04 but the wifi networks are not showing up03:19
coyotebmI tried various forums but with no avail03:19
intruzLen, how do i figure out the name of the module? I used lsmod but it's not apparent from the list it doesn't really say touchscreen anywhere?03:21
intruzhid                   118784  2 hid_multitouch,usbhid03:21
intruzdoes say that though03:21
intruzalso this:  hid_multitouch         20480  003:22
micescoyotebm: when you installed ubuntu were you connected to the internet with an ethernet cable and did you select install 3rd party software?03:22
tatertotscoyotebm: can you open terminal?03:22
micescoyotebm: connect an ethernet cable go to additional drivers and search for the network card there03:23
micesit'll automatically try to find your network card03:23
coyotebmOk so i connected my ethernet cable and I found my driver03:24
coyotebmAnd this is without any 3rd party sw03:25
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coyotebmok so the broadcom driver is installing but i think its stuck03:31
coyotebmstuck applying the changes03:32
rokoi compiled re2c and its installed in /usr/local/bin but when i type which re2c it displays /usr/bin/re2c03:33
rokorunning re2c ubuntu throws the error "-bash: /usr/bin/re2c: No such file or directory"03:34
coyotebmwhy is it that i can't connect to wifi even with a wired connection03:37
poco_hey guys tried asking on the #kubuntu channel but I got nothing so I thought I'd try here-  I'm getting that infamous "black screen" instead of the Plasma login page. I can login via terminal just fine but I'm at my wits end trying to fix this. I have reinstalled the desktop enviornment, graphics drivers, sddm, etc trying to fix this and nothing. Anyone have any ideas?03:38
tubalHello. Does anyone else find that nm-applet provides inconsistent visual monitoring of a wifi signal? I.e., do you find that the )))))  icon in the panel sometimes shows no signal when the signal is fine, or that it shows the Ethernet icon even though you're still connected to wireless?03:44
w9qbjcrised, then the input is effectively <EOF>  you may need to redirect the input from a file03:50
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LiftLefthow would I rename a user and it's home directory?04:09
dnb_Looking for some Samba help: http://pastebin.com/7rt9My5w04:15
tubalLiftLeft, usermod04:18
LiftLeftI think I figured it out04:18
freegoofa... and on the 9th day Pastafarian Spaghetti Monster looked down upon the earth and said "Let there be colours!"04:23
bobdobbsI'm on ubuntu 16.06. I'm using gnome. After a reboot the volume control dissapeard from the bar at the top of my display. How do I restore it?04:30
dnb_Looking for some Samba help: http://pastebin.com/7rt9My5w04:30
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bobdobbsPresently I just see the 'Activities' button on the left, and an icon on the right that indicates that I'm on a wired network04:32
bobdobbsI expected to be able to add to the bar by right clicking it and getting a config menu. But that doesn't happen04:32
bobdobbsIf I google for restoring sound control to the bar, I get posts from 2010 that are way out of date04:32
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bobdobbsIf I recall correctly, before the reboot I could configure the panel by invoking a context menu04:35
bobdobbsI take it that this is a recent change to the way the gnome desktop works? I did do an apt-get dist-upgrade recently04:37
bobdobbsMy ideal outcome: I want to be able to control the volume without hunting through layers of settings.04:38
bobdobbsBefore the reboot I could do this with a slider that I could immediately invoke from the panel04:38
tubalbobdobbs, I think this might have to do with the indicator-sound process. And package. Can you tell if indicator-sound is running?04:42
bobdobbstubal: lets see...04:42
bobdobbstubal: I can't tell.  ps -auxw | grep 'indica'  returns nothing04:43
bobdobbsafaict, my system doesn't have a command called 'indicator-sound'04:44
tubalHrm. Do you have any other icons in your panel?  .... It's not a command per se.04:44
bobdobbsOn the far left I can see 'Activities'. Next to it I can see an icon for emacs, which I'm running. On the far right I can see an icon that looks like a network cable plug04:46
matty_rhey all. is there a way to run the full installer from within ubuntu? so i can install it to a usb drive?04:46
bobdobbstubal: sorry, I'm being dumb. this is kinda funny...04:46
bobdobbstubal:  the icon for sound control is actually there after all04:47
bobdobbstubal: it's just visually obscured by the corner of another monitor that I have on my desk04:47
Speiroslol bobdobbs04:47
* bobdobbs facepalm04:47
tubalOh! Well good. I'm surprised that you have no *-indicator processes.04:47
tubalMaybe it's different in Gnome vs. Unity?04:48
hopupWhat is the easiest way to get ubuntu to run a terminal command on startup?05:30
JairunCalothstick it in /etc/rc.local05:32
JairunCalothif it's more then a few lines, might want to put it into it's own shell script and call the script from rc.local05:33
kbobJairunCaloth: not now...nowdays you must create a service05:33
JairunCalothrc.local doesn't work anymore?05:33
JairunCalothit's present on my 16.04 system05:34
hopupI have a wacom tablet that I want to turn the touch function off automatically when I log in with: xsetwacom set 10 TOUCH off05:34
kbobI telling you..not in 16.1005:34
JairunCalothfortunatly, creating systemd services isn't that hard05:34
hopupis specifically what I'm trying to achieve.05:35
kbobyes, but rc.local was easy05:35
coyotebmcan someone help, i can't connect to wired ethernet connection05:36
kbobhopup: you can also add the script to your shell (bash .profile or login)05:37
JairunCalothjust a guess, but the desktop environment might have some functionality for running commands on login.05:38
hopupkbob: I think that might be what I need to do. There is an askubuntu where the guy was trying to do something similar. I'll try it and let you know if it works.05:38
povHow can I open/unpack .mpkg files on ubuntu?05:40
JairunCalothcoyotebm: can you provide some additional details such as which version you are running, are you using a static IP or dhcp, ect..05:40
hopupkbob: I just append it onto the bottom of .profile right? No special deliminators?05:41
coyotebmOh yeah sorry. I'm running ubuntu 14.04 and a dhcp05:41
coyotebmJairunCaloth: do you want the output of ifconfig?05:41
coyotebmJairunCaloth: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23979620/05:45
JairunCalothpov: maybe xar?05:45
coyotebmAnd when I try to get my driver, in settings, there is none to download05:45
JairunCalothcoyotebm: so it looks like you are failing to get a DHCP address for whatever reason05:47
JairunCalotheth0 is up, so it appears that you have a link.05:48
JairunCalothDo you have other devices hooked up to the network that can get a DHCP address without problem?05:49
JairunCalothwhat happens if you configure an unused static IP address from the same subnet?05:50
coyotebmI have not tried that yet05:51
coyotebmIf I'm understanding you right, the dhcp is something that assigns dynamic ip from a subnet05:52
JairunCalothfor most folks that's your home router.05:52
coyotebmAnd it is different from machine to machine05:52
JairunCalothyes, each machine requires a seperate IP address.05:52
uxfihello JairunCaloth05:52
JairunCalothif you have two with the same address, bad stuff happens05:53
JairunCalothhi uxfi05:53
coyotebmMy home router has multiple machines with dynamic ips, so its not the fault of the router05:53
coyotebmthe eth0 is a device that handles ethernet connections, but from the ifconfig its working correctly05:53
JairunCalothit does look like it is, and it looks like it has a good physical link.05:54
kbobhopup: yes05:54
coyotebmok, I'll find something online about getting a static ip05:54
JairunCaloththe eth0:avahi device showing up tells us that the machine wasn't able to get a DHCP address, so it auto assigned an address from a special subnet reserved for localy auto configured networks.05:55
hopupkbob: alrighty! thank you!05:55
JairunCalothcoyotebm: you can just use ifconfig to assign an address for testing purposes.05:56
JairunCalothifconfig eth0 <ip> netmask <netmask>05:57
JairunCalothonce you do that, see if you can ping the router's IP.05:58
coyotebmI am not sure how to find netmask05:58
coyotebmis it just
JairunCalothon a home network, probably
coyotebmok I ran that, but internet is still not here06:00
JairunCalothwell, you don't have a default route yet so your computer doesn't know where to send internet traffic06:00
JairunCalothwe just want to make sure you can ping the router now.06:01
coyotebmis that just the default gateway06:01
JairunCalothnormally, but since you didn't get a DHCP address your computer probably doesn't have the correct default gateway06:01
JairunCalothfor now, just see if you can ping the routers IP address06:02
JairunCaloththat will tell us that the NIC is working correctly and that you actually have a good physical link.06:03
coyotebmhow do i find my router's ip?06:04
coyotebmis that the subnet mask06:05
JairunCalothit will vary from router to router. A good start is either the manual that came with the router, or googling the model number to find out what the router's default IP is.06:05
JairunCalothusually something like or
coyotebmmy default gateway is 1.106:06
JairunCalothwhat address did you assign eth0?06:06
JairunCalothok, so see if you can ping
coyotebmI am unable to06:07
coyotebmsaying network unreachable06:07
coyotebmthe only address that doesn't say that is ( my default gateway )06:08
agent_whitecoyotebm: `ip addr` and `ip route` output?06:09
topkektyronethats router06:09
coyotebmJairunCaloth: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23979715/06:11
coyotebmits so hard pasting things when your working on two computers06:11
JairunCalothYour eth0 is down, it doesn't look like you correctly assigned an IP address to eth006:12
sakhdadvise me please irc-client for ubuntu06:12
JairunCalothalso NO-CARRIER indicates there isn't a physical link06:12
sakhdsomething like xchat06:12
sakhdxchat is deprecated06:12
coyotebmmaybe my ethernet cable is broken?06:12
cfhowlettsakhd, hexchat06:13
coyotebmThe command I used as "sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask"06:13
JairunCalothsorry I missread it the first time. you did assign the address correclty06:13
JairunCalothbut the link is down06:14
coyotebmis this software or definitely the cable's fault06:14
JairunCalothI would check the cable first06:14
coyotebmOk I'll find another one06:14
sakhdcfhowlett: thank you06:16
cfhowletthappy2help! sakhd06:16
JairunCalothcoyotebm: I have to go to bed, work in the morning. Once you swap the cables, you'll want to restart networking to clear out the manual stuff we assigned.06:18
agent_whitecoyotebm: You need a default route!06:20
coyotebm@JairunCaloth, I switched the cable, and the ipaddr is different06:21
JairunCalothagent_white: his machine isn't getting dhcp. we assigned a static IP and tested pinging the router.06:21
coyotebmI'll try pinging my router06:21
agent_whitecoyotebm: `sudo ip route add default via dev eth0`06:22
agent_whitecoyotebm: Run that then try again06:22
JairunCalothshouldn't need a route to ping machines on the same subnet.06:23
coyotebmhere is my new ipaddr06:25
coyotebm@agent_white it says that there is invalid argument06:25
JairunCalothlooks like you got a DHCP address that time. but your static ip is still assigned.06:25
coyotebmso with dhcp address, should be no issue06:26
JairunCalothso I'm thinking the cable swap fixed it.06:26
coyotebmthen what is the issue now?06:26
JairunCalothit set up the new IP as a secondary, so may not have set a route06:27
coyotebmI think its the configuration file that I edited it when I was initially trying to solve the issue06:27
JairunCalothrestart networking it should clear the static IP and get an address on eth006:27
coyotebmok so I'll just restart network-manager service06:27
JairunCalothprobably not good enough. since we assigned the static outside of network manager06:28
coyotebmrestart system?06:28
JairunCalothservice network restart should do it06:29
coyotebmhas recognized service06:29
JairunCalothnetworking maybe. I always forget which it is06:30
coyotebmseems like neither work06:30
AurorasauraHello all. Is the ubuntu website having issues?06:31
AurorasauraI keep getting a 403 error on all alternative downloads06:32
coyotebmme too06:32
coyotebmI retried it a couple of times and the download went through06:32
JairunCalothservice networking restart should do it... or just reboot the box06:32
coyotebmok just rebooted and i'll ipaddr06:33
agent_whiteJairunCaloth: TIL ARP resolution on subnets. Thank you for mentioning that :)06:34
coyotebmseems like the temporary ip is gone06:34
JairunCalothcan you get on the internet?06:34
coyotebmnot yet06:34
coyotebmi got assigned 14 on my ip though06:35
JairunCalothok, that's good06:35
JairunCalothagent_white: no prob :)06:35
JairunCalotheth0 looks good. check that you have a default route06:36
coyotebmdirect route?06:37
JairunCalothip route06:37
JairunCalothrather, run the ip route command06:37
coyotebmi think so?06:37
coyotebmlemme get the paste06:38
coyotebmI have internet!06:39
JairunCalothBad cables man. they will get you every time06:39
coyotebmIts just there is a bunch of certificate errors06:39
coyotebmbut thank you so much man06:40
coyotebmLearned a bunch06:40
JairunCalothcool, glad I could help :)06:41
JairunCalothAnywho, to bed with me. Nite guys.06:41
coyotebmgood night06:41
agent_whiteJairunCaloth: Night!06:41
agent_whitecoyotebm: Quicktip - you can check an ethernet cord by plugging both ends into a switch that has the 'status lights' for the port06:42
agent_whiteif both light up, it shows loopback is functioning and thus the cable is bueno06:42
AurorasauraThats a good tip agent_white .06:44
coyotebmagent_white: i noticed the lights the second time i plugged in the cable. Thought it was just a coincidence06:45
_dnb_Looking for samba help, hopefully something simple: http://pastebin.com/jxnC1XpT06:45
CrazyTuxhi, I am using Xubuntu 16.10. How many DEs can be installed over it? I shouldn't create any sort of problems after doing that.06:46
CrazyTuxI have installed Gnome, Lxde and Lubuntu desktop on it now.06:46
AurorasauraNight Ubuntu community!06:46
CrazyTuxCan I install Mate DE also over it now?06:47
agent_whiteAurorasaura: The things you learn as a tech bench monkey are invaluable. ;D06:47
CrazyPenguinhello, anybody online here?06:49
coyotebmme, but I'm a newbie06:49
CrazyPenguinok. I too am an newbie.06:50
CrazyPenguina newbie.06:50
nugrohoUbuntu 16.0406:50
=== CrazyPenguin is now known as CrazyTux
cfhowlettCrazyTux, this channel is never empty.  ask your ubuntu question06:58
CrazyTuxhi, I am using Xubuntu 16.10. How many DEs can be installed over it? I shouldn't create any sort of problems after doing that. I have installed Gnome, Lxde and Lubuntu desktop on it now.06:59
[twisti]on my old ubuntu, i used to get a notice every time i logged in via ssh saying if there were updates to packages i had installed, that feature seems to be gone from my lts 16 install, anyone know how to get it back ?06:59
cfhowlettCrazyTux, so far as I know, no limit.06:59
CrazyTuxcfhowlett, it shouldn't create any problems or incompatibilities.07:00
cfhowlettCrazyEddy, nope07:00
CrazyTuxwho is CrazyEddy?07:01
DasSwastikaSpricht hier jemand Deutsch?07:01
cfhowlett!de | DasSwastika07:01
ubottuDasSwastika: In den meisten Ubuntu-KanƤlen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. FĆ¼r deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke fĆ¼r Dein VerstƤndnis!07:01
CrazyTuxgreat. I wanted to learn german.07:02
tubalWith that nick, you're lucky anyone is speaking to you at all, DasSwastika.07:02
DasSwastikaFuck die Juden. Zu den Gaskammern!07:03
CrazyTuxSwastika is a holy symbol in India.07:03
DasSwastikaDas Dritte Reich07:03
cfhowlett!ops | DasSwastika07:03
ubottuDasSwastika: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu07:03
DasSwastikaAlle hageln die allmƤchtige deutsche Rasse!07:03
DasSwastika! ops | Ich spreche kein Englisch07:03
ubottuIch spreche kein Englisch: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu07:03
tubalI'm aware of that. And elsewhere too. Not in DE though.07:03
CrazyTuxok. Back to my query. How many DEs can I use on my existing Xubuntu 16.10 without causing any problems or inconsistencies.07:04
CrazyTuxCan I install Ubuntu Mate on my Xubuntu 16.10 now?07:05
CrazyTuxplease somebody guide me in this.07:05
Bashing-omCrazyTux: You can install DE's until you run out of disk space .07:07
tubalCrazyTux, From what I've read, installing a DE *might* alter your display manager settings. That's the only caviat I know of, and it's fixable afaik.07:08
CrazyTuxhow can I install Ubuntu Mate?07:08
cfhowlettCrazyTux, slow your roll.  do you want ubuntu mate or just the mate DE?07:09
CrazyTuxwhat's the difference between the two?07:09
CrazyTuxI have Xubuntu on my laptop now.07:10
CrazyTuxI think Mate DE is what I want to install over it.07:10
cfhowlettDE = desktop environment.  eye candy, look and feel.  desktop = the DE plus the default apps for that distro07:10
CrazyTuxdoes it mean if I install desktop I'll have installed DE also?07:11
CrazyTuxthen, I want to install Ubuntu Desktop.07:11
tubalubuntu-mate-desktop seems to be the package, CrazyTux .07:11
rbuxthis would be unity07:11
cfhowlettsudo apt install ubuntu-mate-desktop07:11
tubalOr the GUI07:11
CrazyTuxonly one command?07:12
rbuxlisten to cfhowleft07:12
CrazyTuxlet me execute that command now.07:12
rbuxgood luck :P07:13
rbuxif it fails try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-mate-desktop07:13
CrazyTuxrbux, you have any other suggestion?07:13
xrandrI think there is something running on my computer that is chewing up space. I keep looking at my free space and it keeps dropping. I don't know what is running that could cause it07:14
xrandrI had over 900GB of space, and now I am down to 895 in less than 10 minutes07:14
rbuxdo u use chrome or chromium?07:15
rbuxi prefer both too :P07:15
xrandrI use chrome07:15
Bashing-omxrandr: One suspect is the log files .07:15
rbuxmaybe its because you have a lot of chrome://extensions and chrome://apps07:15
cfhowlettCrazyTux, http://wiki.mate-desktop.org/download07:15
xrandr13GB in logs07:16
rbuxwow thats a lot :p07:16
xrandrBashing-om: but it keeps dropping.07:16
xrandrif i want to stop logging, what do i do?07:16
rbuxjust archive / outsource em07:17
Bashing-omxrandr: You do not fix logging , one finds our what and why .07:17
xrandrunity-scope-home was the culprit.07:18
xrandrkept writing to syslog07:19
xrandrcan I clear out syslog and regain space?07:19
Bashing-omxrandr: Yeah you may,delete the old logs -  so long as you know the cause .07:21
cfhowlettxrandr, 13  gb of logs is a metric crapton.  My whole system clocks in below that number.  track what's triggering and fix it.07:21
xrandrcfhowlett: unity-scope-home was writing to it with this message: Unable to get value. NULL row data in DeeSequenceModel@0xaa2610 at position 2. The row has probably been removed07:22
xrandrfollowed by: Unable to get uint32. Column 2 in DeeSequenceModel@0xaa2610 holds a NULL value in row 207:22
cfhowlettxrandr, easy fix for now: disable scopes07:22
xrandrdon't know what it's all about, but i killed unity-scope-home and it is no longer chewing up space07:23
xrandrcfhowlett: what are scopes?07:23
cfhowlett!scopes | xrandr07:23
agent_whitexrandr: integrated search engines07:23
xrandrah ok07:24
agent_whiteThe thing that noone likes, kinda like Corsana07:24
tubalagent_white, what is Corsana?07:28
agent_whitetubal: cortana07:28
cfhowlettcortana  and there is no factoid because it is for windows not ubuntu07:28
agent_whiteI misspoke.07:29
tubalAh. What a daft name.07:29
tubalAnd *someone* must like scopes, or I guess They'd have been drpped by now. I like them. Except the ones that don't seem to do anything.07:30
agent_whitetubal: You could say the same about internet popup advertising07:30
agent_whiteWhich... is what they are pretty much.07:31
tubalagent_white, If you've enabled the commerce ones, which I think are disabled by default.07:31
tubalBeing under the Internet ones in general.07:32
agent_whitetubal: I don't use it at all, personally.07:32
tubalI do, and quite like them. And the menu-less approach in general. But I can see how that could be a bad fit for some.07:33
agent_whiteI run dmenu and don't worry about adverts messing up my searches.07:35
tubalI disabled those scopes..07:37
tubalwhat is dmenu? I can't find mention of it in apt*.07:38
ducassetubal: it's in suckless-tools07:39
tubalducasse, Ah thanks.07:41
rickardo_I am running ubuntu 16.04 desktop within virtualbox on a mac. My problem is that I use to write [] {}  with ALT-L (SHIFT-L) but it seems ALT-L have a different function on ubuntu. Is there any way to make it work same as ALT-R ?07:42
jun_how are you07:43
cfhowlett!test | jun_07:43
ubottujun_: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3...07:43
_dnb_Looking for samba help, hopefully something simple: http://pastebin.com/jxnC1XpT07:48
ducasse!mint | _dnb_07:49
ubottu_dnb_: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org07:49
_dnb_kind of a cop out since it has nothing to do with the package manager. Supported or not, doesn't change the issues or solutions.07:50
_dnb_considering it's based on ubuntu, the technicality of "supported derivative" is a moot point.07:51
cfhowlettnot a copout at all. this is ubuntu support.  we support ubuntu.  mint supports mint07:51
ducasse_dnb_: you can argue all you want, we spend our time helping ubuntu users.07:51
_dnb_ok give me 10 minutes to boot up ubuntu with the same config for no reason and then maybe you can contribute07:52
alxguys please help. i delete sudoers file. and even root is not in sudo group in recovery mode. what should i do?07:52
cfhowlettOK, but please dial down the attitude.07:52
_dnb_what about ubuntu docker, is that supported or has it derived too much07:52
bearleycitrusHi, I updated my Ubuntu from 16.04 to 16.10 ..now I don't get booted into a GUI anymore. Also my network connection aren't working. Can someone help me fix the network connection and also install ubuntu gnome 8 GUI?07:56
bearleycitruswhen I go to recovery and try to start the network it says; /etc/resolv.conf are missing07:57
_dnb_@bearleycitrus did you check your Xorg.log?07:57
_dnb_less /var/log/Xorg.0.log07:58
_dnb_see what's going on in there07:58
mr-foolBasically my ntfs drive was working perfectly on my ubuntu system, but it is not working on my window 10 system. I got this error on [window 10](https://www.partitionwizard.com/images/tu30002/can't-access-a-partition-windows-9.jpg) so I extended the drive in disk management now I can't access the hdd both in linux and in window :<08:01
kierqueenSo I get syystem problem detected ?08:04
kierqueenHow do I know the details, all the problems i get there.08:04
ducasse!recover | mr-fool08:04
ubottumr-fool: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery08:04
mr-foolducasse: it is not so much on data recovery08:05
mr-foolit is more on rebuilding the boot record08:06
ducasse!fixgrub | mr-fool08:06
ubottumr-fool: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub208:06
WasimHow to compile the code and get binary in bin folder , if hearder files , library files and source file is present in include,lib,src folders repectively?08:07
m_Torontoanybody from toronto?08:10
agent_whiteYou are!08:10
agent_whiteI win!08:10
rbuxcongrats to you both :P08:10
bluekingI am virtually in toronto  that counts ?08:10
m_Torontonot really08:11
bearleycitrus_dnb_ here is a copy of my Xorg.0.log can you help me have a look http://pastebin.com/9T0htDqa08:11
agent_whiteMaybe... are you wearing a hat?08:11
bluekingheat with txt 'French are for dorks'08:11
bluekingheat hat08:11
_dnb_@bearlycitrus, looks like a few modules are failing, notably the nvidia one. You can disable them for fallback testing, or reinstall the nvidia driver so it can be found08:13
mr-foolusually how long does sudo gpart -W a drive a drive takes?08:14
Ben64mr-fool: depends08:15
bearleycitrus_dnb_ , ok. well also my network connection arent working08:15
_dnb_check dmesg for any signs of errors08:16
_dnb_ but also, most of that is typically controlled these days by network manager08:16
_dnb_meaning through the ui stuff08:16
jshrivergood morning08:17
_dnb_you can still manually bring it up, but it's a pita08:17
mr-foolBen64: would it be easier if I use window 10 and try to rebuild the boot table?08:17
Ben64mr-fool: no idea what you're doing08:17
jshriverwhat is the ./configure option to install to /usr/bin instead of /usr/local/bin?  suprised to find something not in the ubuntu repo08:17
[twisti]on my old ubuntu, i used to get a notice every time i logged in via ssh saying if there were updates to packages i had installed, that feature seems to be gone from my lts 16 install, anyone know how to get it back ?08:17
mr-foolBen64: basically this https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/5tkclx/cant_access_my_ntfs_drive/08:18
bluekingbearleycitrus  when you restart networking you get any message ?08:18
bearleycitrus_dnb_ so I should  probably try to disable nvidia and get inside the gui08:18
ducassejshriver: normally --prefix08:18
Ben64mr-fool: hopefully you have backups08:19
mr-foolBen64: not for my anime and porn08:19
jshriverducasse thanks sounds right, been a long time.  --prefix=/usr/bin --prefix /usr/bin with/without leading /?08:19
Ben64mr-fool: you should probably get help with this from ##windows though, linux and ntfs don't play 100% nicely together08:19
ducassebearleycitrus: no, try to get the right nvidia version installed08:19
agent_whitejshriver: /usr/bin will likely be overwritten, so I'd advise against that; maybe /opt instead?08:19
bearleycitrusblueking not on the screen, any logs I could check?08:19
bluekingwas thinking about systemctl sumthin08:20
bearleycitrusifconfig only shows me lo08:20
bearleycitrusno eth008:20
jshriveramazed ta-lib isn't available in the repo. But it's a really small library and probably not used a lot08:20
bluekingbearleycitrus  checked /etc/network/interfaces ?08:21
bearleycitrusim sure i have both eth0 and eth1 usually08:21
bearleycitrusit says auto lo08:21
bearleycitrusiface lo inet loopback08:22
bearleycitrusthats it....08:22
jshriverdmesg | grep eth008:22
jshriversee if anything was loaded for eth0 on load08:22
bearleycitrusI get two lines mentioning eth008:22
bearleycitrusin dmesg08:23
jshrivercan also do "lspci | grep NET" to see if it even detects cards in the system08:23
jshriverdid it give any errors in dmesg or any useful info?08:23
jshriverif the card is wireless it might be called wlan0 instead of eth008:24
tatertotsjshriver: does "lspci | grep NET" show anything on your computer?????? try it08:25
tatertotsit doesn't does it08:25
bearleycitrustatertots no it does not show anything08:25
tatertotsbearleycitrus: i know that..but i don't think jshriver did...he does now08:26
tatertotsbearleycitrus: can you open terminal?08:26
tatertotsbearleycitrus: in terminal>   sudo apt install inxi08:27
tatertotsbearleycitrus: let me know when its done08:27
tatertotsbearleycitrus: wait does the wired connection work?08:27
bearleycitrusI have no internet connection08:27
tatertotsbearleycitrus: oh yea that's right08:28
tatertotsbearleycitrus: no network, and you have non functional graphics and or glx rendering too correct?08:29
bearleycitrusI have a cable connected to eth008:29
tatertotsbearleycitrus: the graphics thing occurred after installing nvidia right?08:30
bearleycitrusno, it has worked before with nvidia08:31
bearleycitruswith this driver08:31
bearleycitrusI run some stupid command to delete old kernels, because I had low space on / and then i upgraded from 16.04 to 16.1008:31
bearleycitrusthen, no gui interface, no network08:31
bluekingdeleted driver for nic too then ?08:31
bearleycitrusI dont know :(08:32
bearleycitruscan I verify that?08:32
bluekinglspci  did show your nic ?08:33
mr-foolchanging the ownership of the ntfs drive in window seems to make it readable under window08:36
auronandacemr-fool: you are running windows 10 and can't access ntfs drive in linux?08:37
mr-foolauronandace: basically the ntfs drive is not readable under window 10 after I reinstall it, it has always been readable under linux. I attempt to fix this issue by extending the volume under window 10 then none of the os can read it. now i change ownership of the hdd it is readable under window 1008:38
mr-foolhave to restart to see if it is readable under linux08:38
tatertotsbearleycitrus: if i were in your shoes, i'd simply backup any important data and reinstall, chalk it up to a lesson learned08:39
tatertotsbearleycitrus: next time around be cognizant of how you ration/partition your drive space08:39
bluekingbearleycitrus dmesg | grep -i network08:39
auronandacemr-fool: i know when dual-booting you need to make sure win10 actually shuts down properly (rather than the default hibernate) to be able to get the ntfs partition to mount properly under linux08:40
bearleycitrusblueking Intel pro/1000 Network Driver08:40
bearleycitruseth1 network connection08:40
mr-foolauronandace: or disable fastboot08:40
auronandacemr-fool: yeah, that is essentially it08:41
bluekingbearleycitrus  hmm none eth0 ?08:41
bearleycitruseth1: intel pro/1000 network conneciton08:41
bluekinginterfaces  eth0  not eth1 ?08:41
bluekingdual nic or ?08:42
mr-foolrebooting to linux to see if it works or not08:42
bluekingbearleycitrus  you have dual nic ?08:43
bearleycitrusdual nic08:43
bluekingone of em are missing then.. dual nic pci-e card ?08:44
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bearleycitrusdual nic integrated to motherboard both of them08:44
bearleycitrusso wierd one is missing lol08:44
bearleycitrusThink I will do a backup of files then re-install08:45
bluekingpull cable out from eth0 port then reboot and see if eth0  are back  could be shortened tp cable ?08:45
mr-foolno it is not readable under linux :<08:47
tatertotsthat sucks08:48
auronandacemr-fool: any errors when you try to mount it manually?08:48
mr-foolis there a data format that is good for switching between linux and window?08:49
mr-foolauronandace: how do I mount it manually08:49
auronandace!mount | mr-fool08:50
ubottumr-fool: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount08:50
bluekingbearleycitrus  reinstall of linux wouldn't bring back eth0 me thinks since the other nic show up...08:50
mr-foolauronandace: sudo mount /dev/sdc08:51
mr-foolmount: can't find /dev/sdc in /etc/fstab08:51
mr-foolmr-fool@mrfool-hetzer ~ $ sudo mount /dev/sdc308:51
mr-foolmount: can't find /dev/sdc3 in /etc/fstab08:51
energizerBluetooth isn't detecting any devices now but it did yesterday. How can I diagnose?08:51
tatertotsthat's not correct syntax08:51
auronandacemr-fool: i've always used ntfs as a shared drive fs whenever I want windows and linux to have access to a shared partition08:51
ducassemr-fool: sudo mount /dev/sdc3 /mnt08:51
bearleycitrusblueking it show up if I do grep -i eth008:52
bearleycitrusits just not called network08:52
mr-foolauronandace, ducasse https://paste.fedoraproject.org/554977/14868895/08:52
bearleycitrusblueking nothing in my /etc/network/interfaces tho08:54
bearleycitrusbut im guessing it should be autogenerated08:54
bluekingeth1 in interfaces ?08:54
ducassebearleycitrus: no, but that file is not used if network manager is controlling the nics08:55
mr-foolhttp://imgur.com/a/bd5kQ <---basically my issue atm08:56
energizerWhy isn't my bluetooth adapter working? https://dpaste.de/1s6o/raw08:57
mr-foolauronandace: any more tips08:58
auronandacemr-fool: it is using ldm, not normal partitions08:59
auronandacemr-fool: here is a page that might help: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8427372/windows-spanned-disks-ldm-restoration-with-linux09:00
mr-foolauronandace: I think I will just boot to window 1009:00
mr-foolcopy the files then format it to ntfs09:01
mr-foolrebooting to window09:01
mr-foolback in 4 mins09:01
mr-foolauronandace: should I format the nfts drive in ubuntu or window?09:04
hicoleriI'm trying to use an openvpn based vpn using kvpnc and the network-manager plugin, but i'm unable to do so. I have imported the configurations and certificates to the kvpnc client but when I try to connect the kvpnc console log says "error: OpenvpnManagementHandler: Connection refused". What should I do?09:06
auronandacemr-fool: windows is usually the best option for that but if that is your win10 install (rather than just a data partition) that would mean you'd need to reinstall win1009:08
bearleycitrusI can boot into the gui on a older kernel, my network connection is grayed out in the manager, says they arent handled.09:08
mr-foolauronandace: it is my data drive09:08
auronandacemr-fool: if you make the partition through linux just remember to boot to windows and let it run the chkdsk on it09:09
mr-foolbasically I have 3 os drive: ubuntu, linux mint and window 10. 2x 2th internal data drive, 1x 320 gb data drive09:09
mr-fooland external hdds too09:09
bluekingbearleycitrus why not use 16.04 LTS ?09:10
bearleycitrusidk, stupid, I wanted to try the ubuntu gnome 809:10
mr-fool16.04 lts runs poorly on amd rx 280x09:10
mr-foolthe gpu temp reading is off09:11
mr-foolleading to the system believing in overheating09:11
bearleycitrusis it possible to rollback to 16.04? :P09:11
mr-foolnow I just use rx 48009:11
mr-foolfyi, I am a casual miner09:11
mr-foolI don't paly games09:11
blueking16.04 still present ? located at /boot09:12
MrokiiHi. I'm not sure if this is a Kubuntu-specific problem, so I'll ask here as well. I am using Kupfer (an app to start other apps/search for items via some shortcut and a subsequently opened command-window). Kupfer is started automatically, but the command-window doesn't open when I hit the shortcut. The *only* way I can get it to work is to stop the autostarted process and to run Kupfer manually from the09:16
Mrokiicommand-line. Not even starting it manually from Kubuntus' app-launcher seems to work. Any thoughts on what the problem could be?09:16
mr-foolbed time09:28
Auprivavehow do i paste ssh key into digital ocean terminal? using firefox on Ubuntu/i309:30
agent_whiteMrokii: Maybe that button isn't issuing the request properly back to the app... maybe run `dbus-monitor` and see what is being issued when you click the button, compared to from the command line?09:31
nx9010hey anyone know how to batch encode a folder of files in Handbrake? cant seem to queue more than 1 file at a time...09:36
nx9010I already asked in Handbrake on IRC but no reply, so maybe someone here uses it under Linux09:37
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mum0lHi guys.. I've strange issue with DNS resolution on my local ubuntu VM.. nslookup works, when ping not.. Any ideas what can be the reason? I've my local DNS server on a diffrent machine in my local network.. http://pastebin.com/raw/mpfRKsns09:38
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Mrokiiagent_white: I've never tried dbus-monitor I think, but it's worth a try. Thanks.09:45
agent_whiteMrokii: Worth a shot at least! I'm not familiar with your Kupfer deal, but thinking in terms of IPC issues.09:47
agent_whitebash vs gui button sounds session and dbus related... maybe.09:47
* agent_white shrugs09:47
PeyamI got a repeater that is now connected to wifi. Do I have to connect to repeater everytime or it's enough to connect to original wifi and the repeater handles the extension?09:51
Xardis there a way to enable unity dash show calculations by default instead of manually selecting info -> Sources: calculator manually every single time?09:52
Xardand this is on 16.04 lts09:53
Peyamdo it in terminal by  $ bc09:53
Peyamuse the basic calculator instead?09:53
[twisti]on my old ubuntu, i used to get a notice every time i logged in via ssh saying if there were updates to packages i had installed, that feature seems to be gone from my lts 16 install, anyone know how to get it back ? surely someone must know what i mean ?09:53
XardPeyam: it's slow workflow09:54
Xardbesides searchboxes in osx and kde show simple calculations by default09:54
PeyamXard, i'm sorry I probably dont understand what you mean. but you want to use the calculator?09:55
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PeyamXard, do you mean that you write a calculation in dash and it automatically forward you to the calculator?09:57
PeyamXard, I suggest making a keyboard shortcut. Maybe that makes it easier.10:00
Xardoh, you can use "calc:" prefix to force search like "calc:(2951+4612)/3.2"10:10
bytefirehi, what is purpose of libglu1-mesa?10:11
Xardor try to add a "info-calculator.scope" to the dconf->com->canonical->unity->lenses->always-search list10:11
Xardbut that didn't seem to do anything unfortunately10:11
asdfgfI use Windows as my OS, how do I use Ubuntu without disk segmentation?10:21
EriC^^asdfgf: virtualbox10:22
asdfgfI have 2GB memory in my device, would VB not crash?10:23
EriC^^lubuntu needs like 512mb10:23
EriC^^how much memory do you use in windows?10:24
k1l_asdfgf: 2gb ram is a bit short to run vms10:24
EriC^^asdfgf: you could install ubuntu to a usb if you want10:24
k1l_asdfgf: you could run ubuntu in a live desktop from the usb pendrive. but for the long run you want to isntall it onto an internal disk10:25
heari_hi guys10:27
asdfgfI have 4GB, 3.88GB usable.10:33
nx9010Lubuntu running on 256MB here10:35
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asdfgfI use 2.45/2.9 GB available in Windows 8.1, thanks EriC and k1l_. I'll find out about lubuntu10:36
asdfgf*2.45/3.9 GB10:37
ubottuester-tv: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type Ā« /msg ubottu !bot Ā». If you're looking for a channel, see Ā« /msg ubottu !alis Ā».10:54
rghhow does one report a newer release of an application packaged by ubuntu ?  Should I file a bug ?11:00
rghI've looked at the docs, but found nothing clear11:00
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k1l_rgh: usually there is no update of the version of a package after the ubuntu version is already released. ubuntu got a stable release model11:01
k1l_rgh: but you can file a bug so that the new version will be included in the next ubuntu release11:01
rghok, thanks11:02
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wendicohello, what emulator do you recommend to run android in my ubuntu that supports google apps? Thank you.11:07
k1l_for google apps i would suggest to run the browser addons from chromium or chrome11:09
wendicothank you, k1l, what addons should i install in my chrome or chromium?11:21
topkektyroneis there a room for vb?11:22
wendicoandroid for google chrome? nice, i didnt know that exist11:23
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CrazyTuxcan I install Chrome on Ubuntu Mate?11:58
k1l_CrazyTux: yes. load the .deb from the google homepage11:59
CrazyTuxIt is available in Mate Software Boutique also.12:02
topkektyronehow do i install wifi phisher?12:02
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k1l_CrazyTux: the chromium (google chrome without the google things included) is included in the ubuntu repos12:04
k1l_topkektyrone: its not included in the repos, so see their webpage what they suggest12:04
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CrazyTuxis it safe to use Chrome browser in Ubuntu?12:05
topkektyronei dont wanna download since you fixed dpkg :P12:05
k1l_CrazyTux: it is that safe like you think google is safe. but the program as such works on ubuntu12:07
topkektyronei did sudo apt-get install python-scapy tcpdump isc-dhcp-server hostapd? this safe12:07
CrazyTuxI mean from privacy perspective is Chrome safe to use?12:08
MrokiiHello. I'm on Kubuntu, but maybe somebody in here can help as well. I was changing something about my auto-start apps (graphically) and rebooted. But now it seems I can't log in anymore. When I enter my password, the cursors changes to an "X" like when X11 doesn't start properly, but I get no error message, the display just shows the login-screen. Can anybody help?12:09
effectnetjust hooked up printer through samba. printer is on win 7.  had to put interface name in the samba conf12:09
effectnet, which i guess is preferred12:09
CrazyTuxwhere is the option for web cam settings in Ubuntu Mate?12:09
digit0CrazyTux, you can allways install 'cheese' I guess12:10
CrazyTuxlet me try that.12:11
k1l_CrazyTux: its your decision if you trust google. there is an alternative with chromium.12:11
mernilioGreetings you'all!12:11
CrazyTuxok. I'll stick to chromium.12:12
mernilioWhat's your favorite programing language?12:12
mernilioFor me i must say c++12:13
topkektyronesudo: ./wifiphisher.py: command not found i cloned the git12:13
mernilioIm an object oriented guy!12:13
topkektyrone git clone https://github.com/sophron/wifiphisher.git12:13
k1l_mernilio: better ask in #ubuntu-offtopic or in #programming12:13
merniliooki, sorry dude!12:14
lernermy mainpartition is a crypt luks one. I dont know whatpercentage of blocks is reserved (EXT4 is 5%), but that is too much on a 1TB SSD. I want to reduce that value to 0.5%, but if I execute sudo tune2fs -m0.5 /dev/mapper/nvme0n1p3_crypt I get tune2fs: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/mapper/nvme0n1p3_crypt, /dev/mapper/nvme0n1p3_crypt contains a LVM2_member file system. What should I do?12:15
lernerubuntu is installed in this main partition12:16
FinalXyou need to do it on the lvm volume that is mounted as / (and therefore the one having the ext4 filesystem)12:17
k1l_topkektyrone: see their readme how to install and run it12:17
FinalX...not on the mapper of your lvm luks crypt device12:17
k1l_topkektyrone: since you want to run that program for research purposes and not for just hacking other ones wifis, you want to read the documentation anyway because you want to know in detail how it works.12:19
topkektyronei did it returned ImportError: No module named setuptools12:19
lernerFinalX, there is only one ext2 here, no ext4. This ext2's mount point is boot. Is this the one I need?12:20
k1l_topkektyrone: sudo apt install python3-setuptools12:23
topkektyronestill get sudo: ./wifiphisher.py: command not found12:25
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FinalXlerner: You encrypt disks/partitions with LUKS. You *clearly* run LVM on top of that partition as your pasted error shows (/dev/mapper/nvme0n1p3_crypt contains a LVM2_member file system.); then you have a filesystem on top of that LVM volume. That's the one you'll need. I can't look into your system, only you can. So it's important you understand the different layers.12:26
k1l_did the setup work now without error?12:26
topkektyroneyes but cant install PyRIC and  blessings12:28
frostschutzlerner, lsblk or mount or df / should tell you the device name12:29
k1l_topkektyrone: its hard to support that when we dont know whats going on.12:30
topkektyronei have followed the help12:31
topkektyronebut it is ubuntu :/12:31
k1l_topkektyrone: but when you run software from 3rd party you might want to ask that 3rd party for help with their code. its not from ubuntu and not made to work with ubuntu by ubuntu12:31
topkektyronehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/23981066/ i have followed the instructions12:33
Name10someone who knows why i can run this line i ubuntu 14 but it does not work in 16 ? echo IP=$(ifconfig eth0 2>/dev/null | awk '/inet addr/{print substr($2,6)}')12:34
BluesKajHiya folks12:34
k1l_Name10: because the device naming changed? look at ifconfig12:35
Name10ifconfig also says eth0 ?12:35
ubottupiero: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type Ā« /msg ubottu !bot Ā». If you're looking for a channel, see Ā« /msg ubottu !alis Ā».12:36
k1l_Name10: does it?12:36
Name10eth0      Link encap:Ethernet12:36
lernerthis is my lsblk, https://paste.ubuntu.com/23981077/ , so in my case I need to execute tune2fs on the partition above the luks directory, so nvme0n1p3 , am I right?12:37
k1l_Name10: does "ifconfig eth0 2" work?12:37
topkektyronedo i have python 2 installed12:37
BluesKajName10, eth0 is renamed in systemd, ip a | grep inet12:37
k1l_topkektyrone: is python3-blessings installed?12:38
Name10Kll_: Nope :-(12:39
Name10BluesKaj: Its says eth012:39
Name10ups wrong ssh 2 sec :-)12:40
k1l_Name10: then i guess something changed with the version from ifconfig12:40
Name10it still says eth0. Output inet ip/27 brd ip scope global eth012:41
Name10kll_ other ideas ?12:44
topkektyroneharro :312:48
topkektyronewifiphisher: command not found12:49
topkektyronecan it be python 2?12:49
lernerif I want to change the percentage of reserved blocks, am I resizing? Are these the instructions I should follow? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ResizeEncryptedPartitions12:51
topkektyroneu fixed dpkg now can't install nothing12:53
wendicohello is there on the software center any processor identification utility? i would like to know if my processor supports virtualization. Thank you12:55
akikwendico: you can read that info from /proc/cpuinfo12:56
shomonhi, why would it be that my broadcom usb picks up all local wifi networks with iwlist but network manager doesn't even work?12:56
akikwendico: it's either vmx (intel) or svm (amd) flag12:57
wendicoakik: thank you im reading it12:57
topkektyronei've extracted it to zed/downloads/wifiphiser-1.2 how i run it?12:58
k1l_topkektyrone: what you do there has nothing to do with dpkg, apt or ubuntu.12:58
tarballhello everyone, I found this command online to run a command in all subfolders of a directory, but I got this when I applied it; paste.ubuntu.com/2398115112:59
tarballI then interrupted the process12:59
topkektyroneis there no way to run it12:59
wendicoakik, i got vme flag but not vmx, and i dont have a bios option to enable virtualization, i have a T4500 processor, can you help me determine weather does it support virtualization? Thank you.13:00
k1l_wendico: https://ark.intel.com/products/42925/Intel-Pentium-Processor-T4500-1M-Cache-2_30-GHz-800-MHz-FSB13:01
k1l_this says no vt-x13:01
wendicoThank you very much.... puff13:02
wendicoim so tired, it seems i cant learn with my resources...13:02
wendicoim so sad13:02
akikwendico: why sad? sell the old machine and buy a machine that supports it13:03
wendicocannot afford that now, but thank you for the tips13:04
wendicothank u very much for the help13:04
wendicomy machine is a laptop without keyboard, i tried to sell it before without luck hehe13:05
deanmanHi, is there a specific help channel for running ubuntu snap on raspberry ?13:09
k1l_deanman: #snappy13:09
deanmank1l_, cheers!13:09
b100si have some problem with ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04 with unity: i prefer to sort windows on some worplaces... after lock screen or detach out monitor that sorting breaks - all windows come to one workplace13:11
b100sis it known bug, can i fix it?13:11
b100sor may be that is time to thinks bout leave unity for ... what ? : )13:11
k1l_b100s: if you remove one monitor that is not a bug.13:12
tarballok, solved. removed the package mentioned in the error, dont know how it got installed there13:12
b100sk1l_, what do you mena? cant get you13:12
b100sk1l_, it still reproduce on laptop without external monitor13:13
k1l_b100s: if you have a multimonitor setup and remove one monitor the sorting of the windows has to be rearanged13:13
shomonSorry I asked this before then got disconnected... hi, why would it be that my broadcom usb picks up all local wifi networks with iwlist but network manager doesn't even work?13:13
k1l_b100s: it doesnt to that for me if i lock the screen. maybe the xserver crashs? maybe driver issues?13:14
shomonI've tried installing a new broadcom driver but I have no idea how to check if it's running okay13:14
b100sk1l_, even when i use ecternal monitor without mirroring it should keep ordereing becuase external monitor using instead laptops13:15
k1l_b100s: change in resolution?13:15
b100sk1l_, may be driver or xserver issue, yes; but for me it doesnt make sense as for user13:15
k1l_b100s: then look at the logs if there is an issue.13:16
b100sk1l_, whic one, for what shoudl i grep and what path ?13:16
k1l_b100s: i dont know what to grep for. .xsession errors in your home. or Xorg.0.log in /var/log13:17
shomonthis is what lsusb says: Bus 001 Device 009: ID 0846:9011 NetGear, Inc. WNDA3100v2 802.11abgn [Broadcom BCM4323]13:27
shomonhow do I get this to be picked up by the network admin app?13:27
shomonI've installed ndiswrapper and the broadcom bw driver13:28
shomonbroadcom wl driver I mean13:28
shomonI can list existing wireless networks with iwlist and it works fine.. but I can't connect.. or no idea how to connect to a wireless network via terminal if it's easier to test it that way13:29
AionNLshomon try : iwconfig wlan0 essid <name of your accesspoint> key <password>13:31
AionNLthen hit enter13:31
AionNLthen all you need to do is type dhclient wlan0 to renew dhcp13:32
AionNLanybody on btw who has experience with BIND9 configurations ?13:33
abhishekXournal is not bein maintained http://xournal.sourceforge.net/ . Any better alternatives guys?13:34
Psychonautabhishek, With stylus support?13:42
wendicoHello, im using android studio on ubuntu but my computer does not support vt-x. I went to install HAXM but it says not compatible with Linux. What i can do to run virtual machine on ubuntu without vt-x support, thank you.13:42
tarballhello everyone, during a reinstall libreoffice installed help and l10n packages in all languages. how can I remove them in one go?13:48
cristian_cI'd like to make avrcp profile working on my bluetooth headset13:49
abhishekPsychonaut, yeah I am using wacom tablet.13:49
cristian_cI mean: media buttons located on the headset13:49
cristian_cI've looked at bluetoothctl info output13:49
cristian_cand avrcp is listed as available for the device13:50
cristian_cWhat methods could I try in order to find the issue?13:50
cristian_cAny ideas?13:50
Psychonautabhishek, http://ianwookim.org/hoodle/gallery.html13:52
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ducassewendico: in theory you can run a software-virtualized system, but it is _very_ slow14:06
slowestHow can I run something on shutdown before anything else has stopped? I'm running a docker container on "start of runlevel 0" but i seems as some device mapper things has already stopped working then.14:07
anddamusing Keyboard Layout Chart from language menu in menubar shows the keyboard map with ellipsis where the glyps won't fit the shape of its key. This prevents me from seeing the char on several keys14:07
wendicoducasse: can you be more specific with "software-virtualized system" please. That is what HAxm is i thing, but does not support linux14:07
anddamis there a way to avoid this and have the font scale?14:07
k1l_wendico: what program do you want to run?14:09
anddamthis is what I meant https://dl.dropbox.com/s/46akuhyzg4tcuuh/Screenshot%20from%202017-02-12%2015-08-03.png14:09
k1l_wendico: and iirc does HAxm need the vt-d cpu support, which you dont have14:09
wendicok1l_: so far just i made a hello world and want to download some examples, im just 2 weeks learning so far14:10
wendicobut my virtual machine did not work it asked vt-x or HAXM14:10
ducassewendico: but what do you want to virtualize?14:11
AionNLwhat processor do you have wendico ?14:11
wendicoi want to virtualize android14:11
k1l_wendico: with what virtualization program?14:11
abhishekPsychonaut, thanks! Do I need to install cabal to install it http://ianwookim.org/hoodle/installation.html? Is there .deb file somewhere(git repo releases doesn't have it)?14:11
k1l_wendico: there are programs like virtualbox who run without cpu support.14:11
wendicoprocessor: T4500, software: i tried android studio (dont work), genymotion(dont work)14:12
wendicovirtual box installed and im experienced with it14:12
wendicobut i dont know how to install an android system so i installed genymotion14:13
k1l_wendico: looks like they use kvm, which needs cpu support.14:13
AionNLif you are familiar with virtualbox14:13
AionNLwhy not follow a guide like : http://www.howtogeek.com/164570/how-to-install-android-in-virtualbox/14:13
wendicoaionnl: following link14:14
AionNLthe guide itself is bit outdated14:14
AionNLbut the link to androidx86 is updated14:14
AionNLso all that changes is a newer version of the iso14:14
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wendicoaionNL: wow really? i asumed i couldnt run android straight on VB because just the existence of genymotion14:17
=== acidghost_ is now known as acidghost
AionNLthere are always work arounds when people put their minds to it :))14:17
AionNLlike my esxi machines are completely unsupported but i can even use passthrough with a bit of fiddling and lots of google :))14:17
Psychonautabhishek, Sorry mate no deb available for hoodle compile from git or use cabal (https://github.com/wavewave/hoodle/issues/39)14:18
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=== acidghost_ is now known as acidghost
wendicoAionNL: downloading ISOs so i can test them in my virtual box, i just hope it does work without hardware vt-x14:30
AionNLit should run as binary only14:30
AionNLbut keep int mind it will be slow14:30
AionNLsince that t4500 is old14:30
wendicoi know, np to be slow, just want it to be posible14:30
SchrodingersScati've not had best luck with genymotion, but I could be a dumb too14:32
wendicobtw aionNL, i heard that i could virtualize vt-x on a nested virtualization, do you have any knowledge about it?14:33
wendicoi mean, if i install VB inside an VB machine, will the last VB support vt-x?14:34
wendicoim just gonna go ahead trying hehe14:36
k1l_wendico: that is so much overhead that is not suitable for your cpu14:43
Psychonautwendico, https://www.pcsteps.com/508-nested-virtualization/14:44
wendicok1l_: thank u, i think android_x86 will just run fine, is installing now on VM an android 6, i cant belive it14:44
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k1l_wendico: look out for a project that works without vt on the cpu. else there is no chance. the android sdk will run without vtd iirc14:44
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wendiconeed to reboot, brb, got some window crashes14:47
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wendicoplz can u share the link about nested virtualization again? thank you very much, had to reboot coz i crashed after plugin a usb defective cable14:52
anddamwhat's the shortcut to type ellipsis with international with Alt Gr  layout?14:57
v5Why don't u just type 3 points14:58
darlenehelp me15:00
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Guest7266help me15:01
k1l_with what?15:01
otto_hi. What is the current easier/best way to customise a livecd? I found a lot about Ubuntu Customisation Kit, but it's a discontinued project. I just need to distribute a live image with a few more files15:02
Guest7266How do i uninstall xampp completely?15:02
k1l_Guest7266: you installed that bundle from the website?15:03
v5@k1l_ oh k1l_ yesterday you were gone when i came back , are u still up to look up my pb ?15:04
k1l_v5: right15:04
Guest7266oh yes!15:04
Guest7266 you installed that bundle from the website?15:05
Guest7266I want to delete all packages from xampp15:05
k1l_Guest7266: "ls -al /opt/lampp/uninstall | nc termbin.com 9999"15:05
k1l_run taht in terminal please and show the output url here15:05
v5@k1l_ so i rebooted with a different kernel version and had the exact same issue15:06
anddamv5: why don't you type an 'e' in place of an 'a'? they are similar enough and people will likely understand you anyway15:06
k1l_anddam: so you use the wrong layout for your language? or what is the exact issue?15:07
anddamk1l_: and what specific language would that be that "owns" ellipsis?15:07
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anddamI have an ANSI keyboard, I cannot see the shortcuts using the keyboard viewer as explained earlier15:08
anddamlet me repost15:08
anddamthis is what I meant https://dl.dropbox.com/s/46akuhyzg4tcuuh/Screenshot%20from%202017-02-12%2015-08-03.png15:08
anddama few keys aren't visible even scaling the window15:09
anddamI'm not even sure there is a direct combination for ellipsis, that's why I asked15:09
otto_hi. What is the current easiest/best way to customise a livecd? I found a lot about Ubuntu Customisation Kit, but it's a discontinued project. I just need to distribute a live image with a few more files15:09
k1l_anddam: for me its altgr+.15:12
k1l_anddam: from the layout you posted i guess you need compose+/15:13
anddamnot that's a small question mark composed char15:15
anddamit's shown as ellipsis just because the char doesn't fit15:16
anddamthe keyboard viewer isn't written very well15:16
anddamk1l_: how's your layout called?15:16
k1l_what keyboard layout do you use then?15:16
anddamEnglish (International with AltGr dead key)15:16
k1l_setxkbmap -query  wil tell15:17
anddampc105 us,us intl15:17
k1l_mine is pc105 de (for german)15:18
anddamI write Italian at times (so just the accented vowels) but the physical layout is ANSI15:18
anddamtherefore I'm using a dead key keyboard layout15:18
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anddamthis is the only key I was used to on a mac that I didn find straightforward on ubuntu15:19
k1l_but 105 is not ansi15:19
anddamoh right due to the one missing key15:19
anddambtw this is a laptop so the keyboard is emulating the numeric keypad as well15:20
anddamI tried all the keys not clearly shown in that picture to no avail15:24
anddambtw I find a duplicate oe diphtong, that I find curious15:25
ioriaanddam,   this symbol you mean ?   ā€¦'  altgr + #   (with en int dead key)15:25
ioriaanddam,   or unicode 202615:25
k1l_ellipsis is ā€¦15:25
anddamioria: I'm not sure I'm seeing what you typed since my remote host on which I'm using weechat isn't showing unicode15:26
anddamIIRC ellipsis are ASCII tho'15:26
ioriayes, i mean ā€¦15:26
k1l_i guess you need to activate compose key then and use that with the key left oft shft-r15:26
queminstalled ubuntu 16.04 LTS. now the TV won't see the dlna server, while other devices can. worked fine in 14.04. anyone with minidlna experience?15:27
ioriaanddam,   try unicode > ctrl+alt+u   and type 202615:27
anddamk1l_: what's to activate other than choosing a dead key layout? also does right shift really make a difference while composing15:28
anddamioria: I don't get that ctrl-alt-u thing15:28
k1l_anddam: compose key is deactivated on ubuntu on default. but that is needed for the elipsis shown on the picture you showed.15:29
anddamk1l_: ok, but I'm already using it and I didn't do any specific activation15:30
anddamioria: but yes, I want U+202615:30
ioriaanddam,   i am using  the same layout chart , (en international AltGr dead keys) and altgr + # works fine....15:32
anddamwhat does setxkbmap -query say?15:34
anddamI figure I should have pc10415:35
anddamioria: also what physical layout is your keyboard?15:35
ducasseanddam: try compose+.+.15:35
ioriaanddam,   http://paste.ubuntu.com/23982032/15:36
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anddamducasse: nope, doesn't compose a thing, I mean even giving a space after that won't type anything in text editor15:36
SupaYoshiim trying to enable apache virtualhost access to only my local network.15:36
SupaYoshithis didnt work15:36
anddamioria: mm my variant says just "intl"15:36
anddamnot altgr-intl15:37
SupaYoshianyone an idea / experience with this?15:37
ducasseanddam: it does here, i get 'ā€¦'15:37
anddamioria: no, my bad, it's altgr-intl15:37
ioriaanddam,   so, it's not the dead keys... you need to install it15:37
ioriaanddam,   ok15:37
anddamducasse: what physical layout?15:37
anddamioria: what do you mean? also what's your physical layout?15:37
ioriaanddam,   what you mean 'physical ' ?15:38
anddamI mean how the keys are materially placed on the keyboard, regardless of the layout setup in the operating system, that is a logical layout15:39
ioriaanddam,   well, hash (#) it's right before 'enter' keys ...15:39
anddammy keyboard is physically a PC104, not sure why the installer setup a PC10515:39
anddamioria: and the enter key is horizontal or vertical?15:40
ioriaanddam,   both... it's angular15:40
anddambut hash near the enter key suggests it's an ISO layout, UK language15:40
anddamif it's English15:40
ioriaanddam,   L shaped (but reversed)15:40
anddamangula means it's vertical15:40
anddamthe common layout in USA is ANSI15:41
ioriaanddam,   yes, sorry ...    L shaped (but reversed)15:41
anddamthat's what I got with this laptop15:41
ioriaanddam,   and the ctrl+alt+u   thing  not working  ?15:41
anddamso there's this small difference at the very base that doesn't necessarily make a shortcut working for you working for me as well15:42
anddamioria: I don't know what's that supposed to do, enter some "unicode endpoint mode"?15:42
ioriaanddam,   ys15:42
ioriaanddam,   you got a -u- underscored15:42
anddamioria: on my system ctrl-alt-u does nothing and then typing 2026 obviously makes '2026' appear in the editor15:43
ioriaanddam,   you first need to get the  (u)   or you can't type unicede15:43
anddamok, what's the (u)?15:44
ducasseanddam: use ctrl+shift+u instead15:44
anddamagain I'm running weechat on an ubuntu system that for some reason won't correctly display unicode15:44
anddamducasse: yep, that did the trick15:44
anddamdidn't know that15:44
ioriaanddam,  yrs, also ctrl+shift+u15:44
ioriaanddam,  type 202615:44
anddamioria: from my POV it's "only" rather than "also"15:45
anddamit's uncomfortable enough but works15:45
anddamnext question is how do I tell xorg that I have a PC10415:45
anddamSystem settings doesn't make you select the hardware keyboard type15:45
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ioriaanddam,  and altGr+#   not working ?15:46
anddamioria: # is on top of the number 315:46
anddamioria: and composing it will yield Ā³15:46
anddamthat Im not sure you can see15:46
anddamis a superscript 315:46
ioriaanddam,  ok15:46
anddambecause I don't have an ISO layout15:46
anddamioria: what language is your keyboard?15:47
ducasseanddam: setxkbmap -model pc10415:48
anddamducasse: is that permanent?15:49
anddamno, it's not15:50
ducasseanddam: you need to make it run on x server startup, like in ~/.xsessionrc15:50
anddamjust tried logging out15:50
anddamducasse: I'd rather change the config that is setting pc105 in first place15:51
ducasseanddam: sure, but that's not the question you asked :)15:51
anddamhow does that appear?15:53
k1l_yep, that works15:53
anddamI need to fix this unicode support15:54
anddamwhoever has 5 more minutes of patience please read this about my unicode issue https://gist.github.com/anddam/a9cf3aef9eb58e9924fc87a344e59d22a15:54
ducasseanddam: if weechat is running in an utf8 locale it could be a font issue15:55
k1l_anddam: the link is 40415:55
anddamk1l_: the screenshot in the gist or the gist itself?15:55
anddamneither are 404 for me15:56
anddamducasse: the font is the same I use to check unicode support on local system, and that's Unity's default15:56
anddamducasse: does that rule it out?15:56
SadBoy981ERhow to unable auto join to something channel?15:56
ducasseanddam: yes, it was a bad guess to begin with. it's a common glyph.15:57
k1l_anddam: https://gist.github.com/anddam/a9cf3aef9eb58e9924fc87344e59d22a works15:57
ducasseSadBoy981ER: depends on the client15:57
SadBoy981ERirssi :)15:58
anddamk1l_: what does 404?15:58
k1l_anddam: your whole gist link15:58
anddamcorrect, it's got a spare 'a' in the middle of the hash16:00
anddamthat's odd16:00
electrolexcan someone help me?16:00
k1l_electrolex: with what?16:00
anddamelectrolex: answer is "probably yes"16:00
electrolexUbuntu won't play wav/aiff in some programs16:00
ducasseSadBoy981ER: have you tried #irssi?16:00
electrolexI've looked everywhere and I can't find solution16:01
anddamelectrolex: so let's play a guessing game where people try to force information about your issue out from you, shall we?16:01
SadBoy981ERducasse no,i used irssi on lubuntu :)16:02
ducasseelectrolex: which programs?16:03
electrolexHexchat and also some programs in "Wine"16:04
kk4ewthexchat runs natively in linux16:05
electrolexI can't hear any sounds in "Wave" format16:05
kk4ewtso install the codec need to do that16:06
k1l_electrolex: ubuntu-restricted-extras is installed?16:06
electrolexI've tried "unrestricted formats" and "wavpack" (no luck)16:07
_sfiguserif i'm working on a git repo, i just downloaded it... then i work and make some modifications... then i want to merge with a remote branch ... but at this point another one has already modified the branch, how should i manage  ?16:07
anddam_sfiguser: by joining #git16:15
anddam_sfiguser: it depends on the upstream policy, likely you'll want to rebase16:15
anddamthat is pull using --rebase or fetch and then rebase16:15
anddamelectrolex: do you have an actual error?16:15
anddamelectrolex: for instance by running the program from cli and trying to play a wav16:16
electrolexanddam, it simply doesn't work (I can't hear anything)16:16
electrolexin hexchat16:16
electrolexfor sounds16:16
anddamelectrolex: so you should answer "no I don't have that"16:16
anddamare yuo running the program from CLI?16:16
anddamyou, damn this new keyboard16:17
anddamcommand line interface16:17
anddamare you trying that now?16:18
electrolexanddam, you want me to try running hexchat from CLI?16:19
anddamyes, I want. Btw doesn't the fact that I explicitly asked about it already suggested that?16:20
electrolexso reconnect?16:20
anddamif the program then goes and says "I cannot find such and such library" we know what's happening16:20
electrolexah ok16:20
anddamelectrolex: can't you run a second instance?16:20
anddamor reconnect, as long if you check if there's an actual error16:20
anddamk1l_: got a chance to read that?16:20
anddamI read some askubuntu entries about unicode in console but I'm not in console16:21
anddamI'm at pty16:21
electrolexanddam, (process:7274): dconf-CRITICAL **: unable to create file '/run/user/1000/dconf/user': Permission denied.  dconf will not work properly. (that's the only error) nothing directly from sound16:23
anddamelectrolex: without an error it's hard to tell how to solve the issue16:27
anddamioria, ducasse: I found a reference for the unicode composition https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ComposeKey#Unicode_composition16:27
anddamthe rest of the page is pretty outdated tho'16:27
ducasseanddam: wikipedia has a page on that with a nice table of the various combos16:30
anddamducasse: link please?16:30
anddamand how do I change the global config of Xorg in order to set pc104 keyboard rather than have a per-session setting?16:31
ducasseanddam: i think this is what i was thinking of - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compose_key#Common_compose_combinations16:32
Sowhatwhat is the cmd to connect to irc.xxx.xx for example ?16:32
Sowhatsomeone pls .16:33
BluesKajSowhat, on whaich client16:33
Sowhat@BlueKaj i would like to connect to different servors without GUI16:34
BluesKajxchat is no longer supported, it's old , try hexchat instead16:34
Sowhatah ok16:34
Sowhatgonna try thx for the advice ;)16:34
BluesKajif you want a konsole type iec client try irsssi or weechat16:34
blackwind_123downloaded 16.04.1 ubuntu , in ISO format.. is it possible to run it as LIVE CD using demon tools or anything..?16:34
BluesKajirc cleint16:34
anddamducasse: I see, I read about the third level compose key, is that referred to the plain US layout?16:34
anddamwith the International AltGr variant sihft+altgr doesn't compose a thing16:35
anddamblackwind_123: what is demon tools?16:35
anddamblackwind_123: the actual answer is you can run the ISO image you downloaded as live, not sure about the demon tools part yet16:36
smharI am booting using ubuntu 16.10 live cd. I am trying to install grub into a usb drive. I issued this command:16:38
smhargrub2-install --target x86_64-efi  --efi-directory /mnt --boot-directory /mnt/boot --removable16:38
blackwind_123anddam : can you let me know steps to run it as live..??  demon tools is kinda emulator, i dont have virtual box or vmare.. hence this question16:38
smharbut got error that grub2-install does not exist16:38
smharI assumed it could be called grub-install ..16:38
smharbut now it says that /usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi/modinfo.sh dosn't exist16:38
anddamblackwind_123: I cannot since I don't know demon tools (odd name for an emulator and never heard it before)16:39
ducasseblackwind_123: what do you mean - run live iso on ubuntu?16:39
anddamblackwind_123: if you want to run the live dump it on an USB flash memory or burn a CD and you're set16:39
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anddamducasse: he didn't say "on ubuntu"16:39
ducasseanddam: hence my question.16:40
anddamducasse: oh I thought that was a quote16:40
The_Mythguys, I don't know if this is the right place, but what 'chmod' do I need to apply to /home/ directory, so users  can't 'nose' other users directory? thanks in advance16:40
blackwind_123thanks anddam :16:40
anddamducasse: I just reconfigured keyboard-configuration package and I now saw the altgr and compose key questions, but I figure those are just for console16:40
ducasseanddam: demon tools can be thought of as a loop device under windows16:41
anddamThe_Myth: go-rwx16:41
anddamducasse: oh, so answer to blackwind_123 is "no way"16:41
anddamblackwind_123: you'll need an actual emulator16:41
pvl1if i compile a package (and deps), how can i let aptitude knnow? do i have to make a deb?16:42
The_Mythanddam: chmod go-rwx /home/* or just /home/? :x16:42
blackwind_123anddam : yes i think so, going to download virtualbox... :)16:42
anddamThe_Myth: recursively to all the tree if you're worried about nosy neighbors16:43
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ducasseanddam: i'm not certain, but i suspect you might need to configure them under x as well. that is done with setxkbmap.16:45
anddampvl1: you don't unless you want to set a repo, you just install it with dpkg -i16:45
anddamducasse: but that's going to be a per-session setting, fixing a wrong setting coming from an earlier stage in xinit16:45
anddamI'd like to setup that earlier stage16:45
ducasseanddam: you can also do it with xorg configuration16:47
anddamducasse: where is it? AFAICT I'm running on Xorg autoprobe since there's no xorg.conf16:47
ducasseanddam: you set the exact same flags, just set them in a different way16:47
anddamshould I dump current config and edit the resulting xorg.conf?16:48
anddamback in a minute16:48
ducasseanddam: you can add a snippet containing just what you want in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d16:48
anddamah, good ol' .d config directories16:49
anddamso just the input section for keyboard16:49
anddamhow do I dump currently running xorg config?16:49
ducasseanddam: yes, i expect there are examples on the arch wiki for example16:49
anddamarch wiki is excellent16:50
anddamback in a couple minutes16:50
S0baitIs it possible to switch to a different user in bash16:52
S0baitI know I can do, "su - otherUser" but how would I supply a password automatical16:53
carcabohow to I create a custom ubuntu live cd16:54
pvl1carcabo: http://bfy.tw/A2ts16:54
carcaboevery answer I find googling points to a discontinued project (ubuntu builder, uck, remastersys)16:54
arunsS0bait: You can do sudo followed by the -u flag and the username to spawn a new shell as that user.16:55
pvl1carcabo: then you probably need to do some legwork you apparentl arent trying to do16:55
carcabopvl1: what do you mean?16:56
arunsS0bait: You would also have to specify the shell after the username, for e.g. sudo -u root bash16:57
S0bait@aruns my goal is when superuser A executes a shell script, it is run instead as User B16:57
dean____Hey I just set up ubuntu with i3wm. Can't get xbacklight to control the brightness. When i run just 'xbacklight' I get: 'No outputs have backlight property'16:57
arunsS0bait: Ah I see.16:57
pvl1carcabo: ubuntu-builder was last updated 2016-04-2316:58
arunsS0bait: And you would want to have this shell script run without requiring user B to input their password?16:58
pvl1carcabo: kickstart or fai http://askubuntu.com/questions/409607/how-to-create-a-customized-ubuntu-server-iso16:59
ioriaanddam,  maybe found an 'ellipsis'  solution that works on every layout16:59
sadboy98_Hello World!16:59
S0baitaruns: Yes or find a way to supply it16:59
anddamioria: "I'm all ears"17:00
pvl1anddam: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingEasyHowTo#Step_4:_Build_and_install  sudo checkinstall was what i was looking for17:00
arunsS0bait: Have you considered using sudo with the -H flag? AFAIK this sets the home directory to that of the target user, along with the security settings for that user's home directory17:00
ioriaanddam,  are you on Unity ?17:00
anddambtw the keyboard-configuration helped, now I see unicode in shell17:00
S0baitCan you ellaborate17:00
arunsS0bait: So I think it will grab the target user's password from the password database, I will run a quick test to confirm.17:00
anddamioria: I am17:01
S0baityikes.. I accidently deleted /etc/passwd from my vagrant box and now I cannot ssh.. how do i fix this17:01
ioriaanddam,  you need to enable the 'Compose key'  in keyboard -> shortcuts -> Typing17:01
ioriaanddam,  click on 'disabled' and , e.g., select Right ontrol17:02
topkekarooneyswhy does this not install dpkg -i Fern-Wifi-Cracker_1.6_all.deb? Errors were encountered while processing:  Fern-Wifi-Cracker_1.6_all.deb17:02
ioriaanddam,  then press Right Control and two times period (.)17:03
arunsS0bait: /etc/passwd isn't synced to your Vagrant box, is it?17:03
arunsS0bait: Otherwise I would say you should probably just reinstall the Vagrant box.17:03
arunsMaybe backup what you need from the Vagrant box and copy it over to your host machine, then add to the new Vagrant box.17:04
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anddamioria: then ofc I lose right control (that I never use anyway)17:04
anddamioria: that's the .+. composition ducasse was talking about, thanks17:04
ioriaanddam,  does it works ?17:04
The_Mythsomething don't work as I expected. I don't want users to get down from their /home/username, but still want their public-html be accessible via web. with chmod go-rwx /home/*, that don't happen. :/17:05
anddamthat's almost as handy as on macos17:05
ioriaanddam,  ok, so you needed to enable it17:05
anddamyes, it wasn't clear to me that altgr in an altgr variant layout wasn't the same thing as composition key17:05
topkekarooneyswhy does this not install dpkg -i Fern-Wifi-Cracker_1.6_all.deb? Errors were encountered while processing:  Fern-Wifi-Cracker_1.6_all.deb17:05
ioriaanddam, yes, you loose Right Control for other activities17:06
S0baitaruns: Any luck with that test you were doing?17:06
anddamone thing I wasn't able to figure in Unity control panel is how to set the proper physical keyboard, recnofiguring keyboard-configuration package did the trick but still I figure there should be a GUI setting for that17:06
ioriaanddam,  an btw you were right,  the 4-th level for ellipssis is broken17:06
anddamioria: I haven't catched yet how 4th level works and I don't care right now17:07
anddamI' good enough with the setup I have now17:07
ioriaanddam,  altGr + shift17:07
anddamodd thing in a default Terminal I cannot use unicode mode17:07
ioriaanddam,  altGr + shift is the 4th level17:07
anddamI get the underscored u and then on enter after the endpoint value, nothing17:08
ioriaanddam,  what numbers ?17:08
anddamin the case of ellipsis17:08
anddambut I see it's a matter of shell17:09
ioriaanddam,  use the number up in the kyb, not in the numeric pad17:09
anddamI can type tht into weechat and vim, and xxd correctly checks out as     00000000: e280 a60a17:09
aadiHi I am Aditya. I am unable to get into virtual terminal by pressing ctrl+alt+(f1-f6), and it diplays a black screen of a infinite loop also i have searched the web there i modified the /etc/default/grub file and that also doesn't worked for me. Please anyone willing to help? I want to install NVIDIA graphic card driver!17:09
anddamioria: I'm not using the num pad at all17:09
anddamif possible I'd tell the system I don't have one17:09
topkekarooneyshow do u dpkg ?17:10
topkekarooneyswhy does this not install dpkg -i Fern-Wifi-Cracker_1.6_all.deb? Errors were encountered while processing:  Fern-Wifi-Cracker_1.6_all.deb17:10
anddamtopkekarooneys: the errors shold be printed above that17:10
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anddamThe_Myth: no, you should leave at least execution permissino on home dir and then read and execution on public_html17:11
topkekarooneysdpkg: error processing archive Fern-Wifi-Cracker_1.6_all.deb (--install):17:11
anddamThe_Myth: or the www-data owned process won't be able to read the files17:11
pvl1topkekarooneys: dont you think its kind of silly to ask people to help you hack into a network when you dont know how to get the tools neccessary17:12
mzamHi, im new to ubuntu , i love it but i got kernel panic randomly17:12
topkekarooneyslol well if the git says type this to install on ubuntu and it dosen't work yes!17:12
anddamthese are the local (small) and remote (big in background) terminals trying unicode https://dl.dropbox.com/s/bdcs8wsgigygyda/Screenshot%20from%202017-02-12%2018-02-28.png17:13
The_Mythanddam: I'm kinda newbie on that stuff. I would like to know if I just can block user from doing 'cd /home/' and keep the rest of the permissions17:13
lantern-shadowcl@topkekarooneys try using gdebi to install the .deb17:13
pvl1topkekarooneys: do you know how to use dpkg to look at packages17:13
aadianyone? I am stuck af :(17:13
anddamthe box alignment test is almost completely fine except a couple missing chars17:13
pvl1The_Myth: you can remove the read and d permissions on the directory. d permission being the directory permission17:14
anddamThe_Myth: not sure, I'd try rwx-----x on home ad ofc public_html has be either rwxr-x--- or rwx-r-xr-x17:14
anddampvl1: what's the d permission?17:14
pvl1what youre getting at17:14
anddamnever heard of that17:15
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pvl1the execute  on a dir17:15
pvl1rather than file17:15
aadiHi I am Aditya. I am unable to get into virtual terminal by pressing ctrl+alt+(f1-f6), and it diplays a black screen of a infinite loop also i have searched the web there i modified the /etc/default/grub file and that also doesn't worked for me. Please anyone willing to help? I want to install NVIDIA graphic card driver!17:15
anddampvl1: never heard it being called 'd'17:15
anddamaadi: nobody has a clue what a "black screen of a infinite loop" is17:15
anddamunless it's something at Apple's new HQ17:16
topkekarooneysnot found with gdebi after installed it17:16
pvl1anddam: i guess yeah that was a weird thing to call it actually17:16
lantern-shadowclor Windows killing itself after an update17:16
anddampvl1: ah you just made up some words :-)17:16
anddamok lost enough time today17:16
anddamthanks all for the info17:16
pavlosaadi, can you install from Software & Updates | Additional drivers?17:17
lantern-shadowcl@topkekarooneys you just say sudo gdebi *the package*.deb and then follow the prompt17:17
mzamguys any idea how to solve random frezess "kernel panic" ?17:17
aadipavlos, i did that but eventually that result in a black screen and i was unable to use my machine until i have removed that nvidia driver installed from  Software & Updates | Additional drivers17:18
dean____mzam: I had an issue with that a while ago. Started booting from an older kernel at the grub screen. Not a solution but it's kept me going till now.17:18
aadipavlos: and therefore i am trying to install manualy17:19
lantern-shadowcl@mzam Depends do you know which kernel you are rocking on your setup once you figure that out you can start to see if this is a common issue if so I would say roll back your kernel17:19
mzamdean____:  my  panic happening when i play games or use VM17:19
anddamI'm getting "W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/kbl_dmc_ver1.bin for module i915_bpo17:19
pavlosaadi, which nvidia card, which ubuntu ? I guess you can run with the nouveau driver for now, right?17:19
ducasseanddam: ignore it, just intel screwing up.17:20
anddama quick search didn't show any hint if this is an actual issue (other than a possible one) and how if posssible to get the driver17:20
aadipalvos: i am using NVIDIA GEFORCE 930MX and i am on UBUNTU 16.04LTS17:20
lantern-shadowcl@mzam are you sure that is a kernel panic? and not lets say your computer that able to handle what you are throwing at it?17:20
ioriaanddam, not only on Skylake ...17:21
topkekarooneys sudo gdebi  Fern-Wifi-Cracker_1.6_all.deb gdebi error, file not found: Fern-Wifi-Cracker_1.6_all.deb17:21
anddamso now I'm just left with the issue that I cannot type "odd" chars on shell, but I can in terminal in other programs17:21
anddamnot that I need to use ellipsis or accented vowels in shell, but I wonder why17:21
anddamthanks all again17:21
aadiI just wanted to step into virtual terminal. Anyone willing to help?17:21
lantern-shadowcl@topkekarooneys did you download the file? and if you did are you in the dir that contains the downloaded .deb?17:22
mzamlantern-shadowcl:  well im not really sure, but somtimes i will got black screen and alot of writing and the end said kernel panic17:22
aadipalvos: I am also facing a lot of problems with google-chrome. I fixed that annonying flickering but now it doesn't displays web page correctly.17:23
lantern-shadowcl @mzam okay well which ubuntu are you using?17:23
mzamlantern-shadowcl:  16.04 LTS17:23
aadipalvos, and i guess that error is because of nouveau driver, right?17:24
lantern-shadowcl@mzam okay did it or you recently update the kernel?17:24
pavlosaadi, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-361/+bug/160697017:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1606970 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-361 (Ubuntu) "Black screen after installing nvidia-current for 930MX" [Undecided,New]17:24
mzamlantern-shadowcl:  i only do updates from unbuntu softwer17:25
lantern-shadowcl@mzam okay hmm I would check on the ubuntu forums if anyone else is having this problem I can't think of what it might be.17:26
siddharth@aadi I hope this might help http://askubuntu.com/questions/816631/why-is-display-flickering-in-chrome-chromium-of-zenbook-ux303ua-with-google-plus17:26
mzamlantern-shadowcl:  could be my Video driver ? because i notice when i turn my VM the screen will flash randomly as well17:26
tomreynmzam: this sounds like a good hint.17:28
tomreyncheck your dmesg + syslog, too17:28
tomreynalso Xorg log17:28
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topkekarooneysi git cloned it17:29
mzamtomreyn: im kinda noob in linux I grow up with windows17:29
mzamslow down17:29
mist1231Heya guys, i've run out of space on /boot and am unable to install anything on my server. I've tried purging and a bunch of other things to get rid of the old stuff but i just can't seem to delete the old kernels in a safe way17:29
tomreynmzam: run this and paste the url it returns here: dmesg -T | pastebinit17:30
mist1231in a desperate attempt i finally just deleted a few of the old ones with rm17:30
tomreyn!pastebinit | mzam17:30
ubottumzam: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the Ā« pastebinit Ā» package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com17:30
mist1231now things are not looking so good17:30
tomreynmist1231: be more specific, provide command output (error messages)17:31
pavlosmist1231, can you pastebin, ls -l /boot17:31
OerHekstomreyn, mist1231  without installing anything: dmesg -T | nc termbin.com 999917:31
aadipalvos, There is no solution in your link17:32
lucidguyis it possible to rsnapshop backup to a windows/ntfs share?  I would think not since it relies on hard links.. no?17:32
mzamubottu: here http://paste.ubuntu.com/23982831/17:32
pavlosaadi, bug was reported so you may have to use the nouveau driver for now17:33
aadisiddharth: In your link, that is changing xorg but i want to use NVIDIA driver, and i am not able to step in virtual machine :(17:33
aadipavlos, Oh i got it, and btw how much time it can take to resolve the issue? any idea ? :B17:34
mzamubottu: i just did it17:34
ubottumzam: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:34
EoghanHello could someone help me with a problem I'm having? I've made a complete mess of installing Ubuntu. When I go into Ubuntu on boot menu I just get Grub minimal bash line editing. Ive tried reinstalling a few times but nothing seems to work17:35
aadiand pavlos, what about that virtual terminal :(17:37
The_MythI've messed up. I've accidentally set /home/ chmod 777. how do I get back the defaults? and I won't touch it again.17:38
pavlosaadi, c-a-f1 should give you a terminal and c-a-f7 should revert to gui17:39
monhi. currently i am adding ipv6 via solusvm control panel. how can i do it by CLI ? because i need to paste like 200 ipv6 in one shot17:40
mzamhow to update my video driver ? mine IntelĀ® Sandybridge Mobile17:40
aadipalvos, i am pressing that but i am not reflecting to terminal :(17:40
topkekarooneystfw should of installed fedora as the git clone dont work17:41
ducassemzam: the driver is updated as part of the kernel17:41
mzamducasse: and how do you update the kernel :p17:42
ducassemzam: the kernel is updated as part of regular system updates. other than that, you shouldn't mess with it.17:43
topkekarooneysalways saying sys update upgrade :P17:44
mzamducasse: im having problem when i run vm , somtimes i got flashy screen and sometime the system will freeze "crash"17:45
ducassemzam: which ubuntu version? and is ubuntu the host and/or the guest?17:45
toddmcnealIs anyone familiar with bluetooth networking, specifically using the BlueZ library via the DBus interface?  I have written python code to connect to a ps3 via my linux box.  According to btmon it is able to successfully negotation a connection, however it then initiates a disconnect pretty quickly afterwards and I'm not sure why.  I'm advertising a HID profile but I don't see that included in the SDP messages being sent, so I'm17:45
toddmcnealwondering if that's it: http://paste.debian.net/914005/17:45
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housekeepingDoes anyone in here have experience with lvm as raid5?17:46
aadipalvos, infact i am redirecting to a error screen :(17:46
mzamducasse: i use ubuntu 16.04 LTS17:46
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aadialso palvos, disabling hardware acceleration in chrome doesn't makes chrome running fine :( can you help me in this?17:47
ducassemzam: then you can try this to get the kernel and xorg stack from 16.10 - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack#Ubuntu_16.04_LTS_-_Xenial_Xerus17:48
aadialso pavlos, disabling hardware acceleration in chrome doesn't makes chrome running fine :( can you help me in this?17:48
pavlosaadi, sorry, no info on this one17:49
mzamducasse:  thanks  i will read that and try it17:50
koleygr_I have a multiboot system and I tried to install kde-neon lts17:51
koleygr_the live cd was working... but the installed system doesn't start17:51
ducassekoleygr_: you need to ask in #kdeneon, it's not supported here17:52
tharkunWhat kernel does the 16.04 uses?17:55
EriC^^tharkun: currently? or the 16.04 iso?17:56
tharkunEriC^^: both?17:57
EriC^^tharkun: what are you trying to do?17:57
aadipavlos, thanks alot :), glad to meet you next time17:57
EriC^^tharkun: i think the latest iso 16.04.2 got released recently, and it should have the latest kernel (dont quote me on that though)17:58
tharkunEriC^^: Install the MS ODBC Driven in Debian.17:58
EriC^^!info linux-generic xenial | tharkun17:58
ubottutharkun: linux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 1 kB, installed size 12 kB17:58
EriC^^so it's 4.4.0-62 currently17:58
Prelude2004chey guys.. good day .. running ubuntu in Virtual box and i am having a DUP! problem on sync.. i turned off forwarding but still same result.. odd.. any ideas/17:59
Prelude2004cubuntu version 14.0417:59
tharkunEriC^^: Abusing your knowledge which ubuntu version uses the 3.16 kernel version17:59
EriC^^tharkun: i think it's the vivid ubuntu, but that's completely dead now and unsupported18:00
housekeepinga pool of drives = ~7.5tb should yield more than 2.75tb in raid5 right?18:00
EriC^^tharkun: you could install ubuntu 16.04 and install the older linux-generic-lts-vivid package that gives the vivid kernel18:01
EriC^^!info linux-generic-lts-vivid18:01
ubottuPackage linux-generic-lts-vivid does not exist in yakkety18:01
EriC^^!info linux-generic-lts-vivid xenial18:01
ubottulinux-generic-lts-vivid (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers (dummy transitional package). In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 1 kB, installed size 12 kB18:01
EriC^^tharkun: hmm, it should be 3.16 if i'm not mistaken, maybe somebody can shed some light18:02
EriC^^!info linux-generic-lts-vivid trusty18:03
ubottulinux-generic-lts-vivid (source: linux-meta-lts-vivid): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 1 kB, installed size 28 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf; arm64; ppc64el; powerpc)18:03
EriC^^tharkun: ah it's 3.19, maybe you need to have ubuntu 14.04 to be able to get the older kernel, not sure18:03
EriC^^3.16 is utopic i think then18:03
EriC^^!info linux-generic-lts-utopic trusty | tharkun18:03
ubottutharkun: linux-generic-lts-utopic (source: linux-meta-lts-utopic): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 1 kB, installed size 28 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf; arm64; ppc64el; powerpc)18:03
tharkunEriC^^: If it where that simple, I would have allready set up an ubuntu server. But I am resource limited for the time beeing I will have to take a leap into the cross distro space. I've avoided it for a a very long time.18:03
tharkun3.16.36-1+deb8u2 is the one currently on Debian Stable.18:05
tharkunor similiar.18:05
EriC^^tharkun: aha, ubuntu 14.04 + the lts-utopic kernel should be close then18:11
aadiHi all can anyone tell me how can i undo a command?18:16
guest2302948hi, dunno if that's the correct place to ask but is there a way to assign a dynamic IP adress on one specific device without having a dhcpd running? just a simple bash sript or sth.?18:16
OerHeksaadi, if you give details, we might18:16
aadiOerHeks, I did this sudo sed -i -e 's/#GRUB_TERMINAL/GRUB_TERMINAL/g' /etc/default/grub18:17
aadiOerHeks, now i want to revert18:17
S0baitIs systemd still the preferred way to setup init scripts?18:18
OerHeksaadi, sudo nano /etc/default/grub # and remove the line18:18
S0baitLike I want certain python programs to start by default when the os boots18:18
aadiOerHeks, let me check :)18:18
OerHeksaadi, to save the changes you've made, press Ctrl + O . To exit nano, type Ctrl + X18:18
EriC^^aadi: put a "#" at the start of the line that says GRUB_TERMINAL18:18
OerHeksEriC^^ +1 that should be fine too18:19
ioriaguest2302948, this is for a vm, but it could work http://www.deepshiftlabs.com/dev_blog/?p=933&lang=en-us18:19
_dnb_Looking for samba help, hopefully something simple: http://pastebin.com/jxnC1XpT18:19
brainwashS0bait: systemd is the default init system now (ubuntu 16.04+)18:19
aadiEriC^^, OerHeks  let me reboot my machine18:20
ioriaaadi, and run  sudo update-grub after18:20
aadiyup ioria :)18:21
ioriaaadi, ok18:21
EriC^^aadi: you have to update-gru bfor changes to take effect18:21
S0baitbrainwash: Are there any examples I can use ?18:21
EriC^^*sudo update-grub18:21
EriC^^!systemd | S0bait18:21
ubottuS0bait: systemd is the default init system for Ubuntu 15.04 onwards. For information on transitioning from upstart to systemd, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers For a guide to basic service management with systemd, see https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-systemctl-to-manage-systemd-services-and-units18:21
aadiEriC^^, Yes I know that :)18:22
brainwashS0bait: also https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/understanding-systemd-units-and-unit-files18:22
brainwashS0bait: plenty of systemd unit files can be found in /lib/systemd/system18:24
S0baitHas anyone here used Mozilla's circus ?18:24
Mossadhi all)18:25
OerHeks_dnb_, did you forward/open all ports? netbios uses port 138 iirc18:25
_dnb_no firewall, iptables is clean (fresh install)18:26
OerHeks_dnb_, can you pastebin your smb.conf? cat /etc/samba/smb.conf | nc termbin.com 999918:31
_dnb_OerHeks: hmmmmmm that's a bit precarious of a request :P18:32
_dnb_OerHeks: also, it's in the pastebin i posted18:33
_dnb_dig/Traces: http://pastebin.com/qsjmpUpm18:33
_dnb_Samba info: http://pastebin.com/jxnC1XpT18:33
guest2302948ioria: this one needs the client machine (which is setup to get the ip from dhcpd) to have a startscript which will set the correct IP. What I would like to have is a script that will assign the IP from another machine (where dhcpd would run normally) without changing s.th. on the client side18:35
gambl0reim running ubuntu inside virtualbox but i keep getting a message "Your connection is not private" in chrome18:35
ioriaguest2302948, isc-dhcp-server  ?18:36
ioriaguest2302948, if isc is running on the server, the client will get the ip from it18:36
srulihow do i get sed to match a full line? i want to replace only if  'foobar'  is full line not if there is anything else on the line18:37
guest2302948ioria: didn't want to install/setup/run dhcp server (just need to assign one ip to a specific device)18:37
EriC^^sruli: use ^foobar$18:37
ioriaguest2302948, mmm, ssh connect and run a script18:37
guest2302948can't ssh connect cause the device won't get an ip cause there is no dhcp server18:38
ioriaguest2302948, right18:39
tomreyntharkun / EriC^^: rmadison to the rescue https://qa.debian.org/madison.php?package=linux&table=all18:39
tomreynor dak rather18:40
aadiOerHeks, ioria, that doesn't work :(18:40
srulithanks EriC^^: google has become a nightmare, try searching it for "sed match full line" in first few pages all results were about replacing full line!18:40
ioriaguest2302948, why don't you set it static and then ssh and do what you want18:40
ioriaaadi, what it's not working ?18:40
menacewhat would i have to do to replace gnome keyring with keepassx?18:41
guest2302948ioria: then I would have to have a displyport to hdmi adapter to get a monitor working :)18:42
bekksmenace: You'd need to patch the sources of all gnome applications that use the keyring. Or you just dont use the keyring at all and use keypassx instead, manually.18:42
aadiioria, I asked about undoing a command18:43
menaceoh, that's hardcoded? :(18:43
ioriaaadi,    cat /etc/default/grub18:43
ioriaguest2302948,  maybe you need to elaborate your issue (not only what you want to achieve)18:44
guest2302948ioria: got a raspberry pi with an sd card (raspbian on it) I only can connect via network that's it (raspbian is preconfigured to use dynamic ips)18:45
aadiioria, what will that do i.e cat /etc/default/grub do?18:47
ioriaaadi,    cat /etc/default/grub | pastebinit      will print the content of the on paste.ubuntu.com  , so we can see it18:48
pavlossruli, created a file with foobar and foobar 2, tried sed s/^foobar$/bob/ and it changed only the first line18:49
ioriaaadi,    you could have done some mistakes in typing18:49
srulipavlos: correct, as Eric^^ mentioned..18:50
ioriaguest2302948, can you paste  the output of    'ip a' ?18:50
aadiioria, I have commented that GRUB_GFXMODE18:50
pvl1how come ubuntu has different repos than debian? like can i install .deb's from later versions of debian as long as the platofrms match?18:50
pavlossruli, just saw EriC^^ 's reply18:51
srulipavlos: thanks18:51
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ioriaguest2302948,  maybe it was GRUB_TERMINAL  ? plese paste the file18:51
brainwashpvl1: you can. however, you may run into dependency conflicts18:52
guest2302948ioria: do you mean me??? I have no access to the pi cause no ssh cause no ip cause no dhcpd :)18:52
pvl1brainwash: im sorry but can you please elaborate? like why would it matter if i can usually find the debs?18:52
pvl1i meant this probably shouldbe on #ubuntu-arm tbh18:52
brainwashpvl1: well.. what are you trying to do?18:53
brainwashwhat is the goal?18:53
OerHekspvl1, ubuntu packages might be build different than debian packages.18:53
ioriaguest2302948,  no physical access to it ?18:53
ioriaguest2302948,  direct, i mean18:53
lernercan anyone paste thecommand one uses to see what packages are being transmitted?18:54
bekkslerner: in what regard?18:54
bekkslerner: what do you want to achiveve by inspecting packets?18:54
lernerbekks, err, bits I transmit and receive when I visit say, the bbc18:54
OerHekstransmitted how?18:54
guest2302948ioria: I do have physical access18:54
lerneri visit the bbc, there is information being transmitted18:55
lernerbekks, I wanto to see how much mB i get on a day18:55
aadiioria, Also i am viewing a black grub menu earlier i was able to saw purple colour one is that a matter of concern?18:55
ioriaguest2302948,  but you can't run command on it ?18:55
ioriaaadi, please, paste the /etc/default/grub18:56
OerHekslerner, wireshark can catch show data transferred. or see http://askubuntu.com/questions/257263/how-to-display-network-traffic-in-terminal18:56
pvl1brainwash: OerHeks im running 12.04 on a pcduino3b, and therefor have to run old versions of well, everything18:56
aadiioria, just a sec :)18:56
bekkslerner: then get that information, you do not need to insespect packets at all.18:56
bekkslerner: sudo apt install iftop18:56
aadiioria, # If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update18:56
aadi# /boot/grub/grub.cfg.18:56
aadi# For full documentation of the options in this file, see:18:56
aadi#   info -f grub -n 'Simple configuration'18:56
pvl1lol ive done that before18:57
xpistosHey all. I am having a bit of trouble with vim. I have several lines in the script that are formated mm-dd-yyyy like 01-01-2017, 12-08-2017 etc. how can I delete them all in one shot? I have tried g/^0?-*/d but that does not seem to work.18:57
ioriaaadi,  not here, on paste.ubuntu.com18:57
pvl1xpistos: i think sed might be what u want to use...18:57
guest2302948ioria:I could if I new all the short cuts to boot up, open up a terminal (no monitor)18:57
pvl1but i dont know how so i cant help lol18:57
ioriaguest2302948,  ok, no idea sorry18:58
dorkcan use vim/sed/anything that does regex18:58
aadiioria, pasted :)18:58
pvl1dork: i just find that its easier to test/script from the shell with sed than in vim. but maybe thats because im not good with regex or all of vim yet18:58
OerHeksgambl0re hi18:59
ioriaaadi,  give us the url18:59
dorkxpistos: is it all 2017?18:59
aadiioria, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23983477/18:59
xpistosdork: it is right now, but it won't be next year etc18:59
lernerthnk bekks18:59
pavloslerner, a thought ... netstat -i; wget http://bbc.co.uk ; netstat -i19:00
guest2302948ioria: just asked on the pi channel they told me just to mount the image (raspbian) and modify the  /etc/network/interfaces file -> stupid me19:00
guest2302948ioria: so just remove the sd card with the os  and modify the file on another machine19:00
ioriaaadi,  and  you wanted to comment GRUB_TERMINAL=console ?19:01
dorkxpistos: if the lines you want to zap all and only those lines contain 2017 just do :g/-2017//g19:01
dorkonce the data gets a bit more complicated i would expand it with sed and some bash scripting19:02
pvl1thats what i was getting at19:03
pvl1but ty dork now i know how to delete lines with regex :)19:03
aadiioria, Yes19:05
ioriaaadi,  because it's still commented out ; this cmd simply remove the '#' ('s/#GRUB_TERMINAL/GRUB_TERMINAL/g') , so to revert you edit the file and put an '#' before19:06
guest2302948ioria: thx for helping, bye19:07
ioriaguest2302948,  ok19:07
aadiioria, Let me reboot my machine :)19:08
aadiioria, Also i saw that my machine is now booting up by GNU v2.something which is not the latest, so how can i upgrade to latest one?19:13
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bekksaadi: how do you know its not the latest?19:13
bekksaadi: And why do you want another version than supplied by the official ubuntu repos?19:13
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hitman1when will be the next class ?19:14
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dikdikThe Ubuntu repos contain old software19:15
gambl0reim having trouble with chrome running ubuntu in a vm19:15
dikdikCan't get GCC 619:16
gambl0rei keep getting 'Your connection is not private' whenever i try to access google19:16
gambl0redo you know whats wrong19:16
ppfdikdik: yes19:16
OerHeksdikdik, there is a test in toolchain http://askubuntu.com/questions/746369/how-can-i-install-and-use-gcc-6-on-xenial19:16
dikdikI need that GCC 6 for LTO19:16
ppfif you absolutely really no-way-around it need it, intsall the testing toolchain19:17
ppfbut it's unstable19:17
aadibekks, Earlier i was viewing V3.something and with purple screen now I am viewing V2.something with black screen ; thats why i am asking19:17
bekksaadi: There never was grub v3.19:17
bekksaadi: that thing does not exist yet.19:17
ioria!info gcc-619:17
ubottugcc-6 (source: gcc-6): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 6.2.0-5ubuntu12 (yakkety), package size 7185 kB, installed size 25271 kB19:17
OerHeksaadi,  please show us :-D19:18
dikdikI bootstrapped GCC 619:18
ppfdikdik: what ubuntu are you running?19:19
ioria!info gcc-6 xenial19:19
ubottuPackage gcc-6 does not exist in xenial19:19
ppfif you really need gcc-6, there's a ppa for it19:19
OerHeksdikdik, why you say outdated, as 16.04 is LTS = stable ?19:19
dikdikThe OS is not outdated19:20
aadibekks, shit :"( but now i am viewing a black colour one and earlier was purple one :( so i got confused :"(19:20
dikdikthe software in the repos is19:20
ppfdikdik: that's got a gcc6. but ppas aren't stable, so use at your own risk19:20
OerHeksdikdik, have fun with that ppa19:20
ioriaespecially with that19:20
ppfuser-provided package repos19:21
ppfdikdik: you said you bootstrapped gcc6 yourself19:21
ppfdoes that not suffice for using lto?19:21
dikdikI don't need to use a PPA if I compiled it myself :P19:23
ppfno you don't19:23
ppfwhat do you need then?19:23
dikdikI don't need anything, just complaining :P19:24
ppfright, how useful ;)19:24
koffeinfriedhofdikdik: #crybaby :P19:25
ppfubuntu uses a stable release model19:25
ppfif that's not to your liking, there's other distributions that don't19:25
sponixYeah, Stability annoys me.. I think I need to switch   :)19:27
koffeinfriedhofUbuntu just wants to keep things stable and doesnt want to get the latest stuff. Switch to a rolling release distribution if you need this. That doesnt fit security issues. Compiling yourself does work too but isn't that handy because of manual lookup of newer releases, fixes, patches,...19:28
dikdikArch sucks though19:28
koffeinfriedhofdikdik: why? its rr and not unstable.19:28
dikdikI just needed LTO for one stupid thing I tried to uild19:28
dikdikAnd now it is built19:29
koffeinfriedhofdikdik: you may switch to #gentoo but there are rumours that you have to compile a server and irc-client yourself to join that channel :P19:30
dikdikI built IRSSI from source :P19:32
dikdikNo servers though19:32
pvl1which debian corressponds to 12.04?19:32
ioriapvl1, cat /etc/debian_version19:33
koffeinfriedhofdikdik: :D19:33
pvl1lol ty19:33
psichashow to read big books faster? plz help over 1000 pages come on lol :)19:35
ppfskip the odd pages19:35
rescuei am trying to use "magicrescue" to recover the content of a deleted folder19:36
rescueproblem is i don't know how to specify the path of the original deleted folders19:36
rescuei started "magicrescue" and i've got in the output folder, a lot of recovered unnamed files ..but which are already on the disk in other folders19:37
rescuelooks like "magicrescue" is wasting time watching in other folders ... i am not interested in19:37
rescuemore than that.. i don't know how will i know which file is which?19:38
OerHeksrescue, i am afraid you need to examine each file, same issue with testdisk19:39
OerHeksnames are not easily recovered19:39
rescueok. but if it takes more than 2 week-man to examine files, it is better ttry rewriting files by hand..isn't it?19:40
dikdikDepends on what the files contain19:42
owen1i get error trying to unrar a file so i try to install unrar-nonfree. anyone knows how to do that?19:42
owen1i am on 16.04.119:42
ppfsudo apt install unrar19:43
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numnumware do i find help with metasploiut19:45
ppfnumnum: probably on their website19:46
OerHeksnumnum, #metasploit has its own channel19:46
numnumoh cool19:46
owen1ppf: unrar doesn't work for this file19:46
OerHeksmanual > http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man1/unrar-nonfree.1.html19:47
ppfowen1: then it's no a rar file19:48
owen1ppf: it worked! i followed your advice and at the end of the installation i saw 'update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/unrar-nonfree to provide /usr/bin/unrar (unrar) in auto mode'19:48
fizikzhi, i have a problem with vdpau not working. "vdpauinfo" command gives "Error creating VDPAU device: 1"19:49
owen1ppf: i am not sure what happend but unrar x file worked19:49
fizikzubuntu 16.04, MATE DE, nvidia proprietary drivers v 304.134 (installed through "additional drivers")19:51
jocihii!!Everyone !!  I got a little issue when i start to whatch movies on VLC, (very frequently) the screen turns into black for a couple of secunds, its very anoying what coudl couse this thing ?19:51
arCABALWhat video driver do you have installed?19:52
ppfjoci: your screensaver19:52
pvl1ugh byobu is starting to become annoyi to maintain acroos19:52
jociarCABAL: i check that19:53
fizikzalso, vdpau related errors when running mplayer or vlc: VDPAU nvidia: Error detected 10 227  519:54
fizikzVDPAU nvidia: Backtrace:19:54
fizikz    -> 119:54
fizikz[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_device_create_x11: 119:54
fizikzand when starting kodi: libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate19:54
jociarCABAL: Intel Corporation Device 22b119:55
Bashing-omfizikz: As mc4man( forum) suggest : check the card/driver . What returns - dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ; lspci -k|grep -iEA5 'vga|3d' - ?20:03
fizikzBashing-om: http://pastebin.com/iSqMthVX20:07
Guy1524Hey guys, I left a file transfer of 500GB going for a few hours but at almost 400GB somebody canceled it I think20:09
Guy1524is there a way to resume w/o copying the entire thing over again?20:09
jancoowHi there. How to change this service into the new systemctl ? http://pastebin.com/8cnuJzZG20:10
dr4c4nwhat's the latest ubuntu channel?20:10
gambl0rehow would i downgrade chrome20:10
OerHeksgambl0re, not.20:11
OerHeksgoogle does not keep old vrsions available.20:11
gambl0rebut i cant access google.com in chrome...i keep getting 'your connection is not private' message20:12
dr4c4nis there a channel for 17.04 ubuntu, I'm having an issue with gnome evolution, and other's are having the same issue on arch, but I don't know whether to log a bug or not20:12
OerHeksdr4c4n, #ubuntu+1 for next releases20:12
dr4c4nthanks :) found it on the website :)20:13
Bashing-omfizikz: All I can say is that the driver is correct. per : http://www.nvidia.com/object/IO_32667.html . I am stuck here as " ii  mate-optimus " is put of my experience ramge. I do not know what to advise in this case.20:13
Bashing-om*out of my experience20:14
OerHeksgambl0re, on what chrome verion?20:15
gambl0relatest 5620:15
gambl0reive been trying to fix with another dude for the past hour20:16
OerHekscurrent is 55, so you are not on ubuntu, are you?20:16
fizikzBashing-om: mate-optimus was installed by ubuntu-mate-desktop, to get the MATE DE, but i am not using optimus20:16
ioriafizikz, just a try: install libvdpau1  and vdpau-va-driver   and restart20:16
dvioladoes ubuntu enables fstrim by default for SSDs?20:17
k1ldviola: yes20:17
OerHeksgambl0re, 1st paste is windows, 2nd paste is an odd url, https://www.google.co.uk/?gfe bla bla try https://www.google.co.uk/20:18
gambl0reyea i cant access google.com in chrome20:19
gambl0refirefox works fine20:19
gambl0reso i dont know what to do20:19
fizikzioria: those packages are already installed. maybe a good idea to reinstall? or even reinstall the nvidia drivers?20:19
OerHekstry https://www.google.co.uk/ without the unusual garbage behind it.20:19
OerHeksi think that comes from a posted link, not your home button20:20
Bashing-omfizikz: I have attempted in past issues to deal with  mate-optimus - just do not have the skills to know what to do with it .20:21
gambl0reit doesnt work20:21
jancoowExecStart=xx isn't working anymore for some reason..20:21
OerHeksgambl0re, if that does not solve it, contact the chrome, where you got 56...20:21
jancoowWhat is the equalivant?20:21
k1lgambl0re: using any proxies vpns or company network?20:21
gambl0reno im using home network20:21
Night_gambl0re:  are you at home or som wifi20:22
ioriafizikz,  idk, sy20:22
fizikzBashing-om: mate-optimus has caused issues in the past? it should not be running/enabled for me, since my graphics card doesn't even support optimus20:22
fizikzioria: np, thx for the ideas20:23
k1lgambl0re: the cert of that page is broken. you can manually proceed when you click on advanced and then "proceed to .... (unsafe)"20:26
k1lgambl0re: talk to google.co.uk about that issue20:26
OerHeksk1l, current is chrome 55, so gambl0re is using unstable..20:26
ioriafizikz,  it's an old thread ... see if it helps https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=150585420:26
k1lOerHeks: no, 56 is the current stable20:27
k1l55 is chromium20:27
* OerHeks runs updates again20:27
gambl0rei dont see that -  proceed to....20:27
gambl0rethey mustve removed it in v5620:28
k1lgambl0re: google.co.uk does work in my chrome. maybe its a dns or ISP issue20:28
gambl0reit works on firefox20:29
OerHeksoh my bad, restarting chrome now20:30
ppfgambl0re: try it in a private tab20:30
OerHekshttps://www.google.co.uk/ works fine here, without the garbage behind that url20:31
gambl0reit doenst work in incognito20:32
fizikzioria: interesting hint. could this be a problem? > $ ls -la /usr/lib/libvdpau_nvidia.so20:33
fizikzlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 51 Nov  6 17:57 /usr/lib/libvdpau_nvidia.so -> /etc/alternatives/i386-linux-gnu_libvdpau_nvidia.so20:33
ioriafizikz,  are you 32 bit ?20:33
fizikzioria: yes20:33
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styler2gocan i somehow reset the sources.list on my ubuntu20:36
styler2gowithout messign up already installed stuff20:36
bekksstyler2go: Reset to what?20:36
styler2gobekks "factory" e.g. default values20:37
bekksstyler2go: Then you will not receive updates for packages from PPA, etc. anymore.20:37
ioriafizikz,  do you have a /usr/lib/nvidia-current/vdpau/libvdpau_nvidia.so     file ?20:37
styler2gocan i somehow remove all packages from ppas?20:37
bekksstyler2go: whats the underlying problem that you are trying to solve?20:37
bekksstyler2go: ppa-purge20:38
krzyszto1hi all20:38
styler2gobekks: i get those errors on apt update: E: Failed to fetch http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial-updates/main/dep11/Components-amd64.yml.xz Hash Sum mismatch20:38
styler2golike 5 errors20:38
bekksstyler2go: Resetting sources.list will not magically solve it.20:38
styler2goand when i try to install something i get: E: Failed to fetch http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/gst-libav1.0/gstreamer1.0-libav_1.8.2-1~ubuntu1_amd64.deb 404 Not Found [IP: 80]20:38
styler2goi might have added soem faulty ppas20:38
fizikzioria: yes, and the alternatives file links to it: $ ls -l /etc/alternatives/i386-linux-gnu_libvdpau_nvidia.so20:39
fizikzlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 44 Nov  6 17:57 /etc/alternatives/i386-linux-gnu_libvdpau_nvidia.so -> /usr/lib/nvidia-304/vdpau/libvdpau_nvidia.so20:39
bekksstyler2go: the errors you just told us relate to official sources, not to PPA.20:39
styler2goso why do i have those20:39
bekksstyler2go: The firest error tells you there is a mismatch in a hash sum, the second tells you that the file requested isnt there, which tells you that your package lists are outdated.20:40
styler2goso the second one is an fault of the first one i assume?20:40
styler2goi know what they say but i am not sure why i get these errors hmm20:40
lernerwhy does sudo thunar return No protocol specified Thunar: Cannot open display: ?20:41
styler2gobekks: https://paste.ubuntu.com/23984200/20:41
lernerthis never happened before20:41
bekksstyler2go: Did you try using archive.ubuntu.com instead of de.archive...?20:42
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styler2gothere's an error in DEP-11.. what's DEP-11?20:42
styler2goisn't that ppa?20:42
bekksstyler2go: No.20:42
OerHeksstyler2go, you could try:  sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* && sudo apt-get update20:43
OerHeksHash Sum mismatch usually happens when you use a proxy20:44
styler2goWill purge the cache and reload all?20:44
OerHeksIt will purge the lists & hashsums20:45
styler2goOk did it, same errors on those DEP-11 files: https://paste.ubuntu.com/23984221/20:45
bekksstyler2go: Did you try using archive.ubuntu.com instead of de.archive...?20:45
styler2goNot yet... should i?20:46
ppfdid you run apt update recently?20:46
bekksstyler2go: Guess why I am asking you.20:46
styler2gosudo sed -i "s/de.archive.ubuntu/archive.ubuntu/" /etc/apt/sources.list ?20:46
styler2goyes, ppf20:46
ioriafizikz, sudo update-alternatives --config libvdpau_nvidia.so      what it says ?20:47
styler2gotrying without de. now20:47
styler2goworked perfectly20:47
styler2goIs the german mirror faulty?20:48
fizikzioria: update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for libvdpau_nvidia.so20:48
bekksstyler2go: No.20:48
ppfstyler2go: looks like. i'm seeing the same errors20:48
styler2goshould we report that somewhere?20:48
bekksstyler2go: you just hit a race condition where the package list contents dont match the filesystem, due to updating them from the main mirror.20:49
bekksstyler2go: No. :)20:49
ppfbekks: unlikely20:49
bekksppf: Why?20:49
ppfbecause i have the same errors for dep-11 right now20:50
bekksppf: because you are hitting the same race condition...20:50
styler2gowhich kind of race condition?20:50
bekks0212 214904 < bekks> styler2go: you just hit a race condition where the package list contents dont match the filesystem, due to updating them from the main mirror.20:50
bekksstyler2go: the one I already explained to you.20:50
styler2goi am not sure if i can correctly understand "race condition" lol20:50
ppfbekks: that's not an explanation really ;20:50
bekksppf: Reakky, why not?20:51
styler2gobut.. didn't i clean the cache?20:51
bekksstyler2go: you cleaned your cache, but you did not magically make the package lists on the server match the filesystem content on the server.20:51
styler2goso it was still a server problem?20:52
ppfto clarify, where's the race condition? between myself and the repo servers, or between the repo server and the upstream mirror?20:52
bekksppf: I just clarified it.20:52
DoowWhy doesn't the backup user have write privileges in it's home directory? (/var/backups)20:52
ppfbekks: yes, fair enough20:52
Doowwould it be bad to change ownership of /var/backups to the backup user?20:52
styler2gobekks but if i would like to clean up my ubuntu from third-party stuff, ppa-purge would be my tool?20:53
bekksstyler2go: If you are using PPA, yes.20:53
styler2goactually never heared of it but got a nice explanation on askubuntu right now20:54
beggggiiinerhi guys can someone point me to a nice ssh guide?20:54
ioriafizikz,  it's probably a 'driver'  conflict or miscofiguration, but idk how to safely help you20:54
Bashing-omDoow: Huh ?? /var/ generally is not under any users home . see the result : ' ls -ld /var/ ' . where it is root that owns and is grouped .20:55
fizikzioria: what would be a good way to reinstall the driver?20:55
ioriafizikz,  maybe, try20:56
DoowBashing-om, maybe it's something I changed and I forgot, but I don't think so. cat /etc/passwd lists the backup users home dir as /var/backups20:56
ioriafizikz,  ot try the solution in the link i posted20:56
DoowBashing-om, but yes, it's the root user that owns /var/backups right now (and hence my problem)20:57
DoowI'm trying to write some backup scripts and gpg wants to create the .gnupg directory in the backup users home directory20:58
technocfHello, I'm trying to download Ubuntu 16.10 via bittorrent and I'm getting 40320:58
technocfJust checked and the same is happening for all of the bittorent options20:59
technocfSame for non-bittorent as well21:00
Bashing-omDoow: My system: "backup:x:34:34:backup:/var/backups:/usr/sbin/nologin" . As to a backup script . never encountered such in my writting . just do not know .21:01
Doowtechnocf: I have no trouble getting the .torrent files, what exact url are you using?21:01
DoowBashing-om: ok, thanks anyway :)21:01
technocfDoow: All the downloads give me 403, this is the torrent: http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.10/ubuntu-16.10-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent21:01
technocfSame happens with the ISO:21:02
Doowtechnocf: odd, that works for me (at least the torrent)21:02
technocfDoow: Does the ISO give you 403?21:02
Doowlet me check21:03
technocfThese are the official downloads from links on the homepage21:03
OerHekstorrent works here fine too21:03
Doowtechnocf: iso works fine as well21:03
technocfWell why on earth do I get a 403 :/21:03
Doowtechnocf: could it be your isp blocking them?21:03
technocfDont see why they would21:04
Doowtechnocf: or some location specific thing, maybe you're redirected to a different server than me (I'm in sweden)21:04
technocfAnyway, the 403 is coming from "Apache on Ubuntu Server at releases.ubuntu.com"21:04
OerHekstechnocf, oh, not in your torrent client?21:05
technocfNo, cant even get the file21:06
OerHekstry http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/21:06
OerHeksi suspect a server issue with us, ubuntu.com21:06
fizikzioria: after changing the symlink do i need to reboot or restart X for it to take effect with the driver?21:06
technocfDownloads from there fine21:06
technocfDidn't even know about this site before you sent me that21:06
randomdude128Hi, kinda new to linux here, I want to install ubuntu server on my computer, however I plan upgrading the ram quite soon,will I have to reinstall/modify files after upgrading ram or does ubuntu server automatically detects it?21:06
OerHeksstill i tried your url, which works fine for me21:06
bekksrandomdude128: Ubuntu will detect it.21:07
velusunidoes anyone know about vsftpd here?21:08
bekksvelusuni: what if?21:08
velusunibekks, ?21:08
k9_blokedunno if it's appropriate for hits channel but: what are people using for archival long term storage nowadays? (ie: not data center: home PC environment)21:08
OerHeksvelusuni, ask your real question, wait and see21:08
bekksvelusuni: How about just asking your actual vsftpd question?21:08
k9_blokethis channel21:09
OerHeksk9_bloke, anything but ssd.21:09
velusunii have setup vsftpd but when i try to upload i get Response:553 Could not create file. and fails to upload the file21:09
elias_ak9_bloke: HDD, optical storage or what?21:10
OerHeksk9_bloke, there are warnings that if you keep data over 1 year on ssd ( without power), files may get corrupted or not readable at all.21:10
k9_blokeOerHeks, tks.. flash sticks cannot be included as ssd, irght?21:10
bekksvelusuni: So you dont have write permissions in the folder where you are trying to upload files to.21:10
velusuniok thanks21:10
OerHeksk9_bloke, not sure about that21:11
k9_blokeelias_a, this is my doubt: isn't optical soon to be vanished?21:11
k9_blokeelias_a, I mean, no more drives manufacturing - and we all end up with hundreds of disks that cannot be read21:12
k9_blokeOerHeks, I was thinking about flash sticks - but that 1 year stuff is puzzling me - tks!21:13
elias_ak9_bloke: Well... if you can spare bucks for a real RAID NAS that is good IMHO.21:13
ezfoxk9_bloke: i use a raid 1 NAS and a single (usually disconnected) USB disk as backup21:15
k9_blokeelias_a, so you mean redundant electro mechanical - yah, it may be costly :D21:15
ezfoxfor two people with quick upload rate a backup on each others cloud service would be perfect21:16
DoowIs there a good guide available for the default accounts in ubuntu? their responsibilites, and how they're set up by default?21:16
k9_blokeezfox, alright NAS got 2 hits - ill look for that (think its network storage)21:17
DoowI tried checking the server documentation, but couldn't see anything21:17
k9_blokethanks a lot  guys!21:18
ezfoxk9_bloke: check synology and qnap21:18
k9_blokeezfox, ok, tks21:18
ceruleanHi on shutdown this message appeared: "install and generate color profiles" or somethibg21:21
ceruleanWhat does that mean?21:21
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Lauras Hi on shutdown a message appeared saying "generating and installing color profiles" or something what does that mean?21:31
Guy1524hey guys, how long does it usually take for gparted to shrink an hfs+ partition?21:39
Guy1524im shrinking as far as I possibly can21:39
Guy1524w/ no remaining space afterwards21:39
ilmaisinunity does not seem to honor StartupWMClass if the desktop file is not in the "applications" dir :/21:41
LanevallHi, i need help with my settings in ubuntu 16.04, my setup is: i7 3.0 gHz, 16 GB DDR4, GTX 980M 8GB, m.2 disk - Screen 165hz ROG swift 27". i cant get ubuntu to run smooth, when moving windows its like i have terrible refreshrate in the desktop. screantearing when moving windows arround. it works perfect in games and all runs smooth there, but my DE is not pleasing at all. i have the latest nvidia21:41
Lanevalldrivers installed and active.21:41
Guy1524proprietary drivers, right21:42
Guy1524does the problem occur in other DEs?21:43
Lanevallproblem might be that in the DE, my laptop only runs with the built in intel HD graphics21:43
Lanevallyes, i have tried Unity/ubuntu default, XFCE, openbox, KDE21:43
Guy1524well even with intel graphics, the performance should be good21:44
Lanevallall have the same problem21:44
Lanevallwell it sucks to be honest21:44
Lanevallany thoughts of what might do the trick?21:45
Guy1524try glxinfo21:45
Guy1524make sure its using the correct card21:46
Guy1524do you have prime installed21:46
lernerim now in germany and the clock app shows the day names in german, but I need them in english and month before day. where do I reconfigure that?21:47
Lanevallglxinfo tells me im using nvidia drivers and card21:47
Lanevallnvidia prime? what is that :)21:47
Guy1524you should have it installed already if you have the proprietary drivers21:48
Guy1524im confused tbh21:48
Guy1524you could try blacklisting the intel card21:48
k1lno, dont do that21:49
Guy1524do you know if you have hardware musxing21:49
Lanevallwhat is that?21:49
Lanevallmuxing? :)21:49
Guy1524basically, is there an option to turn off your intel card in the bios21:49
Guy1524on some laptops, the dGPU goes through the iGPU to display to the screen21:50
k1liirc its a laptop,21:50
Lanevallso i should blacklist the intel card in bios...21:50
k1lLanevall: np21:50
Lanevallhi k1l21:50
Guy1524if there is an option, that should work21:50
Lanevalland if there is not an option for it?21:51
Guy1524as long as you are sure you dont need it to get a display21:51
k1lLanevall: open the nvidia settings and look under the prime profiles21:51
Guy1524then we need to find another solution21:51
Guy1524listen to k1l21:51
Guy1524he knows more than me21:51
Lanevalli need it when my 27" is not plugged in ofc21:51
Flaggmannshud be able to assign onboard sound card to default system sounds  and other programs to the mixer ?? no??21:52
k9_blokemay I have a crack at this? - Lanevall, is there nouveau in a "lsmod | grep nouveau"21:52
Lanevallnvidia perfpormance is checked k1l21:52
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k9_blokeit seems hes in framebuffer21:53
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Lanevallits in performance mode21:53
k1lLanevall: the vsync issue is another issue. its not because its not using the nvidia21:53
k1lits because its using the nvidia. you need to force the nvidia driver to better handle the vsync21:54
hrustican somone tell me how do I repair corrupted shared library  http://pastebin.com/2MczyBYS and use chroot21:54
Lanevalland i do that how?21:54
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Lanevallk1l: any suggesteon on the vsync issue?21:56
k1lLanevall: i dont know out of the blue. last time i linked you something that did change this21:56
Lanevalli tried that, did not work :/21:57
k1lLanevall: https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/775691/linux/vsync-issue-nvidia-prime-ux32vd-with-gt620-m-/post/4312172/#431217221:59
Lanevallk1l: ill read it and get back to ya, thank you!22:00
olofHello does any of the other ubuntu flavors also have global menu?22:00
ezfoxwhat happened to xf86-input-mouse in ubuntu 16 ?22:00
k1lolof: i think that is unity feature22:01
ezfoxapt cant find it and optirun is missing it :/22:01
Lanevallk1l: they say they are working on it :), a year ago :)22:05
Lanevallbut ill stick with that for now :), thank you for tonight!22:06
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ezfoxany idea how i can fix this ? "bumblebeed[1003]: [  168.310871] [ERROR][XORG] (EE) Failed to load module "mouse" (module does not exist, 0)"22:11
k1lezfox: bumblee is deprecated. ubuntu uses nvidia-prime since some time22:12
horny-samait is me mr-fool22:12
ezfoxah, thx22:12
k1lezfox: so on what ubuntu are you exactly?22:12
ezfoxk1l: Xubuntu 16.04 LTS22:12
ezfoxwill try nvidia-prime then22:12
k1lezfox: if you install the nvidia driver from the ubuntu repo it will work. but make sure to clean out all bumblebee stuff you used now.22:13
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hehehehi is ubuntu 14.04 still supported?22:20
Bashing-om!14.04 | hehehe22:21
ubottuhehehe: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) was the 20th release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ - CHECK FOR POINT RELEASES at http://releases.ubuntu.com - Release Info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes22:21
Rockwolf14.04 is still a great server22:21
hehehei think so too22:21
RockwolfI run 8 Ubuntu servers and 7 of them are 14.0422:22
k1lhehehe: keep in mind, that not all pacakges do have 5 years support, so some might not have support left after april22:22
hehehekll means no security updates?22:22
k1lhehehe: and not bug fixes. ubuntu/canonical only supports the packages in main repo. in universe its the community that makes the support and teams like kubuntu or lubuntu only say they can give 3 years.22:24
heheheand in mean time sudo apt-get upgrade upgrades all packages right?22:27
hehehewhat if I complied some? those need manual upgrade?22:27
OerHekshehehe, use apt-get full-upgrade22:28
k1lhehehe: first run apt update to get the new packages list. then apt full-upgrade22:28
hehehewhat if  I use sudo apt-get upgrade ?22:29
k1lhehehe: yes, packages from 3rd party repos or own compiled code is not supported by ubuntu obviously22:29
k1lhehehe: it doesnt install new kernels, for example22:29
Bashing-omhehehe: Also see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases .22:29
hehehebut it install security patches?22:30
k1lhehehe: no. not all. some need to change other packages which only "upgrade" is not allowed to. so run apt full-upgrade22:30
nicklasHello. Had to reinstall, cause when I tried to install nvidia via the ubuntu mate welcome/additional drivers, it did'nt finish all the way. The progress bar stopped right before the end. I rebooted, and gui wouldn't load, just had a blocks test text and a underline blinking randomly on black screen after booting. Is it safe to just try again, or should I do something else?22:34
nicklasrunning ubuntu mate btw :-)22:35
OerHeksnicklas, i think you need to be more patient, the driver install can take some minutes, depending on the speed of your machine22:35
OerHeksit must compile the driver/dkms and such22:36
nicklaswell, i waited for a pretty long time22:36
hehehehow long?22:36
nicklasyou dont think it matters that its ubuntu mate?22:36
nicklasnever had this problem in regular ubuntu, kubuntu or xubuntu22:36
heheheu mean lubuntu?22:37
nicklasi mean, its the same base, so shoudnt matter i guess22:37
nicklaslubuntu too22:37
nicklasthis is ubuntu mate22:37
k1ldoesnt matter for the base system and video drivers what ubuntu flavor you use22:39
hehehein terms of viruses, nowdays is ubuntu subject to some? or nope?22:40
hehehefirefox had some security bugs but ok its not ubuntu related22:41
dimisdasall software is subject to viruses22:41
hehehedimisdas: well ok u mean outside facing software22:41
nicklaswell, which one? http://www.dumpt.com/img/viewer.php?file=xg9uqbq3w3aev813njbg.png i chose the tested one last time22:41
k1lhehehe: software has bugs that can lead to security issues. so its important that the software gets updates when such bugs get known. that is what the ubuntu security team does. see ubuntu.com/usn22:42
Bashing-omnicklas: the 367 version driver :)22:43
nicklasokidoki :-)22:43
gambl0rewhats the best way to reinstall google chrome22:44
hehehealot of holes22:45
OerHekssudo apt-get purge chromium-browser && rm ~/.config/chromium/ -rf  # and reinstall22:46
OerHekslast line was wrong > sudo apt-get purge google-chrome-browser && rm ~/.config/google-chrome/ -rf  # and reinstall22:47
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nicklasWell, its's stuck again. What to do?22:55
k1lnicklas: what means stuck?22:56
k1lnicklas: it needs to compile some kernel modules, that can take some time22:56
nicklasI know, but it shouldn't take this long.22:57
k1lwhat is "this long"?22:57
OerHeksjust wait ..22:59
nicklasWell, guess its's been like that for like 15 minutes now22:59
OerHeks12 minutes since your last post22:59
elisa871hi, please have a look at my question http://askubuntu.com/questions/882736/snimissingwarning-an-https-request-has-been-made-but-the-sni-subject-name-ind the problem happens when I run jupyter notebook23:03
nicklasWell, still stuck here, hm23:03
OerHekselisa871, why do you run chmod -R 777 /home/mona/.cache/pip/ ???23:04
k1lelisa871: why dont you install the python stuff from ubuntu? like python-cffi pacakge?23:06
elisa871k1l: Iinstalled python-cffi and it still says it can't find cffi module when I run jupyter notebook23:09
k1lis it using python3? then python3-cffi23:10
OerHeksiirc /home/mona/.cache/pip/ should not be owned by (ALL)23:11
k1l!info ipython-notebook23:12
ubottuipython-notebook (source: ipython): interactive Python html notebook. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.1-1 (yakkety), package size 47 kB, installed size 279 kB23:12
Guy1524is it safe to cancel a shrink filesystem operation in gparted23:12
k1lwhy use pip at all when ubuntu ship the software?23:12
gartralhey all, I have a need for an email server that doesn't take forever and a day to setup, I just need something that I can set up for my one game server to send out autentication emails and be done, anything like that?23:12
OerHeksGuy1524, no.23:12
Guy1524OerHeks: is there any way to check on progress?23:12
gartralGuy1524: Not unless you have a known good backup and time to put the FS back to the way it was23:13
k1lgartral: forget it if you dont want to have a spam server that gets blocked by everyone23:13
gartralk1l: I kinda need it23:13
elisa871no python 2.7 k1l`23:14
Guy1524level1linus (a utube channel made a few videos on that topic, you might wanna check them out23:14
k1lelisa871: use the ubuntu package for notebook.23:14
gartralGuy1524: you mean youtube, please dont point people to utube, that's porn23:15
Guy1524i thought that utube ws an abbrieviation23:15
elisa871what is it named? k1l23:16
k1lelisa871: ipython-notebook23:16
belockkcups is in a state "Waiting for printer to become available." google was a dead end23:16
elisa871I already had it installed but still Jupter can't be starte23:18
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OerHekselisa871, so why do you run chmod -R 777 /home/mona/.cache/pip/ ??? that might be your issue23:19
k1lelisa871: details matter. it should work, when there is an issue on startup it will tell23:20
gartralelisa871: is it on?23:20
heheheis it safe nowdays to update from lubuntu 14.04 to 16.04?23:29
OerHeks"safe" yes, always backup important data23:29
heheheso most bugs are gone from 16.04?23:29
k1lbut as always: if you have backups murphys law doesnt strike23:30
OerHekstomorrow is the release of 16.04.223:30
heheheOerHeks: then maybe best to wait?23:30
hehehehow many hrs are left till it release?23:30
OerHeksor 16.04.3 ?23:30
k1lhehehe: no, that doesnt matter for an upgrade23:31
OerHekshehehe, no, go for it.23:31
k1lhehehe: the release is just about the iso files. the updates that are on the isos are already on the servers since days/weeks/months23:31
hehehe so simply issue sudo update-manager -d ?23:43
k1lhehehe: no23:45
hehehewhy not?23:46
k1lhehehe: dont run -d every, if you dont want to result in a development release23:46
hehehesudo update-manager -y then?23:46
k1lsudo do-release-upgrade23:46
k1lthat is for the cli updater.23:47
elisa871please have a look I added more details to the question http://askubuntu.com/questions/882736/snimissingwarning-an-https-request-has-been-made-but-the-sni-subject-name-ind23:51
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funsteronce I added the ppa and updated, how do Iinstall vlc from cli?23:57
Ben64you don't need a ppa for vlc23:57
funsterdisregard that23:57
k1lfunster: sudo apt install packagename23:57
hehehelater how I can see which packages that I got no longer  supported by canonical?  like a list of them23:59
heheheinstall wizard said I got 17 such packages23:59
hehehe*upgrade wizard23:59

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