
=== shardy is now known as shardy_lunch
=== shardy_lunch is now known as shardy
=== rangerpbzzzz is now known as rangerpb
NostawRminfo on it seems a little sparse, any way to make cloud-init use openstack's admin_pass from metadata? I could just be missing it in my searches17:33
NostawRmthe options I have found involve changing parts of cloud-init which I'd rather not do so we can update without issue later17:34
smoserNostawRm, patches are welcome, but cloud-init will pull the users ssh keys.18:36
smoserwhich.. seems  more secure and desireable.18:36
NostawRmsmoser, wanting to fight with networking configs via vnc18:42
NostawRmyou're definitely right, but it seems to have its place, and I did just look through the source, its not there so woo18:42
smoserNostawRm, well, if cloud-init is finding the datasource (which would be required to use the adminpass anyway)19:05
smoserthen you can pretty easily just tell it to set a root password19:05
smoser      #cloud-config19:05
smoser      password: passw0rd19:05
smoser      chpasswd: { expire: False }19:05
smoser      ssh_pwauth: True19:05
smoserthat'll let you log in on console or ssh with ubuntu:passw0rd19:06
dgarstangI have an Ubuntu instance that boots with 2x2Tb disks attached. Cloud-init only formats them to 1Tb. Is this a known issue with cloud-init?22:03
=== rangerpb is now known as rangerpbzzzz

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