=== ben__ is now known as benk01 === frankban|afk is now known as frankban [09:39] Hello there, Is it possible to let maas create a swap partition by default [09:39] I have a node that is failing to commission, with systemd message "media-root\x2dro.mount: Unit bound to inactive unit dev-disk-by (uscsi target) [09:41] I can't really scroll up, the only relevant message on the screen is "initiator reported error (15 - session exists)" [10:44] Good morning everyone!!! [10:44] Is there a way to backup the MAAS configuration? [10:45] Is there a way to make a DNS/Zone a default one? [10:45] Is there a way to set default node name instead of the random one? [10:45] I mean, not manually of course [10:58] Fl1nt: See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/maas-devel/2017-February/002368.html regarding backup/restore of MAAS. [11:02] zeestrat: nice! thanks a lot :D === plars-away is now known as plars [14:42] Bug #1664248 opened: On Ubuntu 14.04 with backports pocket disabled maas fails to boot the ephemeral image === zerick_ is now known as zerick [15:32] after node finishes installation, where can I find cloud-init-output.log with all messages? [15:33] somewhere under /var/log/maas prolly [16:21] Bug #1664285 opened: [2.2] node-results 'data' returns in clear text and not base64 [16:51] Bug #1662946 changed: MTU is not set correctly on VLAN if raw device is unconfigured [16:51] Bug #1663651 changed: [2.2, rev5710] MAAS has 'test' action, but it has nothing in it. === frankban is now known as frankban|afk [21:41] hey so how do a change the default domain from maas to say com.local? [22:10] Bug #1664384 opened: [2.1] Support configuring components and sources [22:16] Bug #1664384 changed: [2.1] Support configuring components and disabling deb-src [22:25] Bug #1664384 opened: [2.1] Support configuring components and disabling deb-src [23:02] stormmore: You can change it via the CLI. Think it's something like "maas domain update -h" [23:02] cool thanks zeestrat, got sidetracked on to a different task [23:02] stormmore: that should display the different parameters [23:04] stormmore: the ID of the default domain is probably 0, but you can list them with maas profile domains read === ms2i is now known as mmxe [23:49] HI again. [23:52] I'm still interested in getting access to cloud-init logs on my nodes which are in "Failed commissioning" status. The documentation seems to be outdated in regard to the script suggested here —> https://docs.ubuntu.com/maas/2.1/en/troubleshoot-faq#debugging-ephemeral-image [23:52] there's no "root-image" when I check the path provided in the script.