
happyaronhikiko: hey05:58
happyaronhow are you05:59
hikikohi happyaron :-)06:04
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desrtmorning, all08:25
seb128hey desrt, had a good w.e?08:35
desrtyes, but also a very difficult one08:36
desrthow was your weekend?08:36
seb128quite good, though a bit disappointed that we couldn't play the special tennis day on saturday due to the weather08:37
desrtdid you get the snow side of it, or the rain?08:38
desrtboth :p08:38
desrtwoke up to snow on saturday and watched the rain clear it away in the afternoon08:38
seb128was it what created the difficult part of the w.e?08:38
seb128it sticked for most of the w.e here, just started being warmer yesterday afternoon08:39
desrtjust some personal things to work through08:53
willcookemorning all08:55
desrthi willcookie  (i caught the typo, but i'm just gonna let that one stand)08:55
desrthappy monday :)08:55
willcookehey desrt08:56
desrtwillcooke: cool email :)09:03
willcookedesrt, yay!  Glad you liked it :))09:03
desrt*pat pat*09:06
willcookemorning Laney09:06
davmor2Morning all09:08
seb128hey Laney & willcooke09:09
seb128hey davmor209:09
willcookemorning davmor2 seb12809:10
Laneyhey willcooke davmor2 seb128 desrt09:12
Laneyhow's it going?09:13
* Laney has cold hands09:13
* desrt gives laney some hand warmers09:19
desrtcan someone explain :3 to me?09:21
desrti don't get it09:21
desrtthe intarwebs says that it's supposed to look like a cat.09:22
* desrt very suddenly feels old09:22
davmor2Laney: cold hands, warm heart......that or you are a zombie09:23
* Laney gnaws on davmor2 09:31
Laneydesrt: SHOCKED that you didn't immediately see it09:31
Laneyit means cosy09:32
davmor2that or you have a handlebar Moustache you've been keeping quiet09:32
Laneylooks more like I've been punched in the nose09:33
desrtor are a clown09:34
* desrt tries to filter change signals, becomes unhappy09:35
* davmor2 pictures Laney as an evil mastermind twirling his handlebar Moustache and laughing maniacally 09:35
* desrt considers that maybe she shouldn't try to do that09:35
desrtthere's a really beautiful duality here09:36
desrtand i think i'm resisting it a little bit too much09:36
* desrt deletes a bunch of code09:36
davmor2desrt: :o) is obviously a clown09:36
* desrt sees partial orders everywhere09:37
davmor2and this is the famous song in one emoticon :'o( ← tears of a clown09:38
flexiondotorgMorning Desktopers09:50
davmor2flexiondotorg: hey dude how's things down Sowff09:53
davmor2willcooke: we had snowmeggedon Saturday Morning we must of had more than 10 flakes /me still wants the Thundersnow his was promised by weathermen09:54
davmor2willcooke: there is a nice pic on G+ of white roves and everything very wintry 30 minutes later ofcourse it started to rain and that was the end of that :)10:00
Laneyback in a minute, got to head to the sorting office to get something before they chuck it in the furnace10:21
Laneyif it turns out to be junk mail10:21
jbichaLaney: what do you think of gnome-software 3.24 for zesty?12:37
LaneyHaven't thought about it a lot12:38
LaneyI think installing .debs by double clicking them may be broken atm12:38
Laneywhy do you ask?12:38
Laneyalso I have a branch on my laptop of a rebase of our stuff against master but I don't think I pushed it12:39
Laneywhich is to say that it'll be quite untested12:39
jbichabecause I think we'll get nearly all the rest of GNOME 3.24 in and Feature Freeze is this week12:40
jbichaI'm keeping Evo at 3.22 and nautilus and gnome-terminal are still stuck at 3.2012:42
jbichayes, it looks like the Install button for local .debs doesn't do anything12:44
jbichaI updated the gnome-software packaging locally against git master ( Refreshed 0001-Download-changelog-information-on-demand-this-stops-.patch and dropped 3 obsolete patches)12:45
LaneyPushed wip/ubuntu-master12:47
LaneyFeel free to fix that bug if you want12:47
Laney4e36b420bcae79543d4e7f506f5a39bd518e1d9d is what robert did for the snap one12:48
TrevinhoLaney: could you please ACK package changes in https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2464 and.... At that point also follow the SRUing of it? :-)13:07
* Trevinho has big requests13:07
TrevinhoHey all btw :-)13:07
seb128hey Trevinho!13:08
Trevinhohey seb12813:08
Sweet5harkheya all13:08
Trevinhodo we have any move on that runtime thing?13:08
seb128hey Sweet5hark13:09
seb128Trevinho, not sure, I got lost in the middle of your arguments about renamings on friday13:09
* Sweet5hark is drowning a bit in various battles because of the Linux in Munich story.13:09
seb128but Didier said he would pick it up for you13:09
jbichaSweet5hark: LO 5.3 built, but the autopkgtests are failing :(13:09
seb128Sweet5hark, next chapter to that story?13:09
Sweet5harkjbicha: thanks for the upload!13:09
Sweet5harkjbicha: I will look at the autopkgtests ...13:10
seb128Trevinho, btw I don't know why you insist on getting your reviews from Laney only for packaging diffs, there are other people would could do that as well here...13:11
Trevinhoseb128: cause I love to bother Laney :-D13:11
ricotzhey desktopers13:12
ricotzSweet5hark, hi, https://paste.debian.net/plain/914123 :(13:12
Trevinhoseb128: but.... feel free to do it if you feel ignored :-P13:12
seb128Trevinho, if I was to review it I would probably say it's not fine for a SRU, the changelog should explains the debian/control and debian/rules changes so the SRU team knows if they are wanted or errors13:12
seb128hey flexiondotorg ricotz13:12
Sweet5harkseb128: yeah, FWIW the city council just took the decision on it of the scheduled meeting on wednesday. seems like the signs of corruption are way to obvious for the party to support their mayor. but punted is not yet called of. some investigative journalists are waking up to the story though and smell blood in the pool, which is good.13:12
flexiondotorgdavmor2 Sunny dahn saff.13:13
Trevinhoactually those changes were neither needed for xenial. I just cherry-picked upstream13:13
Trevinhobut let me check13:13
flexiondotorgseb128 o/13:13
seb128ricotz, why do you add a transitional for an empty/useless package? do upgrades get put on hold without that?13:15
ricotzseb128, yes, and there is still a Recommend on it13:16
seb128Sweet5hark, what did they decide to do?13:16
seb128ricotz, do you have a bug with an apt log showing why it thinks holding on the upgrade is a safer choice than removing an useless package?13:16
seb128that seems a bit weird to me13:16
seb128the transitional shouldn't be needed there13:16
jbichaLaney: do we still want https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-software/commit/?h=wip/ubuntu-zesty&id=5a39527fed13:16
ricotzseb128, the superflous Recommends causes it, so dropping this might make it work without a transitional13:18
* ricotz is a bit annoyed while having this pointed out last week already13:19
seb128ricotz, that makes sense, let's try to do that and see if anyone still get upgrade issues13:19
seb128ricotz, you pointed it but I discussed it with Bjoern and none of us understood the rational of why you wanted to add a transitional13:19
seb128ricotz, explaining why changes are needed helps13:19
ricotzseb128, I mentioned the superfluous Recommends too13:20
seb128I'm sure Sweet5hark is going to drop that one13:20
seb128he's just busy with lot of things so changes take a bit of time13:21
seb128jbicha, what is "kudo"?13:21
Laneyjbicha: Dunno, it's not meant to be a fully formed proposal, you kind of sprung this on me13:21
Sweet5harkseb128: they decided nothing yet (except underfunding the existing linux project). they had paid for a study by accenture (microsofts best buddies) hoping it would say "burn it down and use windows". except even accenture could bring themselves to write that, they most wrote "you main problem is that your organisation structure really sucks. also you have some technical issues (but not worse than other public admins on wi13:22
Sweet5harkseb128: the mayor then ignored the summary cherry-picked some quotes out of context and asked for a vote to go back to windows by 2020 on wednesday13:22
Sweet5harkseb128: that vote was just cancelled as some politician might either have discovered their conscience or realized this will backfire at them tainting them as corrupt.13:22
LaneyI would update the wip/ubuntu-zesty branch if it were me13:23
seb128Sweet5hark, I see, "fun"13:23
LaneyTrevinho: will look soon if nobody else does13:24
* Laney lunch13:24
TrevinhoLaney: thanks13:24
Sweet5harkseb128: and yeah, of course totally unrelated: MSFT recently moved the Germany HQ from a tiny village outside of Munich inside city borders (which is relevant for tax reasons).13:25
Sweet5harkthe mayor was at the ceremony when they were laying the first stone.13:25
ricotzSweet5hark, yeah, that is some story! :\13:28
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jbichaseb128: it's the stuff under Details on the left: https://bicha.net/i/gnome-software-322-kudos.png13:41
seb128jbicha, oh, right, it should be easy to test for you by reverting the patch but I don't think any of that changed13:42
LaneyTrevinho: what did you do14:00
Laneythere's no packaging diff14:00
seb128Laney, I reviewed it saying that the debian/control|rules changes should be explaining in the changelog and he said those were not required, so I guess he did a respin without14:01
Laneyseb128: nice14:02
Laney2017-02-13 13:45:46 +0000 (bileto-bot) Currently building14:02
Laneywould have been good to unping me :P14:03
seb128or to just ask on the channel rather than pinging specific people14:07
Laneyindeed so14:08
Laneyjbicha: I pushed that commit as a cherry-pick14:20
LaneyI didn't put it on my proposed branch since it doesn't make sense for upstream14:20
Laneyand if they reject it then I probably want to talk about us dropping it at some point14:21
Laneybut not right now14:21
jbichasure, that makes sense14:23
seb128jbicha, do the kudos work in Debian?14:29
Laneysure, just as they would work here14:31
LaneyThey mostly come from as-glib14:32
LaneySome of them can be specified in the appdata directly and some are computed14:33
LaneyI think they were considered to be not that high quality / useful before. Maybe that's changed, would need to have a look14:33
seb128Laney, the concept is a bit fuzzy to me, what does "translated" mean, especially in the context of langpacks14:34
seb128I think that's part of what we had issues with14:34
LaneyI don't know, I'm deliberately not trying to have this discussion again now since nobody is proposing bringing them back atm14:35
seb128k, I saw you were saying they just work(tm)14:35
seb128which made me curious14:35
LaneyNo, they would "work" here in the same way they "work" there14:36
LaneyIn saying that I mean there's no magic support anywhere14:36
Laneyi.e. no specific enablement work required14:36
Laneyit's "just" some UI and code14:37
seb128well at least I learnt that they come from as-glib14:38
seb128I didn't know if that was coming from the backend14:38
Laneyit could also do14:38
seb128like maybe packagekit does things we don't in the aptd one14:38
Laneythat's the plugin architecture of g-s14:38
Laneythe apt plugin could so kudo related stuff if it wanted to14:38
Laneylike if we enabled them then the snappy plugin would do something like this---14:39
Laneysrc/plugins/gs-flatpak.c:       gs_app_add_kudo (app, GS_APP_KUDO_SANDBOXED);14:39
Laneydepending on the interface or whatever14:39
seb128anyway to reply to jbicha, we commented it because e.g translations were never showing as "true"14:40
seb128dunno if it works in the packagekit backend14:40
seb128or in other distros because their packagking format provides extra details14:41
jbichaI don't have a problem with continuing to hide the kudos; I only brought it up to make sure that we weren't dropping the patch to hide them (since it wasn't in the master patch queue)14:41
seb128seems everybody is fine with the current status then14:41
seb128can we me on then, good :-)14:41
seb128can move on*14:42
LaneyI wonder how it knows the percentage14:44
Laneyprobably don't need to find out right now :P14:44
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
willcookeattente, ^ \o/14:48
Laneytotally looked14:49
Laneyit needs generator support14:49
Laneyif that were the only issue we could hide just that kudo, fyi14:49
* Laney moves on with life :P14:49
attentewillcooke: :o14:49
Laneynice video14:49
Laneycontrols on the right!!!!14:49
seb128I was going to say!14:50
seb128how could they14:50
willcookeso hot right now14:50
seb128Laney, yeah, staying out of the discussion about those "kudos", I'm not sure how pertinant the "system integration" and "activity" badges are, but the "sandboxed" could be nice, probably a low priority item though14:51
attenteis gtk still blocking builds because of the ubuntu-app-launch upstart depends?14:52
Laneyted_g_ has been pinged multiple times14:52
attenteok, thanks Laney14:53
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ksamakTrevinho: hi. i have a question, what mutual exclusion lock mechanism would one use inside compiz, say in ezzom module? XD15:32
ksamakandyrock: same if you have insight15:34
willcookeLaney, tedg_ is looking at the u-a-l work.  It's going to take some time, he's interested to know what the gtk timelines look like.  We're what, 10 days from beta 1?  A month or so from final beta right?16:03
alecuwillcooke: also we'd like to know if there's any other option for this, in case a clean solution in UAL takes too long. tedg_ mentioned that it might be possible to make the gtk dependency on contenthub be optional16:05
alecubut not sure if that's a lot more work16:05
dobeyi think it would be far easier to just make the contenthub dep be optional in gtk+16:06
tedg_To be clear, we're not talking months. I think that end of the week is optimistic, but probably next week is possible. But we didn't know how much of a problem gtk blocking is.16:06
LaneyIt's not the end of the world right now - the only change being held out is attente's recent work on the Mir backend - but it means we can't do any further fixes if we need to.16:06
LaneyAnd yes, of course we could implement a hack to turn off the Mir backend on s390x, but that would be a hack16:07
LaneyEnough of those in the archive already due to lack of upstart there16:08
tedg_Sure, it'll be interesting to see what things break once UAL lets a bunch more build on s390x ;-)16:09
tedg_Okay, so it sounds like removing it correctly from UAL is the right solution. So we'll get started on that, it's just not gonna be quick.16:10
dobeyinteresting as in "may you live in interesting times" perhaps16:10
LaneyIt's been easier every time to work around the problem16:10
Laneybut now we're in a state where there's a wobbly tower that's been constructed16:10
LaneyThanks for working on it. :)16:11
* dobey doesn't live in italy ;)16:11
attentei'll make gtk -> content-hub optional in the mean time16:12
Trevinhoksamak: mh, since we've c++11 there now, I'd go for std::lock16:12
alecuLaney: willcooke: thanks for bringing it to our attention.16:13
Laneyattente: We'll end up with some ugly "if not s390x" or "if not upstart" thing in gtk if you do that16:14
Laneyalecu: thank *you* for helping it along!16:15
ksamakTrevinho: i find out that when cloning the mousepoll plugin, i have problems calling a callback16:15
ksamakand i get segfaults in operator() :-S16:15
ksamaki don't really know what to make of that16:15
Trevinhoksamak: mh, that might be much generic.. But in general that could happen because of loops around?16:16
LaneySaw a big queue in town on Friday night (7pm)16:16
dobeyLaney: why would that be? i disagree. it would be "if not libcontent-hub-glib" no?16:16
Trevinholike you call something that triggers an x events that brings you there16:16
Laney... http://www.nottinghampost.com/sneaker-heads-finally-get-their-hand-on-kanye-west-s-yeezy-boost-trainers-after-queuing-for-days/story-30128812-detail/story.html16:16
dobeyLaney: ie, if pkg-config can't find the library, don't built the support.16:17
ksamakhum... that's really frustrating, if i put the exact same logic in the mousepoll plug, it works, but not with changing the name to focuspoll XD16:17
ksamakwell, i'll continue looking for things...16:17
Laneydobey: Ok, it'll be an arch-specific build-dep in the package and an ifdefed codepath in the code and an arch-specific runtime dependency in the -dev package16:18
LaneyAll to let something that we want to remove not be removed right this second16:19
* Laney is happy it's being worked on rather than that16:19
* dobey wonders if anyone has even run any gtk+ application ever, on s390x16:20
dobeyi don't think it's to avoid removing right this second. i think it's more about finding the smallest set of changes to keep everything moving forward16:21
dobeybut eh16:21
LaneyIncreasing the technical debt ceiling16:22
dobeypolitics :)16:22
dobeyanyway, need to get lunch here16:22
xnoxdobey, no, but there are src packages that have gtk+ build-deps and build command line utils.16:28
xnoxand that makes dependency graphs sad.16:29
b4nandyrock: around?  I get that you probably didn't get much further on the a11y shortcuts since the other day, but if I can do *anything* to help, please tell me :)16:41
andyrockI'm afraid if you want to see that fixed you need to work on it alone16:42
andyrocki'm blocked on other stuff16:42
andyrocki'm blocked on other stuffi told you before it's going to be very very difficult16:42
b4ndo you have anything I could strat off?16:42
b4nor your research didn't yet yield any useful code, even as a start?16:45
b4n(which I'd get given the complexity I'm sensing)16:45
andyrocknot really I was able to use xi2 to get the events16:49
andyrockbut using another display connection16:50
andyrockbut using another display connection16:50
andyrocknot really I was able to use xi2 to get the events16:50
andyrocknot the one from screen->dpy()16:50
b4nandyrock: and this had race problems then, that's it?16:59
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andyrockb4n: yep18:11
andyrockit's not a good idea to have two dpy connection inside compiz18:11
willcookenight all18:24
seb128good evening desktopers18:31
jbichaSweet5hark: nacc pointed out that libreoffice/zesty isn't using the system orcus18:40
jbichaand the autopkgtest isn't picking up ant18:40
jdstranddesrt: hey. I'd like to play with the v4 dconf patches on the apparmor mailing list. do you have a dconf in a ppa or patches or something so I can test kernel w/ aa userspace w/ dconf?19:43
desrtthere's no aa part of dconf yet, so not much to test there19:43
desrtattente was going to write it once he got an API to write against19:43
desrtis it possible to do that at this point?19:44
* desrt was just about to run out to the bar19:44
attentejdstrand: desrt: haven't written that yet, but j_johansen already sent the patches to the ML19:45
jdstrandattente: curious on the timeframe for that? I'm asking because I've been asked to review those patches considering how it might be used in snappy policy19:50
jdstrandattente: I'd be happy with poc code or really anything where dconf is using libapparmor to mediate/log/something I can look at the results of19:50
attentejdstrand: i can look at it today19:51
jdstrandattente: if that isn't available or timelines don't match up, I'll do my review from a different perspective19:51
jdstrandattente: ok, that would be handy. thank you :)19:51
jdstrandattente: I can't look at it today and likely not tomorrow, so not a huge rush (would like to midweek though, if that works for you)19:52
attentejdstrand: good to know, thanks19:54
attentejdstrand: it might be delayed anyways since d_esrt is already eod and i might have questions for her...19:55
* jdstrand nods19:56
dobeydesrt: hey. is there any way to get the summary/description of a gsettings key, with the cli tool?22:04
jbichadobey: gsettings describe22:07
dobeyjbicha: is that hidden? or only in a newer version of gsettings?22:08
jbichait's new for 16.1022:14
dobeyyeah, i need it to work in 16.04 too :(22:24
TheMusodobey: Probably the API was there previously, and since 16.10 there has been a CLI UI to do so.23:30
TheMusoSince dconf-editor has been able to display that stuff for ages afaik.23:31

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