
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:40
Bashing-om\o lotuspsychje :) Things must be settle'n down .. see ya the more often lately .04:44
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: hey Bashing-om04:45
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: yep, house getting done bit by bit04:45
Bashing-omAnd Business little details taken care of ?04:46
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: my business room needs lil more shape, tables, showroom, paint job04:49
Bashing-omnot to mention a ground plane ?04:55
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: whats a plane?04:56
Bashing-omlevel copper plait as the working surface :)04:58
lotuspsychjethe floor?04:59
Bashing-omKinda hard on the back and knees to work on the floor . ( but I have, I have )05:01
ducassegood morning!07:12
Bashing-omducasse: My My how time flys when having fun .07:18
ducasseyup! been busy?07:19
Bashing-omso so busy .. seems to be picking up presently .07:22
ducassestill not awake enough to be of much use, will be better after some caffeine and a smoke :)07:24
Bashing-omUh Huh ! When you are prepared :)07:25
Bashing-omsleepy bye time for me = good nite .08:17
horsewhipSo, I've got an XPS 13 with Ubuntu anda HiDPI display - anyone sorted the scaling issue with multiple monitors?08:55
ducassemaybe better to ask in #ubuntu?08:56
horsewhipYeah, I expect so. :/08:56
BluesKajHey folks12:12
OerHeksgood morning BluesKaj12:13
BluesKaj'Morning OerHeks12:13
OerHeksand .. another fix for the fix, next tuesday https://mta.openssl.org/pipermail/openssl-announce/2017-February/000095.html14:10
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