=== MaNL is now known as MaNI [06:09] morning all [06:18] morning nsnzero, everyone [06:32] morning nsnzero paddatrapper and all others [06:42] Maaz tell Langjan he should install system-config-samba which is a gui for samba sharing [06:42] nsnzero: Sure, I'll tell Langjan on freenode [07:02] morning chesedo [07:03] nsnzero: i've now also switched to zsh (and oh my zsh)... also found the helpful z plugin in the process [07:04] hi paddatrapper chesedo [07:09] chesedo: zsh is a more productive shell especially with auto completion - imho that is [07:10] * paddatrapper is seriously tempted to switch to zsh [07:11] chesedo: i also have a very customised prompt - its 3 lines and uses powerline fonts which allow graphics in the terminal to abit [07:11] paddatrapper: you can try it out without losing bash [07:13] nsnzero: I know. I've used it once or twice before. It's just the effort of reconrfiguring (i.e anything that requires me working on my pc at the moment) that is holding me back [07:22] paddatrapper: i know whats thats like . . . painful [09:29] Hello all [09:29] hi nsnzero [09:59] hi Langjan [10:06] Did you rest well nsnzero? [10:09] kilos sent message to install system-config-samba which I did but it does not launch or show up in any way I can see [10:14] Langjan: ok i also sent a similar message [10:18] Ok nsnzero thks but now I'm like the dog who eventually caught the bus - what do I do with it? [10:28] sup everyone [10:29] guys, I'd like to spam my website if you don't mind... Have a look please -> http://www.loganyoung.co.za [10:29] thoughts and opinions welcome [10:47] Google fonts is causing a noticeable slowdown on page load, try to defer it to after load. Your pngs are larger than they need to be, also causing a delay, make use of pngcrush. The PNGs with text in them would be better as SVGs. These generic scrolling pages that everyone is doing are a horrid cliche I hate them, but thats just my personal opinion on those, if it's what your customers are after I suppose it's necessary to have one of [10:47] those to appeal to that crowd. [10:52] Looks good jerit, eish! I re-did my site and moved my server to SA just the other day. See what your opposition are doing: https://frikkadel.co.za/ [10:52] Gotta go guys, chat later - have a good day. [10:59] my apologies Langjan , busy at work today - hopefully i will catchup with you later in the afternoon [11:02] jerit: its neat, elegant and to the point ... good stuff [11:04] thanks nsnzero I'm very happy with it but now I'm trying to come up with a redesign for my mom's site [11:04] I don't wanna do the same design with different content though [11:27] jerit: it is nicely done... for increased load time i would suggest the same as MaNI as well as looking into png sprites to lower request for the twitter and facebook logos, and bundling your css to also lower requests... [11:29] visually, someting might be wrong with your navbar one your lighter pages (like about page) before the scroll swich turns in darker... and the card components might also look better with increased padding... [11:31] other than that, i'm somewhat jealous of the visual quality and disappointed in seeing .NET words :P [11:37] card components? The rows of blocks? [11:44] jerit: i get an Awww Snap error on the contact us page - using qupzilla web browser [11:44] getting the same in chrome [11:45] its HTTP 500 [11:45] should probably fix that priority [12:08] jerit: yes the row with blocks (its css has something with card) [12:08] * chesedo is not familiar with material [12:17] I figured out that HTTP 500... I forgot to move an outdated reference on the page to a model which I'd removed... oops [13:15] * pavlushka ahoys ZA [13:16] Today is the first day of spring according to our Bengali Calendar, its charming \o/ [15:25] ahoy pavlushka [15:26] howdy chesedo ? [15:26] great ty ? [15:28] chesedo: ? ? === smile|away is now known as smile [15:48] hello everyone [15:48] inetpro what is a genove in german [15:48] hi oom Kilos [15:48] google calls it genove as well [15:48] hi chesedo [15:49] hoe gaan dit met oom? [15:49] ek lewe dankie miskien nie soos toe ek bietjie jonger was nie maar ek gaan aan [15:50] hoe gaan dinge daar by jou? [15:53] goed dankie, bly om te hoor oom gaan aan [16:31] dankie man [16:33] hi guys [16:33] anyone build apps from source ? i want to know how to make a deb file [17:04] * nlsthzn did it before... can't remember now but got instructions on web [17:22] cOmpiling from source [17:22] i remember seeing that somewhere [17:23] or compiling .deb files from source [17:28] hi nlsthzn and Kilos [17:29] https://askubuntu.com/questions/140998/compiling-source-into-a-deb-package [17:29] the checkinstall command makes debs [17:29] and hi :) [17:29] i got alot of stuff about building and installing but not just making into deb [17:29] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall [17:30] nlsthzn: i using that atm but it keeps installing the deb !!! [17:31] there should be a make-deb command [17:32] have you tried sudo checkinstall --install=no [17:32] ln -s make-deb sudo checkinstall --install=no :p [17:33] well that wouldn't work :p [17:40] nsnzero: https://github.com/Smile4ever/firefoxaddons/commit/afcf2351d31d70f0b267127512ccb2260cfdfcd0 :D [17:40] Workaround for the Firefox bug :) [17:40] and speak actions can now be 100 characters longer than in Translate Now 0.5.0 [17:41] nlsthzn: its works - thanks [17:41] nsnzero, \o/ [17:42] bravo smile [17:44] :DD [17:45] I estimated the work at one hour, but it was less :) [17:45] Good software design is key :) [17:50] true smile - i follow python's zen when i write code [17:51] :) [17:52] nsnzero: the best thing: if the bug gets fixed, I'll have even less work to restore to what it was :p [17:52] just comment out some lines and delete the definition of the content script from my manifest :p [17:55] Hello all, you ok Kilos? Thks for the message [17:56] Hi nsnzero [17:56] good evening Langjan [17:59] ok ty Langjan [17:59] hows you [17:59] what message [18:00] Fine thks Kilos [18:01] You sent a message via maaz for me to install Samba [18:02] system-config-samba [18:02] Its installed but does not launch and does not seem to do anything? [18:03] Langjan: i think that was me . not Kilos [18:03] genove=crook [18:03] not me im innocent [18:04] Well then it must have been nsnzero because he said he had also sent that message but maaz said it was from Kilos ? [18:04] Do bots also tell tales? [18:06] Anyway its installed nsnzero, is there something else/more that I should know? [18:06] maaz is drunk again [18:07] ai! [18:07] Langjan: system-config-samba doesnt work anymore so you can remove it [18:07] lol [18:07] OK so thats why [18:08] Thought I was dom [18:08] lmga [18:08] the reason that nautilus/memo couldnt set share permission was because you need to run them as root [18:09] oh, ok - can you give me some pointers on how to do that please? [18:10] gksudo nautilus / nemo -> set sharing folder [18:12] and then the folder name? [18:13] yes - right click and set the sharing options [18:16] right click where? [18:18] Unhandled error message: Error when getting information for file '/home/jan/sharing': No such file or directory [18:19] the second hdd - hard drive you want to share [18:23] Langjan: since the HDD is auto-mounted it is owned by root - you will need to create a folder on it and allow read write access to anyone [18:26] Ok nsnzero something happened, let me start up the other computer and see if it works [18:27] when you connect via samba it will ask for user name and password -> use the same username and password you use on the 1st computer [18:29] Samba? You just said it does not work? [18:30] samba works - system-config-samba doesnt work [18:31] there are two different applications [18:38] OK I have created a folder named TimeshiftJua in the drive and created share facility but it does not show up [18:38] Am I supposed to be able to open something in Samba? [18:39] samba sucks :| [18:39] when is someone finally going to fix samba? [18:39] :p [18:39] Langjan: how are the computer linked ? [18:39] you know oom Langjan [18:40] Via ethernet cable to the router [18:40] there are 2 ways i know of sharing in linux samba and nfs [18:40] all of this would be so much easier if you made that second drive an external then you just plug it in on the pc you need info with [18:41] Langjan: is samba or nfs installed on both computers ? [18:41] Samba is, dont know about nfs [18:43] if you type smbtree what do you see ? [18:45] Sorry I tried to install samba in the other computer yesterday and it keeps showing "waiting to install" [18:45] installing smbtree [18:47] Langjan: samba needs to be installed on both in order for the sharing to work [18:48] nsnzero, Samba does not install on the other computer [18:50] well we found out why the sharing wasnt working Langjan [18:51] Well I tried via command line and the output was "Samba is already the newest version" [18:52] Now we know why it did not want to install but strange that it did not show already installed before [18:54] but smbtree shows nothing on that computer [18:54] ok samba is installed on both machines [18:54] see if testparm reports any errors [18:58] Both show, inter alia, WARNING: The "syslog" option is deprecated and WARNING: The 'netbios name' is too long (max. 15 chars). [18:58] map to guest = Bad User [19:02] ok what is the WORKGROUP name for both ? [19:04] Langjan: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2158196 [19:13] I have sftp running and files shared, but the second drive does not show. My workgroup is jan@jan-ESPRIMO-E5731 and the other is jua@jua-System-Product-Name [19:14] Kilos, I see nsnzero has left us, this is becoming a bit of a nightmare not worth pursuing [19:16] Let me bid you good night, slaap lekker ou vriend. === smile is now known as smile|away === smile|away is now known as gone === gone is now known as smile|away [22:11] bye