
linforprossetting manage_resolv_conf: true? where should it go? cloud.cfg.d ... ?07:35
linforprosAlso be sure that your cloud.cfg file includes this# configuration module in the appropirate section.07:42
linforprosIs it in the cloud.cfg? or in the user-data?07:43
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larskssmoser: is it expected that a newer version of cloud-init should work with content in /var/lib/cloud/instance from an older version of cloud-init? I am just starting to look into a bug someone has reported and I am curious if this situation is expected to work.15:45
smoseryes, it should work.15:45
larsksOkay, thanks. Time for some investigatin', I guess.15:46
smoserits kind of a pain, in that we have to maintain basically forward compatibility of old object.pkl stuff15:46
larsksI wonder if something like json + a version number would be usable (because it wouldn't have actual python objects, and you could write translations from version n-1 to version n).15:47
smoserbackwards compatibility, not forwards compatibility... basically if we add a method to a class in the source, we have to add a fallback implementation too so that we dont call a fucntion that does not exist in the loaded object.15:47
smoserif i had this to do again, i'd like to get have something other than a python object pickled there.15:48
smoserbut rather a json object that would get loaded.15:48
larsksYeah.  Plus it would be consumable by non-python tools, which might be useful.15:48
smoseri'm definitely open to transition to that :)15:50
smoserwhich is more work than your bug fix15:50
smoserlarsks, example of what i was talking about is at c92f02037afc6b0434c9498904f7d888e00cd55b15:54
larsksRight.  Not surprising, and a maintenance pain :)15:55
jmelvinping cloud-init, can someone please help I'm having issues following: http://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/hacking.html , seeing this error:  https://paste.fedoraproject.org/558081/70881101/16:02
Odd_Blokejmelvin: LP_USER should be replaced with your Launchpad username.16:19
Odd_BlokeOh, wait, didn't read the whole paste.16:19
Odd_Blokejmelvin: You'll need to register your local SSH key with Launchpad.16:19
smoser:). jmelvin on your http://launchpad.net/~jmelvin see 'SSH keys'16:20
jmelvinoh man the directions don't say that16:20
smoserand the pencil there.16:20
smosersorry, yeah.16:20
smoserMP for that is welcome :)16:20
jmelvinthanks guys!16:21
smoser(hope that didn't sound rude, i agree we can add that. if you want to walk through that simple change, then i can pick it up quick)16:21
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