
user|42366Hola, intales Kubuntu 10.04 en un ordenador todo en uno Lenovo de 64bits y se traba. Inicia el sistema y deja de funcionar el mouse y el teclado.02:48
sintrenot a spanish support channel02:49
sintretry #ubuntu and they can dirrect you to a better channel02:49
sintreunlike regu;lar kubuntu we don't have multiple language channels02:49
sintrei mean ubuntu02:50
sintreif you can speak ingles we might try to help the best we can02:50
user|42366Hello, try Kubuntu 10.04 on a 64bit all-in-one Lenovo computer and it locks up. Starts the system and stops working the mouse and keyboard02:51
sintrelol i thinl 10.04 is a lil daed i assume you mean 1602:52
sintredated hehe02:52
sintrenever used a all in one with kubuntu02:53
user|42366Sorry, 16.0402:53
sintredo you have a second computer you using to talk now?02:53
sintrei assume given what you said , how far exactly into deskktop does it get02:54
sintrewhen booting02:54
sintredoes mouse/keyboard work for a little while then quit?02:54
sintreneed as much info02:55
sintreso we can try to help trouble shoot02:55
user|42366It worked well the keyboard and the mouse in the installation but when starting a work to update or to do something else they stop working. I have to disconnect them and reconnect them for functions02:59
sintrecan you get to the console03:00
sintretype sudo apt update and see what might be there03:00
sintresomething could of just got glitchy03:00
sintreif something is there then try a sudo apt full-upgrade03:02
sintrethat will remove old packages and install a bunch of new ones03:02
sintrejust don't do it till you have time to baby sit machine03:02
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BluesKajHi all11:39
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zezu_The 17.04 RC doesn't have a context menu for task manager,  I can't find a setting for it.    Does anyone know where I should look?16:09
geniizezu_: #ubuntu+1 for support and testing of Zesty please, since it doesn't enter normal support phase until after release on april 13th16:16
geniizezu_: Alternately, you can ask on the Kubuntu Users mailing list. https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/kubuntu-users16:21
zezu_genii: I know,  but since this is the kde related channel,  it's a better bet someone knows where the option is here.16:24
geniizezu_: The #ubuntu+1 channel is for all the *buntu of the next coming release. So it has devs from Kubuntu in there as well that could probably better answer your question than in here16:27
geniizezu_: You could also try #kubuntu-offtopic , some of them hang out in there as well16:29
zezu_genii:  will do, thanks16:30
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troffaskydo expermental and beta PPAs still exist?19:29
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inma58estoy perdidisima con el irc en linux, ains19:50
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sintreimma58 go to #ubuntu and somebody should be able to steer you to the right channel that supports your lanaguage19:54
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valorietroffasky: not right now22:28
valoriewe may in the future again, but right now -proposed, -landing and -kci are the experimental/testing PPAs, along with various packages in devel's own PPAs22:31
valorieif you are interested in helping us test, please join and hang around in #kubuntu-devel22:31
valoriewe're always looking for knowledgeable testers22:31
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