
fizikzscreen blanking after a delay set in power management settings is not working for me. screen fades but then turns back on and stays on. i'm using an external monitor with a laptop running ubuntu 16.04 and MATE desktop environment. this bug report describes it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-desktop3/+bug/137784701:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1377847 in gnome-desktop3 (Ubuntu) "unity screen saver no longer blanks nor locks automatically" [Critical,Triaged]01:48
nomicfizikz there is a screensave in the bash shell02:33
nomicyou have to disable it using xset02:33
nomicif you type xset q02:34
nomicin bash02:34
nomicyou see that screen saver 'prefer blanking' is set to yes02:34
fizikznomic: what do i have to disable?02:53
nomicxset screen saver02:53
nomicscreen blanking02:53
nomicyou want to stop it balnking?02:53
fizikzi want screen blanking02:53
fizikzproblem is it doesn't blank02:54
nomicit sa external monitor02:54
fizikzwhat is meant by blanking? turning off the monitor?02:54
nomicgo to ubuntu forums02:54
nomicwhy do you want it02:54
fizikzto turn off the monitor and lock the screen when i'm away for more than the "idle" amount of time02:55
nomici generally spend a lot of time trying to get rid of that02:55
fizikzcurrently it starts fading the screen and locks, but turns the screen on at the end of the fading process02:55
nomicmaybe because itot's a saltellite02:56
nomicxternal monitor02:56
nomicthe locking only works on the main monitor02:56
fizikzwell, i can understand if you want a different behavior, but it's frustrating when the behavior does not match the settings02:56
fizikzmhh the locking is working for me... but i don't remember how i got it to work02:56
fizikzlots of fiddling in dconf under power-manager and screensaver02:57
fizikzso the behavior i'm looking for is to get the effect of "xset dpms force off" when the screensaver engages and locks the screen02:59
mate|22041I can't seem to expand the size of the partitions my raspberry pi uses with Ubuntu MATE, and my max size seems stuck at 4.0 Gb even after following the instructions on the "About" Page.03:03
mate|22041Also, where is the Ubuntu MATE Welcome screen?03:03
nomicuse gparted03:03
nomicto unlock partition, resize03:04
nomicyou don't do it on the running system03:04
nomictake the micro-sd card out03:04
nomicput it into a pce03:04
nomicboot gparted (sudo gparted)03:04
mate|22041ah, my mistake. Can I use DiskManager in a PC running windows?03:04
nomicexample https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRLHhfHdayw03:05
nomicis simple03:05
nomicyou should not have a problem03:05
mate|22041K. Thanks for the advice!03:05
nomic26 sec onward in this vid shows you how https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRLHhfHdayw03:05
nomicmitake is to try to do it on running ysstem03:05
nomiccan't resize the file system it is running on03:06
nomicubunut mate welcome screen -- no idea what that is03:06
Astro7467nomic, they where referring to the MATE Welcome app (ubuntu-mate-welcome)03:23
fizikzwhere can i find the options to enable/disable on screen display of mute/unmute, volume up/down ?04:08
HoppingMadManHey, is anyone having any graphics glitches on Ubuntu 16.1004:30
mate|30151im running unbuntu 16.10  32 bit i just up graded   ,,,my videos are freezing up running slow , can anyone tell me what flash driver i can use11:05
mate|30151im running firefox11:06
mate|30151i konw adobie flash 11 dosnt work11:07
mate|10723anybody around...i have a question11:16
=== gharaya is now known as Singlemalt
stoppelaarsome advice20:41
stoppelaarIn need someone who knows a bit about the menu in Mate20:43
swift110im here20:58
MartinKGHi. I have some problems with bluetooth, it can't detect any devices - Anybody know this issue or has some ideas?21:10
michael_Hello everyone..23:40
michael_I have installed Ubuntu mate on a Raspberry Pi 2 model B and i am looking for a way to use my android phone as a trackpad and keyboard23:41
michael_i have found the remotepi solution but it depends on libudev0 which for some reason i cannot install23:42
michael_do you may have any alternative?23:43

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