
bazhangk1l_, is he trying to use ntfs for an ubuntu install00:45
k1l_bazhang: no, for data partition, as i understand it00:45
bazhangstripping DRM from amazon books01:25
bazhangI think that falls far outside of what is topical01:25
k1l_!16.04.2 is rescheduled to February the 16th due to several last minute issues on building and testing the Isos. You can install the 16.04(.1) isos and run the updates if you are in a hurry.01:25
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, k1l_ said: !16.04.2 is rescheduled to February the 16th due to several last minute issues on building and testing the Isos. You can install the 16.04(.1) isos and run the updates if you are in a hurry.01:25
ubottuThe operation succeeded.01:26
dax!16.04.2 is rescheduled to February 16th due to several last minute issues with building and testing the ISOs. You can install the 16.04(.1) ISOs and run the updates if you are in a hurry.01:26
ubottuI'll remember that, dax01:26
k1l_i guess there will be more users asking for it01:27
ubottucyber-rape called the ops in #ubuntu (i am here to sexually harass the channel operators)02:19
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bazhangk1l, nguyen is on stretch, or so they claim23:33
k1lbazhang: well, then i dont think ubuntu packages will work as he expects :)23:33

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