
inetprogood mornings05:43
inetproMaaz: tell Kilos what is genove?05:48
Maazinetpro: Okay, I'll tell Kilos on freenode05:48
inetprooh and good evening superfly as well06:03
superflyHi inetpro06:03
inetprohow's the weather there today?06:04
superflyinetpro: overcast and cool06:52
superflyinetpro: inside is warm enough though, walking around in a t-shirt06:52
inetprobeen quite hot in Pretoria the last few days, feels like it is starting to cool down again though 06:54
theblazehenmorning all07:31
Kilosinetpro genove=crook07:49
Kilosmorning everyone07:49
paddatrapperMorning Kilos theblazehen superfly inetpro 08:01
theblazehenhi Kilos, paddatrapper08:01
andrewlsdmorning inetpro Kilos paddatrapper theblazehen08:03
andrewlsdand thatgraemeguy08:03
theblazehenhi andrewlsd08:04
inetprooh hi Kilos and paddatrapper as well08:04
inetproKilos: urbandictionary: Top Definition for genove - a type of liqour found in denmark that tastes like sour apple. Only 45% alcohol.08:11
inetproGenove is a strong type of alcoholic beverage 08:11
paddatrapperMorning andrewlsd 08:16
Kilosoh my inetpro 08:21
Kiloshi paddatrapper thatgraemeguy andrewlsd theblazehen en nog meer08:22
inetproKilos: you thought it was a german word?08:22
Kilosin that war game i play a german called my eina kleina genove because i took over one of his cities08:22
inetprowhere did you get that from?08:26
Kilosits called liberators in facebook08:36
Kilosthe enemies name is rainman and he is german08:37
Kilosbut he is slowly learning im actually a nice guy hahaha08:37
Kilosand im slowly convincing some of them its just a game. not something to make one angry08:38
Kilospeeps are actually funny08:39
Kilosits like playing a game of snooker then the loser waits outside and beats you up fo beating him08:39
Kilosand i thought im a domdonner08:40
chesedolol, morning inetpro theblazehen Kilos paddatrapper andrewlsd thatgraemeguy and all others09:17
theblazehenhey chesedo09:17
Kiloshi chesedo 09:18
paddatrapperhey chesedo 09:23
andrewlsdHi chesedo :-)09:26
theblazehenSo my server has more ram than my brother has disk space... That feels kinda cool.15:02
=== smile|away is now known as smile
smiletheblazehen: hehe! :D15:05
theblazehenTo be fair his HDD died, and now his 64 GB cache disk became his only local disk...15:06
theblazehenIt's funny how 5 years back I was happy about an upgrade from 2 GB -> 3 GB ram so I used swap less, constantly (eg 500MB swap used rather than 1.5 GiB), and now I find a pc with 8 GB limiting... And that's without VMs. Server: 128 GiB, box I'm using as an iscsi target: 2 GiB, desktop 20.5 GiB (VM, brother's gaming pc has the rest, host has 32 GiB), laptop: 8 GiB, laptop running router vm / backups etc: 4 GiB, Desktop at work: 15:10
theblazehen32 GiB15:10
nsnzeroevening all17:25
Kiloshi nsnzero 17:51
nsnzerohi Kilos how are you today ?18:11
Kilosim ok ty ns18:40
=== smile is now known as smile|away
Kilosnight all. sleep tight20:35
Kiloshi superfly have a good day20:36

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