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turistaI still wonder what would change if I use a 64 bit version than 3200:20
k1l_turista: on a 64bit cpu dont use a 32bit os00:20
turistaI just know that x64 can handle more ram memory, better than x8600:21
k1l_32bit is running out. google doesnt make a chrome for 32bit anymore. other linux distributions are starting to stop making 32bit isos and packages00:21
turistawich tftp server would u suggest me to install?¿00:22
k1l_turista: its not only more ram (which is not true since 32bit ubuntu can use PAE anyway). better think of a highway with 2 or 4 lanes. where is less traffic jam? :)00:23
k1l_turista: dont use tftp, or ftp. better use sftp or ftps because they are secure.00:24
wedgiesome things require tftp00:25
k1l_speaking of pxe?00:25
wedgieamong others. Many phones, for example00:26
k1l_for that ubuntu ships atftpd packages00:26
turistabut to install stuff in the router, it ask me to use tftp (I must obey)00:27
ZJAYi just got a new 5 tb drive for my ubuntu server should i reformat it etc or just use the ntfs partition because i want it to be compatible with windows for when i game with it and should i use ntfs or exfat partition?00:28
k1l_ZJAY: "for when i game with it" means when you boot windows on that drive? like a dualboot?00:28
turistalet the system use the default format :-P00:29
ZJAYno justuse it for windows game data00:29
k1l_ZJAY: if you only use ubuntu on that machine then there is no reason to use ntfs. its slow and has limitations. standard ubuntu filesystem is ext400:30
azizLIGHThelp, i thought i was upgrading packages, but software updater tried upgrading my distro instead. process got halted (i think?) because i dont have enough space on /boot00:32
azizLIGHTam i in the clear if i press ok here:00:33
k1l_azizLIGHT: what command did you run?00:33
bazhangazizLIGHT, how big is boot00:33
azizLIGHTk1l_: i opened software updater and it said something i didnt read properly and i hit "partial upgrade" button00:33
azizLIGHTdo i need to do something to stop this00:34
azizLIGHTsomething additional00:34
azizLIGHTi cant believe theres no cancel button on that dialog box00:36
k1l_i guess there was a bunch of packages that needed to rmeove some packages to install them. like kernel updates.00:36
k1l_press close. its aborted00:37
azizLIGHTk1l_: heres what it said: http://i.imgur.com/JBgohC9.png00:38
k1l_azizLIGHT: yes. i prefer apt on terminal for better output00:39
blomstertjHello.  Has 16.04.2 been delayed again?00:39
azizLIGHTi was assuming that "upgrade" was the thing that apt-get means00:39
azizLIGHTmy mistake00:39
k1l_azizLIGHT: first you should look at /boot and remove old unused kernels and headers00:39
sponixblomstertj: Chasing version numbers are you ?00:40
azizLIGHTi plan to do that soon, once i get a big hard drive to make a full disk image as backup... because i later plan to resize my ssd partitions00:40
blomstertjsponix: I heard from the mailing list that it should be released today from Friday.  I guess not00:40
k1l_blomstertj: i heared 16.2. is the date now. if you are in a hurry use 16.04(.1) isos and update after install00:41
ZJAYok i need to make it compatible for windows cause im on a tri boot kali ubuntu & winders 700:41
k1l_blomstertj: no release announced here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2017-February/date.html00:41
ZJAYso xfat then?00:41
blomstertjk1l_: Feb 16?00:41
blomstertjk1l_: Stupid American date format :)00:41
wedgieZJAY: if it were me i'd just leave it ntfs. Guranteed to work in windows and linux can handle it just fine00:42
k1l_blomstertj: yes00:42
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blomstertjk1l_: huh where did you see that information? I've been looking today but can't seem to find any00:42
ZJAYwel the exfat thing in linux is just an sudo apt-get install away, and already installed as of now on my kali and ubuntu00:43
k1l_blomstertj: talk in #ubuntu-release channel. nothing official00:43
k1l_ZJAY: ntfs is ok.00:43
ZJAYim just worried about the stoopid partition seagate puts on there also is seagate or toshiba or western digital a better drive?00:44
wedgieZJAY: maybe. But ntfs support is there by default, I think. Your choice, really, but since it already has ntfs on it that seems like the path of least resistance00:44
k1l_ZJAY: doesnt matter. run gparted and format it to whatever you like00:44
blomstertjk1l_: Shouldn't Software Updater offer to upgrade? Some are saying that if you run apt full-upgrade it'll work.00:45
ZJAYcausei may take this one back if it seems flaky just wondering about others experience with those brands00:45
k1l_blomstertj: yes. the users do already have all the updates insatlled.00:45
blomstertjk1l_: hmm I've checked for updates but it says none are available.00:46
k1l_blomstertj: its just a "service pack" like they are called on windows. its not a whole release00:46
ZJAYi forget k ntfs handle bigger than 4 gb files or not?00:46
k1l_ZJAY: yes.00:46
lerneron my old notebook I could write umlauts over every vowel, also the german sz, and the spanish "enie". I installed a library, but I don't know which one. can you help me?00:46
ZJAYk thanks00:46
blomstertjk1l_: never mind.  I just used lsb_release to check.  I was thinking there was going to be a big Upgrade Box00:47
k1l_blomstertj: the pointrelease is basicall just a 16.04 with all updates until now included.00:47
blomstertjk1l_: I haven't run Ubuntu long term so I wasn't sure how it works00:47
Jordan_Ublomstertj: I don't think that point releases really mean anything for users who have already installed. The main thing is that they put out a new install iso with all updates.00:47
Lerpsup guys, I was trying to upg 14.04 -> 16.04 but it aborted & now I can't boot00:48
Lerpany advice?00:48
Lerpanyone knows what I can do?00:48
k1l_Lerp: does an older kernel work when selected in grub?00:48
Lerpmmm I think I tried but it didn't00:49
Lerphowever I'd try again00:49
LerpI'll be back X)00:50
sponixUnity has Vastly improved it seems00:50
blomstertjWould anyone recommend installing the latest HWE stack?00:51
k1l_blomstertj: it works. but its your decision if you need and want it :)00:51
blomstertjIsn't just new Xorg, Mesa, and Kernel?00:52
Monolerp is back X)00:54
sponixk1l_: I'm in.. How do you install this new "HWE stack" ?00:54
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k1l_!hwe | sponix (its only for LTS releases)00:54
ubottusponix (its only for LTS releases): The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack00:54
blomstertjWhat's this about future point releases installing the HWE stack automatically? So when 16.04.3 comes out will my machine automatically update to the 4.8 kernel?00:54
k1l_blomstertj: to the kernel after that. see the link from the bot^00:55
Monotrying to boot now with older kernel, no luck00:56
blomstertjk1l_: So update to 16.04.3 then the kernel will update? Just trying to be clear here00:56
k1l_blomstertj: for 14.04 you needed to change the kernels manually by installing the new meta package. but that is changed now. you can change to a "rolling release kernel" stack now.00:56
k1l_Mono: so i guess you need to load a ubuntu usb, chroot into that and run apt update && apt full-upgrade00:57
Monok1l_: ok I can try that00:58
Monok1l_: question, do you know what does failsafex do?00:59
k1l_minimal x configuration to work with no 3d video driver01:00
blomstertjOkay so essentially with the GA stack the kernel will stay at 4.4 throughout the entire life of 16.04 support but if you enable the HWE stack you get newer kernels that are backported from the non-LTS releases?  Is my understanding correct?01:01
tali22hello i boot from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair boot-repair disk now01:02
tali22i was using Ubuntu 16.04 and installed Windows 10 to other partition01:02
blomstertjtali22: Supposed to go the opposite :) It's fixable though01:03
tali22of course my grub broken but when i try to Recommend repair from the boot-repair01:03
tali22it always saying grub is still present01:03
Monok1l_: do I just need to chroot to the / of ubuntu?01:04
cnnxif i download a kindle book from amazon is ther a way to read it in ubuntu?01:05
tali22here is my bootinfo http://paste.ubuntu.com/23992147/01:05
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k1l_Mono: see http://www.webupd8.org/2014/01/how-to-fix-non-bootable-ubuntu-system.html01:06
k1l_you need /sys /proc  ... and the resolv.conf01:07
Monok1l_: ran the cammand, it gives unable to resolve host ubuntu01:07
MonoI see01:07
MonoK1l_: ok I'll read01:07
k1l_do exit. then mount the missing parts01:08
tali22blomstertj how01:08
Jordan_Utali22: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/ && sudo grub-install --boot-directory /mnt/boot/ --target=i386-pc /dev/sda01:08
blomstertjtali22: I am unsure.  I just know it's recommended to install Windows first then Linux if they will both be on the same disk.01:08
tali22here is the bootinfo http://paste.ubuntu.com/23992147/01:08
Monok1l_: I just closed the terminal X)01:09
lernerit is ubuntu the reason whyI cannot use 2 encrypted external hdd s at the same time?01:09
lernerI think to recall I did that with my old notebook01:10
k1l_cnnx: yes, there is some ebook viewer like fbreader01:10
tali22Jordan_U https://thepasteb.in/p/zmh8QllpQBWCZ01:11
cnnxk1l_: but how does the book get on my system01:11
cnnxwhen i purchase the ebook i download a file?01:11
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cnnxand what format is it in?01:11
k1l_cnnx: yes01:11
k1l_cnnx: there are bunch of file formats for ebooks. amazon uses azw301:12
Jordan_Utali22: Great, then just "sudo grub-install --boot-directory /mnt/boot/ --target=i386-pc /dev/sda"01:12
cnnxand fbreader reads azw3?01:12
cnnxis it better than calibre?01:13
cnnxi heard of that one too01:13
k1l_cnnx: or calibre.01:13
Monok1l_: why do we need to do sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/etc/ ? do you know?01:13
tali22grub-install command not found   but maybe because i also remove grub-pc with sudo apt-get remove grub-pc command01:13
JairunCalothamazon also has a browser based e-reader01:13
tali22thats why grub-install not found maybe01:13
k1l_Mono: for dns to work in chroot01:13
JairunCalothfor your kindle books01:13
MonoK1l_: ok thx01:13
cnnxi mean lately all the print books i've been buying i hardly read them, im always on my laptop at night01:14
cnnxi would read them more online and they are cheaper01:14
cnnxdoes that make sense?01:14
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cnnxand i can apply some examples in realtime01:14
cnnxcopy and paste code01:14
Monok1l_: ok apt-get update gives an error01:14
k1l_cnnx: that is what ebooks are for. ubuntu can handle them.01:14
cnnxk1l_: okay thanks wanted to make sure before i purchased any01:14
k1l_Mono: "sudo apt update | nc termbin.com 9999" and show the output url here01:15
Monok1l_: relocation error /usr/lib/x86_.../lib...: symbot ... not defined in ifile lib... with link time reference01:15
Jordan_Utali22: Why did you do that?01:15
MonoK1l_ ok01:15
JairunCalothcnnx: I don't think you can download ebooks from amazon without the kindle app01:15
JairunCalothI haven't tried running it in wine.01:16
cnnxJairunCaloth: oh so its not possible then01:16
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JairunCalothI'm on amazon now checking and I don't see a way01:16
tali22Jordan_U to delete grub i was getting error grub is still present and i thought i should remove all about grub ?D01:16
Monok1l: sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu, then the same relocation error, then "use netcat."01:17
Monothat's what came01:17
JairunCalothcnnx: but amazon does have a browser based ebook reader01:17
cnnxJairunCaloth: they do?01:17
Jordan_Utali22: OK, well that was not the best choice :) Please run "sudo apt-get install grub-pc-bin" then run grub-install again.01:17
JairunCalothcnnx: yeah. I can click on a book in my library and click 'read now' it opens up in my browser01:18
cnnxJairunCaloth: read.amazon.ca right?01:18
JairunCalothcnnx: I assume so... I'm on read.amazon.com01:19
bazhangcnnx, please take the offtopic chat elsewhere01:19
Monok1l_: the error I get is the same as here http://askubuntu.com/questions/777803/ I'll try to look into the answers01:19
JairunCalothcnnx: You also might have success running the amazon PC app in wine. Then you could use calibre to strip the DRM, convert it to a different format and read it wherever you want.01:20
cnnxJairunCaloth: yeah but i prefer native linux applications01:21
k1l_Mono: so you were running ppas? like the toolchain ppa?01:21
tali22Jordan_U https://paste.ubuntu.com/23992220/ here is the error i get01:21
bazhang!ot | JairunCaloth cnnx01:21
ubottuJairunCaloth cnnx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:21
Monok1l_: hah? XD don't understand01:21
k1l_Mono: "ls -al /et/apt/sources.list.d/ |nc termbin.com 9999"01:22
JairunCalothWe are discussing how to read amazon ebooks on linux. I do not see how this is off topic.01:22
shomonhi, I just upgraded to ubuntu 16.04 and now there are 2 problems: one is that the Xserver won't run, and the other is that ethernet won't connect.  only lo is there when I run ifconfig.01:22
Monok1l_: omw01:22
cnnxbazhang: this is ubuntu related, i'm asking for a way to read ebooks in ubuntu packages01:22
cnnxfrom aptitude01:22
cnnxlike fbreader,etc01:22
Monok1l_: I think you mean /etc/apt01:22
bazhangJairunCaloth, stripping the drm is so not topical here, nor is how to get books from amazon01:22
k1l_Mono: yes, sorry01:22
shomonso the X server actually does run, but gdm isn't there. I am guessing during install it got stuck and then didn't finish configuring networks etc.01:22
bazhangJairunCaloth, we have chat channels on freenode, please use those and NOT here01:23
Monok1l_: cannot access ...: no such file or directory O.o01:23
shomonso my question is how do I get the computer to pick up internet in some way. it has a broadcom usb wifi dongle and an ethernet connection.. I'm thinking both need to be set up.01:23
Monok1l_: I"ll try to look using the files explorer01:23
Jordan_Utali22: That won't cause any problems, it just means that you have some piece of software installed in Windows that cares more about DRM than it does about its users being able to boot. Grub works around it, so you should not have a problem.01:24
Monok1l_: probably I entered sth wrong01:24
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Jordan_Utali22: Try rebooting, you should get a grub menu now.01:25
tali22Jordan_U okay i will try now01:25
Monok1l_: sry for not being so smart, but do I need to do this command with a normal terminal (ubuntu@ubuntu) or with the one that I made chroot with (root@ubuntu)??01:25
k1l_Mono: everything needs to be run in the chroot.01:26
MonoK1l_: ok thx X)01:26
k1l_since we dont want to fix the usb :)01:26
Monok1l_: ok X)01:27
tali22Jordan_U yes grub2 is installed but it didnt boot any OS01:28
Monok1l_: finally01:28
Monok1l_; http://termbin.com/4jrj01:29
tali22Jordan_U: http://twomorecents.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Grub2_Minimal_Bash.gif i go into terminal like this01:29
Jordan_Utali22: Please run boot info script again.01:29
tali22https://i.stack.imgur.com/BLbvW.jpg this one01:29
Monok1l_: yep those really are the repos I have XD01:29
k1l_Mono: ok, seems like you installed every 3rd party there is. that is no wonder why the upgrade didnt work01:30
Jordan_Utali22: Did you run exactly the command that I gave you or did you change it in any way?01:30
Monok1l_: yeah my ubuntu's like 2 years old now, I have tonnes of stuff installed XD01:30
k1l_Mono: "sudo ppa-purge ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test"01:30
tali22no i just run that command exactly but before this command i remove grub-pc01:30
tali22wrongly you know01:30
tali22Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23992260/01:31
Monok1l_: anything with sudo gives unable to resolve host ubuntu01:31
Monok1l_: and here it then gave ppa-purge: command not found01:31
Monok1l_: btw I LUCKILY made a working clone of my ubuntu before trying to upgrade so no worries01:32
Monok1l_: when I was doing the clone I was like "oh I wouldn't need it, everything will go just fine" ehehehe LOL LOLz01:33
k1l_Mono: ok that woule be a nightmare of manual work to get working then. so if you have a easy backup at hand revert that. then remove that ppa01:33
Jordan_Utali22: You don't have a /boot/grub/grub.cfg . Do you know why that might be?01:33
Jordan_Utali22: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/01:33
k1l_Mono: and as i said: there is no guarantee an upgrade with that much 3rd party repos works at all.01:33
Monok1l_: I see, I might try, but what's wrong with that ppa anyway?01:34
tali22Jordan_U: hmm after this command i should restart )01:34
k1l_Mono: its the toolchain "test" ppa. it changes the libstdc++ to a another version. the reason why that is bad you see as errormessage right in front of you01:35
Jordan_Utali22: I don't understand. You should not restart now.01:35
k1l_Mono: you could try to load the http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/libstdc++6 from here with "wget downloadurl" and then run "sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb"01:36
tali22Jordan_U:  okay here is new bootinfo after mount command http://paste.ubuntu.com/23992279/01:36
Monok1l_: ok I'll try that01:36
k1l_Mono: this actually should work01:36
Jordan_Utali22: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B "$i" "/mnt$i"; done01:36
Monok1l_: I hope it would01:37
tali22Jordan_U: yes and01:38
Jordan_Utali22: sudo chroot /mnt/01:38
Jordan_Utali22: You should now have a "#" prompt.01:38
tali22Jordan_U: yes i have01:38
Monok1l_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23992308/01:41
Monok1l_: what am I doing wrong?01:41
Jordan_Utali22: Please pastebin the output of "dpkg -l | grep grub".01:41
k1l_Mono: you need to get the url for the package from the link i posted. that is not the download link01:41
Monok1l_: LOL X'D01:42
Monok1l_: right XD01:42
tali22Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23992314/01:42
Jordan_Utali22: Do you know why you only have grub-efi installed even though you have a BIOS based installation of Ubuntu?01:44
tali22Jordan_U: im not sure i ran the commands which boot-repair says01:45
tali22maybe because of that01:45
Monok1l_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23992321/01:45
Jordan_Utali22: OK. "apt install grub-pc". If this fails with an error about being unable to fetch the packages then we'll deal with that.01:46
k1l_Mono: you need to load the 32bit version, too. and then name both files "sudo dpkg -i package64bit.deb package32bit.deb"01:46
tali22Jordan_U: its installing01:46
Monok1l_: I should exactly name them "package32bit.deb"?01:47
tali22Jordan_U: which i should choose sda or sda1 its askking01:47
k1l_Mono: no, that was just my naiming. it needs to match the names of the packages"01:47
tali22Jordan_U: sda1 is Ubuntu sda is  my ssd01:48
tali22Jordan_U: both Ubuntu and windows01:48
Jordan_Utali22: sda. And since the interface is a little unclear, you select and unselect devices with space bar. When sda, and only sda, has a '*' next to it press Enter to continue.01:48
Monok1l_: I don't get it X)01:49
tali22Jordan_U: well success01:49
Monok1l_: example?01:49
k1l_Mono: i used example names. you need the real names01:49
Jordan_Utali22: OK. Keep that terminal open but run boot info script one more time and pastebin it.01:49
tali22Jordan_U: its installed and its found windows 10 on sda201:49
Monok1l_: oh so you're just telling me how to do the command, not to rename the .deb files01:50
Monok1l_: I thought I needed to rename the .deb files01:50
elisa87please have a look at this http://askubuntu.com/questions/883109/fatal-error-numpy-arrayobject-h-no-such-file-or-directory01:50
k1l_Mono: no. no renaming needed01:50
tali22Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23992341/01:51
Monok1l_: yeah my bad XD01:51
Jordan_Utali22: Looks good. Reboot.01:52
k1l_elisa87: is there a reason you install everyhing from pip and not from the ubuntu packages?01:52
tali22Jordan_U: can i restart to check if grub is working01:52
elisa87k1l_:  because that is a python package!01:53
k1l_elisa87: and it looks like you have still broken permissions in your users home01:53
k1l_elisa87: ubuntu ships a lot of pyhton packages that are made working already01:53
k1l_elisa87: you install all that stuff from non ubuntu repos and come here complain that this is not working instead of using the ubuntu packages tthat do work01:53
elisa87this is what "sudo apt-get install numpy" shows E: Unable to locate package numpy01:54
sponixk1l_: Do you run this HWE stack ?01:54
Monok1l_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23992353/01:54
k1l_elisa87: please use "apt search numpy"01:54
k1l_elisa87: so you will see there is "python-numpy" on ubuntu01:54
elisa87k1l_: updated the question http://askubuntu.com/questions/883109/fatal-error-numpy-arrayobject-h-no-such-file-or-directory please have a look01:55
k1l_Mono: does "sudo apt update" work now?01:55
Monok1l_: :'))))01:55
Monok1l_: yes01:56
Monok1l_: so first THANK YOU SO FREAKIN MUCH XD01:56
k1l_Mono: then run "sudo apt install ppa-purge" first01:56
Monok1l_: second, what's next? XD01:56
Monooh so cancel the update?01:56
tali22Jordan_U: can i01:56
k1l_Mono: then "sudo ppa-purge ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test"01:56
k1l_Mono: the apt update can run to end first01:57
Monok1l_: do I cancel the apt update?01:57
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Monok1l_: ok01:57
k1l_elisa87: there is python3-numpy too. i dont know what your program needs there01:57
tali22Jordan_U: are you there _01:57
taliptakoJordan_U, i'm tali22 i'm writing from my Ubuntu grub is working01:59
Monok1l_: the purge toolchain command gives "ppa-purge: command not found", how come? X)02:00
k1l_k1l_> Mono: then run "sudo apt install ppa-purge" first02:00
Monok1l_: unmet dependencies02:00
Jordan_Utaliptako: Great. You're done then.02:01
Monok1l_: do I try -f install or do I show you a paste?02:01
k1l_Mono: sudo apt install --reinstall gcc-5-base02:01
taliptakoJordan_U, okay thank you02:01
taliptakoJordan_U, i wonder why that tool didnt reinstall  the grub02:01
Monok1l_: unmet dependencies X)02:01
taliptakoand make us work like that :)02:02
k1l_Mono: show paste please02:02
k1l_sponix: no, because i use livepatching service02:03
Monok1l_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23992404/02:04
Monok1l_: part of it is the end of the apt update command02:04
Monok1l_: "50unattended-upgrades"02:04
sponixk1l_: "ksplice" Was around First, any reason to use the Ubuntu Live Kernel patching instead ?02:05
k1l_Mono: missed the e at base (packagename)02:05
Monok1l_: then tried again02:05
Monok1l_: included in paste02:05
k1l_sponix: its not about what was around first, its about what works for you. and canonical offers that service02:06
Monok1l_: oh oh it's incomplete02:06
sponixk1l_: Is Canonical's offering Free as well ?02:06
k1l_sponix: up to 3 machines, yes.02:07
Monok1l_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23992463/ sry 'bout that XD02:07
sponixk1l_: Nice.. I might look into it then..02:07
k1l_i am not aware of redhat or suse offereing that for free02:07
sponixk1l_: Thanks for all your Help/advice so far by the way02:07
k1l_Mono: try apt-get -f install02:08
k1l_sponix: np02:08
Monok1l_: with no specified package right?02:08
k1l_Mono: no, just that02:08
elisa87how can I solve this?numpy/npy_math.h: No such file or directory02:09
Monok1l_: done, now what02:09
Monok1l_: installing ppa-purge02:09
k1l_Mono: ppa-purge again installing then removeing the ppa02:09
Monok1l_: success02:10
k1l_Mono: after that  run "sudo apt update" again. then"sudo apt full-upgrade"02:10
k1l_Mono: that should do good to your system then. i need to go afk, so ask in here and other might help then.02:12
Monok1l_: woooohoooo working X'D02:12
Monok1l_: need to get 109 megas02:13
lord-ragnarockIs anyone at all familiar with Old World macs and BootX? :P02:14
cfhowlettlord-ragnarock, there is undoubtedly a channel for that somewhere02:14
cfhowlett!mac | lord-ragnarock02:15
ubottulord-ragnarock: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages02:15
lord-ragnarockOh wow. Let's see what that gives me :)02:15
lord-ragnarockWrong command, oops haha02:16
lord-ragnarockSadly that didn't dive into the realm I was looking for. How do I search channels again? :)02:17
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"02:17
cfhowlettlord-ragnarock, use the !alis02:17
cyber-rape!ops | i am here to sexually harass the channel operators02:19
ubottui am here to sexually harass the channel operators: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu02:19
cfhowlettplease ban this fool02:19
cyber-rapecfhowlett: i am no threat to you02:19
cyber-rapei am here to sexually harass the channel operators.02:20
Monok1l_: do you think the upgrade will work? X'D02:23
Monok1l_: oh you said you need to go, I didn't notice02:25
matyazola k ase02:34
matyazfull hd 4k 1080p con medicina incluida xd02:34
matyazola tu k te cre02:34
matyazno, spanish02:34
matyazola tu k te cre02:34
cfhowlett!es | matyaz02:35
ubottumatyaz: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:35
matyaz!it | cfhowlett02:35
ubottucfhowlett: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)02:35
matyaz! it | cfhowlett02:36
ubottucfhowlett: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)02:36
matyaz! it | cfhowlett02:36
cfhowlettmatyaz, stop02:36
matyaz! it | cfhowlett02:36
matyaz! it | cfhowlett02:36
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
Monok1l_: I hope you see this msg. Just wanted to thank you again, the system boots just fine all thanks to you so .. thanks a lot :D02:51
OerHeks!cookie | k1l_02:52
ubottuk1l_: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!02:52
Mono!cookie | k1l_02:56
ubottuk1l_: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!02:56
Monoubottu: what's the cookie thing?02:56
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:57
MonoLOL XD02:57
MonoOerHeks: what's the cookie thing?02:57
OerHeksjust a way of showing appr4eciation02:57
cfhowlettwe can't send beer.  we can send cookies.02:58
OerHeksjups, universal02:58
Monohehe :D03:00
zmuxHello. Can I get help with my Ubuntu installation?03:13
Monozmux: go ahead03:15
zmuxI'm dual booting Ubuntu 14.04 on a separate ssd from Windows 10. I was unable to automatically connect to the internet through ethernet, but manually I set up a connection. However, I still don't have internet. when loading a web page, I get server not found03:16
Monozmux: never had this situation before unfortunately03:17
Monozmux: actually when I have wifi problems I get around them with ethernet. How did you set up your connection?03:17
zmuxMono: I don't have wifi as this is a PC I built, I set up my connection by following Ubuntu's forums and I put in the Address, Netmask, and Gateway and DNS servers of my router manually03:18
Monozmux: So far whenever I just connect an ethernet cable to a router internet just works. Maybe the problem's with the cable?03:20
Bashing-omzmux: Desktop install with network-manager ? If so did you tell NM that "you" managed networking ?03:20
zmuxMono: Nah. Like I said, I'm dualbooting with win10. Windows has internet with no issues. If it helps at all, when I run "ifconfig -a" I get under about 2k dropped packets next to eth0.03:21
zmuxMono:  what is this network-manager?03:21
Monozmux: afaik the part of the system that's responsible to connect you to the internet. Like I said, for me an ethernet cable always works when I plug it in. Do you have a bootable usb?03:23
zmuxMono: Yeah. That's what this is currently on because I was trying to get the internet running before I installed it so it could download all the packages03:23
Monozmux: ...maybe it's a drivers thing? try typing "additional drivers" in the dash03:25
MonoBashing-om: how should he tell the network manager that it's a manual configuration?03:26
zmuxMono: It says no additional drivers are available03:26
Monozmux: actually I think it needs internet access to detect drivers. We're stuck in a logical loop hehe03:27
zmuxMono: yeah... hahahah it's a problem when I try to install packages or drivers that may fix this03:29
Monozmux: I tried searching quickly, maybe try disabling ipv6?03:31
Monozmux: I'm clueless about your issue really03:31
Bashing-omMono: zmux :: what returns ' grep "managed=" /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf ' ?03:33
zmuxMono:  managed=true. I changed that recently due to a suggestion in a post. Should I change it back03:33
Monozmux: maybe. Mine shows managed=false03:35
MonoBashing-om: what should he do?03:35
agent_whiteMono: Likely he's checking to see if zmux is able to control his network from the Network Manager interface03:36
zmuxMono: I changed it back but still the same issue. Server not found on firefox.03:37
Bashing-omzmux: zmux If this is a desktop install and you will manage networking then "true" is correct . then we need next to look at the config file ' /etc/network/interfaces ' . see what is set up .03:37
=== deathonater is now known as Smeef
zmuxBashing-om: I would prefer to have it managed automatically if I can hahaha. But I don't mind doing it manually if I must.03:39
zmuxBashing-om: when I run "cat /etc/network/interfaces" I see "auto lo \n iface lo inet loopback"03:40
Monozmux: me too X)03:41
Bashing-omzmux: That is correct for NM to manage networking . change " /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf ' managed back to false . Then we see what you can talk to .03:43
zmuxBashing-om:  Why shouldn't my interfaces file not mention eth0? Why is it setting lo as auto03:45
Bashing-omzmux: Now a days it is dnsmasq that silently modifies your settings based on responses to dns queries.03:48
DeaDSouLhi, does anyone know how to update samsung 850 pro ssd firmware on linux?03:48
zmuxBashing-om: so all my settings seem to be in order? Any questions about the package drops on ifconfig03:50
PhotonOh man the 850 evo ssd03:50
PhotonHad so many issues with that03:50
PhotonIt thoroughly sucked03:50
PhotonI put win10 on it because ubuntu wouldn't work on it ._.03:51
Bashing-omzmux: So far all settings are good . Now we talking a wired connection or WIFI ?03:51
PhotonThis application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb"03:51
Photonin "".03:51
zmuxBashing-om: wired03:53
vgoodguyis there some sort of chat, just like IRC but with voice?03:53
PhotonSo uhh03:55
PhotonI installed qt 5 and xcb, along with any updates and even wine-devel.03:55
PhotonStill have the error03:56
Bashing-omzmux: what returns ' ip link ls ' ? can you transfer that output to a pastebin site ?03:58
zmuxBashing-om: Pastebin site? I can hand copy it. I don't have internet on the computer I'm running the command on04:00
hypermistCan someone please help me with this error err:menubuilder:convert_to_native_icon error 0x80070005 creating output file L"Z:\\home\\infernoman\\.local\\share\\icons\\hicolor\\48x48\\apps\\7765_winebrowser.0.png"04:01
hypermist ?04:02
hypermisti have been googling my last resort was to come here haha04:02
hypermisti should ask taht in #winehq xD04:02
Bashing-om!pastebin | zmux04:05
ubottuzmux: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:05
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
zmuxBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23992916/04:10
zmuxBashing-om: was that correct?04:10
Bashing-omzmux: We can take dome guesses maybe cut down on the paste . Terminal command ' ip route show ' in the 1st line do you show " default via dev enp1s9 " ??04:11
zmuxwell I see my router gate instead of ( and instead of enp1s9 I see eth0 proto static04:14
Bashing-omzmux: Yeah ^^ that says you are up . now still my lst .. need to know the gateway . what release are we working with ?04:15
zmux14.04 Trust04:15
Mr_Cyclopsubutu-offtopic not working, any clues please?04:15
zmuxBashing-om:  oops forgot to tag you. 14.04 Trusty04:16
Bashing-omzmux: " " os a LAN IP .. how are you getting out to the world ?04:18
sponixMr_Cyclops: if you are talking about the #ubuntu-offtopic channel it is working perfectly fine04:19
zmuxBashing-om: I'm connected through ethernet to a router which is connected to my apartments internet (which has a login page for new devices, but this MAC address is already registered through Windows)04:19
Bashing-omzmux: k; the iuting adress then nakes sense . However it is above my experience to know how to make the router connect to the apartment internet .04:22
Bashing-omrouting address makes sense*04:23
zmuxBashing-om: I was just giving that information in case it was relevant. My router is working correctly.04:23
Bashing-omzmux: It is pertinent . no doubt . I just do not know how to deal with it .04:24
zmuxBashing-om: Can I give you any other information on my machine that might help?04:25
Bashing-omzmux: I just do not know how to deal with a LAN ( ) . Hang in here others can come to our rescue .04:28
zmuxBashing-om: Help us others hahaha. But I put the in manually because I thought that was my gateway on my router. Should it be something else? Because that could be an issue04:30
Bashing-omzmux: What does your Windows ( working) box show as the gateway address ?04:33
agent_whitezmux: `ip addr` and `ip route` could be helpful04:36
zmux_Bashing-om: oops. Disconnected04:37
zmux_agent_white: am I looking for something when running those commands?04:37
agent_whitezmux_: A pastebin to put it in to show us!04:38
zmux_agent_white: !pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/23993005/04:39
zmux_ip route04:39
agent_whitezmux_: Well eth0 has no ip04:42
zmux_agent_white: It's not
agent_whitezmux_: That's where your router (or 'gateway') should be located04:43
agent_whitezmux_: Is DHCP running?04:43
agent_whiteRather, dhcpd ?04:44
zmux_agent_white: ok.. Yeah. No you're right.   Ummm. I don't think so. I'm setting the connection up manually. How can I tell if DHCP is running? or dhcpd04:44
agent_whitezmux_: Otherwise, I would start by adding one to eth0 by `sudo ip addr add dev eth0`  (I chose 17 randomly, assuming your router acts like most do)04:45
agent_whiteAdding one being an IP address for the interface -- not for DHCP, as that would defeat the point of dhcp! :P04:46
Bashing-omzmux_: agent_white Was setting up manually !. reverted back to network-manager . Maybe restart the service ?04:46
agent_whiteOhhh yeah! Network manager.04:46
agent_white... not familiar with it04:46
zmux_agent_white: When I set my address manually I set it to, but I guess it didn't stick. I could run the ip add in terminal04:46
agent_whiteBut, why would network manager not give the interface an IP?04:47
agent_whitezmux_: That means it's not being run manually, but by DHCP04:47
agent_whiteWhy it's not on your interface, I'm not sure.04:47
agent_whitezmux_: And yeah these commands I am recommending are all in terminal.04:47
zmux_If you're asking about my NetworkManager.conf, I have managed=false.04:48
agent_whiteHow did you "set it manually" if you weren't using a terminal?04:48
agent_whiteAnd what manual steps did you take where it failed?04:49
agent_whitezmux_: You already checked the driver for your network interface, and verified it was loaded and whatnot, right?04:49
agent_whiteLast steps sound like some routing, if it gave you *.35 to use04:50
* agent_white shrugs04:50
agent_whiteodd your MTU is set at 1000, btw... but that is not related, we can hope :D04:51
Bashing-omagent_white: House computers -> house router -> apartment router -> internet .04:52
zmux_agent_white: don't think I can get my driver. I have no internet so my drivers don't show up. And I set it manually through network manager04:52
agent_whitezmux_: You said "managed=false" is inside your NetworkManager.conf, so assuming that loads/works, whatever you do in network manager should be for nothing.04:54
agent_whiteHence, maybe why assigning an IP does nothing but gives you a default 35. Can you ping www.google.com? How about
agent_whiteTossing ideas out there for what to think aboot.04:55
zmux_agent_white: Well I definitely prefer my network manager to be set to use DHCP instead of being set manually04:55
agent_whiteThough without your driver...04:55
zmux_I can ping, not google04:56
agent_whiteHow about
zmux_And not because "destination host unreachable"04:56
zmux_It's transmitting packets to, but not google04:57
agent_whitezmux_: Both are google. That was to test if DNS is the issue or IP routing.04:57
agent_white(google owned DNS servers)04:57
zmux_So would that make it an IP issue?04:58
agent_whitezmux_: Go through here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkManager#Network_Manager04:59
agent_whiteEach time you're testing a change, do it by pinging an IP address or a hostname04:59
agent_whiterather, not "or" but BOTH!04:59
agent_whiteAlso, any interfaces you know of for checking network status.05:00
agent_whitezmux_: What's /etc/resolv.conf look like? And those two files I mentioned above?05:03
zmux_which two files?05:03
zmux_agent_white: resolv.conf has one line:    nameserver
agent_whitezmux_: That means when you type in "gooogle.com", it goes to "" to find out what the IP is05:06
agent_whiteSo it goes nowhere05:06
agent_white(unless you host a local DNS server or whatnot)05:06
zmux_I don't believe I do hahah05:06
agent_whitezmux_: It could be overwritten... but05:06
agent_whitezmux_: nameserver
agent_whitetwo separate lines as usual; points you to google's DNS05:07
zmux_agent_white: Alright. I overwrote it, but do I need to worry about it being overwritten?05:08
agent_whiteYes and no? -- You will when you are ready to be worried about it ;P For now, just keep in mind "typing google.com checks my /etc/resolv.conf"05:09
zmux_agent_white: ok. Cool to know for sure. I'm still getting Destination Host Unreachable when pinging though05:10
agent_whiteLikely writing those lines won't do jack since you can't ping the ip. But, if you did `mtr` or `route -n google.com` before and after adding those lines, you'd possibly find some cool results.05:10
agent_whitezmux_: Did you edit that network manager config from "managed=false" to "managed=true" ?05:11
agent_white(then run `service network-manager restart`)05:12
=== JanC is now known as Guest77653
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
agent_whitezmux_: We're going the route of having you use Network Manager --  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkManager#Network_Manager05:12
zmux_agent_white: I ddin't have it true before, but I just changed it to true05:13
agent_whitezmux_: Okey doke. Now run the second command to restart it05:13
agent_whitethen check the file again to ensure it held05:13
zmux_restarting it says that network-manager is an unknown job. I tried starting it up again with sudo start network-manager and It says job is already running05:15
agent_whiteHow about running stop?05:16
agent_whiteThen run start again05:17
zmux_Just restarted it. And I set everything back to automatic. Now the resolv.conf is empty and It can't connect through the ethernet05:19
zmux_agent_white: So I can't ping anything right now05:20
agent_whiteDid you check ip addr and ip route ?05:21
agent_whiteNow you can see what all that changed (or at least a few things it did)05:21
zmux_Nothing in ip route :(05:21
zmux_agent_white: any idea why my ubunto can't even connect to the router without me manually putting in the ip address and all?05:23
XHEART24hi everyone05:25
XHEART24do i get support here for my wifi issues with ubuntu 16.04?05:26
=== Lupo is now known as WoLf
lotuspsychje!ask | XHEART2405:29
ubottuXHEART24: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:29
XHEART24i wanted my wifi to automatic save the password but i went to the wifi, then to edit then on wifi security i enter the password but now when i want to connect to wifi it freezes my pc i hard to reboot my pc by powering off05:31
XHEART24i tried deleting that wifi profile but it seems not to work05:31
XHEART24now it is only working with the lan cable cat505:31
XHEART24directly to the router05:31
agent_whitezmux_: Without you manually assigned an IP to your NIC? Because, without an IP, there is no way to know where to send packets to!05:33
zmux_agent_white: Right. But shouldn't I automatically get an ip address when I plug in my ethernet cable?05:35
agent_white:) Now you're troubleshooting05:36
zmux_Hahahah true. true. The issue is that I don't know how to make it get that ip address automatically. And when I put it in manually, it still doesn't work05:38
zmux_agent_white: any tricks up your ip route sleeve that know why an ip address cannot be obtained from ethernet? I was taking a look at ifconfig and I noticed I have an inet6 addr05:43
agent_whitezmux_: What's in /etc/network/interfaces ?05:44
agent_whitezmux_: From here though, iono. We've 'released access' to network-manager for now, so whatever it says goes.05:45
zmux_agent_white: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23993334/05:45
agent_whitezmux_; lspci -v05:46
agent_whitelsmod as well05:46
agent_whitePersonally, with all the changes suggested that you may/maynot have made, I'd reboot the machine05:46
zmux_lspci -v and lsmod have quite large outputs. Are you looking for something in particular?05:48
agent_whitezmux_: Just curious... maybe reboot and start over to see what enabling network-manager sets up.05:49
agent_whiteWish I could offer more guidance, just going through what I would be doing.05:49
zmux_agent_white: one more time how do I restart network-manager?05:49
zmux_Thank you for your help05:50
zmux_agent_white: Do you think it could be something with my mobo?05:50
agent_whiteOh no, your whole computers!05:50
agent_whiteAnd I have no idea.05:50
agent_whiteDoubtful though05:50
stanford_aiwhen I sudo su otheruser, then run cheese, I get (cheese:9920): Gdk-ERROR **: error: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set in the environment.06:04
stanford_aihow can I fix this?06:04
OerHeksstanford_ai, just a warning, not an error. that happens often when you start a gui program from cmd06:08
stanford_aibut it doesn't open: ** (cheese:11599): ERROR **: cheese-application.vala:85: Unable to initialize libcheese-gtk06:09
stanford_aialso it should be able to use X06:09
OerHekssudo su only changes the current user to root. Environment settings (like PATH) remain the same.06:12
ragerI just installed 16.10 on my xps 13, and my wifi is out06:12
ragerbut the qca6174 is doing bluetooth just fine06:12
ragerI've got one of these in my computer: 3a:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Qualcomm Atheros QCA6174 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter [168c:003e] (rev 32)06:13
stanford_aiOerHeks, and how can this new user run cheese then?06:13
OerHeksstanford_ai, not sure, i wonder why someone needs to run cheese as other user06:15
stanford_aiOerHeks, i have a coworker who sshs into my computer as another user: otheruser, and needs to access the webcam. Using cheese to test it06:16
stanford_aibut for some weird unknown reason, cheese isn't opening06:16
OerHeksthat is exactly what hackers do :-D06:17
OerHeksno seriously, i am looking how to fix that xdg runtime error06:18
stanford_aiOerHeks, yes but I can give that user permission. I just paste a postit on top of my camera when we're not using it06:18
qwertyuiopoiuytrhow can i work with .pak files PLZ i can't find anything06:18
OerHeksstanford_ai, you need to edit sudoers > env_keep += "DISPLAY XAUTHORITY" >> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33187159/error-xdg-runtime-dir-not-set-in-the-environment-gtk-warning-cannot-open-d06:19
stanford_aiOerHeks, editing sudoers didn't work06:21
stanford_aipkexec worked, but didn't play video from the webcam06:22
stanford_aialso it required my user authentication06:22
stanford_ainot useful06:22
OerHeksqwertyuiopoiuytr, p7zip or unrar can work with .pak files, iirc06:22
stanford_aiThe only thing i need is for me to be able to do: su otheruser; cheese06:22
OerHeksstanford_ai, if this is unusable, i have no clue :-(  maybe someone else here?06:25
=== deathonater is now known as Smeef
stanford_aiOerHeks, actually, the webcam stream is an unrelated issue I think. But I don't wanna have to give user permission every time!06:26
stanford_aiOerHeks, any way to not have to write pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY every time?06:26
qwertyuiopoiuytr;( when i run p7zip with pak file it show "/usr/bin/p7zip: <File.pak>  unknown suffix -- ignored"06:27
qwertyuiopoiuytr*a pak file06:29
alkisgstanford_ai: what are you trying to do with pkexec?06:31
stanford_aialkisg, OerHeks: i solved it. su otheruser won't work, because it changes environment. but ssh -Y otheruser@localhost works perfectly!06:38
ragerfound it: had to delete dell's workaround-qca6174-ath10k-delay-load06:38
alkisgstanford_ai: I joined the channel later on; I didn't see where you were having issues, but glad you solved them :)06:38
stanford_aiwell i still have an issue06:38
stanford_aiwhen i ssh into my own ubuntu, under another user, I cannot run gedit06:38
stanford_ai** (gedit:14485): CRITICAL **: file log.c: line 980: unexpected error: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.gnome.zeitgeist.Engine: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildExited: Process /usr/bin/zeitgeist-daemon exited with status 21 (g-dbus-error-quark, 25)06:39
Ben64stanford_ai: yes, because of all the reasons already stated in ##linux06:39
Ben64tldr - you're doing it wrong. stop.06:39
=== sdr_ is now known as SDr
nikeshmhow can we change iscsi initiator name in ubuntu 16.0406:42
nikeshmi changed /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi and restart the service but then i am not able to see the target LUN06:42
lotuspsychjenikeshm: perhaps the #ubuntu-server guys might know that one06:47
nikeshmlotuspsychje:  thanks06:49
nikeshmi asked now in that channel06:50
nikeshmlet see06:50
=== forest is now known as Guest53645
=== curly is now known as curly_braces
=== curly_braces is now known as curly_brace
curly_bracesudo apt-cache tcl <- this will check the version of tcl installed to the system?07:11
curly_braceam i right?07:11
lotuspsychjecurly_brace: policy07:11
lotuspsychjecurly_brace: apt-cache policy tcl07:12
curly_braceoh, thanks07:13
curly_braceand for example i wanted to check for the default path of my webserver's config?07:14
curly_bracewhat command will i issue?07:14
curly_bracefind *webserver* <- something like thi?s07:14
ubuntu-mateSo i just installed Mate...I converted all my drives to Ex4 format (same needed for install). Will mate be able to read them as open har disks?07:15
lotuspsychjecurly_brace: perhaps you can find dirs with whereis packagename07:15
alkisgubuntu-mate: mate reads ext4 disks, of course07:15
alkisgWill report spam07:21
OerHeksdon't spam dude07:21
alkisgNo, report to youtube07:21
workok ))07:21
nomicsound stopped working in mint -- mplayer etc07:22
nomicdunno why07:22
=== ubuntu-mate is now known as tard
=== tard is now known as twoard
OerHeksmint issue, not ubuntu, nomic07:23
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org07:23
twoardhaving problems booting ubuntu(mate) on lenovo ideapad 100s (which has a micro sd card instead of a ssd harddrive) PLEASE HELP PLEASE HELP, what can i do to boot from micro sd card)07:24
effectnethows it going07:24
agent_whiteit goes07:25
twoardplease help?07:25
OerHekstwoard, 32 bit uefi, did you try 32 bit mate ? http://askubuntu.com/questions/815301/can-ubuntu-be-installed-on-an-ideapad-100s-atom-laptop07:26
OerHeksor ask your vendor for a 64 bit UEFI bios07:27
twoardOerHeks yes07:27
effectneti am gonna install the yaketty i guess07:28
effectneti want to use my ssd for swap now.  machine only has 4g07:30
effectneti tried it on the hdd and it was way too slow07:36
workPlease upgrade to BABL version 0.1.24 or later.07:37
stanford_aiwhy is ubuntu not showing the Wi-Fi networks? If I go to Edit Connections, they show up. But not in the regular network bar at the top.07:56
stanford_aialso how do I connect to a wifi network?07:56
twoardcan one install ubuntu(mate) on microsd card? i have lenovo ideapad 100s07:57
alkisgtwoard: you can install it anywhere you like; it's a different question "can my laptop boot from the sd  card" though08:03
townes21Anyone here familiar with feedreader?08:05
twoardalkisg: i can boot windows 10 on the micro sd car08:05
alkisgtwoard: cool, then you should be able to boot mate too08:06
twoardunfortunately no, can't boot any linux os from micro sd08:06
hillisWhy I Am Never Thankful https://youtu.be/hqyaljimCSQ08:07
hillis38 likes, 0 dislikes.08:07
hillisMust be saying something right.08:07
alkisgtwoard: people here say they've succeeded: http://askubuntu.com/questions/815301/can-ubuntu-be-installed-on-an-ideapad-100s-atom-laptop08:08
hillisIt's excellent.08:08
townes21Is it possible to use feedreader without selecting an RSS service at the startup? When I first opened it I believe it had an 'I don't use an RSS service' option, however thereafter it wants to force me to select an RSS service. Tried removing and purging but never saw it again. Did I imagine this lol08:08
townes21I've gone thrugh the documentation, unfortunately all of the docs assume you have already setup08:10
cfhowletthillis, the channel topic is ubuntu support.  please post random, off-topic videos elsewhere.  thank you.08:10
OerHekshillis, please don't spam dude08:10
hillisJust a gift to the community.08:10
cfhowletthillis, no it's spam. don't.08:11
OerHekshillis, you create digital waste, stop it.08:11
hillisIf someone gives you a gift how can you tell them that it's not a gift, it's spam? I said it's a gift.08:11
cfhowlett!guidelines | hillis because it violates the guidelines.  and yes the guidelines apply to you.08:12
ubottuhillis because it violates the guidelines.  and yes the guidelines apply to you.: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines08:12
OerHekshillis, you had your fun, now go away, thanks.08:12
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hillisLOL. You make out like I'm a kid in a candy store. I was just giving something back to the community.08:12
stanford_aiwifi is not working after updating my ubuntu. I have 14.0408:14
stanford_aihow can I get wifi back? ethernet works fine08:14
OerHeksstanford_ai, did you compile the wifi driver yourself?08:15
OerHeksor give details what card, what driver you used?08:15
stanford_aiOerHeks, I did not.08:15
stanford_aiOerHeks, no idea. how can I get those?08:15
bau_cikiihhai.. hihihi kmh calageur di lembur???08:15
cfhowlettbau_cikiih, in English?08:16
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stanford_aiOerHeks, i think the update installed some *better* drivers that are supposed to work better but instead don't work at all. maybe08:17
panicstrstanford_ai: cat /etc/network/intercafes, paste it on pastebin.com then post the link here.08:17
deveshwhen is ubuntu 16.04.2 releasing08:17
OerHeksstanford_ai,  lspci or lsusb can tell, 2 guides to troubleshoot https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide +  https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/net-wireless-troubleshooting-hardware-check.html08:18
stanford_ai# interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8); auto lo; iface lo inet loopback08:18
OerHeksbut i guess you know fine how to tell what wifi you have08:18
stanford_aiI cannot install any software because apt-get is broken too08:18
stanford_aiOerHeks, 02:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Wireless 8260 (rev 3a)08:19
panicstrthere's no ethernet info in your /etc/network/interfaces, that can't be accurate08:20
OerHeksstanford_ai, apt broken, how?08:20
OerHeksapt broken and wifi broken, related?08:21
stanford_aiOerHeks, Setting up click ( ...08:23
stanford_aiSetting up click ( ...08:24
stanford_aiImportError: cannot import name 'commands'08:24
stanford_aidpkg: error processing package click (--configure):08:24
Gentoochildhello gurus, I could use a hint, please. I have here a VM with Ubuntu 12, and am trying to build a package using debuild. But whenever it gets to a chmod command during the process, it bails with:08:25
Gentoochildchmod a-x /path/to/file08:25
ShapeShifter499does anyone know how I might be able to whitelist a page in icetea plugin?08:25
cfhowlettGentoochild, ubuntu 12 is way paste dead and no longer supported.  install a supported version08:25
Gentoochildchmod: changing permissions of /path/to/file: Invalid argument08:25
Gentoochilddoes that ring any bell?08:25
GentoochildI know08:25
stanford_aiI think I solved both problems. I'll restart08:25
Gentoochildit's not an option. It's for supporting legacy systems08:26
stanford_aiOerHeks, the wifi fix helped. Thanks! I backported my wifi driver08:26
deveshdoes anyone know when is ubuntu 16.04.2 releasing08:26
OerHeksdevesh, i have no date, it was delayed 'till yesterday.08:27
cfhowlettdevesh, "when it's done" ...08:27
ducassecfhowlett: isn't 12.04 supported until april?08:28
* Gentoochild nudges cfhowlett towards the channel topic. ;-)08:28
deveshwhy its taking so long time08:28
Gentoochildand it's not like this kind of problem emerges as soon as official support is dropped.08:29
yao_ziyuanin ubuntu i can't adjust my LCD display's brightness, etc. through controls on the display08:29
cfhowlettdevesh, sudo apt full-upgrade will grab the packages you need.  the point releases are merely 16.04 with all upgrades added to the .iso08:29
yao_ziyuanwhen i try, the screen would show a "lock" icon08:29
OerHeks16.04.2 delayed for HWE polish08:30
deveshthank cfhowlett08:30
cfhowlettducasse, yes, you're right.  I jumped ahead on my calendar. Sorry for the misinformation Gentoochild08:30
Online_When installing to a BTRFS file system, is there any way to have installer make and use more than the @ and @home subvolumes? Looking to have the apt package cache and other stuff in separate subvolumes so that content won't get snapshotted when snapshotting the root file system.08:33
Online_Sorry, meant the @ subvol :)08:33
Gentoochildso, is this chmod: Invalid argument a known issue? The chmod command that failed works when entered manually.08:34
ducasseGentoochild: just a hunch, if the filename is expanded from a variable - is it quoted?08:34
ducasseOnline_: unfortunately not afaik, ubuntu is not really taking advantage of btrfs yet, just basic support.08:35
Gentoochildthere's no space in the path08:35
popeyOnline_: only if you set it up manually08:35
Gentoochildinterestingly, chown works:08:35
Gentoochildfrom dh_installdocs:08:35
Gentoochildchown -R 0:0 debian/qt58base/usr/share/doc08:35
Gentoochildchmod -R go=rX debian/qt58base/usr/share/doc08:36
Gentoochildchmod: changing permissions of `debian/qt58base/usr/share/doc': Invalid argument08:36
Gentoochild(from its output during debuild, I mean)08:37
bookish@find the light between oceans08:44
bookish@find ml stedman08:45
bookish@find all the light we cannot see08:45
cfhowlettbookish, check you channel.  This is ubuntu support08:46
alkisgGentoochild: one way to troubleshoot the issue would be to temporarily replace /bin/chmod with a shell script that just echoes its parameters, e.g. http://termbin.com/2ogu08:46
alkisgGentoochild: that way you'll be able to see if it has wrong parameters or extra spaces etc08:46
Gentoochildwell I looked at dh_installdocs, and all it did was something like: doit("chmod", "a-x", $filename)08:47
Gentoochildbut I can try08:47
GentoochildI like print debugging :)08:47
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Gentoochildlooks pretty normal to me:08:56
GentoochildParameter 1: -R08:56
GentoochildParameter 2: go=rX08:56
GentoochildParameter 3: debian/qt58base/usr/share/doc08:56
Gentoochildand when run manually, it works.™08:57
alkisgGentoochild: and the output is "invalid argument", not "file or found" or something?08:58
uwjesq-at-workHello. I was wondering. I am on precise and my server needs a php upgrade. If I'd use ppa:ondrej php packages. If anything goes wrong how would I go downgrade to the packages I had before?09:04
Gentoochildalkisg: yes09:07
OerHeksuwjesq-at-work, check the ppa page if precise has a version for you. if so, and you want to return to the original packages, use ppa-purge09:08
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html09:09
OerHeksi would install 16.04 ..09:09
alkisgGentoochild: you can run an "xterm" at that point inside the troubleshooting script, so that you have a breakpoint to run the command manually exactly at the point when in complains09:12
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uwjesq-at-workOerHeks: Thank you.09:16
beanbagu1Is there some way of calling multiple phony targets from another target in a makefile ?09:16
PCatineanHey guys, if I want to have two ssh keys for github, and I want to selectively use one or the other depending on the repo I clone. How does one go about that?09:23
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OerHeksPCatinean, i think ssh-agent can do that http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/52092/how-to-use-ssh-agent-with-multiple-valid-keys-and-yet-choose-which-one-to-use09:29
PCatineanOerHeks, yeah saw that it's great, the only issue is I want for certains repositories to use one key and for other another09:30
OerHeksI never used it like that before..09:31
brainwashPCatinean: did you try http://stackoverflow.com/a/26507643 ?09:32
PCatineanbrainwash, interesting09:35
tdm4Hi all.. I've got a weird problem. I cannot stop/start/restart nginx service with upstart.. I can run the commands by hand (e.g. /usr/sbin/nginx -g 'daemon on; master_process on;' to start and /usr/sbin/nginx -s quit to quit) but when using upstart the script hangs.. forever09:42
OerHekstdm4, on what ubuntu version ?09:44
akiktdm4: did you use initctl?09:44
tdm4OerHeks: 14.0409:44
tdm4akik: I used the stop/start/restart commands09:44
tdm4that are in /sbin09:45
tdm4e.g. 'start nginx' or 'restart nginx'09:45
akiktdm4: try using initctl, it's for upstart09:45
tdm4if I run: initctl start nginx.. I get: initctl: Job is already running: nginx09:46
tdm4if I run initctl restart nginx.. it hangs09:46
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brainwashtdm4: see if you can find the log in /var/log/upstart/09:47
tdm4there's nothing in /var/log/upstart about nginx09:48
tdm4I'm using nginx 1.10.3 from here: https://launchpad.net/~nginx/+archive/ubuntu/stable  (on Trusty)09:49
tdm4is there a way to force reinstall/replace all files in the upstart package? maybe something got messed up09:56
tdm4not sure if apt-get install --reinstall upstart would actually replace the files properly09:56
rsvI am having 2 ethernet ports (eth0 and wlan0) in my laptop and have created a raw socket on eth0 and listening for packets. the interface is not connected to network. even thod09:57
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cristian_ctdm4: maybe, apt-get purge package09:57
rsv am having 2 ethernet ports (eth0 and wlan0) in my laptop and have created a raw socket on eth0 and listening for packets. the interface is not connected to network. even though the network is not connected to the network. the raw socket still reports packet09:58
tdm4cristian_c: tried that with nginx.. it hangs trying to remove or install it because it tries to stop or start the service and upstart hangs09:59
tdm4the only way I can bring up the service again is to reboot the machine.09:59
tdm4not ideal09:59
cristian_ctdm4: maybe in tty shell10:00
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tdm4cristian_c: no because if puppet has to stop or restart nginx it hangs too10:02
B105PH3REtdm4: did you check the logs for nginx10:03
tdm4there is no log in /var/log/upstart for nginx.. also nginx -t checks out fine.. and I can run the nginx start and stop commands by hand with no problem10:04
tdm4it's upstart hanging/freezing10:04
B105PH3REversion of ubuntu you using10:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1351306 in upstart (Ubuntu) "Cannot uninstall upstart and install systemd-sysv" [Low,Fix released]10:05
B105PH3REsystemd can't restart it10:05
tdm4B105PH3RE: there is non systemctl in 14.04.5 :)10:06
cristian_ca question for you, guys10:07
cristian_cI'd like to make avrcp profile working on my bluetooth headset10:07
cristian_cI mean: media buttons located on the headset10:07
B105PH3REso you can't use service nginx stop10:07
tdm4B105PH3RE: nope.. it hangs10:08
cristian_cI've looked at bluetoothctl info output10:08
alkisg`service` is available in 14.04 too10:08
cristian_cand avrcp is listed as available for the device10:08
B105PH3REso check the logs for it10:08
cristian_cWhat methods could I try in order to find the issue?10:08
cristian_cAny ideas?10:09
lebeevtrying to get networkmanager to work with my EM7455 on 16.1010:09
lebeevModemManager seems to do its job fine, but nm-appley keeps repeating this10:09
tdm4service nginx stop -- hangs, have to press ^C to get back to prompt .. same with restart10:09
lebeev(nm-applet:3353): nm-applet-WARNING **: ModemManager is not available for modem at /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/010:09
tdm4and also service nginx start hangs too10:09
tdm4and it's only nginx.. other services work fine in upstart10:10
alkisgtdm4: run the init script with sh -x so that you see the point where it hangs10:10
tdm4alkisg: the one in /etc/init.d or?10:11
tdm4I thought the one in init.d was sysv?10:11
alkisgtdm4: if it has a sysvinit script, that one. If it has an upstart script, that one.10:11
alkisgI don't know what nginx ships in 14.04, you can easily check it out though10:11
tdm4it appears to have both10:11
akiktdm4: the upstart services are configured in /etc/init10:11
tdm4it has both /etc/init/nginx.conf and /etc/init.d/nginx10:12
lebeevlooks like dropping privs for nm-applet solved my problem10:12
alkisgAlthough it might be easier to run the sysvinit one as a starting point, because that way you don't have to pull out the exec bits from the upstart job10:12
tdm4alkisg: if I run the /etc/init.d/nginx script, upstart takes over .. for example: /etc/init.d/nginx stop .. it runs: initctl version, initctl status nginx, and exec stop nginx10:13
tdm4which of course hangs.. because upstart locks up10:13
B105PH3REany one know why I keep getting this message on console10:13
B105PH3REkernel: [37777.295958] pcieport 0000:00:1c.0: PCIe Bus Error: severity=Corrected, type=Physical Layer, id=00e0(Receiver ID)10:13
B105PH3REand also a recieve error10:13
B105PH3REand corrected error10:14
B105PH3REtdm4: when you try and restart it follow your syslog at the same time you should see it try and restart see if there is any extra information10:15
alkisgtdm4: then put a `set -x` to the upstart job shell bits10:16
tdm4B105PH3RE: nothing in syslog10:16
B105PH3REjust shows it trying to stop/start?10:16
B105PH3REor nothing even showing that far10:16
tdm4no, upstart doesn't log to syslog10:17
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alkisgI think there's /var/log/upstart or something10:17
OerHeksB105PH3RE, what pci device is that?10:17
akikalkisg: that's correct10:17
tdm4where do I put set -x?10:17
B105PH3RE3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation GM108M [GeForce 940MX] (rev a2)10:17
OerHeksB105PH3RE, same as 930, maybe 'pci=nomsi'  is your fix too http://askubuntu.com/questions/748078/nvidia-geforce-930m-driver-and-pci-bus-error10:19
Dark92helle all !10:19
tdm4here's the upstart script (/etc/init/nginx.conf): http://paste.ubuntu.com/23994155/10:19
B105PH3REkernel line command?10:19
OerHeksB105PH3RE, yes, and read the rest of that post too, pcie_aspm=off ?10:19
OerHeksor newer drivers from ppa:graphics-drivers10:19
tdm4with set -x all I get is: + restart nginx10:20
tdm4when I try to do restart nginx10:20
tdm4and it hangs there10:20
tdm4how do I add more debugging to initctl ?10:20
tdm4I seem to recall there was a way to do it10:21
vagueThis is driving me crazy, I've written a script that lets me choose a bind interface by interface name instead of ip/host, but running the script I run into a strange problem, Running the script with bin/ssh -b eth0 .... works, strace ssh -b eth0 .... works, ssh -b eth0 ..... does not, and which ssh points to my script... is ubuntu 16.04.1 doing something to preempt me from running a script named ssh?10:21
B105PH3REok brb10:21
DevAntoineIs it possible to connect to a Mac without SSH? You can do that from a Mac to another Mac but dunno which protocol it is10:22
vagueI can understand that from a security point, sure, but how do I disable this behaviour in that case?10:22
alkisgvague: it sounds like you have something wrong in your script, it doesn't sound like a security measure of ssh10:24
OerHeksDevAntoine, VNC perhaps?10:24
B105PH3REOerHeks: thanks a bunch seems to have worked10:25
vaguealkisg, you are welcome to look at it. Like I said, it works as expected in certain cases, but I have no idea what difference bin/ssh and ssh does in this case, http://sprunge.us/SIOa10:25
DevAntoineOerHeks: Dunno. Someone enabled SSH, life saved!10:26
OerHeksB105PH3RE, thank you for confirmation, have fun!10:26
akikvague: so what is the error you get from "ssh -b eth0" ?10:26
vaguegetaddrinfo: ens33: Temporary failure in name resolution10:27
vagueeth0/ens33, same same, but anyway10:27
akikvague: so is your script called bin/ssh ?10:27
alkisgvague: do an "echo /usr/bin/ssh -b $IP $*" before calling ssh, to see what you're actually calling10:28
madzhow do i install ubuntu (mate) on emmc?10:28
vagueakik, I have it under bin in my home dir, $HOME/bin is first in path and which ssh finds my script first10:28
akikvague: eth0 and ens33 are not the same interfaces, yes, physically10:28
vagueakik, I know, I said eth0 by habit10:29
vagueTrying ssh -b ens33 doesn't echo, bin/ssh -b ens33 does, so it doesn't look like my script is being run10:30
akikvague: you don't use -b with the interface name10:31
alkisgvague: also, if you rename your script to myssh, it works without including bin/myssh?10:31
vagueakik, I know, which is why I wrote the wrapper10:31
vaguealkisg, yes, renaming works10:31
alkisgssh -b doesn't echo ==> try `hash ssh` and then try again10:32
akikvague: test also that you are getting bin/ssh first in your wrapper script10:32
akikvague: it might have a different path specification10:32
vaguebrb, work calls10:32
OerHeksmadz, maybe this page is any help http://askubuntu.com/questions/785121/installing-ubuntu-16-04-lts-on-emmc-storage10:32
akikat least it looks like it10:32
OerHeksDisable CSM( Compatibility support Module)10:32
alkisgIf he says `ssh` doesn't run his script, it's a path/bash issue10:32
Dethfulli have a bash script with much lines.10:33
madzOerHeks does ubuntu mate support uefi?10:33
Dethfulli need to call sleep from another shell script or prevent sleep pausing the scrip,10:33
B105PH3REdo you people ever sleep? haha10:33
akikB105PH3RE: this is a global channel10:34
Dethfullhow can i do?10:34
OerHeksmadz, yes, 64 bit does support uefi fine10:34
B105PH3REakik: ya I know it was a joke10:34
madzwill try10:34
tdm4how do I debug initctl?10:35
tdm4is there some command to spit out debugging to syslog?10:35
tdm4if I set that to debug.. the last message I see before it hangs is: kernel: [ 6124.350524] init: nginx goal changed from stop to start10:36
tdm4and it hangs.. forever10:36
Dethfullhow can i prevent script shell pausing during sleepm10:37
Dethfullcalling another shell, skipping the sleep pausing10:38
Dethfullhow can i prevent script shell pausing during sleep?10:39
ducasse!patience | Dethfull10:39
ubottuDethfull: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:39
vagueakik, alkisg, it really looks like the script isn't run if it's run with the name ssh10:40
alkisgvague: does that happen in a new terminal too?10:40
vagueRunning it as bin/ssh the correct path is printed10:40
OerHeksDethfull, i don't think you can do that during sleep.10:40
vagueGood catch, it didn't10:41
alkisgDethfull: what do you mean? If you don't want the script to sleep, don't call sleep..10:41
k1l_Dethfull: you can only just not suspend the machine if you want to keep processes running.10:41
vagueWorked well in a new terminal10:41
alkisgvague: that's why I asked you to run `hash ssh`10:41
akikvague: i just tested creating bin/ssh and i have /home/username/bin first in my path. works fine10:41
alkisgIt tells bash to reread the files in the path10:41
alkisgvague: man bash and search for hash there for explanation10:41
vaguealkisg, alright, thanks for the help, I wouldn't have figured it out on my own10:42
vagueThanks akik too :)10:42
akikvague: it works now?10:42
Dethfulli need the sleep for kill some programs after, i want to know if is posible calling another shell, or another alternative to sleep.10:42
vagueakik, yes, also in the original terminal after running hash ssh10:42
tdm4looking at strace output.. it looks like upstart tries to set up a socket.. and hangs10:43
alkisgDethfull: see an example: echo 1; ( sleep 3; echo 2 ) & echo 310:44
alkisgDethfull: this calls sleep, then continues with echo 3, and finally calls echo 2. Is that what you're looking for? The & there?10:44
Dethfullalkisg, i have a bash script, that needs sleep 900 and kill the.pid , but i don't want pauses  , because i have another lines inside.10:44
alkisgDethfull: ( sleep 900; kill $pid) &10:45
alkisgDethfull: this puts it to the background and continues execution with the next lines10:45
Dethfullalkisg i tried this, still is pausing10:45
alkisgDethfull: put your script to pastebin10:46
k1l_Dethfull: 1;2 means run command 1 and when that is done with any status run command 2. you can use 1&&2 which means run 2 only if 1 is exited with success10:46
Dethfullalkisg is a script inside debuggerd, this is the motive for prevent "pauses"10:46
alkisgDethfull: can you make another very small script to show as as a demo? That only has echo and sleep inside it?10:47
Dethfullalkisg is simple: i want to kill a process.pid after 900s, without pausing the shellscript10:48
alkisgDethfull: yes, what I said does that: ( sleep 900; kill $pid ) &10:49
alkisgThat & in the end puts the sleep and the kill to the background10:49
alkisgSo the next lines continue with the execution10:49
Dethfullalkisg after the & i need to put something or notn10:49
alkisgThe & means "run the previous command in the background"10:50
Dethfullok i will try10:50
* olivetree_ oi ppl :)10:54
tdm4here's the strace: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23994259/10:55
tdm4I can't figure out the full recvmesg syscalls though.. they look like they get truncated10:55
tdm4it sits there doing a poll..10:55
silv3r_m00nhi there10:57
tdm4anyon eknow why the heck upstart is just freezing? initctl log-priority debug is useless!10:57
silv3r_m00ni want to do a fresh ubuntu installation, how do i backup things from my existing ubuntu , its a desktop and i have all the desktopy things10:57
drisicusIs this a chat to solve ubuntu problems?10:57
silv3r_m00nshould i just zip the home directory and put it on the secondary drive?10:58
B105PH3REyou want mostly your home directory10:58
k1l_silv3r_m00n: depends a bit what you want to keep10:58
B105PH3REall the system files will be new on the system just copy your data over10:58
silv3r_m00nweb browsing, lots of docs a few mysql databases thats all i think10:58
B105PH3REprograms will have to be reinstalled10:58
OerHeksdrisicus, yes, you have found the channel10:58
B105PH3REthats in the system directory10:59
k1l_silv3r_m00n: the program settings are  stored in the users home directory. that is usually what a user wants to copy. after reinstall you install the programs again and then you copy back the folders from the programs you want to have the settings back10:59
drisicusOk, ty OerHeks. Have fun!10:59
silv3r_m00nk1l_: hmm, thats what i have been doing over the last decade10:59
k1l_well, mysql is a different animal.10:59
alkisgsilv3r_m00n: there's also an option to start the live cd, then mount the old installation, then mv /* to let's say /backup, and then to install without formatting, so that you keep everything in /backup11:00
silv3r_m00nk1l_: there is a directory inside or /var/ that needs to be copied11:00
silv3r_m00nalkisg: if i wish to wipe everything, should i format or not ?11:00
silv3r_m00nits an ssd11:00
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k1l_silv3r_m00n: for mysql? i dont know the "best" way to backup the databas or to export and import again.11:00
alkisgsilv3r_m00n: if you have enough space, you can do the /backup trick, so that you're sure you didn't forget to backup anything. you don't need to format.11:01
alkisgsilv3r_m00n: and once you moved everything you want from /backup to your new installation, then you can rm /backup11:01
silv3r_m00nall right, i think i erased mysql the last time i upgraded, nothing useful there, cool11:01
silv3r_m00nso the only thing now left is /var/www and /home11:02
B105PH3REsilv3r_m00n: just dump you mysql databases to files before you wipe11:02
silv3r_m00nB105PH3RE: dump isnt reliable, as far as i recall11:02
B105PH3REsilv3r_m00n: i've been doing it that way for years11:03
B105PH3REeither way11:03
B105PH3REits up to you11:04
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silv3r_m00nyeah, i just cleaned up mysql, felt better11:04
silv3r_m00nif everything could be on the cloud11:04
silv3r_m00nor ubuntu had been rolling release11:04
B105PH3REi would transfer the databases to a offsite location temporarily and test it then my home directory thats about it for me I keep all my stuff in my home11:05
silv3r_m00ni have a ssd and a hdd, on the hdd i want to resize a partition to create some space for swap, is it a good idea to resize the partition using gparted ? is data loss guaranteed or is it just a normal risk11:06
* alkisg uses gparted and never had issues except for moving the left side of ntfs partitions11:06
tdm4ah ha! eureka! I figured out the problem. Someone put in an upstart script in the directory that seems to have conflicted11:07
silv3r_m00ni am not going to bother myself too much, let me delete things11:07
mercury200HgWhy does the onboard (on screen keyboard) not working in ubuntu 14.04 during full-screen applications ?11:14
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mercury200Hganyone here ?11:18
k1l_mercury200Hg: are you talking about the ubuntu desktop isntall or the ubuntu-touch?11:21
mercury200Hgubuntu desktop11:22
mercury200Hgunity 3d11:23
mercury200Hgi have also tried option to use gnome-session-fallback11:23
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sabbir_ithow can wifi passcode hack any one know that ? way ubuntu11:27
cfhowlettsabbir_it, no.  wrog channel11:28
k1l_sabbir_it: we dont support that illegal hacking in here.11:28
k1l_mercury200Hg: i guess the support for touchscreens get better on more recent ubuntu versions.11:29
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BluesKajHi all11:39
mercury200Hg<k1l_>: The touch screen is a part of CPU running SSD and other parts similar to that of desktop system. Will ubuntu touch install on such a system ?11:57
OerHeksmercury200Hg, about onboard keyboard, there are several options http://askubuntu.com/questions/404103/functional-onscreen-keyboard12:01
mercury200Hg<OerHeks>: all i want is to appear when editing text inside a full-screen application which is currently not coming12:03
RonWhoCaresI've installed Ubuntu 16.10.  I had my icons all nicely on the screen.  Then I plugged in the external monitor into my computer.  It is taller.  Now I can't see some of the short cut icons at the top.  What does a man need to do to get his icons back?12:03
OerHeksRonWhoCares, fiddle with systemsettings > displays > 'scale all window contents to match <screen>12:05
OerHeksalso launcher placement can be tweaked12:06
OerHeksmercury200Hg, oh oke, set a hotkey for that > http://askubuntu.com/questions/73667/keyboard-shortcut-to-reveal-onscreen-keyboard12:07
RonWhoCaresIs there a command that will make the icons position is rows - columns12:11
Lavinhogood morning12:11
Lavinhoi2c ubuntu ?12:11
Lavinhosoudn card12:11
SebthreeBQM10HDRonWhoCares, which interface and which icons? just joined here12:12
SebthreeBQM10HDLavinho,  just became afternoon here, so good afternoon12:12
RonWhoCaresSebthreeBQM10HD: I am referring to the desktops12:12
SebthreeBQM10HDRonWhoCares, that doesn't mean much, since  there are lots of different interfaces that can be used12:13
SebthreeBQM10HDRonWhoCares, Unity 7 is default for Ubuntu though12:13
SebthreeBQM10HDbut that also has no desktop icons,  except for on the live session i guess, the examples folder, for example12:13
RonWhoCaresI've added my own short cuts12:13
RonWhoCaresI don't know how to get the setting you are asking for12:14
SebthreeBQM10HDok might be a way to twak it a bit for some icoins  sure12:14
Lavinhohelp me12:14
SebthreeBQM10HDRonWhoCares, your asking the question not me12:14
SebthreeBQM10HDI think Unity isn't that customiable12:14
SebthreeBQM10HDexcept for with the unity tweak tool12:15
SebthreeBQM10HDLavinho, with what ?12:15
Lavinhoi2c card sound12:15
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.12:15
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:15
Lavinhono sound12:15
Lavinhono detection card12:15
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SebthreeBQM10HDLavinho, hmm sound card issues hm12:15
RonWhoCaresI found what I am looking for.  Right click desktop -> Keep Aligned12:16
SebthreeBQM10HDLavinho, open a terminal and  try pavucontrol,  or right coick on th wosund thing in unity I guess, and try and get sound settings up like that instead12:16
SebthreeBQM10HDRonWhoCares, ok nice :)12:16
Lavinhoi cant installl ubuntu12:16
Lavinholinux mint only12:16
RonWhoCaresI knew what I wanted, just not the words12:16
SebthreeBQM10HDLavinho, uh so its not even insalled ?12:16
SebthreeBQM10HDLavinho, Mint is based on UBuntu, so if that installs, ubuntu should install as well12:17
Lavinholinux mint only12:17
SebthreeBQM10HDLavinho, also Mint suppport is off topic hre12:17
SebthreeBQM10HDthey have their own small irc network12:17
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org12:17
SebthreeBQM10HDyep that ^^^^^^^612:17
brunch875I want to launch all my messaging programs at startup. Is there a way to do this without having them pop up?12:20
brunch875Or is this "launch to background" an application-sided feature?12:21
Lavinhohelp me12:22
OerHeksLavinho, see the mint factoid, we don't support mint.12:23
OerHeksmint has its own issues.12:23
Lavinhohow ot installl ubuntu o ideapad 100s 11lby12:23
brunch875Lavinho, it's very easy! Just download it from ubuntu.com, put it in an usb stick, reboot with the stick plugged in and click next next next next next while reading the options12:26
Lavinhono detect12:26
Lavinhopen disk12:26
Lavinhobootia32.efi necessary12:27
mercury200Hg<OerHeks>: problem still remains the same, the onboard launches but does not comes up full-screen applications12:27
SebthreeBQM10HDbrunch875, oh your active in here to :d12:27
OerHekstons of howto's on the net > https://forums.lenovo.com/t5/Linux-Discussion/Linux-on-Ideapad-100s-11IBY/td-p/336782512:27
OerHeksbrunch875, that lenovo got 32 bit uefi, so it needs some hacking. or a new 64 bit uefi bios12:28
OerHeksanyway, Lavinho tried to install mint but changed subject to ubuntu grinn12:28
hateballThe way I read it is that they are able to install Mint but not Ubuntu. But then again who knows.12:29
intenso_hi, I execute the following command automatically while provisioning a maschine: sudo apt-get -q -y install iptables-persistent12:35
intenso_but 2 confirmations come in front while provisioning from iptables-persistent12:35
intenso_but I add the parameter -y to the install, which seems to be ignored. any ideas?12:36
Dethfullalkisg i hava another question:12:36
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Dethfulli done this : (sleep 15 ; busybox kill -TERM `pidof app.name`; pkill app.name) &12:37
Dethfulli done this : (sleep 15 ; busybox kill -TERM `pidof app.name`; pkill app.name) &12:37
Dethfullalkisg i have another question12:38
Dethfulli done this : (sleep 15 ; busybox kill -TERM `pidof app.name`; pkill app.name) &12:38
Dethfullalkisg when i call the debuggerd from terminal, it works, but the debuggerd in natural state, does not executes this, is working well but onlt this not.12:39
ZeroHouri'm trying something I hadn't before and having trouble getting started or finding the needed info, running a vps with a fake/virtual x server that I can remote into ? goal is a gui I can remote into simply put12:41
GentoochildI'm one tiny step further. Using `debian/rules build`, I can build my package sources normally. But when I use `debuild`, I get my chmod problem. Strange strange...12:42
ZeroHourI don't know if xvfb will do what I need, or if it would be easier to take some drastic measures and setup gdm for ease to run on xvfb to log into?12:42
OerHeksZeroHour, xvfb virtual frame buffer should do12:43
ZeroHourok thanks. Now I need to have a login/window manager running within that screen correct?12:44
hellohellois there a channel for 17.04 questions?12:59
k1l_hellohello: #ubuntu+112:59
horsewhipHi – has anyone had any success getting 16.04.2 have different scaling per monitor when connected to two displays with a different DPI?12:59
`sliktsI installed lubuntu-desktop in 16.04, but my users are still logging in with unity, and the login screen doesn't have any option to select the DE13:00
`sliktshow do I fix that?13:00
k1l_`slikts: click on the ubuntu logo near the user field13:01
`sliktsk1l_: it changed the login screen, there's no logo13:01
k1l_the login screens do have a button to click to change the session13:02
`sliktsit doesn't13:02
`sliktsoh nvm, found it13:02
Newb101what's the best way to check the health of my ssd13:28
karstenk Hello! Have a problem with an encrypted User dir. From an old ubuntu installation which cannot restored, I have a partition with only folders "karsten", lost+found and .ecryptfs . The size of ecryptfs is equal to the size expected for the data included. Ive already tried to decrypt the folder and can now access .ecryptfs folder. Inside there is a folder karsten and there under .ecryptfs and .Private folder. In the .Private folder, there13:35
karstenk are a lot of data, folders and files, but they not have the original name, but something like "ECRYPTFS_FNEK_ENCRYPTED.FWZzWXI7sFS2vkSZFKtGTjAp2fX5Ns4H.6lD0quZyzqBTWs8JFTGt6LgTk--"  What Ive to do, to get all data with origin name back?13:35
SpeirosHi people.  Hoping your day is good.13:36
Ilyaswhat causes a service to start under the root user ?13:37
Ilyaseg. I've got Graylog that doesn't do that, and therefore it can't open ports <102313:37
Ilyasim trying to learn how this generally works13:37
MarcNokarstenk, try mounting the folders with encfs ;     sudo encfs ~/.Private ~/Clear13:37
maichanyone there13:40
karstenkMarcNo your command ends in a message, which ask me if I wanted to create a new encrypted drive.13:40
karstenkI not want to destroy the data or new encryption, but restore the data.13:41
MarcNokarstenk, should prompt to create ~/Clear directory. You can mkdir it first.13:41
maichi have a question13:41
karstenksudo encfs /media/karsten/28c44ab4-5f11-4e8b-be41-9058117ef559/.ecryptfs/karsten/.Private ~/Clear  is my command, but that ends like said above13:42
Jakey3whats the best way to check my ssd for failure on ubuntu ?13:43
Jakey3can i do it while its mounted13:43
OerHeksJakey3, check the s.m.a.r.t. status in disks13:44
Speirosmaich If you ask your question, somebody may be able to answer it, or direct you to the appropriate place:)13:45
lernermy old 16.04 on an old notebook had 3 usb ports and if I connecter 3 encrypted external HDD the 3 of them would be recognized. My new and smaller notebook kabylake with ubuntu 16.10 and 2 usb ports can only recognize one encrypted external HDD at a time. As reasons I can think of there are: 1. ubuntu no longer accepts more than 1 encrypted external HDD at a time. 2. my encrypted SSD (in which ubuntu is installed) means it can only accept13:45
lernerone external encrypted HDD at a time. 3. Hardware is limited and can only accept one external encrypted HDD at a time. Can you help me?13:45
Jakey3OerHeks, thanks13:45
OerHekslerner, i think your vendor should be able to answer that, hardware specs13:46
lernerok, no ubuntu issue13:46
Speiroslerner I can run two encrypted hard drives, one external and one internal, in harmony with my normal drive too.13:47
Speiroslerner Mind you, I'm using 14.0413:47
MarcNokarstenk, try sudo encfs /media/karsten/28... ~/Clear (don't have .ecryptfs)13:47
MarcNokarstenk, and check the man page13:48
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karstenkthis command will ever create a new encrypted folder and ask me for specification of key etc. It seems, encfs can only mount which is created from encfs13:50
karstenkthe partition is from a disk restore, which has currently ext4 filesystem13:51
karstenkand it is the standard encryption of User dir ubuntu 16.04 standard installation13:51
ducassekarstenk: you're messing with the wrong commands, afaik. encfs and ecryptfs are two different things.13:52
MarcNokarstenk, yes encfs will mount encfs created directories. My bad. ;-)13:52
karstenkso you nearly pointed me to loss my data13:53
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karstenksomebody other a better idea?13:53
silv3r_m00nhow do i select the entire home directory for copying, including the hidden files ?13:53
brunch875silv3r_m00n, you mean ctrl-h ctrl-a ?13:54
brunch875I take it you mean on nautilus13:54
silv3r_m00n5gb, a lot13:55
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vlad1777dHello to all. About grub13:57
vlad1777dGRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 and GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=true are deprecated, it would be better to use < http://pastebin.com/iRpyT1cp > instead of them. The result will be the same, but without deprecated properties.13:57
vlad1777dAlso os-proper breaks logic, set by /etc/default/grub in case, when  GRUB_TIMEOUT=0, because he adds to /boot/grub/grub.cfg such lines: < http://pastebin.com/Py2VD3Qt >.13:58
ducassekarstenk: try this - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory13:58
akikvlad1777d: deprecated? since when?13:58
vlad1777dFull text of my /boot/grub/grub.cfg: http://pastebin.com/QzcCfV2q13:58
vlad1777dakik, I don't know since when, but in /etc/default/grub you can find command to get help with it, in that man it was written13:59
karstenkducasse Could not find your wrapped passphrase file13:59
vlad1777dThis bug was in Vivid:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/127376413:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1273764 in grub2 (Ubuntu Vivid) "Grub ignores TIMEOUT options on /etc/default/grub" [Medium,Triaged]13:59
vlad1777dBut it was corrected already in Debian Sid (I just checked).13:59
karstenkducase seems the right way, I have my passphrase, but not asked for, where I have to create the file?13:59
vlad1777dCan we correct it in 16.04 LTS ?14:00
ducassekarstenk: http://askubuntu.com/questions/60601/unwrapping-passphrase-and-inserting-into-the-user-session-keyring-failed#10766014:00
akikvlad1777d: ok i see it. i unset both of those variables because i don't want to hide the bootup messages (they still work)14:00
vlad1777dakik, they are converted in the new-way variables, that's why they work.14:01
vlad1777dconverted automatically when /boot/grub/grub.cfg is generated from /etc/boot/grub14:02
vlad1777dakik, here is more info about deprecation: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/125859714:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1258597 in grub2 (Ubuntu Trusty) "Warning: Setting GRUB_TIMEOUT to a non-zero value when GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT is set is no longer supported." [Medium,Triaged]14:03
akikvlad1777d: do you know if this change has been made in debian too?14:07
karstenkducasse I followed this answer, but when trying to mount, I get error cant find /media... not in /etc/fstab14:07
karstenkshoudl I integrate into it?14:07
karstenkonly wanted to read the data once14:07
ducassekarstenk: i haven't got the foggiest idea, i'm just googling what you tell me ;)14:08
vlad1777dakik, yes, I checked Debian unstable's /etc/default/grub and generated /boot/grub/grub.cfg files. This bugs are absent in them14:08
karstenkah thought you had any expierence14:08
akikvlad1777d: well i wouldn't call them a bug until the code handling the options is removed14:08
ducassekarstenk: not with ecryptfs, only used it once before deciding it wasn't worth the risk14:09
Jakey3OerHeks, do you know know what the different colums mean14:09
Jakey3value, normalised, threshold, worst type, updates, assesment?14:10
Jakey3for example type is pre fail / old -age14:10
vlad1777dakik, bug is with os_prober, with deprecated options it's not very bug )14:11
tarballhello there! how can I batch convert flv format to mp4 on terminal?14:12
OerHeksJakey3, it is explained here, http://askubuntu.com/questions/20393/how-do-i-interpret-hdd-s-m-a-r-t-results14:13
tarballI have this command but it doesnt batch convert: ffmpeg -i filename.flv -c:v libx264 -crf 19 -strict experimental filename.mp414:13
SpeirosHi SebthreeBQM10HD14:16
SebthreeBQM10HDSpeiros, hi14:16
tasslehoffAfter upgrading from 14.04 to 16.04 I can't install build-essential. http://pastebin.com/9REguKmE14:19
alkisgtasslehoff: what's the output of apt policy gcc?14:21
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tasslehoffalkisg: http://pastebin.com/twxP8KLA (after I tried to uninstall gcc-4.8)14:22
alkisgtasslehoff: ok, try to install gcc first, apt install gcc14:23
tasslehoffalkisg: gcc : Depends: gcc-5 (>= 5.3.1-3~) but it is not going to be installed14:24
alkisgtasslehoff: is that the whole output? nothing else?14:24
tasslehoffalkisg: followed it down to this output http://pastebin.com/8CgiEYyz14:25
tasslehoffalkisg: I had ubuntu-toolchain-r/test on 14.04, but purged it before upgrade. something must have gone wrong there.14:26
alkisgtasslehoff: aptitude is a bit better than apt in unbreaking stuff; try aptitude install gcc and see if it proposed a sensible solution14:27
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tasslehoffalkisg: seems promising!14:28
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter multiarch problems on non-updated 12.04 installs, see  http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.14:28
alkisgOtherwise, continue with apt, e.g. "apt install libgcc1", until you pinpoint the package that causes the issue14:28
* alkisg never proposes aptitude *except* for broken situations...14:29
alkisgUnfortunately apt doesn't propose solutions there, it just chokes14:29
OerHeksalkisg, that is why apt install -f exists14:31
BluesKaji haven't had any problems with apt that aptitude can solve14:31
alkisgOerHeks: afaik it doesn't produce any errors, all the existing dependencies are fine14:32
Southern_Gentlemafter all apt is the backend for aptitude14:32
alkisgtasslehoff: try with apt -f install gcc, and see if it's any better14:32
BluesKajSouthern_Gentlem, BS14:32
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)14:33
ubottudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.14:34
BluesKajSouthern_Gentlem, ^14:34
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tasslehoffalkisg: aptitude solved it. apt-get -f did not14:36
tasslehoffalkisg: http://pastebin.com/1wJVH6eE14:36
ayrushi, I have seen this footer http://img.vim-cn.com/1a/effb8a6ab9648cca92945822ceb7172d4b5df4.png information on terminal on Youtube video of Ubuntu channel. How can I add this to my ubuntu terminal.14:36
alkisgtasslehoff: good to know, confirms what I had already seen in the past. BluesKaj ^14:37
BluesKajdpkg is base app for all package management in debian based systems14:38
alkisgSure; the question was if aptitude can solve issues that apt cannot14:39
OerHeksayrus, that text is an overlay, not a footer in terminal AFAIK14:39
alkisg(well, without manually searching for the conflict and then specifying package=downgraded-version in apt etc etc)14:39
ayrusOerHeks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hvqFfwE4u0 how can I get one like this?14:41
OerHeksayrus, again, that text is not in terminal, it is an overlay over the movie14:42
ayrusOerHeks: when he opens the browser the overlay doesn't show. But when it switched to terminal, it starts showing. I don't know what it is. Do you know how can I can create this kind of overlay? Thanks for your help14:44
OerHeksayrus, this option has gone in 16.04 http://askubuntu.com/questions/87239/how-to-i-will-add-jpg-or-gif-or-png-logo-or-emblem-in-terminal14:49
OerHeksso no footer, no pic14:49
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name10Hello....Why cant i get this to work on my hetzner server ? echo IP=$(ifconfig eth0 2>/dev/null | awk '/inet addr/{print substr($2,6)}')15:01
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name10it works fine with my normal installation ubuntu 16.10 at home15:01
milad_سلام. ایرانی هست؟15:04
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Guest60098irani hast?15:05
ducassename10: have you checked the interface name?15:06
name10yep eth015:07
name10ducasse: i tryed on different servers and it work on other servers and for some reason not here :-(15:08
pavlosname10, does ifconfig give you a valid ip for that interface?15:09
name10pavlos: yes and it works find. but i just cant run that line15:11
ducassename10: what's running on the hetzner server exactly?15:11
name10ducasse: webserver. oracle virtual box, and nothing else right now.15:12
ducassename10: i mean os15:12
name10ducasse: ubuntu 16.1015:12
ducassename10: odd. what happens when you run that line?15:13
name10ducasse: IP=15:13
=== c1 is now known as Jakey3
Jakey3whats the best way to get the latest version of numpy on ubuntu15:14
cfhowlettsudo apt install numpy Jakey315:15
ducassename10: try 'IP=$(ifconfig eth0 2>/dev/null | awk '/inet addr/{print substr($2,6)}') ; echo $IP'15:15
name10ducasse: tryed to run same command on virtual server on server running same os and got IP=
name10ducasse: bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('15:17
pavlosname10, your one-liner works with my interface, enp2s015:18
SpeirosGoodnight good people.15:18
akikname10: please pastebin "ifconfig eth0" from that non-working computer15:19
name10akik: http://pastebin.com/j2Xpf5cX15:21
akikname10: as you see that machine's output doesn't contain "inet addr:"15:21
ducassename10: echo IP=$(ifconfig eth0 2>/dev/null | awk '/inet/{print substr($2,1)}')15:21
name10Akik yes it does i removed it :-).15:22
name10ducasse: It works :-D15:24
lernercan I ask about fcitx here? Is ubuntus default ime15:24
name10ahh now i understand :-)15:25
lerneri need to configure sunpinyin to show only traditional chinese.15:25
name10akik: didnt understand what you told me. Your were right to :-)15:25
name10Thanks :-D15:25
ducassename10: np.15:26
cfhowlettlerner, sounds like something the ubuntukylin team would know more about15:26
lernernow that I have fcitx, how do I write german umlauts, french accents and spanish tildes?15:30
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ducasselerner: i just use compose key or dead keys for that15:36
ZeeeljkoSomeone knows about Hopm ?15:37
ZeeeljkoI have an issues when do "make"15:37
lernerducasse, american keyboard?15:38
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ducasselerner: nope, norwegian. you need a layout with dead keys, or enable compose key15:38
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
lernereuropean keyboards look more up to this task15:39
ZeeeljkoHey people ?15:40
lernerI need to identify my keyboard. its 86 keys but keyboard model shows a 105 keys model...15:41
lernerwhat command can I use?15:41
ducasselerner: afaik there is no way your keyboard can 'tell' you, you just have to choose an appropriate layout15:42
UniFreakhi. say I want to install gcc-c++, how can I know what exactly name to type with `apt-get install` ?15:42
UniFreakI'm reading some tech book, it say I need to do `yum install gcc-c++`, but I'm on ubunut so I need to install it with apt-get15:43
UniFreakbut apt-get said it can't be found15:43
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)15:43
ducasselerner: with compose key - compose+'+a = á15:43
OerHeksUniFreak, sudo apt-get install build-essential15:43
akikUniFreak: the package names differ from distro to distro. on ubuntu it's g++15:45
lerner`n`''aáéẃŕýjjíĺĺ'b'n ḿ15:45
OerHekslerner, plese stop that here15:45
lernerwhy cant I type accents above every letter?15:45
ducasselerner: look at the wikipedia page for compose key, it has a table of what you can type.15:46
OerHeksdepends on your locales, i guess15:47
questionmark0hello. i just installed ubuntu on this ssd before selling the pc. how do i write over free disk space on ubuntu 16.04 lts?15:47
lernerducasse, https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/tips-specialchars.html how do I type an umlauton an american keyboard? the key for accents and umlauts is the same15:47
lernerok, found, its going to take long to write in german15:48
OerHeksquestionmark0, you should have zero-ed the hdd before installing.15:48
questionmark0OerHeks: i know, but its too late now.15:49
akikquestionmark0: you can still zero the disk if you boot the live session and do it there15:49
questionmark0akik: live session? from the usb i used to install? how would i do then zero it? do i need to install a program?15:50
akikquestionmark0: you can use "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=1024k" (sdX is the disk)15:51
questionmark0akik: and then install ubuntu all over again?15:52
akikquestionmark0: there's also the badblocks app that has a read/write test which you can use. yes you need to re-install15:52
OerHeksquestionmark0, let the new owner install ubuntu, i would reinstall it anyway if i bought it from you/someone15:52
cfhowlettquestionmark0, or do an oem installation15:53
questionmark0akik: OerHeks: okay, so boot from usb and then do that sudo dd if command. ill let the new owner install whatever he/she wants15:53
questionmark0akik: easiest way to figure out the disk letter? yes, im a complete idiot.15:54
akikquestionmark0: sudo lsblk15:54
questionmark0akik: thanks. i need to write this all down.15:54
super_nuggethey guys =)....i cant seem to spoof my mac address on a new external usb-wifi adapter (TP-Link> tl-wn727n)..ive tried through macchanger, through the network-manager and manually by (ifconfig wlan1 hw ether  00:19:a9:00:00:01)..but theres no connection after spoofing...ive got to revert back to the burnt in mac to get a successfull connection running..15:56
questionmark0akik: OerHeks: thanks for the help. ill try all of that now. bye. cfhowlett: sorry, but i dont even know what that means. thanks for trying to help though. bye.15:57
akiki want to know what an oem installation is :)15:57
OerHeksakik, it is an pre-installed ubuntu install, after boot you are asked for user name and your unique password.15:58
akikOerHeks: nice. how do you install that?15:59
OerHekssuper_nugget, you *have* network connection, > RX bytes:14175 (14.1 KB)  TX bytes:17852 (17.8 KB) but i guess no DNS service15:59
OerHeksakik, it is an option https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu_OEM_Installer_Overview15:59
OerHeksor f415:59
lernerducasse, any idea how to write the french "ae"?16:00
OerHeks( even with OEM i would reinstall, but that is me )16:00
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lavinhogood morning16:03
super_nuggethey guys =)....i cant seem to spoof my mac address on a new external usb-wifi adapter (TP-Link> tl-wn727n)..ive tried through macchanger, through the network-manager and manually by (ifconfig wlan1 hw ether  00:19:a9:00:00:01)..but theres no connection after spoofing...ive got to revert back to the burnt in mac to get a successfull connection running..16:06
OerHekssuper_nugget, read back, seems like you have not set DNS16:08
super_nuggetOerHeks: hey, i have actually..its google's dns which i inserted in the network manager..16:10
OerHeksso why do you set things manually, while you have networkmanager to do that?16:11
Zewwyinteresting.... http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#id31516:11
super_nuggeti tried manually and through the terminal..neither worked..im not sure what i did wrong..to be clear though..my internal nic can be spoofed just fine and im able to get a working connection..its only the external one that gives problems..16:13
super_nugget***i tried manually through the terminal and also through the network manager16:13
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ducasselerner: isn't in in the wikipedia table? thought i'd seen it there...16:16
lerneri found it by typing randlmly16:17
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super_nuggetOerHeks: any idea why...?16:19
super_nuggetor where i did a mistake...?16:20
OerHekswhat do you mean with 'external' ? the networkcard that is connected with your internal?16:21
OerHeksor 2nd card?16:21
super_nuggetim on a laptop..theres my internal nic..which is from Qualcomm..and i purchased a new usb wifi adapter for vm use..the new wifi adapter is what i refered to as the "external" nic..sry if i got the terminology wrong..16:23
_UniFreakakik: how do you know it's g++?16:24
_UniFreakis there a tool I can use to search package name like that?16:25
OerHekssuper_nugget, both nics should be handled with networkmanager i guess.16:25
akik_UniFreak: you can use apt-cache search package or ubuntu's web site to search for packages16:25
akik_UniFreak: http://packages.ubuntu.com/16:26
tim167hello, is it possible to get absolute timestamps from /var/log/dmesg.2.gz (it only has delta timestamps afaict, relative to the time when dmesg.2.gz was created, which don't tell me when the events really occured) thanks16:27
OerHekssuper_nugget, networkmanager > edit > wifi > 2nd tab > Device ...16:27
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super_nuggetOerHeks, yeah ive tried inserting a "cloned mac address" in network-manager but cant get a working connection after that..16:28
super_nuggetonce i revert back to the burnt-in mac, the connection is perfectly fine16:28
akik_UniFreak: some things you just know from experience :)16:28
super_nuggetcould it be a firmware thing...?a firmware that prevents spoofing macs..?16:28
OerHekssuper_nugget, so what is your goal with the 2nd nic? you say vm-use ..16:29
OerHeksIf that 2nd is wlan1, you have network-connection.16:30
super_nuggetOerheks, didnt get your last sentence...what do you mean..?16:30
super_nuggetthe 2nd is wlan1, correct..16:30
super_nuggetbut i tried ping-ing google, the reply was "unknown host"..16:31
doug16kwhat is the command to set capabilities, the same ones that getpcap shows? setcap?16:32
naccdoug16k: yes, for file capabilities?16:33
OerHekssuper_nugget, oke, so you expect to have local networking on *both* nics?16:33
naccdoug16k: note you can always `man getcap` and typically will see the opposite commands in 'SEE ALSO'16:33
doug16knacc, I think so. for example, if I wanted to set CAP_NET_ADMIN so I don't need sudo16:33
doug16kis that a "file" capability?16:33
naccdoug16k: i think you meant get_pcaps then16:33
naccdoug16k: aiui, CAP_NET_ADMIN is a process capabilitiy16:34
doug16ksorry for XY question. real question: can I set capabilities so qemu can use a bridge16:34
fubHi. So a "dpkg -i" install failed. Now when I want to install something with apt-get, I get an error that I should first run "apt-get install -f" to fix this. Then a lot of packages should be installed.16:34
fubHow can I abort this?16:34
fubI dont want to install all this packages16:34
super_nuggetyeah i was thinking of setting up a server in my internal network in bridged-networking mode, on a vm..16:34
super_nugget**OerHeks*, yeah i was thinking of setting up a server in my internal network in bridged-networking mode, on a vm..16:35
Zewwysuper_nugget: Thats how I have my firewall VMs setup16:35
Zewwythen all my other VMs are behind it16:35
cfhowlettfub, dpkg -r foo.deb      to purge the previous package16:35
OerHekssuper_nugget, if you ping google by ip, does that work ? ping
fubcfhowlett: there is an error that I need to do this by name and not by filename16:36
fubhow do I get the name of this "last package"16:36
ZewwyI can't believe nothign else worked to prevent that daemon from starting up at boot, but the last comment to remove it completely16:37
Zewwydriving me nuts16:37
doug16knacc, ah, so "pcap" means "process" capability. what is the command to set process capabilities. setpcap is not found and bash suggest that I might have meant setcap16:37
ZewwyI awlays though pcap, was packet capture16:38
doug16kgetpcap shows process capabilities, but I don't see a symmetric set16:38
naccdoug16k: `man capabilities` i think16:38
cfhowlettfub, revert the dpgk -i with the original name16:39
super_nuggetOerHeks : just tried.. 1. with burnt-in mac: ping successful  2. with cloned-mac: unknown host16:40
doug16knacc, thanks16:40
super_nuggetZewwy : Nice ;)16:40
Zewwytry opnsense16:41
Zewwyreally good16:41
naccdoug16k: np, i'm not sure if there is a similar cli tool -- i think there are wrappers16:41
ZewwyI found I liked it web UI a lot more than pfsense16:41
Zewwyseemed more intuitive16:41
super_nuggetZewwy : thanks :)..sure will give it a try!16:42
super_nuggetOerHeks  : thanks for helping bud..its a bummer especially since its a petty thing..16:43
fubso the package I want to remove seems to be "broken" because when doing and dpkg -r or apt-get remove, I get an error which executiong the post-removal-skript16:44
fubhow do I fix this?16:45
Zewwyi thought there was a fix-broken sub command in apt-get16:45
naccZewwy: -f16:46
Zewwyfub maybe that ^16:46
fubusing "f" does not change anything16:46
fubstill an error from dpkg16:46
Zewwydid you run apt-get update first?16:46
fubno, why?16:46
fubit's a removal, not an installation16:47
fubsame after apt-get update16:47
naccfub: you'll need to pass a flag to dpkg to tell it to ignore that failure16:47
fubnacc: which flag?16:47
naccfub: and, since i just saw, why did you manually install a pakage?16:47
naccfub: looking16:47
fubnacc: I needed to download a package which was not in the repos16:47
naccfub: which one and where did you download it from?16:48
fubcapanalysis, dont know where I got it from, it was some weeks ago16:48
naccfub: you ould try `dpkg -r --force-all <pkgname>`. I would recommend running with --dry-run to see what it will do.16:49
geosmin2assuming a windows 10 laptop with a shrunk windows partition and 150gb of free space, how reliable is putting ubuntu on that second partition and being confident windows will still be bootable?16:49
naccfub: um, *never* install a .deb you don't trust.16:49
naccfub: that's a very bad and dangerous choice to make.16:49
fubnacc: same as before16:50
fubthe error why dpkg fails is this:16:50
naccfub: please use a pastebin and show the ccommand and output16:50
fub/var/lib/dpkg/info/capanalysis.postrm: 28: /var/lib/dpkg/info/capanalysis.postrm: apache2ctl: not found16:51
naccfub: do not paste it in the channel, please16:51
koleygrgeosmin2: 50GB are enough to install ubuntu and ubuntu doesn't delete windows if you don't choose to delete it during installation... It gives the option to boot on win or ubuntu when the pc starts16:52
naccfub: you could (technically) remove that file (capanalysis.postrm) and it should ocntinue. Note the reason you're in this state is you used dpkg to install, so no deps (presumablyapache is a dep) were installed. You should use apt or gdebi.16:53
geosmin2koleygr: yup, but i'd just like to be 100% sure windows will be bootable16:53
super_nuggetgeosmin2 : assuming its a standard installation(which you follow the instructions properly,especially during the partitioning phase), windows will still be bootable..for sure..150gb is a lot though..like koleygr mentioned, 50gb is probably more than enough since its just a secondary OS..16:53
geosmin2hmm, i don't see why not, grub will just point to sda1 so if something breaks it'll be grub and that's easy to fix...16:53
Dreamangeosmin2  add part and install ubuntu i use swap part  boot an root16:53
fubnacc: fixed it, thanks16:54
Dreamanan use dual boot win10 ubuntu 17.04 alpha 216:54
hanshenrikthe debbian netboot kernel has this kernel boot parameter called `debian-installer/allow_unauthenticated16:54
hanshenrik` , which, if true, does not require package repos to be signed to use it during installation16:54
geosmin2i assume that at no time does the installer write to the windows partition, except to disable the boot flag maybe (hmm, does it even do that?)16:54
hanshenrikdoes the ubuntu installer kernel have something like it?  and if so, what is it called? debian-installer   or ubuntu-installer  or something else?16:55
Zewwyfub: this is why snapshots and backups are important :P16:55
Zewwybackout steps16:55
fubZewwy: snapshots of what?16:55
fubof the whole system?16:55
Zewwyif its a vm16:55
fubno, it's not a vm16:55
Zewwythen backups16:55
Dreamangeosmin2  manual part in hdd for ubuntu add16:55
Dreamanand install16:56
hanshenrikaccording to this https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/example-preseed.txt16:56
hanshenrikits probably called debian-installer/  , even in ubuntu16:56
super_nuggetgeosmin2 : during the partitioning phase, you'll be using the "free space" for creating the Ubuntu OS filesystem..nothing to do with the Windows partitions..16:56
Dreamanhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/23995697/  geosmin2  my old pc :)16:58
super_nuggetbut you have to be sure you select the "free space" rather than a "Windows" partition..thats the important part..if its ur first time installing linux, why not try on a virtual machine first..?16:58
geosmin2super_nugget, been running arch for 4 years but this is a work pc :)16:58
super_nuggetahh i see :)16:58
geosmin2should probably just do a filezilla clone of the whole drive before fucking with it though16:59
geosmin2something something shared production machine16:59
super_nuggethell of a good idea..lol..saves a whole lot of time if, by a remote chance something bad happens..16:59
super_nuggetand also prepare a windows recovery drive on a separate stick..17:00
BadCodSmellWith the latest ubuntu I can no longer connect x11vnc to the main display... x11vnc -display :0 -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 -shared (matches Xorg in ps), it simply says no protocol specified. Worked with the previous version.17:02
johnny4shoehi does anyone know what to do in the case where you have windows 10 OS installed on a laptop and bios is set to UEFI mode17:03
super_nuggetbut i still dont think any unforeseen event would happen..if i were you though, allocate 50gb for the ubuntu partition..and just leave the balance unallocated/free space as it is..that way if you need to expand Windows OS later on, you could do that..or you could expand Ubuntu later on..depends..;)17:03
johnny4shoebut you want to dual boot ubuntu and cant get grub to work after installing17:03
hanshenrikBadCodSmell, is there a /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 ?17:04
BadCodSmellThere is17:04
BadCodSmellI found out why catting the file.17:05
BadCodSmellI think anyway. I just installed, made the name ox1 instead of box1, changed it in hostname, the magic cookie uses the hostname and has the old, my ssh session has the new hostname17:06
BadCodSmellI guess a reboot should do the trick17:06
johnny4shoeDoes anyone know what to do if you have Win10 installed (UEFI) and want to dual boot Ubuntu17:06
johnny4shoeDo I have to change bios mode to legacy and re-install win10/ubuntu?17:07
BadCodSmellSurely you can google that one17:07
BadCodSmellThat's what I would do if I were going to answer you.17:07
charlie_sandersjohnny4shoe, you should be able to yes, I have a UEFI dual boot win10 and ubuntu17:08
johnny4shoeI have googled and see mixed responses17:08
johnny4shoeOtherwise I wouldnt have went on IRC BadCodSmell17:08
BadCodSmellIt's normally only some kind of safe boot you have to turn off but UEFI should otherwise be generic.17:08
johnny4shoecharlie_sanders i installed ubuntu and grub wouldnt show on uefi17:08
super_nuggetjohnny4shoe : try using "universal usb installer"..ive never had problems creating a stick with ubuntu using that..17:08
johnny4shoei used rufus, it had an option for GPT partition for EUFI17:09
koleygrjohny4shoe: some people prefer legacy mode... I use legacy with gpt partition table for my multiboot system17:10
johnny4shoekoleygr i would have switched to legacy mode but i dont want to have to reinstall win1017:11
super_nuggetsometimes its a folder naming issue..ur stick should contain the directory "EFI/Boot/BOOTX64.EFI" and "EFI/Boot/GRUBX64.EFI" with those exact names17:12
vfwMS Windows wourks nicely in VM.17:12
* olivetree_ Be Right Back 17:12
BadCodSmellugh /usr/bin/gufw-pkexec: line 13:  3390 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) python3 ${LOCATIONS[${i}]} $117:13
BadCodSmellubuntu releases are never stable these days17:13
ikoniain what way ?17:13
ikoniathey are pretty stable as a rule of thumb17:13
BadCodSmellused to be17:14
ikoniathey are not17:14
ikoniathey are solid still17:14
super_nuggetmy kali didnt boot into uefi because it was missing a file grub.cfg..but for ubuntu, as i far as i know theres only two needed i.e BOOTX64.EFI, GRUBX64..17:14
super_nuggetmy kali didnt boot into uefi because it was missing a file grub.cfg..but for ubuntu, as i far as i know theres only two needed i.e BOOTX64.EFI, GRUBX64.EFI..17:14
BadCodSmellFailed to connect to Mir: Failed to connect to server socket I think it's mixing up mir and x11 or something17:14
DreamanBadCodSmell  my alpha is stable17:14
ikoniasuper_nugget: we don't support kali here17:14
returnthishi, when I press Ctrl+Alt+F1  I no longer get a login prompt. How do I enable that again?17:15
BadCodSmellIs 16.10 just Xorg or somehow Xorg+Mir hybrid?17:15
ikoniaBadCodSmell: what is failing to connect ?17:15
super_nuggetikonia: thanks for your input..17:15
koleygrjohnny4shoe: I think you can not make windows to run in legacy mode if they are installed on UEFI... So, you have to try UEFI for ubuntu too... but I can not help you with that17:15
ikoniaBadCodSmell: looks like it's a bug with gufw, rather than ubuntu17:16
ikoniaBadCodSmell: couple of bugs logged against it, debian too17:16
ducassehow can i tell which block device ata10.00 from dmesg corresponds to?17:16
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koleygrjohnny4shoe you could try bootrepairdisk if you failed to start grub after UEFI installation.... It helps many times17:18
junixbrhi there, have somebody seen systemd (ubuntu 16.04) restart postfix service each second?17:21
junixbrclean installation17:21
ikoniajunixbr: yes, if the config is wrong it will keep trying and fine17:21
junixbrit is a clean installation17:21
ioriaducasse, not sure, maybe this http://superuser.com/questions/617192/mapping-ata-device-number-to-logical-device-name17:21
ikoniajunixbr: have you configured postfix17:22
junixbras I said, clean installation17:22
ikoniajunixbr: then configure it17:22
OerHeksjunixbr, then it does what you ask it to.17:22
ikoniaand read the startup log to see why it's restarting17:22
junixbrikonia: seriously ?17:22
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sickshrinkhey people . I'd like to report a bug? I'm new to this.17:23
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.17:23
sickshrinkCan i just explain it here first?17:24
ikoniajunixbr: yes17:24
ducasseioria: thanks, that oneliner under the answer goes straight into my notes :)17:24
ioriaducasse, hehehe17:25
OerHekssickshrink, sure, go ahead17:25
junixbrikonia: done, I’ve got the same behaviour17:26
junixbrin postfix check: warning: group or other writable: /usr/lib/postfix/./libpostfix-util.so.117:26
junixbris this a Ubuntu package bug?17:26
OerHekssickshrink, start with what ubuntu version, 32/64 bit etc17:26
BadCodSmelljunixbr it doesn't look like a bug on face value. It's more like, well you shouldn't have /./ because it's pointless and while that perm is excessive it *normally* wouldnt cause an issue17:28
sickshrinkOkay.. So i'm running ubuntu 16.04 lts. Using the unity tweak tool i set the top left corner of my screen a hot corner (specifically to window spread). However , I've noticed that every time i restart my system that particular hotcorner doesn't work.17:28
BadCodSmelljunixbr: but there is nothing in that warning that would be an error on its own without another factor coming into play17:29
dontknowhi! is kubuntu's font rendering good?17:29
nicomachusdontknow: yes. the ubuntu family is pretty well known for having good font rendering.17:29
kobharhow do I install boost 1.62 (or 1.63) on Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS? The latest in the repo is 1.58 and I have backports enabled17:30
dontknownicomachus, yes i know how good ubuntu font rendering but i was wondering kubuntu's17:30
nicomachusdontknow: same font.17:30
nicomachus!info boost xenial17:30
ubottuPackage boost does not exist in xenial17:30
nicomachuskobhar: does it have another name?17:30
DJonesdontknow: All ubuntu flavours use the same font base, so  should be the same17:30
kobharI only have libboost1.58-dev17:31
nicomachus!info libboost xenial17:31
ubottuPackage libboost does not exist in xenial17:31
kobharI want libboost1.62-dev17:31
nacckobhar: it's only in zesty (17.04)17:31
nacc!latest | kobhar17:31
ubottukobhar: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.17:31
kobharhow do I install from zesty's repo?17:31
nacckobhar: you don't.17:31
ioriajunixbr, maybe  https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=83257617:31
ubottuDebian bug 832576 in postfix "postfix: Messages postfix-script: warning: group or other writable: in the logs" [Normal,Fixed]17:31
nacckobhar: do not mix releases.17:31
devslashIf I forgot the disk password for my encrypted Ubuntu VM am I SOL ?17:32
sfdebughi, i frequently have a problem on Ubuntu that is: when i lock the system, the password box start to be filled and it freezes in a way that i can't login on system again... obs.: the problem is not my keyboard...17:32
kobharboost 1.63 is the latest stable version of boost17:32
nacckobhar: read the ubottu msg above, please.17:32
DJoneskobhar: Looking at http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=yakkety&section=all&arch=any&keywords=libboost&searchon=names looks like the latest version is 1.6/1.61 for the various derivatives of libboost17:33
naccDJones: that's because you searched specificall on yakkety17:34
DJoneskobhar: And thats with 16.1017:34
kobharnacc: thanks17:34
BadCodSmellthe one thing I like about ubuntu at least that to stop the screen from sleeping I only have to now go to the settings, brightness/lock and turn it off.17:34
naccDJones: zesty has the latest, but only zesty, as normal17:34
DJonesnacc: See above17:34
kobharDJones: I don't see 1.61 either17:36
DJoneskobhar: If you're using 17.04 it may be worth asking in #ubuntu+1 they may be able to help, but I suspect it won't backported to 16.04/16.1017:36
sfdebughi, i frequently have a problem on Ubuntu that is: when i lock the system, the password box start to be filled and it freezes in a way that i can't login on system again... obs.: the problem is not my keyboard... does anyone have any idea?17:37
kobharDJones: if 1.61 is in Ubuntu 16.10, then it should be available in backports for 16.04, am I correct?17:38
nacckobhar: no17:38
DJoneskobhar: No17:38
kobharthanks for your help nacc and DJones. Have a nice day17:40
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tcornelimy software center is stuck; how do i proceed?17:43
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junixbrthe systemd behaviour: http://dpaste.com/3KVREGQ17:44
junixbrI’m trying to understand what is happening here17:44
k1l_tcorneli: stuck means?17:49
sfdebughi, i frequently have a problem on Ubuntu that is: when i lock the system, the password box start to be filled and it freezes in a way that i can't login on system again... obs.: the problem is not my keyboard... does anyone have any idea?..... an image: http://www.tiikoni.com/tis/view/?id=a24e0a917:50
antorondaalgun español por aqui17:51
nacc!es | antoronda17:51
ubottuantoronda: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:51
Pici!es | antoronda17:51
naccPici: ^5 :)17:51
tcornelik1l_: when i go to Installed or Updates it just keeps spinning17:51
k1l_tcorneli: how long did you wait there?17:52
ZabotI installed server 16.04 and was able to finish the install as normal, but I don't have any display. It displays the boot logs, but than as soon as you would expect to see the login prompt, the display turns off.17:52
ZabotI've tried nomodeset and the relevant GRUB options, but I didn't have any success17:53
enycZabot: hrrm and no kepboard makes it up?17:53
enycZabot: more to the point, does alt+sysrq+s then alt+sysrq+u then alt+sysrq+b  reboot it  in that state?17:54
ZabotI don't know, let me try it17:54
k1l_Zabot: can you reach it on ssh?17:55
ZabotI could until I borked the network config I was setting up -_-17:55
ZabotHence the needing local display17:55
tcornelik1l_: i think it has been about half an hour; i started the updates; when they finished they got back to the the status Install, when i tried to remove a package using the terminal, i couldn't because of a lock (presumably because the updates weren't finished); i closed the software center, waited a bit and after i opened it got stuck; at that point the lock seemed to have vanished, but software center is still stuck17:57
tcornelinow my mouse is stuck too :)17:57
ioriaZabot, recovery mode ?17:59
tcornelik1l_: can i safely kill aptd?18:00
k1l_tcorneli: no18:00
ZabotNo on the recovery mode. I do have a bootable partition on the drive that was the previous version that still boots fine18:00
k1l_(i dont like the gnome-software, its making a lot more issues than the old one)18:01
k1l_tcorneli: is apt or dpkg still running?18:01
tcornelik1l_: how about the mouse? i can move the cursor, but clicks or scrolling don't work18:01
tcornelik1l_: yes18:01
Zabotkli_: I've actually gotta run to class, I'll be back in an hour if you're still on.18:01
k1l_tcorneli: hmm, that should not be the same issue :/18:02
tcornelik1l_: sorry, at the moment apt and dpkg are not running18:02
tcornelik1l_: i didn't kill anything though18:03
k1l_can you close the software center?18:04
tcornelik1l_: i started software center again, still stuck, and apt and dpkg not running18:04
tcornelik1l_: closing it is no problem18:04
effectnethi, could i move my ~Downloads directory to another drive?18:05
effectnetis that a symlink?18:05
k1l_tcorneli: close software center, then remove the ls -al .local/share/gnome-software/install-queue18:06
* olivetree_ Back :)18:06
tcornelik1l_: so such file or directory18:07
k1l_tcorneli: what ubuntu is that?18:07
OerHekseffectnet, edit ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs ( after you created the new folders)18:07
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tcornelik1l_: 16.04, LTS18:08
sfdebughi, i frequently have a problem on Ubuntu that is: when i lock the system, the password box start to be filled and it freezes in a way that i can't login on system again... obs.: the problem is not my keyboard... does anyone have any idea?..... an image: http://www.tiikoni.com/tis/view/?id=a24e0a918:13
k1l_tcorneli: you do have a .local/share/gnome-software/ ?18:14
tcornelik1l_: y18:14
k1l_tcorneli: with ubuntu-reviews.db in it?18:14
tcornelik1l_: y18:15
tcornelik1l_: even though i could close the software center, it's still running as a process18:16
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k1l_tcorneli: then kill the process18:18
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tcornelik1l_: done, do i start it again?18:19
k1l_i would run sudo apt update first18:19
tcornelik1l_: everything is up to date18:20
tcornelik1l_: software center is fine now18:21
tcornelik1l_: thanks!18:21
caeneI'm having this weird issue.. when I alt-tab to another window/program in Ubuntu, I get this little freeze for half a second. Like, everything freezes graphically. Any ideas?18:23
caeneAudio is fine.18:23
koleygrcaene do you use unity?18:26
koleygror gnome?18:26
effectnetthx OerHeks18:28
caenekoleygr: I use unity18:29
koleygrI had a similar problem with gnome and I had to install proprietary drivers for gpu18:31
koleygrcaene ^18:31
koleygrBut wait for someone else to answer for unity... It would be good to say what gpu you have and what drivers you use18:32
caenekoleygr: I'm using the latest proprietary drivers for my GPU. I guess I could try out a eariler driver.18:36
koleygrcaene: wait for someone more experienced than me... Usually the latest drivers are better... I don't know if earlier drivers could help...18:37
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sfdebughi, i frequently have a problem on Ubuntu that is: when i lock the system, the password box start to be filled and it freezes in a way that i can't login on system again... obs.: the problem is not my keyboard... does anyone have any idea?..... an image: http://www.tiikoni.com/tis/view/?id=a24e0a918:40
k1l_sfdebug: that is very uncommon. are you sure its not a keyboard issue?18:41
ioriasfdebug, and  you already tried another keyboard  for a while ?18:41
energizerLooks like I can only ssh into my computer if I am already logged into the desktop session already. Is that normal?18:42
k1l_energizer: no18:42
sfdebugk1l_, it isn't keyboard because i never had this problem using the system...18:42
caenekoleygr: alright! I appreciate your help though.18:42
sfdebugioria, it is not ever that it occurs, just some times...18:42
k1l_sfdebug: you never had this issues doesnt say its not the keyboard now.18:42
ioriasfdebug,  things broke18:42
sfdebugbut why i haven't problem with keyboard using the operating system that is the most part of the time...?18:43
sfdebugthe problem is ever on lock screen....18:44
energizerk1l_: oh i guess its because my home dir is encrypted so it cant access the authorized keys18:44
energizerk1l_: dont know how to solve this18:45
ioriasfdebug,  idk then ... had the same problem  with an old ps/2 keyboard18:45
sfdebugioria, hum...18:46
ioriasfdebug,  change the usb port18:46
sfdebugioria, it isn't usb...18:47
ioriasfdebug,  wifi18:47
koleygrcaene: I see some similar issues in old versions of ubuntu... What version do you use... It was a bug on Oneiric18:47
ioriasfdebug,  don't tell me is ps/2 ?18:48
PCatineancan anyone please tell me how I can specify the ssh key to be used when I try to make a git clone?18:49
naccPCatinean: usually you configure ssh properly and then it should just work -- are you needing to use a key not tied to your user?18:50
naccPCatinean: you probably will need to set GIT_SSH or GIT_SSH_COMMAND18:50
sfdebugioria, yes, it is...18:53
akikPCatinean: it's the -i option in ssh client if that helps18:53
sfdebugioria, but all the keyboards of the ppl here on work is the same...18:53
sfdebugioria, and no body had the problem i have...18:53
sfdebugioria, note: just i use ubuntu...18:54
ioriasfdebug,  easy to test: use another keyboard and (if issue persists) come back here18:54
sfdebugioria, ok...18:55
sfdebugioria, i'll do that..18:55
ioriasfdebug,  consider that the ps/2 port itself can be damaged... so use a usb kb18:56
caenekoleygr: I'm currently on 16.0418:56
sfdebugioria, yep... thanks :-)18:56
ioriano prob18:56
caenekoleygr: and I'm currently using NVIDIA proprietary 367.57.18:57
OerHekscaene, what nvidia exactly?18:59
caeneOerHeks: nothing new or fancy, I'm using a Gigabyte 66019:00
OerHeksoh oke, then that 367 should work ..19:02
caeneI mean, it works. But I'm just having this one tiny issue. If I alt-tab between programs, the entire OS will freeze for half a second.19:03
OerHeksYou might want to check out nvidia settings manager, to see if you can do some tweaking19:03
OerHeksnot sure myself what option you could try19:03
caeneYeah, I'll try to mess around in the settings manager I guess.19:04
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rek hello err.. i don't see any cursor except when i go over icons or a field that has to be filled with text and so on... how can i fix the problem of the missing arrow? how can i install and use a new theme?maybe it will fix the problem (i should use lxapparence to set the new theme)19:11
koleygrcaene: if you try and do not find a solution try this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/296294/alt-tab-crashes-gnome-classic-desktop-12-0419:13
koleygrIt may help in unity too19:14
OerHekslxappearance means lxde19:16
OerHeksrek, sure that theme is suitable?19:16
OerHeksrek, and did you check for graphic drivers?19:17
z1haze_workI am trying to install the php-mhash extension but i cannot locate it with apt. can anyone please assist. im having the same issue with the openssl extension19:21
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z1haze_worklooks like php-fpm pulled in the openssl extension but still nothing for mhash19:24
Piciz1haze_work: It should be provided with your php -common package.19:24
rekOerHeks, what do you mean... yeah it its default theme19:24
z1haze_workits not showing up in php -m19:24
Piciz1haze_work: or as part of php-fpm19:24
z1haze_worki have php7.0-common and php7.0-fpm19:24
effectnethi what's the best way to install samba?  im on the new 16.10 yakkety19:25
z1haze_workthis is the last extension thats required of course its going to be a pain!19:25
Piciz1haze_work: oh, 7.0, let me check my other server.19:25
compdoceffectnet, just sudo apt install samba19:25
effectnetthx ok compdoc19:25
z1haze_workthank you19:26
compdoceffectnet, then you need to edit /etc/samba/smb.conf to set the workgroup name, and any shares you need19:26
effectnetyeah im reading that now, ok19:27
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Piciz1haze_work: You may want to ask ##php, It looks like mhash might not be part of the core php7 distribution anymore, and their documentation is rather unhelpful: http://php.net/manual/en/mhash.requirements.php19:31
z1haze_workoh alright19:31
imbezolafter upgrading from 15.10 to 16.04 i get a prompt during boot to enter my passphrase for my encrypted swap partition. after failing to answer correctly it fails the service, boots, but has no swap mounted19:32
imbezolwhen i look at my fstab i see two entries for swap19:32
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imbezolone is my normal lvm swap partition, the other is a cryptswap partition19:33
imbezolany hints on how to get back to just one, and fix it so that it's encrypted?19:33
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OerHeksimbezol, encrypted swap is nice, if you don't hybernate/sleep19:34
OerHeksimbezol, so you had a reason to make a regular swap?19:35
imbezolOerHeks: if you do, does it cause problems?19:35
imbezolOerHeks: i'm not even sure.. i did the install on this thing ages ago19:35
OerHeksyes, the key stored in swap cannot be read.19:35
effectnetcompdoc, thank you, wow how nice when sometthing goes smoothly :D19:35
OerHeksSo i guess, you want the regular swap.19:35
imbezolOerHeks: ah. it's a laptop that i sleep often so best not to use encrypted swap then19:35
effectneti forgot to restart samba too, still worked19:36
BadCodSmellHow do I get normal menus in ubuntu rather than the flawed Mac global menus?19:36
OerHeksimbezol, now your issue, you need to enter the right passphrase.,.19:36
imbezolOerHeks: if i'm not going to use it, do i care?19:36
imbezoli can just delete it, no?19:36
OerHeksimbezol, if you don't need swap ( 8gb+ ?) you can leave it as it is, sure19:37
imbezolOerHeks: i do want swap, but don't need it to be encrypted19:37
coajaxialHello, is there someone who can explain me a little bit about how to modify a package by downloading its sources via apt and compile it on my own?19:39
nacccoajaxial: probably a better question for #ubuntu-devel, but folks are probably a bit busy with the 17.04 feature freeze this week (just fyi)19:40
k1l_BadCodSmell: look at the systemsettings, appearance19:40
coajaxial:| Its not about the developement itself, more about apt19:40
k1l_coajaxial: enable the sources repo then run apt-get source packagename. but changing and compiling you need to do on your own then that cant do apt19:41
k1l_and apt-get build-dep packagename might be needed too19:42
nacccoajaxial: what do you mean?19:43
nacccoajaxial: what k1l_ said is sufficient, i thnk19:43
nacccoajaxial: also you may want `pull-lp-source`19:43
nacccoajaxial: but i'm not sure how it's about apt -- apt only gets you the sources, it doesn't build anything19:44
coajaxialI already compiled my own package (mate-panel in this case), and created a new package version and got my deb file (exactly, it compiled into multiple .deb files) and installed them via dpkg -i *.deb . But now i dont know how to return to the original package from ubuntu repositories :/19:44
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nacccoajaxial: the better way to do what you did is to use a PPA and then you can easily purge the PPA19:44
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nacccoajaxial: you will probably have to specify a version (did you correctly chagne the version in your local pacakge)?19:44
nacccoajaxial: specify a version to apt, that is19:44
Jarouri need help19:45
idunhamquestion - vsftpd trying to add user to connect via filezilla.19:45
Jarouri can phpmysql19:45
idunham Login Incorrect19:45
coajaxialI did change the version, yes, I even labeled it with my nickname (something like 1.16.1-coajaxial1)19:45
idunhamI get login incorrect, even though the password is correct19:45
nacc!pm | coajaxial19:47
ubottucoajaxial: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.19:47
k1l_coajaxial: look at apt policy packagename for the versions. then you can specify the version on apt install19:47
nacck1l_: good suggestion!19:48
coajaxialok, sec.19:48
nacccoajaxial: one will say it is from dpkg, which is the only installed locally; pick the version from the repository19:48
BadCodSmellHow do I get a menu in my application in ubuntu using X11 forwarding?19:49
BadCodSmellMy menu is gone19:50
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coajaxialok, it seems like i already removed it somehow, apt policy tells me 1.16.1-1~xenial4.0 is installed for mate-panel.19:51
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coajaxiallooking on my history, i did this: sudo apt-get install --reinstall mate-panel19:52
coajaxialbut shouldnt that just reinstall the modified deb file?19:52
nacccoajaxial: well, taht's not ubuntu, so can't really say19:53
marekw2143maybe here is somebody who knows how to install HP 840c on ubuntu ?19:53
nacccoajaxial: what was the exact version you used in your local pacakge19:53
nacccoajaxial: the ordering matters significantly19:54
nacccoajaxial: --reinstall installs the latest, based upon what apt knows19:54
coajaxialits ubuntu mate, but thats not relevant, its the version from the original repositories (i labaled my version with "coajaxial")19:54
nacccoajaxial: no, there is no such versioned mate-panel in ubuntu, so it's absolutely relevant.19:54
coajaxialok, to give you more information: I followed this blog post from ubunut mate to upgrade the mate desktop packages: https://ubuntu-mate.org/blog/mate-desktop-116-for-xenial-xerus/19:56
coajaxialthats how i got the 1.16.1-1~xenial4.0 version of mate-panel19:57
nacccoajaxial: ok, so a PPA19:58
coajaxialohhhh, wait a second19:58
nacccoajaxial: but again, what *exact* version did you make your pacakge?19:58
coajaxialyes, there is the problem: apt-get source downloaded the 1.12 version19:59
coajaxialto be exact, 1.12.219:59
nacccoajaxial: yes, PPAs don't provide source typically19:59
coajaxialok, ok, but there is still a question: after i compiled and tagged my custom build (mate-panel_1.12.2-1coajaxial1_amd64.deb), why did dpkg -i install that version? I mean its lower than the current version known by apt?20:01
nacccoajaxial: what do you mean? `dpkg -i /path/to/.deb` installed the version you told it to20:02
coajaxialor will it force an installation of that specific version even if there is a greater version installed?20:02
nacccoajaxial: dpkg does not know what apt is20:02
pringles2hey guys... kinda new to Ubuntu and think I may have messed something up but not sure... in my /home/john folder, doing "ls -ahl" shows the ".." (previous directory) as being owned by root... that should be user, right?20:03
coajaxialoh, ok. I guess I really need some more information about apt, dpkg, etc. Maybe you could give me some resources? :)20:03
humoroustwoI removed the default libreoffice install, and installed LO 5.3, but the original is still on my programs list and is the default program20:04
coajaxialpringles2: no, /home is owned by root20:04
k1l_pringles2: no20:04
pringles2ok thank you coajaxial... I just noticed it for some reason and thought I messed itup20:04
humoroustwoI've tried aptget clean and purge, and only one copy of libreoffice can be seen in the software centre20:04
effectnethi does flash work on in chromium on this 16.10 yakkety?20:04
humoroustwo*clean and autoremove20:04
k1l_humoroustwo: how did you install it?20:05
nacccoajaxial: dpkg -i installs a specific .deb20:05
effectnetchromium keeps saying "right-click to run adobe flash" in the browser20:05
k1l_humoroustwo: try to relogin to get path and .dsktop files be updated again20:05
nacccoajaxial: i'm not sure what's confusing about that20:05
k1l_effectnet: isntall the adobe flash pacakge20:05
effectnetok from their website?  yeah i installed the pepper20:06
effectnetso , ok20:06
k1l_effectnet: no.20:06
humoroustwok1l_: Bearing in mind it still actually opens the older version. I installed 5.3 by downloading the archive from their website and running dpkg -i *.deb20:06
k1l_effectnet: install the adobe flash plugin package from the partner repo from ubuntu.20:06
k1l_effectnet: pepper flash thing is a different thing.20:06
humoroustwoI've restarted twice D:20:06
effectnetheh ok20:06
k1l_humoroustwo: look at where they installed it  to and if they shipped .desktop files matching20:07
coajaxialnacc: Im a little bit confused how the versioning is handled. I thought apt and dpkg always try to install the latest version reachable.20:07
effectnetthanks k1l_20:07
nacccoajaxial: no.20:07
k1l_humoroustwo: apt policy pacakgename will show you what is installed20:08
nacccoajaxial: dpkg does not know about versions in that way20:08
daxcoajaxial: dpkg does not handle version or other dependency information. it literally just installs the .deb you tell it to install20:08
nacccoajaxial: dpkg has no sense of a repository, it only has local files20:08
coajaxialand only apt has this feature ov versioning?20:08
effectnetsorry, where do i go to get flash?20:08
ioriaeffectnet, enable Canonical Partner repo   http://ubuntuhandbook.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/canonical-partners-repository.jpg20:09
daxcoajaxial: dpkg handles upgrading/downgrading the package as needed to fulfill your installation request. making sure that the most recent version is installed and that dependencies (and the right version of those dependencies) are installed is APT's job20:09
ioriaeffectnet, then sudo apt update  and install adobe-flashplugin20:09
effectnetok cool.  hmmm my software dialog box now disappears when opened.20:10
effectneti click 'software & updates' in settings, the window opens then closes.  i wonder what i should do?20:11
effectneti did have it open before20:11
coajaxialnacc: dax: so, ok then, my custom build installed via dpgk -i actually downgraded the current installed version of mate-panel  to my specific build, right?20:11
ioriaeffectnet, sudo apt update20:12
effectnetok thx i have to do stuff or something.20:12
coajaxialnacc: dax: so when i did a apt-get install --reinstall mate-panel afterwards, it updated from my custom build back to the latest version of mate-panel20:13
coajaxialnacc: dax: is that right?20:13
effectnetthank you you guys.  all set with flash now.  thanks20:14
coajaxialnacc, dax? ._.20:22
k1l_coajaxial: yes, that is right20:22
stefa____Hi. I have problem with letsencrypt renewal. My crontab entry "0 4 * * * /usr/bin/letsencrypt renew >> /var/log/letsencrypt-renew.log" runs successfully except when it's up for renewal. Then I get a "All renewal attempts failed." in the log. Any ideas?20:25
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coajaxialok. thx all :)20:26
akikstefa____: are you really trying to renew every day?20:27
coajaxialI think I'll take a look at the PPA suggestion now.20:28
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stefa____@akik Yes I am,20:28
coajaxialbye, and greetz from bavaria, germany :)20:29
akikstefa____: the recommendation is to renew every 60 days https://letsencrypt.org/docs/faq/ maybe you hit some kind of limit20:31
koleygrcaene: Are you there?20:32
stefa____@akik: There's no pbroblem with daily renewal attempts. The service will only respond with a " The following certs are not due for renewal yet:" within the 90-day period..20:33
akikstefa____: have you tried using certbot to do it?20:34
LinuxBeginnerCCHello all!20:35
LinuxBeginnerCCSomebody is from Spain?20:36
k1lLinuxBeginnerCC: look in the #ubuntu-es channel for people from spain :)20:37
stefa____@akik: Shouldn't have to. Running the command "letsencrypt renew" manually as root renews the cert without problem. Is this a permission problem?20:38
ioriaLinuxBeginnerCC, and if possible, don't login as root20:38
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akikstefa____: you mentioned your crontab entry? does your user account have the correct permissions?20:39
stefa____@akik: set up using "crontab -e" as root.20:40
phos1I cannot get my htaccess to work properly for anything, I want redirect to www and https, it’s always saying site is redirecting in a way that won’t compelete. http://pastebin.com/Nyg4uzqC20:40
akikstefa____: i'm using letsencrypt-auto renew. do you have that program?+20:41
stefa____@akik: No. Is that part of certbot?20:42
LinuxBeginnerCCwhy the people dont write?20:43
akikstefa____: no it's part of the python client20:43
effectnetdo i wanna use flash or html5 for youtube?20:43
effectnetheh k20:43
stefa____@akik. Thanks. I will take a look at that. Cheers from a very cold Sweden!20:44
k1lflash is old, insecure and cpu heavy. its best when flash dies.20:44
floogyHi, i got issues with mysql on 16.0420:45
floogy$ sudo mysql_upgrade20:48
floogymysql_upgrade: Got error: 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) while connecting to the MySQL server20:48
floogyUpgrade process encountered error and will not continue.20:48
naccfloogy: did you read the logs? it says what to do if this was an upgrade20:49
naccfloogy: specifically the line starting with "Some of the user accounts..."20:50
floogyYes, I'm currently trying to follow the steps 1. up to 3.20:51
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floogygerhard@ubuntu:~$ ps axu |grep my20:58
floogygerhard  32642  0.0  0.0  12540   848 pts/4    S+   21:56   0:00 tail -f /var/log/mysql/error.log20:58
floogygerhard  32656  0.0  0.0  19460  1032 pts/3    S+   21:58   0:00 grep my20:58
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floogygerhard@ubuntu:~$ sudo service mysqld start21:00
floogyFailed to start mysqld.service: Unit mysqld.service not found.21:00
naccfloogy: why are you running it in the background? it's probably saner to do in the foreground21:00
naccfloogy: also the last error message is quite clear21:00
naccfloogy: isn't it mysql not mysqld?21:01
naccfloogy: for service21:01
floogymysql didn't upgrade21:01
nacc!who | floogy21:02
ubottufloogy: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:02
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floogynacc, sudo dpkg --configure -a stuick with  This installation of MySQL is already upgraded to 5.7.17, use --force if you still need to run mysql_upgrade, the log ends with Version: '5.7.17-0ubuntu0.16.04.1'  socket: '/tmp/tmp.X7pTFzOiaH/mysqld.sock'  port: 3306  (Ubuntu) https://bpaste.net/show/0eb8f360778c21:04
floogytail -f /var/log/mysql/error.log and sudo dpkg --configure -a21:06
floogy stuck with the above for hours.21:06
naccfloogy: yes, i know. i'm the one helping you earlier...21:06
naccfloogy: not sure why you're recapping what you've already pasted21:06
naccfloogy: follow the steps to upgrade in that log21:06
floogyTherefor I recapping what I previously psted. It stucks there with the same error.21:07
floogyI followed the 3 steps21:07
naccfloogy: except you didn't even follow 1.21:08
naccfloogy: as it failed to start the server21:08
naccfloogy: yes, you've already pasted that!21:09
floogyYes, it didn't start the server.21:09
naccfloogy: and it failed to start and clearly told you why...21:09
someone235Hi, I want to change my dns server. I see that /etc/resolve.conf is read only, so what file should I edit?21:09
naccfloogy: Directory '/var/run/mysqld' for UNIX socket file don't exists.21:09
floogysudo mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables & should start the server, should it?21:09
naccfloogy: so either use the correct service name (mysql not mysqld) or you will presumably need to create the appropriate director(ies) yourselv21:09
naccfloogy: stop running it in the background -- use two sessions/terminals (I don't know if you're doing this remotely or locally)21:10
naccfloogy: yes, but not if it fails.21:10
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Epx998Anyone use auditd?21:14
Epx998I am what the performance cost is for using auditd to watch a few directories21:15
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floogynacc, unfortunately I got no luck with creating the lacking folder, but it's different now: https://bpaste.net/show/79f4c1148be921:19
naccfloogy: right, tailing the log isn't helpfu, you need to see why the server isn't staying up21:20
floogynacc, should it be mysql:mysql? drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 40 Feb 14 22:15 /var/run/mysqld21:20
floogy2017-02-14T21:17:29.087063Z 0 [ERROR] Could not create unix socket lock file /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock.lock.21:22
floogy2017-02-14T21:17:29.087091Z 0 [ERROR] Unable to setup unix socket lock file.21:22
floogy2017-02-14T21:17:29.087116Z 0 [ERROR] Aborting21:22
amnixI am using ubuntu 14.04. I have two kernel versions installed. 4.4.0-31 and 4.4.0-62. On 62, my wifi is extremely slow. Unusable. On 31 it's perfectly fine. How can I check what's causing this? Because of this reason I can't use newer distros.21:22
floogyI'm trying to set it mysql:mysql then21:22
naccfloogy: yes, probably21:22
floogynacc, thank you for pointing me to mkdir the run folder: Version: '5.7.17-0ubuntu0.16.04.1'  socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'  port: 3306  (Ubuntu)21:23
Epx998amnix, you cannot use 16 because of an older kernel on 14?21:25
glitchdhow can i stop xpad from loading at boot? im trying to get my wireless xbox 360 controller to be recognized after a reboot. this is the process so far. reboot, then sudo rmmod xpad, then sudo xboxdrv --silent &21:26
amnixEpx998: My internet is extremely slow on newer kernels.21:26
glitchdi have to run that everytime i reboot, and its getting annoying.21:26
amnixEpx998: It's slow starting from kernel 4.4.0-62.21:26
Epx998amnix, have you tried 16 yet?21:26
amnixEpx998: Yes.21:26
glitchdive already tried blacklisting xpad but it still loaded..21:27
Epx998amnix, so build the 31 kernel on 16.21:27
amnixEpx998: And just not be able to use newer kernels?21:27
k1lamnix: what wifi card is it?21:27
floogynacc: yes, it worked now: https://bpaste.net/show/f60cc006434f and apt-get dist-upgrade tells 0 aktualisiert, 0 neu installiert, 0 zu entfernen und 0 nicht aktualisiert.21:27
Epx998amnix, why do you need the newer kernels?21:28
k1lEpx998: sorry to say, but this is not really helpfull21:28
floogynacc, thanks a lot.21:28
amnixEpx998: I need them for something. That's not what's important here.21:28
amnixk1l: intel ac 7265.21:28
k1lEpx998: the numbers are just the build numbers from ubuntu. they included the actual bugfixes and security patches. so staying on a old kernel is not really an option21:29
naccfloogy: yw21:29
k1lamnix: anything "obvious" in dmesg or syslog?21:30
amnixk1l: Not that I can tell21:30
amnixk1l: what should I do?21:32
k1lamnix: hmm, seems like that card has had some issues in the past already21:35
elisa87can you please have a look at this question? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/42236574/attributeerror-module-object-has-no-attribute-histogram-when-using-tf-faste21:37
amnixk1l: Also I don't have any problems when using this card in windows too.21:38
k1lamnix: can you show "dmesg | grep Wireless | nc termbin.com 9999"21:38
amnixk1l: http://termbin.com/dhjw21:39
amnixk1l: this is why I hate linux sometimes.21:40
k1lamnix: yes, it looks like its a driver/firmware issue from the intel drivers. my older 6205 wifi works like a charm  :/21:41
k1lamnix: i see a lot of threads like this: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=229140521:41
MartinKGI have some problems with bluetooth, it can't detect any devices - Anybody have some ideas?21:41
plgosamnix: is it a driver issue?21:41
amnixk1l: how is it working fine in this kernel version?21:41
k1lamnix: i dont know what  the right solution now is.21:41
k1lamnix: this is another similar bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/145124621:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1451246 in linux (Ubuntu) "Intel 7265 Wifi instability workaround" [Low,Invalid]21:43
k1lamnix: look if disabling the n wireless helps, like its told in the workaround description21:44
amnixk1l: already tried.21:44
amnixk1l: didn't help.21:44
ezfoxamnix: whats your kernel version ?21:49
amnixezfox: right now its 4.4.0-31-generic. and it works on this one. it doesn work in newer ones. it works, but its slow.21:49
DobruyРасскажите пожалуйста как поствить gcc g++ перелистал формы ничего не помогло Пакеты, имеющие неудовлетворённые зависимости:21:56
Dobruy g++ : Зависит: g++-4.8 (>= 4.8.2-5~) буду благодарен ибо я в печали21:56
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.21:57
Dobruyхорошо спасибо21:58
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rafaelcenteioHi, I do not have sound on my system. I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 . When I try to run alsamixer, it says that there os not such file or directory. I already followed the Ubuntu's Sound troubleshooting, but to no avail. Also, I couldn't find solution in any forum, article, etc.22:36
rafaelcenteioThanks in advance.22:36
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sashimi1122lets say I install a package and then either I modify one of the default config files in etc or something, if I run apt-get purge on the package and the reinstall it doesnt restore the default config files22:45
sashimi1122How would I go about getting  back the default config file?22:45
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Whiskeytar -I 'gzip -9' -cvf file.tar.gz /path/to/directory <-- is it someway to tell it to pack one folder path up?22:47
Whiskeyso if its in "/home/my/project/css" <--- its go to "/home/my/project" and pack it22:47
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naccWhiskey: -C flag22:47
Whiskeynacc i don´t fallow?22:49
Whiskeyit just change directory22:49
Whiskeyor -C .. ?22:49
naccWhiskey: `man tar` look for the -C flag22:49
naccWhiskey: or are you asking something else?22:49
Whiskeyyeh i have look at it22:49
Whiskeyyes if it could change the path automatic backwords or other way around22:50
Whiskeyas it know where it exacuted so22:50
naccWhiskey: 'automatic backwards'?22:50
Whiskeyyes like tar /home/my/project/css .. <-- will tell it to actully pack /home/my/project/22:50
naccWhiskey: how would tar know to do that?22:51
naccWhiskey: that's incredibly specific to your use-case, it sounds lke22:51
naccWhiskey: so write a wrapper script22:51
Whiskeywell, it know where its executed right?22:51
Whiskeyor does it never know what the current path is22:52
naccWhiskey: you are askign to change the default bheavior of tar22:52
naccWhiskey: it makes no sense22:52
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Whiskeywhat you get my point?22:53
naccWhiskey: look at the many flags you can pass to tar and use one of those, or write a wrapper script if you have such a specific use case22:53
keith_beebopcan anyone help with SIS ethernet support?22:53
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Whiskeyi think it was quite logical22:54
keith_beebopOld Acer AMD64 wth SIS900 ethernet device, Wireless broadcom working fine.22:55
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naccWhiskey: so if you ran `tar /etc` you would want it to tar your / directory? Again, look at flags, but I think that's absolutely not a general requirement.22:55
Whiskeyi google it22:56
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keith_beebopboth where working before upgrade to 16.1023:01
keith_beebopis this the best place to ask for help on this?23:03
nacckeith_beebop: probably, or file a bug23:04
nacckeith_beebop: do you have the 16.04 kernel still?23:05
nacckeith_beebop: if so, can you boot to that and see if it works?23:05
Jack3k3so I am looking to install ubuntu on a virtual machine in a windows enviornment, I also want to be able to login to the vm remotely. What do people normally use for this that's free? Vmware seems nice but it's expensive :(23:05
keith_beebopdidn't clean anything off,23:05
bazhangJack3k3, virtualbox23:05
keith_beebopjust did the software center upgrade I suppose it's still on23:05
naccJack3k3: not sure, might want to ask in #windows if that's the hosting environment?23:05
keith_beebophate to try a regress might blow it all up23:07
keith_beebopmight do that anyway, need to update the bios I finally found looks like a lot of trouble to do in linux to get to DOS install of bios23:08
pavloskeith_beebop, uses the sis900 module which seems to be in kernel 4.4.0-6223:09
Guest25129bios update is very unlikely to get your network working23:09
keith_beebopThink it was Xubuntu 16.4 and I just had to install the Broadcom package for the Wireless averything else was fine23:10
pavloskeith_beebop, http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man4/if_sis.4freebsd.html23:10
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keith_beeboppavlos thanks23:11
nacckeith_beebop: regression testing the older kernel shouldn't do anything23:12
nacckeith_beebop: it's not a reinstall, just a test of one kernel23:12
keith_beebopah ok23:13
keith_beebopk I'll try ou the link and report  thanks again23:13
klausiby chance someone could tell me what that ufw syntax/statement means? ":POSTROUTING ACCEPT [0:0]" i searched the manpage/web but couldn't find anything.23:15
qwertyujkoppoiuyin wine what is the error c0000135? how can i correct it ? PLZ23:19
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k1lqwertyujkoppoiuy: better look at the wine database and ask in #winehq if you cant find the answers in the database23:22
bazhangThe c0000135 is "module not found", so that means that it cannot find the WoW.exe.23:22
Whiskeynacc, i come no where whit this23:23
nguyenphiIs it right that ubuntu does not support nvidia 7100v23:23
Whiskeyi thinked a pipe could work23:23
bazhangThe c0000135 is "module not found", so that means that it cannot find the .exe. qwertyujkoppoiuy23:23
bazhangcheck the appdb for whatever game that is qwertyujkoppoiuy23:23
bazhangthen go to #winehq qwertyujkoppoiuy23:23
klausiis it just an initialization/initial flush?23:24
k1lnguyenphi: why shouldnt it?23:24
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nguyenphik1l: i installed cinnamon but the performance not going well23:24
nguyenphik1l: i dont know was it regconize my driver or not23:25
k1lnguyenphi: the nvidia-304 should work23:25
nguyenphik1l: so i need to install it after install the os?23:26
k1lnguyenphi: yes23:26
nguyenphik1l: how to know my drivers was regconized?23:27
k1lnguyenphi: did you isnatll it already?23:27
k1lnguyenphi: look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:27
nguyenphik1l: not yet23:27
naccWhiskey: what does a pipe have to do with it?23:28
k1lnguyenphi: if you dont install the ubuntu nvidia package then its using the open source driver from the linux community23:28
nguyenphik1l: ah thank you23:28
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Whiskeynacc: fix it whit some regexp (.+)\/[^\/]+$23:33
naccWhiskey: fix what? you have not actually stated a problem23:36
Whiskeyhow to get to parent path from current path to zip :D23:38
u_ucan someone help me with this error? i am trying to build cantata 2.0: error Qt requires a C++11 compiler and yours does not seem to be that.23:41
naccWhiskey: $(pwd)/..23:42
ezfoxwho has a good and complete manual to create an encrypted swap partition ? all guides i found lead to no swap after reboot and error "partition not a valid luks-device" after first reboot23:43
koleygru_u: I think you have to install built-essentials23:43
u_u@koleygr: i already have that installed23:44
ezfoxi thought the partition would be regenerated at boot with random key from the entry in crypttab, but that seems not to happen for unknown reason23:44
koleygru_u: try to install the packages seen here: https://wiki.qt.io/Install_Qt_5_on_Ubuntu23:51
koleygrI use Qtcreator and these packages are enough23:51
knemoncan someone tell me which IDE Is in the photo? https://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/developers23:52
k1lknemon: unity23:53
k1lknemon: thtat is the standard on ubuntu23:53
k1luh, ide? sorry, i read DE :/23:54
qwertyujkoppoiuyanyone can give me a windows 7, 8 or 10 system32 for wine PLZ23:54
k1lqwertyujkoppoiuy: look at the wine database or ask in #winehq23:54
koleygrknemon: it is Atom23:55
rothschildis there any reason why i should select 64bit over 32 bit for a low traffic website vps?23:56
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k1lrothschild: there is no reason to use 32bit today23:57
wedgieunless you can get 32 bit cheaper for some reason23:57
rothschildso the overhead won't be higher?23:57
rothschildi'm paying for cloud capacity23:57
wedgierothschild: there is no reason to avoid 64bit, if that's what you're asking. Myself, given the option, would choose 64bit because it has better prospects for the future23:59

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