
=== JanC is now known as Guest77653
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
gaghielhey all 19:04
gaghielgot a small prob with upstart19:04
gaghielhave a weird pre-start script that wants to implement sth like a retry logik 19:04
gaghielmuch like: pre-start script: while(tries<max_tries) do; some command; done19:05
gaghielit pretty much works but the moment the command fails it bails out of the script completely19:05
gaghielis there a way to do sth like set +/-e ?19:06
hallyngaghiel: i don't think so, but you can do some version of "some_command || true"20:16
gaghielhallyn: :) nice one. I'll try that. 21:32
gaghielmany thanks!21:32
=== Trevinho_ is now known as Trevinho

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